Five Fingered Composition (19 in general)
Booming Flowers and a Full Moon
2024-05-11 02:54:05

Five Finger Composition (1)

On National Day, my mother and her colleagues took me to Wuzhishan Barbecue. On the way, we talked and laughed happily.

At the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, some adults were busy making preparations, such as lighting fires, skewering meat, and washing vegetables. Our children are playing on the hillside.

After a while, the fragrance floated out. There are fragrant pork, golden chicken wings, delicious beef, red river shrimp, and green vegetables. My mouth is watering! Let's eat! I grabbed a chicken wing and was about to send it to my mouth. An aunt stopped me and asked me to dip some ketchup before eating. Oh, how troublesome! But I think it should be better to eat? I ate string after string, which was delicious! My stomach is full, but I still want to eat! Mother reminded me: "Don't eat too much!" I had to lick my lips and walk away.

After eating, accompanied by adults, I went hiking with children. We saw the cocklebur we learned from the text! I use it to stick butterflies, ha ha! I really caught one. I saw its long mouth and beautiful patterns. It's really beautiful!

When I returned, I also thought that I would come again if I had the chance, and I would bring more snacks to share with you.

Five Finger Composition (2)

Recently, the five fingered brothers in the palm family often quarreled for some reason. Later, people found out that they believed that they contributed much and were of great use. They were the rightful heroes of the family.

In the past, Thumb was the boss, but recently, the other brothers did not recognize him. The five brothers often argued about whose great contribution they had made, and fought with each other, which made the neighbors uneasy.

The fat and thick thumb is often domineering. Today, it proudly cleared its throat and said, "I have great strength. People move things, press nails and other heavy tasks. People ask you to go, but you always fail to complete the task or do not follow the owner's wishes! Besides, the lighter ones, such as pressing the fingerprint and identifying fingerprints, are unique to me, and you don't count", Then, without a glance, he stared at everyone and said: "When you operate the computer key and press the space, you don't use me. When you press the remote control panel, you count the money... you use me. So I am most useful and I have made great contributions.".

Just as the thumb was speaking in high spirits, the index finger broke the thumb's words and said in a haughty tone: "With these, I want to be the boss? I haven't made much contribution yet"! Later, he said slowly: "If I didn't cooperate with my thumb, would he be able to do something? I can hold chopsticks, pens, etc. I don't need to scratch people where they itch..."

The forefinger was spitting, and I didn't know how many fingers threw an apple. Fortunately, the second finger brother flashed quickly, or else the green bag would bulge and the nose would bleed.

At this time, the third brother's middle finger also refused to be outdone: "I am the highest among you, you can't touch anything, I can do it, and when you hold the pen, I lean against the chopsticks, so that it will not fall down, and serve everyone".

"What's the use of Gao? Can Gao be the boss?"? Who said this? Oh, it was the girl with the ring finger. The girl with the ring finger pulled out her voice and said contemptuously: "People basically wear rings on me, which makes me more beautiful. Besides, can you have strength without me? If not, will people use you?"?

"No, women can't be the boss"! The other fingers shouted.

The little thumb said, "When you hold the pen, it presses on me, which makes my waist ache and body not tall." The little thumb said, and his face was unhappy. In this way, they will not give way to each other as soon as you speak and I speak.

"Don't make any noise.". A voice said, everyone turned around and saw that it was an old hand. Everyone ran up and asked who was the boss, because the position of the palm was very high. Uncle Palmer said: "None of you can do anything without one. You should unite to make great contributions to people.".

Now, we all understand that we should rely on each other, unite as one, learn from each other's strengths, and give play to their respective strengths in order to play a better role and make the best use of people.

