Composition related to friends (6 selected)
Both wind and rain
2023-11-18 04:47:21
Grade 6

Composition related to friends (1)

In life, the most important thing is money, or reading? I think we need good friends in our life. Such a precious friendship should be well grasped, but it is also necessary to be able to speak out with loyalty. One of my best friends is Jane Ziyun.

She has beautiful hair that is neither long nor short. She comes to school every day in clean and neat clothes. Her homework is good, her handwriting is neat, and she looks knowledgeable with a pair of glasses. Ziyun can play the flute very well, and also likes to help teachers and students. She is our little helper, so she is very popular! Ziyun sometimes plays with Jingwen to make beautiful music.

Ziyun and I would talk and laugh together after class, and sometimes we would go out for a walk and play games. We have written an exchange diary before, which means that we can let each other know today's happiness, anger and sadness. Ziyun's personality is amiable and helpful, so I like to make friends with Ziyun.

Although we have quarreled for some time, I really cherish this friendship, because without him, I feel like an abandoned orphan. Ziyun always comforts me when I am sad; When I have something on my mind, she will listen to my pain. Here I want to say to her: "Thank you! My good friend. "

Composition related to friends (2)

Composition related to friends

1. Memory treasured in the heart

When I recall the past, I will find the feeling that the memory is still fresh, as if it happened yesterday, and the memory treasured in my heart appears before my eyes.

A few months ago, due to our curiosity about the new environment, we came to the Youth Science and Technology Experimental Base. It was as if we were in an open field with lush trees and flowers. This was my first impression of the base.

With a few expectations, we started the course here. In the classroom, there is less teacher's explanation voice and more argument voice of students' independent learning, one after another. In addition, the curriculum here is also very interesting. There is no language number. Instead, it is a comprehensive quality training course. Such as photography class, folk custom class, astronomy class, boxing class, art class and so on. Among them, photography class and self cooking class left me a deep memory.

At first, I was a little nervous. Would the teacher be strict? When I saw a young man in his twenties, all my scruples were gone. He was not only young, but also humorous. A few words made everyone laugh. Not only that, he also taught us how to use the camera, how to select the scene and how to capture.

Then, we selected people to take pictures on the campus. In groups of three or two, we were everywhere, occasionally by the pool, occasionally under the tree, occasionally under the teaching building. Laughter rose one after another, and the whole campus was filled with a happy atmosphere.

At the end of the class, the teacher took a group photo of our class. With the cry of "eggplant", our smiling faces were frozen at that moment, and our memories were filled with beautiful memories of that moment.

Although the memory of the photography class is very good, the bursts of laughter in the self cooking class are still lingering in my ears.

Although we are post-90s children, we have not suffered too much, and we have not experienced great storms, we are capable. Look, don't students pick up cooking utensils like adults? After the division of labor was clear, every student took action to wash, cut and fry the vegetables in order. The appearance is good, but actually some students started cooking before the oil was cooked. Some of them used salt as sugar and made many jokes. When we tasted our own dishes, we also understood the difficulties of our parents and their hard work.

Five days passed quickly, but time can't take away my memory. These five days of happy time will deeply burn my memory and become the precious wealth of my life.

2. My friends and I

What is the concept of accommodation? In the past, I never thought I could leave my father and mother and live in school. But when I entered Donggezhi and lived in the dormitory for a semester. In my opinion, accommodation can fully cultivate a person's self-care ability; Can train children to be more independent; It can help children learn how to deal with interpersonal relationships, so that no one will pay attention to you in the dormitory. Of course, among all my roommates, I have a best friend. We are inseparable. Wherever we go, we always walk together. The students were also very strange. No matter how good a friend is, there are times when they are apart. Why are you two together all the time?

I remember when the seventh grade just started, my former good friend "abandoned" me. At this time, I felt so lonely that no one paid any attention to me. At this time, she also happened to be "abandoned". We felt that we had a good conversation and became good friends. We often bicker and sometimes think each other is strange, but after each quarrel, we will make up, because we both think bickering is a kind of fun!

Once, my math test was only 68 points. On that day, I was in a bad mood. I was not happy to see anyone. My classmates said that I felt like I had eaten a bomb. I could not touch it, and it would explode when I touched it. But I didn't think so. However, I will scold whoever provokes me. She ran over and said, "What's wrong with you today?" I ignored her. She asked again, "Did you have a bad result in the math test?" I looked up at her and thought: How do you know? She asked again, "Are you thinking, how do I know? We are good friends, and the so-called 'one heart knows one thing'! A bad test result does not mean anything, as long as you try your best, but you must work harder next time!" I heard that, I am so happy that I have such a good friend, who can help me out. I suddenly laughed and said to her, "Thank you, 'good buddy'!"

Accommodation brings me happiness, and good friends bring me laughter. I believe that our friendship will last forever!

Composition related to friends (3)

I have a good friend. She is very beautiful, and she studies very well. What's important is that she is good at preaching and helping others.

Her face is slightly round. Under her big bright eyes, she has a small and exquisite nose and a small cherry mouth. It's very cute!

Once, I accidentally broke my favorite water cup. I was so sad that I burst into tears. She just came to play with me. When she saw me crying, she ran to dry my tears, smiled and said to me, "Oh, why are you so childish? Isn't it just a water cup? Is it worth it?" "This is my favorite water cup!" I sobbed and said, "No! We can't shed tears so easily. Listen, the Eighth Route Army used to cross the snow mountain. Do you know how cold it is! But didn't they finally pass? Have you ever heard of a soldier crying because of the cold? Look at Aunt Heidi, did she cry because she was different from others? No But now you just cry for a cup of water. Don't you feel humble?

