My 800 word composition (high-quality 19)
Every year is like a song
2023-08-20 01:43:32
Senior One

My 800 word composition (1)

I'm tired of listening to some songs; Some people walk and disperse.


It's hard to buy friends. It's easy to have many friends. It has been rippling in my ears. Yes, it is enough to have a bosom friend in life. A friend is the best companion in your life and the person who can understand you best.

A friend is like a fresh green leaf. When you are bored, you can always get fresh breeze. A man walked on his way home, walked for a while, stopped for a while, and disappeared again. There is no one at home today. My mother went back home to celebrate Grandma's birthday, leaving me alone and a quiet room. But today is my birthday. How can you ask? At this time, I could not control my eyes, and two crystal tears fell from my cheeks.

I don't want to go home and face the silent room again. I ran to the classroom, but I bumped into you. We met unexpectedly, and you looked at me in surprise. "What happened?" A short word popped up. No, nothing. I quickly wiped away my tears. Just wanted to walk back to the classroom, but you held my hand tightly until I asked why I wanted to give up, but did not dare to look at your face directly.

When you chased me, I said the reason. Your "I'm sorry" reminded me, and then it was a "Happy birthday to you". I cry. Today you are the first person to say happy birthday to me. You wipe away my tears and pull me forward.

A friend is like a cup of sweet water. When you taste bitter water, you will get another cup of sweet water. A man was lying on his desk, tears streaming relentlessly, and the paper tightly held in his hand was unrecognizable. Another heavy blow exhausted me. The red cross and the dazzling score completely shattered my heart and could never be retrieved. The gray sky outside the window makes me unable to breathe. You come to my seat again and again to comfort me, but I am like a bird with broken wings, and can no longer fly in the blue sky. You walk in front of me. We look at each other first, and then you pull me outside. "It's no use crying. I failed this time. Next time I try, remember that this time I can't represent the future. The future is in our hands. Come on, don't give up, I believe you can do it."

The sun shines through the branches and fingers, and a warm breath permeates my heart.

Friends are like listening machines without regrets. No matter what you say, they listen sincerely. I'm not satisfied with everything. At this time, I just want to find someone who can listen to me. I stared at the outside, but you suddenly pulled me out of the classroom. In the face of your sincerity, I said, "You are disgusting." No matter what I said, you still listened wholeheartedly. I took out the mountains of things one by one. You are happy, so am I.

It's good to have friends. Share with me, sweet or bitter.

What is scattered is only the surface, but what cannot be erased is the inner monologue.

My 800 Word Composition (2)

Is the most important flower in my life, although she is not as proud as wintersweet; Not as delicate as peony; Not as graceful as lily. But the mother has the same demeanor as them.

Once, because of my carelessness, I went out to play without finishing my homework. When I came back at night, my mother saw that I had not done my homework well, and said, "Are you still so careless when I am so old? Don't you understand the importance of learning at all? I..." I was so angry that I had a big quarrel with my mother, and then ran out angrily because I was carrying a mobile phone and worried about my mother calling, So I shut down the machine, walked alone, came to the bridge and sat on the pier, looking up at the sky. She said to the star, "Mother is so annoying. She always lets me study, study, and manage the east and the west..."

As time went by, I felt sleepy, but I didn't want to go home. Maybe it was my mother's nagging. Stay outside for a while, thinking like this, I got down from the pier and slowly wandered along the road.

As I walked, I found that I was on my way home. I think I was wrong. It was clearly because I didn't do my homework well and went out to play and quarreled with my mother. Should I? Thinking of my own mistakes, I felt a little sorry for my mother. Forget it, I'd better hurry home. I think my mother must be very worried. What time is it now? I turn on my phone, God! Eleven missed calls and twenty messages. You should understand that mother seldom sends messages, almost never sends them. All of a sudden, what a state of mind she should be. I dare not call back, afraid of hearing my mother's anxious voice. I quickly sent a message, "Mom, I'm going home now." Then I ran to home with all my strength, home - that's the shelter for my soul.

When I got home, I took out the key and gently opened the door. I crept into the house. The light was on. My mother came out of the room and calmly said to me, "Go to bed after taking a bath." After washing, I lay in bed thinking that my mother would forgive me? My mother's expression has told me that she has forgiven me. My mother is very tolerant to me, but I am always rebellious, always covered with thorns, making others realize their own existence with blood. I steered my horse forward on the plain of life, and my mother accompanied me all the way in my teenage days without any regrets.

Mother is a flower, let me learn tolerance.

Mother is a flower, let me learn patience.

Mother is a flower, let me learn dedication.

Mother is a flower, let me learn to be strong.

Mother is a flower, let me learn to insist.

"The thread in the hands of a loving mother, the coat of a wandering son" makes me really appreciate the greatness of maternal love. Mother is a flower in my life, the most important one in my life, and the most beautiful one in my life. It also made me deeply understand the true meaning of "who can say anything, and win the Three Chunhui"!

My 800 Word Composition (3)

"The hot spring water is boiling and clear, and the source of immortality is far away from the Dansha. It is dense with purple dew, and the misty clouds connect Chicheng." This is a poem about hot springs written by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty.

When it comes to hot springs, they are also famous in Hebei Province. But I never had the chance to go. This summer, I was lucky to go there.

We got on the bus and arrived soon! When we got off the bus, the first thing we saw was the magnificent archway, which was composed of four huge red painted pillars and a door plaque! It's a traditional hot spring. Moreover, there are many lifelike patterns carved on the archway, including dragon, phoenix, and many other patterns! It's beautiful. Entering the archway is a winding mountain road. Go down the mountain road! Walking for half an hour, we are almost at the hot spring! Look! On the left is the Cultural Corridor, on which many ancient and modern celebrities' nouns and famous sentences are written. On the right is the newly built Shenlong Corridor, which looks like a winding dragon across the mountains from a distance. We walked on, crossed the arch bridge, and saw a huge tripod. Go further and you will come to the famous spring!

Zongquan is located under the hexagonal Yonggui Pavilion. Yonggui Pavilion has six pillars, and there is a dragon on the edge of the pavilion top. It seems very powerful. Below the Yonggui Pavilion is the total spring. The mouth of the total spring is hexagonal, and it is protected by iron railings. It is said that spring water contains more than 30 kinds of minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and iron, which have therapeutic effects on many diseases. The temperature of the total spring water is 68 ℃, and from time to time, it emits hot gas from the spring mouth to the outside. Looking down from the mouth of the spring, the crystal clear spring water is rolling up and splashing, as if the spring water is boiling.

There is a cold spring not far from the total spring. The water temperature of this spring is only 0 ℃, while the water temperature of the total spring not far from it is 68 ℃. It's so close to each other, but the temperature difference is so big. It's really wonderful!

We walked on and saw the Longevity Wall, Jellyfish Temple and other scenic spots. When we were ready to go home, we also filled several bottles of water from Weiquan. We wanted to add more water from Yanquan, but it was destroyed by people because of poor protection. What a pity!

On the way home, I also think of the beautiful scenery of this hot spring from time to time. This hot spring trip really gives me a lot of aftertaste.

My 800 word composition (4)

Standing at the far end of my memory, I turned to look behind my mother. Her eyes were full of missing me.

From childhood to adulthood, I have read many articles, many of which are about praising maternal love, because maternal love makes people warm. In some articles, it will be mentioned that every time we leave, we always give our parents a back view and seldom look back, while our parents always look into our back view until they can't see us.

Is it just watching us leave? In addition to worrying about us, we actually want to look back at them. Sometimes, we always think that time flows like water, but sometimes we can slow down, take a look at the world, and get together with our families. As long as we arrive at the station early, we will not be in such a hurry. We can say goodbye to our families, and look back when we leave. They must still be looking at you there. I believe that at the moment you turn back, Their hearts must be sweet. This is not just a simple look back, but a response to their love.

My mother is a very strong person, and her spirit always affects me. I used to tell my mother about things I met on campus or in life, asking for solutions or complaining. Whenever this time, my mother will be very patient to reason with me, let me gradually untie the knot.

Every time she comes home, the house is clean and tidy. She is a very emotional person and also a very open-minded person. She told me that people will always get something and lose something in this life. The cost of time is mutual. Everyone in the world will encounter different situations every day, and different gains and losses. At this time, people's mood is extremely important. If we care too much about ourselves, then we are also very tired. Maybe we have lost a lot of things due to this event during this period of time, and there is some imbalance in our mind. But looking back later, it is just like this. It is best to live in the present.

Mother said that having a kind heart is more important than anything. Being open-minded will make your life much brighter. Every time I talked with my mother, I kept in mind the truth she said and benefited a lot. My mother always thought for me, and the values she conveyed to me were also correct, which made me avoid many detours.

My mother, although she is not as young as I am, and she has a quick reaction to things, but the truth she taught me has benefited me for life and has a profound impact.

I will also become a woman like my mother, be a cheerful, open-minded, kind-hearted person, and repay her with my own struggle.

My 800 word composition (5)

After entering the sixth grade of primary school, my full and regular study life has made me live almost the same every day. If you don't believe me, please read down.

Every morning, I reluctantly open my dim little eyes in my mother's "Lion Roar Skill", and then I can't help falling asleep again. In the sleepwalking, I feel to put on the clothes beside the pillow, and vaguely brush my teeth, wash my face, and comb my hair. Then I sat down at the table. At this time, I was awake. I hurriedly grabbed two mouthfuls of rice, put on my shoes, wore a red scarf while walking, and then ran to school with my mother's nagging voice.

In fact, I arrive at school not late, almost every day before opening the school gate, which is my habit. The first lesson was math. The math teacher was very enthusiastic about the definition of math on the platform, but the following students couldn't sit still. They didn't know whether to talk about interesting games or beautiful cartoons. They were whispering below. The math teacher was furious and painstakingly began the thought baptism: "Mathematics is a course that can make you smart. You can't leave it anywhere in your future life. Unlike Chinese, you can just write a few words."

At this time, the bell rang, and we breathed a long sigh of relief. A short ten minutes later is the Chinese class. After the Chinese teacher has instilled Chinese knowledge, he also baptized our thoughts: "The language of our country has a long history and is broad and profound, unlike the math class, which is just a matter of writing a few questions." Next, I only saw the expression of the Chinese teacher who hates iron but does not become steel, and I don't know what else to say.

Fortunately, the next English class was very interesting, and there was no thought baptism. In the fourth music class, we learned "Ten minutes between classes". We really want to sing "Forty minutes between classes" for ten minutes in class.

In the afternoon, we had two PE classes. In PE class, we had forgotten the wisdom and practicality of mathematics and the profoundness of Chinese. We ran and chased like wild horses on the playground.

