One Night (20 recommended)
Moonlight brook
2023-12-10 04:57:26
Junior 1

One night (1)

This afternoon my father said, "Go out to watch lanterns in the evening." I was very happy, but my grandpa's words poured a basin of cold water on me. My grandpa said, "I don't know whether it's bright or not." But God really let the lights on.

My father and I came to Zhongshan Park. As soon as we entered the gate, we saw a towering tree! No, the trees are full of lanterns. I look again at what kind of tree it is. Oh, it's a banyan tree! No wonder it's so big! Then my father made a great discovery. He saw the carp jump off the dragon gate. I hurried over and said "beautiful" in one word and "beautiful" in two words. I was so excited that I couldn't speak for a long time. This carp jumped over the dragon gate with two characteristics: one is vivid, the other is huge. After watching Carp Jumping over the Dragon Gate, I also saw many idioms about horses, but some of them have moral meanings, such as: being the first, ranking first in career or study. My father said, "Let's go and see the customs of Zhangzhou people." Zhangzhou has Zhangpu paper-cut, Zhangzhou song albums, Fujian folk songs and so on. At that time, I thought: there are so many customs here! Then my father said, "Go to the Seven Star Pool!" I thought about it and left. When I got to the Seven Star Pool, I knew it was built in the Song Dynasty, which reminded me of Yue Fei and General Yang. There is a "fisherman fishing" lamp in the Seven Star Pool, which is very big and beautiful.

Later, my father said, "Let's go!" Then I reluctantly left.

One night (2)

Last night, I was very, very disappointed. Because we didn't watch the movie yesterday. It was a happy day yesterday, but I was confused by it. Last night, I made an appointment with my cousin to see "Teenager Pie". Let's go to Subway Restaurant for dinner first, and then go to the movies. As a result, they waited in line for a long time and sold out the tickets. We walked out of the cinema disappointed. What a wet blanket last night!

One night (3)

My parents took me to a banquet this evening. It was the wedding of my sister and my brother-in-law. Our family will all go to witness their best day.

In the evening, my parents and I went to the hotel where the wedding was held. Before going to the hotel, I specially sprayed the milk scented perfume my aunt brought back from abroad on my favorite Altman two-piece suit, so that other people can smell the fragrance. It's really great.

As soon as we arrived at the International Hotel, we saw the bride's sister welcoming us at the door. My father asked me to take a picture with my beautiful sister as a souvenir. I'm so happy! My sister looks beautiful in her wedding dress, and her whole body still emits a faint fragrance. Then our family was welcomed to the hall. My father said that we should gather a table. I don't understand, but it doesn't matter. If only we had something delicious!

Sitting on the seat, I immediately picked up a piece of mutton and ate it! My mother was not happy. She taught me not to be rude and to be a good child.

After a while, all the lights suddenly went out, and only one person stood on the stage in the middle. Mother said that this person was the host. The elder brother of the host said loudly, "Let's invite the groom to come on!" At this moment, there was a warm and lasting applause from the audience!

After the wedding ceremony, the elder brother of the host wanted to play a game with us, and only four children volunteered to run there, and I was one of them. The host brother played a good game with us and let us dance. I danced very well! He asked how old we were again? Did you go to school? What will you do? I answered them all!

Later, it was all played by adults. The elder brother of the host asked each of the adults who went to the toast to draw a card, and he drew another card from another card, and the one he drew would have the same prize as the one who took it! The luckiest one was a brother. He got the first prize for the induction cooker. He jumped three feet high with joy!

Today's wedding is really lively! I also got a blue rabbit and a yellow rooster. My father was busy, so my family went home before the banquet was over.

One night (4)

Today, my cousin, father, mother and I went to Auchan to buy New Year's goods.

Every time I went to the supermarket, my mother would remind me: "Don't get lost!" Every time I added: "Don't talk nonsense!" When we reached the second floor, we several children went to play trampoline, and an adult watched. Other adults go shopping.

