Neighborhood Composition 600 (7 in total)
Butterflies fly
2023-09-10 05:38:18

Neighborhood Composition 600 (1)

Care, as the name implies, is care and love; Neighbors are also an important link between family life and social life. In our community, people help and care for each other.

Sometimes when we see a neighbor's child fall down, we will help her up. When we see grandparents carrying a lot of things, we will help them carry some

I remember that in the winter of the fourth grade, the cold wind was howling, and one day after school, I suddenly remembered that today my mother went out to listen to classes, my father went to work, and there was no one at home. "What to do? How to go home!" I felt uneasy. Just as I was anxious like ants on a hot pot - turning round and round, my classmate Peng Dongdong, a neighbor on the fifth floor of the same building, invited me. He said in a friendly way, "You can come to my home to do your homework! Just because my English is poor, you can consult me if you don't understand it?" I replied happily, "Of course! Thank you!" I was very grateful to him. Arrived at his house. I said hello to my aunt and other people, who warmly welcomed me. After calling my mother, Peng Dongdong and I went to do our homework. It was very cold outside, but the hut was very warm. My father came to pick me up after work and was very grateful to Peng Dongdong and his family.

Peng Dongdong cared and helped me last Sunday. We also helped a neighbor.

The mother of my neighbor's child on the same floor was on a business trip, and her father had to work overtime. Her little brother was too young to stay at home alone. Early Sunday morning, her father brought him over and said, "I'm sorry to bother you! His mother was on a business trip last week, and probably will come back the day after tomorrow. I have to work overtime again at 8:00 today, so I'll give Yongming to you! If Yongming is mischievous, just criticize him. " "Don't worry, your family Yongming is very sensible. Oh, it's almost half past seven! Don't say more, you can rest assured when the child is handed over to me!" Mother looked at her watch and said. "Yes! Thank you! Then I'm leaving. Goodbye! Yongming, you are obedient at my aunt's house and read! Goodbye!"

See? Our neighbors are so close and friendly that they are not at all constrained. "Far relatives are better than near neighbors". Sometimes, the relationship between neighbors may be closer than that between relatives living far away! Because we are reciprocity, mutual humility, mutual accommodation, and empathy, we are not relatives, but better than relatives.

Neighborhood Composition 600 (2)

As the saying goes, "A close neighbor is better than a distant relative". Neighborhood seems to be tied with a thread, full of feelings. This is the case in our yard.

In addition to my grandparents and grandparents, I also have two respectable grandparents and grandparents. When I was born more than three months ago, no one took care of me in the daytime because my parents had to work. Mom and Dad are worried about this. Grandma who lives in our front building knows about it and offers to let her take care of me during the day. In this way, I became one of the important family members of Grandma's family.

Listen to Grandma, because of my arrival, their home has become more lively and busy. During the day, my grandfather had to go to work, and my grandmother was busy on her own. She fed me and changed my diaper. As soon as she washed my diaper, I asked for it again and again. But at noon, I would stumble to the door as long as there was the sound of Grandpa's footsteps on the stairs. The first thing Grandpa did when he came in was to pick me up and kiss me again and again. Even when he ate, he would let me sit on him.

Day after day, month after month, I can walk and run, speak and sing at Grandma's house, and the house is often filled with laughter

Gradually, I grew up, but Grandma and Grandpa were much older, especially in recent years, Grandma's body was always sick.

One day, my mother and I met my grandfather in the yard. Seeing his sad face, we knew that something must have happened at home. After repeated questioning by my mother and me, Grandpa told us. It turned out that Grandma had an old stomach problem, and this time she was hospitalized for surgery. Hearing the news, I felt very sad. As long as I thought of Grandma, I could not help crying.

A few days later, I heard that Grandma was discharged from hospital. I quickly took out my pocket money and asked my mother to buy a lot of fruit. I carried a bag full of fruit and couldn't wait to come to Grandma's house. Grandma was so happy when she saw her grandson coming. Regardless of her own pain, she put her arms around me and kept saying to relatives and friends who came to visit, "What a good grandson!

”And I snuggled happily in Grandma's arms.

Grandpa and Grandma, I will always remember your kindness. You will always be my own grandfather and grandmother.

Neighborhood Composition 600 (3)

"The community is my home, and mutual help is good". Banners in the community remind us that every family should care for each other. My family and the people next door have also become good neighbors.

