My composition today (practical 17)
endure hardships and be capable of hard work
2024-05-23 08:16:55
fourth grade

My composition today (1)

It's Friday. It's my turn to be on duty. "Ringing bell......" When school was over, the students carried their bags and ran out of the classroom like rockets.

I am on duty with Zhang Youxuan and Chen Guo. Everyone rolled up their sleeves and prepared to "show their skills". "Hercules" Sun Shangze is responsible for carrying water. He waddles into the classroom with a bucket full of water. As soon as he puts down the bucket, he shouts, "Water is coming, come on!" Zhang Youxuan holds a blackboard eraser in one hand and covers her nose in the other. As soon as she cleaned the blackboard and turned around, we laughed. It turned out that her face was turned into a big cat by chalk ash. Youxuan patted her face in a hurry, showing her shyness. How fast Fang Haocheng turned the stool! "Bang Bang Bang" stool soon fell down. Chen Guo is responsible for cleaning the table. She is very careful. The tables are neat like lines. I held the garbage bag in one hand, pinched my nose in the other hand and said, "It stinks! It stinks!" I quickly ran to the garbage room and threw the garbage bag out. Everyone should perform their own duties and be on duty seriously.

Looking at the spotless classroom, I think everyone's sweat is worth it!

My composition today (2)

"If I'm not a master, I don't know that food, rice, oil and salt are expensive." When I became a master in winter vacation, I not only really realized the meaning of this sentence, but also let myself receive thrifty education and financial training.

In order to complete the holiday practice homework assigned by the teacher, I thought a lot: when a blind person is one day, it is not safe for cars to come and go; Many people have tried to protect eggs by working for money. They have known before... When I was hesitating about what social practices to do, my father gave me a suggestion, that is, to be home all day. As soon as I heard this, I was immediately interested and naturally accepted it. In this way, my mother gave me 40 yuan, saying that it was the living expenses of the family except water, electricity and daily necessities, and told me to calculate well not to spend too much.

The next day, I got up early to take up my post and began to carefully design the spending of the day. When I came up with a plan of 5 yuan in the morning, 20 yuan at noon, and 15 yuan at night, my mother had already prepared breakfast. Ha ha, I can save money for meals this morning. When I was still complacent, my mother said, "breakfast costs 4 yuan, pay me later", which made me feel like riding a roller coaster. No, my mother is as stingy as Grandet! But in a twinkling of an eye, I was in charge today, so I should pay for it. So I took out 10 yuan and asked my mother to change the money.

After breakfast, my mother and I went to the market to buy vegetables. I saw fresh and tender cucumbers on the vegetable stand. I thought that fried ham sausage with cucumbers was delicious, so I suggested buying cucumbers. We selected four cucumbers, and the stall owner's aunt put them on the scale and said that there were four cucumbers in total. 7 yuan. Wow, a cucumber costs more than 1 yuan, which is more expensive than an ordinary ham sausage. This dish is too expensive. At the same time, I suddenly thought of the counter-offer: "Auntie, can you make it cheaper?" The stall owner laughed and said, "It's so small that you can make a counter-offer. OK, it's 4 yuan and 5 yuan!" I happily paid the money. Then, we bought 11 yuan pig hooves, 3 yuan lotus root, and 2 yuan lotus root. Five yuan for dried mushrooms and two yuan for spinach. My mother said that the food was enough for today, so I bought oranges with three yuan change, leaving only ten yuan in my hand.

When I passed a supermarket on my way home, the greedy insects in my stomach became strange. I told my mother that I wanted to buy some snacks, but my mother reminded me that I might spend more money if I bought more things. I was a little impatient when I heard that. I still have 10 yuan left. How can I spend more? Hum, I'm against eating snacks! "Today is my day, I decided to buy it," I said to my mother. When my mother saw that I was determined to buy, she moved her mouth but didn't say anything, so a box of potato chips was handed to me, and soon became my belly, and there was only 3 yuan left in my pocket.