We took off our shoes and went to the trampoline, and funny things happened one after another.

The first time, my cousin just went up the first stairs and fell down. I suppressed my smile and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you?" My cousin didn't even bother to answer.

The second time, I was pushed by someone, and the whole person fell down from the slide. "Bang", my foot directly hit my sister's nose, "Ah! How smelly!" My sister held my foot with one hand and covered her nose with the other.

The third time, when my cousin was eating bubble gum, her hair was blown into her mouth by the wind. When she blew bubble gum, it stuck to her hair. After a while, she tightly grasped her stuck hair and felt embarrassed. She immediately bowed her head and ran to the salesgirl's sister to borrow scissors. The salesgirl's sister shook her hands repeatedly: "I dare not cut your hair, because I am not a barber. You have to do it yourself." The cousin had to cut her hair herself.

Tonight was quite a surprise, but we had a good time. It was an unforgettable and interesting night.

One night (5)

"Come on, pipe, and big head, let's get together again tonight to relax and drink!" After the last class on Saturday, Wang Gang was gathering their brothers again.

A Taxi drove them to the only bar in the town at the fastest speed. The three people on the bus have always been in the same class since junior high school, and they have a good relationship - there is a reason. Their parents all work in other places. Every day, except for a little nagging from their grandparents, no one cares about their life and study. After a long time, the three of them naturally get together.

The noodles stopped at "Sharp", the old place. As usual, the three went straight into the reserved lounge. "Waiter, as usual, bring three bottles first." Big head shouted while taking off his school uniform. "Come on, it's been a very tiring week. Let's kill one bottle together and let it out!" Wang Gang raised the bottle and the three drank it all in one gulp. Then they started drinking. Drinking, playing poker, chatting and clinking glasses, soon the three were drunk. "I don't want to go back... home, what about you?" The pipe leaned against the wall and asked vaguely. After waiting out of the bar, it was eleven o'clock and it had been dark for a long time.

The three of them were wandering aimlessly, singing songs with unclear lyrics. When they came to a street corner, they were tired and sat on the roadside. Drunk and sleepy make them feel floating.

Inadvertently, Wang Gang's eyes glanced at the shadow in the corner of the wall. He was shocked and woke up most of the time. Vaguely, he saw a familiar figure squatting under the corner of the wall, holding a dry tobacco bag in his mouth, day by day.

Isn't that my father?

Didn't my father say he made a fortune? Do you live as happy a life as the city people in other places with your mother? Why squat here silently and smoke?

Wang Gang approached his father carefully. He knew he had caused a big disaster and was ready to meet his father's fist like a storm. But his father didn't mean to hit him at all. He just sighed: "Go home!" Wang Gang found that his two friends had disappeared at some time

At the door of his home, his father squatted under the old locust tree, and he asked his son to squat down. It took father a long time to calm down his excitement, and then he calmly talked about his life in the city with his mother.

In fact, my father did not make a fortune. He had no education and lived a life of recruiting workers. He suffered a lot, but he did not earn much money. He could only support his family. But in order for his son to live a decent life at home, and to make up for the regret of not having time to accompany his son, he lied that he had made a fortune.

When the teacher told Wang Gang about his bad performance, he quietly returned home and waited for his son outside the bar. He believed that his son would win for himself, because his son was obedient when he was young, which was the pride of his family. As long as his son could devote himself wholeheartedly to his study, he would be willing to work no matter how hard he was

After hearing his father's words, Wang Gang burst into tears and regretted his absurd behavior. He let the Buddha turn into a chrysalis and is coming out of the cocoon!

One night (6)

I played with my mobile phone for a while this evening. I can't sleep, but I get up and do it again, and then turn around to sleep.

But I felt so hot in bed, so I pulled the bedding away. Put the fan in one phase.

