My Secret Junior High School (10 high-quality articles)
Dream Awakening Fairy Tales
2024-03-17 07:27:01
junior middle school

My Secret Junior High School (1)

The secret should not be told to others, but I want to tell it to my parents. The secret is that I didn't pass the math exam this time. I didn't even reach the standard of passing. I hate myself very much. Why am I so stupid? I learned with others. Why are others' scores so good, but my scores are so poor.

I even gave up for the math score of this exam. But once I think that others can do well in the exam, I will certainly do well in the exam. I have only this way to comfort myself.

Looking out of the window, I couldn't help crying. I feel sorry for my parents. They sent me to this school in order to let me learn more knowledge. However, as long as I study hard now, I will succeed.

My Secret Junior High School (2)

A little secret has been buried in my heart, and I never told anyone.

It's hard not to feel embarrassed. Tell your good friend, for fear that he will tell others; Tell your parents. I'm sorry, but I can't tell them. But today, I want to spit it out in my composition!

It was a Monday three years ago. As usual, the school was going to hold a national flag raising ceremony, but somehow it was delayed. The second class was almost over, but it was not over yet.

My legs were numb and I didn't care to listen to the teacher on the stage.

"I really want to go back to work!" I muttered to myself. Looking up at the classroom of my class, there was only one sick student in the class. Suddenly, I felt envious!

Suddenly, I had an idea - pretending to be ill.

It was time to show my Oscar status. I squatted on the ground, frowned, covered my stomach, and made a sound of gasping.

This method is really good!

Many students came to ask me, "What's wrong?", "stomach ache", etc.

I pretended to be uncomfortable and nodded.

"Class cadre, that talkative class leader, it's time to tell the teacher about my stomachache. Hurry up!" I thought to myself.

After a while, I got my wish.

The teacher let me go back to the classroom ahead of time.

"Excellent!" I whispered, moving towards the classroom.

Back in class, the play could not stop. The sick classmate also asked me what was wrong. After half a day, I replied that I had a stomachache, so I leaned on the table and smiled stealthily.

I thought about it carefully. The third lesson is English. I can also lie on the desk and not listen to English lessons. It's good!

But man is not as good as heaven!

The English teacher changed classes with the PE teacher.

At this time, the monitor said to me: "You have a good rest in class!"!

"Good!" I answered the monitor with a pathetic tone and a desire to have PE class.

The monitor took the students to the playground to gather and played happily.

I have some regrets. Look at myself again, lying on the table like a tortoise, motionless. It's too uncomfortable!

School was over at noon. When I finally could stretch my limbs, I ran home like a rabbit flying.

This secret has been buried for a long time, and I'm almost sick. It's easier to say it today. If you read my secret, please don't tell others!

My Secret Junior High School (3)

I have a secret. How can it be a small secret? Because only my aunt and I know about it.

I remember once I went to my aunt's house to play computer games. After my aunt went out, my stomach growled with hunger, so I went to look for delicious snacks.

I turned over and turned to my aunt's study. I saw a beautiful brocade box in the bookcase in the study, because the package of this brocade box is very gorgeous and beautiful. I was very curious, so I brought a stool to stand on it and took down the brocade box. When I opened it, I saw a pair of pearl earrings, a string of pearl necklaces and a pearl ring. There was also a line of small characters beside it, on which the sister-in-law's nickname was written, "Xiaomei has a happy 34th birthday". I knew that the sister-in-law was going to have her birthday soon after I saw it. This is a birthday gift from my uncle.

I put all the earrings, necklaces and rings in it into another brocade box, picked up the chocolate that was put in this brocade box and ate it.

I didn't know until I finished eating that my aunt's birthday was also her tenth wedding anniversary. Everyone knows that chocolate represents honey.

"Now I'm in trouble," I said to myself. Fortunately, Aunt hasn't come back yet. Let me think of a way! I've been thinking for a long time, but I haven't thought of a good way to kill two birds with one stone. What can I do? I couldn't help getting anxious. I put that set of ornaments back into that gorgeous and beautiful brocade box.