Five Finger Composition (3)

"My contribution is the greatest!" "My contribution is the greatest. Don't compete with me!" After the master won the dance championship, his five fingers have been fighting for merit. The thumb said loudly: "Although I am short and fat, I look different from you. You have two joints, but I only have one. But among you, I suffer the most. If the water gushes out, I will try my best to hold it down; if someone gets 100 points in the exam, I will praise him." The forefinger said unconvinced: "Look at me, how slim and upright I am. When the owner takes the pen, he asks me to push the pen tube. When anything happens, he asks me to test, make phone calls, shoot... and use me. " After listening to their words, the middle finger refused to be outdone and said, "You are stupid and ugly. How can you compete with me? I am the best among you. I have the highest position. There are people on both sides of me to protect me. Like Guan Ping and Zhou Cang around Guan Gong, one wen and one wu, how safe it is! Nobody can hurt me!" The mischievous ring finger and little finger righteously said: "We are beautiful and cute." The ring finger said: "Look at me, the master has taken good care of me. Look at my delicate skin, how lovely I am! The master gave me a ring!" The little thumb shouted: "Don't look at me just pulling out my ears. I am the most beautiful orchid shaped actor on the stage." They have been quarreling all the time. The master heard this and said with a smile, "Which one of you will help me get the water cup?" Thumb scrambled to get it, but failed many times. Other fingers scrambled to try, but failed. The master said, "Look, there is no perfect person in the world, and you should unite." The five fingers finally worked together and brought the water cup to the master. At this time, the five fingers knew that there was no perfect person in the world, so we should unite to overcome difficulties. Instructor Wu Xiaohong

Five Fingered Composition (4)

One night, there were bursts of quarrels in a family's bedroom.

What's going on here? It turned out that the five fingers were arguing about whose contribution was the greatest. Thumb first said: "Look, I'm the most powerful of the five fingers. Whatever you do, I'm indispensable!" His words attracted the ridicule of the other four fingers. They laughed and said, "What can you do without the help of the four of us?" This sentence was dumb and stood there in a daze.

Then, the little finger hurriedly said: "My blood is the richest as proved by medical research!" "What's the use of that!" "You...... You......" The little finger was flushed by the middle finger and ring finger. The middle finger took advantage of the situation and said: "..." At this time, the debate has reached a white hot degree. Finally, the learned and versatile brain grandfather came out to make amends and said: "Children, stop arguing! No matter which of you 'strikes', it's not good. Because one of you is indispensable".

At this time, the five fingers understood this truth and danced hand in hand.

Five Fingered Composition (5)

It was dark, and the moon was high in the sky. The night was so quiet that you could hear a needle fall. Suddenly, a voice came, followed by a quarrel. Listen carefully, the five fingered brothers were arguing about who should listen to. The middle finger proudly said, "I am the tallest and delicate among us. The ancients called me 'general' and would point to officers. I am an officer, and you all have to listen to me." The big thumb was unhappy and said loudly, "What about officers? I am strong and strong, so you all have to listen to me." The index finger slowly said: "I am the most beautiful among us, and when the master holds the pen, I control the penholder, and you all have to listen to me." The ring finger shouted: "No, I am the most capable, and you have to listen to me no matter what." At this time, the little finger said hastily: "You all have to listen to me. The master's ear itches, and I scratched it for the master." In this way, the quarrel went on. At this time, there came a pen. The pen said to the five brothers, "Whoever can lift me will listen to him." Five fingers tried one by one, but failed. Then the pen said, "Try it together!" They carried it together and succeeded at once. The pen smiled and said, "As long as we unite, everything can be done." After listening to the pen, the five fingered brothers lowered their heads. Since then, they have united and helped each other. I am happy and harmonious all day long, and I haven't heard the voice of quarrel any more.

Five Fingered Composition (6)

In life, five fingered brothers are more diligent than anyone else. They work all day: in the morning, they help the owner dress, fold the quilt, brush their teeth and wash their face. Of course, we can't eat without them, because they need to use a special tool - two sticks to help the owner fill his stomach. Although they were so busy in the morning, they didn't blame the master at all, because in their eyes, labor is the most glorious thing in the world.

When the master was studying, the five fingered brothers were even busier. When self-study in the morning, the brothers should carry the textbooks that are very heavy for them, put them in front of their eyes, read them with their eyes, and then read beautiful words with their mouths, so that the five fingered brothers can breathe a sigh of relief. In class, the workload of the five fingered brothers is much more than usual. They should not only carry books, but also take notes of lectures, and each class should pass such tests. The ten brothers rubbed each other and overcame many difficulties.

Finally, class by class, school is over. When I slept in bed, I never heard a complaint from my five fingered brothers. I think, to succeed, five fingered brothers need to be diligent.

Five Fingered Composition (7)

There are thousands of hands in the world, some are chubby, some are delicate, and some are smooth and delicate. They can do housework, learn, and play interesting games

But once, the five brothers quarreled.

