My world is wonderful (13 articles)
Ordinary life
2023-11-15 00:14:27
Grade 3

My world is wonderful (1)

The world is colorful. Everyone has his own world. Everyone has his own world. It is a very happy thing to soar in your own world.

I am not a "framework enthusiast". In terms of teachers, parents and my own requirements, I have my own world to rest, play and relax.

At the weekend, I finally finished all my homework, so I relaxed heartily in the rest of the time.

Taking up my pen, I began to write again, but this time it was not my homework, it was my own fantasy novel! Fantasy is my favorite thing. When I finish writing a paragraph, I will open the computer, type the novel and publish it in my space. My classmates and family will go to see it, hoping to add some beauty to their life.

After that, I will spare some time to play the piano. I am not as good as other people who can play the piano. I can only play the electronic piano. I usually work hard to practice my favorite songs, such as: "Qiannv Ghost", "Qianqian Que Song", etc. When practicing, I will record the music and taste it by myself

Of course, my world is wonderful because of my classmates, teachers and family.

In the twinkling of an eye, I went back to school again. In the current class, I would stay with others or myself, listening to others talk about things and interesting things in life, which is a kind of enjoyment.

When there is time between classes, I will go to the teachers and ask them questions; Chat with them; Laugh and talk with them... always revealing a strong friendship between teachers and students.

When the day's study is over and I return home, I will feel the warm affection again. As I am growing up, the food in my stomach is digested very quickly, so my dear parents have to prepare some food for me every day to eat when I go home. So, I am very healthy now!

I enjoy all these things, and I am grateful to the people who brought them to me.

My world is wonderful, because it's good to have you!

My world is wonderful (2)

Time flies like a fleeting flash. Thirteen years ago, in more than 4000 days and nights, you have paid too much for me. I want to say to you: "Because of you, my world is wonderful!

”Mom, let me test you a question. Mom, I got 100 points again. What's the reward? Mom, I order you to come to our school in five minutes. I don't want to be late! Mom, can I stop singing "Country"? I want to change it. Mom, good night, you should also take an early rest.

Every day, I'm just like a lark talking around you. You are never bored, but very happy. You always said affectionately, "Baby, I can't leave you. You are my pride, my intimate jacket, and my intimate partner. Without you, my life navigation mark might be stranded. "After listening to your words, I always make a decision in my heart. I must be your pride, let you rest assured and make you happy!

I still remember when I was just in the first grade, because I learned more in the morning than my classmates. Although I was seen skipping into the classroom every day with a big bag on my back, you were always worried about leaving. But soon I gave you a reassurance: I became the little conductor of the choir, the leader of the gymnastics team, and the leader of the morning class. Even the dance team also has my figure, and gradually your eyebrows open. Looking at your stretched eyebrows, I am also very happy.

But as soon as you put down your hanging heart, I was injured in an activity. Seeing my swollen boss's right wrist, you feel distressed, but I comfort you that it doesn't matter. In order to protect that rude classmate, I just don't tell you who he is. When I went to the hospital for film shooting and correction, I clenched my teeth and didn't cry, but you were so distressed that I couldn't help crying when I remembered today. In that long month, I insisted on going to school every day with a sling hanging my right hand, never flinching, and my daily notes and homework were not affected at all. Is it true that I am strong enough? No, it is because of your mother's company that I can carry all the pain. It is because of your mother's company that I forget all the grievances. Mother, I am the tender grass, you are the fertile soil where I take root, I am the flying spray, and you give me the deep feeling of the sea. You nourish a beautiful flower with your generous mind, and you nourish a little girl with incomparable power with maternal love; You told me what is strong and tolerant. Mom, with your company, I really grow up!

Mom, I grow up happily because of your company; Because of your escort, I march forward bravely; Because of you, my world is wonderful. Mom, today is Mother's Day. Although I have no time to buy gifts, I want to say to you: I hope that every day in the future, your world will be wonderful because of me!

