I made a mistake of 600 words in my composition (10 articles in general)
No one is strong for you
2023-09-02 04:32:05

I made 600 mistakes in composition (1)

Mom, I made you sad, I made you sad. Sorry!

It was a quiet evening. You came to pick me up and I asked to buy a famous brand schoolbag. After hearing this, you scolded me: "You still need to buy schoolbags. There are so many schoolbags at home that you can't use them up. Don't buy them!" I was so angry that I turned around and didn't answer you again

When I got home, you prepared many dishes for me that I loved. I angrily walked upstairs, dropped my schoolbag, and went to the bathroom to wash my hands. You kept calling me "Qianqian" and "Qianqian", but I pretended not to hear you and ignored you. You came over and said, "Why don't you answer me?" I squinted, pretended to be indifferent, and you pulled me out of the door, Sadly, he said: "Don't come in if you have the ability! What's the use of giving birth to you? I have prepared so many vegetables for you. Spinach is specially reserved for the evening. "Tears like pearls that have lost their thread flow down my face again and again

After a long time, my father came and pulled me up and said, "What's wrong? Go to eat!" I refused to go up all the time, but my father fell down and hurt me. I really didn't deserve it, for one thing. Finally, I went up and sat on the stool without talking or eating. I sat there like a wooden man. My mother ate and left. My father said, "Qianqian, my mother walks and eats. You can eat if you are angry. You will be hungry." I can't resist, I went to take a meal and helped my father take a bowl

There was no sound at all. It was quiet. There was only the sound of chewing food. Dad helped me with food. There were my favorite sausages, chicken hearts, spinach. I tried to stop tears from falling down and just ate them again and again

It's almost 9:00. I really want to go into my room and sleep. But I put my hand back. Because I remembered my mother's words, I turned on the computer and wrote this composition

Mom, I'm sorry, can you forgive me? I really want you to read my composition! mom!

I made 600 mistakes in composition (2)

The wind was blowing, and pedestrians on the road were all wrapped up in thick cotton padded jackets, while I only wore a thin sweater to wear in the bustling crowd.

Thinking of what just happened, I just want to cry.

"I can't do such a simple problem. I'm as stupid as a piece of wood..." My mother criticized me loudly just because a math problem was not successfully solved. I couldn't help but say:

"You are just like wood! Isn't it just a question? I don't need your attention!"

Mother became more angry after listening. Shout: "I don't care, you can go!"

"Just go!" I was so stubborn that I rushed out of the door without even wearing a coat. I only heard my mother calling my name behind me. My heart crossed and I ran away.

The sky gradually darkened and the number of pedestrians gradually decreased. I sat on the steps of the square, looking at the distance, gradually blurred, and past events emerged in front of me.

I still remember that time when there was a power failure at home, my mother felt that the flame of the candle was too small and the light was too dark. She was afraid that it would be bad for my eyes, so she took a flashlight and shone it on my homework book. A few hours at a time. That may be the brightest light I have ever used in my life! However, the next day, my mother's arm could not be lifted.

I dried my tears, and the distant tree waved its arms, calling the birds home; The dark sky opens its heart, as if to embrace the clouds going home; I seemed to see my mother's tired figure anxiously looking for me.

Thinking of this, I got up quickly and ran along the familiar road.

Home is right in front of us, with a warm breath. I gave the door a nudge, but the door was unlocked and just opened. All the lights in the room are on, "Mom," I cried softly.

The room was quiet. I quickly ran to the phone and skillfully pressed the numbers. A trembling cry came from the phone: "Hello?"

I cried, "Mom, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

I made 600 mistakes in composition (3)

Mother, a familiar and unfamiliar word. It is the mother who bears the great pain of childbirth and brings us to this world; Mother, when we were children, we didn't feel dirty or bitter, changing diapers for us; It is my mother who shakes a fan to repel mosquitoes when our delicate skin is bitten by mosquitoes. When we were young, we were very dependent on her and kept close to her. When we grow up, we enter adolescence and become a vigorous teenager. With our own ideas, we begin to rebel against her and want to break away from her. So am I.

My relationship with my mother is sometimes good and sometimes bad. Basically, it is' one small quarrel in two days, one big quarrel in three days'. After my mother sent my sister's mobile phone back to my hometown, our relationship was even worse. In fact, mother's health is not good. She has heart disease. The doctor said that she should not be too tired and lose her temper easily. But she still goes to work for me and her family. I only have one day off every week, and I still get angry when I go home. I don't want to be like this. I don't want her to lose her temper. I also want to be a good baby. But somehow, every time my mother asked me to do something, I would ignore it. I also know that I am very sorry for her, for her upbringing, for the way she walks so far every night to deliver supper for me. I know that she works very hard too. She must be very tired and not in a good mood. But I just can't keep my mouth shut and want to quarrel with her.