The thumb was the first to say: "I am the best. People have to use me if they want to praise others. There are also boos and finger prints... Yes, in ancient times, the jade ring that the emperor wore on his hand was not on me, which was the supreme glory..."

Before the thumb finished speaking, the middle finger picked up the conversation and said, "Don't brag. Look at me, I'm much more useful than you. For example, press buttons, point the way, suck, click the mouse... It's not up to me!"

The middle finger also dared not show weakness and said: "I'm good at playing yo yo, can you? Also, although I am better than the last two of you, I am the mainstay. You little people want to compete with me, hum!"

The ring finger interrupted the middle finger and said, "I am still the most beautiful girl. Some beautiful girls love beauty. How beautiful the beautiful ring is on me! You are not as beautiful as me!"

The little finger said, "I have many functions, such as pulling hooks and pulling ears

After this quarrel, the heart to heart brothers separated one by one.

The little master knew that, and he asked the five fingered brothers to pick up the broom and sweep the floor one by one. Five Fingered Brothers tried one by one, but nobody could pick it up. So the little master asked them to get together again and pick up the broom. They easily picked up the broom. The five fingered brothers lowered their heads in shame.

Later, they became good brothers.

Five Fingered Composition (8)

One day, five fingers suddenly quarreled.

The thumb said, "I am the eldest among the five fingers and have the greatest use: the master uses me to write and eat."

The index finger then said, "No, no, I have done the best: the owner has to rely on me to click the mouse and type on the computer."

The middle finger said proudly, "Hum, what are you! I am the highest among the five fingers and have more uses than you: the owner uses me to make phone calls and tie shoelaces."

"What's the use of being tall? Look at me," the ring finger said politely. "I always serve the master silently. I'm not as impulsive as you."

"Don't make any noise! Although I am younger than you, I have made a lot of contributions. What if the owner's ears itch? I have to dig my ears," said Little Thumb.

The five fingers are locked in a fierce fight. They all claim that they no longer cooperate with the other four fingers.

Since then, the Five Fingers really went on strike. How could the master control the Five Fingers? The Five Fingers did not obey. The master was so worried that he cried. At this time, the father of the palm said to the five fingers in a deep voice: "Five fingers, you can't go on strike. You are five brothers. You should work together to serve and work well for the master. This is your natural mission!"

Five fingers felt very ashamed. Since then, Wuzhi has become a brotherly good brother.

Five Fingered Composition (9)

One day, an old professor was taking a nap. His five fingers took advantage of this wonderful opportunity to fight for merit.

The thumb first provoked the trouble: "Look at you guys. Every day you say that the eldest son is the father, and let me take care of you. I need to carry water and cook... It has made me tired like Wu Dalang."

The index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger all said in unison: "You are lucky to say that we are all as thin as sticks. But you are fat and glowing."

Seeing their four brothers working together, Big Thumb knew that he could not say anything about them, so he took out a killer weapon - a stratagem. He smiled at his thumb and said, "My forefinger brother! You and I can cooperate with each other. It's convenient for the host to eat." With that, his face suddenly sank, which scared the four brothers and woke the old professor. When the old professor saw that they were red faced, he must have something to do. He thought: I will find out the reason and give them a good lesson.

The thumb saw that nothing was wrong, and continued to say: "The ring finger, the ring finger, you enjoy yourself all day without doing any work, and you still wear a valuable gold ring. What are you fighting for?"

The index finger smiled all over his face, but the ring finger was furious: "Although I have enjoyed some happiness, I don't even have a real name. I have to decide on this. It's not just that. If there is no me, how can the director enjoy the love ring?"

Hearing this, the old professor understood that they were fighting for merit and said, "Stop fighting, none of you can leave each other, or you can't do anything!"

Five Fingered Composition (10)

·In the dead of night, the little master fell asleep quietly. At this time, five fingers began to talk. It turned out that they were fighting for merit!