May mother's youth last forever! When I grow up, let's grow old together!

My world is wonderful (3)

I am a cheerful and optimistic girl! It is also a real pistachio, as long as there is my place, it is happy!

After self-study at noon, some students were singing, some were talking, and some were fighting.

There was too much noise in the class. It happened that classmate A was nearby. I held the Dream of Red Mansions in my hand and was ready to tell classmate A to help me manage the class. But who would have thought that as soon as I turned around, I saw my classmate A fell to the ground and cried and howled that the monitor bullied people and cut me down! Ouch! My legs! My feet!

When he just fell down, he made me tremble with fear. I thought to myself, is my aura too big? I haven't spoken yet! Why does this fall here?

From the perspective of the students, however, I seemed to be hitting people with the posture of "A Dream of Red Mansions", and classmate A fell to the ground crying for his father and his mother. Is it clear that the female man is bullying the poor loser? The students laughed, but I was full of black lines

At school, I always make a fool of myself, but at home, it's the same thing. I was tortured by my little devil and ancestors!

"Ah --" A shriek rang through the sky, and the birds on the wire were scared away by the call. "It's killing me, who is pulling my hair?" I shouted angrily! "Hey, hey," my brother clapped his hands and laughed at me. "Good! Don't you dare laugh at me!" My brother looked at me confused, and I was like a deflated ball. At the moment when I bowed my head, a sly look crossed his eyes!

I asked my brother to open his mouth and eat. "Ah -" My brother turned his head to one side, and I jogged to the other side. He turned his head to the other side, and I ran back. This will be good! After crawling away, I can only follow him this time, chasing him everywhere and feeding him!

My left hand is the rice bowl, and my right hand is the spoon. Wearing an apron, I run after my brother, like a housewife, because the children don't eat, I run after him.

Because I didn't have enough food just now, I'm crying now! Stop crying, stop crying! As soon as I saw the baby crying, I was worried. So I scared my brother with a stiff face. Don't cry! Cry again to wash you away and feed the wolf! The crying stopped, and my heart was glad! Less than a minute. "Wow!" I cried again! But I had to squat in the corner and draw circles

At home, I'm only bothered by my brother, but I still have my father and mother! ( )

Every day, there will be "ha ha" laughter in my home, including father's, mother's and mine!

One morning, Dad was late for work! I didn't eat. I packed up and went out. "Eh? Where are my shoes? Your father's is here. He can't have worn my shoes away, can he?" Mom exclaimed when she saw her shoes were gone. "I must have lost my hat and been taken away by my father!" I calmly replied: "Mom, it's no wonder that this has happened many times, calm down!" I said confidently.

The camera is turning to Dad. Dad was dark, and the colleague next to him tried to laugh, but the shaking shoulder betrayed him!

It was night. "Ho ho, ho ho, ho ho..." A strange laugh floated by, like surprise, like happiness, like forbearance. It turns out that I can't sleep. I thought of something interesting and giggled! After a while, the laughter stopped, but the singing came out. It's more like a magic sound than a song! "Ah~five rings~" This night was spent under my voice with five tones!

The next morning, my parents came out with a pair of panda eyes! oh dear! How did they become the national treasure panda! Look! That hair can hatch chickens!

I have a world of my own, a happy world, a warm world! There is no gold, silver or jewelry in my world, but there are laughter and laughter between my family and friends, and traces of our happiness!

My world is wonderful (4)

Time flies like a fleeting flash. Thirteen years ago, in more than 4000 days and nights, you have paid too much for me. I want to say to you: "Because of you, my world is wonderful!"

"Mom, I have a question for you." "Mom, I got 100 points again. What's the reward?" "Mom, I order you to come to our school in five minutes. I don't want to be late!" "Mom, can I not sing the" State "? I want to change the song." "Mom, good night, you should also have a rest early."

