600 word composition describing people in junior high school (5 articles)
Clear water and clear clouds
2023-08-30 08:55:32

600 word composition describing people in junior high school (1)

My cousin is six years old this year. He has just entered the first grade of primary school. His big eyes, high bridge of nose, when he smiles, his face will show two small dimples, and he looks very cute. Although my cousin is young, his popularity is very good! The children in the neighborhood always like to play with him, and he always gives his toys to the children to play with.

My cousin is also very cunning. Once he came downstairs to play with me. As soon as he entered the door, he clamoured for me to accompany him to play with his scooter. We each took our scooters downstairs. My cousin said, "Brother, let's have a race. Whoever skis to the end first and loses will invite him to eat ice-cream." I said, "OK! Don't cry when you lose." My cousin said, "OK! Who is afraid of who. ”We decided to take the starting point as the end point and slide around the community. I said, "Cousin, I'll call 1, 2, 3, and we'll go skating, OK?" Cousin said, "0K". I just shouted; “1…………”。 My cousin just walked away with a lunge and said, "Brother, come and catch up with me! Come and catch up with me!" I said, "I'm coming!" I stepped on the pedal with my left foot and forced my right foot to slide towards my cousin. Although my cousin was small, he was no slower than me. I chased him for a long time before I caught up with him. How happy we are chasing each other! Later, my cousin became slower and farther away from me. As I slid, I said to him, "Come on, cousin! I'm almost at the end!"

Suddenly, there was a "bang" behind me. When I looked back and saw my cousin fall to the ground, I quickly slid back and said, "My cousin, how are you? Did you hurt yourself? Did you hurt?" I put down the scooter and went to help him. My cousin pushed me to the ground at once, then quickly stepped on the scooter and skidded away. While sliding, he said: "Cousin, you have been cheated, I lied to you, and the first place is mine!" Finally, my cousin first slipped to the end. When I arrived, my cousin made a face to me and said, "Cousin, buy ice cream quickly, buy ice cream quickly." I smiled helplessly and said, "OK! You are the first, I will buy you ice cream."

This is my cousin, a naughty and lovely boy.

600 word composition describing people in junior high school (2)

"The silk of the spring silkworm will be exhausted when it dies, and the wax torch will not dry until it turns to ashes and tears." The teacher is like a candle, offering in obscurity. From kindergarten to the third grade, I met many teachers, among whom I was most impressed by you, my Chinese teacher - Miss Yang.

You are not tall, thin and thin. Your curly hair is dyed with chestnut color. It is tied high behind your head like a blooming chrysanthemum. Although you are over 40 years old, you still look so young, energetic, crisp and efficient.

You really took great pains to improve our writing ability. We often stare at the composition questions, wringing our brains and scratching our heads, but we still can't write a few words. In order to provide us with writing materials, you take us to play games, make dumplings, nail buttons

Always, do you remember? That time, you asked the students to bring the little goldfish from their home. While guiding us to observe their appearance in order and focus, the scenes of eating, playing and resting, you also led us to describe the scenes one by one with vivid language and watching, and inspired us to use imagination to write the little goldfish lively and lovely with figures of speech, personification, parallelism and other rhetorical methods, You also asked us to correct each other and encouraged us to read it boldly. Reading and reading is full of sense of achievement, and our self-confidence has increased a lot.

Teacher, you not only teach us many skills, but also care about us very much. You have repeatedly told us not to talk with strangers, be careful when crossing the road, do not chase and fight when class is over, and go home after school, so don't worry your parents.

I remember one day when I was in second grade, I played games with my classmates and had a great time. At that time, I was "attacked" and beaten all over the ground to find my teeth. The worst thing was that my hand was bitten and bleeding. You came over and daubed me with red potion. When I was about to cry, you encouraged me to say: "Men sweat and bleed without tears."

Teacher, you nurture us like a gardener, warm us like the sun, and care about me like a loving mother. I love you; teacher!

600 word composition describing people in junior high school (3)

A sharp sound, cold wind and rain poured into the carriage. The cracked glass window in the front of the stuffy and crowded carriage was shaken away in the sharp turn of the bus. After a while of confusion, I heard one of the passengers say: "I met such a bad luck in the morning!". I saw a blind couple in the seat holding hands and sitting silently. The rain had hit their faces and clothes. The girl's face became redder, and she hurriedly opened her folding umbrella and blocked the window.

The carriage suddenly became quiet, and everyone cast admiring eyes at the girl.

