Ants' Composition Grade 2 (19 refined articles)
Silence Blooming
2023-10-29 02:36:04
second grade

Ant Composition Grade 2 (1)

Two years ago, I discovered the secret of ants moving. At that time, I often caught some small animals back. One day when I came home from school, I saw a few ants running fast, and suddenly disappeared. I watched carefully. After a while, I saw a hole beside the road. Did they run into the hole? I squatted down in front of the small hole and waited quietly‘ There are two little ants' coming out of the hole... They seem to be in a hurry. I think so many ants seem to be moving. Do they think something is going to happen? I suddenly looked up, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and it was going to rain. I immediately ran home. When I got home, I remembered whether ants would be drowned by a sudden heavy rain. I took my umbrella and ran to the small hole. When I got to the small hole, I found that they had moved to the highland. How could ants know that it was going to rain? Are they all prophecies? My heart is full of doubts. I'll go to the hole again to find out. That day, I read the weather forecast in advance and knew that there would be a heavy rain. As soon as I got to the cave, the ants were moving. Once I got home and checked the information, I finally understood what was going on. When it rained, the ant's home was very stuffy, and the ants were very sensitive to the temperature changes at home. I accidentally discovered the mystery of ant moving, which is really interesting. There are many mysteries waiting for us to discover in life. Let's watch everything carefully and let them be our discoveries.

Ant Composition Grade 2 (2)

When I opened my eyes, I found something was wrong with my body. Then I looked carefully, how could I be on a huge leaf? Where do I get the feelers on my head? Oh, no! I've become an ant! I pinched myself in a hurry. It hurt. It didn't seem that I was dreaming. So I looked around. But because I became smaller and my vision became smaller, I couldn't see where I was or how far away from home. If I went home like this, my parents would be surprised to see me. Alas, I'd better get down from the grass first and then think of a way. I crawled carefully towards the ground. By the way, now I am an ant, and climbing is a piece of cake for me. So I accelerated my speed and soon got to the ground. At this time, I heard a voice in the grass beside me. "Who is there?" I asked a little scared. I saw a small ant jumping out of the grass. Before I could talk with him, I heard the sound of "dong". The earth was shaking. "No, run!" He turned around and pulled me to run. I look back, God, a pair of big hands! From the sky towards us. At this critical moment, when I turned around, the ant pulled me into a small hole in the corner. We were both out of breath. After a while, the little ant looked out of the hole warily. When he saw that there was no one, we began to communicate. He said: "These humans often bully us, and don't treat us as life. My friends are trampled to death by them." "By the way, you should be ants from other places. Are there people bully you?" "Ah? Oh, no... no, there is!" I stammered, and my face was burning. How many ants were killed by us playing games. The ant didn't notice my expression change, and continued: "We are going to move soon, so you'd better hurry back and be careful that other ants will treat you as an aggressor." "Good." I was extremely confused. How can I survive without a place to live? It turns out that the life of ants is so difficult. They not only need to find food to defend against enemies, but also to avoid the attack of natural enemies (including humans). Think about it, what about other insects and small animals? On the earth where we live, there is only one chance for each kind of life, whether long or short. From this moment on, I will learn to understand life and treat life kindly.

Ant Composition Grade 2 (3)

I was awakened by the sun in the sky and felt my body become very light. When I saw it, God! How did I get smaller? There are 6 legs left. Am I an ant? I was wondering, my companion, another ant, said to me, "Are you too tired? Why did you suddenly fall asleep?" I didn't answer, and followed it into our "palace". I was shocked by this "palace". There were two soldiers in front of the main gate. After we proved our identity, we went in. There were many busy ants in the "hall" of the ant nest. Some of them went to work, some went to study, and some went shopping and walking. Later, my companion took me to the place where food was stored. There were large and small holes in it, and many ants were carrying it. Those holes are filled with food collected from outside, and there are some inedible things, such as cans, plastic bottles, old toothbrushes, etc. They use waste to make boats, cruise ships, and pluck the hair from toothbrushes to make brooms. After visiting the Grain Bureau, we came to the weapons depot again, and saw that the whole wall inside was full of weapons, including knives and spears made of toothpicks, and shields made of plastic patches... After several turns, we came to the "amusement park", where the slide was made of small spoons, the seesaw was made of chopsticks, and there was a "huge" climbing wall, It is used to exercise the strength of young ants. At last, we came to the ant breeding room, and as soon as we entered, we saw dozens of rows of clay platforms, with leaves spread under one after another. Some had the appearance of small ants, and some still had an egg. There were only a dozen administrators recording various states of each egg during its growth. After watching the ant breeding room, I came out with a new understanding of ants. When I was thinking about the incident I just saw, I bumped into a huge thing and fainted

Ant Composition Grade 2 (4)

A group of ants live on a beach. They are united and friendly and live happily, but one of the ants is unhappy because he doesn't like such a life. It envies the elephant's strong body; It envies tigers for their powerful appearance, and other animals dare not bully them. Ants suffer for their birth. How it wishes to have a magician and let it stop being an ant. Suddenly, a beam of red light flashed in the sky, and the red light slowly became a person. He wore a colorful hat on his head, a ring on his hand, and a few thick mustaches on his mouth, which looked very mysterious. The mysterious man came to the ant and said, "I'm a magician. What can I do for you?" The ant said excitedly, "Can you turn me into a tiger. Suddenly, the ant felt hot, and its body became bigger and bigger, followed by another light. "Ah, I became a tiger." The ant was very happy. The ant came to the forest to look for food. As he walked, he saw a little rabbit and felt happy. I thought: The rabbit who often tramples on me also has today. It went to the rabbit quietly, but unexpectedly, the rabbit jumped into the grass like it had eyes on its back. Ant tiger looked everywhere, but could not find it, so it had to give up. The ant tiger continued to look for food, but the animals in the forest would turn around and run away as soon as they saw him. He was hungry and tired. At that time, he began to miss his appearance as an ant. He had endless food and many friends. He was so regretful that he cried. At this time, a red light flashed across the sky. After a while, the magician appeared. "Wizard, help me change back to an ant, I don't want to be a tiger." The magician stretched out his magic wand, and the ant tiger's body gradually shrunk, and finally became a small ant. The ant thanked the magician and returned home. From then on, the ant and its partners lived happily.

