I was very (18 required)
Chanting old love songs
2023-11-13 07:03:51
primary school

I was very (1)

As soon as I mentioned this, I was very sad. At that time, I wanted to break my mother's mobile phone, but I couldn't, so my mother would be angry. But what my father did really made me very, very sad.

When it was still Monday, I asked my father to buy me a new schoolbag. My father agreed. It happened that the adult exam occupied the exam room. We had half a day off on Friday, so my father could take me to buy a schoolbag. I was so happy to think that I could pick out my schoolbag in person!

After school, I waited happily for my father to buy me a schoolbag. But after waiting for an hour, my father had no news at all. I called my father. He was having dinner. I think Dad will come back after dinner. I went downstairs and walked around. I came back and waited for ten minutes. I thought my father would come back soon. But I waited and waited. I was too eager to see my father, so I called him again. God, Dad is still eating! I'm a little upset. When and where can Dad finish his meal? I had to wait patiently, wait and wait, and call my father again and again. I don't know how many times I have called, but my father still hasn't come back, and finally I turned off my mobile phone!

I hold my mother's mobile phone in my hand, but I can't get through any more. I'm really sad! Dad is also a man, how can he not take my words to heart? Is it because I am a child and he is a parent that he can not keep his word?

Dad didn't know what it was like when the joy in my heart turned into foam. The feeling of disappointment was indescribable. That time, I was really sad, very sad

I was very (2)

Article 1: I was very happy that time

I'm very happy today, because I can see my two old classmates tomorrow. One of them doesn't know whether he can come. If only both of them could go to the movies with me! This is the first time I went to see a movie that we all like with my two old classmates.

However, my mother said that only after finishing my homework today, we can go to the movies together tomorrow, so I will finish my homework anyway today.

Part 2: I was very happy that time

I'm so happy today, because I haven't seen my grandparents since I went out to play in summer vacation to the beginning of school. I really miss them!

Today, my aunt drove them to see me, and also brought a lot of delicious food. Ha ha! Grandma knew that I studied hard and praised me. I felt very happy. I will study harder in the future! At noon, we had my favorite western food together. What a happy day!

Part 3: I was very happy that time

Today, I was very happy because I got 100 points in my Pinyin exam, and I was praised by my teacher when I was in math class. The teacher also rewarded me with a sticker, which I pasted on my math book. I think I will paste all the stickers I get on the book in the future. I would be too happy if I could not paste more stickers.

The English teacher also rewarded me with a seal. I want to try my best to get more seals every day. Today is really a happy day.

I was very (3)

When I was young, I would be too excited to sleep because of a trip the next day; I will cry and cry because of a criticism from my mother; I will jump up with joy because I got a red envelope... I was so excited when I remembered the experience of going to Changzhou Dinosaur Park that time!

It was the first grade, my mother's customer organized us to go to Changzhou Dinosaur Park. After I knew the news, I kept asking my mother at night: "Really? Is it really?" The reason why I was so excited was that it was the first time I had visited such a far place. Later, I lay on my bed and quietly thought about the scene in the dinosaur garden: dinosaurs walked up and down on the grass, there were roller coasters, cable cars, bumper cars! "Heaven! This is heaven on earth!" I muttered to myself. Gradually, I felt sleepy.

The next day, I got up early and went to Maqiao to wait for the arrival of the bus at the place we had agreed in advance. After waiting for a long time, the bus finally arrived. I got on the bus and found a seat near the window. Maybe I was too excited at night and slept too little. I fell asleep unconsciously in the shaking of the car. "Get off, get off!" My mother's voice woke me from my sleep. When I got out of the car, I saw a beautiful scene in front of me. There are roller coasters, bumper cars, cable cars... just like I thought. The only thing is that there are no dinosaurs. When I looked at the notice board on the roadside, there were only dinosaur stone carvings, dinosaur fossils, dinosaur introduction hall, etc. Although there is no dinosaur, it is also great! I heard my mother said that I would go to see the dolphin show. "Well, well..." I shouted excitedly, and we went straight to the performance hall.

As soon as you enter the museum, there are many people. We managed to find a seat. Suddenly, the lights flashed and a march sounded. I saw a dolphin leaping from the water, and a loud dolphin sound came into my ears. I applauded! The trainer threw a ball and saw two dolphins jump into the air. One of them put the ball on his head. They are like Yao Ming and Beckham playing basketball. From time to time, I stared at them patiently and waited for their wonderful moment, and from time to time, I stood up to cheer them on. After about 20 minutes, the performance was over, and I reluctantly left the Dolphin Hall

Childhood is a beautiful picture, recording my growth one by one. From one lens to another, I have become mature step by step!