Every day, I'm just like a lark talking around you. You are never bored, but very happy. You always said affectionately, "Baby, I can't leave you. You are my pride, my intimate jacket, or my intimate partner. Without you, my life's navigation mark might be stranded." After listening to your words, I always made a decision in my heart. I must be your pride, reassure you, and make you happy!

I still remember when I was just in the first grade, because I learned more in the morning than my classmates. Although I was seen skipping into the classroom every day with a big bag on my back, you were always worried about leaving. But soon I gave you a reassurance: I became the little conductor of the choir, the leader of the gymnastics team, and the leader of the morning class. Even the dance team also has my figure, and gradually your eyebrows open. Looking at your stretched eyebrows, I am also very happy.

But as soon as you put down your hanging heart, I was injured in an activity. Seeing my swollen boss's right wrist, you feel distressed, but I comfort you that it doesn't matter. In order to protect that rude classmate, I just don't tell you who he is. When I went to the hospital for film shooting and correction, I clenched my teeth and didn't cry, but you were so distressed that I couldn't help crying when I remembered today. In that long month, I insisted on going to school every day with a sling hanging my right hand, never flinching, and my daily notes and homework were not affected at all. Is it true that I am strong enough? No, it is because of your mother's company that I can carry all the pain. It is because of your mother's company that I forget all the grievances. Mother, I am the tender grass, you are the fertile soil where I take root, I am the flying spray, and you give me the deep feeling of the sea. You nourish a beautiful flower with your generous mind, and you nourish a little girl with incomparable power with maternal love; You told me what is strong and tolerant. Mom, with your company, I really grow up!

Mom, I grow up happily because of your company; Because of your escort, I march forward bravely; Because of you, my world is wonderful. Mom, today is Mother's Day. Although I have no time to buy gifts, I want to say to you: I hope that every day in the future, your world will be wonderful because of me!

May mother's youth last forever! When I grow up, let's grow old together!

My world is wonderful (5)

My world is very small, very small.

School, home travel around a circle.

It is also round, similar to an earth that has shrunk countless times. There is no sea, a small earth of land. It is divided into several regions of similar countries, namely, "forcing students and second rate family members". The first three strange names bring me more than my family members.

"Pubi", there are five people in it. Like an organization, we have group codes: Tuanhua, Tuanshen, Tuandi, Tuanchong, Tuanxing. Tuanhua is the only boy in the group, but it is the most natural and lovely girl among us, called Mengmeng; The group god is like a male god, but she is a woman who occasionally acts coquettishly, called Shuai Shuai; The regiment emperor is my imperial existence. The marshal will miss me when I am not here. Of course, the regiment members here can ignore me. The name is Mumu; Tuan Chong is very natural and cute. Although she doesn't like to be cute, she is also very cute; Tuan Xing is a woman who almost grew up with me. She has grown from a little girl named Qing Xin to a man named Bu Bu. Don't think our names are strange. If they are not strange, they will not be called Force. If you are always here, Mumu I will always love you.

There are many students. We are always organizing the so-called big family in a scattered way, but we reorganize the family when we can just talk. Although you may forget some people and some things, your life is incomplete if you lose one of your classmates. I will cherish every classmate.

"Second goods", we only played so well this year. Go to school together, sit in a row, and sweep the floor together. In primary school, none of the classes in each school played as well as they do now. When we go home, we always laugh and scream in spite of others' eyes. We are planet rice. We go to buy posters and play outside in the name of "learning". Ants, aunts, Ye Shao and the often ignored Ah Feijia me are the "second goods" in the world. We "refer" to each other's answers together in the discussion group. May friendship last forever.

