My good sister's composition (10 high-quality articles)
Breeze Moon Shadow
2023-10-13 01:54:29
high school

My Good Sister Composition (1)

When I mention my childhood partner, I have to say that she is Wu Yuqing. A good sister who is inseparable from me like twins.

It is often said that two people who have been together for a long time will become very similar in appearance. Undoubtedly, Wu Yuqing and I are the best examples of this sentence. We not only look alike, but also wear the same clothes in the same class. Even our parents sometimes can't help joking: "These two must be twins."

At the age of six, my mother helped us sign up for a dance class. We always wear the same clothes to class by agreement, which makes the dance teacher often "confused". I remember one time, the teacher asked me to demonstrate on the stage, but the teacher called Wu Yuqing's name. I stood there, not knowing whether to go up or not, so I whispered: "Teacher, my name is Han Shuyu, and others often confuse us." The teacher had to smile embarrassed. After class, a parent asked us, "Are you twins?" We laughed and replied loudly, "Yes!"

In primary school, we used to take a nap on the floor in the auditorium. Although the teacher would watch us while we slept, the students still whispered when the teacher was not paying attention.

In the fifth grade, we often took fruit to school to eat, but we often had little time to enjoy the delicious food, so we often ate it secretly at noon. After lunch, we ran to the auditorium with quilts and fruit boxes in our arms. Cautious Wu Yuqing often said to me, "You wrap the fruit box with quilts, or you will be found“

During the afternoon nap, the teacher in charge kept dozing on the chair. The auditorium was very quiet, and only a few students could be heard whispering. At this time, we will carefully open the fruit box, and at the same time, we will not forget to look around for fear that others will see. When we eat fruit, we will keep the volume at the lowest level. Once we hear something "stirring," we will immediately cover ourselves with quilts. Wu Yuqing and I call this beautiful afternoon nap a "feast".

In my childhood, she and I went crazy together, made mistakes together, and childish together, and imagined a beautiful future together. Although we are separated from each other now, I will not forget her childhood and my best friend Wu Yuqing.

My Good Sister Composition (2)


With the footsteps of autumn, the leaves have begun to wither. Days never want to stay. Gradually, it has been more than two months since we separated. On the day of taking the high school entrance exam, it was the last time we had a talk so far. I talked to you endlessly, but always revolved around a topic. It's not that I'm wordy, but I don't want to be forgotten so easily by you. In the past, when we were together, I did all the brave things. I always despised your courage with your heroic deeds of killing a snake. When I think of the past, my eyes always turn red. I used to say that there was no place for me to remember in this school, but after I separated, I found that the most important thing was that you and I could not write lyric sentences and touching logs. But Li, I asked you to read patiently the three page messages I wrote for you, but did not wait for you to buy a guestbook. Forgive me for some words in my late log, and said don't blame me. We used to be so noisy that sometimes I felt that I was not so important in your heart. Sometimes I complained and blamed you. But every time after a day or two, I don't take it seriously. After leaving for a long time, I feel more and more like you. Good. But I still remember that you slapped me. Maybe we were too impulsive at that time. Hee hee, it's our nostalgic memory. I have a bad temper. Maybe only you will tolerate my bad temper. I am not a person who knows how to express my feelings. Sometimes I am too shy to say thank you to you. We used to be called conjoined babies. After two years, we went to the toilet together, ate together, went to the store together, were scolded by others together, committed philanderers together, and said our own words together. Once we did nothing alone, but it was just a high school entrance exam, but let us both turn around and go to a new school, Although there are many friends, I can never find a you who can be so inseparable from me. I have something to say in my heart, and I don't know who to say. I didn't watch handsome boys with you, and then I gave my opinions. Nobody shares gossip with me like you, and then Goldman Sachs talks freely. No one will wait for me as slowly as you do every time, and then shout at me a few words that you are dying waiting for me. I owe scolding or have been used to those noisy days. Your voice disappeared in my ear. It was really unnatural that I doubted whether we were sisters or twins in my previous life. I even asked my mother naively where I came from. We have the same personality, the same hobbies and the same lifestyle. Always wait until the loss to find your good. In your new school, will there be a better friend than me to replace my position in your heart, or in fact, I am not so important in your heart. In the new school, remember to take care of yourself. Don't always skip meals with me like in junior high school. If you meet a boy you like, go after him boldly. I will definitely support you. Also, if you come back, you must tell me that if I find you are still thin, you will wait for me to scold you and say something narcissistic. I hope that my place in your heart as a good sister will always be reserved for me, even in the corner. I don't want to be forgotten by you so easily. Even for my sake, you should remember me better. Forgive me for making trouble without reason. You should forget my bad and remember my good. In my heart, your position is irreplaceable. A lifelong good sister

Chen Huimin, Senior One of Zhenhua Middle School, Shaodong County, Shaoyang, Hunan

My Good Sister Composition (3)

Yueli has big eyes, curved eyelashes and dark skin. When she smiles, she always covers her mouth with her hands, looking shy.