I was very (4)

That time, I was shocked.

By chance, I followed my parents to Nanjing and visited the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall. The shocking scenes are vivid.

Before entering the museum, I saw a huge statue in the distance, facing up to the sky, as if muttering to myself. Walking forward, it is shocking. A ragged mother was holding a dead child in her hand. Her eyes were full of grief and indignation, but most of them were helpless and hopeless. She bent her knees as if to kneel. She seems to be begging God: "God, open your eyes..."

The air is getting heavier and heavier. Under the cloudy sky, I saw a series of striking characters: 1937. 12。 13——1938。 1. 300000 victims. Behind those figures, I seem to see pictures: the ferocious Japanese invaders in China are grinning and killing our compatriots. Those panicked children, unarmed women and children, fled everywhere in a panic. A child hiding in a pile of firewood was about to be found by Japanese devils. He was so frightened that he tried to cover his mouth and closed his eyes. The Japanese devil approached him step by step... I was so scared that I covered my eyes. "This is the 'mass grave'" My thoughts were suddenly pulled back by my father. Across the glass at my feet, I saw piles of skeletons, and my heart was shocked again: what did they do wrong? To be so mutilated.

After leaving the "mass grave", the sun has spread all over the earth, and finally the clouds have come to light. At the exit of the memorial hall, another huge statue, like the Statue of Liberty, holds an angel like baby in the left hand, a white dove in the right hand, and the word "peace" is inspiring. I took a deep breath and could not help sighing: "It's good to be born in a peaceful age!"

"Remember history and cherish peace." I will never forget that shock!

I was very (5)

In life, there are many things that are beyond our reach, happiness and pain, distress and regret, touching and shock... I want to thank people who do not know where they are now. Are you OK?

You should be the dirtiest old man I have ever seen. You are unkempt and wrinkled. Your tired eyes are full of blood. With messy hair, you can be seen near the dustbin in the community every day. When others see you, you look like an alien, so they immediately detour. You have a small shabby house, which is full of waste products. People in the community don't like you very much, and I am no exception.

I remember once, my mother asked me to go down to throw away waste products, and specifically told me to stay away from you. While listening, I trotted downstairs. Seeing you, I didn't dare to approach you, so I ran quickly to the front of your small shabby house, threw away books with one hand, and ran out quickly with the other hand pinching my nose. I saw that you opened your mouth to say something to me, but I just waved my hand to show no money, He left three steps at a time, leaving you with a blank face.

I don't know how long it took me to forget this matter. I met you again in front of your hut. You held my hand excitedly, and I drew back in fear. But you didn't mean to stop. Your hands were making random gestures in the air. I was stunned. It turns out that you can't speak. In a moment, I felt sorry for you and felt that you were really poor. You pointed to my pile of books and took out hundreds of yuan from your small bag. I was stunned. I think you might want to say that the money was found in my pile of books. You saw that I didn't understand the meaning, so you forced the money into my hands and left in a hurry. Watching your stooped back go away gradually, I was stunned, holding the money in my hand, my throat seemed to be blocked by the strong feelings aroused in my heart.

I was in no mood all the way. I was thinking that you also need this money, why not keep it by yourself? I know this money is very important for you. Maybe it can solve your food and clothing problem, because you have no children, wear rags, live in a small shabby house, and ride a small shabby car. You need this money very much.

After a while, I finally figured out that you are not a dirty and smelly old woman, but an old man full of moral fragrance. After I figured it out, I immediately ran to your little shabby house, but I didn't see you. I saw that the little shabby house was cleaned clean and full of flowers inside and outside. The flowers gave off fragrance, and I couldn't help crying. I also thank you to your face, How are you, dear old man?

There are always many regrets in life. If I meet you again, I will sincerely say to you: "I was very grateful to you that time, and I am grateful for you......"

I was very (6)

I remember clearly that last Monday, we went back to the classroom after raising the national flag. After class, the teacher came in with a stack of notebooks and said, "From now on, Class 5 will set up 20 study groups and 20 study group leaders. Which 20 students will stand up and take the initiative?" The monitor Liu Ye stood up without hesitation, and Li Weilian also raised her hand. I think that since these two students took the initiative to assume this responsibility, as a member of Class 5, I should also take the initiative. But I don't have the courage. Should we stand up or not? I thought anxiously, very embarrassed.

