Yushan Lake (5 in total)
Happy life
2023-12-17 08:11:19
primary school
describe the scenery

Yushan Lake (1)

Red flowers in late spring dissolve in the green sea in early summer. In the evening, I came to Yushan Lake alone to enjoy the infinite charm of nature.

It was dusk that shrouded the lake. A ray of sunset was smeared on the lake. When the purple jade was hidden, the last ray of sunset was condensed on the trees, tall buildings and hills in the distance. I'm afraid no painter could reconcile such a moving picture. The evening wind comes with cool water, and the lake water gently beats the rocks on the bank. The fountain in the lake is singing happily, and the water column rushes into the sky, and then spreads, turning into thousands of pieces of jadeite, falling on the lake and popping up beautiful music. The wind pulls out a fog yarn from the water column and floats on the face, cool and itchy, with a warm feeling. Under the setting sun, a colorful bridge was erected, one end of which was buried in the water, the other end disappeared on the bank. A beautiful note jumped out of the water and jumped into my heart, as if I had stepped on the colored bridge and walked into the mirror like lake.

The night was getting dark, and there appeared crystal dots and sapphire like stars in the lake. The misty Milky Way, like a ribbon, winds around the sky. But it was cut into countless threads by the fluctuating lake water. Through the green trees, flashing neon lights, and the milky halo of Jia'an, they are shining in the water, and there is another noisy night market at the bottom of the lake. Willow twigs tease the lake water and disturb the water surface, turning it into pieces of fuzzy light and colorful silk threads, constantly shaking.

At this time, the Rhododendron Island in the lake is more quiet. A hook of the waning moon hangs on the top of the branches, half covering its surface, and it is dimly visible. The willows, the stone bridges, the pavilions, and the roads seemed to sink into a dream.

The night is deeper, and the moonlight melts into the thick night. The whole Yushan Lake is like a beautiful hazy picture, and I am intoxicated. I have become a drop of water in the lake, a tree on the island, a road, a bridge

Yushan Lake (2)

Today, I went to Yushan Lake Park with my father and mother to watch plum blossoms.

Just entering the gate, a burst of fragrance greeted me. When I came closer, I found that it was the little distinguished guest in spring - plum blossom! The plum trees in the park are in patches, including red, pink, white, and pink and white, which are very beautiful! If you observe carefully, you will find that each plum flower has five petals, each of which is like a love. The thin thread like stamens are covered with yellow pollen, which is very cute and attracts many small bees to collect honey!

The plum blossoms on the branches are in clusters, like little sisters who have been reunited for a long time. They huddle together and talk in whispers. Some are budding, like a shy little girl, unwilling to show their faces; Some half open, like a naughty little doll, want to open the petals to peep at the outside world; Others are in full bloom, as if to show people their warm smiling faces. A gentle wind blew, and the branches shook, as if dancing happily. Petals fell with the wind, and it rained with plum blossoms.

How beautiful the plum blossom is! I love plum blossom! Love her fragrance, love her colorful!

Yushan Lake (3)

There is a bright pearl in my hometown Ma'anshan, which is the beautiful Yushan Lake. The most beautiful season of Yushan Lake is spring.

The spring flowers of Yushan Lake keep blooming. When the east wind blew, the golden jasmine blew a trumpet; Plum red camellia bloomed a smiling face; The pink purple leaf plum is in full bloom... I like purple leaf plum best. The flowers of Purple Leaf Plum are small and exquisite. One after another, they emit a faint fragrance. Even the little bees are attracted by it. Purple leaf plum has a huge number of flowers, which looks like a thin layer of snow from a distance, and the whole tree becomes a "snow tree".

The spring of Yushan Lake is full of laughter. The children took off their cotton padded jackets, rowed boats, and enjoyed the charming spring scenery on the jasper lake. On the bank, willows pull out long branches, like a girl's soft long hair, fluttering in the wind. The grass poked its head out of the crack of the stone, breathing fresh air. All kinds of flowers dance in the breeze. Small boats seemed to enter a fairyland on earth.

This is my hometown's Yushan Lake, and this is the beautiful Yushan Lake.

Yushan Lake (4)

In my hometown Ma'anshan, in Yushan Lake Park, it is quite comfortable! Don't mention that watching TV at home is enjoyment. Those who will enjoy it will go to Yushan Lake Park in Ma'anshan.

In Yushan Lake Park, Yushan Lake is a pearl. However, there are spring, summer, autumn and winter in Yushan Lake!