After school, I finished my homework, and there are still very difficult tasks waiting for me - to practice the piano, I need to make a great determination to go to the piano, and I have to practice for an hour every day. The nightmare began on the day when I began to learn the piano, hey! I don't know when I can get rid of the bitter sea of piano practice. After practicing the piano, I will quickly close the piano, "whoosh" downstairs, and go crazy for a while with my friends who have been waiting for me.

When I get home in the evening, I will watch TV while eating. This is my favorite news program to learn about things around me, something that is not a national event but is very interesting. After watching it, I climbed into my little bed and fell asleep.

This is my day. Is it full and interesting?

My 800 word composition (6)

The thread in the mother's hand, the coat of the wandering son's body. Before leaving, I am afraid of returning late. Who said that the heart of grass inch, reported three Chunhui.


Whenever I read the poem "Wanderers Sing", I always cry. When I recall the past of my mother, isn't it a true portrayal of the great mother? My mother's position in my mind is irreplaceable. With her words and deeds, I interpret what is a perfect person, paving the way for my growth with flowers, so that the difficulties on the way no longer become so terrible. Mother, she has a kind heart, so in my mind, she is worthy of the title of a good wife and mother. In short, my mother has given me the most selfless love, which is endless, like the number of stars in the sky is also countless.

When I searched my mind for the location of my mother, I always could not help thinking of such a thing: I remember that it was a summer night. I suddenly had a fever of about 39 °, and my whole body was cold and trembling. The veins in my hands showed up. When my mother saw this situation, she was really shocked. When she responded, she rushed me to the hospital. The doctor on duty in the hospital advised my mother not to worry, but that the fever caused by high inflammation in the body should be treated with a drip. During my stay in the hospital, my mother accompanied me all the time and took care of me meticulously. My mother's worried face made me feel distressed. How could I let my mother take care of me like this? I suddenly saw that my mother's white face was covered with wrinkles, and there were several dazzling white hairs hidden in her black hair. The traces of time were everywhere. Only then did I understand that it was "maternal love", which was the most selfless love my mother gave me.

Now, my mother has aged a lot. Mother's hands are full of calluses and wrinkles. Mother's hands have gone through the vicissitudes of the world. The precipitation of time has become unbearable. But in my heart, it is still so safe and solid. My mother gives me endless pressure virtually every day when she works hard. Mother, your daughter is also growing up slowly. From now on, let me, the daughter, do for you what you have done for me.

Mother, I will always love you. I will make you proud of me and repay you with excellent achievements.

My 800 word composition (7)

Everyone says that Jiangnan is good. Tourists only like the old people in Jiangnan. The spring water is blue in the sky. They paint boats and sleep in the rain. The people beside the loessial floor are like the moon. Their wrists are bright and frosty. Do not return home before they are old. Returning home is heartbreaking.


With white tiles and black eaves, I can see that I have been immersed in the beautiful scenery of a new day, moving forward and stepping into the heart soaked Jiangnan?

When the spring water of a river passes by, the two sides look at each other, just a few meters away, and there is a sense of affinity. Leaning against the cold white tile, look! The water from Jiangnan is coming! Sometimes she sang softly, sometimes the zither played harmoniously. Could it be that the sound of "big pearls and small pearls falling on the jade plate" played by the pipa girl was heard by the empty and clear water? The water surface is calm, like a reclusive woman, calm and peaceful, as bright as satin; Look at the color of the water. It looks like the green hairpin on the head of a slim woman. A glimpse of this green can wash away all the dust in your heart that has been enduring due to worldly disputes. Is it not the glazed tile on the Heaven Palace that has been stained with spirit and fallen into the world! A little thirsty, a handful of water gently sipped, cool and pleasant, can not help but smile. He raised his head and drove past an awning boat. When the water woke up, he calmly gave way to the boat.

With the water in the south of the Yangtze River, the sun is rising higher and higher with the clouds... Moving forward, it is a small teahouse with a rather simple style. Although the front door is simple, it is still warmly received. Without loud announcement, the shop owner will bring a porcelain pot, hold a handful of fragrant Longjing, and take a small blue and white porcelain cup to fill the cup, chew carefully, and taste the oldest historical charm in the south of the Yangtze River. Dishes of pastries are put on the table, the bright colors are stained by the eyes, the sweet taste is melted by the tip of the tongue, and the sweet ancient rhyme slides into the throat and melts into the heart.

Looking back slightly, I saw a delicate oil paper umbrella painted with blue birds, clothes printed with blue calico, and a bamboo basket full of fruits. A girl with a long tune walked past. I was absent-minded for a long time. Although she is neither golden nor elegant, she has inexpressible elegance and calm, which is the unique natural style of women in the south of the Yangtze River. With the beauty's back, the boring time in the afternoon also becomes comfortable.

Out of the teahouse, along the path, time also slipped away unconsciously, the fiery sun carrying clouds, painted the last color. There seems to be a volume of poetry in front of me. "When spring comes, the river is as green as blue, and I can't remember the south of the Yangtze River". This is the clear water of the south of the Yangtze River. I can't let go of it when I see its true face; "There are hundreds of thousands of people living on the Yanliu painted bridge", which is its prosperous and prosperous age, rich in resources and abundant in people, shocking you; "Who is the girl in the lotus leaf? She will throw a flower across the water." This is the charm of Jiangnan people, with every smile and every smile, full of spontaneity and nature.

A touch of river water, a cup of tea, a beauty, like a poem, a song. That Jiangnan, that day, permeated my heart.

My 800 word composition (8)

At 9:12 am on January 7, 2008, I was born in Haidian Maternity Hospital. My mother showed me the photos when I was born, ha ha! A plump, red boy with curly black hair, a small nose, a small mouth, lying in the stroller, with small eyes closed, slept soundly! I heard from my mother that when I was young, I was cute and smart, and I liked to laugh very much. Slowly I learned to speak and walk. From kindergarten to primary school.

I am twelve years old this year. During the twelve years of growth, I met many people and experienced many things. These people and things sometimes make me very happy, sometimes they also make me very moved, and sometimes they make me face challenges, increase self-confidence, and let me learn a lot.

Maybe it's because I can't go out this winter vacation, which makes me miss the winter and summer vacations every year. I will travel with my parents and good friends. We have been to many places and left a deep impression on me.

I remember that it was last summer vacation. My family went to Xi'an to play. Xi'an is a very old city, where there are many places of interest, as well as many delicious food. The whole city is surrounded by the ancient city wall, so you can enjoy the panorama of Xi'an by surrounding the city wall. That morning, it was cloudy and rainy. My parents and I came to the city wall. At this time, many tourists from all directions had gathered here. Everyone was ready to ride. My father went to line up to rent a car. I looked around and saw the gray black, old wall bricks, the semicircular, high and deep city gate, and red lanterns hanging neatly on both sides of the city wall. Maybe this is why people call it the "ancient capital". Dad rented a single bike and a double bike. My mother was worried that the ground would be slippery and unsafe, and suggested that my father and I ride a tandem bike. It is the first time to ride a bike on the city wall, and it will take a long time to ride around the city for a week. This challenge makes me excited! Under my repeated demands, my mother finally promised me that I could ride a single bike. I'm so happy! Maybe it is because of the gradient of the city wall. I always feel that my body leans to one side when I ride a bike, so I must rely on the strength of my upper body to try to master the balance. Sometimes it goes uphill, sometimes it goes downhill, sometimes there are too many people or you have to push down a step. Although some legs are sore, it's really enjoyable! We take each corner tower as the end of a section. At each end, we will get off to take photos and remember. After a while, it was sunny, the sun came out, and we were about to reach the end of the whole journey. We rode for three hours. I didn't feel tired at all, but I felt a little reluctant. I really wanted more!

In the whole process of cycling, I not only exercised my body, but also learned more about the ancient city of Xi'an. I feel really great to be able to complete a 3-hour long cycling!

This trip to Xi'an is just a small part of my growing experience. There will be more interesting things and more challenges in my life. I will face them bravely. This is me, a happy person.

My 800 Word Composition (9)

It's cold and it's the peak season.

My mother's clothes store will be new in the new season. My mother decided to go to Hangzhou to buy new clothes on the weekend, regardless of my study. She is a man of resolute action. She said she would leave. Because my mother ordered a batch of goods before she went out, and the goods arrived the next day as soon as she left. So I was called a "strong man".

Early in the morning, I was still chatting with Mr. Zhou warmly, and my grandma dragged me out of the soft and warm quilt. It's cold again this week! The late autumn has the meaning of early winter. I was depressed while brushing my teeth. It was not easy to have a weekend when I didn't need to make up homework. I just wanted to sleep a little more. Why? No, I don't want to, I really don't want to go! Don't go even if you are dead.

Half an hour later, I stood at the door of the store.

First, I went to the express store near the store with my grandma to pick up the goods. Grandma and I hugged such a huge package and hugged it to the store. Tears were as wide as two noodles in our hearts. My grandmother and I were alone. Her waist fell again just a few days ago. Usually, her tiger like mother is not at home. There is no hope. Only I do more. At this time, I really want to be lazy, but I just think about it. Just about to sit down, Grandma said, "No, there are still some bags. I feel dizzy.".

So I went back and forth. I went back and forth again and again. God, I thought it was nothing. Several clothes could weigh a lot. I thought it was heavy. So I only had three steps to rest and two steps to move the goods back to my shop.

It took me a lot of effort. I think I have finished my work now. Turn on the computer and listen to the music. When I looked up, my grandmother's forehead began to sweat with so many packages. Alas, I had to go into the goods again, unpack them, hang tags, mark the price with the price counter, and then hang them on the clothes rack. All of them were finished. My breath was too long to sigh, and I had to start burning again.

How come there are so many things? I pretended to sit in front of the computer and thought, Grandma, don't call me, don't look for me, don't, I don't want, I'm just a helpless salted fish

However, although my grandma didn't call me, I was on pins and needles when I sat in front of the computer. Grandma's waist hurt, and my mother was also out shopping with her injured leg. There was no way. What I should do could never be avoided. I told my grandmother that if you teach me, I will change hands with you. When you are tired, I will scald you. I'm tired. Come again. Grandma just smiles. It's easy to say. I thought how simple it was. My arms were sore without ironing a few pieces. The short one was OK. If it was a long one, I would squat and bow my waist. Before long, I was exhausted. I muttered that I was still tired. My cold grandmother finally said, "You know, your mother did all these things alone."

Suddenly, I was silent.

On the weekend of working, I miss my mother a little!

My 800 Word Composition (10)

My deskmate composition 800 words (1)

My deskmate's composition is 800 words

My deskmate's composition is 800 words - she has a white apple face, eyebrows bent like the moon, big eyes black and bright, like shiny black pearls, a slightly cocked nose, a small mouth like a cherry, and a head of short black hair. She looks very beautiful.

