Composition without picking flowers (16 compilations)
Chase my tomorrow
2023-09-25 05:41:44

Composition without picking flowers (1)

Autumn has come and chrysanthemums are in bloom. In the morning, Honghong and her mother came to the Green Park.

Honghong saw the beautiful scenery in the park and was immediately attracted. She saw the beautiful chrysanthemum and was about to pick one. When her mother saw it, she said: "You can't pick it, you can't pick it. The flower is also a small life!" After listening to her mother, Hong Hong knew she was wrong, and she changed her mind.

Honghong said, "Mom, look at the green lawn, the silvery mountains, the rockery looks like a frog jumping from afar, there are several white clouds in the sky, and lovely birds!"

Hong Hong had a great time today!

Composition without picking flowers (2)

Spring is coming, the weather is warm, my mother and I go to the park to see flowers.

The flowers in the park are blooming in various forms, red like a fire, yellow like a pile of gold, white like a pile of snow, which is very beautiful. A gust of wind blowing, flowers like a group of beautiful butterflies, provoke beautiful dance.

I saw it and wanted to pick one very much. I bent down, stretched out my hand, and was about to pick flowers when my mother walked over and said, "Don't pick flowers, child! Flowers are used to decorate the park. If you pick one, I pick one, the park will not look good." I bowed my head and said with shame, "Mom, I will never pick flowers again!" My mother said, "If you know your mistake, you can change it!" After listening to my mother, My heart was relaxed.

Composition without picking flowers (3)

On Sunday morning, the autumn sky was crisp and cloudless. Xiao Hong followed her mother to the park to play.

As soon as Xiao Hong entered the door, she saw a beautiful picture: there were tall pagodas, beautiful rockeries, and big trees lined with green trees in the distance. Xiaohong looked east and west on the road. Suddenly, she saw clusters of colorful and moving chrysanthemums in full bloom. Xiaohong couldn't help but bend down and stretch out her hands to pick them. Her mother saw them and said quickly: "Xiaohong, don't pick flowers. Flowers and people are alive and can be appreciated. If everyone picks flowers, it will destroy the beauty. Nobody likes to come to the park."

Hearing her mother's words, Xiao Hong immediately withdrew her hand, lowered her head in shame, and said with a red face, "I was wrong, I will never pick flowers again." Hua Er seemed to open more brightly after hearing Xiao Hong's words.

Composition without picking flowers (4)

One spring morning, the sun used his soft and sweet voice to wake the earth from a dream, and the park was covered with golden light. In the park, the trees have grown new branches and leaves, and the grass has woven green carpets. The flowers bloomed, red like fire, yellow like gold, white like snow... One after another in full bloom, full of branches. A few budding flowers in the flower cluster are about to open their red faces and show their lovely smiles.

Xiaomei was playing in the park. She was attracted by the beautiful flowers, so she went to the flowers involuntarily and reached out to pick the flowers that were about to bloom. Suddenly, Xiaomei's hand was pulled back. Xiaomei looked back, and Wang Ning stood behind her. Xiaomei was stunned, and there was some question in her dark and bright eyes: Why are you holding me? Wang Ning said eagerly, "Xiaomei, flowers in the park can't be picked randomly." "Why?" Xiaomei asked. Wang Ning said, "The flowers in the park are for everyone to watch and cannot be picked. Besides, the flowers haven't grown up yet! Let's wait for them to open!" Xiaomei thought for a while and nodded.

Wang Ning looked at Xiaomei and said, "Let's go to the flower shop over there to buy a bunch of carnations!" Xiaomei nodded and followed Wang Ning to the flower shop happily.

Composition without picking flowers (5)

On Sunday morning, with a crisp autumn sky and cloudless skies, Xiao Hong and her mother went to the park to play.

In the park, Xiaohong saw rockeries, yellow and green grass and clear rivers. Xiaohong and her mother played swing, football and sandbags in the park. When they were tired of playing, they took a walk in the park. As they walked, they saw many colorful chrysanthemums, and thought: How wonderful it would be if they could put these chrysanthemums in the vase at home! So she reached out her hand to pick it. Her mother hurriedly came over and said, "Flowers are alive and can be viewed. If everyone picks the ground casually, the park will not be beautiful."

Hearing this, Xiao Hong immediately withdrew her hand and lowered her head in shame. She said, "I know. I will never pick flowers randomly again."

