Composition Rhododendron (20 selected articles)
A true hero
2023-08-08 07:16:09
fifth grade

Composition Rhododendron (1)

Today's composition class, the teacher came to collect the practical homework! I saw a variety of flowers on the desk, almost no flowers. There are also small productions: keys, snails made of plasticine

Suddenly, a little boy, holding a pot of bright azaleas, slowly walked onto the platform. "You planted this?" Teacher Zhang asked in surprise. The little boy nodded. He was tall in sportswear. It looks sunny. He smiled at Teacher Zhang and put his left hand into his pocket. "Let me see!" Teacher Zhang said. He took out a piece of white paper from his pocket, flattened it on the table, and carefully placed the flower pot on the white paper with his right hand.

The students looked closely, ah! It is so beautiful, beautiful and full. Teacher Zhang asked the little boy to tell him what happened to the pot of azaleas. The little boy said shyly, "This pot of azaleas was bought in the street and planted by himself..."

Looking at this beautiful pot of azaleas, I think he must use his small hands to care carefully, and it took all his energy to make his azaleas grow like this. I think he accompanies the azalea every day to let it bathe in warm sunshine. Moisturized by water and carefully trimmed. And fertilization on time, so beautiful, beautiful, full. I was infected by his pious childlike innocence. He smiled shyly and all the students applauded. The teacher was no exception to applaud. Looking at his face, I seemed to see clusters of azaleas blooming and spreading in the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. Each branch was so beautiful, so beautiful, and so full. He not only added green to the great rivers and mountains, but also gave more life to nature. "That's it." He smiled shyly and looked up to meet the teacher's eyes. The teacher smiled with satisfaction.

I scanned my classmates and found that dozens of pairs of eyes were staring at the azalea. The azalea is fragrant. My heart can't help but swell with feelings of praise

Composition Rhododendron (2)

After dinner, my mother and I went to the Great Buddha Temple for a walk. We talked and laughed while walking. Soon I came to the Prajna Valley, and suddenly I saw a large area of beautiful azaleas in front of me. There were rose red azaleas, white azaleas, and white azaleas in pink. The three colors of azaleas interlaced together, which seemed to form the words "Welcome" from a distance.

I asked my mother, "Can you run to see the azalea on the opposite side?" My mother said, "Yes, go to see it!" So I ran to the azalea and saw a match like stamen growing in the middle of each petal. I looked at the leaves again. They were all green. The red flowers and green leaves were so beautiful together. I thought to myself: why do azaleas love stinking beauty so much. The azalea seems to be talking to me: "We are so beautiful, and I also want to make people like us more, so that you can be happy every day!" After hearing the words of the azalea, I quickly said: "Sorry, we will never say that again."

After enjoying the beautiful azaleas, I ran to my mother and said, "Mom, the scenery here is very beautiful. You should always take me to see it later." My mother said, "OK." Then my mother and I went home hand in hand singing songs.

Composition Rhododendron (3)

My family has a beautiful and charming rhododendron, which my father bought a few days ago. I not only deeply like it, but also found an unknown secret of rhododendron!

The petals of azalea are dark pink. The petals are divided into three layers. The outermost petals are large and tender, like a newborn baby. The color of this layer of petals is slightly lighter than that of the inner layers. The two layers of petals inside are slightly red, one covering the other, like shy girls. The leaves of azaleas are green, the grown leaves are dark green, and the newly grown leaves are light green. A cluster of leaves can be large, small, deep and light, which sets off the pink flowers more brightly!

The azaleas are so beautiful and charming. They must also be very fragrant! But you can smell a little fragrance on the flowers. I turned over a book of 100000 to find out why beautiful flowers and gorgeous flowers are generally not fragrant. Those white and bright yellow flowers, because they do not have a beautiful appearance, send out a strong fragrance to attract pollinators. The azalea has a beautiful appearance, so it can attract pollinating insects without strong fragrance.

Although the azaleas have no fragrance, the charming azaleas add some warmth to the sad autumn scenery.

Composition Rhododendron (4)

In Grandma's garden, many colorful flowers were planted. But what I like best is the beautiful azalea!

In spring, the leaves from the branches of azaleas are tender and green, so beautiful! Pieces of green leaves are like curious little heads sticking out to see the beautiful world outside! Transparent dew drops roll along its branches to the tip of the leaf, like crystal clear pearls hanging from it. It's very beautiful! Summer is the time when azaleas grow most luxuriantly. The leaves grow into dark green. One cluster here, one cluster there, among the green leaves, there are many flowers with smiling faces, some are bright red, some are pink, so beautiful!

What a beautiful azalea! I like the beautiful azaleas!

Composition Rhododendron (5)

Whenever spring comes back, the azalea, known as the "beauty of flowers", is full of spring, and blooms in parks or gardens where tourists gather, making people happy and relaxed.

Rhododendron, also known as rhododendron, refers to various red azaleas. In fact, azaleas are not only red. Rhododendron is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. Just as the famous poet Bai Juyi wrote a poem very well: "If you hold two branches in your hand, it doesn't look like there is one in the world. This thing in the flower is Xi Shi, and its lotus and peony are like the mother." "Looking back, the peach season is colorless, and the lotus is not a flower."

The branches of cuckoo are rough to the touch. The color of its branches is not the same as that of other flowers. The color of the branches of other flowers is coffee, while the color of its branches is light green. The leaves of azaleas are oblong. The leaf surface is dark green. It feels very smooth without a single hair. It is not the same as the hairy cuckoo. The leaves of the hairy cuckoo feel very comfortable and soft with fine hair.

The green leaves are lined with red flowers. The azalea perianth is divided into several colors. My favorite color is red. The flowers are very beautiful and charming under the sun's shirt. From a distance, the azaleas look like a group of colorful butterflies dancing in the air. The flower is like a piece of red paper made by people. It looks very bright. But when you touch it, it is not as smooth as its leaves. It is a bit wrinkled.

I love the beautiful cuckoo.

Composition Rhododendron (6)

One day, my grandfather gave me a bag of rhododendron seeds, and I was curious to plant the seeds in the soil, so as to expand my planting experience.

With my careful care, the seed finally grew three or four small, delicate leaves. But I didn't expect that there were several caterpillars on the leaves. In order to prevent those insects from eating the leaves, I not only need to give them proper fertilizer but also help them fight against pests, just like my mother took care of me when I was young. After some time, it grew bigger and bigger, and was about to be as tall as my sister. I danced with joy. Grandpa said not to be too proud. You still have to take care of it, so it can grow better.

One day, I saw something round and green growing on the stem. At that time, I thought it was sick, so I hurried to ask my grandfather. My grandfather smiled and said to me, "It's not sick! It's the bud." A few days later, the bud bloomed, a faint fragrance drifted in the air, and the pink petals were even more charming. Seeing the beautiful "results" of my care, I feel that all the hard work is worth it.

