Choose 600 words of kindness in composition (8 in total)
2024-04-22 05:40:01

Choose 600 words of kindness in composition (1)

A kind person will regard the happiness of others as his own happiness. He gives flowers to others and leaves thorns to himself, which is the charm of kindness.

A kind-hearted person will not look at others coldly because they are shabby and smelly of sweat, nor will he despise and speak ill of others because they are dirty workers. On the contrary, he will show his friendliness and help according to his ability. With great compassion, he looked at all the people in the world with an inclusive heart. Because in this world, sometimes we don't just need money!

In fact, everyone will encounter unpleasant things, and they are eager for help, understanding, sympathy and love. The kind-hearted people will never be stingy about giving them. He felt that it was his' happiness' to be able to do something for others. When he gave something to others, he also enjoyed it and enjoyed the happiness of dedication. A kind person is like a sun that shines and heats up. Wherever he goes, he can bring light and warmth. While burning himself, he also shines on others with the light of love.

A kind person will not only focus on the shortcomings of others. He can find the advantages and strengths of others from the details, and lose no time to give encouragement and praise. Because he believes that any encouragement and praise is more conducive to building a person's self-esteem and self-confidence than ridicule and reprimand. He will be meticulous and considerate of others' difficulties, and sincerely willing to share their worries. So he won more respect from others. Perhaps, someone said: Kindness is not necessarily a good thing, not necessarily charming, not necessarily moving.

Good people usually have a hot heart, so that their warmth emanates from the heart. Kindhearted people are very cute, so they are popular in the environment they live in. I once saw a 73 year old kind-hearted uncle who helped poor students with his only pension. His face was full of wrinkles and white hair, but people said he was still young and attractive.

It is because of kindness that we have charm.

Choose 600 words of kindness in composition (2)

"The wind brings flowers to the ground, and the rain brings spring trees to the sky." The world is very beautiful—— The world is beautiful, not only because of the smoke and waves of spring, but also because of the morning clouds and evening rolls of Youxia; There are brilliant clouds in autumn, and ice and jade in winter; It is more because of the good nourishment, the care of love, and the company of blessings.

I remember when I was a child, my mother told me a story, which left a deep impression on me. The story goes like this: Once upon a time, in the deep of a mountain. There is a small village. The village is very dry. It hasn't rained for more than a year. Don't say the crops don't grow long, but they even drink. Nobody has any. Many people died of thirst, and some people went out of the mountain life. There were more than 100 people in the original village, but now there are only more than 40 people. In addition, there is a little girl and her mother in more than 40 people.

One day, the little girl's mother wanted to drink water. But there was not a drop of water in her water tank. The little girl looked at her thirsty mother and immediately went out to find water for her mother. But she searched all over the village, and couldn't find a drop of water. She was so tired that she fell asleep under a big tree

When she woke up, she found herself in a small house with a pot of water in it. She was so excited that she was about to leave when she suddenly saw a witch and a man dying of thirst. The witch said, "Hello, little girl. I give you two choices. One is to take the water home and give it to your mother, and the other is to give the pot of water to the thirsty person." Then the witch pointed to the person on the ground.

The little girl thought twice and finally gave the man the water to drink. The witch looked at it and said to the little girl, "You are a kind person, and you will get good results." She waved her hand, and it rained in the sky, and a river appeared outside the house

The little girl brought the water from the river home for her mother to drink. After drinking it, her mother regained her old spirit

The little girl saved the whole village with her kindness. From now on, the village has regained its former peace and quiet.

Kindness does not need too much interpretation. It is a torch in the cold wind, a consolation when sad, a touch in pain, and a little support when helpless. Give kindness to others, and also to yourself, then human beings will shine with the sun and the moon; Leave a piece of kindness to the world, then the world will live with the stars. True love is kind-hearted, has kind-hearted, spreads kind-hearted, then, you will open a bunch of brilliant flowers, even if you are beautiful, but also make others warm, be a kind seed! Help people around you together.

Related to 600 words of good composition

Choose 600 words of kindness in composition (3)

With my wings flapping, I flew over buildings and came to the courtyard where ginkgo trees were planted. When night fell, I quietly enjoyed the shining "gems" in the night sky, shining brightly.

