Understanding for the First Time (8 Collections)
Cold Moon with Frost
2023-12-13 03:04:38
high school

Understand for the first time (1)

Before I was seven years old, I was always impatient with my mother, and hated my mother when she ordered me to do things I didn't want to do. I even thought more than once that my mother might not do me! But when that happened, I completely changed my absurd idea.

It happened one night when I was seven years old, when my father was away on business. When I fell asleep, I was suddenly awakened by a sharp pain. When I opened my eyes, I felt dizzy, weak, and my stomach hurt like a knife. So I came to my mother. When my mother saw that I was pale, sweating, and looking miserable, her face turned white with fear. My mother immediately took me to bed and asked me about the situation while covering my quilt. When I struggled to tell the symptoms, my mother put on her coat, rummaged through the boxes and cabinets, and quickly looked for medicine. She was extremely anxious.

My mother carefully fed me all kinds of medicines, then lulled me to sleep, and gently rubbed my stomach for me. Under my mother's care, I fell asleep unconsciously. Later, I drank a pair of bitter Chinese medicine in a daze, and then fell asleep again.

When I woke up the next day, I felt much better. I found a note on the table, which said:

Honghong, mother is at work. Is she better? I was scared last night. On the way to the hospital to buy medicine, I was worried that you would not eat it. Every time I thought of you, I would drink it all at one go! Call me if you need anything!

Mom suddenly, I felt like I had knocked over a bottle of Chinese medicine. When my cheeks were hot, my nose was sour, and my tears poured out like open water, dripping on the paper. At this time, I seemed to see my mother buying medicine for me in the cold wind last night and guarding me all night. Today, I was working with dark circles under my eyes and tired body, and I remembered my previous attitude towards my mother. Suddenly I felt so hateful. I was so sad and regretful. This time, for the first time, I deeply understood my mother's love for me all the time! Mother, my good mother, your golden heart will always cover me!

Understand for the first time (2)

Love is like spring rain, delicate and gentle; Love is like the summer wind, swift and fierce; Love is like autumn leaves. Devotion turns into mud; Love is like winter snow, kind and warm. One time, I finally understood it.

I like sweet and greasy things. My mother often prepares three cups of soy milk on the table every morning. The first is mine, the second is father's, and the third is mother's. My soy milk is always hot, without a bit of bean dregs, and the smell of beans fills my lips and teeth.

Day after day, year after year, mother has kept this habit for several years. As I grew up, I was curious about all the things in life. I once thought: Is the soy milk of my parents the same as mine? They drink with relish every day. Is there something delicious mixed with them?

I firmly believed in this idea and began to blame my parents. The next day, I got up early and ran to the table like greased feet. My curiosity burned my heart like a fire.

I secretly looked at the closed door of the master bedroom, carefully picked up the second cup of soy milk, reached to my mouth, gently lifted my hand, and took a sip of soy milk - I can swallow it, which is much more than I usually drink! My thoughts began to waver.

I picked up the third cup of soy milk my mother drank. Hey, this cup must be much better! Mom usually does everything at once. I took a big mouthful, my heart was very happy. Who expected - I was choked and coughed, slapped my chest and vomited the whole mouth out, with red eyes. I opened my eyes wide. This is not soy milk. It is clearly a residue that is hard to swallow! My throat hurt like a needle. Suddenly, I saw my mother come out and looked at me in surprise.

I seemed to see my mother's pale hair, deep eyes full of haggard, thin body teetering in the wind and rain.

"Mom!" I threw myself into her arms. God knows how she boiled soymilk for me from morning to night, and how much love was poured into it!

And I still

Mother's embrace is like the warm sun in winter, the lighthouse in darkness, and the continuous spring rain.