I think planting flowers is both hard and interesting. At first, I didn't understand anything, but gradually got the knack. The more I planted it, the more comfortable I was. At last, it bloomed and bore fruit, which was my proudest time, because I could finally let it reproduce. With this planting experience, I believe I can become a good friend of plants!

Composition Rhododendron (7)

After dinner, my mother and I went to the Great Buddha Temple for a walk. We talked and laughed while walking. Soon I came to the Prajna Valley, and suddenly I saw a large area of beautiful azaleas in front of me. There were rose red azaleas, white azaleas, and white azaleas in pink. The three colors of azaleas interlaced together, which seemed to form the words "Welcome" from a distance. I asked my mother, "Can you run to see the azalea on the opposite side?" My mother said, "Yes, go and see it!"

So I hurried to the azalea and saw a match like stamen growing in the middle of each petal. I looked at the leaves again. They were all green. The red flowers and green leaves were so beautiful together. I thought to myself: why do azaleas love stinking beauty so much. The azalea seems to be talking to me: "We are so beautiful, I also like us more for the sake of mankind, so that you can be happy every day!"

After hearing what the azalea said, I quickly said, "Sorry, we will never say that again."

After enjoying the beautiful azaleas, I ran to my mother and said, "Mom, the scenery here is very beautiful. You should always take me to see it later."

Mother said, "OK." Then my mother and I went home hand in hand singing songs.

Composition Rhododendron (8)

300 words in azalea composition (I)

The wind rolled up the thin bamboo like rain, with a faint fragrance of azalea, and with the slightly humid air, it poured in layer by layer. In this rainy April. The spring breeze brings me another appointment with the azalea

On the way forward, my heart has already run to the sea of flowers with starting points rippling. Look, there is a white azalea hanging down on the branch like a crouching dragon, just like a girl who "still holds the pipa and half covers her face". Wearing a green dress, a snow-white face, and a brown pipa in her arms, she is looking out shyly.

Look, the piles of azaleas in the distance are curling in the smoke and clouds, wearing ivory gauze. Dear azaleas, are you singing and dancing in the ethereal fairyland? You are like a rainbow, weaving colorful ribbons into the earth's ribbons. Noble purple, lovely pink, passionate red, pure white, simple yellow, and... like a colorful dream, it grows and sprouts in spring.

The breeze gently blows, lifting the skirt of azalea. The petite petals circled in the air and gently threw themselves into the arms of Mother Earth. The ground is covered with a "carpet" made of azaleas. Wrapping up the whole mountain, it looks very bright.

Come closer and have a closer look. It seems that there is still Xianlu agar (dew) brewing in the azalea bud, which seems to overflow if you are not careful. Azalea, are you smiling and waving to me? You let me kiss you with your lovely smile; You are so beautiful and moving that I can't help gently stroking your petals.

When you climb high, you suddenly become magnificent, like a vast ocean, surging against the coast, and can't wait to run to the distance. As far as I can see, flowers are everywhere. And the flowing water, you are more likely to make people intoxicated, not to mention that you are more sweet than the river, just because of your bright colors, you are enough to move people. You are the note of spring, playing the music of spring!


Goodbye, lovely azalea, how I wish I could take another look at your beauty and recognize that I can take away endless aftertaste and imagination. Let's plant a dream in this rainy spring. Perhaps, in the spring of the next year, it will grow, and we will see that the spring breeze has brought us another appointment

300 words in azalea composition (2)

Beautiful azaleas

There was no sound in class. The students sat in their seats one after another. At this time, Mr. Bao smiled and brought a beautiful pot of azaleas to the platform and said, "Are you looking at this pot of azaleas? Teacher Bao kindly said, "Come up and have a look!" The students crowded on and crowded around the platform. Everyone is pointing fingers and pointing fingers and making comments.

The branches and leaves of azaleas are lush, dark green, apple green, and dark green. The brown branches and leaves of one root are very small. However, it can set off the lush foliage. The azaleas are pink and white, which are very beautiful. Azaleas have various shapes. Look at this one and that one. If you look at the azaleas all over the mountain as a picture, that chemist's skill is really great! The stamens of azaleas are very interesting. Some are chubby, like a baby, and some are about to burst when they are full. It's very interesting. The fragrance of azalea is refreshing. I feel as if I am also a azalea. When the wind blows, it is not just me. The azaleas all over the mountain are dancing. When the wind stopped, we stopped dancing. I wore a white coat with pink in it. Under the sunshine, I sucked the rain and dew of autumn greedily. After a while, I knew that I was not a cuckoo, but a flower watcher.

Ah, cuckoo, you are so beautiful! I love you - beautiful azaleas!

300 words in azalea composition (3)


When spring comes, all kinds of azaleas are in full bloom. There are white, purple, red and pink azaleas. They are colorful, competing for beauty, like naughty little fairies competing to show off their beauty. There are five, three and two azalea petals! The fully opened azaleas are like small trumpets, as if they are vigorously blowing a cheerful and moving song of spring. The cuckoo in bud looks like a shy and reserved spring girl sitting in the flowers. A breeze gently touched the past, and the azaleas fluttered and danced in the wind, constantly swinging their enchanting posture, emitting a charming fragrance. Some connected azaleas are whispering, as if they were commenting on who can dance best!

The leaves of rhododendron are oval. After a burst of spring rain, the rhododendron grows many new light green leaves. As the saying goes, red flowers need green leaves to support them. Green leaves are always unknown to offer and decorate the rhododendron, making it particularly beautiful. The stems of azaleas are like tiny threads. How lovely! Rhododendron is the city flower of Changsha. I love rhododendron!

Xu Yuancong, Class 3 [1], Yuhuating Primary School

300 words in azalea composition (4)

Azalea When the azalea comes back to the earth in spring, the azalea, which is known as the "beauty of flowers", is full of spring. It blooms in parks or mountain forests where tourists gather, making people happy and relaxed. The azalea is not very tall, not even knee high. From a distance, it looks like a burning flame, almost no leaves can be seen, and it looks like a group of children in red clothes squatting there. When we got closer, we could see its small pointed leaves with small hairs on them, which was very cute. When you look at the flowers, they look like small trumpets, with several stamens in the middle. They are very beautiful, like a beautiful lady showing her face to the world... When you look at these, you can't help feeling intoxicated. Rhododendron, also known as rhododendron, refers to various red azaleas. In fact, azaleas are not only red. Rhododendron is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. As the famous poet Bai Juyi wrote a poem very well: "When you hold two branches in your hand, it doesn't look like the world has them. This thing in the flower is like a beauty, and the lotus and peony are all like mothers." "Looking back, the peach season is colorless, and the lotus is not a flower." The small branches of the cuckoo feel rough, and the color of the branches is light green. The leaf surface is dark green, very smooth to the touch, without a hair, very comfortable, soft. The green leaves lined with red flowers are very beautiful and charming against the sunshine. From a distance, the azaleas look like a group of colorful butterflies dancing in the air. The flowers are made of red paper. They look very bright. The rosy clouds are very attractive. Walking on the bluestone path, the breeze blows, watching the fire like azaleas beating together, I feel very happy. At this time, I will think of a lyric and a scene: "If you want to look forward to it, the Red Army will come and drive all over the mountains..." The mighty Red Army troops are coming... I love this beautiful red azalea. Analysis of ideas: The beginning and end of the article correspond to each other, highlighting the characteristics of azaleas. Bai Juyi's poems are also quoted in the article, which adds characteristics to his description. Lyric ending makes the article plump and powerful.

