600 word composition (4 popular ones)
The peak man
2024-01-16 03:37:06
Junior two

600 word composition (1)

On the first day of the new semester, I was carrying a new bag and wearing new clothes, skipping on the way to school. Suddenly, the dark clouds above gathered, and the sky flashed and thundered. Before I knew it, God immediately poured down a basin of water, and I was immediately drenched.

I finally dragged my wet body to the classroom, and the students looked all in good spirits, waiting for the bell to ring. I also quickly found my own place to sit down. Then the bell rang. The first person who came in was Mr. Zhao, who took our place in math class. Seeing her light step into the classroom, the students immediately became quiet. Miss Zhao cleared her throat and said: "Students, today is your first math class after your promotion. Now please write down your goals for this semester on the first page of your homework book." As soon as the teacher's voice fell, the students were all thinking hard and brewing, and then seriously wrote down their wishes for the new semester.

The third class is science class, and some small regrets happened unexpectedly before this class! Because I didn't know there was a science class today, my mother didn't bring me a science book. I thought: since I didn't bring a science book, let's read it for a while! So I couldn't wait to take out my favorite "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and read it with great interest. Just reading the highlights, the science teacher came over with a straight face. She said to me sternly: "No reading in science class, please give me the book!" I gave the book to the teacher reluctantly with tears. I'm so distressed! That's the new book my father just bought for me from the Internet.

I made up my mind that I would behave well in class and try to impress the teacher and get the book back!

This is the first day of school. There are joy, regret, and I can't calm down for a long time.

600 word composition (2)

It is said that time is precious, indeed! In the blink of an eye, Chuyi left in a hurry without even saying goodbye to me.

School has begun again, and it is a new stage - Junior Two. In a new semester, new strength should be poured into it. With new power, the flower of life will be more brilliant!

I always feel that learning time is so long and playing time is so short. Indeed, the time of these two months is so fast, as if it were a blink of an eye.

The moment I stepped into the school gate, I was thinking deeply. It was my second day in junior high. Do I want to live as dimly as my first day in junior high? Are you going to be chased by the team leader and the department representative every day? Do you want to be as absent-minded in class as before, and you don't know who you are going to travel with in the world? When the second foot entered the school gate again, I made up my mind to catch up this semester. I want to move forward towards the goal in my heart. I believe that the roadblock in front will kneel down in my crotch!

Second day! People are more mature, more stable, and can no longer be so naive, so naive.

Second day! We can no longer live a life full of basketball like the first day of junior high school. We can't play basketball all day except for playing basketball. Because the high school entrance exam is such a big mountain, I have to carry it. It's so heavy, I can't breathe. How can I play football.

Second day! New physics has come to me, and I have another partner in my life. If I want to pull up the middle, this good friend is absolutely necessary.

Second day! It is also a small turning point in life. Teachers say it is a watershed in learning, but I think it is a gamble. The future is the chip. So this move must be played perfectly.

Second day! What we are facing is the high school entrance examination. The high school entrance examination is a turning point in our life, which can not be ignored. It makes my heart very uneasy.

In short, move forward to the goal!

600 word composition (3)

On the first day of the new semester, I was carrying a new bag and wearing new clothes, skipping on the way to school. Suddenly, the dark clouds above gathered, and the sky flashed and thundered. Before I knew it, God immediately poured down a basin of water, and I was immediately drenched.

I finally dragged my wet body to the classroom, and the students looked all in good spirits, waiting for the bell to ring. I also quickly found my own place to sit down. Then the bell rang. The first person who came in was Mr. Zhao, who took our place in math class. Seeing her light step into the classroom, the students immediately became quiet. Miss Zhao cleared her throat and said: "Students, today is your first math class after your promotion. Now please write down your goals for this semester on the first page of your homework book." As soon as the teacher's voice fell, the students were all thinking hard and brewing, and then seriously wrote down their wishes for the new semester.