"Family", I was not with my parents when I was in the first grade of primary school, and there was almost no memory after the first grade, so my memory I only got along with my parents for four years. It's not a long time. It's a good day. For my mother's nagging, I can also understand her painstaking efforts. Although most of them complain about her, they are still very grateful. Everything is good for me; My father usually doesn't pay much attention to me. He either works or sleeps or watches TV. I know that he is not good at speech and is very bad at it; Brother, I also forgot how many years I have been together with him. I only know that I keep fighting with him; Sister, I can only say that sometimes she looks like a sister in front of her, and can give me her little shoulder when I am sleepy. I don't know what the future will be like, but I believe I will make your life better.

My world is very small, very small.

But I feel very big. They are also very important in my heart.

My commitment to the four "countries" in my world will certainly be fulfilled. Believe me, it is certain. There is no such thing as trying my best. I will create a paradise for you.

It's wonderful to have you in my world. There are many strangers on the earth.

My world is wonderful (6)

What a pen can do is to record, but as long as you read it, you can reproduce the interesting time.

Once, my deskmate, the Disciplinary Committee, was managing the afternoon self-study. Suddenly, a classmate quarreled and put others' things on the table. He shouted: "Whose desk has been turned over, so many books have been handed in, and the Chinese books will not be used? Hmm?" I saw some students laughing with their stomachs in their hands, and several naughty eggs were hidden under the desk! I still hold my stomach and scream!

Another time, under the management of the head teacher, it was very quiet. Suddenly, the teacher received a phone call and left without letting the students manage. Suddenly, the class burst into bloom, and the chatterbox began to chatter. A few pundits began to act. The first one said, "Play for me quickly. I am your head teacher and must obey orders!" The second one said, "Head teacher, don't let them play here. Wouldn't it be better to go out?" The last one began to pretend to say, "Oh, I'm not here recently. Classes are on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday!" After that, several other troublemakers were still pretending to fart! We laughed until my face became numb. I was not only numb in my face, my stomach, my hands, but almost my whole body.

I have an interesting world, although very small, but very happy, happy.

My world is wonderful (7)

I am a basketball guard. Although I don't have the arrogance of a forward or the rapidity of the main force, my world is also wonderful.

I joined a basketball team. Because I didn't have strength, speed, and shooting accuracy, I was just selected as a guard. People in that corner who were unknown, unnoticed, and only turned around on their own court, even if they got the ball, as long as the main force waved, the best shooting opportunity would be missed. People off the stage would only scream for the forward and shout for the main force, And I can only watch in silence, when the whole world collapsed.

I still remember the grand occasion of the last basketball game. Our team and the opponent were on a par, and the scores were not much different. In the last ten minutes, both sides stepped up their offensive pace, and immediately you defended us. Suddenly, the opponent's forward Shun Lei could not hide his ears and steal the bell. He stepped on the speed of light, held the basketball in hand and jumped. The main force of our team shouted: "Guard, stop him!" I immediately thought a lot, "Let me be a guard, you know you regret it!" But there was more tension, "If the ball can't be stopped, our team will lose like this, lost in my hands, no, I can't." I jumped up, blocked in front of the rebounds and forwards, depending on my height, The right hand hangs over the basketball and falls.

The left hand clenched and the right hand pressed down. The other side's forward could not hold on and threw the ball down helplessly. I wiped the sweat on my left hand and shook the sweat on my hair. With a proud smile, I passed the ball. Basketball is flying in my hands like a butterfly. Although my feet tremble, they are still running with their will. The jersey on my body is like a sucker. The air seems to be frozen. The tension of the bow string seems to be getting tighter and tighter. I seem to be the focus of the whole scene. The other side shouted, "Stop him, stop him!" Another player waved and shouted, "Pass the ball, pass the ball."

I broke through the blockade of the other side and came to the basket. I felt the strange excitement in my heart. I jumped and lay up. At that moment, it seemed to stop. The bow had already been strained. The basketball turned miraculously on the basket, one circle, two circles... The whole court was silent, waiting for the final result. The ball was finally forced into the eyes of the whole audience.

It turns out that my world is also wonderful. Although I can't throw my face, the darkness is full of mystery. Although I'm not good at skills, I still control the victory and defeat. Although I'm not good at basketball, I love playing basketball... Isn't my world wonderful with these?