300 words in azalea composition (5)

Rhododendron In today's composition class, teacher Liu asked us to observe the rhododendron and write a composition. After moving the azaleas to the classroom, Mr. Liu put them on the desk and emphasized the specific requirements of the composition. It is required to observe carefully in groups to see who writes specifically, vividly and vividly. I observed that this pot of rhododendron is about 50 cm high and its branches are covered with dark green leaves. Some azaleas have just opened two or three petals, some petals are fully opened, and many flowers are in bud, looking like a group of shy girls. The stamen of azalea is long, like filaments. There are many colors of azaleas, which are very beautiful! There are red, white, and red and white. Rhododendron has a faint fragrance. You can't smell it unless you smell it carefully. I saw some moss on the flowerpot, and knew that this pot of azaleas should have been put in a cool place before. Because moss grows only in cool and humid places. I like azaleas, just like Mr. Ye Shengtao loves lotus!  

300 words in azalea composition (6)

Azalea My azaleas make me feel its beauty, which is a kind of natural beauty, and let me also feel the magic and beauty of nature. On the eve of the Spring Festival, I looked out from the window sill of the living room and saw the snow falling all over the sky. "Ding Dong" Someone came. As soon as I opened the door, I saw my father holding two pots of beautiful azaleas. Suddenly, my heart filled with spring, and the room seemed full of spring. Let me feel a strong vitality. I was so happy that I placed these two pots of azaleas on the windowsill of the living room. At first, I would come to see my favorite azaleas every day. These two pots of azaleas were planted in white pots. The pots were 20cm high, 25cm wide, 20cm high, 25cm wide, and 17cm high. The azalea has green leaves and flowers are in bud. Some days, I find that azaleas are not as lively as they were a few days ago. As soon as I saw that the soil in the flowerpot was dry, I immediately poured enough water. In the next few days, I often came to care for the azalea. With the passage of time, the azalea also began to change, and became so beautiful; Is so eye-catching; Is so lively; The azaleas show their beauty. The blossoming flowers and bones also stretched out their beautiful bodies. The unfolded petals are as enchanting as silk, and as crooked as a fairy's skirt. They seem to take me into another wonderful world, which haunts me. Rhododendron is like a group of colorful butterflies flying in the air. The flowers look more dazzling and beautiful against the sun! Azalea, you are my favorite flower, and I will let you grow up and be lively. I love these two pots of beautiful azaleas! Yecheng No. 2 Middle School Junior 2: Yang Chenliang

300 words in azalea composition (7)

Rhododendron Sitting in front of the window silently and looking at the two cuckoos in Grandma's room... The sound of firecrackers brought the happy New Year, and the hot dumplings outlined the beautiful mood of people. When the first ray of sunshine in the New Year slants on the windowsill, the azaleas are in full bloom... I love the azalea because it has dark gray feathers, and the tail is decorated with thick and elegant spots, making it more beautiful. I love azaleas. The first month of this year is colder than the December, but azaleas are still full of flowers. Although they grow in greenhouses, they dare to make themselves known and to be in full bloom. Who can compete with them! People praise the orchid, saying that it is placed in the valley alone, not into the world of mortals, more beautiful peonies, and has a unique sentiment. But I said it was abandoned by all things in the world; Some people praise pomegranate, saying that it dares not to be afraid of the scorching sun. It is the heart of summer. But I think it is too exaggerated, and it will give its life to win a good reputation. Look at the azalea, and report the beauty of spring to the diligent people in advance. The beauty of flowers lies in their blooming, and the meaning of life lies in their publicity. Isn't that unique to azaleas? I love azalea because it is adjacent to pines and cypresses and friends with cold plums. Although azalea does not have the branches of pines and cypresses or the tender branches of cold plums, it is brave to fight and struggle. The quality of daring to publicize can definitely bring her the glory she deserves. Looking at the azalea silently, the vigorous branches are engraved with the wind and rain along the way; The dark green leaves, permeated the suffering of the azalea; The soft petals played the victory movement of the bitter journey. Every time the azalea blooms, it shows the miracle of life. The sound of firecrackers outside the window is still the same, and the cuckoo in the house is fragrant for a long time.

300 words in azalea composition (8)

Rhododendron In the afternoon, as soon as we rang the bell for class, we hurried back to our seats. Suddenly, we saw Mr. Tang coming to the classroom happily with a pot of azaleas. Our eyes suddenly gathered on the platform and talked about the azaleas. Rhododendron grows in an antique, blue and white flowerpot. Her stout trunk is about 10 cm high. Many branches spread everywhere. Each branch is covered with verdant and downy leaves, and azaleas grow among several leaves on the branch. Rhododendron, also known as rhododendron. She is dressed in red. Some petals are fully unfolded. The stamens come out from the middle; Some just spread two or three petals; Some are budding, like a graceful young lady, no wonder people call her "beauty in flowers". The whole rhododendron is full of red flowers, which look like a burning flame from a distance. At this time, several bees flew out of the window and began to suck nectar greedily. The classroom is full of vitality and spring. Suddenly, I felt like a rhododendron, wearing rose red clothes, standing in the flowers. Dragonfly flew over and told me the joy of flying in the morning; Birds are flying around in the air, telling me interesting things that have happened recently... Watching and thinking, I remember that I am not a azalea, but a little girl who loves azalea!  

