I found () composition (popular 16)
Rose with thorns
2024-01-18 07:40:01
primary school

I found () composition (1)

It was still a summer many years ago. I was sitting on my little bed with my good friend and playing happily. Suddenly, I felt a hard thing under my buttocks. When I felt it, it was a one yuan coin that fell out of an empty pocket. I found Kongkong was playing. I didn't notice my action, so I slipped the coin into my pocket and felt a twinge of joy. After a while, Kongkong went home. I took a coin out of my pocket. Needless to say, I was so happy that I could finally afford to buy snacks. Holding the coin, I quickly ran to the store in the community. Without hesitation, I selected my favorite greedy monkey and walked to the cash register. When I was ready to pay, I suddenly hesitated. I could not spend the money. It was empty money. I felt ashamed of my reckless behavior just now, quickly put the snacks back in place and ran to the empty house.

After this incident, I found that I had grown up.

I found () composition (2)

The miraculous nature, with its various forms and mysteries, has given people a lot of inspiration.

it is said that; "When ants move, it rains." I confirmed this proverb again and found the reason.

When I was very young, I became curious about this problem. One day when I was in the third grade, I found a long queue of ants in my yard, moving like a long march, and every little ant had a grain of sand. Later, my father told me, "That's because every time the ants feel stuffy, they will move to their new home immediately, so that it will be cooler. When the weather is stuffy, it usually rains the next day. The sand like things on the ants when they move are the eggs laid by the queen ants and the food they store." Oh! I also understand that if people see ants moving, it will usually rain tomorrow. Although ants are small, they can predict the weather and have great ability.

I found the secret of ant moving by accident, which is really interesting! I can't help feeling bursts of joy for my new discovery. There are many mysteries waiting for us to discover in life. Let's pay attention to them!

I found () composition (3)

One Monday afternoon, I found an earthworm near the school badminton court. I wanted to catch it, but as soon as I picked it up, the earthworm slipped down. I saw that the body of the earthworm was like a winding rope with smooth skin. I just use a pocket to pack it and take it home.

When I brought the earthworms home, I decided to do two experiments: take out a three section box, put the earthworms in the middle box, put some soil in the left box, open a small window to let the sun shine in, and put soil in the right box, but not let the sun shine in. I opened my eyes wide and carefully observed the movements of earthworms. After a while, the earthworm slowly moved towards the dark box.

I began to do the second experiment again: cut the earthworm into two sections with a knife, and the yellow liquid flowed from the earthworm's body, which smelled very smelly. I put the earthworm cut into two sections back into the soil. After a few months, I found that the earthworm had grown completely again. It turns out that earthworms can regenerate.

Through this experiment, I learned a truth: we should have a pair of eyes to explore to discover the world.

I found () composition (4)

Everyone has his own discovery from everything: Newton discovered the gravity of the earth from the falling apple; Watt discovered the role of water vapor from the steam generated by boiling the kettle, thus invented the steam engine; Lu Ban invented the saw from the small teeth of plants... I also have some small discoveries in my life. Let me share them with you here!

That was when I was 8 years old. One day, I noticed that my kitten was behaving strangely: she always scratched the door with her paws when she was free; When jumping out of or into the iron door, he always shakes his head. After shaking, he sometimes does not jump in or out, and then barks at the same place. The kitten's behavior is really strange. So I plan to return to the Jianghu to investigate this "weird" phenomenon.

In order to investigate, I took out "weapons" - Encyclopedia and One Hundred Thousand Whys, put on sunglasses, masks and gloves, and rushed to the investigated object - kitten. When the kitten saw that I was coming, she was so fierce that she lost her voice and ran to the gate with "Meow". I braked hard, rushed out of the side door, and caught the kitten who was about to "escape" from the gate. I didn't wait for the kitten to shout "wronged" for half a time, so I put it into the living room, took out the "bundle Xiansuo", tied it to the kitten, and started my research. I analyzed the action of the kitten scratching the door, and decided to start with the paws and study. I compulsively approached the kitten to "show my magic weapon". After careful study of my paws, I opened the "100000 Why" to find out about "cats". The heaven pays its dues. I finally found it. It turns out that cats have not caught mice for a long time, and their paws will grow long. In the future, catching mice will become extremely inconvenient. They will look for something to sharpen their paws, so that their paws will not become dull. Hum, it's really not difficult for me. I did the same for the next question, but this time I couldn't find the answer. No wonder, who would study how cats jump through iron doors? I am determined to solve it by myself. I first concluded that the beard has an absolute relationship with this problem, and then measured the length of the cat's beard and the length of the widest part of the body. When I compared them, they were exactly the same. I couldn't help but be happy. It turns out that cats also have small tools! The kitten shook his head. In fact, he was measuring the size of the iron door crack to determine whether he could jump in and out. It was really interesting!