Composition without picking flowers (6)

Autumn is coming. One Sunday morning, Xiaomei and her mother went to Xingqing Park to enjoy chrysanthemums. The chrysanthemums in the park are all in bloom, yellow, red, white, purple, colorful and graceful. The petals of chrysanthemums have different shapes. Some of them stretch out like peacock's tail, some like octopus's tentacles, and some like spray water. They open up and scatter around. It's really beautiful.

Xiaomei had never seen such a beautiful chrysanthemum before. She gently stroked the petals with her hands, and then sniffed and smelled her face. She wanted to pick one and take it home. She looked around quietly, and when there was no one around, Xiaomei reached out to pick flowers. When her mother saw her, she hurriedly said, "Don't pick, don't pick, the chrysanthemums in the park are for us to enjoy, not for us to pick, we should love flowers and trees." Xiaomei listened to her mother's words, and lowered her head in embarrassment. At this time, a group of beautiful butterflies flew over. They fluttered their wings as if to say, "You are really a good obedient child.".

Composition without Picking Flowers (7)

One day, Xiaohong and her mother went to the park to play. There were tall pagodas, beautiful rockeries, green trees, and beautiful scenery everywhere. Suddenly, Xiao Hong saw that the flower bed was full of bright chrysanthemums,

She hurriedly said to her mother, "Mom, look at the beautiful chrysanthemums over there! Can I pick one?" Xiaohong said as she put her hand beside the flowers. Mother quickly took her hand and shook it again, saying, "Don't pick flowers, my child. The flowers in the park are for viewing. If everyone picks one, the park will not be so beautiful." Xiaohong nodded and said, "I understand. I won't pick flowers again." The flowers opened more brightly after hearing Xiaohong's words.

Composition without picking flowers (8)

Today, the weather is very sunny. My mother takes Lili to the park. There are beautiful pavilions, green grass and rockeries in the park. Suddenly, Lili saw golden chrysanthemums and went to pick them. Her mother saw them and said, "Lili, these flowers are for everyone to see, and they can't be picked." Lili blushed. She lowered her head and whispered, "I know, I will never pick them again." After listening to Lili's words, her mother smiled, Lili also smiled, and those golden chrysanthemums also smiled!

Composition without picking flowers (9)

Don't pick flowers for composition

In real life or work and study, everyone has written a composition. The composition must focus on the theme, and make in-depth exposition around the unified theme. Do not ramble about, lose focus on the theme or even have no theme. So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is the composition of Don't Pick Flowers collected by Xiao Bian. Welcome to share.

Don't pick flowers Composition 1

On the morning of the weekend, Xiao Li and her mother went to the park to see flowers. There are all kinds of chrysanthemums, red, green, pink and yellow...... They are as red as fire; The powder looks like rosy clouds; Green as jade; Yellow is like gold. It's beautiful! Xiaoli thought: Today is my mother's birthday. If I pick one for her, she will be very happy!

Xiao Li thought about it and was about to pick it! Mother said: "Xiaoli, don't pick flowers. We should protect plants. We can't pick flowers. Flowers, plants and trees are alive. Even if the flowers are beautiful, they can't pick flowers. If you pick them, how will others look at them?" Xiaoli said with shame: "I know, I will never pick flowers again."

You should not learn from Xiao Li in the article. Flowers and plants are also our friends. We should enjoy flowers instead of picking flowers.

Don't pick flowers Composition 2

On Sunday, Xiaoli and her mother went to the park to play. Xiaoli saw there were many chrysanthemums. They were so beautiful!

Chrysanthemum has white, red and pink, which is really colorful. Red is like the fiery red sun, and also like a little girl's blushing face.

When Xiao Li saw the whitest one, like a snowball, she was going to pick one. My mother saw this and stopped her. She said, "My child, every plant has life. We must protect small flowers and grass and nature."

Xiaoli blushed and said, "Mom, I was wrong. I will never do this again."

We should learn from Xiao Li, love flowers and protect nature. I also learned that flowers and trees are our friends, and we need to protect every plant.

Don't pick flowers Composition 3

On Sunday morning, I heard that there was a flower exhibition in the park. Xiao Li asked her mother to take her to have a look.

When we got to the park, Xiao Li saw many people there, which was very lively. There are also rivers, pavilions, grass, rockeries... but the most attractive thing for Xiaoli is chrysanthemums. Chrysanthemum has many colors, including green, yellow, white, pink, purple and red, which are really colorful. Xiaoli saw the biggest and most beautiful chrysanthemum and wanted to pick one for her mother because her mother had her birthday today. Xiaoli looked around, afraid that the administrator would see her. Just as she reached out to pick it, her mother saw her.