In the evening, when my mother and I were making an inventory of the expenses of the day, I thought of my savings when I was in charge of the family. But my mother told me that I spent too much because I didn't include some expenses. For example, ham sausages for cucumber sausages and meat slices for lotus root sausages are all available at home. If the price is at least 5 yuan, I was told that this should be counted. It seems that snacks should not be bought, but where can I buy regret medicine? But my mother also praised me, saying that in addition to not buying snacks, other aspects of home ownership are good, especially the bargaining when buying vegetables shows that money is still relatively economical.

Through this homemaking practice, I not only realized that money is too easy to spend. It is not easy for my parents to be homemakers, but also reminded me that it is inappropriate to spend money freely. Therefore, in the future, I will strengthen my awareness of financial management, resolutely refrain from spending money that should not be spent, and truly develop the good habit of frugality.

My composition today (3)

Today is the third day of the Chinese New Year. The long-awaited tenth birthday finally came to me quietly.

Early in the morning, excited, I got up from my bed, washed my face and brushed my teeth first, and after finishing breakfast in a hurry, I anxiously waited for the arrival of guests.

Soon, the guests at home came one after another. At this time, I began to work. I helped the guests pour tea and pick up melon seeds... Although it was winter, I was sweating. The guests all praise me as a sensible and capable child. I am happy to hear the guests praise me like this and work harder.

Gradually more and more guests came. My best friends Jin Yun and Jin Yu also arrived. I warmly entertained them and accompanied them to eat snacks while chatting. We talked happily and laughed. The laughter spread throughout the living room. We became the protagonists of this room. Everyone's eyes were turned to our corner, some praised, some applauded... The most funny thing was to mention my sister Zhu Ziye. She put the packaging bag of Xi Tang on her head and walked around the living room shaking her head. She learned to sing and dance at one time, Pretending to be a ghost for a while... made us laugh.

Turn your eyes. It's time for dinner. My father starts to set off firecrackers. The sound of firecrackers is really loud. It almost deafens my ears. It was the time I expected the most. With the sound of firecrackers, my aunt and uncle suddenly appeared in front of me. What was in front of me was a big big cake, but I was overjoyed. I smiled and said "thank you" to my aunt, then gave her a hug. At this time, I am like a happy angel, not to mention how happy.

When it was time for dinner, my mother brought me a cake and asked me to make a wish. At this time, I was very excited and happy. After making a wish, we began to eat cake. Jin Yun and Jin Yu used butter to grind my face into a big cat. The two partners served me both vegetables and drinks. Really treat me as a little birthday girl. At this time, my aunt's longevity noodles also came. I ate noodles and slowly tasted the flavor of noodles. I felt that I was the happiest young birthday girl in the world.

In the evening, my father purposely drove me to the place I had hoped for most. When I arrived at the seaside, I was very excited to get off and run to the seaside. Groups of seagulls were flying freely in the blue sky. When I saw the boundless sea, the water was so clear. On the soft beach, there were many shells and many strange shaped snails. I wish it was summer! I can walk around in the water barefoot. Alas! Unfortunately, today is winter rather than summer. What a pity!

The day passed like this. My tenth birthday also left me in a hurry. I really miss it!

My composition today (4)

I got up very early today to be in charge of my family. First, I went to the food market and bought some eggs and a handful of green vegetables, which were used to make fried rice with eggs for lunch. Dinner? I don't need to prepare it. My mother said that I would go to my aunt's house to have noodles in the evening. After shopping, I stopped by the roadside stall and bought three bowls of wonton stew. This is breakfast.

When I got home, I saw my mother get up in a hurry and just put on her coat. She was surprised to see me ask, "Where have you been. Mother happily had breakfast and went back to her room to have a rest.

I put out the dishes and did some housework that my mother usually does, such as sweeping the floor, washing dishes, watering flowers, and scrubbing all kinds of furniture. After doing this, I took out the leftover cold rice from the previous day and poured it into the pot, and then poured a small amount of boiled water. I put in some eggs. In order to make it more delicious, I also put in some small green vegetables. Ah! I forgot to put other spices. Is it too late to put them now? Now let it go. Whatever. I put in 2 spoons of salt, MSG, etc., and then stirred it in a pot for a while at will. When it was finished, I sweated all over my head, and finally it was finished. I took several bowls, and each bowl was full, so I waited for my parents to wake up for dinner. I have confidence in my "masterpiece". My parents looked at my fried rice with eggs and happily took a taste of it. They said, "Good! Good! It's delicious." I also quickly tasted it! It's too salty. Later, I had to ask my mother to cook another meal for us.