300 words in azalea composition (9)

Azalea I love the beauty of peach blossom, the nobility of rose and the pride of plum blossom, but I prefer the simplicity of azalea. Rhododendron is very common in our life. It is also known as rhododendron, pomegranate, etc. According to legend, once upon a time, there was a cuckoo whose wife was shot to death by a hunter with an arrow, and it whined and choked blood day and night. Its blood dyed flowers all over the mountain red, so it was named Rhododendron. Azaleas usually bloom in spring, with 2 to 6 flowers in each cluster. Rhododendron likes a warm, cool, half shade and ventilated environment, which requires loose and fertile soil. The azaleas in our community are pink, red and white. Every spring, the flaming azaleas are blossoming under the big trees. The flowers are impeccably beautiful, just like red agate, standing in the wind, delicate and beautiful. The number of petals is uncountable, and they snuggle up with each other, attracting many butterflies and bees to fly in it. Each flower seems to be filled with a lovely elf, picturesque and picturesque, which makes people linger! As soon as you walk into the flowers, you will find that the azaleas around you seem to be alive. They will send out a kind of fragrance, which will make you refreshing and refreshing. They seem to be a chorus team, and bees and butterflies are conductors. They are playing the praises of spring together. Ah! Simple azaleas, I love you. Grade 4: Luo Mingsheng

300 words in azalea composition (10)

Azalea My family has a pot of azaleas. Rhododendron is extremely beautiful. It is one of the four famous flowers in China and is known as the "beauty of flowers". Bai Juyi praised that "the azalea blooms early or late, spring, autumn and winter will open. The azalea has oval leaves, and the fresh and tender flowers are blooming freely surrounded by the leaves. The shape of azaleas in the bud is a little strange, some are long, like a beautiful lady, some are round, like a fat doll, very cute. The bud ready to bloom, red with green, like a shy little girl. The blooming azaleas are like children's smiling faces, tender and lovely. The flowers are red, white and pink. The color is so bright: red like fire, white like snow, pink like rosy clouds. Just like gems inlaid on the green carpet. Although the vitality of rhododendron is not so tenacious, it is precisely because of its tenderness and loveliness that people linger on. The soft and beautiful spring fragrance makes people intoxicated, and forever intoxicated with the beauty and fragrance of azaleas.

Composition Rhododendron (9)

On my ninth birthday, my mother gave me a pot of fresh and elegant azaleas, which I really like.

When the spring girl comes, the azalea quietly shows pink buds. As the leaves grow up, the branches quietly bear many flowers and bones. The green and yellow leaves gently lift them, and the flowers shyly nod their heads at me.

In early summer, one flower after another suddenly became brave and crowded around the branches to open up. These beautiful "flower dancers" compete for beauty, like a group of rose colored flower fairies smiling at me, which is very cute. At this time, azaleas can also be regarded as a variety of forms: some seem to be in bloom, making the smooth face red; Some flowers around the two sides of a force to open, like a bird to fly wings; The others are all blooming, like a shy little girl who hides her face during the day. I think it's probably because the sun will tan its tender face.

This pot of azaleas is placed on the balcony, and occasionally bees and butterflies visit. The little bee was busy shuttling among the flowers, "buzzing", as if excitedly saying: "The honey of the azalea is so sweet!" The little butterfly fluttered its colorful wings around the azalea and danced, sometimes falling in the flowers. Without looking carefully, it thought that the azalea had opened a butterfly flower!

A gust of wind blew, and the whole rhododendron shook its bouquet and swayed with the wind, like a girl in a rose red dance dress dancing. The fragrance of flowers came to my face, and the guests who came to my house would be full of praise: "This pot of azaleas is really very fragrant..."

I love azaleas! Love its beautiful dance and faint fragrance!

Composition Rhododendron (10)

"I would like to become a charming rose to represent my love for the campus; I would like to become a evergreen tree to make the campus evergreen all the year round; I would like to become a azalea flower to make the campus red and beautiful like a fairyland; I would like to become a plum flower to make the campus fragrant and fragrant......" In the class meeting of Class 4 (7), sweet voices were heard, The students talked and expressed their opinions. The squadron committee said enthusiastically: "Students, let's take action to make our campus green and become a sea of flowers!"

After school, I came to the flower market to choose flowers. There were many kinds of flowers in the flower market, including osmanthus, roses, camellia, lilies... I was dazzled. I selected them one by one. Suddenly, my eyes turned to a rhododendron. Among the dark green leaves, flowers blossomed one after another. Some only opened two or three petals; Some petals are all unfolded; Some of them are flowers and bones. It seems that Meiwen is about to burst... Looking at this delicate and dripping cuckoo, I did not hesitate to take out ten yuan to buy this flower that I liked.

In the afternoon, I came to school with azaleas in high spirits. Wow! The school has become a sea of flowers and a world of trees: roses pink like rosy clouds, red like red; The peonies are blooming... I started to plant flowers. I carefully moved out the azaleas, dug a hole in the flower bed, planted them, cultivated soil, and finally watered them. Everyone is also working hard. You can help me and I can help you. It's really a busy scene. Soon, the whole campus has become a garden.

Look, the evergreen trees are shining in the sun. The cactus is like a soldier protecting the Flower City; The morning glory is joyfully blowing beautiful songs to us. The azalea is smiling. When the breeze blows, it keeps nodding to us, as if to say: "Students, let's carry forward the fine tradition of revolutionary martyrs and work together! Make the campus more beautiful and fascinating." I gently touched the leaves and silently read: I will study hard, Studied hard. I will use my wisdom and talent to decorate the campus, so that our campus trees into shade, flowers in full bloom, full of vitality

At night, I slept very sweet. In my dream, I came to school, ah! On the school playground, the rostrum was full of azaleas. They were facing the rising sun. The blood red petals dyed the whole campus red, like a fire, like a cloud, more like countless bright red scarves

Composition Rhododendron (11)

Another season of azaleas. The cuckoo at the door of the house has already revealed its fragrance. Overnight, the plump pink buds broke through the obstacles and bloomed magnificently, just like Mom's smiling face at that moment. It was beautiful!

I still remember that in the fourth grade, I was depressed because I failed in the exam. I didn't know how to speak to my mother. I was afraid of a storm.

I came to the kitchen nervously and saw my mother busy making my favorite sesame dumplings. She scooped out a spoonful of rice flour, dipped it in flour, and rubbed it in her hand. Mother could not help being surprised. First she was stunned, and then she continued to rub the dough. When the dough was roughly spherical, she used her fingertips to knead it more evenly. Then she turned her thumb into a cavity in the middle, filled it with stuffing, and twisted the skin around her in the middle. "You go to do your homework first, and when I'm finished, we can analyze the reasons together!" Mother's tone was so calm, So calm. As if I had taken a reassurance, I walked back to my study happily.

After a while, my mother came to the room, picked up the test paper and looked at it from front to back. She frowned and pursed at times, and finally sighed and asked, "Do you know why it is wrong?" "Careless." I answered without thinking. "Is that all? Why are you always careless?" I was tongue tied. Yes! Some questions have been wrong for several times, but I can do them clearly. When I think back on the situation of each question, I can't help but realize that "I didn't pay attention to the question and didn't develop a good habit of doing it". I looked up timidly at my mother, and saw that her bright eyes were full of joy, shining with wisdom, the radian of her mouth was rising, and the tenderness of the wine den was almost overflowing. At the moment when I realized the root of the mistake, my mother's sad face suddenly relaxed, just like the azaleas in spring blooming in the sun, the most beautiful! "Hmm! Since you know your mistake, you should try to correct it. I hope you can make progress every time! I will cook dumplings for you now." After saying that, my mother left with a smile.