In spring, flowers are in full bloom. Yushan Lake is very quiet, like a huge mirror, reflecting Yushan. But when the spring wind blew, the mountain shadow was crushed. However, he was in a good mood and reflected the green trees and red flowers. But sometimes the spring breeze is too naughty and destructive. This time it was blue sky and white clouds. Maybe the wind was intoxicated and the "desktop" was saved.

Summer, that's even worse! It seems that all the beautiful scenery in summer is working in Yushan Lake! The tea was like a piece of cloth, which covered the lake and let the fish play in it. Typical "fish playing among lotus leaves", ah! The lotus emerged from among the lotus leaves, showing a smiling face, and soon held out a small lotus. Tonight, people can queue up in the cold drink shop or not hide in the air conditioning room. If you want to cool down, you can go boating on the lake as long as you buy a ticket, which is closer to nature!

Summer passed and autumn came. The sky is cloudless in autumn, which makes people feel very comfortable. Go to the lake for a walk. It's more comfortable.

Even in winter, there is another scenery worth seeing. The wild duck flew in, so that people could see the beauty.

If you still want to play, you can also go to the playground! It's so cool to sit on those amusement facilities!

What about? Have fun here!

Yushan Lake (5)

On the way to Yushan Lake, we even met a PE teacher. At first I didn't see the PE teacher. Then, I was absent-minded looking at the scenery, and my mother suddenly shouted, "Ah, hello, teacher." Hmm? teacher? where? Which teacher? Looking up, I saw the smiling face of the PE teacher like a chrysanthemum: "Well, good teacher." I quickly lowered my head. Alas, I'm not afraid of anything in my life, just teachers. Male or female, serious or mild. When the teacher saw us, he smiled friendly and said, "Buy something, hehe. My heart relaxed a little. After saying goodbye with the physical education teacher, I gave a bad smile: "Hey hey, why didn't the teacher see Xiaobai?" "Yes, if the teacher saw him, he would not let him go." Guo Ma also echoed me.

I still remember that the last mid-term exam, when the physical education teacher came to supervise our examination room, he was bored and kept saying:

"Ma Yuan......"

"Ma Yuan......"

Not to mention how close he was, he felt like he was looking at his own son. Later, I read Xiaobai's paper and said that his handwriting was not good. I also folded the paper of one of my classmates in front of me (for fear that he might see the answer), showed him what to say, and asked him to write better. At that time, I sat on the right side of Xiaobai's back and said, "Teacher, you are partial. Why don't you show me a question? I just can't answer it."

Hearing this, Guo Ma said excitedly, "Yes, I saw many people cheat while the teacher was talking about Ma Yuan, hahaha."

With these words, we arrived at Yushan Lake. Seeing that the weather was good, we decided to take the path. Anyway, it was not easy to get permission to go out. Of course, we should relax.

I didn't see Xiaobai because I and Guoma walked in front. When we felt tired of walking, we went to a pavilion to have a rest, and suddenly found that Xiaobai had disappeared mysteriously. So I and Guo Ma, two dreamers, began to have a vision.

Fantasy 1: Xiaobai accidentally stepped on a banana peel when he was walking. He fell down and was stunned by passers-by before he could get up. His leg was still trembling in the air. (My fantasy)

Fantasy 2: The PE teacher really liked Xiaobai so much that he followed us quietly and stole Xiaobai when Guo Ma and I were not paying attention. (Guo Ma's fantasy) (If the PE teacher sees it, don't be angry. We are just joking.)

Just as we were tossing and turning with laughter, Mama Guo suddenly pointed out the pavilion and shouted, "Hey hey, I saw Ma Yuan."

But we both waited for a long time and no one came. I couldn't help but go outside the pavilion and look at it. My mother, Xiaobai, was standing alone by the lake, looking like he was about to jump into the lake. I quickly told Guo Ma that she would go and look. So we quietly walked behind him. It was estimated that if we pushed behind him, he would fall into the water, ha ha. However, we are not so bad, so we didn't push it.

Later, we returned to the pavilion without asking anything, and Guo Ma told me about the fun of the people in their seats.

She and Zhou Yu, Wu Zhihao are similar to the plant trio. Guo Ma's name is Li Xiaocao, Zhou Yu's name is Zhou Dashu, and Wu Zhihao's name is Wu Xiaohua. Ha ha ha. After listening to this, I laughed so much that I almost died.