·The thumb was the first to say: "I think I have done the most. Usually, I work hard. When you play the Hu Qin, you four always press the strings, and I just hold the body. When water comes out, I try my best to hold it. When heavy things fall, I always try my best to hold it. When blood comes out, I try my best to hold it. You say, am I not the one who has made the greatest contribution? "

·"Who said that? My contribution is the biggest!" The index finger snatched the thumb. "Although my work is not as laborious as you, it is much more complicated than you. When holding the pen, I rely on me to push the pen holder; when encountering dangerous things, I always try first. I have the most opportunities to contact poisonous and harmful things; I have the most opportunities to suffer from knife wounds, burns, and bites. I'm much better than you, brother. When you call, you must invite me to trigger the gun. Can you do that, brother? I have done the most! "

·At this time, the most influential and dignified middle finger of the five fingers said: "My little master needs my help every time he writes. Although it seems that it is the big brother and the second brother's credit on the surface, would you hold the pen if I didn't work behind him silently and support the pen holder? Hum! If I didn't, would you get 100 points for writing such beautiful characters? I have done the most for this. " After saying that, the arrogant middle finger raised his head to show that he was the one who made the most contributions.

·The little finger and ring finger are unconvinced. The little finger cried with its sharp voice: "Although I am the smallest one, you can't look down on me! My function is to take out my ears and wipe my nose. Besides, when the little master practiced playing flute, I played the same role as you did. When the little master danced and lifted his fingers, I was the most beautiful part of orchids."

·"There's me," the ring finger said slowly. She was the only girl in the five fingers. "I have also made great contributions. I can grind powder, dip in medicine powder and wear a ring. When the young master plays the flute, I also have my share."

·Five fingers are quarrelling! "I have done the most!" "It's not you, it's me!" "It's me! It's me!" "Get out of the way! It's me who has done the most!"

·The palm was awakened: "Fingers, stop arguing. Each of you has its own strengths and weaknesses. Why should you have to compete? If you can unite and become a fist, it will be useful and powerful. Do you think so?"

·The fingers stopped arguing and began to meditate.

Five Finger Composition (11)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

The thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger are five brothers. They are called "Five Finger Brothers".

One day, the five fingered brothers suddenly began to fight a "war of words". The thumb said, "I'm the boss, because I'm the strongest." The index finger said angrily, "Hum! What's short and fat? You can see clearly, my body is the most standard strong, I should be the boss!" The middle finger sneered, "I'm the tallest one, I'm the boss." The ring finger said, "I'm nameless, I'm the boss." The little finger said angrily: "I am the most hardworking, I am."

Just when they had a red face, the palm said: "In fact, you are all very important, and it is not perfect without one." Five Fingered Brothers finally stopped fighting after listening.

Grade 4: fuxuefei

Five Fingered Composition (12)

At night, the fingers began to quarrel. The thumb proudly said, "I stand up when praising people, so I'm the best." The index finger immediately jumped out and said, "Why should I listen to you? I'm the best. Because when I'm not writing, how do you four take pens? When you eat, how do you take chopsticks?"

At this time, the middle finger was a little impatient, and jumped out and said, "Look, you short winter melons, I'm taller than you, and I was a hero standing up when the sky fell down." At this time, the ring finger also said, "Go, go, go, look at your hands. If you don't have me, the whole palm will not know what it will be like." Finally, the modest little sister pointed to her sister and said, "Brothers and sisters, I am the smallest here, but we can only do a complete thing when we unite." The other fingers bowed their heads in shame after hearing this.

Five Finger Composition (13)

In life, five fingered brothers are more diligent than anyone else. They work all day: in the morning, they help the owner dress, fold the quilt, brush their teeth and wash their face. Of course, we can't eat without them, because they need to use a special tool - two sticks to help the owner fill his stomach. Although they were so busy in the morning, they didn't blame the master at all, because in their eyes, labor is the most glorious thing in the world.

When the master was studying, the five fingered brothers were even busier. When self-study in the morning, the brothers should carry the textbooks that are very heavy for them, put them in front of their eyes, read them with their eyes, and then read beautiful words with their mouths, so that the five fingered brothers can breathe a sigh of relief. In class, the workload of the five fingered brothers is much more than usual. They should not only carry books, but also take notes of lectures, and each class should pass such tests. The ten brothers rubbed each other and overcame many difficulties.

Finally, class by class, school is over. When I slept in bed, I never heard a complaint from my five fingered brothers. I think, to succeed, five fingered brothers need to be diligent.