Ant Composition Grade 2 (5)

After lunch today, my sister and I went to observe the ants. We took the magnifying glass to look on the ground, but we couldn't find it. What should we do? Just when we were about to give up, suddenly we found two small ants, and I quickly spread a layer of bread foam around the ants. But the ant was ungrateful and trampled on the bread foam. I'm so angry! Later, I found that the ant had gone to call its friends. Ants are very loyal. They won't eat delicious food alone. After a while, many ants came to carry food. Some ants carried a large piece of bread like "Hercules", while others carried a small piece of bread. Ants are so interesting! This event made me understand that I must learn ant spirit and never give up! Be loyal!

Ant Composition Grade 2 (6)

Accidentally, a piece of bean paste filling fell on the ground. After a while, a little ant came. First, he sniffed it with his nose and then moved it with his feelers. Then, he walked around the bean paste filling for several times. It seemed that it was OK, so he picked up a small piece with a clamp and walked away. I thought he was hungry and wanted to bring some food back to him. Who knows, he went to the gate of the ant hole to put down the bean paste filling and went into the hole. After a while, another little ant came up, no, two, three... Oh, the little ants handed over their partners to carry food. Look at them, how energetic they are!

A small piece is sandwiched by one person, and a large piece is carried by two people. In a short time, a piece of bean paste filling is divided and emptied.

I wanted to look more carefully, so I deliberately kept another piece of bean paste filling. This time, a small ant wanted to move a large piece of bean paste filling. Unexpectedly, after wandering for a few steps, he was pressed under the bean paste filling. His two legs were kicking up and down constantly, trying to stand up. I really couldn't bear to look at it, so he flicked his hand gently and rolled over, The little ant was saved. He climbed up to me and touched my shoes with his feelers, as if to say, "Thank you for saving me and giving us so many delicious things." Now, the little ant learned a lesson and asked a companion to carry the soybean paste filling back to the hole. Such a large piece of bean paste filling has been removed by them. Ants are small, but they always think of others. There are good things that can be shared with everyone, as well as their spirit of solidarity and perseverance. Compared with human beings, shouldn't we learn something from small ants?

Ant Composition Grade 2 (7)

Autumn is coming, the cool autumn wind with bursts of fruit fragrance, swallows also fly south.

The little ant came to the forest and saw that the forest was not as lively as before. The little ant thought: My friends are going to spend the winter. Let me find some food for the winter.

So the ants began to look for food. Walking, the little ant found a big and fragrant bone in the grass. The little ant was as happy as discovering a new land, and hurried to move the bones home. But the little ant could not move, so it pushed the bone, but it could not move, and the bone still lay quietly in the grass. The little ant thought: Even if I had spent all my efforts, it would not move. When the little ant was about to give up, he suddenly thought of a sentence: unity is powerful. So the little ant ran home quickly and called many friends to carry bones together. Some of them moved, some pushed, some lifted, and some helped. Finally, they moved the bones back home in groups with one heart.

Back home, the little ant understood that unity is strength.


Ant Composition Grade 2 (8)

One day, the army of ants was going to attack the army of caterpillars. Because caterpillars always steal food, they want to starve ants and become the "king of insects".

The little ants set out. They walked forward step by step with "long guns" on their shoulders. A river blocked their way just after they walked out.

The ant leader said, "Calm down and find a way to solve problems!" The ants were divided into three groups: Group A, Group B and Group C. Group A found half of the watermelon skin, and they thought: "If something hits the other side, we can hide in the" boat ". I will order this watermelon skin! " Group B found a beer bottle, and they thought: "When we arrive at the destination, we can lift the lid and launch it to the other party's base camp. We will choose this' boat '." Group C was overjoyed to find a leaf. They think that this leaf is very light and must open quickly.

All three groups of "battleships" have been found. The little ants pushed each group's things across the river into the river, sat down on it, used their guns as "oars", and rowed hard on the water. They shouted the slogan "Hey, hey, hey, ants all started the big boat..."

The army of ants has reached its destination. Group B pried off the bottle cap and launched it onto the enemy's base camp. Suddenly, the caterpillar regiment was dumbfounded, its eyes were as big as copper bells, and its mouth was rounded into a "0" shape. "Ping ping ping, ding ding dangdang......" The caterpillar died and fled. The ant army won. It's really a big people's heart!

Ant Composition Grade 2 (9)

One day, Lumpy, Congcong and the army three ants got together to play. Ant Lumpy thought it was good to play real games.

The next day, Benben summoned Congcong and the army and took them to the river.

Benben said, "Do you want to travel?" "Yes" Congcong and the army said in unison.

Lumpy found a leaf and bit it into a boat. Benben pushed the "boat" down the river, and the three people jumped onto the "boat" together. So their journey began

One day, when they were eating, Congcong suddenly shouted, "Dark clouds are coming, it is going to rain!" If it is true, it began to rain heavily soon. Fortunately, Congcong asked Benben to dock, and then went ashore to take some small leaves to build a house, so that he was not drenched into "soup ants"

After a while, the sun showed a bright smile, and the naughty water droplets played happily on the leaves. Sister Rainbow built a curved bridge with colorful bodies.

The three ants went ashore to rest, Benben basked in the sun, Congcong looked for daily necessities, and the army rolled and ran on the grass.

After a while, everyone got on the boat one after another, and the three ants shouted slogans and ended the adventure with joy.