There are more and more students standing up, and I am like an ant on a hot pot - -- anxious. The number of students who stood up was two at first, and now it is five times as many as it is. At this time, I remembered a sentence that my teacher often said: "Class 5 is a large group, and we should unite and help each other in any case, otherwise it will not work well. Students, whether good or not, should contribute to the class. Only in this way can the teacher be happy." Although this sentence inspired me, I still lack courage.

Now there are 17 students standing up, but there are still three left... If you don't stand up, there may be no chance. I took the initiative to stand up. Teacher Meng said to me with a smile: "Li Hongxia, you are willing to stand up at last. Thank you for helping the group!" I was extremely shy and blushed like a ripe apple. I bowed my head and smiled.

This incident inspired me: to contribute to the class is to reduce the burden of teachers. Be brave in everything you do, and never be cowardly. If you are afraid, others will think you are a weak and useless person. You can't be looked down upon!

I was very (7)

That time, my father called back at noon and asked me happily: "Yumin, where are my mother and sister?" I said: "At home." My father said cheerfully: "Come down, let's go climbing!" I listened, put down the phone and jumped three feet high! Then he ran to the sixth floor and told his mother. Mother told her sister. After listening to this, my sister shouted, "I won't go, I won't go, I just won't go!" My mother tried to persuade her not to go, so I had to go with my mother. Alas, I can't help it. My sister always disagrees with us.

It took us a long time just to persuade my sister. Damn it, Dad is urging again! We hurried down. Look, ah! Dad doesn't have a car! How can we go up the mountain? Dad lied to us. His car didn't break down, but he lied to us about it!

That time, we looked everywhere for a car. At night, we haven't found it yet. I'm so angry! My feet are blistered! I was really taken in by my father again! A few days later, my sister proudly said to me: "Yumin, do you know why I didn't climb the mountain that day?" I asked curiously: "Why?" My sister smiled and said: "I know Dad is lying to you!" Hearing this, I was so angry that I couldn't find the southeast, northwest and northwest!

When my father came back from work, I said to him angrily, "Dad, why did you cheat me and my mother that day?" My father bowed his head with shame and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I really can't help it. Please understand my father's difficulties." After listening, I felt that my father was sincere, so I didn't get angry again.

I was very (8)

On that day, my mother bought me a new suit of clothes. I was very happy. That's a pink suit. There is a pink flower on the dress, a peach heart in the heart, and many lace.

My mother told me that today, she would go to the street and ask me to put on that new suit. I put on my new clothes and went to the street. Suddenly, I saw my father.

Mom said, "Go and call Dad." I ran to him and shouted, "Dad!"

Dad asked, "Are you happy with your new clothes?" I said, "Yes!"

I feel very happy to wear new clothes today!

I was very (9)

Today is Sunday. My mother plans to ask me to memorize all the books in one day and to record videos for me in the evening, but I don't think so.

However, as soon as I opened the book, I found that there were so many words like ants, but I recited them carefully and loudly. Time flew by like an arrow, but I had not recited a lesson yet. Suddenly, a bad idea came into my mind, thinking: as long as I could roughly copy everything that I could not recite, then, Then put the paper in a place where no one else can see it, but let yourself see it. In this way, you can muddle through. Time flies by like an arrow.

Soon it was time for my mother to come back. The doorbell rang "ding ding". My mother picked up the book and began to record videos for me without saying anything in a hurry. Before long, my mother found my copy, tore it up immediately, and was scolded. I cried sadly, I saw my mother pick up a napkin to wipe away my tears on my face. Suddenly, I was deeply moved by my mother's deep love. She also told me a truth: before doing something, we should judge whether it can be done through our brains, and then do it again. Finally, after listening to my mother's words, we recited all the books in a few hours.

My mother's love touched me, lit up the road to literature for me, and led me to the road to world literature. Mother's love is as pure as water, which is remembered in my heart.

I was very (10)

One day in the summer vacation, my grandfather bought me a cute, cute, cute puppy. I like it very much and name it Doudou.