Outside the window, the cuckoo is in full bloom. It uses green leaves as its phoenix crowns, and sits on the branches, like a woman to be married. With a wonderful smile, it has gorgeous itself, a courtyard, and the whole world.

Composition Rhododendron (12)

Today, the weather was wonderful. I went out to play after lunch. As I walked, I found a cluster of pink azaleas.

I have seen purple azaleas, but I have never seen light pink azaleas, but it is still so lovely and charming. It has five petals, each of which is made more dazzling by its light pink and pure white. One of these petals is different from other petals. It has a rose purple pattern between white and pink. It is dense but not messy. No one can paint it so beautifully except nature. Ten stamens are wrapped in these beautiful petals, each of which is exquisite, like a guard of small flowers. The flowers are followed by stems, with green leaves on the stems. They are slender and laughing in the wind, which is really beautiful.

I gently stroked its petals, ah! It is so soft, like silk. At this time, I smelled one of the flowers, the fragrance from the tip of my nose has been seeping into my heart.

In the spring when everything is reviving and flowers are blooming, azalea is a painter, embellishing color and vitality for the spring.

Composition Rhododendron (13)

The setting sun gradually disappeared in the endless horizon, and the maple leaf tree in front of the door secretly put on a dark green 'clothes, and the colorful paintings in my heart were only black and white

Why? Don't I study hard! A painting has been changed for more than ten times. In a rage, I threw the painting book out of the window and leaned on the table. The sweat and tears that could not be divided were on the blue table, like a drop of water on the tip of a needle in the sea.

At this time, the equipment behind me was opened gently, and my mother picked up my drawing board and shouted, "Son, the azaleas in the backyard are blooming, come and have a look." I hurriedly wiped the corners of my eyes and turned reluctantly, "Isn't that the azaleas?" I replied. "Don't you always want him to bloom?" Although I was very reluctant, I took my mother to gently open the door and took my hand to the backyard.

The stars in the sky loomed in front of us, letting the sun sprinkle the afterglow. This land also made the azaleas in the backyard silver, and he really opened! I can't believe my eyes: the petals from light to deep are more prosperous than fire, and a dark blue butterfly quietly falls on the petals. In this blue night, I am full of confidence. It seems that my inferiority has been wiped out. Yesterday, he was a flower bud that people looked down upon. Confidence made me and him find our own shortcomings. His tenacious life bloomed in the dark.

"Do you remember what you dreamed of? It is to draw a perfect azalea." Although the azalea is very fragile, it is very confident and will not give up the hope of growth. They use their strength to surround together, fill the empty world with the most tenacious life and pink leaves, "What do you use to fill your blank picture book..." My mother asked me, my eyes were full of love, and what I remembered at this moment. Silently and quietly return to the room.

Picking up the brush again, I continued to concentrate on painting, because I not only wanted to let the azalea blossom in my heart, but also let it stay in my heart forever

Composition Rhododendron (14)

There are two azaleas growing on my balcony. They thrive under the careful care of my mother. The leaves are luxuriant and the flowers are in full bloom, which is very eye-catching. They have become a beautiful scenery in my family.

The coffee colored branches of azaleas are covered with thin side branches, and the branches are covered with green, oval leaves, which really look like a green umbrella. As soon as I sprinkle water, the leaves will be greener. They will be oily and tender. I want to touch the leaf, but I'm afraid of hurting it.

In the flowering season, the lush branches and leaves are full of red flowers. From a distance, they are three in a cluster, five in a cluster, like a flame burning and jumping heartily. From a close look, some flowers are in bud, some are half open and half closed, and some are fully open. The blooming petals are as beautiful as silk, and the petals are curved like the skirt of a fairy. The flower is composed of five petals. The petals are surrounded by several yellow stamens. The little yellow flowers are dotted with red petals. How beautiful! Some naughty flowers hide under the leaves, as if playing hide and seek with me.

Whenever the flowers are blooming, my mother will move them to the living room to "receive visitors". The guests who came to my house all praised me, which made me feel happy and taught me to love life.

I love my azalea, which brings vitality and beauty to my family.

Composition Rhododendron (15)

Rhododendron is very common. In spring, there are clusters in front of you when you go out of the door. When you look back, there are clusters again.

At the end of April, cuckoos were in full bloom. Walking beside a cluster of cuckoos, you will always smell a delicate fragrance, which is both restrained and unrestrained with the spring breeze. In the warm air, people always feel a little hot and dry. Take a deep breath, let the aroma of cuckoo penetrate your nose, and you may feel refreshed.

The cuckoo is in full bloom, but it is not publicized. It is just in ordinary bloom. They are always wandering in the green leaves, trying to play a supporting role in spring. But they are so beautiful that they have to let those who want to be the protagonist of the flower reluctantly let go, and she was shy to become the protagonist. This cluster of rhododendrons with red in pink and purple in red, set off against green leaves, how elegant!

Its petals are like a wrinkled skirt, or the purple red, shrunken banana fan. When the breeze blows, a few petals fall off, and I catch one as a bookmark for spring. Its stamens are thin and short, standing in the center of the flower. Orange red pollen is scattered on the stamens. The attractive color attracts industrious bees, who greedily suck the nectar. The honey must be sweet, sweet to everyone's heart. Its leaves are tea green, and the back of the leaves is covered with small hairs, which is smooth and rough to the touch. The green leaves are invincible all the year round. They are full of vitality and liveliness. They set off the cuckoo and make it full of vitality.

A cluster of azaleas is in full bloom, full of vitality, beautiful but ordinary.

I love the beautiful figure of cuckoo, but also its ordinary temperament and its exuberant vitality!

Composition Rhododendron (16)

Rhododendron can be called the beauty of flowers, and it is also one of the four famous flowers in China. Bai Juyi commented on it this way: looking back, peaches and plums are colorless, and lotus is not a flower. But cuckoo is not so luxurious at all. It is just optimistic and charming in its enthusiasm!

Spring returns to the earth and everything recovers. The spring wind has greened the south bank of the Yangtze River. Spring girl puts on colorful clothes for everything, grass puts on green clothes, flowers put on colorful clothes, and azaleas put on red and pink clothes. Look how bright it is!

Like a burning flame, like a spray of rosy clouds, it is a feast for the eyes. Sister Chunyu doesn't let the cuckoo show her beauty, nor does she appreciate the drizzle. Do you think cuckoo will be unhappy because of this? You are wrong. It takes the spring rain as bath water and is bathing comfortably!

From time to time, the stamens move twice and wave to me. Even I can't stand Brother Xia's fiery temper - he bakes the earth with his fiery temper every day. The earth is like a big steam oven, and everything is like baking steamed buns. At this time, the flowers and trees were no longer competing for beauty, and everyone went to the summer resort. Only pomegranate and cuckoo stick to their posts. The cuckoo blooms more brightly. It is not easy for Brother Xia's fiery temper. It stands upright under Brother Xia's eyes and shakes the branches comfortably. Ha!