Ant Composition Grade 2 (10)

[Chapter 1: A Happy Day]

Liu Qianchi

Since the baby chick got out of the eggshell, the little eggshell was very lonely.

One morning, the sun was shining brightly. The little eggshell came to the hillside. There were several big trees on the hillside. The grass was green and the wild flowers were beautiful! It saw the little green bug, the little ant and the butterfly playing games. The little eggshell was very envious. It went to them and asked, "Can I join your team?" The little green bug, the little ant and the butterfly answered with one voice: "OK, let's play together!" The little eggshell suggested playing on the seesaw. They carried a branch and put it on the eggshell. Then the little green insect and the little ant climbed up to both ends and played. But the little ant was too light. No matter how hard they tried, they were still lifted to the sky. The butterfly flew up and shouted for fuel. The little eggshell felt very happy.

After a while, they got tired of playing and wanted to see the scenery in the sky, so the little eggshell changed into a hot-air balloon. They climbed onto the hot-air balloon, butterflies were flying beside them, and they floated slowly in the air. They saw the blue sky, cotton was like human clouds, and lovely birds were flying freely in the air. "How wonderful the outside world is!" sighed the four friends.

In the afternoon, dark clouds suddenly covered the sky. It was raining cats and dogs. The little eggshell turned over again and covered the three partners inside. The little partner said, "Thank you, little eggshell. You are so kind." The little eggshell was very happy. The light rain falls on the small eggshell, as if playing a cheerful music.

The rain stopped, it got dark, and the crescent moon came out. The four kids are tired of playing. They want to sleep. The little eggshell turns into a comfortable bed and lets them sleep in it. A leaf falls from the tree. The little leaf rustles a lullaby for them, and the little green worm, ants and butterflies slowly fall asleep.

Little eggshell thinks it's a beautiful day!

[Part 2: A Beautiful Day]

Qian Junhan

One morning, there was no cloud. Little insects, butterflies and ants took advantage of the good weather to take a walk. As they walked, they enjoyed the flowers around the path, including colorful tulips, pink peach flowers, fragrant lilies, and many small flowers that could not be named. The little ant, the little bug and the little butterfly cried in unison: "A hundred flowers bloom, and there are too many beautiful flowers!" As they walked, half of the egg shell suddenly appeared in front of them. The little bug saw it first, and it cried: "Look, there is an egg shell!" "What can we do with it?" The little ant asked. The little butterfly replied, "We can use it to make a seesaw." The three partners immediately got busy. They searched and found the stick of popsicle. The little ant asked, "Can this be used as a stick on a seesaw. So the insect lay on the left side of the seesaw, the ant stood on the right side, and the butterfly was the judge.

After a while, they were tired of playing. The little butterfly saw it and said, "How about going to the sky?" "How can we go?" "You can turn the eggshell upside down, take the cane and the balloon, and use the cane to tie the eggshell and the balloon together, so it can be done." With the cooperation of the three little partners, the hot-air balloon was completed. They jumped into the hot air balloon respectively, and a gust of wind blew the ball to the sky. The little bug and the little ant shouted excitedly, "Oh, we are flying! It's so funny!" The little butterfly was acting as the bodyguard of the little bug and the little ant.

In the afternoon, dark clouds covered, lightning flashed and thunder thundered. The little butterfly shouted, "No, the rainstorm is coming! Oh, what can we do? We don't have umbrellas." "We can turn the eggshells into umbrellas!" The little bug and the little ant said. So the three partners tried their best to turn over the eggshell and hide in it. Soon, it began to rain outside, and they were safe.

It was dark, the moon mother-in-law came out, the little star was sleepy and blinked. The three children turned over the eggshell, spread leaves on it, and made grass pillows. They slept soundly in it. Maybe they are too tired, so they sleep soundly.

[Chapter 3: A Happy Day]

Su Yuchen

One morning, when the sky was clear, little insects, ants and butterflies went to play on the grass. Seeing half an egg shell lying on the grass, the little bug cried out, "Look, there is half an egg shell over there." The little ant said, "What can we do with it?" The little butterfly had an idea and said mysteriously, "We will have a new seesaw in the future." Both the little bug and the little ant were very surprised, The little butterfly said, "We can make a seesaw with an egg shell." They began to get busy. They found a branch from the trees as a seesaw and used the egg shell as a fulcrum. The little bug and the little ant are sitting at the two ends of the seesaw and starting to compete. Look, they are playing happily now that the little ant is tall and the little bug is tall. The little butterflies beat their wings and cheered for them, leaving their happy laughter on the grass.

After a while, they got tired of playing and thought of a good idea. The little ant found a hot air balloon and tied the egg shell under the hot air balloon. The little ant and the little bug sat on the egg shell and they floated up into the sky. The little ants and insects have never seen the beautiful scenery here. The golden fields, green grasslands, and large forests... The little ants and insects happily said, "Wow, how vast the world is!" The hot-air balloon took them over the fields, mountains, and the sky over our school! The little butterfly flapped its wings and followed the hot air balloon on a strange journey!

In the afternoon, the clear sky suddenly became overcast, and soon it began to rain cats and dogs. The big raindrops poured down from the sky like broken beads. The small insects and ants rushed down the hot air balloon, and used all their strength to turn the egg shell over. The egg shell turned into a huge white tent. A little friend hid in the tent and talked happily. The rain crackled on the eggshell and made a clear sound, as if playing beautiful music

It was dark, the stars were sleepy and blinked. One of the little friends was tired. They fell asleep on the eggshell, and a fallen leaf floated down and covered them... Now, the night was deeper, the wind was quieter, and the three little friends fell asleep quietly

What a happy day!