Last night, my mother and I quarreled again. Although I know it's my fault. But my little pride forced me to quarrel with her. I cried, sitting on the sofa, crying at a loss. Why are we like this? Why did we disappear in harmony before? Isn't all this, all this, caused by myself? I ran out to play when my mother sent me to learn Taekwondo; It was I who poured out the foam that my pregnant mother had worked hard to cut for me; It is also me who is wasting my mother's love and trust in me little by little. This has led to today's situation!

It turned out that everything was my fault. It was my fault to disappoint my mother's expectations, love and trust. Now, right here, I want to say a word to my mother: "Mom, I'm sorry, I'm wrong." But what's the use of a blank apology? The best way for me to apologize to my mother is to take practical actions!

I made 600 mistakes in composition (4)

Dear mother, remember the last time you asked me to do the dishes? You may not remember. Although it was a few weeks ago, I still remember it vividly.

The other day, after dinner, you asked me to wash the dishes. I blurted out, "I still have to do my homework! I don't have time to wash the dishes! I was tired from going to school every day, and you asked me to work..." I complained.

I remember you didn't say anything but sighed. Soon, the sound of running water from the kitchen faucet and the collision of bowls and chopsticks reached my ears. I don't know why I was so upset at that time and shouted, "Can you keep your voice down?"

Mom, I must have been affected by evil at that time. In retrospect, I was "heartless" at that time. At nine o'clock, you came in. I see your hands are red with cold water. I don't need to touch it. It must be cold. You didn't wash the dishes with warm water. Mom, when I used to wash the dishes, you would help me adjust the hot water. Sometimes the water would be hot. If I yell that I am scalded in a fuss, you will rush to hold my hand and look at it immediately, and your face will be full of heartache.

At that moment, I suddenly felt distressed. Deep guilt made me blush. I asked you, "You didn't wash it with warm water, did you?" You didn't say anything. I walked over, snuggled beside you, pulled your right hand, and saw the broken wound at the tip of your little finger. Now, the wound seems to have worsened: the skin in the middle of the red and swollen area is very thin, there is blood in the middle of the wound, and the edge has a tendency to fester

My heart couldn't help shaking. Thinking about your usual efforts to me, I feel I can never repay you.

I regret talking to you in that language and tone. It's really wrong. When your nose is sore, your tears will rush out. I thought, I will wash the bowls in the future!

Dear mother, thank you for your care, love, dedication and hard work over the years.

From today on, I must start from bit by bit and repay your kindness with actions. I will turn your disappointment into hope, and your sigh into laughter.

I wish you good health and happiness every day.

I made 600 mistakes in composition (5)

Mom, am I wrong? Every time I make a mistake, you nag me for a long time. Your mind is like a book of Five Thousand Years. Every time I make a mistake, your brain will use the move magic skill and associative memory method to list the "bad deeds" of my last time, the last time, and even last year. But you never think about these things. Do I have any mistakes?

Once, I wanted to find out the double-sided adhesive tape, but when I opened the drawer, I found it in a mess. I asked you if you had seen my double-sided adhesive tape. When you heard the news, I didn't care if the drawer was in a mess. I scolded me. I suddenly remembered that I opened the drawer today when my cousin came to play with it. I just wanted to explain, Your words came up: "You still want to argue, what's the matter with you? Do you know how hard it is to pack up things..." I was tongue tied and could not say anything. Then, you turned the subject around and said, "I told you not to touch things and put them back when they were used up, but you still didn't listen to me. Now it's good, and the double-sided tape can't be found..." Then, I listed my previous bad deeds one by one, from one year old to two years old, then to the kindergarten, and then to yesterday, Even when I lost a small water bottle seven or eight months ago, I said it was a vivid image, and it was a lifelike image. Where do you say it is high spirited, and where I hear it is foggy. When you were talking, I suddenly realized that my cousin had taken away the double-sided tape. This time I learned from the experience of the last time and didn't dare to speak. When you asked me about me, you became even more angry when I said the word "cousin". You also said that I always blamed others for my mistakes and didn't dare to take the responsibility. What I said was useless. It seemed that if I got rid of my problems from all over, they would be my problems. There was no benefit at all.

Another time, I got ninety-nine points in the exam. When I excitedly took back the test paper for you to see, you got angry when you saw my score, and said, "How did you get ninety-nine points? Where did that score go?" I replied haltingly, "There was a calculation question that was wrong because of carelessness, so a point was deducted." As a result, you sent me to do a hundred math problems that night. You can't eat until you finish them.

Mom, I know you want me to study hard, learn to be a man, and go to a good junior high school. You are so strict with me, but please think about it when you punish me: Mom, am I wrong?

