Composition for Parent Child Games 600 (7 in total)
General construction on the road to success
2023-08-29 09:16:33

Composition for Parent Child Games 600 (1)

A few days ago, the teacher told us that the parent-child sports meeting would be held next Thursday. The class was in a frenzy and everyone talked about it. Some people asked what new projects would be added to the sports meeting, some people asked their good friends what projects they would like to participate in, and some people asked the teacher whether they could report more projects. Everyone was full of expectations for the sports meeting.

I was no exception. I also discussed the projects I wanted to apply for with my best partners. This time I signed up for table tennis dribbling and football dribbling, as well as a five-a-side football match. It's really exciting. The teacher sent the competition rules and videos to the class. Every day, I took time to practice with my mother, hoping to show my skills during the competition without dragging the class behind.

On the day of the competition, the blue sky was filled with white clouds and the sun was shining brightly. The whole campus was deafening with the sound of radio and shouts. Students and parents were all happy. The parent-child sports meeting of our Sanmenxia Foreign Language Primary School started! The exciting time has come. The table tennis dribble game has begun. The first team is Mr. Wang and Yang Chen. With the whistle, they rushed away hand in hand. Soon it was my turn and my mother's turn. I was so excited that my heart jumped out of my throat. My mother and I ran forward hand in hand. We not only had to run fast, I have to worry about tennis on the racket all the time for fear of losing the handball. Finally, my mother and I safely handed the ball to the next person. In the next football dribble match, my mother and I cooperated well. But when we returned, we accidentally kicked the ball away in order to improve our speed. My mother ignored me in order to chase the ball and ran to other people's runways. It was too dangerous!

Although the parent-child sports meeting is over, I am still immersed in the joy of the game. This parent-child sports meeting is not only interesting, but also enhances the friendship between students. It also shows us the lovely side of teachers and parents. I really hope that the next sports meeting will be held earlier.

Composition for Parent Child Games 600 (2)

On Saturday afternoon, our school held a parent-child sports meeting.

I participated in two events, rope skipping and river crossing. When I was in grade one, I didn't win two awards. I thought, "This year, I must get a certificate of award!" At 1:10, I said, "Mom, let's go first and practice there first." When we got to school, we found our mother's colleague Mr. Li in front of the canteen. When Mr. Li saw that I was holding a rope, he asked strangely, "What are you doing with that rope?" I said, "Today is the parent-child sports meeting. I will take part in the long rope jump. Let's practice here first." I asked Miss Li and my mother to help me throw the rope. I will jump. The first time I jumped rope, I was very nervous. I could only jump seven times. My feet are always unable to fit with them. I think: It seems that I will make a fool of myself when I play today! After a while, when the time came, we came to the playground in a neat line. The game begins. I'm the first to jump the long rope. I'm nervous and afraid

The game officially started with a "shush". I was so nervous that I stopped without a few jumps. When my mother saw it, she said, "It doesn't matter, kid, stop and listen to my mother yell 'one, two, three' and start right away." I said, "OK!" "one, two, three" and "one, two, three"... Two minutes later, I saw 89 words on the list, and I smiled happily: I'm better than last year! The second program I participated in was "Crossing the River". As soon as the timer was pressed, I jumped to the second board. Before Dad's mat was flat, I couldn't wait to jump over it... The result of crossing the river came out, and I ran 19 seconds and 48 seconds. I inquired about the achievements of other groups and thought: I am estimated to be the first! But the game is still in progress... Finally, the exciting moment has arrived. First announced is the award of rope skipping competition. When the PE teacher announced that I had won the second prize, I jumped with excitement. Although not the first place, I am better than last year! Then the award was awarded to Guo Xiaohe. I was very happy to hear that I won the first prize! Holding two certificates and two prizes, our family went home happily.

This is really a happy and tense day!

Composition for Parent Child Games 600 (3)

The sun is rarely so warm in winter. In such a warm winter, we welcome the parent-child sports meeting of our class.

My father and I came to the school playground for the sports meeting early, and the parents' volunteers gave me two balloons tied with ropes and one balloon that had been blown. In the process of waiting for the students, my classmates and I played on the playground first. Colorful balloons were flying in the air. The playground suddenly turned into a sea of balloons. The warm sunshine mixed with our bursts of laughter.