At night, I felt like going to the bathroom, so I deleted it, but what? Why can't I sleep when I come back? Let me take that picture, alas, listen to the wall, and then fall asleep. But the next day, it was still dark, so I didn't want to go. Then I got up to play and used up the best. I play rope skipping, high jump, long jump, dead or alive, galloping, and many other interesting things. I feel very tired playing. When I am tired, I will go back to sleep when I pay for playing again. However, I felt that I could not sleep. Then I won and listened to the song, and I fell asleep. Well, my fingers were still more than 20 days away at that time. When I saw that I got up, there was no face to face. Why?

One night (7)

One night, the moon was hanging high in the sky. The deer and the tortoise were going to go far away. On their way, they were going through a thick forest. The fawn said to the tortoise, "Brother tortoise, come on my back. It's not safe in the forest at night.

I run fast, but you run slowly. You are easy to eat, so I will carry you. " The tortoise climbed onto the back of the deer, and the path ran quickly to the deep forest. On the way, the two saw several pairs of green eyes flashing in the grass, and they were very frightened. The fawns quickened their pace and ran to the exit. When they reached the exit, they saw that the "green eyes" had not caught up with them, and then they were relieved. The tortoise got down from the deer's back and thanked him gratefully. They walked away together again

One night (8)

In the evening, I was watching TV at home. Suddenly, all the electrical appliances went out. power failure! It was dark in front of me. It was inconvenient to do anything.

I took great pains to find a candle in the bottom of the drawer and lit it with a lighter immediately. Candlelight drives out darkness and brings light.

I have been staring at the candle, which is white and monotonous. The wax on its body is flowing down one by one and is coagulating on the table. Slowly, the candle became shorter and shorter, and finally disappeared.

I often hear people say: "When the silks of spring silkworm die, the wax torch turns to ashes and tears begin to dry." On this night of power failure, I finally realized.

After looking for a long time, I finally found a candle in a corner and lit it slowly.

Candle ah, when there is no power cut, people don't care about you at all. They don't care about you with simple appearance. They put you aside. When the power cut, people think of you again. You shine for human beings without complaint.

By candlelight, I wrote: unknown, selfless dedication.

One night (9)

That was the happiest night of my life.

That night was still around the corner. I was 12 years old that year. My parents took my sister and I to hurry up in the land of abundance in order to return to our hometown before New Year's Eve. I, a Sichuan cub, have been growing up in different places, so I smell the smell of the soil in Sichuan in winter, and my eyes are filled with novelty and excitement.

When we arrived in Zigong, the last long-distance bus left, so my father had to lead us to a hotel. The yawning waiter told us that it would cost 14 yuan for one night. I saw my father touch his purse with shame, while my mother looked at me and my sister hesitantly. I seemed to understand something, and took out my little man's courage: "Mom, we don't stay."

On that cold and windy night, our family huddled under the long pavilion of the station, looking forward to the dawn. After finding out the situation around us, my mother excitedly said that there were also vendors selling Wonton. Anyway, we had saved a lot of money, so we just went to eat a big meal to warm up. Of course, my sister and I applauded, while my father licked his lips, counted several tickets to my mother, and stood still. He is too thrifty, as he has always been.

We ate seven bowls of twenty cents a bowl of copycat, which made us sweat all over. Mother grabbed her finger and calculated to us: "We only spent one yuan and four yuan, so we should be in charge in the future, neither extravagant nor sorry for ourselves." My sister nodded thoughtfully, and she inherited all her mother's shrewdness.

I can't remember the situation later, but I remember that we began to feel sleepy when we came back from the fun. My father took off his army coat and my mother took off her coat to make a most comfortable floor for my sister and me; My sister and I soon fell asleep. When I closed my eyes, I saw the white gas from my parents rising rapidly under the night light

After my sister and I got married, as long as the whole family gathered together, we would talk about that night, talking about the cold night, and sighing about the incomparable delicious food. My sister and I admitted that it was the happiest night we had in our childhood, novel, interesting and wonderful.

