Composition cooking (20 popular articles)
Time doesn't lie
2024-05-30 00:56:03

Composition cooking (1)

Every night, Grandma cooks the food. When I ate delicious food, I thought: How did this food come out? Out of curiosity, I wanted to cook for myself.

Fried eggs, please. I will do whatever I want. First, I will clean the pot, add some oil, and start the raft to ignite. My mother said that when the oil smokes, it means you can put eggs into the pot. So I did as my mother said. But I beat the egg down from too high, and at that moment, the oil splashed all over me with a hissing noise. My mother was so frightened that she immediately splashed cold water on my face and refused to let me fry it, but I said, "You can't do things halfway." I turned the fire down and beat an egg into it. When I finished frying, I took the spatula and turned the eggs over until they turned pale yellow, and sprinkled some salt on them. Wow! A delicious fried egg.

Although this poached egg is not very nice, it's my first time to cook it.

Composition cooking (2)

Today, when I came home from school, I smelled a delicious smell. My grandma was cooking. Curiously, I went to see how the food was cooked.

At my request, Grandma promised to make me a "braised spareribs". Grandma made some preparations before cooking, washed the ribs, chopped them into small pieces, and cut the onions and ginger. Then Grandma brushed the pan clean and lit it with a snap. After a few seconds, she poured some more oil. When the oil smoked, she put the ribs into the pan. Grandma took a knife and shovel, calmly stir fried a few times, and then put in scallions and ginger shreds, to add a few drops of soy sauce, sprinkled half a spoonful of salt, and stir fried again. Then Grandma poured half a basin of water into the pot, covered the pot, and stewed the meat.

About a quarter of an hour later, the soup gradually dried up, and Grandma calmly sprinkled some MSG and stir fried it for several times. "Well done," Grandma said as she poured the dishes into the plate. It's really delicious. I can't wait to pick up my chopsticks, put a piece of ribs in my mouth, close my eyes, and taste it carefully.

Composition cooking (3)

On Tuesday, when I got home, my mother was going to cook vegetables for me.

First, she took out the vegetables in the vest bag, picked the yellow leaves, cut off the heads, cut them into sections, and put them into water to wash the vegetables.

Mother started to light the fire and put the oil into the pot. At this time, the oil pan was smoking. She grabbed a handful of vegetables and put them into the oil pan. The sound of "Chi" scared me back. Then my mother kept turning and copying vegetables. Add a little salt, sugar and monosodium glutamate into the pot, stir again, cover the pot, and simmer. Finally, take out the pot and put it into the plate. At this time, a simple fragrance came from my nose, which really made my appetite open!

I can't wait to have a taste, ah! How delicious!

Composition cooking (4)

Another weekend, my mother went to the vegetable market to buy my favorite potatoes and green peppers, and made "green pepper shredded potatoes". I'm going to see how my mother cooks this dish.

Mother rinsed the potatoes and green peppers first. First, shred the green pepper and put it on the plate. Then, use the jagged bottle cap to scrape off the potato skin, which is really economical and economical. Mother began to cut potatoes. She cut potatoes into pieces and then shreds, and then soaked the shreds in water. Mother said the potatoes would not change color. Mother cut chopped scallions and shredded ginger. My mother also asked me to help peel some garlic. Of course, I was happy to be my mother's assistant. Garlic is cut into pieces. All the preparatory work has been done.

Mother started cooking. First, she lit the gas. When the water in the pot dried up, she poured the peanut oil into the pot. Mother said she added a little salt to prevent splashing. When the oil is hot, add scallions and shredded ginger, and the pot will make a sound of "Zizi Zizi". Then put green peppers into the pot, and Mom will stir fry them for a few times, and then put the shredded potatoes into the pot. Then Mom will stir fry the green peppers and shredded potatoes together with a spatula. I heard the sound of the pan. After a few minutes, the potatoes were almost ripe. My mother put in garlic slices, poured proper vinegar and soy sauce, and the potatoes turned pale yellow, still shiny. Finally, my mother added some salt, chicken essence, stir fried a few times, and put them into the plate with a spatula. A delicious delicacy was thus prepared. Wow, it really has color, fragrance and taste. I sniffed it greedily with my nose and tasted it again. I thought it was delicious and kept saying, "Very good!"