She is a lively, lovely, innocent girl who laughs all day long. She is our real "pistachio" and often makes us laugh. Because she sprays dew to us before going to bed every day, we give her a nickname called "Ning Pi Pi". She is gentle, polite, approachable and easy to get along with. She seems to have a great attraction. Students like to play with her and listen to her. She is my classmate friend, Ning Shanshan.

She is very helpful. Once Liu Wei in our dormitory caught a cold, she immediately sent Liu Wei to the infirmary when she knew about it, and immediately ran to pick her up after class. After returning to the dormitory, she hurriedly asked Liu Wei to lie down. She didn't bother to call her parents, so she took a hot towel and put it on Liu Wei. She also told Liu Wei not to worry, but to call her if something happened. Slowly, Liu Wei recovered from her illness. She smiled so brightly and sweetly.

She loves reading. In order to seek knowledge, she bought many books, and her drawer was almost a "small library". When she went to bed at noon, everyone else had a rest, but she was still reading. She turned the pages of the book gently for fear of disturbing her classmates. Every time I see a good article, I find that she will conscientiously extract it, so she not only has rich knowledge, but also has good writing skills, often praised by the language teacher. What's more admirable is that she is willing to lend her collected books to her classmates and share her happiness with others. Can this generous and selfless character not be admired?

She is also very cheerful, optimistic, calm when things happen, even if it is a big thing, she always smiles. I have never seen her cry. Her bright smile is like the blooming winter jasmine on campus, infecting everyone around. She likes singing very much. Her singing voice is graceful and beautiful, and she is born with a good voice. She not only sings well, but also gets good grades, always ranking top. At the same time, she has a heart of gold. If you have a problem and can't do it, she will always teach you patiently and never get tired of it until you understand it. I think that although we have not known each other for a long time, we have already established a deep friendship. I believe that in the long days to come, our friendship will be even deeper. We will learn from each other, make progress together, and jointly realize the dream of a brilliant life.

This is my deskmate, my good friend Ning Shanshan.

My deskmate composition 800 words (2)

800 words about my classmate's composition

About my classmate's 800 word composition, he has a "national face", a pair of bright big eyes on the slightly raised jade like bridge of the nose, and a glib and pleasing mouth. This is my classmate Qiu Pengjin.

Qiu Pengjin is the math class representative of our class. She has excellent academic performance and is the teacher's little assistant. He loves to help his classmates and often tells jokes to amuse them, which is the joy of our class.

Once, I was thinking about a thinking problem in a math class test, and I couldn't think of the way to do it. When I was upset, Qiu Pengjin came over and looked at it. He bent down like a little teacher, scratched his smart head, and patiently explained it to me. After the little teacher's careful explanation, the problem was finally solved.

Qiu Pengjin not only loves helping classmates, but also has a special sense of humor.

I remember one time in the class team class, the whole class did not prepare the activity materials in advance, so everyone was silent, afraid that the teacher would be angry. Qiu Pengjin volunteered to come to the stage and used his specialty - telling jokes, which made everyone laugh. The teacher was also infected by us and laughed. When he saw that everyone was so happy, he kept making funny moves, such as chimpanzee faces and monkeys climbing trees. These were his "strange tricks", which made us all very happy. Teachers and students from other classes came to enjoy his performance! For example, when you eat, make a funny face, which makes you almost vomit your meal; In class, I often hide under the desk, and then when the teacher goes out to answer the phone, I jump out to surprise you.

Although he is so mischievous, he is also an expert in sports. In this year's spring sports meeting, he took part in the 400 meter dash. His opponents were all sports masters in the school, each of whom had won a place, but he still withstood the pressure, ran the whole distance, and won the place. He stood out in the competition and won the second place in the whole school, which won the honor for our class!

My classmate Qiu Pengjin is such a helpful, lively and lovely little boy.

My deskmate composition 800 words (3)

My classmate's composition is 800 words

My classmate's composition is 800 words

There was a pig from Gao Laozhuang in his class. Because of the little exercise, half a plastic cup of sodium oxide solution flowed out, so it was called "Bajie".

Bajie can add a lot of fun to our class. No, we are having a math class, and the teacher is concentrating on explaining the topic. In this silence, the teacher's eyes stay on Bajie. We followed the teacher's eyes and saw that Bajie was choking red. When we were wondering, we just listened to the sound of "Puchi --" and Bajie was suddenly refreshed. It turned out that Bajie was going to fart, but he was afraid of disturbing the classroom, so he choked. Finally, his face was red, and his fart was still not choked.

This is very painful for us. The "poison gas bomb" emitted by this "fairy in the fart" is extremely powerful. Soon, everyone was too fumigated to stand. The teacher also said jokingly to Bajie: "Can't it be turned into a vibration?" Who knows Bajie came and said, "I'm a copycat version, and can't be turned into a vibration!" Suddenly, we were all laughing, and Bajie was really funny!

At the big break, Bajie showed her magic again! As soon as the music of the radio calisthenics started, everyone's eyes converged on Bajie. It was amazing that he learned the "Orchid Finger" version of calisthenics from Guanyin's sister. Bajie lifted his hand gracefully and slowly rotated 720 ° to fall down with his fat body, which was really funny! At this time, Bajie put out his hand again to pick flowers, and then turned back to the tip of his nose to smell the flowers. What a palace girl! In the last section, "Bajie, Madam" assumed a proud attitude and looked ahead. The Orchid Finger turned over a few times again. What a gorgeous ending!

As Bajie, he is also famous for the amount of food he eats! That's right. After making up lessons at the teacher's home, he smelled the delicious food in the teacher's kitchen. He said to the teacher, "Teacher, can you give me something to eat?" How shy! The teacher smiled and said to him, "As long as you win the first place in the class that time, I will invite you to eat." He immediately became interested. Well, if you want to keep your word, I will listen a lot? "For example, I eat five bowls of hot and dry noodles, three bowls of three liang of beef flour, and two buckets of KFC's pail to barely be full!" The teacher looked at the old pig in front of him with surprise, "You eat a lot! I'd better take back what I said just now."

These eight precepts; It's really the treasure of our class. There are his unique shining points everywhere! Well, look at him again: "Give me some more food! Thirty six stratagems, walking is the best policy, go away

My deskmate composition 800 words (4)

My classmate's composition is 800 words

My classmate's composition

I have heard that the curriculum of senior high school is much more difficult than that of junior high school. As a quasi senior high school student, I am inevitably nervous. So I plan to go to my friends to borrow the textbook of Grade One and prepare to study at home during the summer vacation.

When I went to borrow books, I happened to meet the senior high school student who was receiving the final report card. Therefore, I met many friends who were one grade higher than me. As I walked, a familiar figure suddenly came into my sight, an old friend whom I had not seen for a long time, and a heavyweight.

She is not only beautiful, but also has good grades. She was easily admitted to the Liangzhong Experimental Class in the middle school entrance exam; Moreover, the painting is also beautiful. Sketch, oil painting, fine brushwork and cartoons are all very good. For a person like me, whose appearance and performance are only medium, she is just like a goddess. Naturally, I have a little worship for her.

She seemed to see me, smiled, said hello to me, and then walked forward.

"Oh, you know her!" The sudden voice startled me. Turning around, it turned out that my friend was standing beside me with the book he was going to lend me, staring at the direction in which I greeted him thoughtfully. "Yes," I replied, thanking her and taking the book in her hand. "Why, can't I make good friends?"

"No, no," my good friend blushed. "That's the last one in our class!"

"Why?" I was a little incredulous, pointing at my friend's back, "I said the one with white coat, black skirt, flat flow and long hair. Don't mistake him!"

"She was the last one in our class. She had good grades, was also beautiful, and was very popular. As a result, she never did her homework and did not hand in her homework. She often did not listen to the teacher in class, and asked someone to help her take notes. She either slept, read novels, or played with her mobile phone."

I was afraid that the image of the goddess in my mind would be completely destroyed, so I quickly interrupted her: "Forget it, say something else!"

My good friend thought I didn't believe it and had to pull me to get the results together. Sure enough, her name was written on the last place of the report card. I was inevitably very frustrated, holding my friend's hand and preparing to leave. When I walked out of the classroom, I saw her standing in front of the garbage can at the door of the classroom, quickly crumpled a piece of paper and threw it into the garbage can. The paper crumpled by her should be the same as her friend's report card

I opened my eyes wide, took a deep breath, and walked to her gently: "Why did you throw away the report card?" "The exam was too bad, I didn't want my mother to see it!" She looked unconcerned. "But your mother will know sooner or later!"

I looked at her and thought she was so strange.

"It's time to go home," my good friend reminded me behind my back.

She left without looking back without saying goodbye to us.

I watched her go away and felt sorry for an old friend like a goddess. The beauty our parents give us must not be used as an excuse for our mistakes. The beautiful life in the future can only depend on your own efforts.

My deskmate composition 800 words (5)

About my deskmate 800 words

After the 800 word final exam, we changed our seats and she became my deskmate! There are all kinds of things in the world. Of course, there are also things like being at the same table.

No. one

"Ringing bell" rang, and the students returned to their seats one after another, opened their books, and quietly waited for the teacher to come in. However, the two people in the front row could not stop and were engaged in a war of words. Just listen! The whole class was silent. Fifty one pairs of eyes looked at her in unison. Her face was red, her eyes were staring round, and she shouted: "Cheng Yunhan, already in class, is still chattering". Before he finished, Cheng Yunhan began to refute: "Who are you? Who cares about me?" "I'm the boss. I'm in charge of your affairs. It's class time now, so I shouldn't have talked.

My 800 Word Composition (11)

My teacher 800 (1)

My teacher

After I arrived at Beijing Capital Normal University, many teachers gave me lessons, among which my comprehensive Chinese teacher Zhang Cuili was the most impressive.

Since the moment I reported that Mr. Zhang entered the classroom, I felt that Mr. Zhang was a very kind person. Her voice, sweet smile and kind expression always fascinated me. Although we have only been together for a few days, I have fallen in love with this "special" teacher who is serious and doesn't lose his style.

