Japanese Writing about Japan (6 anthologies)
Water like Love
2024-05-01 02:04:06

Japanese Writing about Japan (1)

Today, the tour guide let us travel freely. According to the guide's instructions, our family decided to go to the arena. The stage has great attraction for me, because there is a pet shop there! We arrived at the station: Wusenkou, in front of the ticket machine, we bought the ticket to Qinghai. You may wonder, isn't Qinghai in China? Besides, how can I buy a ticket to Qinghai if I want to go to Taichang? In fact, Qinghai is

Qinghai in Japan is not Qinghai in China. Besides, the platform is in Qinghai, so I went to Qinghai. Wow! How upscale! The train we built is a driverless vehicle, which runs faster and more smoothly. So we arrived in Qinghai.

As soon as we get off the bus, we will visit the auto show first. There are many kinds of cars here. Some are very small, some are painted with colorful paint, and some are too expensive

After visiting the auto show, we went to the terrace, where I finally got my wish and saw the lovely pets. Among them, the one that impressed me most was a small white Bomei. It is less than two months old. It is hairy all over. Its eyes are like water like black gemstones embedded in its face. It is very cute in the twinkling of an eye. At the stage, we also bought a lot of things, which were extremely heavy. When buying watches, a Chinese aunt working in Japan said, "You can go to Goddard, he is a robot, and the building behind him can buy many things." So the three of us unanimously decided to buy some trolley cases there.

It took a long time to find Goddard. After a few rounds, we only found a few trolley cases that were very expensive. I had to go back by car.

Japanese Writing about Japan (2)

There are many places I want to go, but the place I want to go most is Japan. Because whether it's cultural characteristics, food or beautiful scenery And so on, all deeply touched my heart.

When it comes to Japan, you will think of the dazzling beautiful scenery. The beauty of cherry blossoms is known to all, but when it comes to cherry blossoms in "Japan", everyone knows it! When you go to Japan to enjoy cherry blossoms, you must feel its charm. Speaking of the world-famous Mount Fuji, it is an important symbol of Japan. The snow covered Mount Fuji must look beautiful and spectacular. I really want to experience it.

Let's talk about Japanese food, sushi, ramen They are all representative Japanese delicacies. I really want to taste the authentic Japanese sushi. It must be delicious after eating it. Besides, the hot ramen makes people salivate! These Japanese delicacies really make my fingers wag. I must try them when I have the chance.

Japan is the place I yearn for. One day, I must go there to enjoy the beautiful sea of cherry blossoms; One day, I must go there to see how beautiful Mount Fuji is covered with snow; One day, I must go there to taste the amazing Japanese food. One day, I will go to Japan to fulfill my dream, experience and explore Japan.

Japanese Writing about Japan (3)

Under the blue sky, white clouds are floating. The white clouds suddenly flashed to both sides, and a white object sprang out of the sky. What's that? It's an airplane. Where is it going? Japan. The study tour in Japan is starting!

The first stop: Disney Japan.

Disney in China is very interesting, and Japan is no exception. We took the Japanese roller coaster. The roller coaster started. My heart is very nervous. At the beginning, the roller coaster did not run fast, and there were some gems and stripes on both sides, which made people feel very comfortable after watching. I was just about to relax when the roller coaster suddenly accelerated into a dark place where I couldn't see my fingers. The roller coaster accelerates, rolls, descends, and plunges. I closed my eyes tightly with fright. At this time, the roller coaster began to slow down and finally arrived at the station. My legs were weak and my eyes were black. Fortunately, I didn't fall down. After playing the roller coaster, we played other games. Disneyland in Japan is really a very interesting place!

Second stop: visit Japanese primary schools.

It is very interesting to visit Japanese primary schools. The Japanese are also very warm and friendly. Japanese pupils are very friendly. As soon as we entered, they applauded together. We played games with them and went to the Japanese primary school library. The Japanese attach great importance to education. There are many books in Japanese libraries, even Chinese classics such as The Three Kingdoms and The Water Margin. Japanese schoolchildren also taught us to fold thousands of paper cranes. I can't help admiring their dedicated eyes and faces!

I really hope that China and Japan will always be friendly! I really hope that China and Japan can become friends! I really hope there is no war, no enemy, only friendship and peace!

oh Japan, I hope we can meet again!

Japanese Writing about Japan (4)

I'm very excited today, because I'm going to Japan to travel! Early in the morning, I got up from my bed and today will be the first day of traveling abroad. We got everything ready and soon arrived at the airport. So early in the morning, the airport was a busy scene. My family went to the window to check in first, then went through the security check until boarding. Time flew by, and the plane took off soon.

The plane soon entered a stable flight period, and we flew above the clouds. I looked at us from the window as if we were in the city of the sky. These white clouds are like cotton blossoming and a group of sheep.

Two hours later, the plane landed steadily at Tokyo Airport, and then we came to Ginza, a city in Tokyo. Ginza is a big city in Tokyo, where is very busy. So we went to a big shopping mall, bought a box of eels, found a table to eat, but there was a sign on the table. Although we could not understand Japanese, there would be some inclusions in Japanese, meaning that we could not eat on the table. I think the Japanese are very particular! So we had to stand and eat. The eel tastes really good. The meat is delicate and delicious. We ate the eel and came out.