When all the students are here, the parent-child sports meeting will officially start. Of course, there are many events in the sports meeting, such as the ball throwing relay race, the balloon race, the double jump, the two three legged relay race, and so on. The first event is a relay game. The rule of the game is to take the ball from your team to our brother team and then take it back to see which group of people finish the task first. The members of our team worked very hard. When it was my turn, my heart was pounding, pounding, pounding. I took a deep breath and said to myself, "Come on! Come on!" Fortunately, I didn't disappoint everyone. I took the racket step by step and successfully completed my task. I must be more than happy.

Next came the balloon race. Each parent had two balloons tied to their legs. The parents tried to dodge, while the students went crazy to step on the bound balloons like a small wild animal releasing a cage. The whole playground was boiling with screams and laughter. The most noteworthy thing was the prize of the race. You can't guess it. The winner would get a warm kiss, Now that we have grown up, kissing is no longer as frequent as when we were children. Having missed kissing for a long time reminds me of that carefree kindergarten time. Parents, volunteers and teachers are really considerate.

Two people jumping and two people three feet are also very wonderful. We have been yelling, "Come on! Come on!" Our voices are almost hoarse. We haven't had the fun yet, but the activity is coming to an end. I really want to play for a while. Under the guidance of the teacher, everyone cleaned up the playground and left the school, and the campus recovered its former calm.

Composition for Parent Child Games 600 (4)

On the morning of June 10, in Xiaoshan Stadium, a new parent-child sports meeting kicked off.

After the opening ceremony, with the slogan of "I exercise, I grow, I am happy", this parent-child sports meeting officially began. According to the teacher's arrangement, everyone came to different competition venues in an orderly manner and put into the fight. The first event of our group's competition is called "crossing the river by feeling the stones". The rule is that each group has three "stones". The parents pave the "stones" in front, and the children step on the "stones" to quickly move forward. The parents will continue to pave the "stones" that the children step on. The group that first completes the ten person relay will win. Our group and the fifth group are competitors. At the first attempt, we won, which boosted our morale. Unexpectedly, at the official start, the members of Group 5 seemed to have beaten chicken blood and were much faster than us. "Come on! Come on!" The onlookers kept cheering everyone on, and our group certainly wouldn't be outdone! Dad came up with a unique skill, put the "stone" one step ahead of me, so that I could catch up in an instant. Under the pressure of sprinting against the last stick, I also tried my best to leap forward. With the efficient and tacit cooperation of our team, we soon caught up with the opponent. The last stroke of our two teams almost arrived at the same time, and the cheering sound around became louder and louder. "Yeah!" When I announced the results, I finally reached the end 0 or 01 seconds faster than the opponent. We made excited shouts, which was really close! The result is needless to say.

We also participated in various interesting competitions, such as "Jumping Long Rope", "Invincible Wind and Fire Wheel", "Rolling Iron Circle", and so on. Among them, the most hard working is not the "tug of war". You can see how hard you are working when you look at everyone's rosy faces

This parent-child sports meeting is really enjoyable! It's not only fun and interesting, but also makes me understand that only by working together as a team and tacit cooperation can we achieve results. Of course, no matter win or lose, my sports, my health, my happiness and my growth are the most important.

Composition for Parent Child Games 600 (5)

Last Friday, the long-awaited parent-child sports meeting was finally held in the Wutai Mountain Gymnasium.

The opening ceremony was full of wonderful programs, including the passionate waist drum performance of community elders, the military boxing performed by armed police soldiers and classmates' mothers, the shakes of teachers' square array, the rope drill of grade one square array, and the cheerleading of grade two. However, the highlight was our fourth grade square array's shuttlecock kicking performance. Look, the students kicked colorful shuttlecocks all over the sky, like colorful butterflies circling around the students. The teacher Fang Zhen's performance was also wonderful. Colorful diabolo fluttered in the air, red, blue and green, just like a group of naughty children playing on the swing in bright sports clothes. You see, Mr. Xu performed a "look in the mirror", and Mr. Wang came with a "following note". Mr. Cui was even more advanced. He threw the diabolo more than one meter high and caught it steadily.