The third class is science class, and some small regrets happened unexpectedly before this class! Because I didn't know there was a science class today, my mother didn't bring me a science book. I thought: since I didn't bring a science book, let's read it for a while! So I couldn't wait to take out my favorite "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and read it with great interest. Just reading the highlights, the science teacher came over with a straight face. She said to me sternly: "No reading in science class, please give me the book!" I gave the book to the teacher reluctantly with tears. I'm so distressed! That's the new book my father just bought for me from the Internet.

I made up my mind that I would behave well in class and try to impress the teacher and get the book back!

This is the first day of school. There are joy, regret, and I can't calm down for a long time.

600 word composition (4)


In the next class, I will take an English exam. I will turn over my English book again and again, and keep carrying English words in my mouth, eager to get a good score. My deskmate laughed that I was possessed, but I was unmoved: I was insured more than once! The examination paper was handed out, and I read it quickly. It was all reviewed by me! So I "wrote quickly", almost without hesitation, and finished in a short time. He checked carefully again. Finally, the examination papers were handed out, and I was the first in the class. The crowd sent out bursts of amazement. Looking at the surprised faces of the students, my heart is sweet


Tomorrow is Monday, and a happy weekend has passed. It's also my own fault. I only care about playing. My homework has been delayed again and again. My homework has not been settled yet. Hurry up and do your Chinese homework. It's almost done. Hey, you can watch TV later. Ah!! No, there are also three math papers. Alas, continue to work. Finally, I finished. My mother asked me to eat. I just got up and remembered my English homework, so I had to sit down again and yell at the door, "Stay, stay. After eating noodles, I just climbed into bed and wanted to sleep, but I remembered English and recitation, alas

The feeling of junior high school is sour, sweet, bitter and spicy. However, I like junior high school life. Someone said to me: New Year's Day is like a cup of tea, waiting for you to taste it, have the courage to taste it, don't be timid, reach out, reach out your powerful hand, take that cup of tea, taste it, taste it!

Feeling composition for the beginning of the second year of junior high 600 words 2

The pleasant summer vacation has passed away with the hot summer. We are ready to meet the call of the new semester and embark on a new journey again. Our study will also move from primary school to junior high school.

Beautiful campus

Step into the gate of Rijin Middle School, feel the warmth of the sun, smell the breath of dew, what a good morning! The rockery smiles at me, the small tree waves to me, and the sparrow greets me. The five-star red flag flutters in the wind, showing the majesty of the country under the sun. All the buildings in the school are red at the bottom, which seems to be as hot as our youth. Walk into the dormitory building, walk into the clean dormitory, and a hint of home will come to you. After saying hello to your roommates, make the bed and say goodbye to your parents, then walk to our classroom.

Nervous classroom

The sacred classroom, from small to large, is where we learn. A teacher once told me that only when the utilization rate of junior high school class time reaches 80% can we keep up with the course progress. I listened carefully and studied hard at the beginning. We all make full use of our valuable class time: every question of the teacher will make the students speak enthusiastically; Classroom assignments assigned by the teacher have all been painstakingly written, which is no less than the palace exam. Even if the bell rings after class and students laugh outside the window, there are still students in the classroom who are immersed in writing, ignoring other things.

Full self-study

Once you arrive at self-study class, you will find it difficult to pass the time. In fact, it is not so. Although there are less homework and very little time for self-study, we can use these time to do a lot of things. Review, preview, remember and memorize will enrich the self-study lessons, and you can also write more materials to consolidate the content of daily learning in time. In the self-study class, after finishing my homework, I always think of the requirements of the teacher, and I can't help feeling for the textbook in the drawer. I can't help but look at it dazzled, and my back is dim. Sometimes I think the self-study class is so short.

In the evening, I lie in bed and talk with my roommates about how interesting and interesting the day's fun life is. The future is still a long time, and I will spend every day happily like this.

Feeling composition for the beginning of the second year of junior high 600 words 3

The new semester has come, and I stand at a new starting point, facing greater challenges. I know that this road is not easy to walk, and on this way of learning, we are facing greater difficulties, higher difficulties. I also have some ideas for this.

