Unforgettable Events Model Essays (19 compilations)
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2024-01-12 03:52:48

Unforgettable Things Sample Writing (1)

On Saturday, my parents took me to the amusement park. How big it is! There are so many interesting things! I asked that I must go to the haunted house. My father joked, "Don't piss your pants when you go in!" After hearing this, I will go even more. I don't want to be laughed at by my father as a coward.

We bought tickets and went into the haunted house. As soon as we entered, I found a hand without meat stretched out to me. I screamed with fright and hugged my father tightly. The hand seemed to be frightened by my screams and stopped in mid air. Just a few steps forward, I felt I stepped on something. I looked carefully and found it was a dummy! I was so scared that I jumped up. My father said, "You are so scared! Go out!"! In order to prove my bravery, I'm ready to go on.

Finally, I came out. If I stayed a little longer, I would be scared to pee my pants. My mother bought me a glass of juice, which made me nervous. Drinking cool juice, I suddenly felt that the haunted house was not so terrible.

I finally challenged myself because I never dared to enter the haunted house when I entered the amusement park before. In the future, I will be as brave as I am in the haunted house today, whether in life or in study.

Unforgettable Things Sample Writing (2)

This is the most unforgettable thing for me. It makes me understand that any success is not easy, and only persistence can win. Friends, do you have the most unforgettable thing? The following is a sample essay on one of the most unforgettable things arranged by my editor. Welcome to read it for reference, and I hope it will be helpful to you.

One of the most unforgettable things Model composition 1

One of the most unforgettable things for me is my first time to take an English test in another school. At the moment when the results were announced, my mood was as nervous as a bee in a hurry, flying up and down ceaselessly.

If it hadn't been for the English contest, I wouldn't have noticed that my dictation was not very good; If not for that experience, I'm afraid I'm still a frog in the bottom of a well. I don't know how many people are really good.

I remember when I first learned English, I was only four years old, and my mother started to teach me letters. Since my mother is a teacher, I can learn some relevant English knowledge first. I have been learning English for more than five years. My mother will let me recite English and write an English composition every day; Although English is not my favorite subject, I still work hard to learn English well.

That day, when I came home from school, my mother saw me and discussed the English exam with me, so I promised my mother to participate in the competition. During the exam, there was no sound in the classroom. You could hear a hair fall to the ground. When the dictation test was about to take place, the radio released a bunch of pleasant sounds, like ten cicadas chirping on the window. At this time, I was like an ant on a hot pot, extremely nervous. Finally, I casually wrote the answer and handed it to the teacher.

Finally, the results come out! However, I was not selected, which made my mother and I very disappointed. It turned out that my dictation was not good enough, so I must listen to more English tapes in the future to make my future English learning easier.

One of the most unforgettable things Model composition 2

One day in the summer vacation, because of the 60 day holiday, my father put forward an opinion, saying: Let's go swimming!

My father doesn't take me and my sister every time, because we have to go to school. So my sister and I never swam. My sister and I shouted: Yeah! We can finally use it.

In a few days, we set off.

When I first arrived at the seaside, I saw a large group of people playing at the seaside. We also saw several stalls selling swimming circles. I couldn't wait to say to my father, "Buy swimming circles quickly. This is my first time to swim at the seaside in 12 years.". After a while, we finished buying.

Just when we got into the water, Grandpa Dahai was so cool and caressed my body with his own hands. We slowly walked into the deep water area. I felt the water came to my stomach, and I stopped. Because I can't swim, the uncles of the marine rescue team also constructed a rope like a dragon in the middle of the sea for those of us who can't swim.

There are all small waves in front of me, but when I get to the back, many big waves come towards me. The wave could just cover me, and then I didn't know what to do. I was under the pressure, and I thought: the sea water should be like boiled water. Later, after several sips, I knew it was so salty. It was Dad who picked me up in time, or I would have gone to see the Lord.

Dad said to me: Look! When the waves come, you can grab the rope and jump to avoid the big waves.

I followed my father's method and avoided the big waves.

Since then, I have summed up an experience that as long as you do something with confidence and experience, you will succeed.

One of the most unforgettable things Model composition 3

Little by little, stumbling, scenes in life... I believe there are things worth our aftertaste and touching. Walk into the corridor of years, read the album of life, and relive the moment that once touched me.

The long road of life is rough and arduous. There are too many stars in the sky to count what happened, but the thing I can't forget is that.