Understand for the first time (3)

One Saturday in summer, the sun was scorching the earth, and I was sweating cold. When my mother left, she asked me to finish my homework, but I missed the time due to playing, and there were still 30 minutes left when I looked at my watch. In the past 30 minutes, I worked hard, but I still missed many tasks. When my mother came back with joy, I lied, ran to her and said hesitantly, "Mom, I... I have finished my homework." But at night, my mother found that I had not finished my homework. She was very angry, took my homework book, walked up to me, and asked me: "What's the matter?" "I...... I" My voice was so frightened by something that I couldn't speak. My mother was even more exasperated when she saw me like this. She raised her right hand and waved forward, "Pa". A bright red Wuzhi Mountain quietly climbed onto my face. It hurt me so much that I sobbed. Later, my mother sat on the small bed in the room with the door open. I looked in through the crack of the door and found that my mother was holding her head with one hand, looking out of the window at the dim moonlight, looking at the dark abyss in the distance. She was very sad, very sad, as if her heart had broken. "Pa", I sat on the ground, and felt an indescribable pain in my heart. Suddenly, I regret why I didn't hurry up and play so much... I regret extremely, but I don't hate her, because I know she loved me so much. I don't know whether the wind hurts my eyes, or because of something, the tears quietly flow from my face to my mouth, which is bitter, an unspeakable pain I firmly believe that I will never make such a mistake again. Although this is the first time, it is also the last time. This is my mother's strict love, let me know that love is not only doting. The beauty of flowers is that they are loved by the sun; The small tree thrives because it gets the love of rain and dew; Our healthy growth is due to our mother's great love in every day of life... Love is a light in the dark, an umbrella in the wind and rain, a greeting when we are sad, and a helpless... Love can make the world warmer! There is a song called "Mother", but the maternal love is so strong in reality. How can you express its greatness even with hundreds of songs? Blood is thicker than water, maternal love is like a mountain! Mother's love is like a big mountain that has blocked the wind and rain for me. Mom, I love you. It is you who let me know the greatness, selflessness and eternity of love!

Understand for the first time (4)

The limpid brook gurgles and glows with golden light against the sunrise. The colorful stones scattered in the brook add a different beauty to the brook.

I bent down, picked up a round pebble and looked at it carefully: the white surface was as smooth as jade, with two circles of thin pink stripes, like a beautiful ribbon. I was overwhelmed by the natural beauty. The small stones I picked up are so beautiful. No wonder there is such a sweet name as "Caishi Stream". From time to time, the sound of running water and tourists' tut tut

I carefully put the stone into my schoolbag for fear that it might be broken. The breeze is blowing my cheeks and my joyful heart. Just a few steps later, I could not help squatting down and fished out a crystal clear stone from the cool stream. It is like a crystal, reflecting the golden glow of the rising sun, beautiful and exquisite. I held it and couldn't put it down, admiring its shining appearance in the sun

I stopped and walked like this. The colorful stones seemed to hook my feet, making me unable to move forward. Every stone has its own characteristics, and every stone makes me reluctant to part with it. I wish I could take all the stones as my own and have a good game. One by one, the stones got into my backpack. There used to be only a few stones in the backpack. When I walked, the sound of collision was particularly pleasant, but now I can't move under the pressure. I tried to take out some stones several times, but as soon as my hands touched the stones and touched their smooth surface, they immediately retracted.

The sun was shining on everything, and I was sweating heavily. I finally could not bear it. I sat down on the ground and reluctantly opened the zipper of my backpack - which one to throw away? This one is the only dark green one; It's the same piece. It's yellow! I couldn't make up my mind at the moment, and raised my eyes anxiously: Mom didn't seem to notice that I stopped. The farther I went, the longer the road ahead was!

I frowned and gritted my teeth. Finally, the stone crashed out, leaving only the first two small stones. After a short rest, I stood up and ran after my mother

The backpack suddenly became light, and the breeze blew past my ears. I seemed to be a free bird flying in the blue sky, and my mood suddenly brightened. Yes, if you can't bear it, just let it go. There will be better scenery ahead. The beauty of Caishi Creek has long been in my heart. Why not leave these stones for more people to enjoy their beauty.