Suddenly, the door opened and the aunt came back. When the aunt saw the gorgeous brocade box, she opened it and saw that it was the set of jewels she had always wanted, so she asked me to put it on for her. Unexpectedly, when I was wearing it for my aunt, my hand slipped due to my panic, and the necklace fell to the ground and broke. I've caused a big disaster. I don't know how my aunt will punish me. To my surprise, my aunt not only didn't blame me, but comforted me and said, "It's all right. Is everything safe?" She also promised me not to tell her mother.

I want to keep this little secret. Don't tell my mother.

The most popular toy at the beginning of school this year is yo yo. Every time I see someone playing yo yo, my heart tickles and my hands itch.

I thought, "I want to save money to buy a yo yo. It's only 5 yuan if it's not expensive." I decided to save one yuan a day from the breakfast money my mother gave me, and save 5 yuan a week.

Five days later, I went to the store to buy yo yos. I saw a yo yo that was just right for me. When I asked my aunt how much it was, she said, "6 yuan." I asked, "Is 5 yuan for sale?" Seeing my poor appearance, my aunt said, "I will do a loss business." I gave my money to my aunt, who gave me the yo yo.

I hold a yo yo ball, and am afraid of being asked all day long. On Sunday, my mother and father went out to work, so I went out to play excitedly with a yo yo.

At ten o'clock, I think my parents will come back. I hurried home, and without much thought, I put the yo yo on and went to watch TV. When my father and mother came home from work, I remembered that the yo yo had not been hidden. I thought: it must be over this time.

I have been watching TV calmly. My yo yo hasn't been found yet. When my parents didn't notice, I quickly ran to the yo yo, hid the yo yo under my pants, quickly ran into my small room, and immediately hid the yo yo.

Thank God, if my yo yo is found, I will be beaten.

This is my little secret. You must not tell my parents.

My Secret Junior High School (4)

In a corner of the world, is my secret garden. It can make my mind full of comfort, and can make my mind extremely relaxed. Today, let me talk about the beautiful memories left in this mysterious secret garden!

There is a long wooden chair in a garden in front of my house. When I was young, I often imagined everything in the world on this wooden chair. At this moment, I held up a book, closed my eyes and entered the dream world. I talked with the characters in the book, made friends with the flowers in the book, and smelled the fragrance of nature. A string of raindrops as big as beans rolled down from the sky. The small animals quickly hid under the trees. I greeted them and stroked them with my leisurely hands. They seemed not afraid of human beings, and stretched out their pink little heads, Let's feel enough... When we return to reality from the fantasy of the book, everything is still so beautiful, the sky is blue, the sun is bright, and the air is transparent and pure.

There is a furry little squirrel on the tree in front. It has a big red and fluffy tail and twinkle jewel like eyes. It raises its front paw from time to time to comb the smooth fur on its body. Its small ears gently stir, as if in the movement around the listener. I slowly picked up the brush and started my creation with the little squirrel. After a while, a vivid little squirrel also appeared on the drawing board. Oh, just like the one on the tree!

It was getting dark, and groups of birds flew through the air. The sun now turned into a fiery red egg yolk, the sunset turned the whole sky red, and my "secret garden" was also covered with a layer of golden luster.

This is my "secret garden". It can throw troubles out of the door and let you think quietly. I love the scenery here and I love my "secret garden"!

My Secret Junior High School (5)

In a corner of the world, is my secret garden. It can make my mind full of comfort, and can make my mind extremely relaxed. Today, let me talk about the beautiful memories left in this mysterious secret garden!