Mr. Zhang was very kind when he gave us a lecture. The voice is like a crisp oriole, so graceful and beautiful. She constantly encouraged us to speak actively. The students were enthusiastic and the whole classroom atmosphere was mobilized. After class, Mr. Zhang will be more amiable! Just like our big sister, the sweet smile is always on her lips, and the students surrounded Miss Zhang like cabbage. Some ask her questions, some nag her about family affairs, and some share books with her Mr. Zhang always treats each student with a warm heart and is not partial to anyone, just like his own children. It is true that Mr. Zhang is amiable, serious and sincere. Once a classmate made a mistake, Teacher Zhang immediately turned his face and began to criticize and encourage her. Let him and her realize their mistakes and correct them in time. Mr. Zhang was even more meticulous when correcting our homework. Every article was written with detailed slogans, such as beautiful language and neat font. A little progress is a big step in Miss Zhang's eyes. She will "pick out" the students who have made progress, praise them in the class without stint, and encourage them not to be proud, but to continue to work hard. She will also send a school newsletter to parents, tell each child's recent learning situation, and communicate with parents

Why should we say that Mr. Zhang is ruthless? In fact, this is not really cruel to us. But when he saw the wrong characters, Mr. Zhang would mercilessly circle the wrong characters in his homework, and he did not relax at all. Another point is that it's time to recite the text. When you recite the text for Mr. Zhang, you should be prepared! Because Mr. Zhang is particularly "ruthless". A small phenomenon of missing words and adding words may lead you to sit down and recite again without giving you any chance, so our classmates can recite the text almost backwards.

Mr. Zhang is very strict with students in class, and is kind to students like his mother when class is over. Therefore, Mr. Zhang not only has boundless admiration in my heart, but also has admiration in the hearts of other students. I will never forget any lesson and noble morality that Mr. Zhang taught me.

My teacher 800 (2)

800 word composition of the first day of junior high: my teacher

"Teachers" - engineers of the human soul, who have nurtured one young plant after another and cultivated many outstanding talents. Under their careful care, we grew up healthy and lively. Among so many teachers, the one who impressed me most was Chen, the math teacher who taught me for half a semester.

Mr. Chen is of medium stature, with long black and beautiful hair, and a pair of big bright eyes embedded in his white face, as if he could see the inner world of our classmates. However, what impressed me most was her good quality of loving children.

I remember once, I had a high fever, which was thirty-nine degrees five. Just as my father was on a business trip, my mother was on duty again, so I didn't go to school to ask for leave. Teacher Chen came to my home to see me immediately after he knew it. She held my hand, smiled and said to me, "My child, you have a fever, which is thirty-nine degrees five! If you want to eat something, the teacher will buy you something." At that time, although I had a high fever, I was very conscious. "Mr. Chen, here you are," I said to Mr. Chen. "Yes, my child, here comes the teacher. How do you feel, my child?" At this time, my eyes were wet. The next day, I still didn't go to school. Teacher Chen came to see me again. When she saw me holding a Chinese book, she said to me, "Don't be too tired, son. When you get well, we will help you make up your lessons. The most important thing for you now is to have a rest." My heart surges: Mr. Chen, you are devoted to housework every day and busy with housework. Now that I am sick, you come to see me again. "" Thinking of this, my tears burst out of my eyes. "Under the care of Mr. Chen, My illness is getting better day by day. When I returned to school, I took the midterm exam. Because I didn't have classes these days, I just got more than 70 points. At this time, Mr. Chen came to comfort me: "My child, it's not your fault that you didn't take the exam this time. Come on, let me help you make up for your homework! With the help of Mr. Chen, I finally got 100 points in the final exam. Teacher Chen wrote on the "Message Form": "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. Congratulations on your outstanding achievements, but achievements can only represent the past, not the future. I hope you will continue to work hard to achieve better results!" After reading this "Message Form", I would like to say to Mr. Chen, "Mr. Chen, half of my 100 points are yours, thank you!" Now, I'm here in Beijing. Although I left Miss Chen, I still wanted to say to her: "Miss Chen, you are always my most respected and loved person!"

My teacher 800 (III)

800 word composition in junior two: my teacher

It is late at night, I still sit alone in front of the window, gazing thoughtfully at the night sky, which often causes my reverie.

Now, I'm not interested at all. What I thought of was Teacher Shi's smiling face. Pick up the pen, the tip of the pen jumps on the paper, and the inspiration runs quickly. I wrote today's composition - Praise My Teacher.

Teacher Shi's eyes are praiseworthy. These bright eyes seem to speak. Don't believe it, look! With the short and rapid ringing of the bell for class, Teacher Shi walked into the classroom. Just two steps later, she stopped. Her eyes seemed to be staring at something on the ground. Her eyebrows frowned. I stretched my neck curiously and looked. Oh, isn't that chalk crushed by someone? Oh, I'm on duty today. I didn't notice the striking white spot. I couldn't help but lower my head and wait for the teacher's criticism. The teacher walked to the corner of the wall where the duty student's rotation table was written, and his eyes suddenly fell on me. I hung my head lower like an electric shock, and felt a burning sensation on my face. To my surprise, Mr. Shi didn't scold severely. I just scanned the whole class with eyes that were too deep to understand, as if I wanted to find something on the faces of my classmates. The classroom is strangely quiet. This silence froze for a minute.

"Silence is better than sound" Teacher Shi's deep eyes let me realize the rich connotation of the word "teacher". The teacher's silence sounded the alarm for me: do my job well.

Teacher Shi's mouth is worthy of praise. His lips move up and down, gushing out the source of knowledge. At all times and in all countries, from astronomy to geography, she can talk freely; From Confucius, to Lu Xun, to Lenin Marxism, and even today's popular music, Shi can speak eloquently. It really convinced people of her unique eloquence. She is eloquent not only in class, but also after class. Sometimes, I really think she is more like our big friend.

Teacher Shi's unusual teaching method deserves praise.

Since she took over our class, our composition scores have been like sesame blossoms - rising steadily. But if you want to say that the teacher assigns more homework, that's not true. The teacher never asks us to memorize new words, vocabulary and basic knowledge. Her slogan is: "Quality, not quantity." Of course, we shout; "Long live understanding." Under the leadership of Teacher Shi, our class's Chinese performance climbed from the bottom to the top of the year, which really thanks to Teacher Shi. I remember a song that said, "When I grow up, I will become you. Only then did I know that the chalk painted a rainbow and shed sweat."

The song rose and fell in the night sky. The night was deeper, and a cold wind pulled my mind back slowly. Some people say that teachers are like gardeners, who are assiduously feeding the future flowers of our motherland. But I think the teacher is more like the spring rain in Du Pu's poem "The Joy of Spring Night", which seeks only to pay but not to gain, fame and wealth - "sneaking into the night with the wind, moistening things silently"

My teacher 800 (4)

My teacher's 800 word composition

My teacher

There are good teachers around me and at school. They are conscientious, responsible, great and selfless, like hardworking gardeners, with their own efforts, carefully watering the flowers; The teacher is our guide, letting us know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is.

In today's class meeting, the teacher read us about Mr. Li Jilin's advanced deeds. We were very moved after hearing this, and I deeply felt that some things appeared before my eyes

He has a square face, bright eyes and a pair of black frame glasses, which add a bit of handsomeness. This is my class teacher Ji. He is our Chinese teacher. I like Chinese class best because he always sets up some relevant scenes according to the content of the text to let us be in it. He was serious with some humor. After listening to each class in a relaxed environment, our teachers were knowledgeable and often told us some knowledge that we could not learn from textbooks, which helped us a lot in writing.

Once in a physical education class, the physical education teacher was unable to attend class due to illness, and everyone thought that another teacher would occupy the class. The head teacher said that he took us to the playground for PE class. He played games with us, ran and taught us how to throw basketball. We all had fun and thought the teacher was really versatile.

In life, he is also a warm-hearted and amiable person. I remember one time, my parents didn't say who would pick me up. They mistook the time. I waited outside the school gate until all my classmates left, leaving me alone. I was looking anxiously towards the road. Suddenly, a voice sounded behind me, "Li Xiaohan, you haven't come home yet." It was Teacher Ji. I explained the reason, and the teacher called my mother for me. When they were all busy, the teacher took me to his home first. When they arrived, they first cooked for me and his children to eat together, and then asked me to do my homework. They patiently explained to me the problems I would not know. When the homework was finished, they brought me some beautiful extra-curricular books and waited until my mother came to pick me up, And the teacher saw that he liked the book he showed me, so he said he gave it to me. I'm really happy.

Dear teacher, you are the greeter of Venus and the companion of the Big Dipper; You are the communicator of human culture and the promoter of the world's progress; You are the designer of human soul, you are the spring wind, blowing green mountains, you are the sun, illuminating every corner; You are a beacon, guiding the boat of confusion to ride the ocean of knowledge. You are a red candle, spreading light and heat to the world without stint; You have dyed the branches of wintersweet red, burned yourself, and given me the yearning for spring, a green leaf of hope, with the mood of charcoal; When the torch turns to ashes, you are immortal; When the silk is exhausted, you will be forever! You are like a big tree, and we are the grass under your tree. You always open your arms to protect us, and at the same time, you also pass on rich knowledge to us, so that we can thrive. With your company, our achievements have been improved.

Thank you, dear teacher!

My teacher 800 (5)

800 word composition in junior three: my teacher

When I woke up in the morning, the sun was already high, and I felt hot through the mosquito net. In fact, I was awakened by the sun.

Last night, it was father's turn to watch the night. My father likes to take me with him to Shaiguping in the village to watch the night. Father got up in the morning and saw that I was sleeping soundly. Instead of calling me, he went back first. When I was still wondering whether to get up, my father had already done the housework and came to collect things. When I woke up, I told me that this morning, Mr. Tang went to Shiqi Town early in the morning, passed Shaikuping, and talked to him for a long time. My father also mentioned that Mr. Tang came to tell him about my school affairs on purpose.

I wonder what Mr. Tang will say about me. My father said to me as he collected the tent: Today, Mr. Tang told me that you have good academic performance, but you are too honest.

My father was afraid that I didn't understand, and explained to me: Teacher Tang said you were too honest, and you were always bullied by your classmates at school.

Mr. Tang's comments did not surprise or embarrass me. There is still some self-knowledge. Just being said by Mr. Tang made me feel as if I had been understood by the teacher, and my situation was clearer in my heart. Be bullied by classmates, but don't feel how wronged.

Father collected the things on the bed, and we carried the log

My 800 Word Composition (12)

My Idol Composition 800 Words (1)

My idol Bill Gates

Bill Gates was born in Seattle on October 28, 1955. It took him 15 years to accumulate $110 billion in assets. His life motto is: "I am the king, I can win!"

You must be curious, why is my idol Bill Gates? Is it because he made a lot of money? Or because of his superhuman wisdom? To be honest, these are not the reasons why I admire him.

I like Bill Gates' lofty ideal and his confident smile.

Gates liked to read the World Book Encyclopedia since he was a child. This book is very thick and weighs one third of his weight. Little Gates often reads this big book for several hours continuously. He often falls into meditation and always feels strongly that there is a magical world hidden in these small words! He often fantasizes that the history of mankind will be longer and longer, and the future encyclopedias will not be bigger and heavier? How convenient it would be to create an encyclopedia that is as big as a magic box but can cover everything. This wonderful dream was finally realized by him. With his invention, now we can read the whole world as long as we carry a small chip.