On the second day, I got up very early and got up at 6 o'clock. After I finished my homework, I happily ran to the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator and took out a ham sausage from it. The moment I closed the door, I heard "bark, bark, bark"? What's the noise? Suddenly, I felt that someone was biting my pants. So I looked down and saw that it was Doudou. I looked at where it looked and asked it gently: Are you hungry? It quickly "barked", as if to say "I'm hungry". After listening, I opened the delicious food in my hand and fed it one mouthful at a time.

Every morning we play together, run together, eat together and so on.

But when I got up to go to the bathroom that day, I heard that someone seemed to be there, so I went to have a look, but I accidentally touched the table. When I came back to my senses, the person answered that the person was already beside me. I called and woke up to find that I was tied to a chair. Suddenly, I found a bright thing opposite me. It's Doudou!

I was saved, but Doudou didn't escape the villain's knife in order to save me.

I was very (11)

Childhood is like a diary. As soon as I open it, the past sentence will be displayed in front of me like a picture. Now I will take out a pencil and write about the recent events!

I remember that time I made dumplings at noon, but only my second sister and my mother were making dumplings at home. Besides, there are a lot of dumpling fillings. My mother is the only one who is making dumplings. I'm sure she can't make them quickly. What shall I do? Yes, I will go to pack it together, and I will say to my mother, "Mom, let me pack it with you“

My mother said to let me play. I was very angry and said, "Why can't I make dumplings? I can make dumplings too, and they look better than yours!" My mother smiled without saying anything.

I washed my hands and lifted my sleeves. Prepare for a big fight. So, I first stared at my mother's every move beside her. First, my mother picked up a piece of dumpling skin, ordered a little water, drew a semicircle on the dumpling skin with a perfect string line, and then picked up chopsticks to place a few and many Ming fillings in the middle of the dumpling skin. Finally, the two semicircles are overlapped, and a few more wrinkles are added to make a perfect dumpling!

"OK! Remember, this is too simple.

Look carefully - there was too little stuffing. After the last lesson, I made another one, "Hmm, this one is much better than the last one!" After another renovation, I finally made a perfect dumpling. At that moment, I was very happy!

I was very (12)

I remember that in New Oriental class, people in the first row were required to endorse, so everyone played smart and recited only when sitting in the first row. That's what I do (this is called mastering the law). But something unexpected happened. When I came to the classroom bouncing, I was told to pull my back today! (It's good to use the beginning of the language and set suspense.)

My God, my earth, my chocolate! I was busy with the dance exam this week, and I didn't pay attention to those sentences and words. I hurriedly took out the book and opened it. My eyes were about to pop out. I thought that so much content would be memorized in the future. I really answered the saying "The devil is one foot taller than the devil". However, it was too late to regret. Lin Miaomiao said in the TV drama "Teenager Sect", "How can I care about things after death? How many days will it be?". There is nothing wrong with her in the story, but I am in the jaws of death. I put down the book in a hurry and had to cram temporarily.

After going back and forth for more than 10 times, all the students were giggling. I didn't know whether I won the grand prize or was the first in the exam, or was gloating at me. I really wanted to stick stickers to their mouths. It was really "a full man doesn't know a hungry man is hungry". I closed my eyes, stuffed my ears, chattered, read my soul out of the body, or... didn't recite it.

At this time, the sound of teacher B's lecture pulled my soul back. When I calmed down, the teacher was about to pull his back. Don't order me. I was lying on the table like a piece of dog skin plaster, eyes closed, and sweat. Keep Amitabha in mind, Amitabha. I won't, I won't, I really won't, next time I will recite the homework you assigned, please forgive me this time

The teacher's footsteps were getting closer and closer. My heart was in my throat, as if I would jump out of my mouth the next second. Why, the teacher went back! God, thank God for his kindness. I will burn three sticks of incense tonight. Thank you for your blessing! A false alarm, calm like me, lucky like me. (The ending is unique, natural, restrained and vivid)

I was very (13)

There are many stories of growth. There are happiness, luck and sadness, and today I am really sad.

In the morning, Mr. Sun came into the classroom and slammed the door behind him. The whole class turned their eyes to the test paper in the teacher's hand. "This exam was very bad! Now the group leader hands out the test papers." When I opened the test papers, it was only 88 points. I feel empty in my mind, and people have become eggplants with frost. I remember that the unit test was very simple. I finished the test after three times, five times and two times. I didn't check it carefully and handed in the paper in a hurry. Why was the score so low? When I looked at the test paper carefully, I found that the calculation question had to be calculated vertically, but I wrote it as a formula, and this answer was deducted by 9 points. I am both sad and regretful. If I could examine the question carefully, or finish the examination paper, and check it carefully again, I would not make this low-level mistake.