After watching the whole process of my mother's cooking, I thought it was also very interesting, and I couldn't help saying to my mother; "Next time, I will also come to fry a dish of shredded potatoes with green pepper!" Mother said, "OK, OK, I really want to try my daughter's fried dishes."

Composition cooking (5)

On Saturday, I have to face math problems again. Mathematics is really a nuisance, but it is the concentration problem that I am not good at.

The equation I face has escaped my thinking several times. I really hate the distributive law of multiplication. It is like a cable car. If you find it, you can easily cross the canyon and enjoy the scenery along the way; But if the cable car is not found, we have to struggle to climb it. If we don't pay attention, a rolling stone will fall, which will be enough to be destroyed. But the problem is that the starting point of the cable car is always covered by plants, which is difficult to find.

I check this string of numbers. Look. I dozed off. But I dare not play boldly, because my mother is opposite. When my head fell for the third time, my mother couldn't stand it and called me into the kitchen.

In order to wake me up, my mother asked me to give her a hand. It mainly involves washing rice, washing vegetables, cutting vegetables and carrying dishes. It's not difficult to wash rice. There are only four things to do, including putting rice and adding water. I can also accept them. But washing mushrooms baffled me.

As everyone knows, the mushrooms are smooth and smooth. The cooked mushrooms are white and tender (without soy sauce), but they are really tasteless (without seasoning). There is a kind of astringency of vegetables, but it has neither the crispness of vegetables, nor the chewiness of meat, nor the Q-flick of soft candy. It tastes ordinary, but it is troublesome to handle. I thought the mushroom had a smooth surface like silk, which should be easy to clean. As a result, except for a few soil particles, nothing can be washed away. I rubbed hard, and unexpectedly rubbed off the skin of the mushroom, revealing the same texture as the sponge, but more compact and solid inner wall than the sponge. I was surprised to find that those "stains" that could not be washed out actually extended to the inside like bruises.

I really think that cooking is an art on the tip of a knife. Mother held a small ginger in her hand and used the kitchen knife as a hairdresser. From the starting point to the finger belly, use the finger belly to hold it, and a piece of ginger peel falls off. When cutting mushrooms, when cutting to the handle, the knife can even turn upward, and then cut it up.

Compared with cooking, mathematics is really nothing.

Composition cooking (6)

My mother cooks every night.

One day when I came home from school, I went to the kitchen to watch my mother cooking. My mother asked me to be her little helper. My mother said that today she would cook sweet and sour ribs, and let me learn from her. My mother told me that the main ingredients of this dish are: ribs, cooking wine, sugar, soy sauce, onions, ginger, garlic, and most importantly, vinegar.

Mother washed the ribs first, added a little cooking wine and ginger, and put them into the pot to boil. Mother said it was for bleeding water, to remove the smell of meat, and after boiling out, drain the ribs. My mother said that she would prepare another bowl. I immediately helped my mother take out a bowl. My mother mixed the cooking wine, sugar, and other seasonings evenly for standby.

Mother heated the pot first, turned on the gas stove, a fire came out from under the pot, poured the oil into the pot, and only heard a sound of "zi -". The ribs were out of the pot. Mother kept stirring the ribs with a spatula. After five minutes, the ribs became a little golden yellow, and then put the spare ingredients in a small bowl, and continued to stir fry for three minutes. After the soup boiled, stew with low heat for 30 minutes, When there was still one third of the juice, my mother said, "Sprinkle a handful of white sesame seeds, and you will be done." I immediately handed the white sesame seeds to my mother, and she could turn off the fire and get out of the pot after sprinkling the sesame seeds.

I smelled the fragrance and couldn't wait to take out a pair of chopsticks. I ate one. It was really delicious and crisp. Next time I will be my mother's helper.