Five Fingered Composition (14)

Whether you are in school or in society, you can't help but contact or use composition. With the help of composition, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. So how do you write a general composition? The following is the five fingered argumentative composition that Xiao Bian helped us sort out. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

At night, the snow-white moonlight poured into the room from the window. In the silence, there were several gentle snores from time to time. Mingming was tired and had wandered in his dream. He was really tired.

"Ah!" The thumb yawned, stretched, and could not help murmuring: "I'm tired. I'm so sleepy." The other four fingers all said, "You think you are tired, and we are also tired!" The thumb became energetic when he heard this. "Hum, you are tired, but certainly not as tired as I am! I am the hardest!" The forefinger retorted: "Nonsense, I am the hardest. Because I have the most uses, I do the most things." The thumb was unhappy: "I have more uses than you! I am the most tired" "Hum, you think I am not tired, I......" Before the little thumb finished speaking, the thumb interrupted the words of Yi, "Little boy, go away. It's not your turn to interrupt here. I'm more tired than anyone else! Today, the little master played the game of" drawing symbols "with others. He had to put me in the red sponge, which made me red all over, and I felt terrible!" The index finger also came to argue: "Alas, life is so unlucky! Today, the little master went to see the cactus. He was very curious, so he used me to touch it and pricked it with blood! I'm still in pain!" The middle finger also came to join in the excitement: "Today, the pen pressed on me when the little master was doing his homework, which made me gasp! Look, there is a small hole! I think in a few days, I will have cocoons here! " The ring finger came to complain: "The little master bought a small ring to wear and play with today. The ring was a little small, like a tight hoop curse, and it was too painful! The ring was just stuck in my neck, killing!" The little thumb said: "I'm also very unlucky. The little master used me to pull out his ears, and he was suffocating!" They were arguing, and the watch was inserted: "All right, stop fighting. You are a part of the little master, and you should serve him. You must unite as one to better help the little master! " After listening to this, the thumb agreed: "Yes, we should unite! Brothers, stop fighting, let's rest first, and work tomorrow!" "OK!" The other four fingers agreed.

Soon, the night returned to calm.

Five Fingered Composition (15)

Thumb, with a big belly, said proudly, "People call me Thumb, why? Of course, I have the greatest strength and the most extensive use, and I have to work hard for any physical work." Then he pressed a thumbtack into the wall and said proudly, "Now you know why people praise others for giving me a thumbs up? Ha ha!"

The index finger glanced at the thumb and said, "Come on! How can you compare with me, a little fat man? People often say, 'Food is everything to the people'. I am the index finger, because people can't eat without me. If I don't work hard, see who can pick up the chopsticks? Not to mention that I can hold a pen, play games, ring the doorbell..." The index finger counted his own contributions, The more I said it, the more I felt that I was irreplaceable.

The middle finger looked down at his brothers and said with a smile, "How can you hold chopsticks without me? My brothers are the tallest and most useful. Which of you doesn't need my help? I should be the first!"

The ring finger touched the beautiful ring on his belly and sighed like a little poet: "You may have many functions, but I am definitely the most meaningful one. You see people wear wedding rings on me, because I symbolize the most sincere love." Then he looked at his brothers with disdain.

The little finger listened to the brothers' argument as if he had been ignored. He raised his head and shouted in the biggest voice: "Although I am so small, I can play with the flower rope and pull out my ears, but I still want to use the smallest one to inquire."

None of the five brothers would let anyone. After arguing for a long time, they didn't decide who was the most responsible. Finally, they simply stopped working and wanted to prove that they were indispensable.

This is very urgent. Mom, no one can listen to it.

Suddenly, my mother fell down and saw that the five brothers would fall to the ground. At the critical moment, the five brothers straightened their waists, like a small umbrella, and firmly supported their mother on the ground. Huh huh, it was safe at last. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. They all lowered their heads.

The palm mother looked at them with a smile and said, "Got it? You five brothers will be powerful only if they work together. You five brothers are indispensable!"

Since then, the five brothers have worked together to do everything, live in harmony and be happy.

Five Fingered Composition (16)

The thumb's words let the unconvinced index finger hear, and the index finger said: "You are tired, I am more tired than you!"