Understand for the first time (5)

The rain is rustling down, and the raindrops hit the eaves and made a loud sound. At this moment, my heart seems to have a tangle, and the "mistakes" language test paper appears in front of me from time to time. My home and school are not far away, but I think the road is long

When I got home, my mother saw that I was not looking right, so she asked me what was wrong. I just ignored it and walked into the study without saying a word. After a while, my mother brought me a cup of steaming juice, said that she wanted me to drink it while it was hot, and kept asking why I looked so ugly. I pushed my mother out of the study and then closed the door with a bang. I sat on the chair, staring at the table in a daze, thinking: I have tried my best this time, but why did I still do so badly in the exam? Suddenly, a "buzzing" sound interrupted my train of thought. I looked up and saw that it was a bee hitting the window, trying to find a place to fly out. He tried again and again, but failed, but he still tried his best. I laughed at his arrogance, so I picked up the electric mosquito swatter to shoot him. But all of a sudden, I thought: Isn't his ability to do so proof that he has the spirit of perseverance and courage to fight in the face of difficulties? And how I need this spirit! When I think about normal times, every time I encounter difficulties, I give up because I can't think of it. In this way, my problems will accumulate more and more, and it will be more and more difficult to learn. Isn't that why I failed in the exam? Thinking of this, I opened the window and let it go. "By the way, can he be safe in the heavy rain here?" I couldn't help worrying about him again. "Yes, he will, because it is better than me!"

"People should not be discouraged and should not bow in front of difficulties, otherwise they will always be losers in life!" I understood this truth for the first time, and decided to be a person who bravely struggles with difficulties in the future.

Understand for the first time (6)

Grandfather is an authentic farmer, who has cultivated for generations.

The hoe was placed by the sink in front of the wooden door of the old house, and accompanied Grandpa for thirty or forty years. The upper part is covered with rust, and the wind, frost, rain and snow of time are mercilessly crouching at the window of the old house, which has stained Grandpa's hair white. But he was still happy, busy from dawn to dusk.

Our new home is located near the industrial park. I packed my luggage excitedly, but I didn't notice my grandfather's anxiety. He lingered sadly in front of the big wooden door. His leather shoes polished the dirt on the threshold and walked with us. In the new home, the surrounding flowers make the environment very elegant. "Stay here," my mother said. "No need, it's too noisy here. Good countryside! Good countryside! I'm back! That -- come again next time!" Grandpa said goodbye to us in authentic dialect.

This puzzled my mother for many days. Before long, we went to visit grandpa for the reason of climbing the mountain. The Waigong Family is on the edge of the mountains and rivers. The old wooden house faces the mountains on three sides and the water on one side. The mountain stream trickles down. Looking around for a long time, you can hear the sound of the bell in the temple. I know for the first time that my grandfather likes to live in the countryside where the environment is fresh and the air is fresh. In front of us, there are lots and lots of crops planted on Grandpa's land. He is a hard working gardener here. When I opened the big wooden door, I came back to my grandfather's house and knew the weather beaten old man again. This was the first time.

Grassland, fields, buildings, Wabin, hut, frozen, blue, frozen, cold

After eating the home-made dishes made by Grandpa, we sat on the threshold to listen to the wind and birds singing, and watch the autumn moon and spring breeze. "Why don't you live in our place?" The old man kept silent for a long time, bent down to pick up the newly fallen pine needles, and fiddled with them. "Of course the city is good, with everything, money and flowers, big houses to live in, and buy what you want to eat, but these are Grandpa's land." He pointed to the dozens of acres of oily vegetable fields in front of his eyes, "I'm worried about the vegetables going bad during the day and night, and I can't go down to the land. You know, land is always more important than money..." I just know that my grandfather also yearns for prosperity, but he prefers to live a life of self-reliance and plenty of food and clothing. What he can never let go of is missing. The city was an irresistible temptation, but Grandpa was the only one who could resist that day.

I thought for a long time. "Let's go for a walk in the mountains." Grandpa was calling me, and I followed him. On the path in the forest, I really felt an old man who belonged to the land. Grandfather's movements were sharp and his steps were light and swaying, unlike other old people. When we came to the stream, we saw the gurgling mountain springs, and gently put our hands on the slowly flowing water to reflect the growth rings and quietly enjoy the romance. Rough stones appeared in the water, but the water followed its shape and flowed tenaciously between the cracks. Isn't that true, Grandpa? "You see, isn't it good here? I think it's good. The air is good, the water is good, the food is good, the food is good, and the life is good!" This time, I finally understand him.

"Dong" - the bell of the temple in the evening drew me back to the real world.

"I will come back next time..." This is the most sincere call of my grandfather, an old man left behind in the countryside.