Gates read more and more books and thought more and more questions. One day in the fourth grade, he said to his classmate Carl Edmond, "It's better to become an oak tree standing on a bald hill than to be a grass on the lawn. Because the grass is stereotyped and has no personality, while the oak tree is tall and straight, holding its head high in the sky." Since then, he has insisted on keeping a diary and writing down his thoughts at any time, At a young age, I think like an adult. He realized early that life is hard won. In his diary, he wrote: "Life is a grand appointment. For a person, the most important thing in his life is to keep the supreme promise made by human accumulated reason..." He wrote in another diary: "Maybe human life is a burning fire. What one can do is to try his best to save something from the fire. This is to chase after life."

The spirit of Bill Gates will always inspire me to move forward!

Mo Yan in my eyes

Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize on Thursday, October 11, 2012. Mo Yan is a super heavyweight writer in the Chinese literary world. His literary talent, creativity and artistic energy should be said to be decisive and second to none in the Chinese literary world. Therefore, I dare to say that Mo Yan's height is the height of Chinese contemporary literature. "-- Shen Xiaoming, a professor of the Chinese Department of Peking University, once said this about Mo Yan. He joined the PLA in 1976 and has successively served as monitor, secret keeper, librarian, teacher, secretary, etc


In 1991, he graduated from the creative graduate class of Lu Xun School of Literature and Art, Beijing Normal University, and obtained a master's degree in literature and art. In 2001, Sandalwood Penalty was awarded the best book of the year in literature by the scholars of Taiwan United Daily.

On December 15, 2006, the First Chinese Writers Rich List of 2006 was released. Mo Yan was ranked 20th in the list of writers rich with a ten-year royalty income of 3.45 million yuan, causing widespread concern. On September 11, 2007, the sub list of the Rich List of Chinese Writers, the Strength List of Chinese Writers, was released. A total of 58 writers were selected by ten literary critics, including Zhu Dake, Xie Youshun and Chen Xiaoming. two thousand and six

On December 15, 2006, the first Chinese Writers Rich List was released. Mo Yan was ranked 20th in the list of writers rich with a 10-year royalty income of 3.45 million yuan, which attracted wide attention. On September 11, 2007, the sub list of the rich list of Chinese writers, the Chinese Writers' Strength List, was released. Ten literary critics, including Zhu Dake, Xie Youshun and Chen Xiaoming, selected a total of 58 writers on the list. Mo Yan topped the list with 9 votes, while Yu Hua, Shi Tiesheng, Alai and Wang Anyi shared the second place with 6 votes. The work Frog brought Mo Yan considerable income, Mo Yan in my mind has both literature and rich cultural knowledge, so he should be awarded the Nobel Prize

[6] It is well deserved.

My Idol Composition 800 Words (2)

My idol's unconstrained lyrics, unintelligible words, coupled with natural and avant-garde rhythm, this is his style. He was born in the sky. In such an age of entertainment when idols are rampant and superstars are scarce, he is even more unique. Therefore, even though he was ridiculed as "a mouthful of tofu" and criticized as having no breakthrough in music style, he still achieved his unparalleled success in Asian pop music. He is my idol - Jay Chou. I like your cool. Your cap, which covers more than half of your face, gives a mysterious feeling. The depth of your cool is often unpredictable. I prefer your style. You who love music do not want to follow the example of music seniors. You should go out of your own music path, and use the unique "R&B" singing method to open the road to success. From the British style of "William Castle" to the Spanish style of "Bullfight" to the creation of "Chinese style", you have established your own style in six years. When you close your eyes, you know it is you. At the same time, your music is also diverse, including rap, danqiang and soprano. People can't help but be impressed by it. We never know what kind of surprise you will bring us next time? I like your diligence. You have congenital spondylitis. Once you don't have enough rest or exercise too much, your spine will ache badly. Even so, you are still strict with yourself. You only give yourself 18 days off a year. Sometimes you get sick. You take medicine and still work. You only sleep four or five hours a day. Your hard work is proportional to your success. With your own efforts, you have become the hottest singer in Chinese music. I like your perseverance. Before your debut, you were just a humble music assistant. The songs you wrote were rejected by stars many times, but you were not discouraged and worked harder. After your debut, the first album "Jay" hit the ground and became popular among new people. The competition in the entertainment industry was fierce. The combination of Chinese and Western music style and alternative lyrics combine to create a perfect Zhou style music style, making you a superstar in the music world. Love what I love and chase my star. Jay Chou, I wish you a good journey.

My Idol Composition 800 Words (3)

My Idol Composition 800 Words (4)

1. Like you, I am also a fan of exo-m. They are all handsome and exciting. Exo-m is a vibrant group. After two weeks of debut, its fans are full. They are all post-90s. The exo-m is composed of six people, including the cool prince Kris, the dance wizard lay, the handsome lu han, the cute and cute god xiu min, the powerful lead singer Chen, and the martial arts talent Tao. I think the most handsome two are the dance wizard lay and the handsome lu han, because Zhang Yixing's persistence moved me. I remember he said in the Happy Camp that I had not returned to my hometown for ten months, I haven't celebrated the New Year with my family for three years, and ordinary people can't do that. He started dancing at the age of 17. He is 21 years old, and Libra is introverted. Sister Donna asked him what made you stick to it. He said, "My grandparents, parents, want them to see my success, this is Zhang Yixing, this is Zhang Yixing who sticks to it.".

Lu Han is also handsome and charming. It seems that his path to singing is somewhat special. He was found when visiting Mingdong. He went to South Korea to study Korean in 2008. I think his most charming smile is his smile. Wherever he goes, his smile is the most handsome and charming. We are all conquered by his sweet smile. His smile is always the most beautiful; The pure and flawless face is always the most beautiful.



Some people say that he is the soul of EXO because the company dotes on him

On stage, when other members wear black and white clothes, they always wear bright and bright clothes

He is a dazzling presence. He is the leader on the dance stage. He is so arrogant that others dare not look at him directly

But he is also a quiet and introverted child, SMT Taiwan stand 12 people bow 90 degrees together, only he did not bow completely

Many people see this and say that he is arrogant, but how many people know how hard it is to bend down because of his waist injury, even though he has been trying to endure

The wonderful dance on the stage made everyone unable to see that he had a waist injury. The doctor asked him to stay in hospital, but he refused

He is eager for the stage. He has been silent under great pressure. He has made people forget that he is only a child of 94 years

Jin Zhongren, you have a lot of disputes, but even if it is so, I cannot help loving you

Lu Han.

His perfect face was so envious that many people were completely defeated when they saw his natural and silly expression

This is a natural cute thing. Many people don't think they like him at the first sight. He always thinks his age is close to busy

In fact, he is the second elder brother. He is totally against the growth. His appearance is very affected. In fact, his heart is attacked

He likes to play football and works hard in magic cube in 50 seconds. Many people who don't know him will say that he is a vase

But those people don't know how many people his baby don't cry. His voice is beautiful and makes people cry. He likes to sing with his hands over his chest

When he speaks, he likes to add the prefix "after". He is very kind and takes care of his brothers. He likes to bring warmth to people. Lu Han, the deer in the morning, you are more brilliant than the angels


He is the leader of the twelve. His name means that he is an excellent person like a model student in the eyes of all people. He is the cotton team that people want to rely on, and the patient child who has been a trainee in SM for six years but always insists on his dream

He has a smile that makes people feel warm and down-to-earth. Many people say that he is a scheming person. In fact, it is because he thinks too much about things that makes people feel wrong

As the team leader, he has more things to consider than other members. He had a chance to make his debut before, but it was ruined because of the change of the company's plan

He didn't complain about continuing to be a trainee. Now he has finally led EXO to realize his six-year efforts

Jin Junmian, we are pleased for you. Please lead eleven people to go on well


He is the mobile pictorial. He is the religious leader. He is the male god in many women's hearts. On the comic book, Xie Na said that he was "the person who came out of the comic book". His stunt said that he could summon a flying fire dragon. In fact, it should be able to kill girls at any time

He is both Wu Dalong and Wu Erfan. No one can defeat the girls on the Beijing SC when he comes here

He didn't hear that at the beginning, he always felt cold. Later, he found out that he was a fire stove in his heart. As the captain of Team M, he spoke most in a gentle tone, which made people feel completely at a loss of distance. He was very good-looking when he smiled. The second one was Wu Jiechao

He is a captain with a sense of security, always caring for the other five members

Wu Yifan, in fact, you are a warm man. People love you to the core


He is the leading singer of EXO, and his small toot mouth is extremely cute. When I first saw him, I thought he was a bit fierce, but later I found that he was not a completely cute person

My 800 Word Composition (13)

My Happiness 800 (1)

800 words of composition on happiness:

Example 1. Definition of happiness

What is happiness? In my opinion, happiness is my mother's love and care for me, and my father's tolerance and care for me

My mother's company makes me feel warm and happy. My mother not only needs to work but also care for my family. She also needs to train me to be an outstanding person. As a result, she seldom went out to visit her family, nor did her company organize a tour. People laughed at her for being silly, but she always said that she would have a lot of time in the future. In addition to work, she stayed with me for the rest of the time, never leaving: doing homework, learning English, learning saxophone, going to the bookstore. And let the heavy rain hit her wantonly, and let the wind blow her weak body relentlessly. When she got home, she quickly opened the coat on me and saw that I was dry, so she gave a long breath. My mother was almost wet all over. Her hair was wet by the rain and stuck to her face. The rain streamed down, and a pair of boots were full of muddy water. Seeing my mother's wet appearance, I choked and said, "Mom, please change your clothes quickly, or you will catch a cold". This is maternal love, selfless and great. As long as the child can get warm - this is her comfort. And this is my happiness!

My father's care for me is meticulous, and his tolerance for me is as broad as the sea. Dad works hard in other places, seldom goes home, and usually does not go home for months when he is busy. There is no way, it is all to support the family. Although Dad seldom goes home, the phone calls several times a day. Ask me what I learned every day, what I learned, and what happened in school. When I did something wrong, my father never blamed me, but reasoned with me. Once I smashed the TV set at home by playing with coins. I cried in horror, but my father didn't blame me. Instead, he patiently told me a story about a decimal point destroying a spaceship. Since then, I have changed my bad habit of carelessness. This is father love, rich and profound. As long as the child can thrive - this is his comfort. And this is my happiness!

My mother's care and care, and my father's care and tolerance accompany my growth, which is my happiness!