My world is wonderful (8)

Since I was a child, I have always loved dancing, so I always make great efforts in dancing. I like the beautiful dance, I like the beautiful music melody, I like the dancer's demeanor.

Unconsciously, when I entered junior high school, the moment I stepped into the school gate, I looked back and saw my parents' smiling faces, but I knew that there was no light in my world.

Walking on the road after school, I suddenly saw a leaf falling quietly. I wanted to use it as a bookmark, but I found it was a beautiful dead leaf butterfly after a closer look. Somehow, those wings are already wet. It fluttered in the sky for a while and then floated down on the cobbled path. I gently held it in my hand and looked carefully. I found that its wings were slightly yellow and there were two black spots on the edge. It seemed to find my movements, so its wings shook slightly and wanted to escape. But because its wings were wet, it flew in the air for a short time and fell down again. I quickly ran to catch it and exhaled to heat it.

Gradually, the water on its wings dried up. It vibrates its wings and waits for the moment when it flies again. When the sun shines on me and him through the leaves, he suddenly shakes his wings and jumps to the world that belongs to him

Looking at the back of its departure, I pulled out my skirt to prepare for my dance moment. A ray of sunshine shines on me, and I feel warm. My beautiful dancing is reflected on the ground. I feel the pleasure brought by dancing and the beautiful melody of music. I jump alone. In my little world, time seems to stop at this moment. I turned fast and opened my hands to embrace the world.

Unconsciously, I was tired of jumping and sat down on the steps, feeling comfortable and happy.

Since then, whenever I am unhappy, I will dance. The butterfly's world is full of splendor, flying in the blue sky; My world is also full of wonderful, dancing makes me intoxicated.

It is dance that makes me understand that my world is also wonderful.

My world is wonderful (9)

The world is big and wonderful! I also have my own "small world"! Although very "small", but also very exciting!

The world of reading is wonderful

Reading is a kind of enjoyment for me. The world in the book is refreshing and immersive. I often breathe fresh air with Mary, the little old lady in Secret Garden, to experience the fragrance of flowers; He often explores the mystery of life with Paul in How Steel Is Tempered. My most enjoyable time is to rush to the battlefield with various anti Japanese heroes!

The world of Go is wonderful

I have been learning Go since kindergarten, and now I have passed the third amateur stage of Go. The black and white pieces on the Go board seem to be one soldier after another, and I am like a general who controls the overall situation. I stand against my opponent with difficulty. I put a soldier here to support the friendly army, and a soldier there to attack and kill the enemy bravely. Each game of chess is like a war, which reminds me of historical wars such as the Three Kingdoms, An Shi Rebellion, and the Battle of Chibi. Let me live in the scene and unite thousands of troops! Go makes my world wonderful!

The football world is wonderful

I love sports, especially football. Running on the court and experiencing the pleasure of shooting makes me yearn for it. Sweat splashed on the grass, controlled the ball, and it was I who was using the skill of "riding a bicycle" to pass people! I ran left and right, looking for a suitable angle to aim at the goal. I tried my best, and a long-range shot kicked past. Unfortunately, he hit the gate post and the ball flew out. But I was not reconciled. I increased the horsepower and tried to save the ball that was about to go out of bounds and pass it to my teammates. Although it was my teammate who scored the goal in the end, I am willing to play my own role! Football makes my world wonderful!

My world is wonderful! Because I have many wonderful hobbies!

My world is wonderful (10)

The world is big and wonderful! I also have my own "small world"! Although very "small", but also very exciting!

The world of reading is wonderful

Reading is a kind of enjoyment for me. The world in the book is refreshing and immersive. I often breathe fresh air with Mary, the little old lady in Secret Garden, to experience the fragrance of flowers; He often explores the mystery of life with Paul in How Steel Is Tempered. My most enjoyable time is to rush to the battlefield with various anti Japanese heroes!