All morning long, I was in a mood of "dark clouds", and had not yet recovered enough. In the afternoon, Mr. Liang issued a half term simulation paper, "82 points!" My lowest score since school, I was extremely sad! Tears of frustration flowed out. I didn't dare to look up at the teacher's eyes. I was very dissatisfied with myself.

After school, I felt very heavy and went home dejected. Seeing me listless, my mother asked me: "What's wrong with you?" I nervously took out the test paper and said hesitantly: "I didn't do well in Chinese and math." Although my mother didn't scold me, my face was burning. My mother patiently analyzed the reasons why I failed in the exam.

Although I am very sad today, I also understand that no pay, no return. In the future, I will work hard. I must be careful and careful when doing the questions.

I was very (14)

One evening, my mother and I went out for a walk. Suddenly, I saw a small spider weaving a web between two wooden piles in an inconspicuous place.

It vomited a silver thread from its belly, and then turned clockwise, sticking it together with its feet flexibly. Gradually, the outline of the net appeared in front of my eyes, which was a polygon. The next step is simpler: it goes up and down from the periphery to the center. The faster it weaves, the more beautiful it weaves. It is really like a skillful weaver, and soon weaves into a large and dense net. I think: now spiders can wait quietly for their prey to bite. Unexpectedly, at this time, a big flying insect rampaged into the Internet. The spider thought that the "big meal" was coming, but ran over to have a look. The web was hit by a big hole, and the big meal had already flown away. It quickly mended the net. Within a minute, a complete network appeared again.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew. Just when I felt cool, when I saw the spider web, something unfortunate happened again. The web that the spider has just repaired has been "completely destroyed". But it was not discouraged, and began to work up and down again, and continued to weave a net. After a while, a beautiful net appeared again before my eyes. Just then, a small flying insect hit the Internet and struggled desperately. The spider flew past in a flash and enjoyed its dinner with relish.

I was moved by the tenacious spirit of this little spider. Yes, the power of the spider seems insignificant, but it is single-minded and persistent, so it can weave the web so finely. Just like water drops, if you stick to the end, you can drop through the stone. We encounter "roadblocks" in our study. As long as we calm down and devote ourselves, "roadblocks" will also be defeated by us.

The cool wind blows again. I think spiders have to work again. I am very moved to think of its spirit of unremitting efforts.

I was very (15)

At the end of the last term, Mr. Wu took the exam, and let us do a lot of papers. One of the saddest times for me was at night. That night, we did our homework carefully. The students were all very happy because there was less homework. Suddenly, fortunately, Mr. Wu brought a pile of test papers. In a flash, the students' happiness disappeared from their faces, and they were helpless and worried. But Mr. Wu didn't seem to see this. He still gave everyone a test paper and said that we didn't want to hear it. When we got the test paper and looked at it, it was hard not to sigh and complain. But we are still careful and work on it word for word. Suddenly, I was puzzled. Is this question "changing the wrong sentence" revised in the original place? Or do you use revision symbols on the test paper? After thinking for a long time, I couldn't figure it out, let alone figure it out, so I thought; This question says to modify a bad sentence, but it doesn't say where to modify it. Whatever! So I stole a lazy and revised the original sentence. When I finished, I looked from beginning to end. Mmm! I thought it was good, so I handed the test paper to the teacher for correction. It's my turn. I see that other students have given more than 90 points. My heart is beating. Full marks were given for questions 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, and 5 points were deducted for questions 6 and 12. Seeing this, I felt like a knife in my heart, because this time I scored 90 points, which was my lowest score. My twelve questions are reasonable, but the sixth one breaks my heart. But I had to stop crying in front of Mr. Wu, who was very serious. I was thinking, how can I blame you for not writing how to revise the sixth question? I walked beside the toilet, and the tears of frustration fell out of my eyes. I cried, very sad. I was thinking that if I didn't slack off, I could give 95 points. Thinking of this, my tears fell from my eyes again. After this education, I dare not be lazy any more. I also learned some life philosophies: if you take a thing seriously, not careless, not lazy, you will get good results. If you don't take a thing seriously, carelessness and laziness, your consequences will make you very sad. That time, I was really sad. 600 words of composition

I was very (16)

I was born in an ordinary family, where I felt sorrow and distress, but more joy and happiness.