After a while, I felt my neck was sore, so I lowered my head. Suddenly, two gems with green light were hidden among the plants. Could it be that they fell from the sky? I looked closely, wow, not a gem, but a cat! I took off immediately and landed on a piece of white paper in the washing machine.

I suddenly feel a little sticky, bad, I am stuck! What should I do? What should I do? I don't want to be caught by the cat, but what can I do? I have no patience, quietly waiting for the arrival of death.

The red wooden door was pushed open, and several figures ran towards me. A little girl with a ponytail anxiously ran in front of me, her eyes showing anxiety, impatience and sadness. Suddenly, she turned her head and said something to the four adults beside her. I didn't understand, but I could hear her voice that was similar to choking.

I was taken down with the white paper that hurt me. An old lady with curly hair gently pinched me with wrinkles on her face. With a sound of "hiss", I was torn down. Most of the right quilt was torn down, causing slight pain. Even so, it was better than sticking on the white paper. So I would also like to thank the kind old lady.

I reluctantly flew up, but not very high. An orange figure sprang out of the green potted plants and knocked me down. I was thrown to the ground. I was stunned, but I quickly responded.

The cat is approaching me step by step. I can hear its breathing. No, don't do that! But in the face of such a powerful enemy, there is nothing I can do, and I am almost exhausted, so I have to close my eyes, which can make me relaxed.

"Dong, Dong. Dong" A series of rapid footsteps came into my ears. A pair of warm hands picked me up and carried me into a carton. "Swallow, I will come to see you tomorrow morning" The little girl left this sentence with a brisk step.

Thank you for this experience, let me see the beauty of the world, the world is not as cold as my mother said, the world still has such precious goodness.

Choose 600 words of kindness in composition (4)

After entering the dog days, it is hot and hot every day, and rainy days are no exception. The sun shines through the gaps between the leaves. There is a smell of dampness after the rain, and the feeling of muggy in dog days after the rain, which makes people very restless. One morning during the summer vacation, I sat at my desk, picked up my book and prepared to take notes. Suddenly, I heard someone downstairs crying, "Sell glutinous rice balls!" Hearing this voice, my thoughts were taken to the way to school that day

As usual, I was turning in a street. This time, there was an old woman who was trying to drag an electric tricycle to pass through the lane. It happened that there were pedestrian paths on both sides of the street, and there were still a layer of steps from the ground. In the middle of the alley, there were two white stones, and her car was just stuck inside. She wore a blue cloth gown and a pair of old black cloth shoes. Although it was not hot at that time, there were a little sweat on the back of her hands. I ran to her and said, "Grandma, let me help you." I pulled the edge of the tricycle with one hand and put the other hand on the back of the tricycle to help her pull it inside. She stood up straight, and I found that she was very short, and her yellow eyes were very bright now. She wiped away her sweat, smiled, and the wrinkles on her face spread to both sides. "Girl, thank you. I just came to sell some breakfast in the morning to help with my family. She took out two glutinous rice balls and forced me to go to school. Don't be late..." It is estimated that she saw my schoolbag on my shoulder. "I'm sorry to have delayed you for so long." I smiled "It doesn't matter". Finally, when I turned around and left, I quickly put the two glutinous rice balls on the old woman's tricycle and ran away quickly. Every time I went to school later, the granny's glutinous rice balls became a unique landscape in this alley. Every time I pass by school, she always gives me a smile. In fact, there are many, many kind people in this society. They help many, many people, and the person who is helped will also be infected, become a kind person, and pass on one by one.