[Chapter 4: Universal Eggshell]

Wang Shiyu

In the morning, the wind is sunny and cloudless. Insects, ants and butterflies, three good friends, play games together on the grass. Suddenly they found a half eggshell in the grass, so they discussed what to do with the half eggshell? The little ant said, "Let's play the seesaw game! This is a good idea. Everyone applauded. They quickly found a piece of wood from the grass and made a seesaw. They used half an egg shell as the base, put the seesaw on the egg shell, and played happily."

After a while, the little bug also came up with a good idea. It said, "Let's make a hot-air balloon out of this half eggshell! We can fly in the hot-air balloon. Everyone raised their hands and agreed. They quickly made a hot-air balloon out of this half eggshell. The little bug and the little ant sat in the hot-air balloon, and the little butterfly took them to the sky.

In the afternoon, there was a loud thunder, and a few raindrops fell in the sky. Soon, it began to rain cats and dogs. The little bug, the little ant and the little butterfly thought: What can we do? Everyone was so anxious that they looked like ants on a hot pot - turning round and round. Then Little Butterfly came up with a good idea. Let's hide under the eggshell! This is a good place to take shelter from the rain!

When it was dark, the stars were so sleepy that they blinked. After playing all day, the insects, ants and butterflies also felt a little sleepy. Together, they turned the egg shells upside down and used leaves as quilts. They lay in their eggshells and slept happily.

Ant Composition Grade 2 (11)

Once upon a time, there was a little ant without friends. It thinks every day, how can we make friends?

Mother said, "Go find the cicada. You can eat the roots with it!" So it went to find the cicada. After finding the cicada, it hurriedly climbed over and cried, "cicada! Cicada! Can I make friends with you?" The cicada said, "No, I will climb to the ground, you will not." The little ant left sadly.

After a while, the little ant saw a little bee collecting honey. The little ant asked, "Honey bee, can you make friends with me?" The little bee said, "No, I have to collect honey all day long!" The little ant left again sadly.

After a while, the little ant saw a butterfly flying in mid air. The little ant asked, "Little butterfly, can we make friends?" The little butterfly said, "Of course." The little butterfly danced a beautiful dance, attracted the lark, sang a beautiful song, and finally the peacock opened the bright feathers. The little ant was very happy.

Ant Composition Grade 2 (12)

Ants are recognized as' super Hercules' in the world. They can lift dozens of times more weight than themselves. But their prey is more than the weight they lift, but they can still send their prey into the hole, which is the strength of ant solidarity. If you don't believe me, let me tell you.

One afternoon, I found a brown caterpillar. I thought: The caterpillar is a pest, and one foot will ruin the West Pakistan. At this time, my mind suddenly moved. I might as well send the fat and big caterpillar to the ants for food and wine. Just do what I say. I sent the caterpillar to the gate of the ant nest, waiting for the arrival of the show.

Finally, four ants found this fat caterpillar, and the four ants immediately conquered it. When the four ants climbed on the caterpillar, the caterpillar turned and rolled the ants away. At this time, the four ants communicated for a while, and one of them immediately climbed to their old nest. The three ants were too weak, and soon the whole army disappeared. When the caterpillar moved its fat body around the edge of the ant nest, the army of ants came, some of them climbed on it, some on the edge, and soon the caterpillar was bitten, At this time, the caterpillar, even the Tianluo Immortal, had no power to restore the sky. Soon, the caterpillar died, and the ants began to collect its meat. One by one, they were busy and very busy.

Ah, the ants defeated their huge prey with the strength of unity. As the saying goes, more ants kill elephants. As long as we unite, we can accomplish anything.

Ant Composition Grade 2 (13)

1. Ants move bones

On a sunny afternoon, an ant went out to look for food.

Suddenly, he saw a bone in the grass. He was very happy and wanted to take the bones home. But the bones are too heavy for the ants to move back. What should we do? The little ant thought hard, and a good idea suddenly flashed into his mind.

The little ant ran back to the hole and touched another ant with its tentacles, as if to say, "I found a delicious bone, and everyone helped me move it back." Another ant also touched it with its feeler, indicating that it knew the good news. So the ant touched other ants with its tentacles and told them the good news. One by one, everyone knows. Everyone immediately formed a line, and the ants who found the bones led the way. At the destination, "sex, sex"... everyone worked together to move this bone home. Finally moved home! Let's enjoy this delicious bone.

The ants all praised the little ant who found the bone: "Great!"

2. Ants move bones

One day, the ants were playing in the grass. Suddenly, he saw a bone in the grass, and he thought, Ah! What a big bone! How nice it would be to move him home! So he decided to move the bone. Ah, it was too heavy. He screamed, which was very urgent. He thought about it and remembered his brothers. He ran home hurriedly. They moved the bones together and shouted: "One two one, one two one." Soon, the bones moved into the little ant's house, and the little ant was very happy.

3. Ants move bones

One morning, the sky was cloudless, the spring breeze was blowing, and the road was covered with long and green grass. The ant was leisurely crawling around for a walk. The ant found a bone, which was big and long. The ant thought to himself that I would ask my partner to help. It called the ants. The ants worked together to move the bones. They lifted the bones together and climbed into the hole. They shouted the slogan together: "Come on, come on". Soon they moved the bones into the hole and laughed happily: finally we can have a good meal.

4. Little ants move bones

One day, a small ant went out to look for food. It saw a bone and wanted to move it into the hole. However, the little ant took great pains to keep his bones still. After thinking about it, the little ant called his brothers and sisters together. Everyone worked together and finally moved the bone into the hole. The little ants danced with joy, and their hearts were as sweet as honey!

5. Ants move bones

One day, the little ant went out to find something to eat and saw a big bone in the grass. The little ant thought: This big bone is enough for us to eat for a long time. Thinking about it, it uses its tentacles to send messages and inform its partners to move bones together. When the little ants received the message, they rushed over immediately. They were excited to see such a big bone and tried their best to move it. Some of them carried the bones to the front, some carried them to the middle, and some carried them to the back. Although everyone was tired and sweating, they didn't care at all.