Just yesterday, when we talked about that night again, my mother leaked out and said, "That night was the coldest night in my life." My father was reading the newspaper with reading glasses, speechless. It suddenly occurred to me that they were all dressed in single clothes, they didn't sleep on the floor, and Dad didn't even eat Wonton. They just shivered under the lights of the pavilion, guarding their two little angels. They hide the cold in our happiest memories.

"Mom, were you really cold that night?" "Very cold, but also very happy." Mom looked at us and said.

One night (10)

"In our life, if everyone has the spirit of advancing, what else can't be done?" This is my biggest feeling after reading Two Thousand Years and One Night.

The article "Two Thousand Years and One Night" mainly tells the story of Gauss, a 19-year-old mathematical genius, who, with his tenacious willpower, completed an outstanding mathematical case with a history of more than 2000 years in one night. This has to be thought-provoking!

Some people said that Gauss was able to solve this problem because of his mathematical talent, while others said that he solved this problem only because of his tenacious fighting spirit. But I think this is not only because of his mathematical talent, but also because of his extraordinary fighting spirit, both of which are indispensable. Through the ages, how many people have succeeded with this indomitable spirit! For example, Helen Keller is a blind, deaf and mute person. It is such a disabled person who has mastered the languages of five countries. When she was very young, she began to learn English by touching cards with her hands, often bleeding her fingers. Because of her perseverance, she was admitted to the "Cambridge Women's School affiliated to Harvard University", which is difficult for ordinary people to get into. Finally, he became a great man who attracted the attention of the world! In order to defend a general, Sima Qian offended Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty and was tortured in prison. But he still wrote the Records of the Historian with the tenacity that is hard for ordinary people to imagine.

Yes! If you have ambition, you can do everything! Only with the spirit of perseverance, perseverance, will there be unexpected gains! Students, in the future life journey, we must have the spirit of perseverance, so that we can complete our beautiful dreams!

One night (11)

This is a night of bleak maple leaves. My heart is like a halo shaking in the water for a long time. The flying rain threads shuttle in the high-rise buildings, drifting and steaming in the traffic.

This is the hotel in Jinan. There are several tall maple trees outside the window, and the maple leaves like human palms stretch out to the window. Little drizzle, miscellaneous wind, affect my heart beating together. The autumn rain in Jinan is very different from that in my hometown. I often remember what Du Zimei said: "Good rain knows the season, so does the autumn rain in my hometown.". From the beginning, little by little, I could not restrain the joyful emotion, "tick tick tick --", and then the crazy and warm melody, from scratch, just a blink of an eye. I have heard the Yellow River Cantata, full of passion, like surging waves.

But there is more warmth in human nature. Nostalgia for home and relatives. The sky is hanging upside down, and the pouring rain is stronger. Large grains, beads and jade scattered in the bottom of my heart, as if they were the projection of a startled goose, which made me relive my old dream. I remember the big autumn rain when I was young. The red and bright peppers and green loofah in the farm garden danced like a fairy in the dim world. It was a damp joy! But on the misty Yi Mountain, at the foot of the wind, I heard the whispers of autumn rain dancing in the arms of the mother earth. I would like to find my dream through the endless autumn rain; I want to be detached, like a rain in the air. Why did you stay and send it to others? The words poured down from the sky of the motherland can shock people's hearts—— Did you hear -- did you hear—— Did you hear that! The cry of relatives and friends is more powerful than the thunder and lightning. This is a night with bleak maple leaves - the full moon night in August.