Here is Ginza, the most bustling and prosperous city in Tokyo. High buildings are everywhere on both sides of the street, and busy people flow in endlessly. I also found a strange problem that "there is almost no garbage can on the street", but the road is clean and tidy. So where did the Japanese throw their garbage? Finally, I asked my father, who told me: "Japan is clean because they can sort and dispose garbage, and each of them will take garbage home for disposal. They think it is not easy to manage garbage cans and damage the beauty." These good habits of protecting the environment are really surprising, and I think this habit is very good, If everyone has a good habit of cleaning up garbage, everywhere will become clean.

At present, our country is also promoting garbage classification and treatment. Different types of garbage are classified into recyclable garbage, non recyclable garbage, dry garbage and wet garbage. So we children should also start from the side and learn how to classify garbage. Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment, so that our motherland will become more beautiful.

Japanese Writing about Japan (5)

As the saying goes, "Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles". This summer vacation, I came to Japan with great excitement.

Japan is a country that we Chinese people are familiar with and unfamiliar with. This trip to Japan gave me a deeper understanding of this country across the sea from us.

As soon as I got off the plane, I felt a different characteristic: the ground was spotless and free of garbage, which made people feel happy. According to the guide, there is only a garbage can thousands of meters away on the road in Japan. Their garbage is put in the garbage bag they prepared, and they will sort it into their garbage room when they return home.

We also tasted authentic Japanese sushi. A large salmon was cut off on the spot and served with mustard and soy sauce. The taste was indescribable! Fresh salmon, without any fishy smell, still drooling when I think about it. We also tasted Japanese dolphin bone noodles in the food street, "dolphin bone" is commonly known as pig bone. The dolphin bones in Japan are different from those in China. The soup there is milky white, rich in flavor and fragrant. The decoration is also unique: the store is small, and the area for customers to sit is only about ten square meters. Each person has a seat, and there is no big table. Everyone sits in front of a curtain. As soon as the food is served, the chef lifts the curtain and puts the noodles in front of you. This is the "taste concentration system" invented by Japanese restaurants.

Because the hotel is adjacent to the sea, my nephew and niece (really, my seniority is higher) and I came to the sea. The sea is blue and the water meets the sky. The three of us happily dived in the sea and built sand castles. Tired of playing, I lay on the sand and looked at the blue sky, blowing soft sea breeze. On the way back to the hotel, we all took off our shoes and held them in our hands, and walked barefoot on the way home.

Because earthquakes often occur in Japan, their houses are very special: the decoration of each toilet is the same, and the floor and ceiling are connected with yellow rubber materials. The tour guide answered our doubts: the toilet was built so as to prevent earthquakes. When an earthquake comes, we can run to the toilet to avoid a disaster. So it is. Japanese beds are also very special. They don't call beds there, but "tatami". It's very interesting to lay on the floor with mats and mattresses and take off your shoes.

This week-long trip to Japan not only helped me understand a lot of extra-curricular knowledge, but also broadened my horizon. But this is a foreign country after all. In my opinion, my country is more friendly and lovely. We should learn from the advantages of foreign society with an open mind, but we should learn to abandon the bad habits. Only in this way can we make better contributions to the motherland and become a qualified social successor.

Japanese Writing about Japan (6)

Japanese Evening Cherry is a small deciduous tree. It is 4-16 meters high, its bark is gray, its leaves are oval or oval, its edges are sharp double serrated, its inflorescence is umbrella shaped, and its petals are 3-5. The leaves open first, but its flowering period is very short, only 9 days. There are about 32 stamens, shorter than the petals.

Walking in the campus, the fragrance of cherry blossoms came to my nose. I saw the cherry blossoms in clusters on the branches, revealing their vitality. From a distance, the cherry trees looked like a big open white umbrella, or a girl's white skirt.

A breeze blew, cherry blossoms scattered, flying all over the sky. A cherry blossom gently and quietly revolved in the direction of the wind, and finally fell to the ground. I bent down, picked up the fallen cherry blossom, and looked carefully. It was composed of five petals. Although it was small, it was very exquisite, as white as snow, as pink as clouds, as thin as paper, as soft as cotton. Under the sunshine, it looked particularly dazzling and charming, The middle stamen will make you feel delicate and beautiful.

It has few leaves, but it is very unique. The cherry blossom leaves are in the shape of water drops, with small serrations on the edge, but it is actually very soft. If a root, stem or leaf is hidden, it is the time when it is green and shiny. The so-called "red flowers need green leaves to set off", although it is just a set off, and a large number of cherry blossoms cover it, but it still does not lose its temperament and true color. The branches are many but thin, as if they could break off easily. It curls up and rises towards the sun, full of vitality.

When the weather is sunny, it will open under the sun. When it is cloudy, windy and rainy, although some cherry blossoms will fall, they still remain elegant, letting people see the beauty of its other side.

Cherry blossom symbolizes the beauty of life and represents life, happiness, purity and nobility. Every spring, the cherry blossom always opens as scheduled. Seeing it is like seeing spring and hope, so it symbolizes hope.

Cherry blossom does not have the tenacity of plum blossom, the fragrance of lily, the elegance and splendor of peony, and the unstained lotus. It is fresh and simple, but it is elegant. I am infatuated with it.