In fact, friends are rare. Those who play together at ordinary times are called playmates. Those who lend a helping hand in difficult times are called friends. I believe this sentence, because she is such a person. Once, I caught a cold and couldn't go to school. No one told me about my homework. The heavy rain outside was pouring down, and there was no one on the street. I leaned against the window and was worried about my homework. Suddenly, in the dim light, a small umbrella appeared. Who could it be? Close, closer! It's her!

I hastened to pick her up. "Here you are!" "En En! Today's homework is..."

Friendship is like a guide, guiding you forward when you are at a loss; Friendship, like a flower, fragrance our hearts; Friendship is like... one can't live without friends, but only such a good friend is a friend!

Composition related to friends (4)

In today's society, many elderly people still retain the feudal idea of "son preference", and my grandmother also has this idea.

It was that time that I wrote all my worries and troubles in the circular diary. The teacher called me to the office after reading it. To tell the truth, I was more or less worried at that time, thinking that the teacher would tell me not to write such things again. The teacher did not like to read such articles. However, to my surprise, the teacher did not like what I imagined, on the contrary.

The teacher first pulled me to her side, and then asked me: "Do you like your grandmother?" I shook my head very definitely. "Can you tell the teacher why?" I told the teacher what she had done to me. After listening to her, the teacher told me her experience. He said to me: "The two old people in our family also want a boy. After giving birth to your sister in our family, they don't like him very much. But now you see, they are very happy, very happy."

After listening to this, I felt a little turmoil in my heart, and tears also flowed out. The teacher thoughtfully gave me a piece of toilet paper and said, "Grandma still loves you, because after all, you are their own granddaughter, and they don't love whom you love, do they? Understand them." After hearing these words, I suddenly understood, maybe I didn't understand them and didn't think about them from their perspective.

When walking out of the office, the teacher said that if you have anything or cannot open your heart in the future, you can write it down in your notebook, or directly come to the teacher to tell it. The teacher can help you open this section of your heart. Don't hold it in your heart. The teacher's words flowed into my heart like a warm current, because I was afraid to tell my parents about these things and embarrassed to talk about them with my classmates. I really needed a person to tell. Now I have one. This person is my new friend, the language teacher.

Some people think that the relationship between teachers and students is just ordinary, with only academic links. But I think this relationship can be further developed into the best and most intimate kind of friend relationship.

Composition related to friends (5)

There is a friend who likes to laugh, that is, there is a ray of sunshine and a sweet sugar—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

On the new school day, the sky was blue, and the sun was scattered on the ground through the gaps between the leaves. I pulled a red suitcase into the campus.

I was in Class 2, Grade 1 of Senior High School. When I walked into this strange classroom, I saw strange faces. I slowed down to a girl with a ponytail and asked softly: "Can I sit here?" "Of course!" She gave me a smile. Since then, I have known her - "sauce little meat"

She is a girl who likes to laugh and is a bit bumpy. Her smiles are various.

A gluttonous smile

Usually in the dormitory, I take out something delicious. When I'm about to take the first bite, she will come running. She looked at me, slightly bent down, mouth up, eyes bent into an arc, and then giggled. Needless to say, she was greedy again. This is a greedy smile.


For another example, last time, I said "You are a pig!" in order to play a joke with her, so we started a "debate". Of course, her side won. She put her hands on her hips, straightened her waist, and laughed like an old witch. This is a sly laugh.


However, when anyone is sad, she will send the warmest smile. I remember that when the results of the Duan exam came out, my score was actually in the lower middle. After reading the report card, my mind was completely blank. The top of my head was full of black clouds, and I sat on the seat with my head down. At this time, "sauce small meat" was not as crazy as usual, but quietly walked up to me, matched with her warm smile, said: "Xiao Bei......" Seeing her smile, my heart shook, like eating a sweet candy, let me cheer up. And this sweet sugar is her smile.

This is her, a girl who likes to laugh and is a bit bumpy. She is everyone's pistachio, everyone's "sauce little meat".

Composition related to friends (6)

Because I am short-sighted, wearing glasses and a mask, I can't see clearly. The wind, like a sharp knife, mercilessly blows past my face. My ears are red with cold. My hands are suddenly stuffed into my pockets, my hair is fluttering from side to side, and my neck is exposed. I can't help but drill into my collar to find some warmth. My eyes are sore and hot when the wind blows, The nose is red and cold, like a clown in an amusement park. The wind blows harder and harder, the branches rustle, passers-by rush home, scarves and masks are all on.

The house beside the road is brightly lit, and the whole family is happily eating a hot dinner. How I look forward to it. I have arrived home at this time, eating a delicious dinner in front of the warm heat, but I am still a long way from home! At my present speed, when I got home, it was already dark. Parents on the road rushed home with their children in their arms, holding them more and more tightly for fear of freezing my baby. I couldn't help complaining about my parents, who were working hard all day.

Suddenly, a familiar and unrecognizable figure came into my eyes. Oh, it was her classmate Wang Saili. She had carried my bag, and it was a little hard, because she was very thin. She said, "Sit down, I'll take you with me. It's too cold." I was so excited that I didn't know what to say. I got on the bike, and tears flowed down. Wang Saili pedaled hard. I was not so cold, because the wind was mercilessly hitting him, and my vision gradually blurred. The lights in the distance were like a bunch of golden flowers. The street lights were also lit up, and the road became very bright, A primary school student in the distance is driving his classmates to her home. They are resisting the cold of winter, enjoying the warmth of summer, the hope of spring, and the harvest of autumn.

Feel each other's friendship, in the howling cold wind, friend, it's good to have you!?