This is my discovery, a small discovery, as long as I carefully observe the things around me, there will be more important discoveries!

I found () composition (5)

One day, the teacher asked us to go to the school yard to observe the small fish.

I watched the small fish with my good friend Wu Yujie. I saw many big and small fish inside. But I like a fish as thick as a finger. Its eyes are small, like marbles, and its mouth is big and red. The big one is bigger than tangyuan, and the red one is redder than fire. The face is pink and the body is white, just like the snow falling down in winter.

In the morning, the little fish were swimming around, some followed the team; Some are whispering; Others are saying that I love you like a family; Others are daydreaming. How interesting!

At noon, we waited in line to have a meal. The head of Xiaoyu poked out as if to say, "I'm hungry, give us fish some food, OK?"? We ignored it, and the fish reluctantly swam away. The fish thought: In the afternoon, we should be able to eat!

In the afternoon, when we went home, the little fish jumped up and said loudly, "Give us something to eat!"! But the little fish spoke loudly, and we couldn't understand it. Some fish said: Wait for tomorrow!

As the days passed, some fish died and some were alive.

I feel sorry for the little fish. I will take good care of the little fish in the future.

I found () composition (6)

In life, there is no lack of beauty and mystery, just a lack of good observation eyes. Today I will tell you about my recent discoveries!

One day, my brother and I went to the pond to play. I found that all fish have whiskers, and their whiskers have different shapes. Some are long, some are flat, some are round, some are short. But what's the use of these whiskers? I returned home with my questions, opened my "little assistant" - "100000 Why", found the animal science book, and found the answer. It turns out that the beard of a fish is like our navigation. It is an organ that guides the fish forward and will not let the fish get lost. This is really amazing!

I discovered a "miracle". Once, my food fell on the ground carelessly. After a while, a group of ants came over and seemed to want to take my food home to fill my stomach. I wondered: How can an ant with small hair move something dozens or hundreds of times heavier than them? I hurried to check on the Internet and found that ants are friendly animals. When friends are in trouble, they will help each other. I can't help exclaiming: "Unity has such great power!"

Life is not short of beauty and mystery, but of observation eyes. As long as we observe carefully, there will be many interesting discoveries.

I found () composition (7)

Before my baby teeth fell out, the small teeth below could not wait to get out of the flesh. I had no choice but to take my tooth out. As soon as I entered the dental hospital, I saw a lot of shiny tongs in the basket. I was scared and hid behind my mother. I was really worried that the doctor would pull out my whole row of teeth. The doctor seemed to know what was on my mind. He comforted me and said, "Little friend, don't be afraid, just be ready right away!" He took a bottle of anesthetic liquid and smeared a cotton ball on the tooth I was going to remove. After a while, my tooth became numb. The doctor brought me a pair of pliers and asked me to close my eyes. My tooth disappeared with a sound. I didn't know when it was pulled out. So tooth extraction is not terrible!

ha-ha! I changed my teeth! I've grown up!

I found () composition (8)

I heard that earthworms have the function of regeneration. I'm half convinced. In order to find out this problem, I made an experiment.

On Saturday, I caught a big and fat earthworm and divided it into two sections with a knife. I saw some yellow mucus flowing from the place where the earthworm was cut. Then I did not move. I thought it was dead, but I thought it was wrong in the book? No, it's impossible. After a while, the earthworm started to move. And from the original one, into two. I was very happy, but a huge question mark came into my mind, dividing earthworms into three, four or five sections? So I did another experiment: I found three earthworms, cut one into three sections, one into four sections, and one into five sections, and then raised them in three containers A, B, and C. Three weeks later, after digging up the soil, I found that there were two earthworms in container A and B, and no earthworms in container C. Why can an earthworm grow into two pieces when it is cut into two pieces, and can only grow into two pieces when it is cut into three, four or five pieces? Later, I searched a lot of information, and asked the teacher to know. It turns out that earthworms, like geckos, have regenerative organs in their bodies. Their regenerative organs are not separated together, and there are nine to fifteen segments. This kind of organ can make earthworms regenerate after being decomposed, and a new head will grow on the section without a head; One tail will grow on the section without a tail, and one earthworm will become two complete earthworms. If this organ is destroyed, perhaps earthworms cannot regenerate.

I found () composition (9)

In daily life, there are many mysteries. As long as you watch carefully, there will be many new discoveries.

Once, I caught a small snail from the wet grass of the school. At first, I dared not take it, but later, I dared to put it in my hand. I found that the place where the snail crawled would leave a milky white mucus. I thought about it day and night, but I still couldn't figure out what effect it would have. Finally, I came up with a way to do experiments to see what it does.