There are only two people in the family next door. Qian Ze is two years younger than me. His mother lives alone with him. One evening, we heard several knocks on the door. When we opened the door, it was Qian Ze's mother. She blushed and said shyly, "Can you... lend me a thousand yuan? My wallet was stolen when I was on the bus, and I can't find anyone to borrow it at once. Can you lend me a thousand yuan first, and when I get paid, I will pay it back right away!" Dad was about to promise, but Mom pulled me to the small room. The mother said, "Can it be fake or deceitful? What about the next time?" The father said, "No, you should trust others. If you have money, you will always pay it back. You should help others to tide over the difficulties first. Besides, it's all neighbors. If you really don't pay back the money, you can forget it." The father said, and hurriedly took 1000 yuan to Qian Ze's mother, saying, "If there is any need, just come and talk to us." Qian Ze's mother excitedly said thank you. After a month's hesitation, Qian Ze's mother returned the money. She said happily, "It's good to have neighbors like you!"

We help our neighbors, and our neighbors will help us. One day in the summer vacation, my family went to the park to play. Suddenly, dark clouds were gathering and heavy rain poured down from the sky. We hurried to find a place to shelter from the rain. Mother was so worried that she stamped her feet: "There are still many clothes and quilts drying at home, and they will be soaked." As soon as the rain stopped, we hurried home. Mother ran to the balcony to collect her clothes, and was surprised: all the clothes were gone. Mother thought that the rain had knocked the clothes downstairs, and she could not see the clothes for a long time. How could the clothes disappear? I'm just two monks in a row. Just then, there was a knock on the door. When opening the door, Qian Ze's mother held a lot of clothes and said, "It rained just now, and I helped you collect your clothes." Her mother hurriedly took the clothes and quilt, and asked in surprise, "How did you receive my clothes? The two balconies are so far away." Qian Ze's mother smiled and said, "I tied a bamboo pole to the clothes fork and slowly collected it. The quilt was heavier, and almost fell downstairs."

We helped each other and became good neighbors. If everyone can care and help each other, our world will become a better place.

Neighborhood Composition 600 (4)

As the saying goes, "A distant relative is not as good as a near neighbor, and a near neighbor is not as good as the right one." Recent events have made me deeply feel the deep feelings between neighbors. That was something that happened at night

It was Sunday. My parents had gone to learn singing songs. I sat alone in the air-conditioned room, playing computer games. But I didn't expect that they were still open. Gradually, my eyelids became heavy, because I leaned back on the chair and fell asleep unconsciously.

My good friend Ye Yinuo is also like me. My father and mother went out and were bored. They came to my house. When they saw that the door was not closed, they took the advantage of the opportunity to enter. But when they saw that I was asleep on the armchair, they had to shake me up and shout, "Hey, Zhao Bailun, get up and play games!" He shouted several times, and I heard it faintly. I opened my eyes tiredly, but felt a burst of fire, Spit out a few words: "I am very... uncomfortable." He felt something was wrong and ran to find my grandma. As soon as Grandma touched my forehead, she knew that I had a high fever and immediately sent me to the hospital. When I woke up, I was already lying in the clinic, and only saw my parents standing beside me. It took a long time to feel comfortable.

I still remember one time, when they came back from a spring outing, they had a flat tire and stopped at the roadside. In an emergency, I had to call for help. My father got the call and took me to drive them. It took me more than 10 kilometers to get there. Because of the large number of people, one car could not take away. I had to divide it into two times. After a lot of efforts, I finally brought everyone back.

Then he drove a truck to tow the car. It was like a snail. It was slow and laborious. He used all his strength to pull it back. He sweated heavily and got wet all over. The neighbor quickly thanked him and gave him a gift, but Dad refused. I exclaimed that it is so happy to help others! No wonder everyone said, "Give a person a rose, and you will find a lingering fragrance in your hand."

I thank them. The relationship between neighbors is like piano and string. If you support yourself, the strings can be played, the beautiful sounds can be sung, and the zither will be valuable.

Neighborhood Composition 600 (5)

Uncle Li is a famous "idler" in the community. He wanders around the community every day. Not only that, but he is also a "warm-hearted person"! When I see something in the community, I can always find him in the crowd.

One day in the summer vacation, Uncle Li was wandering in the community as usual. Suddenly, Uncle Li's eyes flashed, as if he had caught prey. Originally, a car stopped on the left turning lane at the entrance of the community, so that other cars could not walk. As a "warm-hearted" man, Uncle Li would certainly help. As I expected, Uncle Li rushed up in three steps and two steps, "Come and come, hey, turn a little to the right, right, good, come, put the reversing mirror away first, right, drive forward..." In this way, cars passed smoothly following the command of Uncle Li. Uncle Li, after commanding the vehicle, got busy again, and was busy looking for the owner of the vehicle that stopped and blocked the traffic.