When I was young, I was very naughty. My parents were busy with their work and often had no time to take care of me, so I was very sad. The family is lifeless all day long. I can't stand this lonely and boring day.

It was my 10th birthday. The night before, I wrote down my wish for birthday on a piece of paper in poor language, hoping my parents could see it. The next day my father came back from the outside with a big cake and my mother with a big basket of vegetables. They said to me, "Honey, this is for you. Today is your birthday, and we celebrate your birthday." I was very moved, and then asked, "Aren't you going to work today?" My parents said in unison, "Take a leave today." Suddenly, my eyes were moist, I stayed there for a long time, so my mother had to call me over. On this birthday night, our family happily sang "Happy Birthday to You" and tasted delicious food made by mother. From that day on, my parents have spent more time with me.

This time, I really felt happiness, happiness, and love from my parents. Now, I am very happy.

Grade 6: Yi Cheng

I was very (17)

On that occasion, I was really disappointed. Nie Hao, from Class 5, Grade 6, Yuxi Primary School, Daozhen County, said that the most important thing in tourism is to take pictures with beautiful scenery as the real background. A few years later, if you look at those photos again, it seems that you will return to the place where the long river of memory is almost forgotten. That time, my parents and I could leave good memories on the ship on the sea, But because of the camera, my dream of seeing my father's comrades on the other side shouting loudly and playing happily with my family on the ship was completely shattered! That summer vacation, my family went to Xiamen to play. In the morning, we went to the sea to take a ship. On the way, my father bought a new film and put it into the camera. When we got on the boat, we were some distance from the coast. My father asked me and my mother to stand on the deck with our backs to the sea, and we were ready to take a group photo with the sea as the background. I stood with my mother for a long time, but there was no movement from my father. I ran to my father and asked him what was wrong. My father said angrily, "This camera is broken." I said with half a doubt, "No! Yesterday it was still good, but today it is broken." Just then, my father met his old comrade in arms on the ship, who had not seen him for many years, and put this matter aside for the time being. The ship was slowly sailing on the sea. Suddenly, it began to rain heavily. In the dim light, Dad and his comrades in arms met on the ship unexpectedly found that there were many former comrades in arms on the opposite shore, and they began to shout loudly. In the rain, the comrades in arms on the other side also found Dad and waved to each other. As the boat headed back, the dads' clothes were all wet. It's a pity that this moving scene could not be recorded with the camera. When I got home, my father sighed a long time and said, "What a pity!" Several years later, when I thought about this, I couldn't help sighing: "That time, I was really disappointed!"

I was very (18)

On Sunday, Liu Tao's brother's grandmother turned 80. My father and Liu Tao's father were classmates. My father said that Liu Changren's mother was full of life. We should go there. Dad called Uncle Li Yong and Uncle Zhang Jiankang and told them to go to Chi Village to have a drink. Uncle Li Yong drove the Toyota to my door. He honked his horn twice, and I heard him, so I went downstairs with my father and went to Chi Village to have a drink in a Toyota. I saw many people digging sweet potatoes in the fields. When we got to Chi Village, I went to eat. After dinner, I asked my father to buy something for me with five yuan. He gave me five yuan. I was very happy. After a while, I bought something for two yuan, and there was three yuan left. I bought a gun, and I hurried to ask my father to get a lighter to fire the gun for me. I came to my father and smiled and said, "Dad, please give me the lighter." He said, "No," I don't know why he said no, so I ran down and walked angrily. My father didn't see it at that time. Less than an hour later, I walked back from Chi Village. When I got home, I took off my shoes and lay on the bed. At that time, I was very unhappy, I'm angry. After lying down for a while, I got up and watched TV on the sofa. There was a knock on the door. I thought it might be my father coming back. I don't seem to have heard it. Just don't open the door. According to the truth, it may be that Mom bought furniture back, right? The sound became louder and louder. I couldn't stand it, so I ran barefoot to open the door. At first sight, it's Mom! I was terrified. She roared: "Let me go, I'll come in and change my shoes!". Suddenly, my father came back after my mother. My father smiled and said, "Son, eat fruit." I didn't pay any attention to him. Dad, don't you feel that I was really angry that time?