After this experience, I know that parents are much more tired than we are. My father runs business in the store all day long, and my mother manages production in the workshop full of deafening noise all day long. Sometimes, I can't even squeeze out the meal time. It's not easy to run a family!

My composition today (5)

I'm very happy today because it's my turn to be on duty again.

First, I started to clean the blackboard. Most of the chalk marks were wiped off, but I could not reach the top of the blackboard even if I stood on tiptoe or stretched out my arms. So I moved a chair, stood on it, and finally wiped the blackboard clean. There was no writing left, just like it was new. Then I cleaned the window, but there was a piece of glass that I couldn't clean. So I gasped at the glass, and then wiped it back and forth with a rag, finally wiping it clean. Today's glass looks almost transparent. Then I cleaned the desks and chairs, and then I began to sweep the floor. First, I picked up the broom to sweep the garbage from the back to the front, and then swept the garbage into the dustpan. Some rubbish was under the tables and chairs, so I bent down and swept out the rubbish one by one into the dustpan. Then I put the garbage into the garbage can, tied the mouth of the garbage bag tightly, threw it into the garbage can at the side door of the school, and finally took out a new garbage bag and put it into the garbage can. The last thing is to arrange tables and chairs. I first arrange the tables and chairs in the first row and the first row in order, and then other tables and chairs are arranged one by one according to its standard, which is aligned in both horizontal and vertical directions.

Looking at the clean classroom, my heart is sweeter than honey.

I went home happily.

My composition today (6)

The June Day is coming. On this day, how happy I am, like a bird just released, flying freely in the blue sky. Because this "June 1" Festival is different from previous years, the teacher specially arranged a grand birthday party for our class, so that we can collectively celebrate an unforgettable 10th birthday.

Under the guidance of teachers and some parents, we came to the cafeteria. There we directed and performed wonderful programs by ourselves, and the students with special skills showed their most beautiful side. The students who did not participate in the performance also ate the birthday cake prepared by our teacher with relish while watching the performance with rapture. The melodious singing and beautiful dancing movements seem to bring everyone into a wonderful music world. After the performance, we all gave gifts to each other. The teacher also gave each of us a beautiful children's novel series, and also gave us the most moving message: Let us unite and help each other, and progress together; Let us know how to be grateful and repay.

This Children's Day will leave a deep impression and beautiful memories in our hearts!

My composition today (7)

Today is my birthday, very happy! My mother took me to buy a birthday cake. When I walked into the cake room, I was fascinated. I didn't know which cake to choose. I was so excited that I finally chose a little monkey to live in the new house with my mother (because I belong to a monkey), and wrote my mother's blessing: "Happy birthday, baby". It was beautiful! I went home and put 8 candles with my mother because I am 8 years old this year! It's a secret that I made a small wish in my mother's birthday song! Then he blew out the candles in one breath and started to cut the cake with the help of his mother. There was a monkey sitting on the house on my plate. It was so beautiful that I couldn't bear to eat it! "What should I do if my mouth drips"? My mother looked at me and said with a smile, "You are really a little baby. Let the house and the little monkey get into your stomach and play with you!" So I began to gobble up my favorite happily. Mom, I must study hard and be a sensible child when I am one year old again!

My composition today (8)

Today, we are filled with happiness and joy, and celebrate our 10th birthday together with all our blessings.

Although the activity has passed, the afterword of this activity always impacts my soul. The song and dance "Kneeling Sheep" makes me feel that it is not easy for our parents to raise us; The group poem reading "We are ten years old" made me know that on the road of growth, we should not only be grateful to our parents, teachers, but also to our classmates and all the people who helped us grow up; The parent-child interactive games convey the deep blessing of our parents; Dunhuang Flying, Drum Dance, Crosstalk and other wonderful programs burst out the growth power of ten year olds.