6. Ants move bones

One day, the little ant went out for a walk. After walking a few steps, he found a bone in the grass. He immediately climbed up and wanted to move the bone into the hole with his friends.

However, it used its strength of nine bulls and two tigers, and its bones did not move. It is so anxious that it turns round and round. It looks left and right. What should we do? by the way! Find a partner. As he walked, he saw several good friends on the way and excitedly said to them, "I found some delicious food. Shall we move it home together?" The ants said in unison, "OK!" So they went home to find more partners to move food.

After a while, a lot of ants came, and they continued to move together. They walked across the wooden bridge, across the mound of earth... and finally moved back home.

The ants had a party and came with delicious food.

7. Ants move bones

One day, it was sunny and cloudless, and the little ant Ding Ding went out to look for food.

Suddenly, Ding Ding was surprised to find a fragrant bone lying in the grass. The bones are crisscrossed with meat and bones, and the mouth watering. It could not help saying: "This is a good meal! I must move it back to enjoy it with my brothers and sisters." However, Ding Ding tried hard to move it, but the bones did not move. He thought to himself: If we call all our families here, we will be able to do it with more people. So he hurried to eat his friends.

After a while, a group of ants arrived separately. They divided their work and cooperated. Some pulled in the front, some held in the middle, and some pushed in the back. As they walked, they shouted, "One, two, three bones..." Everyone worked together and happily moved the bones home.

Ah! Many people are really powerful.

8. Little ants move bones

One morning, the little ant came out alone to find food. It crawled and crawled into the grass. Suddenly he found a very big bone in the grass. The little ant thought: This bone can let us all eat for a long time. It immediately ran home to inform the partners. When the partners heard this, they hurried to the grass. They lifted the bones together and shouted, "One, two, three, come on! One, two, three, come on!" The little ants slowly moved the bones home.

Ant Composition Grade 2 (14)

"Kill termites, kill termites". As soon as I heard this sentence, I did that interesting thing a year ago.

In the morning, I went to school with my schoolbag on my back. On the way, I saw the bark of trees, big and small, made of sand. I began to investigate.


On Saturday, my classmates and I investigated. Each person starts to attack the termites with a slender stick and pokes through the "pipe". "Wow", only large and small termites [source] climb up.


Step on it with your feet. He poked with a sharp stick again. It was too slow. I came up with a good idea. First, I found a watertight box and tried to trap myself. Finally, I filled the box with water, and the termites were wiped out all at once.


From now on, termites will bite trees again. They are very happy. They don't worry about the healthy growth of trees any more. They have finally made a modest contribution to environmental protection.

Ant Composition Grade 2 (15)

I often catch some ants from outside to observe. Finally, I found a secret of ants.

Once, on my way out of school, I suddenly found several small ants crowding out and crawling out in groups. Some little ants are carrying some bread, and some are carrying some candies. They are ready to leave. Their strong curiosity seems to drive me. I love that. What are these ants doing?

A series of questions puzzled me, so I opened the computer to find out why the ants knew it was going to rain. It turns out that before the rain, the ant nest is very stuffy. In addition, the ants are very sensitive to humidity and temperature. Once the ant nest is very stuffy, the ants are ready to move.

I find it interesting that ants move!

Let's pay attention to everything around us. Maybe it will also be your discovery!

Ant Composition Grade 2 (16)

One morning, when the sky was cloudless and the spring breeze was blowing, the road was covered with long and green grass. The ant was leisurely crawling around for a walk. The ant found a bone, which was big and long. The ant thought to himself that I would ask my partner to help. It called the ants. The ants worked together to move the bones. They lifted the bones together and climbed into the hole. They shouted the slogan together: "Come on, come on". Soon they moved the bones into the hole and laughed happily: finally we can have a good meal.

2 Ants move bones

One day, the ants were playing in the grass. Suddenly, he saw a bone in the grass, and he thought, Ah! What a big bone! How nice it would be to move him home! So he decided to move the bone. Ah, it was too heavy. He screamed, which was very urgent. He thought about it and remembered his brothers. He ran home hurriedly. They moved the bones together and shouted: "One two one, one two one." Soon, the bones moved into the little ant's house, and the little ant was very happy.

3 Ants move bones

One day, it was sunny and cloudless, and the little ant Ding Ding went out to look for food.

Suddenly, Ding Ding was surprised to find a fragrant bone lying in the grass. The bones are crisscrossed with meat and bones, and the mouth watering. It could not help saying: "This is a good meal! I must move it back to enjoy it with my brothers and sisters." However, Ding Ding tried hard to move it, but the bones did not move. He thought to himself: If we call all our families here, we will be able to do it with more people. So he hurried to eat his friends.

After a while, a group of ants arrived separately. They divided their work and cooperated. Some pulled in the front, some held in the middle, and some pushed in the back. As they walked, they shouted, "One, two, three bones..." Everyone worked together and happily moved the bones home.

Ah! Many people are really powerful.

4 Little ants move bones

One day, a small ant went out to look for food. It saw a bone and wanted to move it into the hole. However, the little ant took great pains to keep his bones still. After thinking about it, the little ant called his brothers and sisters together. Everyone worked together and finally moved the bone into the hole. The little ants danced with joy, and their hearts were as sweet as honey!

5 Ants move bones

On a sunny afternoon, an ant went out to look for food.

Suddenly, he saw a bone in the grass. He was very happy and wanted to take the bones home. But the bones are too heavy for the ants to move back. What should we do? The little ant thought hard, and a good idea suddenly flashed into his mind.

The little ant ran back to the hole and touched another ant with its tentacles, as if to say, "I found a delicious bone, and everyone helped me move it back." Another ant also touched it with its feeler, indicating that it knew the good news. So the ant touched other ants with its tentacles and told them the good news. One by one, everyone knows. Everyone immediately formed a line, and the ants who found the bones led the way. At the destination, "sex, sex"... everyone worked together to move this bone home. Finally moved home! Let's enjoy this delicious bone.