It uses Brother Xia's anger as a hair dryer to dry his wet clothes!

After drying his clothes, he seemed to thank Brother Xia. His face turned red. When there was a slight breeze, he bowed his head and saluted. How polite!

Brother Xia was half angry and half moved by it. After a while, Auntie Qiu came back with her golden dress. Suddenly, the streets, paths and rivers were covered with golden leaves. Look how capable the maple aunt is, turning her own leaves into red. It's said that she is called "Red Maple Leaf"!

The cuckoo did not show any weakness. She gathered her children and grandchildren and asked Auntie Qiufeng to send them to distant places. Huh? Cuckoo abandoned her children and grandchildren so much!

No, it deeply understands the truth that "falling red is not a heartless thing, but turns into spring mud to protect flowers". I am moved by its long-term vision. Grandpa Winter came here with a sledge, and the whole world was quiet, with snowflakes flying all over the sky. Despite cuckoo's delicate appearance, she can take care of herself without worry. She took the roaring north wind as a lullaby and fell asleep sweetly. But when she went to bed, she did not forget to give people her enthusiasm for the past year. So when you see the cuckoo in winter, your heart must be warm... As winter goes and spring comes, year after year, the cuckoo's optimism and enthusiasm have been educating me, inspiring me, and making me firmly move towards success.

Composition Rhododendron (17)

my hometown?? Wulian County, Rizhao City, is located in the northeast of Shandong Province. It is a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, singing birds and fragrant flowers. There are rich specialties and beautiful scenery in my hometown, which makes me numerous. The most noteworthy is the wild azaleas in my hometown.

In the east of my hometown, there is a mountain called Jiuxian Mountain. There are many wild azaleas on the mountain. Spring is coming, you can walk along the broad asphalt road to Jiuxian Mountain Scenic Area, and then walk along the winding mountain road to the mountain gate. Standing at the high gate of the mountain, you can see the azaleas all over the mountains and the sea of flowers. In fact, what you see now is just a little rhododendron of ten thousand mu. You get on the tourist bus and walk slowly. There is a clear river on the side of the road. The frogs in the river are crowing and jumping in groups, and the fish are swimming slowly in the water. It is totally a natural scene. In about twenty minutes, you will arrive at the Rhododendron Garden of ten thousand mu, which is known as the first wild rhododendron garden in Jiangbei. Here you will be rendered by this huge wild azaleas. Look, there are azaleas all over the mountains, dark red ones like the flames in the mountains, pink ones like blushing children's faces, and the blue ones are even more beautiful. When the breeze blows, the flowers nod to you, just like waving to welcome guests from afar. You walk slowly along the path of the garden, breathing the bouquet of flowers and appreciating the various azaleas. Here you can shake hands with and hug flowers, making you feel like walking in the sea of flowers, lingering and forgetting to return, and feeling like living in a fairyland.

Look, this is my beautiful hometown, a place that people yearn for.

Grade 2 of Wulian Experimental Primary School in Rizhao, Shandong: Wang Xueyao

Composition Rhododendron (18)


Most azaleas like to grow in the mountains. They are very attractive because they are red and fragrant. Its petals are trumpet shaped. As long as the trumpet sounds, the whole earth will wake up and be full of birds singing and flowers smelling. The color of the petals is really colorful: red, purple, pink, white... It is dazzling. Maybe it is the dear beauty master of nature who dresses it up. Its leaves are rugby shaped, densely like an army ready to meet the enemy. There are some small thorns under the leaves. Although they won't hurt people, they are very sticky. If you are not careful, they will stick all over your hands. It's sticky and uncomfortable. Its roots are green and hairy. It feels very comfortable.

Rhododendron always likes to grow silently in the deep mountain, which turns the mountain red and gorgeous, so people prefer to call it "Yingshan red".

But who would have thought how inconspicuous the "beauty" in the flowers was in winter. It is so small. When the cold wind blows around it, it shivers and freezes all over. The soft leaves look so weak and haggard. The grass around has already changed color, and the trees stand solemnly, looking at everything with contempt, and saying to the azalea contemptuously, "Ha! Ha! Ha! You are so ugly! You also said that you are the" Xi Shi "in the flowers, which is really not worthy of your name! I am the master of nature! " The azalea did not argue with the big tree. It believed that it could always live its own wonderful and beautiful life! It keeps accumulating energy.

Finally, when spring came, the azalea was awakened by the spring thunder. It could no longer resist a "puffing" smile and jumped out of the bud. Other azaleas were also in full bloom one by one. From a distance, they look like colorful balls, sending out their rich fragrance to attract butterflies and bees. They are really "seeing butterflies through flowers"!

What a beautiful azalea, I love you, the messenger of spring sent by the earth. It was you who told me to live my beautiful and wonderful life!


After winter, Spring Girl came back to us.

The azaleas in our school wore a bright skirt. Some are bright red, some are white, and some are pink inside and white on the edge. They look very beautiful. Some are flower bone buds, some have opened two or three petals, and some have all opened. The flower buds are tender yellow, and there are many white and fine hairs on the leaves. They feel uncomfortable at all. They also have a mud colored rod, which is particularly thin. There is a faint fragrance of flowers. Some flowers are composed of several flowers, while others are just one. New green leaves grow in the flowerpot.

As long as we touch the branches and flowers gently, we will dance like people. The bright clothes will float in the wind, which is really beautiful.

When I looked at it, I suddenly felt like a cuckoo flower. When the phoenix blew, we began to dance happily. When the wind stopped, we stopped dancing. Standing there, the little bee flew over and talked with us.

After a while, I remembered that I was not a azalea, "Ah! The azalea is so beautiful and elegant, I love your beautiful azalea, and I love the spring of nature more"


Today, after school, I passed the playground and was attracted by the beautiful azaleas in the flower beds. I couldn't help walking over and enjoying them.

Most of the azaleas in the flower bed have blossomed. The azaleas are in full bloom, so they are particularly eye-catching. These already blossoming azaleas are big and beautiful, and one peony can equal several peach flowers. The azalea has five petals, which are trumpet shaped. The blooming flowers are purplish red, and there are also filaments of thin and long stamens inside. It's beautiful, but there are also some flower bone flowers. Don't underestimate these bone flowers. They are oval, sharp on the head, and look fresh and tender.

The azalea not only has beautiful flowers, but also good leaves.

The short branches are covered with dark green leaves, which are unrestrained and fiery green, without any implication. From a distance, they look like dark green clouds one after another. With the background of the clouds, the azalea looks particularly beautiful and brilliant.