In fact, she is a humorous, hardworking girl.

"Ding Lingling" After school, I walked with Ah Ji and Yue Li. Yue Li said, "Let me tell you a joke!" I said with Ah Ji, "OK." "Let's begin. Listen carefully. Once upon a time, an elephant married an ant. The elephant said to the ant," Honey, I'm sick and may die. "The ant listened, He said, "Dear, you must not die. If you die, I will bury you all my life." "Ha ha ha..." We listened and laughed and looked at us with strange eyes.

Yueli's three siblings live in a rented house. Of the three, because she is the largest, naturally she does everything. She cooks for her younger brothers and sisters every day, and does all the housework at home. In the evening, she can only do her own homework after tutoring her younger brothers and sisters. One day, she didn't sleep enough, so she dozed off in class. Miss Huang called her to the office after class and asked, "Yueli, what have you done recently? Have you been dozing off in class? Is it because you watched TV late at night?" Although Yueli was very aggrieved, she didn't answer, just bowed her head. But even so, her performance is still among the best in our class. This is my good sister, Yueli

My Good Sister Composition (4)

When I was in the sixth grade, I had a good sister named Jiang Xinmei. At first, we didn't like to play together. We always liked to "say" to me. I became familiar with her after that. In the days after that, we played together every day. My second good sister, Li Xingyi, was a very open and enthusiastic girl. I played games with her, Her laughter is particularly pleasant. My third good sister, Chen Xuewei, used to be a good girl, a little timid. She became super open after playing with Li Xingyi and Jiang Xinmei. She is totally different from the past. For me, I also like her super open, super cute! My fourth good sister, Deng Xuejie, is a good girl with a little "whine"... She is very sociable. She didn't like talking to me very much before. When I became very open, she and I gradually played together... Fortunately, we were in the same class in the same school after junior high school! Only Jiang Xinmei has left. Alas... If only she were with us! Fortunately, we can meet again on Friday! I want to say: "Anyway, we should be together, my good sisters! Come on!

My Good Sister Composition (5)

In our daily life, we have helped those in need, and others have also helped us. Now, let's listen to how my "good sister" Wang Jingyue helped me!

My good friend Wang Jingyue has long black hair. She often wears a very beautiful hair clip and ties it into a ponytail. She walks around and looks lively and cheerful. Wang Jingyue is medium height and a little thin. Her two big eyes are bright, and they look like two bright black pearls. Maybe it's because she loves reading in bed at night. In the first few semesters, she had a pair of small glasses on her nose. People thought that Wang Jingyue would be sad because she didn't look good with glasses. On the contrary, Wang Jingyue said to us, "It's really good. Look, I look like a little doctor with glasses on!"

Wang Jingyue loves helping others, especially when she is with me, she is always helping me.

I remember one time, we left school early, and it was Wang Jingyue's turn to be on duty that day. After saying "goodbye" to her, I hurried home. When I got home, I just opened my schoolbag and found that my stationery box and Chinese book seemed to be "missing". I was so worried that I sweated all over my head. I immediately turned over my schoolbag, but I still couldn't find it. Just when I was worried, I suddenly heard the doorbell ringing. As soon as I opened the door, I saw Wang Jingyue standing outside the door with my left things in her hands. After she gave me something, she hurried away without even drinking a mouthful of water. I have been looking at her leaving back, standing at the door, a warm current immediately rose from my heart, quickly spread throughout my body

Although this is a very ordinary thing, it let me see the deep friendship between her and me. I sincerely said to Wang Jingyue, "Thank you!" I believe that my "good sister" Wang Jingyue and I will work together and help each other to make our friendship deeper!

My Good Sister Composition (6)

Once, when we were doing our homework. I can't answer one question. Just as she is in front of me, I poked her back with my pen. Because we are all girls, it is also very convenient to communicate. We talked a few words, and I went straight to the topic. After asking her the question, she solved it in minutes. After class, I talked with her for a few words, and we became "good sisters". She is really a bully! I really admire her!

She is not only a school bully, but also a clever "little liar"!

Once, when we were taking an exam. She half looked back and asked me: "How to do this question! I came back to my senses and raced against the clock to figure it out. Why is it so simple. I passed the process and the answer to her in the form of a note. She gave me a thumbs up and said to me with a bit of a bad smile: "You are great! In fact... I knew the answer for a long time, but I just wanted to test you. Sure enough, you are good with me, and the results and brain are up." After listening to it, I was stunned and came back to my senses. He immediately "punched and kicked" her, and she knelt down to beg for mercy.

This is my "good sister". Her name is Beibei and she is my "good sister".