The ants all praised the little ant who found the bone: "Great!"

6 Ants move bones

One day, the little ant went out for a walk. After walking a few steps, he found a bone in the grass. He immediately climbed up and wanted to move the bone into the hole to share with his friends.

However, it used its strength of nine bulls and two tigers, and its bones did not move. It is so anxious that it turns round and round. It looks left and right. What should we do? by the way! Find a partner. As he walked, he saw several good friends on the way and excitedly said to them, "I found some delicious food. Shall we move it home together?" The little ants said in unison, "OK!" So they went home to find more partners to move food.

After a while, a lot of ants came, and they continued to move together. They walked across the wooden bridge, across the mound of earth... and finally moved back home.

The ants held a party to share delicious food.

7 Little ants move bones

One morning, the little ant came out alone to find food. It crawled and crawled into the grass. Suddenly he found a very big bone in the grass. The little ant thought: This bone can let us all eat for a long time. It immediately ran home to inform the partners. When the partners heard this, they hurried to the grass. They lifted the bones together and shouted, "One, two, three, come on! One, two, three, come on!" The little ants slowly moved the bones home.

8 Ants move bones

One day, the little ant went out to find something to eat and saw a big bone in the grass. The little ant thought: This big bone is enough for us to eat for a long time. Thinking about it, it uses its tentacles to send messages and inform its partners to move bones together. When the little ants received the message, they rushed over immediately. They were excited to see such a big bone and tried their best to move it. Some of them carried the bones to the front, some carried them to the middle, and some carried them to the back. Although everyone was tired and sweating, they didn't care at all.

Ant Composition Grade 2 (17)

Rope purple culvert

One day, Brother Ant took his second brother to see a movie. Both of them were so happy that they even showed their big teeth. On the way, they saw a big river. How could they get there? They found two big green leaves to make a boat.

In the river, it suddenly began to rain heavily. The two of them came up with a good idea. The elder brother said, "I will climb onto your boat and pull my boat to be an umbrella." So the elder brother climbed onto the second brother's boat carefully and laboriously, and pulled another leaf to cover his head as an umbrella.

So they crossed the river smoothly and went to the cinema happily.

This story tells us: Don't worry when you encounter difficulties, but face them bravely. Bad things can also become good!

[Smart Ant]

Wang Wenjia

Today, it was sunny. A pair of little ant sisters strode along the path by the river, and a happy person was carrying a green leaf.

The little ants want to cross the river. They use the leaves as boats. When crossing the river, I felt a bit depressed. One little ant said, "Let's recite ancient poems to relieve boredom." Another little ant said, "OK." "I'll come first, Wing Goose..."

Suddenly, a heavy downpour fell from the sky. The little ant covered his head with his hands, but it didn't work. What shall I do?

A little ant had a brainwave and came up with a good idea. It said, "Jump onto my boat quickly and put your leaves on your head to block the rain." The little ant did as it said. They successfully solved the problem of getting wet and crossed the river smoothly.

Small ants are united, intelligent, and worthy of our study!

[Smart Ant]

Ma Haotian

One day, the little brother and the big brother went home together, and they were very happy. It was a sunny day, and they were carrying large green leaves to cross the river and go home. The river was very calm.

The younger brother said, "Brother, I'm afraid the boat will turn over and fall into the river!" The elder brother said, "Don't be afraid, it won't turn over!"

Suddenly, a storm came, and they were very nervous. The younger brother said, "The weather forecast doesn't say it's going to rain. What should we do?" The elder brother said, "Otherwise, I'll jump onto your leaf boat and use my leaves to shelter from the rain."

Then the big brother carefully jumped onto the little brother's boat and covered the rain with his leaf boat. The two little ants laughed happily again.

I know that as long as you use your head, bad things can become good things!

[Smart Ant]

Li Zechao

Once upon a time, there were two little ants, one named Qiqi and the other named Weiguai.

The two little ants lived by the river for a long time, and wanted to look at the other side of the river. At this time, the little ant Qiqi came up with a way to say: "Weird, let's find two good leaves to cross the river as boats." "Good, good, good," cried Weird. They immediately found two big green leaves.

They carried the leaves to the river, threw them on the water and jumped on them. At first, it was a sunny day, but when they reached the middle of the river, it suddenly began to rain heavily. Strange and calm said, "You should hurry to my boat and give us your leaves as umbrellas." They said, "Go on, go on." Qiqi climbed carefully onto the strange boat and almost fell off, Fortunately, they were safe. They lifted another leaf to keep out the rain, and smiled across the river.

This story tells us that we should think and work together in the face of difficulties, and we are sure to overcome difficulties!

[Smart Ant]

Zhang Yixi

One day, in a clear sky, there were two little ants walking happily by the river. Each of them carried a big green leaf.

When they went down the river, the two of them used leaves as boats and paddled happily along the river. The elder brother was in front and the younger brother was in the back. The younger brother said, "Elder brother, it's really cool!"

They rowed and rowed, and suddenly it began to rain cats and dogs. The two of them were very worried. The elder brother said, "Little brother, think about something quickly."

The younger brother said, "I thought, we will get on the same boat together and use the other boat as an umbrella." Then the younger brother got on the elder brother's boat carefully, and the elder brother put the younger brother's boat on the head of both of them, avoiding the wind and rain, and continued happily. They both carried the small leaf safely back home.

From this story, I can see the strength of unity. When things happen, we should calm down and think carefully.

[Smart Ant]

Duan Bing

A long time ago, there were two ants, one named "Xiao Yu" and the other named "Xiao Feng".