The words of thumb and index finger were heard by the ring finger, middle finger and little finger. They were also unconvinced and said they were the most tired. So the five brothers' competition for merit began

The thumb opened his mouth first: "If you want to say who has done the most, it's up to me. Every time I help the little master, I give the most effort. I do all the hard work. So, my contribution is the biggest!"

As soon as the thumb finished speaking, the forefinger said, "Don't argue about the merits of any one of you. I will do the most for you. When the young master is writing, I will help him push the pen. I will do all dangerous things, and I will also be injured. So don't argue with me!"

The middle finger raised his head and said, "Here I am the tallest and the most beautiful, so I have the greatest contribution. When the little master takes things, I always meet him first, and I always do everything first, so I have the greatest contribution."

The ring finger and the little finger standing by listened to their conversation and became angry. The ring finger said: "My contribution is the greatest! I help my little master wear the ring every day. I don't want to wear the ring, but the little master wants me to wear it, which makes my whole body scarred. Therefore, my contribution is the greatest."

The little thumb stood aside, blinking and said, "Although I am small, my contribution is the biggest. When the little master went to play, I was of great use. The orchid finger was about me. When the little master played the flute, I could not do without me."

The five brothers kept arguing, "I have the most credit!" "I have the most credit!" "I am the most useful!" The five fingers scrambled to pick it up, but no one succeeded. They all stayed there. I don't know what to say. Uncle Palmer said again: "You see! You can't pick up a pen without the help of others. Don't argue for merit in the future. Uncle wants to tell you that unity is strength. If you don't unite, you can't even do a small thing well, let alone help the little master. Don't make any noise in the future.

After listening to Uncle Palm's words, the fingers all lowered their heads. I think they will not compete for merit in the future.

Five Fingered Composition (17)

The thumb said, "I am the most capable, and no one has the same strength as me." The index finger was unconvinced: "My contribution is the greatest! The little master writes many words every day, and he cannot write a word without me to hold the pen." Before the index finger finished speaking, The middle finger cried out in a hurry: "My contribution is the biggest because I am tall and make people look comfortable. The master likes me best." Although the ring finger did not make a loud noise, he also said a few words in a low voice: "The most beautiful thing is me, because the little master will marry when he grows up, and the wedding ring will be worn on my waist!" Little Thumb bowed his head and said, "I am small and exquisite. I can do many things for my little master, such as digging ears and wiping eyes. My master likes me best."

The pencil box was listening to their conversation all the time, when suddenly it jumped to the ground and said loudly, "Since you are all powerful, let's see who can pick me up with his own strength?"

Each of the five fingers tried again and again, but no one could pick up the stationery box by himself! Finally, they put their five fingers together and picked up the pencil box.

This story makes us realize that "unity is strength". The profound meaning of this sentence.

Five Fingered Composition (18)

However, the little master's fingers are still whispering. What are they talking about? Come and listen!

In the dead of night, five fingers began their conversation.

The first speaker is the head of the family --- thumb. It happily said: "The little master often praises me, saying that he needs me at a critical moment." (For example, the little master uses me when he praises others)

The forefinger shook his spirit and said, "You are still happy! I am just the opposite of you!" After a pause, he said, "My little master forgot to bring an eraser, and others did not lend her. My little master used me to wipe his exercise book! It not only wiped me black, but also hurt! It also said that this move was wonderful."

Next, the middle finger spoke. "Alas!" The middle finger sighed.

The ring finger said sadly: "The little master doesn't cherish me too much. In the hot summer, she insisted on wrapping me up and playing coquetry with her parents. She said that she was cut by a pencil sharpener when sharpening a pencil and was still bleeding! She didn't want to think about it at all. It was hard for me to be wrapped up in the hot summer." The ring finger shed tears when she said.

At last it was the little finger's turn, and it said: "The little master used me to play the stone, and I was all broken."

It's getting light, and they are still whispering

Five Fingered Composition (19)

But my fingers were always moving just now, and now they are dancing, which makes the little master's handwriting not beautiful at all. So they were scolded by the little master. At night, I discussed with my fingers. Why are we a little busy today?

The next day, they decided to go on strike, but they were scolded by the little master. At night, they said, Why can't they go on strike? No strike or no strike! Alas! It's not easy to be a finger! Since then, they have gone on strike every day, hurting their little masters and doing nothing. In this way, they still don't know who is the most powerful finger.