There is a long wooden chair in a garden in front of my house. When I was young, I often imagined everything in the world on this wooden chair. At this moment, I held up a book, closed my eyes and entered the dream world. I talked with the characters in the book, made friends with the flowers in the book, and smelled the fragrance of nature. A string of raindrops as big as beans rolled down from the sky. The small animals quickly hid under the trees. I greeted them and stroked them with my leisurely hands. They seemed not afraid of human beings, and stretched out their pink little heads, Let's feel enough... When we return to reality from the fantasy of the book, everything is still so beautiful, the sky is blue, the sun is bright, and the air is transparent and pure.

There is a furry little squirrel on the tree in front. It has a big red and fluffy tail, blinks jewel like eyes, and raises its front paw from time to time to comb the smooth fur on its body. Its small ears gently stir, as if moving around the listener. I slowly picked up the brush and started my creation with the little squirrel. After a while, a vivid little squirrel also appeared on the drawing board. Oh, just like the one on the tree!

It was getting dark, and groups of birds flew through the air. At the moment, the sun turned into a fiery red yolk, the sunset turned the whole sky red, and my "secret garden" was also covered with a layer of golden luster.

This is my "secret garden". It can throw troubles out of the door and let you think quietly. I love the scenery here and I love my "secret garden"!

My Secret Junior High School (6)

One of my favorite things to do on weekends and holidays is to ride bicycles to Riverside Park with my family. Although it hurts to ride my feet, as long as I think I can run freely there, I will step on my bicycle more quickly and run forward.

Riverside Park is very large, where you can have picnics, feed sheep, fly kites, etc. It is really a relaxed and happy enjoyment to enjoy the breeze and the afternoon sun! I often ride to the top of a mountain that looks like a mountain to me. My father said that this used to be a garbage dump, and the garbage in our area was buried here. Now after finishing, the grass has grown up and become so beautiful, becoming our outdoor leisure place.

But the most attractive place for me is the wetland, which is my 'secret base'. I will visit it in different seasons. Although I have to ride the bumpy gravel road, I don't care at all! For a while, because there was too little rain, even the mud was almost dried up. I saw the fish struggling to jump high, but they were eaten by egrets; I also saw a large group of millipede like horses near the drainage outlet. They stopped there and did not move. We poked them with a twig. Suddenly, millipede ran everywhere. My brother and I were scared to death. In fact, they were just basking in the sun! It's not death. It's a false alarm.

I often stay in the secret base for the whole afternoon. That tall Kuling tree is my main character! In spring, it will slowly send out buds, and then it will open white and lavender flowers; In summer, the trees are full of mung beans. My brother and I will use these mung beans to attack each other. We have fun every time! At this time, my father would always say to us: "This bitter fruit is poisonous! Don't eat it!" This winter, watching the beloved bitter fruit tree wither, my father said: "bitter fruit died for the New Year", that is, every time the Chinese New Year comes, the leaves of bitter fruit will fall off, and the whole tree looks like only dead branches, not the tree will die. I imagine they all sneak out for a walk. When spring comes, they will come back in new clothes.

Now I find that more and more people are coming to visit. Some people are planting flowers here, some people are hanging hemp rope on my favorite Kuling sub tree to play swings, and some people are fishing. I am really worried that more and more people will destroy my secret base. I am blowing in the breeze and basking in the sun here. I feel that all the flowers and trees are beautiful, and the small insects are walking happily. I hope everyone can observe and protect the nature carefully, so that such beautiful scenery will always exist.

My Secret Junior High School (7)

One afternoon, the weather was very hot. I was playing with my father's "sweetheart" - orchids on the balcony, and suddenly saw a small snail climbing on a leaf. "Is the snail a beneficial insect or a pest?" "Why does it leave a long line when it crawls?" "Where are the nose and eyes of the snail?" A series of questions appeared in my mind.

So I decided to do an experiment on my own to find out these problems.

"Are snails beneficial insects or pests?" I first put cabbage, steamed bread, mosquitoes, etc. in front of several snails I caught. They were probably hungry, and climbed up to their favorite food. Only the snails chose cabbage leaves, ate them, and did not smell other food. After a meal, the snails ate all the cabbage leaves, It can be concluded that snails are pests.