One night (12)

Many nights, the moon hid behind the clouds in Xingyu, Class 3 (2), Beique Road Primary School. I remember one night when I was reading a book, my father walked past me and startled me. My father smiled and said, "It's so dark, why don't you turn on the light! I think this evening is much brighter than last night. " My father didn't know what he was thinking, and then went to the balcony. I continued to read with relish. "Look, the moon is coming out. It's rare." Dad said loudly. I was shocked again, but I could not care so much, so I quickly ran to the balcony. I haven't seen the moon for a long time, and I almost forget what it looks like. A corner of the moon was covered by dark clouds, but it was still very bright, like a jade plate with a corner broken, smiling in the air. I looked downstairs excitedly. Ah, maybe the moonlight came to visit the street lamp. It cooperated with the street lamp to make the yard bright. It's very late at night. There are still some people playing badminton downstairs. Do they know? The only audience was Na Yupan. She watched, cheered and laughed from time to time in the air. One night with the moon, it was very beautiful.

One night (13)

Today is February 4, 2014, and my seventh birthday is four months away. This evening, just after dinner, it was exactly 7:30, my mother and I went to read in Xinhua Bookstore. When I got to the door, I saw a sign that said, "Please don't go in. It's on holiday." This sentence fell like a bolt from the blue and hit me right on the head. I was very depressed. How unlucky I am!

After a while, I was happy again. My mother took me to Pengtai Supermarket to buy things. Looking at the dazzling array of things, I bought a bread, a drink, a bag of sugar, and we returned with a full load. I also picked up a cabbage for others on the way home.

It was a night of mixed joys and sorrows!

Second grade: Wang Zixi

One night (14)

A bad night

"Oh! No!" As soon as I got home this evening, I encountered a series of bad luck.

First of all, I had fried rice with eggs in the evening. My mother suggested that I do it, and I happily agreed. Unexpectedly, cooking fried rice with eggs is not easy. I selected four eggs, beat them in a bowl, and stirred them vigorously until the yellow liquid filled the bowl. After that, I poured the oil into the pot. Soon, the oil smoke in the pot rose. When I saw the oil smoke coming up, I quickly poured the eggs into the pot. But the egg seemed to be against me, and soon talked about "love" with the pot, and stuck to the pot. I immediately separated the "lovers", but the eggs were burnt, like brown skin. Then I poured the rice into the pot, but I could not crush the hard and lumpy rice, so I had to give up and let my mother take over.

After dinner, I thought the bad luck had disappeared, so I hit a ping-pong ball directly against the wall. Unexpectedly, the ball flew away. I rushed to pick up the ball. As soon as I stepped out of my legs, I felt that I stepped on a round thing. When I saw it, I felt as if there was Taishan like weight on my body, and the ball was damaged by me! When my mother saw me like this, she got up to comfort me and said, "It doesn't matter, just soak it in hot water." When I heard this, there was hope. I followed my mother's method to soak it in hot water, but the hot water suddenly became cold, and the table tennis ball still remained unchanged, still concave. In desperation, I wanted to drink a cup of cold water to dispel my hatred, but my hand was crooked. Instead of drinking water, I emptied the cup and knocked it over, spilling water all over the floor. I had to mop the floor in frustration.

What a unlucky night!

One night (15)

On Saturday night, something happened that makes me feel uneasy when I think about it.

That night, a golden moon was already high in the sky, shining bright moonlight to the earth. My family enjoyed a beautiful dinner, and my father ate his favorite wine, steamed crab. We talked about coke while eating.

After dinner, my father sent me to host the class. Along the way, we talked and laughed. When I came to an intersection, looking at the long queue of cars in front, my father suddenly shouted: "Check the wine!" "What's wrong with the wine? You haven't drunk again." I answered carelessly. My father said nervously, "There is cooking wine in the crabs I ate at night, and I don't know if it will affect me?" "What!" I shouted, "What can I do?" I shook my father's body, and my palms could not help sweating.

