350 words of tortoise description composition (13 compilations)
2024-05-11 08:48:26

350 words of tortoise description composition (1)

I used to have an animal companion - a little turtle. I named it Li Li.

Although it is not very good-looking, it has a hard shell that can protect itself. There are hexagonal patterns on the shell, which are so unique that even world famous artists can't carve them out! I also call it "General Tortoise" because its hard shell is like the handsome armor of soldiers. Chestnut's head can't be smaller! I can't accurately say the "turtle language" it expresses, because I can't see its small face and facial expression clearly. Chestnut's four legs are very short and can almost be ignored. At first glance, it seems that there is only one tortoise shell, so you can probably guess how difficult it is to turn over!

He only likes to eat turtle food, and he is not greedy at all. Sometimes, it starves itself for three days without dying. When she sleeps, Li Li always shrinks her head and four legs into her shell, like a shy little girl.

Just because when we were young, my grandfather and I caught several small snails after the rain, put chestnuts and snails in a fish tank, and the snails crawled on chestnuts, which poisoned them. But now I still remember what its small body looks like, and I will never forget the happiness it brings to me!

350 words of tortoise description composition (2)

My father gave me a turtle on my birthday.

This little turtle has a slightly rounded body, the size of a rice bowl, a neck that can stretch and contract, and a triangular head. Eyes are shining like green beans. Its back is made up of triangle, hexagon and other patterns. It is dark in the middle and light around, with different colors. Its shell is particularly hard to protect itself. Once someone touches it, it will immediately retract its head, tail and four feet back into the hard shell, and the enemy will have no choice. Its hard shell can bear very heavy weight. Once, the naughty little sister did not crush its hard shell when she stood up=

The little turtle has fun eating. He likes meat most. I wash and cut the meat into strips before feeding. Once, I fed it. Before I left, it stretched its neck and ate half of the inch long strips of meat. When I'm full, I always lie in the water quietly without moving, relax and close my eyes. It looks like practicing martial arts. The naughty little turtle always wants to "escape". He put his head out of the aquarium. When no one noticed him, he grabbed his front paw on the wall of the aquarium and was about to come out. When I found him, I quickly put him in the aquarium. The first "prison break" failed, but it was unwilling to lose. Finally, one time, I ran out of the tank without paying attention and escaped. When I wanted to feed it, I looked for it everywhere when I saw it was gone, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I cried a lot for this, and now how I wish I could see that cute little turtle again!

350 words of tortoise description composition (3)

My family has a little turtle, which my grandfather bought for me in the park when I was young.

The turtle's shell is dark green, and the patterns on the shell are composed of many hexagons. The head of the little turtle is covered with dark green and light green stripes. There is a thicker horizontal line under the corner of the little turtle's eye, which is orange, and a thin short horizontal line next to the orange stripe, which is yellow, like a super big smelly, with double layer eye shadow. The turtle's paws are dark green, short and thick, with sharp spikes on them, but he has no strength, and will not feel pain when caught by him. My little tortoise is the "Four Little King Kong": first, he is timid. Every time I enter the room to play, he retracts his head, limbs and tail into his shell, like a shield, and protects himself as if everyone is afraid; Second, he has a small appetite. Every time I feed him, he always stops eating a little, which is less than that of the kitten; Third, the strength is small. Every time I turn it over, it can't make it right. It seems to surrender to me. Fourth, small eyes, just like sesame seeds. My little turtle is still very active. Every day when I go to bed at noon, it makes a noise of "De De", which makes me unable to sleep.

I heard grandpa told a story that if a turtle grows very big, there will be a big night pearl in its shell, surrounded by a circle of small night pearls, which is very valuable. I really hope my little turtle will grow up quickly.

I like my little turtle very much.

350 words of tortoise description composition (4)

Today, my mother bought me two little turtles, which are only a little bigger than my father's fingernails! I gave them two names: Mimi and Doudou. Mimi is cute and aggressive. You must be surprised that there is no such small tortoise! In fact, it's nothing special to be so small. It's rare to see such a cute and aggressive turtle!