"Why does it leave a long line when crawling?" I first used a leaf to lead the snail out, and then gently touched the head with my hand. Unexpectedly, the head immediately retracted. What can I do? I was a little discouraged. Then my father came to me and said, "Why, such a small thing makes me frustrated! Thank you for wanting to be a scientist when you grow up." I was so excited by my father. A way flashed through my mind. "Yes, yes!" I cried with my hands dancing on the paddy field. I used a small stone to gently smash the shell of the snail, took out the body of the snail, and found a standing thing with my hand. Through turning the book and consulting the dictionary, I knew that it was the foot of the snail, and that the long thin line was the secretion of the snail, which helped the snail crawl.

"Where are the eyes and nose of the snail?" I put a piece of cabbage leaf on the ground and caught another snail according to the previous method. The snail seemed to know my painstaking efforts, and obediently let me see its eyes, nose, and the big and small tentacles of the snail. The big tentacles are eyes and the small tentacles are nose.

Through this series of experiments, I really benefited a lot! I not only found the secret of snails, but also understood that if you want to invent when you grow up, you must find problems from childhood and learn to solve them.

My Secret Junior High School (8)

My uncle's little brother is four years old. He has a round head and a round head. He is very naive and cute. As Christmas approached, he said to me expectantly, "Brother, Santa Claus will come, right?" I couldn't bear to disappoint him, and nodded slightly: "Jiajie, as long as you are good, Santa Claus will come." He danced happily, and was also very obedient during that time.

On December 24, Christmas Eve finally came. My brother hung the big socks he had prepared on the bed and went out to play. Coincidentally, I left early that day. I had just arrived home, but my brother had not returned. So I picked up all my pocket money and went to the street.

"What does my brother like?" I said to myself as I walked. "He likes toy cars best. He has been talking about it for a long time. Let's buy toy cars."

I rushed into the toy store and said, "Boss, do you have toy cars for sale?" "Yes, forty yuan." I was surprised: "So expensive? Can you make it cheaper? Thirty?" My voice was almost too weak to hear. "I came in at 30 ', you must let me earn some money." The boss made a sell and blood gesture. "Please, I... I only have 30 yuan to buy a Christmas gift for my brother. Boss, do you think you can accommodate yourself?".

Late at night, when my brother was asleep, I picked up the car and crept to his room. The "squeak" sound when I opened the door almost woke my brother. I stood on tiptoe, walked gently to the big socks, and stuffed the toy car in.

The next morning, "Wow, brother, look, Santa Claus really sent me a gift." My brother rushed into my room with the toy car in his arms. "It's still my favorite toy car! I've wanted it for a long time!" Looking at his happy appearance, I felt like eating honey: "Congratulations on your success! I said you are so good, Santa Claus will come. " The younger brother nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice: "I will be obedient in the future, and there will be gifts next year."

On several occasions, I wanted to tell my brother, "Ha! I am Santa Claus!" But when I thought of his innocent, expectant eyes, I held back, which became a little secret in my heart.

My Secret Junior High School (9)

I believe that you are often exposed to composition, especially the most basic and common narrative in writing. The style of narrative includes news, communication, travel notes, character features, memoirs, etc. What characteristics do excellent narratives have? The following is my secret junior high school narrative, which is compiled for you by my editor. For reference only, let's have a look.

It has been half a month since this incident happened. I don't want to mention it again, but I feel very uncomfortable and have to write it on my most loyal partner - online composition book.

In this midterm exam, our class's history exam was extremely poor. The history teacher made several "unequal treaties" in the class for this matter. One of them is "You must hand in your homework every time in the future. If you don't hand in your homework, you should copy it again!"

In the afternoon of that day, we were studying on our own, when the history teacher suddenly came in, threw the Basic History Training on his hand on the table, and said: "Nine students have not handed in today's homework, stand up!" In a moment, eight students stood up honestly, "Who else? Please be honest!"