One day in the summer vacation, I hurried to the Children's Palace for class. As soon as I went out, a heat wave hit me in the face. The hot sun was scorching the earth, the trees and greening on the roadside were drooping listlessly, the dogs and dogs were also hot and sticking out their tongues. Some people wore umbrellas, some wore sun hats, and some armed themselves with only a pair of eyes outside; They were rushing along the road, as if they had been melted by the "fireball" for another minute. I waited at the platform and looked around while waiting. I found an old man riding three wheels. His car was piled with flattened cartons. Tall, perhaps because it was too heavy, he struggled to stand up from his seat, clenched his teeth and pedaled hard, He also wiped his sweat with a towel soaked with sweat from time to time, and his sweatshirt was already wet and close to his body. After a while, Grandpa got out of the car, holding the handlebar with one hand and the flattened cardboard boxes behind with the other hand, leaning forward and pushing hard. Then I noticed that Grandpa was pushing the car up the slope. At this time, I wanted to go and help him, but I was on the other side of the street, across a flowing road, I can only pray silently that there will be good people to help. However, all the passers-by were indifferent and ignored, and went on their way. I can't help thinking of the old lady's smile, which is so warm and beautiful. I think kindness doesn't necessarily have to do great things. Sometimes a sincere greeting, a kind smile, or casual help can pass on love to others and let love permeate everyone's heart bit by bit.

Therefore, kindness is like sunny days after rain. Many people boast that they are kind people. But what is true kindness? It is not to show wealth in front of poverty, it is not to let others see the richness in your bowl in front of a simple meal. I think it is because those kind people have a warm heart. I once read a saying that "Even if there are ninety-nine people in the world who are indifferent and selfish, as long as there is one person who is sowing kindness, it is hope." Kindness is a virtue, not only helping others, respecting others, but also being honest, tolerant, filial to parents... Sowing kindness, kindling hope, I call on everyone to cultivate their moral integrity, Start from me and let this society be full of kindness and warmth.

Choose 600 words of kindness in composition (5)

I died and went into the dark and boundless hell.

I saw the god of destiny with a long beard. He smiled and said to me, "According to your deeds before your death, you will still be a person in the next life." I asked him, "What kind of person will I be in the next life?" He replied, "It depends on your choice. Follow me!" He led me to three doors and said, "You can enter one door!"

"The first door is power. If you enter here, you can have great power. You can control the fate and future of a country, you can determine a person's life, and you can even determine the fate of mankind. Many people flatter you and worship you, and they will contribute a lot to you. But you don't have true friends, and your wife and children, and all your relatives will try to seize your power. "

I shook my head: "Too much power is too lonely, intrigues and intrigues are too wasteful of human life. I don't choose."

"The second door is money." He said, "You will have a lot of money. You can say that wealth is invincible, and money is the thing that contemporary human beings are keen to pursue. Luxury life. You have money, you can also have the power in front of you. But you should try every way to make your money appreciate. For money, you must ignore your relatives, that is, you must not recognize your six relatives."

I was stunned, and then I said, "If there is too much money, I will not be myself. If there is too much money, people will become ruthless. It's terrible. I don't choose!"

"Where is the third door?" I asked hurriedly. "The third door is kindness. You may be a big man or an ordinary person, and your life may be full of injustice. You will also suffer a lot. However, you still adhere to the kindness of your heart. You may not be rich, but you like to help others. You may have great power, but you still solve problems for others. No one flatters you, nor does anyone contribute much to you. But you have many true friends. They like you, and your life is happy. "

Before he finished speaking, I rushed to shout: "I choose kindness!" He smiled and asked: "Why?" "A person who lives in the world cannot only pursue material enjoyment. A successful life should be a happy life. Kindness can make the heart relaxed and life full of happiness."

He smiled and said, "So, go!" He pushed me, and I woke up. It was a dream.

I muttered: "Kindness makes people happy, I choose a happy life, I choose kindness!"

Choose 600 words of kindness in composition (6)

If cleverness is a gift from heaven, then goodness is the choice of oneself. A person's goodness or unkindness lies in himself.

It is said that "at the beginning of human life, human nature is basically good". I really believe that everyone is pure and kind in infancy, because the baby's eyes are always so clear. But their paths are different when they grow up. Some are brilliant, some are degenerate, and some are just ordinary people, which depends on your choice.

I think I am neither ungrateful nor completely kind, but an intermediary between the cracks.