Composition cooking (7)

Grandma cooked many dishes this evening, including scrambled eggs with tomatoes, braised fish in brown sauce, sweet and sour ribs

Grandma made scrambled eggs with tomatoes first. Grandma picked up the metal ball to clean the pot, took out eggs and tomatoes from the refrigerator, washed the tomatoes clean, picked up a knife, cut the tomatoes into pieces and put them in a bowl. Pick up the egg and put it on

When I knocked on the table, I saw a crack on the egg. Grandma pressed the crack with her thumb and pulled it. The egg white and yolk flowed into the bowl. Grandma pressed the switch and twisted it. The fire started. Blue fire? It's like a blue skirt, ready.

Grandma poured the eggs into the pot and put MSG and salt in it. After a while, Grandma picked up the spatula and turned the egg over. After a while, the light yellow egg turned dark yellow. Grandma picked up the spatula and cut the egg into pieces. Then she put it in and put the tomato in. "?" made a noise.

After a while, Grandma put the eggs in, picked up the ketchup, unscrewed the lid, and painted it with chopsticks.

Tomato scrambled eggs are ready, so delicious!

Composition cooking (8)

Today, we had a guest. Grandma was going to make her specialty "chicken fried chestnuts".

Grandma took out all the materials prepared in advance: yellow rice wine, ginger, soy sauce, chicken cut and fried, MSG and chestnuts. She first poured a small amount of oil into the pot and heated it. Only saw the oil splashed up, and from time to time issued a "Pa Pa" sound. Then, Grandma poured yellow rice wine into the pot, and then poured water into it.

When the water boils, yellow rice wine and water blend together. "Look, it's bubbling." I said excitedly. At this time, Grandma carefully put the chestnuts in. After a while, the chestnuts were a little yellow, and the smell of chestnuts floated out. Grandma also poured the chicken in. She took the spoon and skillfully flipped it up and down. After 15 minutes of frying, the food was ready, and the smell of chicken and chestnuts blended together. "How delicious!" My mouth watering.

When Grandma brought the food to the table, everyone gave a thumbs up when they tasted it!

Composition cooking (9)

Today is Saturday. I want to cook with my sister. So, I asked, "Sister, what are we cooking today?" My sister said, "What do you think?" I said, "I want to eat fried rice with eggs." "OK, then I'll eat fried rice with eggs!"

Before dinner, I started to cook. I first took leftovers from the refrigerator, and then went to get some eggs. Then I opened the gas bottle, opened the gas stove, put on the iron pan, and then poured oil into the pan. In my panic, I poured a lot of oil into the pot. I said, "Oh, what if I pour so much oil?" My sister didn't say anything.

I think the chef in the restaurant cooks a lot of cooking oil, which is nothing for me, maybe not too much! Well, let's leave it alone. I have poured so much oil, and my sister didn't say anything. That means there is no problem. So I poured the eggs into the pot. The pot immediately made a "faint" sound. I was scared back, thinking something was wrong.

After looking at it for a while, I realized that it was because I poured too fast just now, and some oil and eggs spilled out. Fortunately, it didn't splash on my body and hands. Then I picked up the shovel and turned the egg over. Then I poured rice into the pot and turned it over again with the shovel. Because of my low strength, I turned slowly. After turning for a while, I saw that some eggs and rice had turned black. My sister said, "Turn it down for a while." I promised to turn it down and continue cooking.

After frying for a while, my sister said, "Well, now we can serve it." So I turned off the gas bottle and the gas stove and put the rice in a bowl. Then my sister and I ate. Alas, how can fried rice with eggs taste so bad? Alas, it's really difficult to cook without cooking! It seems that I can't be picky anymore!

Composition cooking (10)

Today, I put on my apron and wanted to cook a delicious meal for my family.

I got up very early that day. I went to the market to buy vegetables, noodles, carrots and other nutritious food. When I got home, my father and mother got up. At this time, I realized that I was too late. I hurried to cut the carrots into silk. But because I was too hurried, some carrots were long, some were short, some were thick, and some were thin and fine, Looking at these carrots in different shapes, I couldn't help but lower my head. My mother came and said, "Forget it! Let me have this meal!" My firm expression made my mother leave me.