I made 600 mistakes in composition (6)

I still remember that it was a cold winter—— The cold wind howls in winter. The heart has been influenced. It was such a cold winter. Staying outside for a second would make you tremble. At this time, I was on my way home from school, holding the bright red, contemptible 29 points, which for me is a common occurrence. Just because I was in the sixth grade, I was tired of my parents' war every day, and I didn't care about my study, so I had to let the score drop to 29. Back home, the house is still messy, broken cups, broken glass, no doubt, parents have a fight. When I came in, my mother covered up the bruises and forced a smile: "Son, back". Without saying a word, I took out the test paper from my schoolbag and handed it to my mother. Seeing the particularly dazzling 29 points, my mother's trembling hand suddenly embraced my hand: "Son, are you still my mother's son? You were so good in the exam before, what happened to you?" I suddenly shook off her once warm hand. He yelled at her, "I don't want to talk about my past. Could it be your son if he failed in the exam?" I ran out of the house and slammed the door loudly. There is no place where I can go, and there are bright eyes everywhere. I feel very cold and wander in the street alone. "Archie" I sneezed, and I realized that I had caught a cold. I thought about going home and the warmth of home. However, the strong self-esteem prevailed. I still lay on the chair in the park, curled up. Gradually, I couldn't resist the cold, and my body shook. Finally, I put down my self-respect and ran home regardless of everything. When I went upstairs, the stairs were as heavy as my heart. I opened the door and searched all the rooms, but nobody was there. I realized that my mother came to me. I rushed down the stairs and ran wildly. I couldn't stop looking. Finally, I found my mother. It was an unforgettable scene in my life. My mother was asking passers-by where I was going. My heart was trembling. I suddenly understood my parents' pains. I ran to my mother and wanted to give her a hug of understanding. Poor parents, mother, I was wrong.

I made 600 mistakes in composition (7)

Today is Wednesday. There is English class in the evening! It's terrible! I haven't copied any of my English notes. What should I do when I read them before class? After thinking about it, I'd better use my mother's notes to deal with it! There is a saying that goes like this: "You can avoid the first day of the junior high school, but you can't avoid the fifteenth day."

In the afternoon after school, I came to the English class. The students were reading notes in class. I took my mother's notes out of my schoolbag and began reading aloud

After school, when I got home, I turned on the TV as soon as I entered the room. I only watched cartoons with a taste. After a while, my mother asked me, "What did you learn in class today?" I told my mother about the general contents of the class, and her mother asked, "Have you learned everything?" I said, "Have you learned everything." My mother asked, "Have you copied your notes?" At this time, my heart skipped, I thought to myself, "If my mother knew that I hadn't taken notes these days, she would be very angry, and I would be miserable." Thinking of this, I calmed down and said, "I have already finished." My mother said, "Take your notes out and read them." My heart was pounding. I asked my mother, "Can you use your notes?" My mother said, "No, why don't you read your own notes?" I said, "Because my notes are not as neat as you write." After listening to my words, my mother kept looking at me with her beautiful eyes. From her eyes, I seemed to see my face like a red apple, and then I was very hot all over, It's like having just taken a hot bath, and your face starts to sweat. My mother said to me seriously, "Take out your notes and let me have a look." I slowly took out the notes from my schoolbag and carefully handed them to my mother. My mother opened my notes and saw none of them. My mother looked at me and her eyes showed anger and disappointment. I had never seen my mother so angry before. My mother tore up all my notes and asked me: "Can you still take this class? Don't take it if you can't." I looked at my mother with tears in my eyes. Her face was filled with anger and sadness. I said, "I know all these things. Why should I take notes?" My mother listened to me and shook her head. She said, "Taking notes is mainly to deepen your memory. In addition, if you forget it, you can take it out to review after a long time." After listening to my mother's words, I lowered my head in shame and said, "Mom, I was wrong

I made 600 mistakes in composition (8)

Dear Mom


Do you remember? When I was in the third grade, one day I was quarreled by you because I didn't practice the piano well. At that time, I was very angry and felt that you had no love and didn't understand me at all.

Later I realized that you did it for my good. Over the past few months, I have been looking for an opportunity to apologize to you, but I can't open my mouth. So, I'm here to apologize to you. Can you forgive me?

The thing is this: that day, because the discipline in the class was in a mess, and the noise "flew" all over the classroom, I was very upset. After school, as usual, you accompanied me to practice the piano regardless of your tiredness. When I was playing the piano, I "spilled" my anger on the piano, and the sound was very harsh, which made people feel very uncomfortable after listening to it. But you calmly said to me: "Qiqi, since you have come to practice the piano, you should focus on it. Don't think about other things. Practice well, do you hear?"

"Listen see," I said impatiently. However, the sound is still the same as before. You calmly said to me again: "Good boy, let's practice the piano..."

Before you finished, I shouted, "I'm bored!"