One summer, with dark clouds and cicadas chirping loudly, the whole city seemed to be immersed in darkness. I sat by the window and looked at the few remaining lights outside the window, worried that it was going to rain, and I could not go home. Sure enough, my worry worked out. It rained heavily outside the window. Big raindrops fell from the sky. Dark clouds were gathering. My mind was no longer in class.

With the ringing of a crisp bell, it indicates that the course of the day is over, but at this time, some people are happy and some are sad. I stood at the entrance of the stairs, watching one student after another hurry away with the footsteps of their parents, feeling the cold touch of the falling rain on their bodies, feeling a burst of depression and sadness, and constantly cursing God in my heart. At this time, a touch of warmth climbed onto my shoulder, only to find that a classmate had not left. He was holding my shoulder with one hand and an umbrella with the other hand, and said to me, "Let me give you a ride." My mind was filled with inexplicable emotions, because I knew that his family and I were almost in the opposite direction, how could he send me? Forget it. I shook my hand at him. He said to me, "It's OK. What will you do if I leave?"

After saying that, he pulled me up and walked out of the classroom with me. The dense rain, like broken beads, weaves one transparent rain curtain after another. There were already some narrow umbrellas, but they became more crowded with my arrival. I looked at his thin body and felt warm and moved.

The road of several hundred meters is as long as a century. As I stood at the entrance of the stairs, the sky seemed to be clearing up, and my eyes were gazing at the receding figure, forming the most beautiful picture.

Even if time flies, even if the four seasons change constantly, the picture frozen in memory will always warm my heart. Hold a cup of tea, twist it for a while, pick up the warmth of memory, hide it in the gap of this winter, and melt the ice cold years. The heart, always with a touch of willow color, keeps quiet in the depths of the world of mortals, just waiting for the next spring in life to bloom that moment, now will be, people will be deeply trapped in that touching net...... Touch the softest corner of my heart, remind me of unlimited memories

Unforgettable Things Sample Writing (3)

In our life, ordinary things often happen, and these seemingly ordinary things are often unforgettable. The following is a sample essay on writing an unforgettable thing arranged by my editor. Welcome to read it for reference, and I hope it will be helpful to you.

Write an unforgettable thing Model essay 1

There are many unforgettable things for me, but among them, nothing gives me more insight and fun than buying food for the first time. Today is Friday, the teacher assigned us a special homework - to buy vegetables at the vegetable market on weekends, and then write a composition.

When I got home, I told my parents about this special assignment assigned by my teacher. They smiled and agreed to go shopping with me the next day.

On Saturday morning, when my parents went to the market to buy vegetables, they asked me to go with them. I followed my parents out of the house immediately. On the way, I asked my mother, "Mom, what are we going to buy at the vegetable market today?" My mother said, "Whatever you like, you can buy it and cook it for you at home as long as you study hard." I said, "OK. I will study hard. Today, we will buy some vegetables, cauliflower, fish, and pickled duck, OK?" "OK!"

So when we entered the market, we came to the place where the sauce duck was sold and asked them to cut half of the sauce duck. They cut half of the sauce duck, put it on the scale, and then said to us, "This half of the sauce duck is twelve yuan." Dad paid for it, and Mom took the sauce duck. I followed them to other places to buy dishes. Then, we came to the place where vegetables were sold, and saw that there were many fresh green vegetables and cauliflower... My mother and I picked them up. I pick cauliflower, and my mother picks vegetables. I picked it out and showed it to my mother. Mother said, "You have chosen a good cauliflower, just buy this one!" This cauliflower is more than one kilogram, and she paid fifty cents. Mother also paid fifty cents for the vegetables she picked. Then we go to the place where we sell fish to buy fish. We bought a grass carp and paid five yuan. After buying all the dishes, we went out of the market and went home.

When I got home, my parents immediately began to tidy up. I wash cauliflower, too. At noon, we had a big lunch. I ate with relish.

Write an unforgettable thing Model essay 2

Everyone has encountered many things, big or small, good or bad, happy or sad. But there is one thing that I can't forget.

Last year, my father built a winery on Boshanchi. We lived there for some time and found that there were many poor families here. Their clothes are very shabby. Because of poor family conditions, they buy clothes from the street. The children in the mountain area also walk to school, and they have to walk several kilometers. So my mother found me a group of friends. Near the New Year, my father took me and my mother to the little friend's home. As soon as I entered the door, I was stunned by the sight in front of me. They live in a small bungalow. There is nothing valuable in the house. There is a brother with cerebral palsy lying on the bed. I handed her the down jacket my mother bought for her and 500 yuan. Her face was excited and embarrassed. I said to her, "If you are in trouble, please call my mother. As long as you study hard, you can." She smiled and nodded. The two of us played for a while again. It was getting dark and we were ready to go home.