Then, I put carrots into the pot, stir fry them, add corn, green beans, ham sausage and other nutritious dishes. A shovel swayed in the colorful dishes, looking golden and green, and even my saliva flowed out. I really admire my talent. After a while, the dishes were finally cooked, and a smell slowly drifted from the plate to my parents' noses. Even my mother gave me a thumbs up and praised me. I couldn't help blushing!

The second dish is sauerkraut fish, which is also the most difficult one. I lowered my head. What should the meditator do? My mother saw this and came over to me carefully and patiently. I carefully did every step according to my mother's tips. After 20 minutes, a bowl of delicious pickled fish came out of the pot. I could not help smiling when I saw this fragrant table of dishes.

I suddenly understood a truth: if one wants to succeed, he must experience success and failure, otherwise it is false.

Composition cooking (11)

One day, it was almost seven o'clock, but my mother had not come back. My father had gone on a business trip, and no one cooked for me. But my stomach could not stand it, and began to cry. I can't help it. I have to cook by myself. I remember my mother taught me how to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes. I think I can just make scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Although I have set ambitious goals, this is my first time to do it. There are tomatoes and eggs in the kitchen basket.

I will do whatever I say. I will wash the tomatoes and prepare to cut them. Because I saw my mother cut vegetables, I was not so nervous this time. I put on my apron and put away the cutting board. Hold the knife tightly with your right hand, press the tomato with your left hand, and cut it carefully one by one. I remember that every time my mother cut tomatoes, she cut them into pieces and put them in a bowl. Then I followed my mother's example. Then I picked up two eggs, broke them in a bowl, and then picked up chopsticks to stir. Then put a little oil in the pot. After the oil is heated, pour the eggs into the pot first, turn over the eggs with a shovel, and a small piece of eggs "jumped" just when I lost my mind. Because I was very close to the pot, I almost "jumped" on my face. I didn't expect that the egg would "jump". What should I do? I had an idea, and hurriedly poured the tomato in the bowl on the egg and fried it back and forth. I tried my own way, and it was really good. The egg didn't "jump" outside. About two minutes later, the fire was turned off. I put tomato scrambled eggs in a bowl and served them on the table. I was very happy when my mother came back. She was surprised when she saw the food on the table. Her mother asked, "Did you make this?" I said, "Yes." Mom; Smile happily; I not only learned to cook, but also helped my mother share the housework. I'm very happy

Composition Cooking (12)

After school, I quickly ran to my grandmother's house to finish my homework. Because I have a plan to help my grandparents. It happened that Grandpa was going to cook dinner, so I helped him cook first. I first decided to have a dish of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, which is my specialty. I took two from the refrigerator first

After school, I quickly ran to my grandmother's house to finish my homework. Because I have a plan to help my grandparents. It happened that Grandpa was going to cook dinner, so I helped him cook first.

I first decided to have a dish of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, which is my specialty. First, I took two eggs and a tomato from the refrigerator, beat the eggs and put the scallions into them quickly, cut the tomatoes into small pieces, pour the oil into the pot and heat them, then put the tomatoes into the pot and stir fry them for a few times, and turn the fire down. After a while, put the eggs into the pot and stir fry them for about a minute. A bowl of beautiful scrambled eggs with tomatoes came out with an attractive fragrance. The eggs were yellow and tender, the tomatoes were red and charming, and the green green onions were just right. The bright colors alone have increased people's appetite. Because my grandpa has diabetes and he likes to eat vegetables, I specially made a stir fried vegetable for him. Grandma also likes to eat some vegetables. I cooked a bowl of fried bamboo shoots with dried vegetables according to Grandma's taste. Vegetables are not enough. Have another bowl of steamed fish. Finally, I finished these dishes with great effort. There are already 4 dishes, but one bowl of soup is missing. But I never made soup, so I had to make the simplest laver soup. I tasted it after I finished it. Ah, why does it taste strange? I used sugar as salt. Fortunately, I didn't put much. I added salt and tasted it again. It was salty and sweet. It tasted good. So the dishes were cooked successfully.