The world of Go is wonderful

I have been learning Go since kindergarten, and now I have passed the third amateur stage of Go. The black and white pieces on the Go board seem to be one soldier after another, and I am like a general who controls the overall situation. I stand against my opponent with difficulty. I put a soldier here to support the friendly army, and a soldier there to attack and kill the enemy bravely. Each game of chess is like a war, which reminds me of historical wars such as the Three Kingdoms, An Shi Rebellion, and the Battle of Chibi. Let me live in the scene and unite thousands of troops! Go makes my world wonderful!

The football world is wonderful

I love sports, especially football. Running on the court and experiencing the pleasure of shooting makes me yearn for it. Sweat splashed on the grass, controlled the ball, and it was I who was using the skill of "riding a bicycle" to pass people! I ran left and right, looking for a suitable angle to aim at the goal. I tried my best, and a long-range shot kicked past. Unfortunately, he hit the gate post and the ball flew out. But I was not reconciled. I increased the horsepower and tried to save the ball that was about to go out of bounds and pass it to my teammates. Although it was my teammate who scored the goal in the end, I am willing to play my own role! Football makes my world wonderful!

My world is wonderful! Because I have many wonderful hobbies!

Class 6 (8) of Hongdu Primary School

Deng Tangxuan

My World Is Wonderful (11)

Once, my deskmate, the Disciplinary Committee, was managing the afternoon self-study. Suddenly, a classmate quarreled and put others' things on the table. He shouted: "Whose desk has been turned over, so many books have been handed in, and the Chinese books will not be used? Hmm?" I saw some students laughing with their stomachs in their hands, and several naughty eggs were hidden under the desk! I still hold my stomach and scream!

Another time, under the management of the head teacher, it was very quiet. Suddenly, the teacher received a phone call and left without letting the students manage. Suddenly, the class burst into bloom, and the chatterbox began to chatter. A few pundits began to act. The first one said, "Play for me quickly. I am your class teacher and must obey orders!" The second one said, "Class teacher, don't let them play here. Wouldn't it be better to go out?" The last one began to pretend to say, "Oh, I'm not here recently. Classes are on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday!" After that, several other troublemakers were still pretending to fart! We laughed until my face became numb. I was not just face, stomach, hands, but almost the whole body.

I have an interesting world, although very small, but very happy, happy.

My World Is Wonderful (12)

After self-study at noon, some students were singing, some were talking, and some were fighting.

There was too much noise in the class. It happened that classmate A was nearby. I held the Dream of Red Mansions in my hand and was ready to tell classmate A to help me manage the class. But who would have thought that as soon as I turned around, I saw my classmate A fell to the ground and cried and howled that the monitor bullied people and cut me down! Ouch! My legs! My feet!

When he just fell down, he made me tremble with fear. I thought to myself, is my aura too big? I haven't spoken yet! Why does this fall here?

From the perspective of the students, however, I seemed to be hitting people with the posture of "A Dream of Red Mansions", and classmate A fell to the ground crying for his father and his mother. Is it clear that the female man is bullying the poor x silk? The students laughed, but I was full of black lines

At school, I always make a fool of myself, but at home, it's the same thing. I was tortured by my little devil and ancestors!

"Ah --" A shriek rang through the sky, and the birds on the wire were scared away by the call. "It's killing me, who is pulling my hair?" I shouted angrily! "Hey, hey," my brother clapped his hands and laughed at me. "Good! Don't you dare laugh at me!" My brother looked at me confused, and I was like a deflated ball. At the moment when I bowed my head, a sly look crossed his eyes!

I asked my brother to open his mouth and eat. "Ah -" My brother turned his head to one side, and I jogged to the other side. He turned his head to the other side, and I ran back. This will be good! After crawling away, I can only follow him this time, chasing him everywhere and feeding him!