On the way home, I thought: the children in our city live a carefree life, live a happy life every day, but do not cherish this beautiful living conditions. Look at those poor children. In the future, I will be diligent and thrifty to help more poor children. I will study hard to make our country more prosperous and less poor children.

Write an unforgettable thing Model composition 3

It happened one afternoon in summer. The sun was hanging in the sky like a big fireball. There was no wind, and the flowers and plants were listless and drowsy. Even the asphalt road is soft and has a deep wheel mark. I wear a high hat when I walk on the way after school, but I'm still sweating all over my face. How I wish to have an ice cream to quench my thirst!

As I walked, I saw a group of people buying ice-cream in front of me. I felt thirsty. I also squeezed into the crowd to buy one and bit it. Ah! It's so comfortable. It's cold from head to foot. I throw the ice-cream paper away. The ice-cream paper floats and falls right outside the peel box. I wanted to run to pick it up. After a second thought, it was just a piece of ice-cream paper. It was nothing special, so I walked forward.

After a while, I came to a fork in the road and saw a five-year-old boy holding up an ice cream and running to his mother. While running, he shouted, "Mom, here you are!" He ran to his mother, put the ice cream in her mouth with one hand, and threw the ice cream on the ground with the other hand, His mother bent down and picked up the ice-cream and said, "Father Land likes cleaning as much as you do. If he dirties his clothes, he will get angry. It is up to everyone to keep the environment clean. Mother and you will throw the ice-cream paper into the box." Then they walked into the box and threw the ice-cream paper into it.

Looking at this scene, my face "brushed" to the root of my neck. The mother and son's behavior, words and deeds, like a stone, broke my peace of mind. The ice cream in my mouth, somehow, didn't feel cold at all. Not only that, but I felt extremely hot and dry. There was no hiding place in my face, no hiding place in my body, and my heart was like a overturned Schisandra, bitter, hot, sour, sweet, salty, I can't say what it's like. I look at the figure of the mother and son who are gone. I feel that I am lacking something, I feel small, and I can't look up

In the days to come, the weather is still hot, and the city is surrounded by heat waves. As usual, when I was thirsty, I bought an ice-cream to resist the heat, but instead of letting the ice-cream paper fly in the wind, I carefully put it into the dustbin, and I calmly tasted the sweetness and coolness of the ice-cream.

Unforgettable Things Sample Writing (4)

There are many things that happen around us every day, but there is one small thing that makes me feel deeply and unforgettable for a long time. The following is a sample composition of something I will never forget. Welcome to read it for reference. I hope you like it.

One thing that makes me unforgettable

I remember that it was a Saturday afternoon, and our whole family were having dinner together. When I eat, I often drop the rice grains on the table. At this time, I don't know that my father is staring at me. When I look up and see my father's serious attitude, my face suddenly turns red.

After a long time, my father said, "Have you ever learned the poem" Hoe "?" At that time, I didn't know what to say, but I lowered my head deeply.

Then my father told me about the past. It is said that they used to live a life inferior to that of cattle and horses, often without enough food and clothing. Now we are living a happy life, but we are still in bliss. When it comes to learning, they said that they had never seen textbooks before and had to go out to work since childhood. Now we are studying in the bright classroom, and we don't know how to work hard. Usually I would not cry, but today, before Dad finished speaking, I had been blurred by tears. I thought: If we don't treasure food, will we live the life before my father? I put the rice into my mouth, but I couldn't eat any more. It was like something was stuck in my throat.

At that time, I didn't know what the meaning of what my father said to me was. A few years later, I finally understood that my father was educating me to form the good habit of being diligent and thrifty from an early age.

I will never forget this education. Because whenever I have bad habits, it seems that someone is reminding me, that is my father.

An unforgettable thing for me Model composition 2

There are many unforgettable things, just like the stars in the sky, shining in the long river of my memory, but I can't count them clearly. But there is one thing I can't forget!