Grandma and grandpa eat the food I cooked and keep cheering, my heart is also happy!

Composition cooking (13)

Today, I learned to cook a dish from my mother - scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

First, I took the tomato to wash it. It was smooth and ruddy. I picked up the kitchen knife and carefully cut it in half. I found that there were many small seeds inside. Then I cut them into small pieces and put them on the plate. Put the egg into the bowl, mix it with chopsticks, wash a few small garlic, and cut it into pieces. When ready, mother turned on the gas stove and poured the oil into the pot. When the oil was heated, she poured the eggs into the pot first. As soon as they were put in, they made a "squeaking" sound. After several times of frying, they turned into golden blocks and were put into a bowl. Add some more oil. When the oil is hot, pour the tomatoes and garlic into the pot, stir fry them with a shovel for a few times, put the eggs into the pot again, put some salt, sugar, water, stew for a while, and stir fry them for a few more times. When the dish is ready, put it on the plate.

I am very happy to see the fruits of my own labor! I also realized my mother's usual hard work. I will listen to my parents and be a good child.

Composition cooking (14)

This afternoon, my father and mother were not at home. When I finished my math homework, my stomach was so hungry that I cried "goo goo". I opened the refrigerator and found that there were only half a handful of vegetables, right! Just stir fry vegetables.

Just do what I say. I first pick off the rotten leaves and then wash the vegetables. When I turn on the tap, the water flows down. I take the vegetables into the pool with water, and then tighten the faucet. After a while, the vegetables seemed to be washed by a group of little children, and I rubbed them clean. Finally, I put the vegetables on the cutting board and began to cut the vegetables! How excited and nervous I was, I carefully brought the kitchen knife, holding the vegetables in my left hand, and slowly cut with the knife in my right hand. I only heard a few "clicks", and the vegetables were cut into sections. Although they were not cut neatly, I wanted to eat until no one could see them.

Everything is ready. I have to start cooking. I put the pot and pour a little oil into it. When I turned around to get vegetables, the oil suddenly danced in the pot. I quickly turned on the oil extractor, poured vegetables into the pot, and stir fried them with a shovel. I sprinkled some salt into the vegetables. In order to make them taste better, I added some MSG. How can I cook them? Let's stir fry more for a while. "Ouch", it's a bit burnt. I quickly put the vegetables on the plate, served them on the table, and ate the dishes I cooked myself. I thought: cooking is really not easy!

Composition Cooking (15)

Today is Grandma's birthday. To celebrate, Dad is going to make something that Grandma and I like to eat - stir fried diced chicken with shredded cabbage.

First, Dad pulled the outside of the cabbage layer by layer, then found out the kitchen knife and held the handle. Dad's hand "drove" at full speed, and the cabbage was cut into thin strands. Then he poured the shredded cabbage into a basin and washed it underwater. Then Dad took out a big piece of chicken from the refrigerator and cut it piece by piece.

Everything was ready. Dad cleaned the pot with a brush, then turned the fire to the maximum, dripped some oil into the pot, waited a while, put all the diced chicken into the pot, and only heard a "wow". The oil gushed out like a "volcanic eruption", as if protesting: "It's so hot." Dad repeatedly fried, and the "cries of pain" of the oil points were under Dad's "comfort", Quiet down, the color of the diced chicken slowly changed, the light skin color changed, and became a "fire wheel". The fragrance permeated the whole kitchen. I tried hard to breathe in, trying to breathe all the attractive fragrance into my stomach. My father brought salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, and put them in one by one. The smell was too strong to be strong. The skin of the diced chicken exploded. My father put the shredded cabbage in it and stir fried it back and forth. The diced chicken was more oily and shiny than before. It seemed to say, "It's so comfortable, so comfortable, just like a hot spring!" At this time, I couldn't help but want to eat a piece. My father saw my craving, As soon as I changed my usual attitude, I made an exception and gave me a few dollars. My mouth watered like "it flew down three thousand feet, and my mouth watered for nine days". But the hot gas also seems to remind me: don't eat, or your mouth will blister. But I still couldn't help but put it in my mouth regardless of three, seven or twenty. Finally, I got through the hot test. Wow! It smells good. The diced chicken and shredded cabbage are fragrant, crispy and delicious. I even want to swallow them with my tongue.