Doudou and Mimi are carrying small turtle shells as thin as paper. The shells are dark green, and the head, limbs and the one millimeter tail are also dark green. There are light black circles, but its lovely belly is light white, with orange patterns on it. It's very beautiful! It's like wearing a horizontal waistcoat! Doudou and Mimi have needle point eyes and a funny slender nose on their faces.

Once, when Doudou and Mimi had a good time, I wanted them to grab food and see who could get it. So, I called their favorite "crumbs yellow" (I call them crumbs yellow). Put one into the water, and when the happy fight saw it, she quickly swam over, but Mimi took the lead, took a bite of "crumb yellow" and ate it with relish. As soon as I saw the fight, I snapped off a piece of Mimi's shell. What a fierce fight! I quickly moved Mimi to a safe place. Since then, Mimi has never paid attention to fighting.

What a aggressive little turtle! I love fights and boobies. I hope they can make up as before.

350 words of tortoise description composition (5)

People all over the world have their own favorite small animals, some like cute and loyal dogs, some like gentle and cute cats, and some like cute birds... Of course, I also have a small pet of my own, which is a big turtle in my family.

The shell on the back of my big tortoise is gray, just like a piece of grey gem. The lines on the shell divide the shell into some small polygonal pieces, and each piece has lines. When put together, it becomes a beautiful flower, which is extremely beautiful and hard. On both sides of his head was a pair of small eyes like black beans. They were very bright and divine. Under its small eyes is a small triangular mouth, which is very energetic when eating. My big tortoise also has a sharp tail and four flat and powerful feet. Its toenails are very sharp, and there are fins between its toes. It can help to paddle water. Turn it over to reveal its white belly, which is also hard to feel, especially like a shield and the shell on its back to protect it very safely.

My big turtle is very dirty. Once I gave him some lobsters, and he ate them in a few minutes. After a while, the water became dirty, so I had to give him a bath and change the water.

I like my big turtle very much. My mother told me that it is the same age as me. Let's grow up healthily and happily together!

350 words of tortoise description composition (6)

My family has a cute little turtle. I named it Qiqi.

The neat mouth is small, hanging on the triangular head, like a V-shaped antenna. Qiqi's nose is even more lovely, like a black sesame, black and bright. Qiqi's eyes are big, and there is a little green light in the black; Qiqi also has a big tortoise shell. The big tortoise shell is beautiful. It is green and brown. There are many checkered patterns on the shell. It feels smooth and hard. The tortoise shell is the tortoise's armor, playing a protective role. The bottom of the shell is also very beautiful. It is yellow and vivid, just like a fairy.

Qi Qi's eating habit is very strange. He first piles up all the rice grains I give him to eat, then carves up the rice grains one by one, puts them on a stone, and then eats them up with a big mouth.

He is also a playful guy. He often climbs up the wall of the box to try to "escape", but because the wall is very smooth, Qi Qi often falls down halfway and falls on all fours! At this time, it had to struggle desperately. Seeing its embarrassed appearance, I was both funny and unwilling, so I had to help it. It looked up at me as if it was thanking my little master.

In the evening, Qi Qi would not put his head out except for eating. Because Qi Qi slept very early and went to bed at 5:30, he had to feed him at 5:00. I like my little turtle very much. This little turtle has added a lot of fun to me.

350 words of tortoise description composition (7)

My family has a group of cute animals, that is, little turtles. The little turtle has a short tail and four short claws, which are very cute. A large and hard shell, embroidered with dark green patterns, like a landscape painting, very beautiful. Two black pearl like eyes hung from a big mouth, which was very clever.

Speaking of little turtles, my family has five, four small ones and one big one, each of which is so cute. Once, two little turtles climbed onto the shell of a big turtle. Suddenly, the big turtle made a turn, and the little turtles fell into the water one after another. The little turtles who fell into the water were struggling with their feet on all fours, with their necks stretched out very long, which was funny.