That was when I was in second grade. It snowed heavily in the morning. I go to school with my friends. As we walked, we fell on all fours! We thought to ourselves: this damn weather will always be against us. While we were complaining about the weather, we saw a white haired grandmother about seventy years old. The old woman walked slowly with a basket in her hand, as if she were going to the market. I thought to myself: Grandma is so old, how can she come out! Is it because your children are not around, so you have to go out to buy vegetables? Suddenly, there was a loud noise! The granny fell down. Seeing the granny fell down, we ran to her quickly. While holding her up, we watched the passers-by leave in a hurry. No one cared about her. Let me feel the world is very indifferent. We helped the old woman up, and she thanked her repeatedly. We said, "You are welcome. This is what we should do for our primary school students." Unexpectedly, in this damned weather, another cruel thing was done, and the grandma who had just stood still fell down. At this time, we shouted, "Help! Help!" Finally, an uncle came to help the grandma. The old granny was about to thank the uncle who helped him when the road was rough.

This strange uncle's spirit of helping others is worth learning from. This unforgettable event, although it has passed for a long time, still reminds me.

An unforgettable thing for me Model composition 3

What happened in childhood is like the sand in the Yangtze River. There are countless things. As time goes by, many things have settled in the corner of memory and will not be remembered. However, there is one thing I can't forget for a long time.

December 4 last year was a very cold winter day. I hurried home from school after school. When I came downstairs, I saw several big boys surrounding a white thing on the ground. I was curious and went to have a look. On closer inspection, it turned out to be a kitten! It is thin and small, obviously a poor stray cat. I was thinking: What are they doing around this stray cat? A big boy picked up the underground stick and hit the kitten hard, saying, "It's fun! Do you want to play too?" The kitten felt as if he could not escape, but searched around helplessly with frightened eyes, as if looking for straws. It saw me, and the poor eyes were full of hope. It seemed to me that he was pleading for help: "Good man, help -- please help me." At this time, I really wanted to rush to save the poor kitten from several big boys. But I was afraid: there were so many of them, what if I couldn't beat them? Thinking of this, I quickly went upstairs to ask my father to stop playing with these little boys. Dad heard the news and rushed downstairs with me. However, downstairs, the boy and the cat were gone.

The kitten may have died, and may have been taken away by them

I was sad because I couldn't help the kitten. A poor, weak life just disappeared before my eyes. I often think: if I had been more brave, if... but there was no if. I hope the kitten still lives in this world, and that people can treat those weak lives kindly.

Unforgettable Things Sample Composition (5)

She left silently, but her behavior was deeply imprinted in my mind. One hundred yuan is not a small amount for her. Maybe she has to work for a long time to get it, but she didn't put it in her pocket. What she thought was that we would be anxious and would look everywhere if we didn't have money. How touching her behavior was! She gave me the true meaning of life, let me understand the selflessness and love in the world.

Everyone has his own unforgettable things, and I have experienced many unforgettable things in life and study.

One summer vacation, my mother and I went on a walk to have a physical examination. As soon as we got there, we took a taxi to our relatives' house. When we got there, it was already dark. Our relatives helped us take care of everything and we went to bed.

The next morning, after we went to the hospital for examination, I said to my mother, "Mom, I want to play somewhere, OK?"

"Yes," my mother stopped deliberately, "but we should walk slowly together."

"Oh!" I was energetic just now, and soon became listless.

"Come on, hurry up!"

My mother and I were walking. Suddenly, I saw the candy I had been thinking about for a long time. I hurried to pull my mother to the candy. My mother said, "You are going to become a sugar head ghost. You can't eat sugar anymore and don't buy it

"You can buy some for her. How lovely she is! Come on, little sister, let me give you a gift or two. Come on!"

"Thank you, Aunt. I don't want it."

"Well, I'll buy you half a kilo!" Mom finally agreed.

My mother bought me half a jin of sugar and gave my aunt ten yuan. There was a hundred yuan in the money, but my mother forgot that one hundred yuan was our fare!

At that time, I forgot to tell my mother because I was so busy eating candy. After walking a few steps, I suddenly heard the voice from behind: "Little sister, little sister, you still have a hundred yuan!" I saw my aunt running with a hundred yuan and one or two silk candies in her hand. She said to us, "You are really careless!" I took the money, but the sugar didn't want it, but my aunt gave me the silk candies and hurried away. Maybe she was afraid that I would return the silk candies to her again!

I looked at her leaving figure and saw her wearing orange clothes. Suddenly, I felt that her bright heart was more brilliant than the color of her clothes.