In fact, my wish is the same as everyone else. That is to study hard in the new semester, listen to the teacher carefully, and speak actively in class. Not only that, but also often participate in various activities, which is far from enough. I also hope I can get good results in every exam. I know that it is very difficult to do these things, but as long as you stick to them and never shrink back, it will become very easy.

We are also very interesting in our study. You will not believe it when you see this. Let me tell you slowly.

We have many good friends, for example, in mathematics, we hold hands with many Arab children and roam the fun of learning in mathematics; In Chinese, we have fun with the beautiful Chinese characters; In English, we smile at ABC; In the history, we are learning the stories of ancient China... There are many more, this is the birthplace of our happiness, the sublimation of our soul!

My ideal is to engrave the knowledge I learned in junior high school in my mind, so that I can achieve excellent results in all subjects in the future.

I know that everyone thinks differently, because everyone has different aspirations and goals. Now that I am growing up, my new goal is not to be a great man, nor to be the first fan wen artist, nor to become a scientific giant. But when I grow up, I will enter a better university and find a stable job. It is enough to do extraordinary things for the country and the society in their ordinary posts and contribute their own strength.

Let's join hands in the new semester and move forward together towards our goals! Cry out: "New semester, I'm coming!"

Feeling composition for the beginning of the second day of junior high school 600 words 4

The beginning of school is a beautiful word, a new beginning, a new starting point When school began, teachers and students gathered together again. Look, how happy the students are.

It feels good to start school!

The new semester is like a piece of white drawing paper. Each of us is a painter holding various colored pens; The new semester also wants to be a magical land. Each of us is a cultivator with farm tools in hand; The new semester is more like a hard book to read. Each of us is tireless in reading

It feels good to start school!

When school starts, time is like a sieve, which will eventually clean up the dregs of history. The past unforgettable memories and unbelievable scores will be refreshed and become the past. However, from a new starting point, I dare to prepare for the next competition, right? The past has passed. Do we have to complain? No, now we have come to a new starting point and started a new contest. In this process, it is still uncertain who will win or lose. Everyone will be the ultimate hero.

It feels good to start school!

When school began, some trivial things in the summer vacation were also left behind. Almost every day of summer vacation is wasted in playing. However, now that school starts, my daily life will be more fulfilling, and I will never idle away my time.

It feels good to start school!

At the beginning of school, I came to this long lost campus with my heavy schoolbag, curiosity and joy, and saw the rising sun shining in all directions. I can't help but be shocked: I understand that the rainy season will come again, but the sun will warm me as well!

It feels good to start school!

Feeling composition for the beginning of the second day of junior high school 600 words 5

It is said that time is precious, indeed! In the blink of an eye, Chuyi left in a hurry without even saying goodbye to me.

School has begun again, and it is a new stage - Junior Two. In a new semester, new strength should be poured into it. With new power, the flower of life will be more brilliant!

I always feel that learning time is so long and playing time is so short. Indeed, the time of these two months is so fast, as if it were a blink of an eye.

The moment I stepped into the school gate, I was thinking deeply. It was my second day in junior high. Do I want to live as dimly as my first day in junior high? Are you going to be chased by the team leader and the department representative every day? Do you want to be as absent-minded in class as before, and you don't know who you are going to travel with in the world? When the second foot entered the school gate again, I made up my mind to catch up this semester. I want to move forward towards the goal in my heart. I believe that the roadblock in front will kneel down in my crotch!

Second day! People are more mature, more stable, and can no longer be so naive, so naive.

Second day! We can no longer live a life full of basketball like the first day of junior high school. We can't play basketball all day except for playing basketball. Because the high school entrance exam is such a big mountain, I have to carry it. It's so heavy, I can't breathe. How can I play football.

Second day! New physics has come to me, and I have another partner in my life. If I want to pull up the middle, this good friend is absolutely necessary.

Second day! It is also a small turning point in life. Teachers say it is a watershed in learning, but I think it is a gamble. The future is a gamble. So this move must be played perfectly.

Second day! What we are facing is the high school entrance examination. The high school entrance examination is a turning point in our life, which can not be ignored. It makes my heart very uneasy.

In short, move forward to the goal!