Nothing happened.

The history teacher took out a small piece of paper from his pocket and gradually turned his eyes to me. "Shao Feiyi, did you hand it in?" I stood up with a cry, "Yes, I absolutely did!" The history teacher asked the group leader, the monitor and the class teacher again, but I couldn't find my exercise book. I am a good student in my class. My name has never been on the list of students who have not handed in their homework. Teachers also trust me. The history teacher asked me to go home and look for it again. If I can't find it tomorrow, I will talk about it again. Back home, I rummaged through the bookcase and found it in a pile of books. Holding the exercise book, I thought to myself: Never give the exercise book to the teacher, otherwise I will not only copy it, but also my reputation will be damaged. Why don't you just lie!

The next day, when I came to the teacher's office, my heart was "plop, plop". At that time, my mind was somewhat contradictory: was it a lie? Or admit the truth? Finally, in order to protect my reputation and avoid being punished, I decided to panic. At this time, the history teacher saw me. She asked me to go in and sit down. "Have you found your homework book?" "No... no" My voice was almost too low to hear. "Well, I'll give you my Basic History Training. Anyway, there is not a word on it, so you can use it. I know you are an honest student and won't cheat the teacher." The history teacher said and handed the Basic History Training to me. When I took it, my face was already blushing like a big apple. Out of the office, I suddenly felt that I had lost the most important thing - honesty.

Until now, I still don't have the courage to admit my mistakes to my teacher. Whenever I see the book "Basic Instructions" that my teacher gave me, I think of the teacher's words: "You are an honest student, and you will not cheat the teacher." I regret it. Alas, my selfishness and dishonesty led to today's great regret. My friends, please don't follow my example. You must be a truly honest and qualified student!

My Secret Junior High School (10)

On that day, I was very moved. I saw the sincere and beautiful hearts of my classmates.

It was the fourth grade. The teacher asked me to collect the money for classroom homework. I was very happy. I wanted to do this well to satisfy the teacher.

At noon that day, as soon as I walked into the classroom, my classmates crowded up to let me register and collect money. I'm so busy. " Ding Lingling - Ding Lingling: "When the class bell rang, I hurriedly put the 10 yuan in my hand in the stationery box. When the second class was over, I hurriedly took out the money, thinking," It's almost time for the teacher. In case of emergency, I'd better count the money again! "Ah? Why did I lose ten yuan? I was so worried. I counted again. Still like this, my face turned red, my hands shook, and I sat down in the seat and cried. My cry shocked Xiaomin next to me. So Xiaomin asked me what was wrong, and I couldn't help it. So I hesitated to tell Xiaomin the story of the incident, which soon spread to the whole class. At this time, the smart Xiaomin said, "Why don't we count the money she gave us again! "As soon as Xiaomin finished speaking, the troublemaker in our class raised his hand and said," I agree with Xiaomin. " So the students took out the money I gave them from their pockets and counted it again. At this time, some said, "Give me two more yuan," some said, "Give me fifty cents," and some said, "Give me five more yuan." In a moment, Xiaomin had a lot of money in his hand.

Xiaomin gave me all the extra money I gave to my classmates. I counted it and got 20 yuan more. I gave Xiaomin the extra money and asked Xiaomin to share it with the students.

In the afternoon, when I came home from school, I was very happy. After all, I did something that satisfied my teacher!

As soon as I got home, I opened my schoolbag and prepared to do my homework. Eh? Where's the pen? Oh! I was so excited that I didn't open the pencil box. How could I have a pen? So I opened the stationery box. Eh, whose ten yuan is this? How did you put it in my pencil box? I began to think about what happened today, oh! I remember that when the bell rang at noon, I put it in the stationery box. But... what about ten yuan? It suddenly dawned on me.

This is my secret in my heart! You can't tell others! Please remember!