My little turtle is also a bit fierce. Every time I feed them, they squeeze me, and I squeeze you. They scramble to eat. When they are full, they also scratch the wall with their paws, making the water "plop! Plop!" sound. I think they are fierce when I look at them.

When they eat, it's funny. I fed them. A big tortoise opened its mouth and stared at the turtle food. After eating it, it stared at the turtle food far away. It climbed over and fell over, making the little tortoise touch me and I touch you. Finally, it rolled and crawled to the ground, finally eating turtle food. I looked at it, but it was funny.

You see, these are my little turtles. Although they are a bit fierce, I still like them. I love the cute little turtles.

350 words of tortoise description composition (8)

I have always loved small animals. I have raised many small animals, including chickens, birds and turtles. However, what impressed me most was my little turtle. Its color is green and its head is long. Its shell is as big as a copper coin. It likes shrimp and meat most. I like it very much.

When the turtle eats, it will first use its head to see if it is a live shrimp. If it is alive, it will immediately retract its head back into its shell. If it is dead, it will quickly go up and eat slowly, with great relish. When the turtle sleeps, it will find a place that is not easy to find. It comes out a long time in the morning. When it swims, it will drill down as soon as it falls into the water. Then it comes up and swings its four legs. It swims on the water. When it walks, it will swing like a general with a big belly. It will walk freely. I have only raised my grandmother for a few days, and then she will return to nature.

After the release, my father said to me, "Small animals should return to nature, which is good for their growth." I thought I liked that cute little turtle very much, and I really couldn't bear to let it leave me! But the little turtle is surrounded by me in a kitchen every day. It must be very lonely. So I sent it back to nature. I love you, little turtle. Because you are a friend of human beings, we should protect and care for animals.

350 words of tortoise description composition (9)

Today, my uncle's family bought two little turtles. I'm going to have a look because I like them very much.

When I got to his house, I ran excitedly to the balcony to see the little turtle. The little turtle was raised in a basin with a piece of fish and some cabbage leaves. My uncle said that this was the food for the little turtle.

The little tortoise was covered in green armor, with a wide and big mouth on its small triangular head. Its small and divine eyes looked at me curiously, as if to say, "Who are you? Why haven't I seen you?" I wanted to see what its belly looked like, so I grabbed it and looked at it, but its limbs immediately swung back and forth and struggled, He suddenly landed on my hand with one leg, and I quickly put it down. But I still saw its whole body clearly. Its belly was flat and hard, and it seemed to be covered with the patterns of black chessmen, like a chessboard.

I moved the fish in front of it, and he put his head out, right in, left and right, as if to observe the situation around him, without eating meat. I was impatient with waiting, so I went to play.

After a while, I went to see the turtle again. Eh! Why is one piece of meat missing? Did the little tortoise eat some meat when nobody was around? I went to ask my uncle with curiosity. My uncle said that the tortoise was very alert, and he might still be afraid of being hurt by humans.

I will take good care of and feed the turtle in the future. I believe he will treat me as a friend.

350 words of tortoise description composition (10)

October 13, sunny Sunday

On Saturday, after finishing my homework, I went to my cousin's house to play. My cousin took me to see his little turtle.

The little turtles are very cute. Their shells are light green, their eyes are round, their tails are short and thin, and their heads are round and plump. The little turtles always stretch out their heads and look around, as if they are observing the surroundings and can escape with help.

Everyone said that the little tortoise walked slowly, but I don't think it walked slowly. Look at its liveliness. It will climb east, look west, climb from the first floor to the second floor, and jump from the second floor to the first floor. It is really like a lively child!

The little tortoise is so brave that he is not afraid of strangers at all. I think: Maybe it is my cousin, a naughty guy, who often plays with him. He is so brave when he is used to playing with him. I use my hand to dot his shell. He didn't retract his head into the shell, but he continued to wag his tail and grasp the glass without any reaction. This is really a brave little tortoise!