In fact, I will subconsciously choose goodness, and I always believe that "good people will be rewarded". Indeed, managers restrain themselves. But soon I found that I was just an ordinary person. I was not so noble and selfless. I would be tired if I always tried to do good deeds. Maybe I would not be understood by everyone. I gradually became lazy. Sometimes, when people are doing what they are doing, they deceive themselves and follow suit. They use such reasons as "following the crowd" to deceive their hearts and take it as an excuse for being unkind. They think that the habit that everyone has is not unkind, but just a phenomenon. Admittedly, these phenomena are often labeled as "unkind".

Although the phenomenon is common, it does not mean that everyone will participate in this phenomenon. Evil never prevails over right. This idiom is known to all. Just like kindness, it is always chosen and exercised by more people with good intentions. More people are always kind. In that case, why don't I become a member of "goodness"?

People always think that it doesn't matter if some people do that, but why must they choose not to be kind like some people? Everyone has a stroke in his heart to measure good and evil. In fact, he is not unable to measure good, but he does not want to face the results. No one wants to see the ugly side of bad after measurement.

I think that kindness is not because of the existence of others, but because of your own choice. In a critical moment, no one can control your choice. It is not without hesitation or confusion, but kindness does not need to be returned. Kindness does not need to be understood by everyone, and others cannot change their kindness.

So, if I face the choice, I will not let myself regret, I will choose kindness.

Choose 600 words of kindness in composition (7)

As far as donation boxes are concerned, they are very common public welfare facilities, which can be seen in supermarkets, restaurants or banks. However, the donation box placed in the supermarket not only failed to play its original role, but also became a waste box for the public. We must all see this scene: most of the people who came to the donation box voted for shopping invoices, coupons or advertising leaflets, while a few voted for ten cents or two cents. Looking inside, these waste papers occupy most of the donation box.

This phenomenon and natural action not only reflect the moral bottom line of the people in today's society, but also reflect the silent rejection and criticism of public charities.

People who may do such things also have their own reasons. The "Guo Meimei Event" that shocked the domestic society a few months ago has made the Red Cross Society's image in the hearts of Chinese people lower and lower, and the "Lu Meimei Event" has also made people vague about the true meaning of the word "charity". Originally, the donation box appeared in front of people with the slogan of "relieving poverty, doing good deeds and accumulating virtue", but now it has been labeled as "the world is so messy, just for whom".

However, this phenomenon is not reflected everywhere. Within 24 hours of the "July 23" incident, many "post-80s" and "post-90s" in the society began to raise funds and donations, and a large number of caring people poured out. Maybe you would ask? Why are so many people donating love to major traffic accidents? Are you indifferent to the donation box? Don't the Red Cross relief people need help?

In fact, faced with a series of questions, the answer is simple: the money donated is also destined for a clear purpose. On the contrary, what is the use of the money placed in the donation box in the supermarket? In an era of network convenience, when online public opinion can kill people, and a word can be a tsunami, and fake media events frequently occur, the public would rather believe that pieces of money full of love become stolen money than that it can help people in need. Perhaps most people will think: "It's none of my business" or "someone is responsible".

The main reason for this phenomenon is that the purpose of the money donated is unknown, and the Red Cross scandals have repeatedly broken out, making the public lose their confidence in charities. It is generally believed that charities, with a mask of pseudo charity, are deceiving people and the public, thus causing this phenomenon. Perhaps this kind of behavior reflecting the social atmosphere is also a topic worthy of our deep consideration.

Choose 600 words of kindness in composition (8)

Choose a kind composition of 600 words

In our life, we have to face many difficult choices. Every time, we should make the right choice. Remember that time, I also faced a difficult choice.

It was when I was eight years old that my mother and I went out for a walk and met my grandmother, who gave me a small sparrow. The little sparrow's feathers were not plump, and it could only glide in the low sky, Very interesting. I asked my mother, "Can we leave it?" My mother smiled and said, "You can decide for yourself. I'll go home first." Then she left. I gently put the little sparrow on the ground and carefully observed it. Suddenly, I saw it looking at me with begging eyes, which clearly said: "Please, let me go home! Mom is still waiting for me!" At this time, I felt like two little people were in a tug of war. One said: "Let it go, its mother is still waiting for it to go home!" Another said, "I can't let it go. I finally had a playmate, so I can have fun for a while." The first villain said, "The mother of the little sparrow must be anxious to find it. How can a child do without a mother?" The second villain said, "If I let it go, I can't play anymore. That's so boring!" Alas, what should I do, let it go? No? That's wrong. You can't leave it alone. Let it go? I have no time to play again. Forget it, let it go. It's most painful not to see your family.