First, I made a small house for "Little Snail" with several sticks, paper and clay. Then, I raise the cochlea inside. Then one day, I didn't give the little snail food to eat, and let it go out to find food. In the morning, I found that it was missing, but I saw it at the door of the house until there was a slime I said. In the afternoon, when I went to see it, Xiaoxie returned home unharmed. I thought to myself: Oh, are all snails "god snails"? They can find their own home. Later, I finally learned that this is a function of mucus.

After I finished this experiment, I became more interested in snails. I decided to observe more insects next time, and do some small experiments to find more.

I found () composition (10)

In fact, there are many interesting phenomena in the world. As long as you observe carefully, it will bring you unexpected discoveries. Now let me tell you about my wonderful experience.

Everyone must like to eat sugar fried chestnuts, especially the "military chestnuts", which are fragrant and sweet. As long as you walk on the street, you can smell the smell of fried chestnuts from afar, which makes your mouth water and you really want to eat.

However, although the meat of chestnuts is delicious, the shell of chestnuts is hard to peel. If peeled by hand, the shell is hard; If you bite with your mouth, the meat is fragile; It is unsafe to cut with a knife. You must have such troubles. I found a trick in my ordinary life. You must be eager to know how to do it. Now, I will give you a small try and teach you how to peel the chestnuts skillfully and easily.

First, press the big thumb on the center of the chestnut, because the center of the big chestnut shell is the most tender, and it will break when you press it gently. Then press the big thumb and forefinger on both sides of the center, and the chestnut meat will be easily squeezed out, and this move is also applicable to peeling litchi shells.

After reading the introduction above, we must have learned it. We must be overjoyed by eating big chestnuts.

The above is a small discovery in my life. Let's just throw a brick to attract jade. In fact, there are certain rules in the development of everything. As long as we carefully look for them, we can definitely find out the way, just like Grandpa Ye Shengtao told us the secret of reading: "The author has a way of thinking, and follows the way to know the truth".

What I found is a lot of fun.

I found () composition (11)

A very strange thing happened on the bus a few days ago. I took the No. 108 bus to school that morning. A middle-aged man didn't swipe his card when he got on the bus, and an old man nearby said something about him. As a result, the middle-aged man became angry and shouted insults at him, Finally, I would like to say: "You and I are both Shanghainese. You are humiliating Shanghainese!

I remember clearly that there were some good habits about the World Expo on the bus TV at that time. Now I think that the middle-aged man didn't swipe his card when he got on the bus. It was his fault. At the end, he said that the old man had disgraced the Shanghai people, and he didn't want to look at it. What about himself? I think now we should start from the little things around us to show the harmony and beauty of the city.

I found () composition (12)

After brushing my teeth and washing my face this morning, I made myself a breakfast.

The breakfast operation content is to put water into the pot. I don't know its name. Anyway, it is the interlayer for putting steamed bread. I put the steamed buns and buns in the pot, turned on the fire and burned for a while. The steamed buns and buns became hot. I took out the steamed buns and buns, and I smelled the delicious smell. Then, I put pickles into steamed buns. First, I brought my father some small meat buns, and then I opened my big mouth to eat. Steamed buns with pickles are spicy and delicious. Finally, I warmed a glass of milk.

I cooked my own breakfast for several days in a row. It's really delicious. My mother said, I'm great. She said I can cook when I grow up. I can't eat anymore.

I found () composition (13)

I discovered the secret of spiders. In front of my window, there is a spider web. I once observed it for a day... One morning, I got up very early, about 5:49. I felt very stuffy in the room. When I came to the window, I saw a spider weaving a web, which aroused my interest, I have been watching the spider... When the spider started to weave the web, it first fixed one piece of silk on a tree, and then fixed another piece of silk on another tree, so that it weaved a hexagonal outline six times over and over again. After it weaves the outline, it starts to weave the inside figure. The spider weaves inside layer by layer according to the original method. So the spider's web is woven like this! How clever it is! At 10:35 a.m., the spider finally weaves the web. The net is as big as a washbasin, woven into the cracks of two big trees. After weaving the net, it waited for prey in a corner of the net. Waiting for his lunch. Suddenly, a mosquito fell on the Internet and stood on its feet. The mosquito's dying shaking was felt by the spider, and it quickly climbed out, put its head in, and sucked the nutrition from the mosquito's body. I also found the secret of the spider's prey. At 2:30 p.m., it began to rain and knocked down the spider's web. But the spider did not lose heart, and began to weave the web from scratch. The spider rewoven the web according to the previous method, and the effort paid off. The spider finally weaved the web.

At night, the spider web was still there, but the spider disappeared. I thought to myself, "It must be that he is going to move, because there are not many mosquitoes around here." I thought to myself, "Spider, I will miss you, and I welcome you to my home anytime!"

I found... 450 words in composition

I found () composition (14)

Nature is a wonderful world with many amazing mysteries.