Mother said: "Flowers are the same as human beings. They have only one life. We should love flowers." Xiao Li blushed. Xiaoli said, "I was wrong, and I will never do that again." Xiaoli felt very guilty.

This story tells us that it is everyone's responsibility to love flowers and trees.

Don't pick flowers Composition 4

Mother found a sunny day to take the little girl to the park. There are pavilions in the park. The pavilions are on the hills, and there are sculptures, flowers and grass. Mother and the little girl talked while walking. The little girl saw the beautiful chrysanthemums on the roadside. She smelled and touched them. It seemed that she picked one. She looked around to see if there was anyone around. Otherwise, it would be troublesome to be seen?

As soon as she reached out her hand, her mother found it. She said, "Don't pick flowers, good boy, because flowers beautify the environment and make people appreciate them."

The little girl listened to her mother and withdrew her hand. The little butterfly in the flowers heard the sound and flew with the little girl, as if to say, "You are really a good child."

Don't pick flowers Composition 5

On Sunday morning, when the sky was clear and the sky was clear, Xiao Hong and her mother went to the park to play.

In the park, Xiaohong saw rockeries, yellow and green grass and clear rivers. Xiaohong and her mother played swing, football and sandbags in the park. When they were tired of playing, they walked in the park. As they walked, they saw many colorful chrysanthemums competing for beauty and thought: How wonderful it would be if they could put these chrysanthemums in the vase at home! So she stretched out her hand to pick it. Her mother hurriedly came over and said: "Flowers are alive and can be viewed. If everyone picks the ground casually, the park will not be beautiful."

Hearing this, Xiao Hong immediately withdrew her hand and lowered her head in shame. She said, "I know. I will pick flowers steadily in the future."

Don't pick flowers Composition 6

Saturday morning, sunny, my mother and I went to the park to play.

The park is very large and colorful, just like a beautiful painting. There is a rockery in the distance, a pavilion for us to rest, many green trees, bright flowers, and green lawns.

I was shocked to see this strange scene! Suddenly I saw a very beautiful chrysanthemum in front of me, which is really blooming! I was about to pick them when my mother came over and said, "My child, flowers are alive, just like us." I drew back my hand and asked, "Are flowers really alive?" My mother replied, "Of course!" I said, "Mom, I won't pick flowers anymore. I want to be a good child."

Don't pick flowers Composition 7

It was warm on Sunday. Mother and Xiaohong went to the park happily. As soon as they entered the park, they saw clusters of chrysanthemums. Xiaohong was about to pick chrysanthemums when her mother stopped her, her mother said; "The flowers in the park can't be picked, because the flowers in the park are for us to watch. If you pick one, I pick one, the park will not be beautiful." Xiao Hong said; "I will never pick flowers again." Mother smiled excitedly, and the beautiful chrysanthemums also smiled.

Don't pick flowers Composition 8

Don't pick flowers on Sundays. My mother takes Xiaohong to the park to play happily. Entering the park, I can see the beautiful scenery of the park! There are green trees in the distance, a pavilion and a rockery on the top of the mountain. In the nearby flower bed, the chrysanthemums were blooming brightly. Xiaohong ran quickly to pick one for her mother. Her mother quickly stopped her and said kindly: "Honghong, you can't pick flowers. Flowers are for everyone to appreciate, and you can also beautify the environment, but you can't pick them." Xiaohong listened to Xiaohong, and her mother smiled happily. Xiaohong also smiled.

Don't pick flowers Composition 9

Autumn is coming, and all kinds of flowers are blooming in the park. The colorful chrysanthemums are as red as fire, as white as snow, and as yellow as gold. There are also many roses, osmanthus and unknown wild flowers.

Xiaoli and her mother came to the park to appreciate the beautiful scenery. Seeing how beautiful these flowers are, Xiaoli wanted to reach out to pick one for her mother. Just as she was about to pick it, her mother saw it and ran to Xiaoli and said, "We should take care of every plant in the park and not destroy it. Xiaoli, do you know that flowers are alive, too?" Xiaoli said, "I will never pick flowers again."

Her mother smiled and said, "Xiao Li is great!"

Don't pick flowers Composition 10

On Sunday morning, Xiao Hong and her mother went to the park to play together.