Understand for the first time (7)

There are countless firsts in one's life, the first time to go to school alone, the first time to manage money at home, the first time to face the turning point of life... Some of these firsts are like a wisp of smoke, which disappeared with the passage of time, while some are like a treasure, which makes me treasure them.

It is the first time that I learned to cherish. What I cherish is not a treasure, not a delicious candy, but a piece of thin paper. This is an ordinary piece of paper, which may not be treasured by many people; It is not an ordinary piece of paper. It is more precious than an ordinary piece of paper because it is the first letter I received in my life. It was written by a friend of mine in kindergarten. That day, she and I played in the square as usual. When she came home, she suddenly took out a letter from her pocket, put it into my hand and said, "There are words you don't know. Go home and let my mother read them to you." When she said this, tears poured out like a clear lake, and she cried. And I, childish laugh at her too weak, do not understand why she cried. So we parted in a hurry. When I got home, I gave the letter to my mother, who read it to me. I didn't remember what it was, but only remembered that she was going to another city for a long time. We worked hard together to get into the same school, so that we could get together again. Hearing my mother read the letter, I was in tears. After receiving the letter, I saw some tough but very neat words, which must be written by her mother. Later, we did not meet again, and that letter became a witness of our friendship. At that time, I was just in the first grade. I didn't know why this letter was precious, but I vaguely thought that I must treasure it. I don't know which day, I suddenly understand that the reason why I cherish it is not only the letter, but also the friendship between us. Our friendship can't be expressed clearly in words. Maybe only we know its weight in our hearts. We don't know each other's phone number. We haven't seen each other since the first grade, and we only wrote that letter once. My mother said that she and her mother went to Beijing in the first grade. I don't know where she is now. Although I am still the original me, can I still see her? Even if I saw her, would she still be the original one? We haven't seen each other for six years. I still remember her appearance clearly. Her black hair is about two decimetres long. A bow tie clip falls on her hair like a beautiful big butterfly. Her big eyes are bright. Cherry's small mouth only utters a few words, but every word is like an adult's words. I was a timid and introverted girl at that time. I never took the initiative to talk to others. When the children played, I just sat quietly by the side. She saw me and came to chat with me. In this way, I changed from a child crying for his mother to a child who could play with everyone. She is such a considerate girl. It can be said that she has changed my character. I used to be noisy and short tempered at that time, and she always accommodated me. When I learned that she and her mother had gone to Beijing, I was very sad. This incident tells me that everything around me will never be the same. This is the first time I know how to cherish, this time let me know the value of friendship, I should learn to cherish friendship.

Among countless firsts in my life, I chose this first time. The road ahead will be long, and there will be more firsts. Let's meet more and better firsts together!

Understanding for the First Time (8)

The rain is rustling down, and the raindrops hit the eaves and made a loud sound. At this moment, my heart seems to have a tangle, and the "mistakes" language test paper appears in front of me from time to time. My home and school are not far away, but I think the road is long... When I got home, my mother saw my face was not right and asked me what was wrong. I just ignored it and walked into the study without saying a word. After a while, my mother brought me a cup of steaming juice, said that she wanted me to drink it while it was hot, and kept asking why I looked so ugly. I pushed my mother out of the study and then closed the door with a bang. I sat on the chair, staring at the table in a daze, thinking: I have tried my best this time, but why did I still do so badly in the exam? Suddenly, a "buzzing" sound interrupted my train of thought. I looked up and saw that it was a bee hitting the window, trying to find a place to fly out. He tried again and again, but failed, but he still tried his best. I laughed at his arrogance, so I picked up the electric mosquito swatter to shoot him. But all of a sudden, I thought: Isn't his ability to do so proof that he has the spirit of perseverance and courage to fight in the face of difficulties? And how I need this spirit! When I think about normal times, every time I encounter difficulties, I give up because I can't think of it. In this way, my problems will accumulate more and more, and it will be more and more difficult to learn. Isn't that why I failed in the exam? Thinking of this, I opened the window and let it go. "By the way, can he be safe in the heavy rain here?" I couldn't help worrying about him again. "Yes, he will, because it is better than me!"

"People should not be discouraged and should not bow in front of difficulties, otherwise they will always be losers in life!" I understood this truth for the first time, and decided to be a person who bravely struggles with difficulties in the future.