Over the age of ten, we are no longer ignorant and childish children, but energetic teenagers; Over the age of ten, we will no longer only enjoy the care of our family and teachers, but also know how to be grateful and learn to love. At the age of 10, we are like a boat about to set sail. At the age of 10, we are young eagles with increasingly abundant wings. We are about to spread our wings in the sky!

The celebration of ten years old is happy and joyful. After ten years old, I will work harder and stick to it. I will use my crayon to paint a colorful future.

My composition today (9)

Today is a special day for me - because I am in charge today.

Early in the morning, I took the 20 yuan that my mother gave me to the food market. There were a lot of crows and crows in the food market. The sound of selling vegetables and shouting formed a symphony.

Suddenly, I saw a tomato seller and strode there. When I got there, my aunt asked, "Do you buy tomatoes?" I said. "It's not easy to go out to buy food at such a young age!" Hearing my aunt's praise, I felt very happy. Later, I bought some garlic sprouts, and the aunt who sold garlic sprouts heard that I came to buy vegetables alone, so she picked them for me.

Because I seldom cook, I changed my breakfast to instant noodles. Because I am inexperienced, I knocked the first egg into the ground and the second egg into the ground, but the hot water splashed all over me. Hehe! As soon as I loosened my hand, I threw the eggshell into it. I had no choice but to use chopsticks to scoop it out bit by bit. It was not easy to cook it, but it was a problem to get it out. I scooped it out bit by bit, and it took me 10 minutes to get half of it. Later, I thought of pouring it out directly with a pan with Superman's IQ. I finished pouring, because my hands were sore and I almost fell the pot.

After dinner, I'm going to spend the whole morning cleaning up the whole family. After sweeping the floor, I felt dizzy when I saw the ash bucket! The ash can almost fill the ash bucket. After wiping the glass, pieces of rags turn from the white faced Cao Cao to the black faced Zhang Fei

Fortunately, I went to have lunch, otherwise I would be exhausted.

I don't want to cook dinner, but my sister said to go out for dinner, which saved me.

Through this day's leadership, I learned that my father and mother usually work hard, at least not to make trouble. In the future, we will be good children who are diligent, thrifty and hygienic.

My composition today (10)

Today is a special day because my mother wants me to be the head of the family.

When I got up in the morning, my mother asked me to buy breakfast. I bought three steamed buns, two steamed buns and two cups of soy milk. After breakfast, my mother asked me to sweep the floor. I first cleaned the living room, then my room, then my grandmother's room, and finally the balcony. After sweeping the floor, my mother checked it and found it very satisfactory.

Next, my mother asked me to clean the table. I cleaned the table as white as jade. After finishing everything, I looked at the clock and found that lunch was coming. So my mother wanted to buy food. I wanted to be lazy, so I ran to the refrigerator and opened it. I found that there were still some dishes. So I got busy. After finishing the meal, I was very tired and sweated, My mother said to me, "You have done well. You should work hard next time."

Although I am very tired today, I feel very meaningful and have gained a lot. In the future, I will do more housework to help my mother reduce the burden and be a good child loved by others.

Today I am in charge of my composition 250 words

My composition today (11)

From childhood to adulthood, my father and mother made all my decisions. What kind of school and remedial class do you study in; It's up to them to decide what clothes to wear and what to eat. I really want to make my own decisions one day. I told my parents what I thought. They said they could try to let me decide for a day, see my performance and then decide whether to let me decide completely. I jumped up happily. yeah! You can make your own decisions!

"Ding Lingling!" The alarm clock rang. It was 8 o'clock, and I rubbed my bleary eyes. By the way, today I am in charge. I got up, dressed, folded the quilt, and after washing, I called my parents to get up. "Mom got up!" "You got up very early!" She began to dress. "Dad, get up!" "Today you are in charge of the family. Why should I get up so early? Let me sleep a little more." Dad rolled over and went back to sleep. I was about to get angry, but on second thought: Forget it, I used to get up very late.