In spring, the flowers in the community are in full bloom, and the whole community seems to have become a big garden full of flowers, colorful, singing birds and fragrant flowers. Uncle Li is carrying his hands behind his back, humming a melodious song, and walking towards the Peach Blossom Garden in the westernmost part of the community, "Alas! Today the peach blossoms are more prosperous and beautiful than usual"! In the middle of a peach tree came Uncle Li's voice. "Really! Thanks to the pruning of branches and leaves during the flowering period last spring!" Isn't that Grandma Zhou's voice? "The branches and leaves will be pruned again in two days, and everyone is ready to do a big job!" "In two days? Is it the 12th day?" "Yes." Uncle Li got interested again, "I'll prune the branches and leaves on the 12th day! Anyway, I have nothing to do every day." No wonder everyone calls you "idle and warm-hearted!" After that, Uncle Li and Grandma Zhou laughed together.

Uncle Li is not only an "idle person", but also a "warm-hearted person." Because of him, our life is more happy and harmonious, and our neighbors are more united and friendly.

Neighborhood Composition 600 (6)

People living in buildings now sometimes don't know each other even if they live on the same floor. And some families make a big noise because of a little trivial matter, and then die of old age. But our neighbors in this building can live in harmony.

Let me talk about the grandfather on the third floor first! Last year, my grandfather on the third floor opened a vegetable field outside the wall of the community. Since sowing in spring, Grandpa has worked in the field early every morning to loosen the soil, water and fertilize the vegetable fields... Today, he has a good harvest. He picked the loofah from the vine and dug the vegetables out of the ground... After that, he didn't leave all the fruits to himself to enjoy, but put them on the ground like fruits, and selected some good ones to distribute to the residents living in this building, Leave only a few small ones for yourself. The pumpkin harvest is good. My grandfather and grandmother make pumpkin cakes out of large pumpkins and send them to every room in this building door to door... Look! How harmonious our neighborhood is!

An uncle on the 12th floor was also very enthusiastic. He made a garden on the roof of his house. There were many kinds of plants in the garden, such as grapes, strawberries, chamomile, red roses, yellow roses, roses, peach blossoms, carnations, etc. The door of the garden was unlocked and opened to us. In summer, you can pick delicious strawberries; In autumn, delicious grapes are waiting for you to eat; And the colorful flowers of the four seasons, please enjoy them. It is said that he spent tens of thousands of yuan in this garden, and he would also "serve" these flowers and fruits every day. How strong the saplings grow, and how beautiful the flowers are. But instead of locking up the spring scenery in the garden, he let everyone enjoy it. What a good neighbor! Willing to contribute to everyone!

No matter the grandfather on the third floor or the uncle on the twelfth floor, they are all members of our social family. They silently contribute to everyone and the community. If all our neighbors are like them, our society will be a harmonious family.

Neighborhood Composition 600 (7)

600 words of composition about neighbors: neighbors should help each other

A neighbor is a person who lives in the same street and building, door to door and window to window. The relationship between neighbors has a direct impact on social harmony. As the saying goes, "A distant relative is better than a close neighbor, and a close neighbor is better than the opposite door." This is the truth. Opposite our house, there is a warm-hearted neighbor - Grandma Chen.

Grandma Chen is over 70 years old, but her body is still strong, she can move freely, and she has white hair and childlike appearance. She always smiles when she sees people. When she smiles, crow's feet and wrinkles on both sides of her mouth are all apparent, like withered apples shrunk due to water loss in spring. After chatting with Grandma Chen, I learned that Grandma Chen's daughter had gone abroad, and she was very bored at home alone. So when she came to my home to chat, she spoke amiably, opened her mouth and shut up and called me granddaughter.

I remember one Sunday, my mother and father went to work overtime, and I was alone at home. I watched "Joy and Big Big Wolf" on the children's channel for a while, and there was an advertisement in the middle, boring! Turn off the TV, I want to do my homework, but I just got up from the sofa, and my legs are so soft! I touched my forehead, ah! It's very hot. Needless to say, I have a fever. "What should I do? What should I do?" I was like an ant on a hot pot. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I went down and opened the door. "Oh, Grandma Chen, why are you here?". When talking, I felt my head was heavier, and two eyelids were fighting. "Big granddaughter, are you uncomfortable?" Her hand touched my forehead. "It's a high fever." She could not help saying that Grandma Chen went downstairs and took a taxi to take me to the hospital.

Grandma Chen went to the hospital to call me an emergency. The doctor said that I had a high fever and needed infusion. I wanted to refuse, but Grandma Chen agreed without hesitation and advanced me the money to see a doctor. After arranging for me, she immediately contacted her mother, who soon ran out of breath in the ward. She thanked Grandma Chen: "Thank you so much. Thank you so much. The child didn't feel sick in the morning. Thanks for taking her to the hospital." "You're welcome, aren't we neighbors? It's easy!" Grandma Chen quickly waved her hand. After the doctor's treatment and my mother's careful care, I recovered quickly. My mother and I paid a visit to Grandma Chen, and our relationship was closer than before.

Neighbors should help each other and do their best to do what they can. And when helping each other, we must carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. Harmony is also a virtue. Only by doing a good job of harmony among neighbors can we create social harmony.