Example 2: My Micro Happiness

Happiness is like the south of the Yangtze River in June, with flowers all over the path and colorful butterflies dancing, which makes people intoxicated and unable to return; Happiness is like a snowy northern part of China. Although the spring breeze does not pass through the Yumen Pass, thousands of pear trees still bloom

Young and frivolous, we always don't know happiness when we are in happiness, and we don't know sweetness when we are in honey. When you stop on the long and tortuous road of life and look back, there are two old figures who support each other and stagger forward. They are eager to catch up with you and support a vast and magnificent sky for you. Even if they are tired and hard, they will enjoy it. Their figures are shining in the afterglow. As soon as you look back, they will greet a kind and kind smile - this is my micro happiness

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning shines on the path as always, leaving a faint trace, and carrying a schoolbag into the consistently lovely and warm classroom, listen to the teacher's Chunchun teachings on the three foot platform, and play with books in the vast ocean of knowledge. The scholarly atmosphere pervades the whole campus. I met 108 heroes in "Outlaws of the Marsh" to taste their lofty aspirations and intelligence; I met with Monkey King in Journey to the West, and experienced his ancient spirit, spirit and excellent martial arts; I talked with Bacon in Bacon's Essays and felt his life experience and profound philosophy - this is my micro happiness

When you have racked your brains, your mind is agitated, and the hot sun is like a huge fireball, which engulfs your patience, it is as fresh and cool as the warm and soft voice of the clear old spring in the deep mountain, which is fresh and cool, and penetrates into your heart. "I'll teach you how to do it." This sentence immediately refreshes people, and their thoughts are like confused threads, which are slowly sorted out and orderly arranged. Write down the process smoothly, and then to the sincere and kind smiling faces of my classmates, my restlessness has been washed clean by water, like being gently swept away by the wind in the hot summer - this is my micro happiness

Tao Yuanming's "picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan" is a kind of happiness; Wen Tianxiang's "Who has never died since ancient times? Stay loyal and follow the history" is a kind of happiness; Li Bai's "When the wind blows and the waves break, it is a kind of happiness to hang the cloud sail straight and help the sea". And I

Our happiness is a cup of hot milk that is quietly placed in the corner of the table when we are burning the midnight oil. It is an exhortation and exhortation before the exam, a gentle smiling face when we get home, and a hot meal

In fact, happiness is close to you and me, just like a ship. As long as you tighten the rope in your heart, happiness will be close to your gentle harbor. Even if it is just a faint trace, it is precious.

Example 3 This is happiness

Having sunshine is a kind of happiness, having happiness is a kind of happiness, having freedom is also a kind of happiness, I am happy for having maternal love.

From my birth to my adulthood, I have always enjoyed the happiness of maternal love. It may be a smile, an action, or just a "refueling", but I think this is happiness.

Happiness in an egg

My study task is getting heavier and heavier. I only sleep five or six hours every day. My mother gets up half an hour early to cook for me in order to let me sleep more. That morning, as usual, I rubbed my sleepy eyes to the table and looked at the twenty thousand hot egg noodles. Suddenly, my tiredness disappeared, and I immediately picked up chopsticks to gobble up. But when I was about to eat the white and yellow egg, I found no egg in my mother's bowl. I asked my mother, "Why is there no egg in your bowl.

When I returned to the room, my mother happened to go to the bedroom to get something. I quickly stuffed an egg into my mother's bowl. "Hidden", I picked up my schoolbag and rushed out of the door, shouting, "Mom, I'm leaving, My heart is warm, excited and moved. I know this is the feeling of happiness.

Happiness under two slaps

On this day, the weather was overcast and quiet, and even the birds stopped chirping. I took the report card and looked at the super 78 points on it. I didn't know how to explain it to my mother. Sure enough, as I expected, my mother, who came home to read the report card, turned sunny to cloudy at once. My mother taught me a lesson, saying that I should not watch TV before the exam without reviewing. The more I said, the more angry she became. She slapped me on the head, and I burst into tears like thunder. At night, I lay in bed, looking at my mother's back at the table. The light was very dark, but I clearly saw two crystal tears dripping on the report card. In the morning, I went to my desk and thought I found it on the upper right corner of the test paper:

There are two small but bright words "refuel". A warm current comes to my heart. My heart is both remorse and gratified. That is the feeling of happiness, the happiness hidden under the palm of my hand.

Happiness is just around the corner. If you think about it carefully, you will find happiness. Maternal love is happiness. I am happy to have maternal love.

Example 4 Marry Happiness

[Label: 800 word essay on happiness in senior high school]

I have asked the Buddha countless times, is the drifting of leaves the pursuit of the wind, or their own conversion? Buddha said: "A falling star can not dim the bright sky; a withering flower can not waste the whole spring."

So I have a little Zen:

Life is a unity of opposites. There are joys and sorrows, joys and sorrows, beauty and ugliness. The important thing is that we should have an optimistic attitude. "The road of history is not the sidewalk on Nietzsche Street. It is carried out entirely in the fields, sometimes through dust, sometimes through mud, sometimes across swamps, sometimes through jungle." Chernychevsky, a master of Russian literature, once said. In the course of history, human beings will always encounter countless hardships, but what civilization peeps at is those "smooth roads". "Only when history moves forward, human civilization can continue. History is like this, and people are like this?

Balzac once said: "Unfortunately, it is the ladder of genius, the baptism of believers, and the bottomless abyss of the weak."

Beauty and suffering, facing difficulties and victory, we need an optimistic attitude.

Just like facing half a glass of water, the pessimist said, "Alas, there is only half a glass of water." The optimist said, "That's good, there is still half a glass of water." Similarly, facing half a glass of water, the pessimist could only be miserable and depressed. Finally, he watched half a glass of water helplessly and died with hatred, while the optimist faced it with a positive attitude, not only tasting the sweet spring water, but also reaping the joy of life.

Joy is the station of life, while pain is the voyage of life. It's like a song that says: the sky/I see a rainbow/and you/I see a zero. Facing the flowers and thorns of life, we have an optimistic, official, calm and relieved attitude. Life is a process of struggle, but also a process of waiting. Because life is not flat, not always happy. Just like Shi Tiesheng telling an optimistic life; Zhang Haidi completed the voyage of life; Beethoven fought against fate; Ah Bing tells about an optimistic mind with "Two Springs Mirroring the Moon".

Wang Guozhen once wrote such a poem:

"There is a goal in the future/It can always make us happy/It is like a moth flying to the flames/willing to be a prisoner of the flames/It is your ceaseless footsteps that are swinging/It is your beautiful tassels that are flying around/In the days of passionate love/Who can say clearly/What is sweet/What is bitter/Only know/It is determined to die without looking back/If you want to lose, you will lose to the pursuit/If you want to marry, you will marry happiness."

One day, when I woke up, the Buddha said to me, "Hold on to half a glass of water in life. Marry optimism, marry happiness." Suddenly, I fell into Zen again:

Marry optimism and happiness.

Example 5 Happy Words

What is happiness?

Sima Qian said, "Happiness is the" Historical Records "I wrote, which is" the swan song of historians, and the unrhymned Lisao ". The sweat of hard work made me forget the pain of corruption and the contempt of the world. I only remember that I shed tears when people sent and read the Records of the Historian. Wipe happy tears and respond to my happiness with a comfortable smile.

Tao Qian said: Happiness is the chrysanthemum growing in front of my hut. The faint chrysanthemum, the faint fragrance, the solitary chrysanthemum, the hermit in the flower, how happy! "Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan" is my indifferent happiness.

Li Taibai: It's my happiness to say a cup of sweet alcohol, a sword, and a few poems at random. It is my arrogance to be happy that "my talent will be useful, and the gold will come back when it is gone"; "Life in this world is not satisfactory, and the Ming Dynasty spread boat" is my happy uninhibited. Stepping on the jade steps, I went to the space to see the rabbit pounding medicine; The moonlight, like silver, fills my clothes. From then on, I will never return by the Yellow Crane. Space is near, but the earth is far away. Arrogance is my happy chant, unruly is my happy roar. Liu Yuxi said: A cup of tea, a volume of poetry, bright and clean, this is my happiness. I am a humble house. The moss is green on the upper level, and the grass is green on the curtain. There are great scholars talking and laughing, but there is no Baiding in communication. You can tune the lute and read the golden scriptures. There is no chaos of silk and bamboo, no paperwork. Zhuge Lu in Nanyang, Cloud Pavilion in Xishu. Why not be happy?

Chen Jingrun said: Happiness is the sweat that freezes on my face when I don't have time to wipe my calculation problems in winter. Only by continuing to solve one mathematical problem after another, and climbing the unsurpassed mathematical peak, is the power of life continuation. I am happy to strive for my dream.

Lincoln said, "When the slaves were liberated, they sang and danced, and the black skin bloomed with happy flowers. This is my happiness.". Even if my body is shot by reactionaries, freedom and equality will prevail over all evil forces. Gandhi said: Happiness is that my stomach makes a sound of 'coocoocoocoocoo' because of fasting. I am happy that I did not lose my conscience at the critical moment. I am happy that I overcame hunger and defended the interests of the people.

I said: happiness is Sima Qian's enduring humiliation and enduring fame forever; Happiness is Li Taibai's pride; Happiness is Chen Jingrun's knowing smile after climbing the mathematical peak; Happiness is the noble character of Lincoln and Gandhi to seek benefits for the people

Example 6 I live in happiness (Grade 7 in Tianjin)

Pay attention to life, open the corner of the soul, wipe away the dust of the soul, and you will be surprised to find that happiness always accompanies us—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Happiness in life is often a wisp of warm sunshine, like a gentle spring breeze, like a beautiful melody, which moistens people's hearts all the time. The stories of happiness are as numerous as stars.

Father · Umbrella

My father is not very tall, but he is very strict with me. I am also afraid of him. I remember that time, it was raining cats and dogs outside the window, beating the window hard, which was really frightening. It's cold. Suddenly someone waved outside the window. It was my father! Father handed me my raincoat. A cold wind blew, and I couldn't help sneezing when I only wore a short sleeve. Father said nothing, took off his coat, wrapped it around me, and took me to the rain. I pulled my coat, and there was still my father's temperature on it, so warm. Tears and rain mingle

Mother · Lamp

Mother is a gentle woman, always busy for me. The summer is hot and the weather is extremely stuffy. There is no wind at all. The thick air seems to be frozen. I am still burning the midnight oil to prepare for the exam. The mother beside me accompanied me quietly. Overhead, the fan whirred, and my forehead was still covered with a layer of sweat. Suddenly, a soft cool wind blew, calming my depressed mood. Looking up, my mother held the fan and gently fanned the wind for me. Beans of sweat rolled down her face. I sniffed and asked about the faint taste. The taste of mother, the taste of happiness.