My Good Sister Composition (7)

Good to pester my sister

Li Lingxin, Class 7 (11), Guangyuan Foreign Language School

My sister's birth, perhaps my parents think that God has sent an angel, but I began to live with "entanglement".

Sister, just think about it. Can you realize the desolation of the days when you were at home, and never return? Since this creature called Sister came to my house, I have become a slave from the king of a country. Every day I am oppressed by the landlord. I can only swallow my tears!

She is an angel like entanglement.

You can realize that you were concentrating on your homework, but you were scared out of your wits by the sudden "symphony". She, just like I owed her in my previous life, cried at the sight of me. You can't hurt her. Once you hurt her, the "atomic bomb" in her eyes began to fire. I can't stop it.

At home, as long as you make her unhappy, she will make a scene. She is an angel in the eyes of adults. Her skin is white, her face is small, her eyes are big, and she is dripping with water. But in my eyes, she is a "entanglement". Her eyes are so vivid that she can cry at any time. You don't coax her to cry all the time, but you coax her, and she still cries. Only if she obeys her heart will she safely and obediently put away the "atomic bomb".

But she has a small advantage, that is, "sweet mouth". For example, now, with the sweet call of "Sister -", I know it will not be good. Sure enough, "Give me half of your sugar -" I was distressed and angry, which was simply a naked "robbery". In a period of bargaining, I had no choice but to give her all the sugar. Who would make me big? "Eat less, and you will have cavities." "Well," she smiled happily, holding sugar, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Hee hee..." I knew she must be watching TV. As long as she watches TV, she forgets to eat and do her homework. I'm all brain broken about this. Sometimes, I even dragged myself into the water to watch boring cartoons with her

Alas, what should I do, "Sister".

My Good Sister Composition (8)

We are like inseparable good sisters. No, we were writing our homework when I suddenly felt an itch in my throat and gave a gentle cough. She put down her pen and stared at me. I felt strange, but I didn't look up. "You have a cold" she asked gently. I looked up at her concerned eyes and blushed a little and said "no". "I still said" no ". Who told you not to drink water all day? Your lips are cracked". I subconsciously licked my lips, hiss! It really hurts. If she hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't have known it would break like that. She looked at me with a grin on her face and walked out without speaking.

I was wondering, but she came back soon. He took two big red apples in his hand and said to me with a smile, "Come on, eat an apple. Look, your apples are going bad.". "How do you know where the apple is?" I don't even know. I muttered in my heart, but I was embarrassed to say the last sentence. "Fool, your apple is on the balcony. You can find it when you turn it over.". She handed me the ruddy apple, and I didn't refuse. I reached out and took it, smiling. She bit hard "Where did you buy your apple? It's really sweet"

Happy days always pass quickly. We graduated from primary school in a flash. Therefore, everyone went their own way, and we had no time to meet again when we were immersed in the sea of books and learning. As time goes by, the call becomes shorter, the message may be broken, but the missing is still there.

On the day of the get-together, when I was walking on the stairs leading to the classroom, I suddenly looked up and caught a glimpse of pink. I suddenly raised my head and lowered it quickly. Could it be her mother? No, no, I quickly denied myself. I remember when she was in primary school, she liked pink best. She carried a pink backpack, two funny long ponytails, tied pink hair ropes, and swung around very freely. She was a little tall but so thin. She always walked with a sense of spirit. I can assure you that her figure is like this! I twisted my eyebrows and struggled for a long time. Finally, I got up the courage to run forward and patted her on the shoulder. "Hmm?" The man turned to look at me, and a big face that was completely strange but full of doubts was reflected in my eyes. "No, it's OK, I recognized the wrong person". I managed to squeeze out a smile that was more ugly than crying, smiled at her, turned around and walked away "It's strange". The man said, I still didn't look back, and resisted the thought of choking, even the voice was not like

That night, there were ten seconds left before the New Year's bell sounded. Maybe it was too long, maybe they were too busy. Now I remember that last New Year's Day, we called together to greet each other. I held my mobile phone tightly and stared at the TV screen. Six seconds, five seconds, four seconds, and so on. I suddenly raised my head. I changed my phone number. She doesn't know. Will she be in a hurry? I quickly turned on my mobile phone and output the number that was rotten to me. "Hello, the number you dialed is in the middle of a call, please call again later...". I thought I could hear the familiar voice, but I got a cold word. I fought again and again, but still got the same words, but my stubborn heart was still there. "Hello" is connected. Finally, it is connected. It is not auditory hallucination, it is true! I opened my mouth, only to find that I had lost my voice. "Hello?" The voice from the other side was a little disappointed. Is it disappointed with me? "Happy New Year" My voice could not help but tremble and said hoarsely what I thought about day and night after a year. "Are you?" There was some surprise; A bit suspicious; A little expectation; Moved, he asked, "Why are you not answering my phone?" A funny remark made me cry. Tears flow through my cheeks and into my lips. It's sweet, and so is my heart. "Fool, you didn't tell me when you changed your phone number. Should you be punished..."

