Life Needs a Smile 600 Words Junior High School Composition (8 in general)
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2023-09-10 09:23:10
Junior two
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Life Needs a Smile 600 Words Junior High School Composition (1)

Face life with a smile. Life needs a smile. Each of us will encounter many difficulties in life. However, we must keep smiling and learn to face the difficulties you encounter with a good attitude, so that you can easily resolve even the greatest difficulties you encounter.

Life needs a smile. Some students may frown when encountering a certain setback, and lose their soul all day long. However, if they can take a smiling and optimistic attitude towards setbacks, they will eventually be able to overcome setbacks. Setbacks are a roadblock in our life. We should face it with a positive attitude and overcome it. So, show your courage, When setbacks come, greet them with a smile, and you will get infinite happiness and the courage to overcome difficulties and setbacks.

Life needs a smile, so how should we keep smiling all the time. First of all, we should exercise our psychological pressure resistance ability, cultivate healthy and good hobbies, live a rhythmic and regular life, and pursue what we love, so that you can always keep smiling. Although life is difficult, as long as you keep smiling, you can harvest happiness, let smiles fill your life, and let smiles accompany you every moment.

At first, I didn't know the role of smile. I frowned when faced with setbacks and difficulties. I believe that this is also the natural way for most people to express their emotions and sorrows through their appearance when faced with setbacks. But later, my mother talked to me, and he said that I put too much emphasis on gains and losses, so that every time I encounter something bad, I can't calm down and face it bravely, In addition, I can't try to smile to face the setbacks in life, but fortunately, all of them are small setbacks, and the big ones will definitely be unbearable. So she suggested that I should keep smiling from then on. No matter how difficult and big the storm, I should also take an optimistic attitude towards life, bravely face life, embrace life, love your life.

Life needs a smile. No matter what difficulties we are in at this time, smile is a language, a confident language, we will use a confident and optimistic attitude to face all difficulties in life, raise the sails, and bravely sail to our ideal harbor.

Life Needs a Smile 600 Words Junior High School Composition (2)

Everyone can take a simple action without hesitation - smile, effortless, but extraordinary.

Life needs a smile, needs a smile to face, when you are happy, it can make you happy, when you are lost, it guides you to face everything, dispel the fog, and bathe in the beautiful sunshine scattered by the sun.

The road of life is full of hardships and frustrations. When you are sad and sad, a smile gives you infinite strength, your fighting spirit, courage and confidence to win again.

On the track of life, there are parents' care, teachers' teaching and friends' understanding of company. You don't need anything to repay your efforts. As long as you give your parents a beautiful smile when they are sweating and working hard to make money, they will feel that their efforts have been wasted and rewarded; As long as you send a cup of hot tea and a confident smile when the teacher is busy preparing lessons, you will feel that you have paid back; But friend, you only need to give him a smile of encouragement when he is facing, maybe your smile will affect his life's fate. The power of the smile.

Everyone treats life differently. People are pessimistic and optimistic. Pessimistic people get other people's smiles, and will not smile at others. Optimists often see other people's smiling faces and often talk to others with a smiling face. This smile produces two different attitudes, two different people.

Life needs us to experience it with heart and face it with smile. Whether it's a little friend who is several months old, a young friend who is growing up, or a middle-aged friend who has a family, they all need a smile from others. They exchange feelings with a smile, and face life with a smile, and life will be beautiful and beautiful.

Life needs smiles everywhere. When others help you, you should smile and say "thank you" to others. When someone accidentally steps on you, you should also smile and say "Never mind, it doesn't matter". Your look represents your quality. Your quality represents your tolerance and generosity.

Life is beautiful and beautiful, and a smile can add color to life, make life gorgeous, let's face life with a smile!

Life Needs a Smile 600 Words Junior High School Composition (3)

Smile, is a ray of sunshine, warm you and me; Smile is a kind of encouragement, believe in yourself; Smile is beautiful, happy and can add color to life.

I sat on a small wooden bench under the podium with a nervous and excited mood and read the speech repeatedly. My heart was like an ant on a hot pot. I was nervous, there was no one behind me, and I felt extremely insecure. "No, I want to calm down. I'm here to fight for honor, not to lose face! Ah! Practice several more times! I must calm down!" My legs kept shaking, and I finally could not sit still, stood up and kept wandering, a tall figure hit from behind, and I hurriedly turned around. It was Teacher Zhang. "Teacher, I, I..." "Needless to say, I understand that I am nervous, right?" I nodded crazily.

The teacher asked me to go to the chair, look at me, pat my small shoulder, and suddenly felt a big mountain fell to the ground. The teacher squatted in front of me and looked at me with a smile, making me familiar with this manuscript again. "You should go in, read with your heart, feel and touch every part of this manuscript." I gradually calmed down, and felt the beauty of the article with my heart. I imagined the situation at that time, closed my eyes and said every word I knew.