One day, Xiaofeng and Xiaoyu were going to cross a lake. Each of them picked a leaf and came to the lake. The lake was calm and sparkling. They put the leaf on the lake and used it as a boat.

Xiaofeng and Xiaoyu went to the leaf boat together and rowed halfway. Suddenly, dark clouds were gathering. Xiaofeng and Xiaoyu had no time to think about it so much. As a result, it began to rain cats and dogs.

They held their heads in their hands, and Xiaofeng asked Xiaoyu to do something about it. Xiaoyu came up with an idea tactfully. He said: "We should stand on one leaf, and the other leaf is on our head." Xiaofeng and Xiaoyu did so. After solving the problem of getting wet, they showed a happy smile again.

Sure enough, Xiaofeng and Xiaoyu thought it was easy and labor-saving, and from then on they became the best friends in the ant kingdom.

Through this story, I learned a truth: we should work together and not cry because of some small difficulties. There is always a solution, and bad things can turn into good things.

[Smart Ant]

Qin Yixuan

One day when the sky was high and the clouds were thin, two little ants each carried their own leaves and walked forward smiling to eat delicious food across the river. One of them is called "Xiaogang", the other is called "Xiaoming". The leaves on their backs are big and green, just like a small sailboat.

At the beginning of "drifting", Xiaoming asked Xiaogang: "I'm so afraid, will I fall down?" Xiaoming began to be at a loss. Xiaogang said to Xiaoming: "Don't be afraid, I'll protect you." Xiaoming said: "OK."

At this moment, it suddenly began to rain cats and dogs. Xiaogang and Xiaoming were panicked and nervously covered their heads with their hands. Xiaoming suggested, "Let's close the leaf boat together and use your leaves as an umbrella." Xiaogang said, "OK." Xiaoming carefully boarded Xiaogang's leaf boat. Xiaogang pulled Xiaoming, and Xiaoming boarded Xiaogang's leaf boat safely. They pulled Xiaoming's boat together and blocked his head. They smiled again and crossed the river safely.

This story tells us that we should be united and friendly in everything we do, and we should think calmly and solve problems when we encounter them.

Ant Composition Grade 2 (18)

One day, the ants saw a puddle, and there was a pile of food for winter on the opposite side of the puddle. They thought: It's just winter coming, and they met such a big "pie" here. Why don't we send them back right away.

They immediately found a lot of "tools" to cross the river, including leaves, soda bottles and watermelon skins. The watermelon skins seemed to have been left here for a long time, and there were a few mildew spots on them, but this did not affect them to use them to cross the river.

The little ant immediately moved the "tool" to the side of the river. The watermelon skin was wet, and several little ants fell down at once; Another group of ants slipped onto the leaves, which seemed to be sinking; The last group of ants went to the soda bottle. The soda bottle kept rolling. The ants had to keep running to keep moving.

At last, the little ant arrived at the opposite bank, got the food, and happily moved back home.

(Huang Boshen)

[Article 2: Composition of Ants Crossing the River in Grade Two]

Ten ant brothers went out to play. The sun is going down. It's time to go home for dinner. When they came to a stream, they found that it took a long time to go around the bridge. It was better to have a boat to help them cross the river.

The ant brothers looked around, and suddenly Xiao Shi saw a leaf floating from the upstream. He grabbed his brothers, Xiao 8 and Xiao 9, and quickly jumped onto the leaves. "Ha ha, seven brothers, let's compete to see who gets home first. Let's go first!" cried the three little ants happily.

"Alas, they got on ahead of us! We are going to find a boat, but they can't beat us." Ant brothers accepted the challenge.

"Look, that's half a watermelon peel! Ha ha ha, great, we have a boat!" Xiao Qi danced happily.

Seven, six, five and four quickly climbed into the watermelon skin and floated down: "Big brother, second brother, third brother, we are also starting, you hurry up!"

"These seven naughty ghosts have taken the boat away. What shall we do?" the third man asked anxiously.

"Yes, yes, big brother, think of a way." The second child was also anxious to scratch his head.

"The more anxious, the more chaotic, I'll see if there is anything else I can do to help." The boss said calmly. He looked around and found a transparent glass bottle. "Yes! Here comes our ship!"

They pushed the bottle into the stream, climbed up, found a branch to make oars, and rowed together. Although they started late, they were the first to get home. Other ants admire them very much. Xiao Shi also said that this proved that "Jiang is still old and spicy", which amused everyone.

(Zhu Luofei)

[Article 3: Composition of Ants Crossing the River in Grade Two]

Clever and witty Captain Ant

One day, it was sunny and sunny. The leader of the ant team assembled to carry food to the remote "Terahu Ant Country".

As they walked, they saw a big river in front of them. The river was surging, as if it were a ferocious shark swimming in the river. The little ants immediately sighed and said, "We can't make it!" The leader of the ants looked at the side and said, "We can use these things to float past." The little ants asked in unison, "What is it?" The leader of the ants pointed to a vacant land and said, "There are three things over there, namely, watermelon shells, empty wine bottles and a pile of dead leaves." The little ants suddenly realized that they ran to push the watermelon shells, empty wine bottles and dead leaves into the river, and then sat on them respectively. The little ant sitting on the bottle had nothing to do at first, but later he had to run hard with his legs. The ants sitting in the watermelon skin are safe, but their legs are as painful as if they were pricked by a steel needle. The ants sitting on the dead leaves are more dangerous. The dead leaves have been turning left and right, turning left and right, going up and down, like rocking on a roller coaster. Although this is very dangerous and painful, but the captain of the ants and the ants did not give up, they endured the pain and floated

Finally, they finally landed and happily went to the "Terasu Ant Country" to carry food.

(Chen Hanyu)

[Article 4: Composition of Ants Crossing the River in Grade Two]

One day the army of ants will cross the river. What if the ants can't cross it?