When spring comes, pastures and fields; Mountainside and lakeside; High mountains and meadows; It's blooming everywhere, beautiful azaleas! It has been blooming until summer and autumn. Nature shook off the silk and brocade and spread them on the land of China. They cover many peaks, making the whole mountain like wearing the latest and beautiful clothes and skirts that are cut to fit.

Look, the waves of azaleas are billowing in the sea of azaleas! On them, there are thousands of colorful dishes, flapping their wings and flying, so beautiful that the sun shines. Bees swarm, spreading humming sound waves in transparent fragrance. The biological world, including beautiful birds, beautiful insects, and beautiful girls of human beings, is always envied by the most beautiful azaleas in the plant world.


Rhododendron is commonly known as "rhododendron". It usually grows in the mountains in groups, and the color of the flowers is bright red, so it gets the reputation.

In Shangbaoshan of Wenling, there are azaleas all over the mountains. Some distance from the top of the mountain, you can already see azaleas blooming in the distance. When we came to the top of the mountain, we could see that azaleas grew all over the nearby mountains, and the flowers that came into our eyes were like red gems inlaid in the green leaves. Against the background of green leaves, the flowers appear more charming and moving, which makes countless flower visitors intoxicated. After we saw the azaleas, let's not mention how much we loved them. Some plucked a few petals and chewed them, and some came close to smell its fragrance. The children could not help but become "flower picking thieves", picking off several azaleas to show off to adults.

Looking closely at the azaleas, I saw that they stood proudly on the branches, some were in bud, and wanted to see the sun, rain and dew that nurtured them as soon as possible; Some smile at people, like a graceful girl; Some just spread two or three petals, just like shy little girls. Azalea is not as big as wild chrysanthemum, not as fragrant as osmanthus, not as gorgeous as roses, not to mention the noble elegance of peony, but how charming it is!

I love you sincerely, azalea.


Whenever spring comes back, the azalea, known as the "beauty of flowers", is full of spring, and blooms in parks or gardens where tourists gather, making people happy and relaxed. My favorite flower is azalea.

Rhododendron, also known as rhododendron, refers to various red azaleas. In fact, azaleas are not only red. Rhododendron is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. Just as the famous poet Bai Juyi wrote a poem very well: "If you hold two branches in your hand, it doesn't look like there is one in the world. This thing in the flower is Xi Shi, and its lotus and peony are like the mother." "Looking back, the peach season is colorless, and the lotus is not a flower."

The branches of cuckoo are rough to the touch. The color of its branches is not the same as that of other flowers. The color of the branches of other flowers is coffee, while the color of its branches is light green. The leaves of azaleas are oblong. The leaf surface is dark green. It feels very smooth without a single hair. It is not the same as the hairy cuckoo. The leaves of the hairy cuckoo feel very comfortable and soft with fine hair.

The green leaves are lined with red flowers. The azalea perianth is divided into several colors. My favorite color is red. The flowers are very beautiful and charming under the sun's shirt. From a distance, the azaleas look like a group of colorful butterflies dancing in the air. The flower is like a piece of red paper made by people. It looks very bright. But when you touch it, it is not as smooth as its leaves. It is a bit wrinkled.

I love the beautiful cuckoo.

Composition Rhododendron (19)

After a period of time, the azalea unexpectedly grew a small bud, green and lovely. A few days later, the green buds began to expand and gradually became pink. After a few days, the buds have slowly blossomed, and finally, it is true that the emperor pays the piper, and finally becomes a beautiful flower, one is better than another.

During the spring and summer, the azalea began to wither, and the color of the azalea gradually became yellowish brown, and finally withered. These petals continue to become a kind of decay, into the soil, become the next generation of rhododendron growth nutrients.

The autumn of maple red chrysanthemum fragrance came to us again. The next generation of azaleas grew buds, but I don't know what happened to the next generation of azaleas. They suddenly withered, large pieces of withered leaves fell down, and the buds became smaller. I looked carefully and found that there was little soil. I thought this azalea could not survive. Then I added some soil and fertilizer. Soon, this rhododendron unexpectedly came back to life. It was amazing. Now it has green leaves. Pink flowers bloom one after another, and they are more vigorous than last year.

Rhododendron is beautiful and has strong vitality. I like it so much!

My azaleas let me feel its beauty, which is a kind of natural beauty, and let me also feel the magic and beauty of nature.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, I looked out from the window sill of the living room and saw the snow falling all over the sky. "Ding Dong" Someone came. As soon as I opened the door, I saw my father holding two pots of beautiful azaleas. Suddenly, my heart filled with spring, and the room seemed full of spring. Let me feel a strong vitality. I was so happy that I placed these two pots of azaleas on the windowsill of the living room. At first, I would come to see my favorite azaleas every day. These two pots of azaleas were planted in white pots. The pots were 20cm high, 25cm wide, 20cm high, 25cm wide, and 17cm high. The azalea has green leaves and flowers are in bud. Some days, I find that azaleas are not as lively as they were a few days ago. As soon as I saw that the soil in the flowerpot was dry, I immediately poured enough water. In the next few days, I often came to care for the azalea. With the passage of time, the azalea also began to change, and became so beautiful; Is so eye-catching; Is so lively; The azaleas show their beauty. The blossoming flowers and bones also stretched out their beautiful bodies. The unfolded petals are as enchanting as silk, and as crooked as a fairy's skirt. They seem to take me into another wonderful world, which haunts me. Rhododendron is like a group of colorful butterflies flying in the air. The flowers look more dazzling and beautiful against the sun!

Azalea, you are my favorite flower, and I will let you grow up and be lively. I love these two pots of beautiful azaleas!

The unfolded petals are as enchanting as silk, and as crooked as a fairy's skirt. They seem to take me into another wonderful world, which haunts me. Rhododendron is like a group of colorful butterflies flying in the air. The flowers look more dazzling and beautiful against the sun.

I can be called the beauty of flowers, and also one of the four famous flowers in China. Bai Juyi commented on me this way: looking back, peaches and plums are colorless, and lotus is not a flower. But cuckoo is not so luxurious at all. It is just optimistic and charming in its enthusiasm!

The spring wind blows on the south bank of the Green River. Spring girl puts on colorful clothes for all things, grass puts on green clothes, flowers put on colorful clothes, and azaleas put on red and pink clothes. Look how bright it is! Like a burning flame, like a spray of rosy clouds, it is a feast for the eyes.

Even I can't stand Brother Xia's fiery temper - he bakes the earth with his fiery temper every day. The earth is like a big steam oven, and everything is like baking steamed buns. At this time, the flowers and trees were no longer competing for beauty, and everyone went to the summer resort. Only cuckoo sticks to his post. He is not easy for Brother Xia's fiery temper. He stands upright under his eyes and shakes the branches comfortably.