A classmate trotted up to me and informed me that I was going to go on stage. I stood on the steps and took a deep breath. I seemed to walk calmly onto the rostrum. Teacher Zhang smiled under the platform and looked at me with relief. A sunny smile appeared on my stiff face. The teacher made a gesture of adding oil to me. I replied to him in a calm heart. I calmly and fluently delivered the whole article, When I stepped down from the rostrum, the teacher greeted me at the foot of the steps with a gentle words of encouragement.

A smile infects my heart. It encourages me to face difficulties with confidence. We use a smile to defeat life. We use a smile to face the need to smile everywhere in life, and life is full of smiles everywhere.

Life Needs a Smile 600 Words Junior High School Composition (4)

Smile is an ordinary action that can't be more ordinary. Because it is ordinary, life needs it.

What is a smile? It is the best gift you can give to others. Money can't buy it.

Life needs a smile. There is a story: On the bus, Mr. A stepped on Mr. B's foot, but Mr. B was not angry. Instead, he gave Mr. A a smile. It was this smile that changed things. Mr. A was moved by Mr. B's smile. He suddenly realized his mistake and apologized to Mr. B. It was solved with a smile.

Another story also happened on the bus. It was also a gentleman who stepped on another gentleman's foot, but the two gentlemen were fussing over this little thing. The trampled gentleman said, "Your eyes are in your pocket. My feet are so big. You didn't see it. You stepped on me. Please apologize to me immediately." Another man said, "Your eyes are just growing in your pocket. How old I am? Where are your feet? It's clear that you want to be trampled. What's more, you have no quality. You asked me to apologize to those who have no quality. I won't do it." The man who was trampled said, "Who has no quality? Let's see again. I won't tear your mouth."?? You can imagine how the final result was. What is the difference between them is the smile that people in the next story don't understand. Now you know the importance of smile.

There are many small things in life that show that life needs to smile, and I will not list the rest.

Everyone knows that smile is very important. Ask yourself if you don't believe it.

What is a smile? Smile is the sun in winter, which makes us feel warm, not hot; Smile is the best memory of hometown for those who are far away from home; A smile is a wordless greeting; Smile is the best support for others; Smile is the most beautiful expression in the world.

What can produce amazing power in an instant? smile. What can create miracles? smile. Don't underestimate the smile. Although it is insignificant, it is an indispensable nutrient for life.

Life Needs a Smile 600 Words Junior High School Composition (5)

If life is a ship, then smile is the new continent that brings them hope; If life is a mountain, then smile is indispensable equipment for climbing; If life is the frozen soil of the Polaris, then a smile is the sunshine on the earth.

Smile, such a simple word, is only a matter of a second or two to do. Is it really so powerful? Scientists have done an experiment. Of 1000 people, 432 often smile. Of these 432 people, 95% have higher per capita wages than their peers, and their colleagues praise them endlessly.

Then someone said, "What's the big deal about smiling? I'm talented and smart. I'm not afraid I won't be promoted.". Is that really the case? Yes, you are smart, capable, and highly likely to be promoted. But recently scientists have shown that smiling all the time will increase people's life span. In life, people who smile can make people feel comfortable. If you are smart and can only work without smiling, how will everyone who gets along with you feel?

Just imagine that in life, everyone of us is smiling and everyone is in a good mood. Isn't that all right? Smile is still the lubricant between friends. Why not smile?

In the summer vacation, when I came to play at Sias University in Xinzheng, I smiled at Sias students and they gave me a smile. I knew that those smiles were an affirmation of my football skills; Those smiles are a compliment to my personality. Smiles give me unlimited support in my study and life.

Smile is 1. The two smiles together are not 1+1, but all of us. The power of smile is infinite! The charm of a smile is permanent!

Smile is an indispensable necessity in our life. If this article touches you, please pass on the next smile to others, so that there is no gap between people, and let the smile become a part of every Chinese's life!

Life Needs a Smile 600 Words Junior High School Composition (6)

Don't need too many words, don't need gorgeous decoration, just a shallow smile, perhaps, is a wonderful.

One day, when you walked through the noisy street with a heavy heart, you gave me a smile. Maybe we have never met, but from your eyes, I read the sincerity and hope. The corners of my mouth were slightly raised, and the corners of my eyes were slightly lined. In just a few seconds, it seemed that I had reached the bottom of my heart through my body. That smile, into an eternal, let me happy again. I looked up at the sky. All the haze had turned into a blue and deep sky. The white clouds seem to have pieced together into smiling faces of hope. I gave you a smile, also with sincerity, but, more than a grateful.

No matter who you are, when you give someone a sincere smile, you will get friendship, gratitude, joy and respect. When you give others a smile, you will forget your troubles and be happy. Your smile, passed to others, will be an ordinary happiness, but the most ordinary things, often the most moving.

Smile, a kind of beauty beyond words; Smile, a kind of plain and touching happiness; Smile, like a spring breeze blowing through the green meadow.