Everyone has seen Little Rabbit. This weekend, five of us went to Grandma's house. My grandma lives in the countryside. She raises many lovely white rabbits. I'm going to stay here for a few days.

The happiest thing is to play with the rabbit. I was eating chicken feet while holding carrots for the rabbit to eat. When I leaned down to feed the rabbit, the rabbit quickly jumped to me as if it had not eaten for a long time. But in a few seconds, the rabbit ate the carrot with relish. Ah! My chicken paw fell to the ground accidentally and was bitten by a white rabbit. God! I was shocked when I saw this scene. Such hard chicken feet can be bitten to pieces. From this moment on, I decided to take a good look at the rabbit's teeth. I picked up a white rabbit and carefully poked out its teeth with my hands. Six long and sharp teeth were displayed in front of me. No wonder I could crush the chicken feet. I began to check the information online to confirm the situation. It turns out that the rabbit's teeth have been rubbing with food all his life to achieve the effect of grinding teeth.

Seeing the rabbit's teeth, we can think of the fact that the knife will become rusty and dull when used. At this time, it is necessary to use a whetstone for friction to make the knife sharp again.

The mysteries of nature are endless, which need us to explore, become the source of our discovery and creation, and create a happier and better life.

I found () composition (15)

In daily study, work and life, many people have written a composition bar. Composition is a speech activity with a high degree of comprehensiveness and creativity. When you write a composition, you always have no way to start? The following is the composition of my findings sorted out by my editor for you. Welcome to read and collect.

From babbling to growing up, I have many discoveries that accompany our growth. The discovery has taught us that fire is hot and cannot be touched; Teach us to wear cotton padded clothes and trousers in winter; It also teaches us to be brave when we make mistakes. Discovery has brought us happiness and trouble in our growth.

Now, let me share with you the happiness brought by discovery! Once, I was playing a game with my friends. Suddenly, my "natural enemy" Song Ziyuan hit me from behind. I thought it was Hu Yue, so I said to her, "What are you doing?" "What am I doing?" Hu Yue said as if nothing had happened. I would forgive her even if she hit me, but I was so angry that I walked away without looking back. She was a little confused by the monk. When I came to the door, I heard Hu Yue say: "This man, have you taken the wrong medicine?" Later, I knew it was too late when Hu Yue hit me. We had already quarreled.

Let me confess to her? I hesitated for a while, and finally went to her to admit my mistake in judgment, and we made up as before. From this incident, I learned that we should carefully observe things. According to the situation at that time, if we carefully observed, I would find the truth of the matter, so that we would not wronged others. We should find out the truth of everything before solving the problem. Another time, I only got 92.5 points in the Chinese exam. My father was very angry, but no one taught me, but he patiently told me the wrong questions, because I was careless and didn't see the requirements of the questions clearly. Finally, my father told me that I must look carefully at the questions, find out the meaning of the questions, and then answer the questions, so that the next time I would be sure to do well in the exam. Sure enough, after my efforts, I got 97 points in the second exam. Through this matter, I understand that as long as you are willing to pay, you will gain!

In life, there are many things waiting for us to discover and explore. We should use our own eyes to learn more things and experience the happiness life brings us!

I found () composition (16)

My findings

My childhood was carefree and happy: with the care of my grandfather and grandmother, the careful care of my father and mother, the cultivation of my teachers, and the help of my classmates. In my childhood when I was growing up healthily, I didn't find many things. One discovery I didn't know whether to say it or not.

My hometown is in the countryside, and villagers live in tile roofed houses (houses with civil structures and roof tiles).

Once, I went back to my hometown to play. After having lunch and watching TV for a while, I found it boring and ran out to find my friends to play with.

Out of the house, I saw a lot of grass growing on the roof. I feel strange. So I carefully observed the tiles and found that there was some black soil in the gutter, just like my black hair. I think only grass grows on the ground, why does grass grow on the roof? I told my grandfather this question, and he asked me to study it by myself.

I asked my grandpa to help me build a ladder, and he was very happy to do so. I climbed up step by step attentively, finally I got a handful of black soil, and slowly retreated step by step. Grandpa kept shouting to me: Watch out, slow down. Back on the ground, I also gave a long sigh of relief.

I began to study. I spread the soil and twisted it with my hands. I found grass seeds. How did they come from? Grandpa said: What flies in the sky? Bird I said. Grandpa nodded.

It suddenly dawned on me that grass had grown on the roof before, because birds sometimes brought grass seeds to the roof. When there was soil on the roof, grass naturally grew.

Tile houses in rural areas need to pick up tiles every few years, one of the reasons is to prevent grass growing.

As long as we are good at observation and thinking, there will be many discoveries. Whether this discovery is valuable or not, it will make us smart.