The park is really beautiful. There are tall pavilions and shady trees in the distance. A small river flows happily. The chrysanthemums in the park are beautiful. Xiaohong couldn't help bending down and stretching out her hand to pick a beautiful chrysanthemum. When her mother saw it, she said to Xiaohong hurriedly, "Don't pick flowers, don't pick flowers. The flowers are beautiful, and everyone can see them. But if you pick her off, she will soon wither. Because she has no roots, so everyone will never see the beautiful chrysanthemums again."

Hearing her mother's words, Xiaohong immediately withdrew her hand and lowered her head in shame. She said, "Mom, I will never pick flowers again."

Composition without Picking Flowers (10)

On Sunday, my mother took Xiao Hong to the park to play.

The park is beautiful. There are beautiful pavilions in the distance, green trees near, flowing rivers, and colorful flowers in flower beds. There are white peonies, yellow chrysanthemums, purple lilacs, red saffrons Xiaohong likes chrysanthemums best. When she bent down to pick a chrysanthemum, her mother waved her hand and said to Xiaohong, "Don't pick flowers. The flowers are hard cultivated by the gardener uncle and are for everyone to enjoy." Xiaohong knew she was wrong and said to her mother, "Mom, I understand. I don't pick flowers anymore!". Xiaohong and her mother went home happily after enjoying the beautiful scenery of the park

Composition without Picking Flowers (11)

In early autumn, the weather is sunny and white clouds are as white as feathers. Mother took Xiaohong to Beishan Park. They talked and laughed all the way and soon arrived. Xiao Hong saw a pavilion on the distant green mountain, and the trees nearby were tall, straight and lush. At this time, Xiaohong saw the nearest 'chrysanthemum'. Xiaohong was about to reach out to pick flowers when his mother saw her. Her mother grabbed her hand and said, "Don't pick flowers, take care of flowers and trees." Xiaohong said, "I know. I will never pick flowers again."

Instructor: Kong Fanqi

Composition without Picking Flowers (12)

One fine morning, my mother took Xiao Yun to the park to play.

As soon as he walked into the gate of the park, a fragrance came to him. Xiao Yun walked to the flower bed to meet the fragrance of flowers. Xiao Yun was fascinated by the beautiful flowers. Wow! What a beautiful flower! There are red, yellow, white, and lavender, blossoming, clumping, and patchy. At this time, Xiaoyun saw a white chrysanthemum. Xiaoyun thought, "I will pick one for my mother. My mother must be very happy!"! So Xiao Yun reached out to pick it. "Don't pick it, we should take care of flowers and trees." Xiao Yun looked up and saw that her mother was telling her, "Don't pick flowers. Think about it. If everyone who comes here picks one, can we still see these beautiful chrysanthemums?"

Hearing her mother's words, Xiaoyun let go of the chrysanthemum in her hand and said shyly, "Sorry, Mom, I know I was wrong." Her mother touched Xiaoyun's head and said, "My good boy, let's be a person who cares for the environment."

Composition without Picking Flowers (13)

Don't underestimate these crabs. Although they are small, they have great strength. The crabs hid under the stone, and the stone could not crush them.

There are some chrysanthemums at the foot of the mountain. These chrysanthemums are very beautiful and fragrant. I also like chrysanthemums very much.

At this time, a mother and a child walked from the mountain to the foot of the mountain. When they went down the mountain, the slope was very steep, just like a slide. It was very fun.

Down the mountain, my mother said to an old woman who was walking, "The chrysanthemums in the mountains are so fragrant, Prepare to put chrysanthemums in the vase at home. But when the child was just about to pick flowers, his mother saw it and said angrily, "My child, you can't pick chrysanthemums. They are for everyone, not for you alone." The child listened to it and hurried back to his hand, saying, "Mom, I know I was wrong, and I will never pick flowers again." Her mother happily touched the child's head and said, "Good boy, let's take a picture together. ”The child took her mother's hand and took a beautiful picture beside the chrysanthemum bush.

The flower also smiled happily, and smiled in the photo.

Composition without Picking Flowers (14)

Wang Xinyu

On the morning of the weekend, Xiao Li and her mother went to the park to see flowers. There are all kinds of chrysanthemums, red, green, pink and yellow...... They are as red as fire; The powder looks like rosy clouds; Green as jade; Yellow is like gold. It's beautiful! Xiaoli thought: Today is my mother's birthday. If I pick one for her, she will be very happy!