Smile weaves the beauty of love and spreads in every corner of the world, surpassing power, money, national boundaries, beauty and ugliness. Small warmth, do not deliberately feel, the most sincere smile, everyone's heart, will feel. Exchange a smile, so that we understand the bad of embracing the world, and understand that hope is everywhere.

In life, smile is also necessary.

Life is a thick book, which needs you to read all your life. Life is a seven color board, which contains the hardships of pursuing dreams, the joy of success, the pain of setbacks, and loneliness. At this time, you need to smile at her.

The road of life is inevitably rugged, because the rugged is attractive and beautiful. The road of life is inevitably bumpy, because bumpy, just more colorful. When your tears are about to roll down, tell yourself that you should smile at life, face life, face everything. Life needs a smile, and people also need a smile, give to others, give to yourself. Smile is not just an action of one, it may be a light in the dark, a warmth in the cold.

Smile, smile with your heart, and you will find that life is so beautiful.

Life Needs a Smile 600 Words Junior High School Composition (7)

My former neighbor was a gentle girl. She has a fresh name - Lin Qingwan. Qingwan, Qingwan, Qingli and Wenwan

Qingwan looks very beautiful, extraordinary and refined, like an elf. Under her long eyelashes, her big eyes were bright, her small mouth moved from time to time, and her cheeks were red and moist, which made her originally childish face look more beautiful.

Slowly, I found that the pure and graceful heart is more beautiful than her appearance.

Qingwan and I are the same age. Although they are not classmates, they are all lively girls, so they get along very well.

I remember that at the beginning of school, my new Chinese book fell into the dirty water from the crack of the bag on the way home. It was dirty and smelly. I thought to myself: It's over. But when I got home, Qingwan saw it and rushed over. He smiled and said, "You can exchange it with me. It's not the same if you wrap a book cover." I was speechless for a moment, and my face was hot.

Another time, it was a Saturday, and it was night when I came back from my grandmother's house. At that time, the weather was extremely cold, which seemed to freeze people. As soon as Dad's car stopped, he heard the door of the unit open.

"Eh, Qingwan, why are you here?" I saw Qingwan shivering in the cold wind, and my heart ached, so I hurried to ask.

"There is a broken key stuck in the door lock, and the door can't be opened from the outside. Mom and Dad are not at home, so I'm afraid your knocking will wake up Aunt Chen's baby next door, so I'll wait here for you to come back. Open the door for you." She smiled, especially sweetly.

My nose suddenly soured, so moved.

Later, Qingwan moved away. She will move back to her hometown in Jiangsu

I went to the railway station to see her off. Before I left, she gave me a gift. When I opened the box, I saw that there were two small snake figures intertwined together, which became a love.

"Is this?" I was a little puzzled.

"Our zodiac signs are snakes, so I will send you two little snake figurines. Although we are far apart, we will always breathe under the same blue sky, and our hearts will always be together! Fanfan, you should study hard and come on!" She waved her hand with a bright smile. I'm afraid some stars will be ashamed of their smiles.

The train left, and Qingwan also left. I was alone on the platform in a daze.

Thank you, Qingwan

Qingwan, your smile is like a meter of sunshine in winter, warming my heart

Life Needs a Smile 600 Words Junior High School Composition (8)

In everyone's life, there will inevitably be some unpleasant things. Facing them, are you sad or pessimistic? Anyway, you always have to face them. It is better to be happy for 60 seconds than sad for one minute. Give yourself a smile, make yourself strong, and face them calmly.

I remember when I was in primary school, my grades were always in the top ten. However, after a mid-term exam after entering junior high school, I was completely disappointed with myself. I am good at Chinese and only got 80 points, which is undoubtedly a heavy blow to me. Did I go backwards? I didn't review, okay? Still... my mother said something to me: "My son, it's not that you have regressed, nor that you haven't reviewed well. Maybe it's because you have not adapted to junior high school, and you are under pressure. You are nervous during the exam, so you didn't do well in the exam. However, I believe that with the mistakes in this exam, you have learned from your experience, and you will do well in the exam next time." I nodded. That night, I lay in bed and thought a lot. The fact can't be changed. There is a sense of urgency in learning. But what's the use of being sad if you fail many times in the exam and are sad every time instead of working hard? Why not look for the reason for failure, try to do well in the next exam, and make yourself happy? Thinking of this, I am full of confidence in myself, and I should make myself smile in the face of failure, no matter when.

Smile is a natural beauty and a source of infinite strength and confidence.

Give yourself a smile to keep yourself happy and happy; Let yourself look back, face difficulties without fear, and use your wisdom and confidence to defeat the so-called difficulties.

Friends, please remember, give yourself a smile to make you feel more comfortable; Give yourself a smile to open your mind; Give yourself a smile to make life more beautiful; Give yourself a smile and face misfortune with a smile. I believe that happy days will always be with you.