One car, two cars... Every time I pass a car, I feel nervous. It's Dad's turn. I have an impulse to help Dad drive. The police uncle looked at his father sternly. His face was blue and he breathed helplessly. The machine said coldly, "Sorry, you have drunk!" My heart felt like being pierced by thousands of arrows. The policeman took a look and said that the alcohol content was not high, so he changed the machine and tested it again. My father and I were in the car waiting for the arrival of precision instruments. Our hearts were trembling and we felt like we were going to jump into our throats. At that moment, I felt that time passed slowly. I really hope that time can stay at that moment. The precise instrument finally said: "There is a small amount of alcohol." I was eager to help my father explain: "There is cooking wine in the crabs I ate at night." The police uncle said: "There is a small amount of alcohol content, although it does not constitute drunk driving, you must change someone to drive". Hearing this, my father and I were relieved for a long time.

What a breathtaking night! Here, I also remind you: Do not eat any food containing alcohol before driving.

One night (16)

It was an evening last summer vacation. As night fell, countless small stars dotted the blue sky. In a blink of an eye, it seems that people are invited to travel in the vast space. The bright moon is like a silver boat sailing in the deep blue sea. This sunny and beautiful night is a good time to watch the constellations? At the request of my little cousin and I, my mother took us to Seoul Park. Under the gentle breeze, the flowers gathered their petals and fell asleep. The crickets under the flowers are giving a concert and singing loudly. We came to the high water spraying color observatory and looked up at the starry sky. The stars blinked their mysterious eyes and put them in various shapes. You see, the Celestial Qin constellation is like an ancient musical instrument harp. Seeing it is like hearing the simple and elegant music; The constellation of the Celestial Eagle looks like an eagle on its side, flapping broad wings as if it is soaring; Pegasus is like a galloping horse; There are also Cygnus, Virgo, Herdsman... Ah, I can't count! "Mom, sister, come and see!" The naive little cousin pointed to a constellation in the north with a fat little hand and said, "That is the Big Dipper, which is like a big silver spoon. The teacher said that it is the mother of the Little Big Dipper (Little Bear)." I was amused by his words and said jokingly for a long time: "What do you know, their real names are Big Dipper and Little Bear." My little cousin curled his mouth at me unconvinced and went to see other constellations. At this time, my mother pointed to a star at the top of the Little Bear constellation and asked me: "What's the rank of the star?" I knew that my mother was testing me, but after thinking for a while, she replied loudly: "Second class star!" My mother smiled with satisfaction and told me: "Polaris is the brightest star in the Little Bear constellation. It always faces north. People who lose their way in the wild will know where to go when they see it." "Polaris is very useful!" The little cousin clapped his hands and jumped up. I want to show my hand in front of them and find a constellation that they don't know. I'm looking, looking! But the stars in the sky dazzle me. The active little cousin came again, and he pulled my coat corner: "Sister, what's that constellation?" I looked in his direction, hey! Isn't that Scorpio? It stretched out a big clip, and there was an orange star in the middle of its body. It was said that it was the heart of the scorpion. In fact, the scorpion had no heart, just to identify it. Then, my mother told me some fairy stories about the naming of constellations. We were fascinated, as if we were in a mythical world. At this time, a brilliant meteor flashed! We can't help admiring. In the embrace of the stars, I seemed to take a spaceship to explore in space, as if I saw the five-star red flag inserted in each constellation, as if we saw our summer camp in the moon palace... All of this, since in the distant future, seems to be in front of us, waiting for us to achieve! On a summer night, stars shine brightly. How intoxicating!

One night (17)

Tuesday, August 16, XX

On the way home from the interest class this evening, suddenly, hail big as beans fell from the sky and hit the ground with a loud sound. One of them hit my face with a small hail. I felt cool. Then, the thunder rumbled ceaselessly, the lightning flashed ceaselessly, and the rain fell down. Soon, my mother and I were soaked in clothes.

What a strange night!

One night (18)

On Friday afternoon, I made an appointment with Xue Kangxuan and Yang Zihang to visit Song Mengbo's house.