That night, we talked until early in the morning. The pillow was half wet and our eyes were red for many times. Little by little, every minute of the past, we are all recalling, talking about school, friends, teachers, homework, everything, everything. She is my bosom friend, like a close sister. May our sister's love last as long as the earth.

My Good Sister Composition (9)

Xiaobai has beautiful black hair, but it was cut off. A pair of modest eyes were covered by a pair of glasses.

Xiaobai is like my sister, who takes good care of me. She is sometimes very childish. Just like last time: it was already dark when Xiaobai was going home. Xiaobai said to me: "Xiaochen, I dare not go home alone, or..." "no!!!" Xiaobai was mercilessly interrupted before he finished speaking. " No, no, no, no. " Xiaobai said in his father's voice. "Well, I can't stand you!" "Yes" I gave Xiaobai a bad look. Walking on the road, I thought how to frighten Xiaobai, right!!!

I walked behind Xiaobai first and hid in a small alley. After a while, Xiaobai felt something was wrong behind him. Looking back, he found no one. This frightened Xiaobai. "Xiaochen, don't frighten me!" Xiaobai said timidly. When I was proud, I said in a bleak tone: "Give me back my life. Give me back my life.". "Haven't you ever fought a soul duel?" "Ah!!!" said Little White, shouting twelve decibels as he ran. No! It should be shouting. "Ho ho, who makes you so timid?"

When I came to school the next day, I found Xiaobai looking at me with cold eyes at the door. I couldn't help but shiver (guilty after all). But Xiaobai's appearance was pretty cute: his cheeks were puffed up, making his face red. "Okay, Xiaobai, don't be angry." "Yang Yichen!!!" "Er." (Mourning for you for three seconds)

Hey, Xiaobai, when will you grow up. "Yang Yichen, you dare to call me!!!" "Ah! 700 words in grade five composition: my good sister"

My Good Sister Composition (10)

With the footsteps of autumn, the leaves have begun to wither. Days never want to stay. Gradually, it has been more than two months since we separated.

On the day of taking the high school entrance exam, it was the last time we had a talk so far. I talked to you endlessly, but always revolved around a topic. It's not that I'm wordy, but I don't want to be forgotten so easily by you. In the past, when we were together, I did all the brave things. I always despised your courage with your heroic deeds of killing a snake. When I think of the past, my eyes always turn red. I used to say that there was no place for me to remember in this school, but after I separated, I found that the most important thing was that you and I could not write lyric sentences and touching logs. But Li, I asked you to read patiently the three page messages I wrote for you, but did not wait for you to buy a guestbook. Forgive me for some words in my late log, and said don't blame me.

We used to be so noisy that sometimes I felt that I was not so important in your heart. Sometimes I complained and blamed you. But every time after a day or two, I don't take it seriously. After leaving for a long time, I feel better about you. But I still remember that you slapped me. Maybe we were too impulsive at that time. Hee hee, it's our nostalgic memory.

I have a bad temper. Maybe only you will tolerate my bad temper. I am not a person who knows how to express my feelings. Sometimes I am too shy to say thank you to you. We used to be called conjoined babies. After two years, we went to the toilet together, ate together, went to the store together, were scolded by others together, committed philanderers together, and said our own words together. Once we did nothing alone, but it was just a high school entrance exam, but let us both turn around and go to a new school, Although there are many friends, I can never find a you who can be so inseparable from me. I have something to say in my heart, and I don't know who to say. I didn't watch handsome boys with you, and then I gave my opinions.

Nobody shares gossip with me like you, and then Goldman Sachs talks freely. No one will wait for me as slowly as you do every time, and then shout at me a few words that you are dying waiting for me. I owe scolding or have been used to those noisy days. Your voice disappeared in my ears. It was really unnatural that I doubted whether we were sisters or twins in my previous life.

I even asked my mother naively where I came from. We have the same personality, the same hobbies and the same lifestyle. Always wait until the loss to find your good. In your new school, will there be a better friend than me to replace my position in your heart, or in fact, I am not so important in your heart.

In the new school, remember to take care of yourself. Don't always skip meals with me like in junior high school. If you meet a boy you like, go after him boldly. I will definitely support you. Also, if you come back, you must tell me that if I find you are still thin, you will wait for me to scold you and say something narcissistic. I hope that my place in your heart as a good sister will always be reserved for me, even in the corner. I don't want to be forgotten by you so easily. Even for my sake, you should remember me better. Forgive me for making trouble without reason. You should forget my bad and remember my good.

In my heart, your position is irreplaceable. A lifelong good sister.