You have been working for a whole day, and you are very tired. Listen to my cry again, and you are also angry: "Qiqi, I tell you, if you don't want to practice the piano, you will not learn it in the future!" After that, you shut me away in the piano room alone.

Mom, after you leave, I'll calm down and think about it carefully. Am I going too far? Think about it, you are strict with me for my good, but I don't accept your feelings and make you angry. I really shouldn't! I wanted to apologize to you right away, but I was afraid that you would still quarrel with me again, so I haven't apologized to you until now. Here, I sincerely say to you: "Sorry, Mom, I was wrong, please forgive me!"

Mom, my daughter didn't apologize to you face to face because she didn't find the right opportunity. Besides, I was really sad and upset that day. So I can't help losing my temper to you. In fact, you know, I didn't mean to be angry with you. Mom, please forgive your daughter once! okay?

I made 600 mistakes in composition (9)

Today, my mother was going to study in the city for a day. Before leaving, she gave me 15 yuan to buy lunch in the canteen. On the way home from school at noon, I saw my classmate Kang Kang holding a beautiful top, which was a toy I had been looking forward to for a long time.

"Shall we play together?" Kangkang generously handed me the top.

"Where did you buy it?"

"There is a toy store at the school gate, 15 yuan each."

I felt the lunch money in my pocket and ran to the toy store involuntarily - I bought a gyroscope with the lunch money my mother gave me.

When my mother came back in the evening, I told her that I ate chicken legs in the canteen today and spent all 15 yuan. But when my mother brought back a lot of delicious food, my stomach kept "cooing" - in order to buy a gyroscope, I ate a bag of instant noodles borrowed from my classmates all day. Can I not be hungry? So I wolfed down the food my mother brought back. My mother smiled and said, "How can you be hungry after eating chicken legs?" My face turned red.

Lying in bed at night, I can't sleep. I said I would be an honest child. How can I cheat my mother? Besides, every month my parents will take me to buy toys. Last time my mother came to Beijing to study, she specially brought back more than 500 yuan toy planes for me. At this time, the top placed under the pillow stabbed my heart like a needle. It seemed to keep saying that you are a dishonest bad boy! I rolled from side to side, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"What's the matter, Doodle? Why don't you sleep so late?" Mother asked with concern.

"I was wrong, Mom, I used the money you gave me to buy toys!"

"Silly boy, how can you buy toys with your meal money? But you can admit that your mistake is a good boy! Never again!" My mother not only didn't criticize me, but also kissed me hard on the face.

In the evening, I had a dream that my mother smiled and said, "You are a good child, and my mother will take you to buy toys!"

I made 600 mistakes in composition (10)

A few days ago, I read an article titled "Mother's Love" on the 9th issue of "Little Writers" in 20xx. This article was very well written, and I was very moved after reading it: the author Song Yibo's mother likes to nag, and the same is true when she is sick. One day, his mother was ill. At breakfast, his mother said that it was rainy and asked Song Yibo to take an umbrella with him when he went to school. Song Yibo hated his mother's nagging. He covered his ears and said "I know", but he didn't take an umbrella when he went to school. As a result, it rained that day. After school, Song Yibo stood at the door of the classroom in a hurry, and his mother sent rain gear with illness. At this time, Song Yibo realized his mother's love for him.

Like Song Yibo, I have a nagging mother.

A few days ago, our school's "little experimenter" extra-curricular group was going to have a tryout. The day before the competition, when school was over, I was just in time for the parents' meeting. This relaxed me. I had a snowball fight with my classmates on the playground.

When I got home, freedom would not belong to me. I went back to my room to recite the exercises. When my mother didn't notice, I relaxed again and played with the top secretly. In order not to let the top make a sound, I sat on the bed and played, but my mother was like a detective. She shouted every three minutes and every five minutes. No matter how firm my "position" is, I can't help my mother's "war of words"! I had to put down my favorite gyro and recite the title again. But I was "people at the table, heart on the gyro". When I saw the full stop on the title, it was like my spinning gyro. After reciting the question for a while, I couldn't sit still. Look at the watch. It's ten o'clock. I said, "Mom, I'm sleepy!"

"Go to sleep and wish you success in the exam!" "I will pass the exam!" I said confidently. After the exam, I asked my teacher about my score, and the teacher said, "82.5 points, failed..."

Back home, my mother asked me how I did in the exam. I said, "I didn't pass the exam." After saying that, my nose was sore and my tears ran down. My mother touched my head, sighed and said, "Try your best next time!"

After reading the article "Mother's Love", I realized that my mother's nagging is my love. I think that if I didn't ignore my mother's nagging, play hard and recite the questions well, I would surely pass the exam. Now, I am a big child. I will go to middle school in the second half of the year. I should not let my mother nag for me anymore. I should do everything I should do and stop worrying about me. I really want to say to my mother, "Mom, I was wrong."