Auntie Qiu came back with her golden dress. The path and the river were covered with golden leaves. See how cuckoo gathers her children and grandchildren and asks Auntie Qiufeng to send them to distant places. Huh? Cuckoo abandoned her children and grandchildren so much! No, it is a profound understanding of the truth that "falling red is not a heartless thing, but turns into spring mud to protect flowers".

Grandpa Winter came here with a sledge, and the whole world was quiet, with snowflakes flying all over the sky. Despite cuckoo's delicate appearance, she can take care of herself without worry. She took the roaring north wind as a lullaby and fell asleep sweetly. But when she went to bed, she did not forget to give people her enthusiasm for the past year. So when you see cuckoo in winter, your heart must be warm.

Winter has gone and spring has come, year after year, I am still optimistic and enthusiastic, encouraging these people to firmly move towards the other side of success

Flowers embellish our life, bring us fragrance, beauty, and even better expectations and wishes. Some people like peonies with national beauty and heavenly fragrance, some people like elegant orchids, others like lotus without being stained by mud, while I like colorful azaleas.

The stems of azaleas are straight up and brown. It bifurcates from the top, green leaves grow on the stem, oval green leaves are illuminated by the sun, bright surrounded by one after another delicate azalea. The azaleas stretch their delicate petals among the jade: some petals are fully unfolded, revealing their tender stamens; Some just spread two or three petals, just like a slim girl, shy; Some are flower buds, which look like little pompons. The blooming azaleas are umbrella shaped, composed of dozens of bell shaped or funnel shaped flowers, just like plump hydrangeas. Some of the flowers are pink, some are dark red, and some are red with white. Seen from a distance, the pink flowers look like gems embedded on the green carpet; The deep red flowers are like the morning sun; There are red and white flowers, just like rolling colored balls on green leaves.

Buds vary in shape: some are long and some are round. The color of the flower bud is also very different: the green one is just growing out; The green ones have been growing for some time, but they may not be open; The two red ones with white ones are about to open their smiling faces to welcome this beautiful spring!

Rhododendron has strong adaptability, drought resistance and barren soil, and can also grow in soil with ph value between 7 and 8.

I love azalea, its elegance, its beauty and its quietness. Those who love it more can also grow tenaciously and strive for progress under any circumstances.

Composition Rhododendron (20)

Rhododendron has rose red, pink, white, and gold. It blooms in spring, in the mountains, by the river, and in the rock crevices. Seen from afar, it looks like a piece of red dawn. Among our teachers, there is a pot of azaleas, singing the green branches and leaves, laughing in the spring breeze, which is very popular.

Some leaves of azaleas can be eaten, flowers can be used as medicine or extract aromatic oil, some flowers can be eaten, bark and leaves can be extracted from bakelite wood and can be used as handicrafts.

The colorful azaleas symbolize the prosperity of the country and the happy life of the people - I love azaleas.

Spring has come, several bursts of light wind and several drizzle have washed away the heaviness of winter. The earth shows a green color, and the flowers are blooming one after another. They compete with each other in beauty and fragrance. My favorite is to go to our Five Lotus and Nine Immortals Mountain to enjoy azaleas.

In the warm spring breeze, azaleas make the hillside look like a colorful carpet. Some flowers just opened their eyes and exclaimed: "What a beautiful world, what a beautiful spring!" Some flowers looked curiously at everything around them, slowly stretching their petals, and small red buds became beautiful flowers one after another. Sometimes they lean on the branches, sometimes they tremble the stamens, sending out charming fragrance, attracting many bees and butterflies, flying up and down around the branches.

Not only that, these azaleas also attract many tourists to watch. Some people look at the flowers carefully, feeling thoughtful and reluctant to leave. Some simply put it on the nose to smell it, but it is not satisfying, and then smell it again, as if to leave all the faint fragrance of flowers behind. Some people take cameras to capture this beautiful moment in order to leave this beautiful scene. If you are tired of walking, please sit down and put yourself in the sea of azaleas and enjoy the beautiful spring!

Another spring has arrived, and the grand azalea festival in your hometown is about to start again. At this time, can you still sit still? Please come to my hometown as a guest. I will be your guide!

This afternoon, when I was free, I suddenly saw the azalea that my father had just bought. Why not take this opportunity to have a good look at it and observe it?

When I reached the flowerpot, the trunk of the cuckoo was about the same thickness as my thumb, and it was covered with fine lines. There are many branches sticking out from the top of the trunk. Each piece of paper has more than 20 leaves. The leaves are oval and dark green, as elegant as emerald. Since this is the azalea, that flower is the real protagonist. These beautiful flowers are purple, and the broad calyx effectively drags these beautiful messengers. The shapes of flowers are different. Some of them have fully blossomed and opened beautiful flowers, just like a graceful girl; Some of them opened their petals slightly, but they didn't open them yet, just like a shy little girl; There is only a flower in bud, as if a baby had just been born, cute and lovely.

Ah! Rhododendron is really a messenger of beauty. I like this magnificent rhododendron, and I prefer the nature that gives it life.

On Sunday, my mother took me to the forest park to breathe the fresh air. When I breathed the fresh air, I saw many beautiful azaleas.

So I went a little earlier and saw that its roots were very short, growing under the soil. I continued to look up. A straight stem rose. There were many branches on the left and right of the stem. If you didn't cut it, it would grow very luxuriantly. The branches are covered with small thorns. If you touch it carelessly, it will hurt like a needle in your hand. Dense, green leaves grow on the branches, and clusters of red flowers, dense, small flowers, with a little white fruit in the middle, like shining stars. When the breeze blows, look carefully, the flowers seem to be dancing. Every move, at this time, the flowers send out a fragrant smell. When you are in a bad mood, you will feel very comfortable if you smell the fragrance of flowers! It seems that there are no worries.

The azaleas have pleasant scenery all the year round and bring people happiness, so many people like azaleas. I like you - azaleas.

I like azaleas. Although they are not as noble as peonies, they are not as fragrant as roses. But in my eyes, it is the most beautiful.

From a distance, it is a sea of red flowers. Approaching, they are proud of the open "trumpet".

It is not only her appearance that makes her proud, but also the leaves are very special: oval leaves, like small boats. Some have just poked out their heads, and some have opened their wings... In addition, they have also worn a layer of "green woolen clothing". He is not only cute, but also has different colors: some are green like emerald, and some are green with flashing green light

After saying that leaves should go to flowers. The colorful clouds around the forest and the mountains are so red that people are intoxicated. It is not as "delicate" as osmanthus, but neat and generous. Even Huaguduo did not want to be outdone, and they put out their own shapes: some looked like a fat doll, some looked like a delicate little lotus flower... Those flowers larger than Huaguduo would not be defeated. White is like snow, red is like fire, and pink is like rosy clouds As Bai Juyi said, "Peaches and plums are colorless in retrospect, but lotus is not a flower."

After listening to my description, do you also like cuckoo?