Stir fried diced chicken and shredded cabbage, a pair of good brothers. Stir fried diced chicken is delicious!

Composition cooking (16)

Today, my father worked overtime, and my mother cooked bamboo shrimp for me.

Mother bought a bag of bamboo shrimp, poured it into a basin with water, and washed the shrimp. The shrimp is so fresh! Look: some shrimps are like sitting up, some feet are swinging, and some whiskers are also coming to "join in the fun". When a bamboo shrimp flicked its tail, my mother's face was splashed with water, and I "gloated" at the edge. Looking at the shrimp in the basin, I asked my mother: "Why is the shrimp green?" "Because its blood is light blue, and it turns red when it is cooked." My mother answered while cutting the scallions. At this time, the shrimp's backs are straight.

Mother began to cook shrimp. She first put salt and ginger into the pot to boil, then poured shrimp into the pot. She waved a few spatulas, added scallions and cooking wine, and continued to cook.

After a while, my mother opened the lid of the pot, and the shrimp became bent and red. "Out of the pot at once!" Mother put the shrimp on the plate and put it on the table. I have also prepared the vinegar. After smelling it, the aroma is overwhelming. When I saw my mother sitting down with sweat wiped, I gave her a prawn. I took one myself, peeled the shell, dipped it in vinegar, and put it into my mouth. The onion flavor ingredient was added with a little acetic acid, and the taste was wonderful! I like shrimp.

I think it would be great if I could eat such delicious food every day! "When I grow up in the future, I will help my parents cook food and eat it as delicious as my mother does!" I said to my mother. Mother smiled, so did I.

Composition Cooking (17)

Today is Grandma's birthday. To celebrate, Dad is going to make something that Grandma and I like to eat - stir fried diced chicken with shredded cabbage.

First, Dad pulled the outside of the cabbage layer by layer, then found out the kitchen knife and held the handle. Dad's hand "drove" at full speed, and the cabbage was cut into thin strands. Then he poured the shredded cabbage into a basin and washed it underwater. Then Dad took out a big piece of chicken from the refrigerator and cut it piece by piece.

Everything was ready. Dad cleaned the pot with a brush, then turned the fire to the maximum, dripped some oil into the pot, waited a while, put all the diced chicken into the pot, and only heard a "wow". The oil gushed out like a "volcanic eruption", as if protesting: "It's so hot." Dad repeatedly fried, and the "cries of pain" of the oil points were under Dad's "comfort", Quiet down, the 'color' of the diced chicken slowly changed, the light skin color changed, and became a "fire wheel". The fragrance permeated the whole kitchen. I tried to breathe hard to breathe all the attractive fragrance into my stomach. My father brought salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, and put them in one by one. The smell was too strong to be strong. The skin of the diced chicken exploded. My father put the shredded cabbage in it and stir fried it back and forth. The diced chicken was more oily and shiny than before. It seemed to say, "It's so comfortable, so comfortable, just like a hot spring!" At this time, I couldn't help but want to eat a piece. My father saw my craving, As soon as I changed my usual attitude, I made an exception and gave me a few dollars. My mouth watered like "it flew down three thousand feet, and my mouth watered for nine days". But the hot gas also seems to remind me: don't eat, or your mouth will blister. But I still couldn't help but put it in my mouth regardless of three, seven or twenty. Finally, I got through the hot test. Wow! It smells good. The diced chicken and shredded cabbage are fragrant, crispy and delicious. I even want to swallow them with my tongue.

Stir fried diced chicken and shredded cabbage, a pair of good brothers. Stir fried diced chicken is delicious!

Composition cooking (18)

One night, Grandma was cooking sweet and sour yellow croaker at home.