My left hand is the rice bowl, and my right hand is the spoon. Wearing an apron, I run after my brother, like a housewife, because the children don't eat, I run after him.

Because I didn't have enough food just now, I'm crying now! Stop crying, stop crying! As soon as I saw the baby crying, I was worried. So I scared my brother with a stiff face. Don't cry! Cry again to wash you away and feed the wolf! The crying stopped, and my heart was glad! Less than a minute. "Wow!" I cried again! But I had to squat in the corner and draw circles

At home, I'm only bothered by my brother, but I still have my father and mother!

Every day, there will be "ha ha" laughter in my home, including father's, mother's and mine!

One morning, Dad was late for work! I didn't eat. I packed up and went out. "Eh? Where are my shoes? Your father's is here. He can't have worn my shoes away, can he?" Mom exclaimed when she saw her shoes were gone. "I must have lost my hat and been taken away by my father!" I calmly replied: "Mom, it's no wonder that this has happened many times, calm down!" I said confidently.

The camera is turning to Dad. Dad was dark, and the colleague next to him tried to laugh, but the shaking shoulder betrayed him!

It was night. "Ho ho, ho ho, ho ho..." A strange laugh floated by, like surprise, like happiness, like forbearance. It turns out that I can't sleep. I thought of something interesting and giggled! After a while, the laughter stopped, but the singing came out. It's more like a magic sound than a song! "Ah~five rings~" This night was spent under my voice with five tones!

The next morning, my parents came out with a pair of panda eyes! oh dear! How did they become the national treasure panda! Look! That hair can hatch chickens!

I have a world of my own, a happy world, a warm world! There is no gold, silver or jewelry in my world, but there are laughter and laughter between my family and friends, and traces of our happiness!

My World Is Wonderful (13)

"Mom, I have a question for you." "Mom, I got 100 points again. What's the reward?" "Mom, I order you to come to our school in five minutes. I don't want to be late!" "Mom, can I not sing the" State "? I want to change the song." "Mom, good night, you should also have a rest early."

Every day, I'm just like a lark talking around you. You are never bored, but very happy. You always said affectionately, "Baby, I can't leave you. You are my pride, my intimate jacket, or my intimate partner. Without you, my life's navigation mark might be stranded." After listening to your words, I always made a decision in my heart. I must be your pride, reassure you, and make you happy!

I still remember when I was just in the first grade, because I learned more in the morning than my classmates. Although I was seen skipping into the classroom every day with a big bag on my back, you were always worried about leaving. But soon I gave you a reassurance: I became the little conductor of the choir, the leader of the gymnastics team, and the leader of the morning class. Even the dance team also has my figure, and gradually your eyebrows open. Looking at your stretched eyebrows, I am also very happy.

But as soon as you put down your hanging heart, I was injured in an activity. Seeing my swollen boss's right wrist, you feel distressed, but I comfort you that it doesn't matter. In order to protect that rude classmate, I just don't tell you who he is. When I went to the hospital for film shooting and correction, I clenched my teeth and didn't cry, but you were so distressed that I couldn't help crying when I remembered today. In that long month, I insisted on going to school every day with a sling hanging my right hand, never flinching, and my daily notes and homework were not affected at all. Is it true that I am strong enough? No, it is because of your mother's company that I can carry all the pain. It is because of your mother's company that I forget all the grievances. Mother, I am the tender grass, you are the fertile soil where I take root, I am the flying spray, and you give me the deep feeling of the sea. You nourish a beautiful flower with your generous mind, and you nourish a little girl with incomparable power with maternal love; You told me what is strong and tolerant. Mom, with your company, I really grow up!

Mom, I grow up happily because of your company; Because of your escort, I march forward bravely; Because of you, my world is wonderful. Mom, today is Mother's Day. Although I have no time to buy gifts, I want to say to you: I hope that every day in the future, your world will be wonderful because of me!

May mother's youth last forever! When I grow up, let's grow old together!