The parent-child sports meeting, as its name implies, is a sports meeting where parents and children participate in the competition together. The game I participate in is a dribble relay run. Each class has 30 parents and 30 students to participate. Each dribble runs 30 meters, and the team that runs first wins. In the deafening cheers of the students, the game began. Our class got off to a bad start. The first parent carried the ball to the runway of the next class, which delayed some time. But everyone was not discouraged and kept catching up. Some parents were tall and had long legs, so they brought the ball in a few big steps. Several "basketball masters" in our class started to move the ball in a methodical way and gradually caught up. "Come on! Come on!" The game entered a white hot stage, and our class and Class 1 almost hit the line at the same time. In the end, the referee decided that Class One won, but everyone did not feel sorry because we had already experienced the fun of the game. The subsequent competition was still very exciting, and our class won the second place in the top shuttlecock relay race.

Although it was very hot that day, our enthusiasm was even hotter than the weather. The students laughed and danced in the scorching sun, and shared the joy of sports with their parents and teachers.

Composition for Parent Child Games 600 (6)

Have you ever participated in the parent-child sports meeting? If you haven't participated, please come to our school!

Early yesterday morning, I took my parents to the main school headquarters. Although it was overcast and a little rain fell, it could not stop the enthusiasm of our teachers, students and parents. Everyone was ready to show their skills.

At the opening ceremony, after the leaders made a speech, they released colorful balloons and doves for peace. The scene was extremely warm. I am short. My father held me up and sat on his shoulder, which made my father very tired! But my father said, for the honor of our class, no matter how tired it is!

I signed up to participate in the three foot race. The reason why I signed up for this project is that I think this competition is very interesting. You think, three people run horizontally with their legs tied together, which requires high coordination and flexibility. Sure enough, during the live competition, some families fell down while running, some ran off their shoes, and some dragged their children, which made everyone laugh and excited! My parents and I were extremely nervous. We tied our legs behind the queue and kept practicing. I was worried about not running well, but we ran when we came. When would we stay if we didn't run? After a lot of on-site practice, my parents and I actually found a feeling. Later, on the turn, we went into battle and ran to the second place, but we didn't slow down the class.

Later, when we were free, we played the game of "eagle catching chicken" in a corner of the playground under the leadership of two parents of students in the class. My parents hide in a corner and play skipping with the leggings' rope. It's fun! My father is so fat that he can jump rope very well! I can't believe my eyes. Later, my father said to me that although he was fat, he was popular in PE class in Northeast China when he was in primary school. There were 6 levels and 12 sets of jumping methods. He was the first in the whole grade. I said, smelly dad, you just blow your hat! My father glared and said, "If you don't believe me, go home and ask your grandparents!"!

Composition for Parent Child Games 600 (7)

To celebrate the opening of the Asian Games in Guangzhou, China, and to hold the parent-child games to welcome the Asian Games, the students of Class 4 (1) are very happy.

Part: Passing the truth. 10 people participated. At the beginning of the competition, my class took the torch (made by the physical education teacher) and flew out of the string with the arrow, which was passed to the parents, and the students in other classes also showed no sign of weakness. They took the torch and ran straight to the destination. In a competition, all classes were excellent.

Part one: driving golden pigs. 10 people participated. At the beginning of the game, my classmates picked up sticks and drove the little golden pig to run hard, while other classmates also drove the little golden pig to run hard. After a fierce game, all the classes were excellent.

Part 1: Parent child rope skipping. Ten people participated. As soon as the whistle sounded, we jumped up the rope. At the beginning, I stepped on the rope. Only when we were good friends could we jump out. I was asked to hold her waist and listen to the sound of the rope. When I jumped more than 80 times, I was a little bit. I said to me, "Steady, steady." One minute later, I ended up with 94. All classes are pretty good.

Parts; south-to-north water diversion. Ten people participated. At the beginning of the competition, the students poured water into buckets.

The game is over, the head teacher, the news of the name, sad, but also very happy.

Comments of famous teachers:

This article describes the parent-child sports meeting to welcome the Guangzhou Asian Games, which is organized, coherent, and selective in detail. The four activities written are full of fun, and also the enthusiasm of students to participate in activities. The section of "I" and jumping rope together is very attractive. But the mood after writing the result at the end of the article is a bit contradictory, sad, and very happy?