Friendship · Water

Friendship is like water. It can be tea, wine and honey. Or fragrance, or light; Or fragrant, or strong; Or sweet, or mellow. In a day, no one spends the longest time with me than my classmates. Looking back on the past, a strange feeling came to my mind. That day, when I was studying at night, suddenly I had a severe stomachache, which spread all over my body like a knife. My face was white, and my head was firmly on the table. His deskmate, aware of my abnormality, leaned over my ear and asked softly, "What's wrong? Is it all right? Do you want to tell the teacher?" I waved to him. He still looked at me worried. After class, she poured a cup of hot water for me at the front table, thinking about ways. I sucked my saliva and felt a warm appetite. Turning to them with a smile, they said, "As soon as you care about me, my stomach won't hurt." They could only look at me helplessly. I lowered my head and continued to taste the endless taste in the cup of water; Happiness is like honey, sweet to our hearts; Happiness is like the first drop of dew in the morning, which is sweet and crystal clear.

My Happiness 800 (2)

My Happiness 800 (III)

Example 1: Happiness is spreading silently

Happiness is like a seed sown in the bottom of my heart. After years of precipitation, without a ray of wind, without a drop of rain, it will spread to my heart unconsciously, and silently bloom the flowers of happiness.

Gloves · Happiness

The winter of that year came earlier than usual. The snow came ahead of time. In addition to cold, it was still cold. However, in this winter, I felt a different warmth.

After junior high school, school ended later than primary school, and the faint sunset gave way to the last rays of sunshine, which made the originally cold weather a bit colder.

I stood in the cold wind waiting for my father to pick me up. Before long, the familiar motorcycle came into sight. After parking, Dad took off his gloves and said to me, "Dad has a lot to do these days. He is in a hurry when going out. He forgot to take your gloves, so you can wear mine!"

"No, it's colder when you drive. You'd better wear it!"

"You still have to do your homework when you go home. Don't freeze your hands. I'm fine." With that, Dad put his gloves on me without saying a word, and then drove me home.

The big gloves on my hands were very unbecoming, but they were extremely warm in the howling cold wind.

When I got home, I accidentally wiped my hand from my father's hand when I got off the bus, and a cold feeling spread all over my body in an instant. I shivered and my eyes were wet

It's so cold, but my heart is full of happiness.

Milk · Happiness

When I was in the third day of junior high school, the number of courses increased, the pressure increased, and I was immersed in the sea of books every day. I was writing under the desk lamp every night, and I was exhausted physically and mentally. "Ringing bell" The ten o'clock alarm bell rang. I sighed helplessly, braced myself up and continued to work.

"Dong Dong Dong." The clear knock on the door broke the silence of the room.

After I entered the third day of junior high, my mother would gently open the door of my room at this time every night.

The faint smell of milk filled the air, driving away my tiredness. It seemed that I was suddenly injected with stimulants and continued to work hard. Inadvertently, I put down my pen, felt the temperature from my palm, and felt that happiness was spreading silently. Eyes · Happiness

Although the train of time has arrived at the last stop of junior high school life - the third day of junior high school, many things are still playing back in my mind when I recall the past.

"Class cadre election is now on!"

Looking at the students one by one on the stage with confidence and ease to deliver their election speeches, I lowered my head, which was already introverted and hesitant. The dramatic thing happened at that moment.

"Tian Tian, come up!" The teacher smiled and motioned to me to go to the stage to make a campaign speech. His eyes were full of trust and encouragement.

"Oh, my god! Did I hear you right?" I was a bit at a loss, but on second thought, why not give it a try? I suddenly got a wave of courage and impulse. Under the eyes of the whole class, I confidently walked to the platform. As a result, I became a member of the class committee.

It is the encouraging look that gives me the courage to face challenges, overcome myself and move towards success.

In growing up, the warm gloves, the warm milk, the encouraging eyes, let my heart ripple with happiness. Looking back on 14 years of experience, happiness has been growing and spreading in my heart

Example 2: My Micro Happiness

Happiness is like the south of the Yangtze River in June, with flowers all over the path and colorful butterflies dancing, which makes people intoxicated and unable to return; Happiness is like a snow plug

In the north, although the spring breeze does not pass through Yumen Pass, thousands of pear trees still bloom

Young and frivolous, we always don't know happiness when we are in happiness, and we don't know sweetness when we are in honey. When you stop on the long and tortuous road of life and look back, there are two old figures who support each other and stagger forward. They are eager to catch up with you and support a vast and magnificent sky for you. Even if they are tired and hard, they will enjoy it. Their figures are shining in the afterglow. As soon as you look back, they will greet a kind and kind smile - this is my micro happiness. When the first ray of sunshine in the morning shines on the path as always, leaving a faint trace, and carrying a schoolbag into the consistently lovely and warm classroom, listen to the teacher's Chunchun teachings on the three foot platform, and play with books in the vast ocean of knowledge. The scholarly atmosphere pervades the whole campus. I met 108 heroes in "Outlaws of the Marsh" to taste their lofty aspirations and intelligence; I met with Monkey King in Journey to the West, and experienced his ancient spirit, spirit and excellent martial arts; I talked with Bacon in Bacon's Essays, and felt his life experience and profound philosophy - this is my micro happiness.

When you have racked your brains, your mind is agitated, and the hot sun is like a huge fireball, which engulfs your patience, it is as fresh and cool as the warm and soft voice of the clear old spring in the deep mountain, which is fresh and cool, and penetrates into your heart. "I'll teach you how to do it." This sentence immediately refreshes people, and their thoughts are like confused threads, which are slowly sorted out and orderly arranged. I smoothly wrote down the process, and then addressed my classmates' sincere and kind smiling faces. My restlessness had been washed away by clean water in my heart, like being gently swept away by the wind in the hot summer - this is my micro happiness.

Tao Yuanming's "picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan" is a kind of happiness; Wen Tianxiang's "Who has never died since ancient times? Stay loyal and follow the history" is a kind of happiness; Li Bai's "When the wind blows and the waves break, it is a kind of happiness to hang the cloud sail straight and help the sea". My happiness is a cup of hot milk that is quietly placed at the corner of the table when I am burning the midnight oil, an exhortation and exhortation before the exam, a gentle smiling face when I get home, and a hot meal

In fact, happiness is close to you and me, just like a ship. As long as you tighten the rope in your heart, happiness will be close to your gentle harbor. Even if it is just a faint trace, it is precious.

Example 3 This is happiness

Having sunshine is a kind of happiness, having happiness is a kind of happiness, having freedom is also a kind of happiness, I am happy for having maternal love.

From my birth to my adulthood, I have always enjoyed the happiness of maternal love. It may be a smile, an action, or just a "refueling", but I think this is happiness.

Happiness in Eggs

My study task is getting heavier and heavier. I only sleep five or six hours every day. My mother gets up half an hour early to cook for me in order to let me sleep more. That morning, as usual, I rubbed my sleepy eyes to the table and looked at the twenty thousand hot egg noodles. Suddenly, my tiredness disappeared, and I immediately picked up chopsticks to gobble up. But when I was about to eat the white and yellow egg, I found no egg in my mother's bowl. I asked my mother, "Why is there no egg in your bowl.

When I returned to the room, my mother happened to go to the bedroom to get something. I quickly stuffed an egg into my mother's bowl. "Hidden", I picked up my schoolbag and rushed out of the door, shouting, "Mom, I'm leaving, My heart is warm, excited and moved. I know this is the feeling of happiness.

Happiness under the palm

On this day, the weather was overcast and quiet, and even the birds stopped chirping. I took the transcript and looked at the super 78 points on it. I didn't know how to explain it to my mother. Sure enough, as I expected, my mother, who came home to read the report card, turned sunny to cloudy at once. My mother taught me a lesson, saying that I should not watch TV before the exam without reviewing. The more I said, the more angry she became. She slapped me on the head, and I burst into tears like thunder. At night, I lay in bed, looking at my mother's table

The back of the front. The light was very dark, but I clearly saw two crystal tears dripping on the report card. In the morning, I walked to my desk and found two small but bright words "Come on" in the upper right corner of the test paper. A warm current came to my heart. My heart felt both remorse and relief. That was a feeling of happiness, a hidden happiness under the palm of my hand.

Happiness is just around the corner. If you think about it carefully, you will find happiness. Maternal love is happiness. I am happy to have maternal love.

My 800 Word Composition (14)

"Who am I?" I asked myself at a loss standing in front of the mirror.

Wen Jie, what a fresh name, gentle and noble. Behind the name, there are many ardent expectations from parents. They hope that I am a quiet, refreshing and good boy with literary talent. Some people really think of me like that, but some people think of me first as "lively". I like making friends because of my dual personality. I think making friends can not only eliminate loneliness, but also learn from each other's strengths to make myself more perfect. Sometimes, I also like to read a book quietly and have a good rest. I like to meet any challenge, and I will never give up. The more difficult things are, the more I try to complete them. The more complicated problems are, the more I try to solve them. I will fight until 12 o'clock to solve a problem, and I will practice until my back is sore for a dance movement. The reason is simple. I like the happiness after success, which also cultivates my indomitable and indomitable enterprising spirit.

I like sunshine, because sunshine symbolizes the vitality of youth. Run in the sun and play ball games until you sweat. It can not only exercise, but also relax. It is really a rare enjoyment. I am a "sunshine girl". I am good at swimming and running. I hope to overcome all "darkness" and grow up carefree in the sun.

I like moonlight. In the late night, silver and watery moonlight sprinkles from the air, onto the sea with howling wind, onto the endless fields, onto the grassland with "spring breeze and spring", which is a picture with endless aftertaste. I like all these things. I like the sky, the sea, the fields and the grasslands. I like their vastness. Don't people's minds should also be like this?

Of course, I also like "starlight" like countless girls. Ball stars, movie stars and singers have their own styles. I was fascinated by Batistuta's flowing long hair and the sudden flying foot; Like to watch funny movies starring Stephen Chow; I also appreciate Jay Chou, who can write and sing by himself and is full of talent... I like "stars", but I don't chase them blindly, or even imitate them deliberately. Because I am me, I will not be confused by the "starlight" and lose my true self.

What I like most is the light, which is soft but not loud, bright but not dazzling, shouldn't it be the same for a man? Plain is true, don't show your sharp points everywhere. When I was young, I practiced dancing and calligraphy in the light. Now I read and paint quietly in the light. So the light is like my eternal heart.

Who am I? Standing in front of the mirror, I confidently replied: "I am me! A girl who is not beautiful but cute, not smart but hard working."

My 800 Word Composition (15)

I hate myself. I often annoy my parents for no reason, and I will hate them very much. Even though I know that this feeling is very wrong, I still can't control my emotions. I think I must learn to be patient. They are my parents, and I should understand and care for them. If I can't do this, they will get old later, How should I treat them? So I must be tolerant. I must have a grateful heart. They love me very much, and I should also love them. Even if what they do sometimes makes me very disgusted, as a daughter, I am not qualified to comment, let alone criticize him. So I want to hone myself, I want to carve myself, don't let myself be like a hedgehog, covered with thorns, no one dares to approach me. I want to remove my sharp points and treat others with my own softness. Even though I know it will take a long time, I still want to persist in that way. I want to make myself soft. First, I should change my attitude towards my parents. I can't lose my temper with them anymore.