Grandma went to the supermarket to buy a yellow yellow croaker and spices. Go home and wash the small yellow croaker. Especially pay attention to peeling off a piece of skin on its head, otherwise it will be very fishy. Then make a few cuts on the back of the fish to let the white sauce penetrate into the body of the yellow croaker and make the meat more delicious. Finally, dry the small yellow croaker.

At the beginning of the cooking, Grandma poured some oil into the pan and sprinkled a small amount of salt in the oil, so that the fish would not stick to the pan. Just listen to Grandma pour the yellow croaker into the pot. Pay attention to the heat when the yellow croaker is cooking. If the fire is too big, the yellow croaker will be fried. Grandma said that the fish head and tail should be cooked in the process of frying. When the skin turns golden, fry it on the other side. After frying, sprinkle some ginger, wine and MSG on the yellow croaker... Remember that the onion should be put last, or it will turn yellow and affect the taste of the whole dish. Finally, turn the sweet and sour yellow croaker in the microwave oven for 1~2 minutes, so that a delicious sweet and sour yellow croaker is finished.

Sweet and sour yellow croaker is on the table! It makes my mouth water and heart blossom at the sight, which is beyond comparison. I didn't expect that a common sweet and sour yellow croaker would be so difficult to cook, so I will pay more attention to Grandma in the future.

Composition cooking (19)

Fried eggs must be familiar to everyone! yes! Fried eggs are the most common and easy to make in almost all dishes. A person who can't even cook an egg can't be called a cook. Of course, a person who can cook an egg can't necessarily cook.

"Mom, I'm hungry!" I said. "Burn it yourself," my mother said sternly. "I won't burn it," I said again. "Why don't I teach you how to fry eggs?" Mother said. When was I afraid of OKOK. So I went to the kitchen with my mother.

"Fried eggs! Fried eggs!" I began to fry the first fried egg in my life! First, you should use a hot pot, then add oil, break eggs, put them in the pot, and fry them for one or two minutes! The first two steps I completed were clean and neat, and I admired myself, so I felt a little light, but things are unpredictable! In the process of putting eggs, I met with a big problem. Because it was too light to break the eggshell with my hand. When I was worried, I didn't know what was going on, so the whole eggshell fell into the oil pan. I was so worried that I screamed. Fortunately, my mother saved the scene, otherwise I really fried an unprecedented egg. No one came later with an eggshell.

Finally! The egg is fried, but one side is burnt, because I turned it late and almost stuck to the pan! After cooking, taste, alas! It's awful! But who made me hungry! I still gobbled it up!

Is there a first time for everything? It doesn't matter if you fail for the first time! As the saying goes, "Practice makes perfect", I believe that next time I can fry an extremely perfect fried egg that satisfies everyone!

Composition Cooking (20)

When I came home from school, my mother told me that today she cooked braised pork in brown sauce. I was so happy that I jumped three feet high. How does mom cook delicious food? I decided to go to the kitchen to have a look.

Mother washed and cut the fat and big pork into pieces, and washed the fennel, cinnamon and ginger for use.

Mother turned on the gas stove, heated the pan and put the fat into it. After a while, the pan made a "sizzling" sound, and the oil in the fat meat slowly boiled out. Mother put the rest of the meat into the pot to stir fry a few times, then put ginger, fennel, cinnamon, and burn some cooking wine, soy sauce, sprinkle sugar. Wow! It's amazing that the meat turns dark red in a twinkling of an eye, and there is a thick smell of meat in the air. I really wanted to have a taste, but my mother stopped me and said, "It's still early!"! Braised meat needs to be stewed, so it tastes delicious. " Mother poured a bowl of water into the pot and covered it. After more than ten minutes, the soup in the braised meat was boiling. Mother turned the switch to low heat and stewed the meat.

After a long time, my mother opened the lid of the pot, and a smell came to my nose. The meat was red and shiny. I couldn't wait to taste it. It was crisp, soft, fat and not greasy. It was delicious!

I gave a thumbs up and repeatedly praised: "Mom's cooking is really excellent."