When we arrived at Mengbo's house, the hospitable Mengbo brought out a large box of toys for us to play with. These toys were sent from books ordered by Mengbo. We haven't seen many of them before. We played this and that curiously and excitedly. One of the most interesting is the earpiece toy, which is a slender tube with a spring and connected with two paper cups. If two people talk into the paper cup, they will hear a voice that seems to come from a distant place. This is because the sound echoes back and forth in the pipe with spring.

We played for a while, Xue Kangxuan suggested that we go to dance blanket, and we agreed. Mengbo turns on the TV. We listen to the music on the TV, watch the arrows on the TV, and jump on the dance carpet. How happy we are!

When we were sweating heavily, Mommy Monbo said that dinner was ready. After washing our hands, we quickly sat down at the table. Mommy Monbo served us the food that had been divided in advance, and each of us children had a share. Monbo's mother cooked a delicious meal, and we all ate voraciously. I was the first to eat all my meals. Xue Kangxuan had a small appetite and said that he could not finish his duck meat, so I helped him eat the rest of the duck meat. Not only did I fill my stomach and save food, but also I was praised by Monbo's mother. It's really killing three birds with one stone!

After dinner, we all scrambled to wash our tableware. Mommy Monbo said that we should be modest, and told us not to crowd, but to take our time. After listening to our aunt's words, we all stood in line to wash the dishes.

After washing the tableware, Mommy Monbo explained the table manners to us and taught us to be polite at the table. Later, Mengbo taught us a poem titled "Wu River Pavilion". Next, we took turns to show our tongue twisters.

Finally, we entered the last and most expected link, which is shoe brushing. We all took out our small brushes, put on our small aprons, and put our shoes in the basin to work vigorously. As we worked, we shouted "Hi Hi Hi". The most interesting thing was that Yang Zihang also shouted: "Brush, brush, brush, I brush you to death!" which caused us a burst of laughter. Xue Kangxuan didn't think it was convenient to squat, so he simply took the basin to the washbasin to brush. The water he used to brush his shoes splashed all over our faces and bodies, but we were still very happy. After a while, we were a little tired. Mommy Monbo said, "Kids, now you all know how hard Mommy usually does housework! In the future, we need to help Mommy do something that she can do." We all nodded.

Unconsciously, we have spent a happy and full evening at Mengbo Family. When my mother came to pick me up, I went home with my mother full of knowledge, happiness and happiness. Ah, this is really a night of full return!

One Night (19)

On a quiet night, all the animals in the woods fell asleep. Suddenly, it began to rain, and the little animals got wet. Everyone stood together and said what to do.

A monkey said, "You can take shelter from the rain under a big tree." The monkey king said, "This is not good. It may be lightning." No one could say what they said.

The lion king said, "Then we can make leaves into leaf houses." The animals said with one voice, "Good! Good! Good!"

So the animals made the withered leaves into one house after another. The animals are very happy.

The lion king is awesome!

One night (20)

Every time I went to the supermarket, my mother would remind me: "Don't get lost!" Every time I added: "Don't talk nonsense!" When we reached the second floor, we several children went to play trampoline, and an adult watched. Other adults go shopping.

We took off our shoes and went to the trampoline, and funny things happened one after another.

The first time, my cousin just went up the first stairs and fell down. I suppressed my smile and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you?" My cousin didn't even bother to answer.

The second time, I was pushed by someone, and the whole person fell down from the slide. "Bang", my foot directly hit my sister's nose, "Ah! How smelly!" My sister held my foot with one hand and covered her nose with the other.

The third time, when my cousin was eating bubble gum, her hair was blown into her mouth by the wind. When she blew bubble gum, it stuck to her hair. After a while, she tightly grasped her stuck hair and felt embarrassed. She immediately bowed her head and ran to the salesgirl's sister to borrow scissors. The salesgirl's sister shook her hands repeatedly: "I dare not cut your hair, because I am not a barber. You have to do it yourself." The cousin had to cut her hair herself.

Tonight was quite a surprise, but we had a good time. It was an unforgettable and interesting night.