Mom and Dad got up, Mom ran directly to the computer desk, and Dad ran directly to the TV. I wanted to talk about them, but when I thought about it, it was the same thing after I got up. I thought to myself: I will leave them alone and want to cook my meal! On second thought, it's over! I can't cook, what should I do? What should I do? I am in a hurry, right! Go out to buy food. I asked my parents, what do you eat? My father said, I want an egg and a string of tofu strings when I eat fire. Mother said, 1 yuan of fried dough sticks. I asked again, what do you drink! My mother said, I drink pure milk at home. Dad said, so do I. Then I took 10 yuan from my bag and hurried out.

After I bought it, I called my parents to have dinner. When they started eating. When I saw it, I forgot to buy my own food. I took a bag of instant noodles, soaked them and drank them. After eating, I had to clear the table. No one helped me clean up when I cleaned up.

One day later, I finally learned about the hardships of adults!

My composition today (12)

Today is a sunny and sunny day. My heart is full of mixed feelings. I was nervous and excited. I was nervous that I would be the host in front of all the teachers and students of the school. I was excited that I could finally get on the rostrum.

In order to do a good job in hosting, I have made a lot of preparations. Clothing preparation, preparation of the host draft and psychological preparation. In the preparation of clothes, I tried one suit after another. I recited the script many times for fear of making a little mistake when I went on stage. I told myself again and again, don't be nervous, don't be afraid

Because of these preparations, I was not nervous when I took the stage and successfully completed the hosting. However, in this flag raising ceremony, I also have a small regret - I did not become a flag raiser. From the first grade, the flag raiser is my envy.

Although I didn't act as the flag raiser this time, I stood on the rostrum, which made me closer to my dream. I will continue to work hard to become a glorious flag raiser.

My composition today (13)

Today is the weekend, the bright sun shines on the earth, and my parents don't have to go to work, so I feel very happy. Early in the morning, I announced in the living room: "Today I am in charge of the family, and I have covered all the housework." My parents smiled, as if they didn't believe me.

In the morning, I went to the food market. I bought a lot of vegetables, including vegetables, eggs, meat, cucumbers, eggplants, etc. When I got home, I started cooking and then cooking. Although I experienced some difficulties in cooking - either I put too much salt or I used soy sauce as vinegar. But it was cooked in the end. After a while, my masterpiece came to the table. Dad said, "Although these dishes are not very beautiful, they should still be edible." And he took a bite. "Wow, what kind of dish! Why is it so sweet?" "Ah, I treat sugar as salt." After eating, I washed the dishes again. After washing the dishes, I cleaned the house again.

After being tired all day, I suddenly felt that it was very hard for my parents to raise me so much. In the future, I should be more sensible!

My composition today (14)

Dear students, have you ever been a family? Those who have been at home must have many feelings! Do you want to know how I managed my family today? Look at my narration.

I didn't sleep late in the morning and was wakened by the alarm clock at seven o'clock. Because I said to my parents yesterday, 'I will be in charge today. I washed up and began to work on breakfast. Seeing that there was no food at home, I would prepare the simplest breakfast! Each person has two fried eggs and a glass of milk. Because the gas is on high, the oil temperature is too high, and some fried eggs are zoomed. In order not to lose face, I have to leave the better ones for my parents to eat. I eat the burnt ones first. Mom and Dad ate and boasted, "It's good for the first time."

After breakfast, I went shopping. As soon as I entered the market, I was dazzled by all kinds of dishes and had no idea what to buy. I like to eat braised meat, but it takes a long time to make it, so I still don't buy meat. How about buying fish? But when I think of the blood in the fish, I am afraid. After hesitating for a long time, I decided to buy vegetables. My mother likes to eat vegetables, my father likes to eat leeks, and I like to eat tomatoes, cucumbers and beans. I bought a few simple things in this way. I also bargained with others and saved some money. The peddlers said that my child is very smart. Who doesn't want to save money when buying things! Eh, there are toothpicks and chicken fillets here. You don't need to wash them. Just fry them in a frying pan. Ha ha, there are also meat dishes. I carried the vegetables and walked home happily.

My composition today (15)

Last night, I discussed with my mother whether I could be home for half a day tomorrow. My mother agreed.