"I'm sorry, passengers. This glass should be replaced. It's our fault..." The girl had just said half of what she said. A strong wind blew her tiny body back half a step and swallowed her words. At this time, a big hand grabbed the handle of the umbrella and helped her to push it forward. Just listening to the words "bite -", the umbrella face was cut by the sharp glass, and one umbrella bone was broken, but the hole was sealed again. The girl smiled gratefully at the man who was in his 40s with an apologetic face.

"Go ahead, I will." The red letter on the big man's chest indicates that he is a steel worker, and his voice is as strong as steel.

The girl was busy greeting the ticket seller again, and her voice was sweeter and brighter than before.

"Has the glass window been repaired?" asked the blind couple.

"It's fixed," replied the big man with an air.

"That's good."

The passengers all smiled knowingly. The carriage was particularly warm.

The bus passed two more stops, and a young man who was learning a foreign language next to the big man suddenly put out his hand: "Take a rest and give it to me." "OK! Ha ha..."

Stop by stop, one by one, the handle of the umbrella is warm. The warmth of this has been passed on to the successor of the umbrella receiver, and also to everyone's heart.

600 word composition describing people in junior high school (4)

I have been fostered at my grandpa's house since I was young, and my parents have been working hard to make a living. At that time, I was afraid of my grandfather because he was very fierce and strict. I was a naughty girl, and he thought I should be a girl! For this reason, I am afraid of my grandfather and dare not get close to him.

I always think that my grandfather doesn't love me. Until that day. It was sunny that day. I wore my favorite shoes and went out to play with my fellow villagers to herd cattle. We put the cattle in the place with grass under the pond, and then we played on the edge of the pond. We had a lot of fun, and suddenly I stepped on it! Fell into our deepest pond. I panicked in the pond and bounced in the water. Fortunately, there was someone older than me on the bank. He hurried to my house. My grandfather was still taking a nap, and when he heard the news that I fell into the pond, he hurried to my side. At that time, I had already lost the hope of living. I only know that my eyelids are very heavy. This is because I feel the water moving and something is swimming towards me. Close, close. It's grandpa. He carried me ashore.

After landing, my fellow townsmen helped me home, but my grandfather was still fishing for my favorite shoes in the pond. When I got home, I gradually recovered. After a hot bath, I went to bed. Grandpa also came back. He asked Grandma to get some paper money and burn it where I fell. For a long time, until the night came. I was getting hotter and hotter, and my head was heavy as lead. Grandpa couldn't sleep at night. When he came to my room, he suddenly found my forehead burning. Grandpa was very flustered at this time, which was the first time I found Grandpa's bewilderment. His panicked grandmother called me over and two people walked me to the clinic together. After hanging a few bottles of saline, I gradually recovered to my normal temperature, and Grandpa's tense nerves slowly relaxed.

After the incident, I gradually put away my wildness, and I also realized my grandfather's deep love for me. I also found that some people do not love you, but their love is too good to be found.

600 word composition describing people in junior high school (5)

My deskmate is a lively, cheerful, sunny girl who likes to laugh. She has many bright spots. For example, he is a master of English and has a talent for mathematics... But I want to praise his humor most because he made me understand Mo Lanhui's humorous mind.

Nalan will be very beautiful. She wears a ponytail, which is not short or long. She has beautiful black hair and has become a thick bangs, blocking her forehead. A pair of small eyes like two sparkling gems are embedded in his face. His face is round, like a red apple. When Mulan smiles, it will have two dimples, which looks very cute. Why is he humorous? Let's take today as an example. This morning when we finished morning exercises and returned to the classroom, she smiled at me and said, "Let's play a game." "What game?" I asked with a puzzled face. "Well, just look at each other's eyes and see who laughs first and loses," he replied. I agreed without hesitation. The game begins. I immediately braced myself up, but some of the reasons why I lost before ten minutes were that I couldn't help laughing. I said, "No, no, another game." So the second game started again. In the second game, Mo Lanhui only made a face, and I couldn't help it. I still won't admit defeat, but Mulan will be more and more proud, so I finally decided to win the third game. This time, he used the killer mace. Although it was the killer mace, the truth was that "a little bee flew into the flowers and flew." This made me laugh, but Mulan would also be sung by his own song. I still said in a stubborn voice: "I spared you this time. If I really tried, you would have lost everything. ”Mo Lanhui did not answer, but smiled secretly on the side. At this time, the teacher came in to remind us that we were going to have class, so we immediately took back our mood, took out the learning tools and sat down, waiting for the teacher

What about Mulan? As I said, Mulan will have many bright spots, so as long as you make friends with him, you will be happy. Finally, as I said, the Expo does have a humorous mind. If you make good friends with him, you will be very happy every day because your friend Mo Lanhui is a lively, cheerful, sunny girl with a sense of humor.