Little tortoise can swim! I poured three or four bottles of water into the aquarium. The little tortoise was very happy. He was wagging his tail, swinging his four legs and stretching his head in the water. It turned out that the little tortoise was still an expert swimmer! After playing all morning, it was time for the little turtle to have a meal. My cousin brought a turtle like buns and put them in the water. The little turtle swam slowly, picked up buns and ate them slowly. Eating one thing and eating another is really relaxing.

The little tortoise is so cute and lazy that people will love it at a glance.

350 words of tortoise description composition (11)

When I first came to my house, the tortoise always seemed to be lazy and lazy. He crawled there without moving and hung his head as if he were ill.

My father said that long-lived animals with slow metabolism, such as turtles, seldom get active. They hibernate from November to April of the next year and can not eat.

Turtles like to eat meat cut into small pieces or a spoonful of turtle feed.

Turtles are very human. As long as you change water and feed them every day, they will like you very much! Every time I stand next to the fish tank, they stretch out their small heads to look at me and blink their eyes as if they are greeting me.

My turtles are so cute, they bring fun to my childhood! Gradually, the tortoise recovered completely, and I like him more and more as a good "friend". I learned a lot from him. I was moved by his vitality and tenacity. I think we human beings should not give up and retreat when encountering difficulties and setbacks.

As long as you are strong and persistent, your future will be bright! Another time, the snake tail climbed onto the stone in the aquarium, fell off the aquarium carelessly, and fell on all fours. I saw its "wonderful performance", and couldn't help laughing. The snake tail showed its white belly, and its four feet kept swinging in the air. How could it not turn over? Finally, with my help, the little turtle returned to "home".

Tiger Head and Snake Tail have accompanied me for two years, and gradually we have become close friends.

350 words of tortoise description composition (12)

My family has a little turtle, its name is "Erhong".

Erhong's head is about the size of a raisin. It has two small eyes like watermelon seeds, two mini nostrils and a small mouth. The most special thing is that there is a thick red line on both sides of the turtle's eyes. That's why I named it Erhong. It has strong limbs, and its limbs are green. It has a shell like a wall, and it seems that it can't be broken with a stone.

Although the tortoise is strong, it hardly moves except when eating. One day, when I finished my homework and went to visit it, I saw that it was still in the basin, which scared me a lot. I hurried to my mother and said to her, "Mom, Mom! Er Hong didn't move, was he dead, Put the pig liver against the edge of the basin. Ten minutes later, Er Hong stretched out her head, wiggled her long motionless body, and crept slowly toward the food.

After a few years, my mother and I put it back into the river. Although I feel reluctant, I think maybe nature is its best destination!

350 words of tortoise description composition (13)

There is a turtle in the water tank on my balcony. Its body is black, its chest and back shell are very hard, and there are grid patterns on it, like the armor of ancient soldiers, to protect themselves. The small oval head of the tortoise is often shrunk in its shell. Its neck is very long, stretching out and retracting. When its head is retracted into the turtle shell, it looks like a black brick. The tortoise has four feet, and each foot has five claws, which are connected by webbing and very soft.

The tortoise usually crawls very slowly. Climb a few steps and stop, as if the tortoise shell weighs a thousand kilograms. In case of an emergency, it will keep climbing, and the speed is also fast, but when it sees a figure, it will stop immediately. Once, I fed the tortoise. As soon as he saw the figure, he quickly retracted his head into the tortoise shell. I poured some shrimps and some rice grains in front of it, but it did not move. I went into the room and began to read. After a while, I suddenly heard the sound of "squeaking" from the balcony. I looked into the water tank on the balcony through the window glass: Ah! It was the sound made by the tortoise when it was eating. I saw it chewing food with relish while watching the surroundings with alert eyes, as if afraid that someone might take away its delicious food. It chewed a few mouthfuls, drew its head back, looked at nothing, and then stretched out its head and neck to eat.

The shape, crawling movements and food of the tortoise are all very interesting, which is really pleasing.