The ants didn't know what to do, and their brains were all blown up. One hour, two hours, three hours... After that, the little ants didn't know what to do, but the leader of the ants didn't move, and his eyes were like a black gem.

The captain of the ant suddenly had a brainwave, like a frightened tiger, and said loudly, "Let's ride the floating watermelon skin, bottles and leaves across the river!" The voice was so loud that the children on the roadside gathered around.

The leader of the ants said, "Quick! Hurry! Sit on the drifter!" The other ants lined up neatly in the blink of an eye, and the ants jumped onto the drifter.

The ants sitting on the leaves said, "Ah! The leaves are so fragrant, and it smells good!" Another ant said, "The leaves are soft, and it's so comfortable to lie down!" The leader of the ants sitting on the watermelon said, "The watermelon is big and wide, and it can also be used as a home for ants. The rest of the juice can be drunk, the unfinished fruit can be used as a bed, and it's so comfortable to sit on the watermelon!" The ants sitting on the bottle said: "The bottle is really slippery, let's skate!" The ants sitting on the bottle sang a song while skating. The ants all said that the captain's method was good and he crossed the river.

(Huang Wenbo)

[Article 5: Composition of Ants Crossing the River in Grade Two]

Little ants cross the river

On a clear, cloudless morning, I was walking by a small river. I enjoyed the beautiful riverside scenery: the river was clear to the bottom, the water grass gently swayed along the water, and the lotus on the river competed with each other... It was so beautiful!

Suddenly, I saw a watermelon skin, a drink bottle, and a leaf floating on the river. I carefully observed them and found that there were many ants lying on the watermelon skin, drink bottle, and leaves. Some of them were dancing on the leaves, some were singing on the drink bottle, and some were holding "get-together" in the watermelon skin! They floated along the river, and I followed them closely. I thought: It's fun to watch ants while running. You can not only watch ants, but also exercise yourself!

They drifted and drifted. Suddenly, a ship passed by and a big wave hit. The ants on the leaves almost fell into the water. At this critical moment, the ants on the watermelon skin immediately launched rescue. They are quick and line up one by one to build a "bridge" of life, and let the ants on the leaves climb onto the watermelon skin along their bodies. All the ants on the leaves reached the watermelon skin safely, almost standing on the whole watermelon skin. Some of them whisper as if they are talking to each other; Some hugged each other as if they were crying with joy and comforting each other

I watched the little ants work together to overcome the difficulties and drift away slowly, feeling much more comfortable. I could not help sighing: "The little ants are really smart and brave, and their spirit of unity and cooperation, fearing difficulties, is worth learning!"

(Zheng Yueqian)

[Article 6: Composition of Ants Crossing the River in Grade Two]

Little ants cross the pit

When the little ants were looking for food, they saw some potato chips left in the opposite of a big puddle. A little ant had a brainwave and said, "Listen to me, I think we should find some tools to cross the river, and then move these potato chips back to eat slowly." After that, everyone immediately took action.

The little ants found three things, namely watermelon skin, glass bottle and leaves. The little ants worked together and finally pushed the three things into the river.

They climbed up and sat on it, and floated for a while. The breeze blew, and ripples appeared on the river. The watermelon skin shook endlessly. The little ants were dizzy, and the leaves kept shaking. The little ants on the leaves could not step steadily, and one of the ants was lying on the leaf.

The glass bottle began to roll, and the ants on the glass bottle began to run, just like the animals in the circus stepped on the roller, which was very funny.

When the little ants got to the other side, they found that the potato chips were missing, but one of them said, "Even if the potato chips are missing, it is worth it, because we have experienced a big adventure."

(Zhao Qihan)

[Article 7: Composition of Ants Crossing the River in Grade Two]

Ants died

One day, the black ant passed by the door of the red ant's house, and the red ant attacked the black ant. The red ants beat the black ants and ran away. The black ants were scared when they were beaten. Later, they ran away when they saw the red ants. So Jia Jia, the leader of the black ants, said, "Retreat! Run." The black ants ran away.

A few days later, the red ants went to play in the water together. Some red ants sat in a leaf boat, some sat in a large watermelon shell, and some sat in a bottle of wine that had been drunk. At the beginning, the weather was sunny, the watermelon shell did not shake, the wine bottle did not shake, and the leaves drifted slowly. Everyone talked and laughed, ate and drank. It was a happy scene.

Suddenly, the strong wind blew up the water surface of the river and turned the waves. The leaves were knocked about by the water, the wine bottles were blown up by the strong wind, and the watermelon shells were about to tumble! The red ants panicked. One red ant first shouted: "Help! Help! Come and help us!" At this time, the other red ants remembered later and asked for help. A black ant heard the cry of the red ant for help. The black ant told Captain Jiajia the message. Some black ants said, "We can't save. Last time, they beat us half to death." Other ants then said, "Yes, no help. Last time, they threw stones and stones at us." Captain Jiajia said, "Save, save. If we don't save, they will die in battle. We will turn enemies into friends. ”So Captain Jiajia called 150 elite soldiers, 3 corps and 5 lines, and the black ants worked together to rescue all the red ants. The Red Ant commander said: "Thank you, sorry everyone, we won't hit you next time."

Since then, the red ants have stopped fighting the black ants, and they still play together, very happy!

(Jinzhang promises)

Ant Composition Grade 2 (19)

One morning, the little ant got up early to go to a friend's house to play. It walked and saw a river blocking its way. The little ant had an idea. It found a leaf and a stick. It put the leaves in the river, then jumped on the leaves with a stick, and finally paddled in the water with a stick

Just as we were about to reach the river bank, a gust of wind blew over and the ants fell into the river. The little ant closed its eyes, thinking that it would die. After a while, he felt his body floating upward and opened his eyes to see himself sitting on the turtle's shell. The little ant thanked him and said, "Thank you, Uncle tortoise, for saving me!" The tortoise said, "You are welcome, this is what I should do.