When I got home, my mother asked if I had brought the little sparrow home. I raised my chest and replied, "I put it away and let it go home to find my mother." My mother heard the praise and said, "Xiaotian, great! You are really a kind child!" I smiled happily, and I was proud of my choice of kindness!

Choose a kind composition of 600 words

Kindness is a road marker, when you lose your way, it will show you the way forward; Kindness is a clear spring, which can nourish your life when you are thirsty; Kindness is a pair of powerful hands that can help you immensely when you are helpless. Therefore, when facing the choice of the soul, we must choose kindness.

Choosing kindness may not be good for you at that time, or even bring you great danger, but as long as you choose kindness, it is like saving a large sum of money in the bank of your life, which may play a huge role in the future.

It was once said that a lion once helped a mouse out of a dilemma, and the mouse said to the lion, "I will repay you." But the lion thought that the mouse was too weak, so he didn't take his words to heart. However, soon the lion fell into the trap of a hunter. It was the mouse that helped it bite through the net, so that the lion could survive. It can be seen that the lion chose kindness. There may be many similar things in real life. If Guan Zhong did not choose to get along well with Uncle Bao, he would not be killed after defeat. If the bin Laden man did not choose to help the frozen man, he would not make himself warm in body and mind, so as to get out of the predicament. All these things show that choosing kindness has a great effect on life.

There is a famous saying in Persuasion: "Good deeds lead to good deeds, and the gods are content with themselves." It says that if we do more good deeds, we will have noble morality. Indeed, in the long journey of life, we have many things to choose from. However, from another perspective, this is also an opportunity to "accumulate good deeds". Only by choosing good deeds, can we shape an excellent self, Talent is the wealth in the bank of one's own life, which paves the way for one's own life. There is a Chinese saying: "Give convenience to others, and make convenience to oneself". Yes, every time you help others, you are helping yourself. Let us always remember that "don't do it with small kindness and don't do it with small evil", so that we can actively choose good in every choice.

Choosing good is fire, which lights up life; Good choice is a lamp, which lights up the way of life and welcomes you to the dawn.

Choose a kind composition of 600 words

Kindness is a moral concept. Kindness is pure and kind, good without malice. It is people's consciousness of moral responsibility and moral behavior, and it is people's view of good and evil gradually formed in long-term social and family life. This choice of good and evil in conscience determines people's moral behavior.

Life is like multiple choice questions. If you choose the right question, you will add a point to your life test paper.

Today, I added one point to the multiple choice question of life. Because I chose kindness. Kindness is what people must have! Having kindness is equal to having a sharp weapon for examination! Looking at the sky: the sun is dotted with flaming red and golden yellow, the blue sky is smeared and dyed with blue color, and the white clouds are painted with cotton like white. Three different scenes are painted into a beautiful picture.

Today, I finally got my pocket money from my mother. I was happy to walk to the supermarket and planned to buy a package of long-awaited potato chips, because my mother only gave me 1 yuan. Suddenly, on the way to the supermarket, I saw a beggar, holding an enamel bowl in his hand, asking for money from passers-by on the road. A lady dressed in noble clothes passed by. Seeing the beggar beside him, she gave him a kick and said: smelly beggar! Don't ask me for money with your dirty hands! How disgusting! Then he gave him another kick. The beggar dropped a crystal tear. I just wanted to give him 1 yuan, but my heart began to ripple: Give it to him, he is so pathetic, he should not even eat. Give him 1 yuan, and he can buy some steamed buns to fill his stomach! However, if you give him 1 yuan, you can't buy potato chips! My heart had been arguing there all the time. At last, my conscience defeated my desire. I went to the old beggar, and I put 1 yuan into his enamel bowl. Tears fell on my head again. This time, his tears were moving life like a choice question! If you choose the right one, you will get one point! This time, I got a score on the exam paper of life.

I chose kindness.