For my classmates, I also have this problem. I can't calm down to them. My temper is very grumpy. I hate my temper. I always like to quarrel with others. I can't step back. Even though this truth has been recited in my heart a hundred times, I still can't do it. I know that I am not tolerant enough. I know that sometimes I tend to haggle over every ounce. I know that I can never laugh at the mistakes of others. Even though I say to myself, "Forget it," I still can't bear it. What's wrong with me? I hate this kind of me. I have to change.

I don't know since when, my personality and my temper are very strange in the eyes of others, and it is unpredictable. Sometimes gentle, sometimes violent, sometimes generous, sometimes stingy, sometimes very warm to everyone, and sometimes very cold to everyone. Sometimes I can't understand myself. I am afraid of such myself, and I dare not face such me. I want to change, I must change, the first step of my change is to be tolerant, to learn patience, not always use violence. I should be a girl who makes everyone like me. I should not always make trouble for no reason, and should not offend others from time to time. This is a kind of knowledge that deserves my careful study.

In any case, I want to change my current situation. I want to become a generous, warm, cheerful and tolerant girl. I should not haggle over every ounce. I should not be selfish when dealing with my friends. I should know how to share, learn to get along with others, and become a tolerant girl. Now I am really bad. I must become a lady, a really educated girl.

Senior 1: 924088022

My 800 Word Composition (16)


Gao Ying

From childhood to adulthood, I can be described in three words: "crazy", "stupid" and "stubborn".


As for me, I was not a good girl since I was a child. I made trouble for my family all day long. I ran to and fro in the family home with a group of children, shouting and yelling. That's why I annoyed everyone. One of my mother's most common words is: "You crazy girl, I can't help you."

In our yard, all the comrades on the first floor have a yard. Sometimes we plant trees and food in the yard, especially cherry trees in the east. In summer, the cherry red is like the sun in the sky, and everyone drools. But it was helpless that the old lady in the east was very fierce. Anyone who went to her house to ask for cherries was scolded. So one day, I took a large group of children to his yard (when she went out), looked around and saw no one, so I ran in first, climbed up the tree three times and twice, called the children to follow below, and I picked it on top.

I don't know how long it took, but also who shouted: "The old lady is coming!" The people below rushed away, leaving me alone in the tree, just caught by the old lady. He dragged me down from the tree, dragged me to my mother and scolded me. My mother's face turns green and red, and I'm trembling with fear. I know that I'm going to be beaten again... I used to be a lady, and I didn't walk carelessly, and I didn't shout when I saw people... But just one day later, I couldn't stand it, and I returned to the original crazy girl. Alas, it's better to be myself.


Silly, don't think I have a problem with this word. My stupidity is not this stupidity.

I was very sympathetic when I met those beggars on the street. I always asked my parents for some money to give them. Many people have told me that those people are liars, and many people have said that I am too stupid, that they have no dignity, but I think they may also be hard to say.

There are also some fools, which are shown as follows: when shopping, I let someone in front of me in case of an emergency, which made me go to the back and wait in line; I gave up my seat on the bus, which made me stand all afternoon and get tired of my back... My parents said I was stupid, but I thought: I will continue to carry forward this kind of stupidity.


When I was young, I was very skilful. I moved every day, which made my parents worried.

I remember when I was three years old, I played at my grandma's house. Grandma put a bowl of hot milk on the table. I wanted to drink, but when Grandma went out, I went to take it myself, but I was too short to get it. I tried hard, but I got the milk bowl, but all the hot milk spilled on me, and I cried in pain.

The grandmother who heard the news knew what was going on. She was so frightened that she took me to the hospital. It hurt me so much that I felt worse than death when I applied the medicine. Because of the scalding milk and my small and tender skin, I left a scar on my body. It still exists. Alas, who makes me so naughty.

Crazy makes me free and confident, silly makes me keep a sincere childlike innocence, stubborn makes me more comfortable. For the sake of confidence, childlike innocence and freedom, I would like to remain crazy and stubborn forever and keep myself forever!

My 800 Word Composition (17)

A few decades ago, China's science and technology were still very backward. But a large number of scientists have emerged, such as Li Shiguang, Qian Qisen, Qian Sanqiang, etc. After their hard and remarkable efforts and research, we can finally build our own cars, planes, missiles, spaceships, etc. The explosion of China's first atomic bomb ended the days when China was blackmailed and intimidated by foreign powers; The successful launch of China's first man-made satellite announced that we have also become one of the world's aviation powers; Now China's Chang'e-4 has become the first spacecraft to visit the back of the moon. All kinds of extraordinary aerospace achievements seem to show that China has changed from a major aerospace country to a leading aerospace power in the world.

Do you still remember the Anti Japanese War? At that time, Chinese soldiers and civilians could only use millet and rifles to resist the well-equipped Japanese invaders; The same situation reappeared in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea a few years later. Although our heroic people's army has won the final victory, the price of such victory is too heavy, and it was bought with the blood and even the lives of countless young soldiers. Now, China's armed forces, land, and air forces have made great progress, and the Rocket Army has shocked the world. Look at our soldiers. They are well equipped, well-trained and brave. That's awesome, my country!

Today's China is not only advanced in science and technology, but also powerful in military power. Its economy is developing rapidly, and its people live and work in peace and prosperity. China's Huawei, Dajiang and other technology companies have endless new products, and their functions are more advanced in the world. The European and American powers are so upset that they have to take such despicable measures as banning buying and selling in an attempt to stop China's rapid development. It's a pity that all of them are gone. I'm still looking at China today!

I am a great Chinese nation, a great ancient country with five thousand years of history. After suffering, I will finally stand up with my own strength and tenacity. Today's China, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, has reached an unprecedented height in 5020xx years. I believe that as long as we unite as one and make unremitting efforts, the Chinese nation will surely stand among the nations of the world for a long time!

My 800 Word Composition (18)

However, what brings us more is a bloody lesson. The Chinese "lion" must be strong, and how can the descendants of the dragon be poor? Have the confidence and enthusiasm of "I am born with talent and will be useful, and the gold will come back after being scattered"; Following the conscience of "Don't wait for leisure, whiten the youth's head, and be empty and sad"; Follow up the heroism and courage of "sacrificing to the national disaster and ignoring death"! The country of China this time will surely shine in the future!

From the dilapidated "mud desks" and open classrooms to the interesting teaching buildings; From the "shadow play" performed by the old man with withered hands like fallen leaves to the present of high-speed development and technological innovation; From "difficult to travel", transportation is extremely difficult to extremely convenient means of transportation. Every development and every action reflects the wisdom of the Chinese people.

Today is not what it used to be, and the five thousand year history of China still exists today.

Once closed to the outside world, ridiculed, ridiculed, never excused, and no need to exculpate.

"If you are not a sage, you can never be wrong." We will use our strength to conquer those who despise our country. In the new era, the country of China is indispensable, and everything is very important.

I saw too much along the way. As the saying goes, the good breed the bad and die. If we want to become a strong country, Chinese people must unite and forge ahead together.

Born in the motherland, we share weal and woe. To achieve great things, one must first bear his voice, swallow his humiliation, and restrain his nature. When a sword comes out of its sheath, it will surely sing in the sky! Not willing to fall down, not sink into the secular world, be precipitated, take the essence and discard the dross, we can always.

"The five mountains are winding with small waves, and Wumeng is walking with great momentum." Only with a strong heart and optimistic attitude can we overcome the danger. If you want to ask for time, there is no way to go, no money to spend, and no difficulty to overcome. Chinese children should have the attitude of Chinese children. Dare to dare to do, adhere to the original intention not to be contaminated by the secular world, destined to wait for you is an extraordinary life.

The "lion", which grew up wantonly, gradually showed its "tusks", and exuded kingly demeanor and wildness around. The "Chinese lion" will not be spoiled and spoiled. I will respect those who do not deceive me; If he deceives me, he will know when he tries. Just as the so-called "Chinese lion" is not a cute animal, I wonder if he can bear his anger.

"If you are young, your country will be strong, and if you are rich, your country will be rich." Young people are integrated with the country, from individuals to countries. "China" contains 56 nationalities. It is not only a name, but also a connotation. She is a beautiful symbol and a beloved home of Chinese people.

I am attached to the "cradle" of China, and I also like the tender feelings of my motherland.

In the future, the hope and responsibility of rich countries lie in the youth.

Harmony is the most important thing in China. The dream of the future depends on youth.

I am closely connected with my motherland. I often miss her in my heart. I love my motherland - Huaxia Homeland!

My 800 Word Composition (19)

I have a dream since I was young. I want to make a sculpture that I like. That sculpture is the "beauty" I want to look like. So I began to carve it from an early age. I slowly made it into a rough shape, and then further improved it. Later I thought that if I gave up like this all the time, I would never achieve anything. What I want to do is to persevere. Persistence will lead to success, and failure will lead to failure. I am working on this idea bit by bit, trying my best to carve out the beautiful girl in my mind and become her in reality.

I found that I have a talent for creating sculptures. I created it beautifully. So I fell in love with this sculpture. I tried my best to make it more perfect and carefully modify it bit by bit. When I completely created it, God is so beautiful. The beauty is beyond my imagination. I long for her to be a real beauty, not a statue. I am eager to give it a fresh life. So I went everywhere to find a way, and then I remembered God. God finally agreed to me after I begged for help, so he gave this sculpture life. When the sculpture slowly began to move, I was shocked. Oh, my God, I was not dreaming, right? Maybe this is really a dream, but even then I would rather not wake up. I love him so much that I have to propose to him. I want him to be my wife. God, this is crazy. But success comes from this madness. Without persistence, without slow and careful elaboration, there will be no such result without asking. I love her, and she loves me, too.

This sculpture is like a dream that everyone pursues in life. I made some efforts for my dream and finally realized it. The pursuit of dreams requires a strong enough ambition. Those dreams need to constantly dare to strive for dreams, which should be done in this way. We don't have a dream. We fight for our dream and finally want to realize it in various ways. There are too many stumbling blocks in the pursuit of dreams. It's not easy to pursue your dream, but it's brilliant after success. If you want to have a brilliant life, if you want to make your dreams come true, you must pursue hard and strive bravely. Don't be afraid, don't hesitate, go to life. If you try, you may succeed, but if you don't try, you will fail.

Finally, I wish you all the courage to strive for your dreams and carve your favorite sculpture.