This morning, I woke up at more than nine o'clock and forgot about "being in charge". My mother reminded me. After getting up, I hurried to wash my face, brush my teeth and prepare breakfast - instant noodles.

After dinner, I said, "Mom, plug in the power supply, and I want to watch TV." Mom said, "Wait a minute." At this time, I picked up a package of chocolate corn bars on the tea table, and saw that the shelf life above was nine months, and the production date was October 5, XX. I said, "Mom, this is overdue." My mother asked me about the shelf life and production date, and I told my mother, Mother said, "You calculated that it is December now, and the production date is October 5. Is it overdue?" Then my mother gave me another question, and I didn't answer it. Finally, my mother asked me a question and I answered it. At this time, my mother was angry, and said that I didn't use my head. I cried, thinking: Why did my mother want to ask such a question today when I was in charge? Besides, I said something wrong. Mother will correct it for me. Can I be so angry?

Alas! This household is really bad.

My composition today (16)

Ding Ding, my cute and naughty little alarm clock pulled me out of my sleep again. It's only six o'clock when I see it! I thought about why, today I want to get up this morning? It finally occurred to me that today I would be in charge of my family. I got up right away to make breakfast, which I carefully arranged. I fried two eggs, heated two cows' milk and baked two breads. Go back immediately and pretend to be asleep. Mom and Dad got up and looked. Dad said, "Wife, did you make this?" Mom said, "No!" I immediately ran out and said, "I made it." Dad and Mom wolfed down the breakfast I prepared for them. After they finished eating, they went to work happily. After I finished cleaning, I went to the food market to buy food to prepare lunch dumplings. After I bought food, I made dumplings with bread. I thought about my mother's way of making dumplings, and I made dumplings with that way. The dumplings I made often missed filling. I took the small dough to patch the dumplings. I named the patched dumplings "patched dumplings". I put the dumplings into the pot and started waiting. I think the hinge should be cooked. When I took the lid off the pot, I found that the hinge had become a piece of soup, but my parents still said, "It's delicious."

How tired I am today! I feel the hard work of my parents.

Li Jiaming, Grade 3, No. 9 Primary School, Linhe District, Inner Mongolia

My composition today (17)

Today is my lunar birthday. I am very happy because I can eat delicious cakes and delicious dishes. Sure enough, my mother and grandma went shopping early this morning, leaving me alone at home. I was very happy.

After a while, my mother came back and began to work for me, while I watched TV cheerfully, as if they were cooking for me. Today is my birthday, when I was born, which reminds me of another sentence: "The child's birthday is the mother's suffering day." I felt guilty. My mother gave birth to me 12 years ago today, How much pain she has suffered! Twelve years later, today, I am enjoying my mother's labor achievements with ease here. I have no idea how much pain my mother suffered and how much she paid for me 12 years ago. It seems true that this sentence is true. I calm down and secretly look at my mother. Her hair has hung down on her cheek, and her perm has also been tied into a ponytail, in order to facilitate my cooking. For the first time, I observed my mother carefully: her face was also full of wrinkles in response to the vicissitudes of events and silent efforts. Her hands and feet were not as sharp as they had been in previous years. They were engraved with long lines. Her movements were not skilled, but she did not stop. Her hair became an obstacle. Her hands were covered with things, so she had to rub the back of her hands constantly. My mother did pay a lot for me, but she did not complain at all, still dedicated. My nose couldn't help getting sore, and my tears were about to fall. I turned my head to the TV to calm my heart.

At about eleven o'clock, my mother said, "It's time for dinner." I went to the kang and looked at the fragrant dishes on the table, but I had no appetite. My mother was still busy when others were eating, not thinking about herself at all. I lowered my head again.

I had a very full meal, but I was not happy. We went home in the afternoon. On the bus, I suddenly knew that great maternal love is selfless, and it is always so delicate that it is unforgettable. But now children don't know how to cherish their mother's love. They always do what they want, which makes mothers angry and makes me angry. Today is my birthday, but here I want to say to my mother: "Mom, you have worked hard!"

Junior 1: Wu Chizhou