Xiao Li thought about it and was about to pick it! Mother said: "Xiaoli, don't pick flowers. We should protect plants. We can't pick flowers. Flowers, plants and trees are alive. Even if the flowers are beautiful, they can't pick flowers. If you pick them, what will others think of them?" Xiaoli said with shame: "I know, I will never pick flowers again."

You should not learn from Xiao Li in the article. Flowers and plants are also our friends. We should enjoy flowers instead of picking flowers.

[Don't pick flowers]

Liu Shangyu

On Sunday, Xiaoli and her mother went to the park to play. Xiaoli saw there were many chrysanthemums. They were so beautiful!

Chrysanthemum has white, red and pink, which is really colorful. Red is like the fiery red sun, and also like a little girl's blushing face.

When Xiao Li saw the whitest one, like a snowball, she was going to pick one. My mother saw this and stopped her. She said, "My child, every plant has life. We must protect flowers and grass and nature."

Xiaoli blushed and said, "Mom, I was wrong. I will never do this again."

We should learn from Xiao Li, love flowers and protect nature. I also learned that flowers and trees are our friends, and we should protect every plant.

[Don't pick flowers]

Shen Xue

On Sunday morning, I heard that there was a flower exhibition in the park. Xiao Li asked her mother to take her to have a look.

When we got to the park, Xiao Li saw a lot of people there, which was very lively. There are also rivers, pavilions, grass, rockeries... but the most attractive thing for Xiaoli is chrysanthemums. Chrysanthemum has many colors, including green, yellow, white, pink, purple and red. It is really colorful. Xiaoli saw the biggest and most beautiful chrysanthemum and wanted to pick one for her mother because her mother had her birthday today. Xiaoli looked around, afraid the administrator would see her. Xiaoli was about to pick it when her mother saw her.

Mother said: "Flowers are the same as human beings. They have only one life. We should love flowers." Xiao Li blushed. Xiaoli said, "I was wrong, and I will never do that again." Xiaoli felt very guilty.

This story tells us that it is everyone's responsibility to love flowers and trees.

Composition without Picking Flowers (15)

Xiaohong first came to the pavilion with her mother. Xiaohong read books and played games in the pavilion. After a while, Xiaohong was attracted by a chrysanthemum not far away.

She ran in front of the chrysanthemums and looked around. The chrysanthemums are so bright, beautiful and charming. He looked at it and couldn't help but want to pick flowers.

As soon as she reached out to pick flowers, her mother came over. Her mother said kindly to Xiaohong: "Children, flowers and plants are alive, and you can't pick them randomly!" Xiaohong said with shame, "Mom, I know I was wrong. I will never pick flowers again." After listening to her, her mother smiled and said, "That's right, to be a good civilized child."

Xiaohong nodded and said, "Well, I remember that we should love flowers and plants in the future."

After saying that, Xiaohong and her mother went home happily together.

Composition without Picking Flowers (16)

When Xiao Hong saw these flowers, she thought how wonderful it would be to take them home and put them in vases! When she was about to pick flowers with her hands, a big sister said, "Little sister, don't pick flowers. It's everyone's responsibility to take care of flowers!" Xiao Hong remembered this sentence and said to her big sister, "Big sister, thank you, I understand."

Don't pick flowers

In autumn, Xiaoyue and her mother came to the park to play. Before she knew it, Xiaoyue felt that her mother was missing, so she found her mother everywhere. Suddenly, Xiaoyue smelled a fragrance and ran to the park. She saw blossoming golden wild chrysanthemums. When she was about to reach out to pick them, an aunt came up and said, "Children can't pick them. If you do, it will damage the environment." Xiaoyue heard her aunt's words and knew that she was wrong, so she apologized to her aunt and said, "Sorry, I won't pick flowers next time."

Don't pick flowers

One day, Xiao Hong and her mother went to the park to play. They wanted to climb to the mountain first. Half way up the mountain, they saw the white swans in Swan Lake. What a beautiful sight! Xiaohong and her mother climbed to the top of the mountain and looked down at the beautiful scenery!

Seeing a cluster of rose flowers, Xiao Hong ran down the mountain quickly. She smelled and said, "How fragrant!" Xiao Hong wanted to pick some flowers. Just as she wanted to reach out her hand, her mother said, "Xiao Hong, we need to take care of flowers and plants!" After thinking about it, Xiao Hong said, "Mom, I know."