She left silently, but her behavior was deeply imprinted in my mind. One hundred yuan is not a small amount for her. Maybe she has to work for a long time to get it, but she didn't put it in her pocket. What she thought was that we would be anxious and would look everywhere if we didn't have money. How touching her behavior was! She gave me the true meaning of life, let me understand the selflessness and love in the world.

It has been more than two years, but it is deeply engraved in my heart and will never be forgotten.

Unforgettable Things Sample Composition (6)

The past is like smoke and water. Although it passes away in a hurry, it leaves a deep memory. There is one thing that has taken root in the depths of my memory, which I still remember.

One day in summer vacation, my father and mother took me to Bashang Grassland to play. The endless green on the grassland moves with the wind, as if the green waves are rolling, as if the green clouds are swimming. We walked on the grassland, looking at the scenery of the grassland, feeling particularly comfortable.

When our family stopped to rest, a little boy appeared in front of us. "Let's rent a lamb to take a picture. Five yuan is free to take a picture. Then, pointing at the lamb, he smiled at us and begged with his eyes. At this time, an adult came up and looked like his mother. She was like a little boy, dressed in the clothes of grassland herdsmen, and looked amiable. She said to her mother and father:" This year our children go to school, and we want to rent a lamb to take a picture, You can rent one for five yuan. Mom wanted to help them both, so she said, "I've rented all the lambs and I'll give you fifteen yuan. The little boy's mother thanked him repeatedly, and the little boy gave me the rope to lead the lambs. When I saw it, it was a cute little white sheep, a lively little black sheep, and an interesting little sika deer. It looked only a few months old and was eating grass. I squatted down and fed the three animals with grass. Mother raised the camera and took some photos, leaving a beautiful memory. Although many years have passed, I can remember the details from beginning to end clearly. I don't know how the little boy is now, or whether he is studying in this spacious and bright classroom like me.

The past is like smoke, this is the beautiful thread: the past is like water, this is the unforgettable one.

This event is still unforgettable to me.

Unforgettable Things Sample Composition (7)

National Day is my most memorable day.

I was sleeping when my mother woke me up and said, "Look at the parade!"! I got up and walked to the TV. Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle and Dad were there. We quickly sat down. When the national flag was about to be raised, I suddenly remembered to wear a red scarf! Salute the national flag!

Wow! Tiananmen is so beautiful. There are 56 national unity pillars and 56 sixty gun salutes. It's so spectacular! With the order of the chairman, the parade began. First, the honor guards of the three armed forces, then the land, sea, air, second artillery, armed police, special forces, airborne soldiers... are all very powerful, neat and handsome. There are also female militiamen wearing bright red clothes, very beautiful, very brilliant! Behind the women's militia, there are many new weapons, such as armored vehicles, radar vehicles, tank vehicles, communication vehicles, artillery vehicles, anti-ship missiles, ground to air missiles, land-based cruise missiles, and the largest and most imposing Dongfeng 31 intercontinental missile, which is as long as Tiananmen Tower!

The plane came out! Watching the plane dragging ribbons on TV, I jumped up and rushed to the balcony. Wow! White clouds are floating in the blue sky, and ten planes are dragging long colorful ribbons to dye the sky into color! The plane roared past, followed by many planes, shining in the blue sky... I saw so many planes for the first time, such a magnificent flight, right above my head!

In the evening, at the party, the fireworks are so beautiful. I will run to this house, that house, and the TV to see the fireworks in the TV, and the fireworks outside the window... The fireworks of the peace dove are the most beautiful! At the party, my favorite song was "Proud Builder".

National Day is so unforgettable that I can't sleep! This must also be the most unforgettable day for the people of the country.

Unforgettable Things Sample Composition (8)

Everyone has an unforgettable thing, of course, I am no exception.

I remember that one summer vacation, because I was too bored to stay at home, I took 5 yuan to buy an ice lolly in the shop. At this time, when I passed a crossroad, I heard a burst of quarrels: "You don't have eyes! You bump into people without even looking. Do you know these pants are expensive..."

I came closer to see that it was an old man riding a mountain roller coaster who accidentally bumped into an insolent boss. I saw that the old man was dressed very simply, and his clothes were broken in several places. Just then, the insolent big boss said to the old man: "I don't think you will lose much money if you wear such ragged clothes. You should pay me 100 yuan!" The old man took out his wallet and poured out the money inside. I looked at it and found that it was all pennies. Grandfather counted, only 13 yuan and 80 cents. The old man said, "I really can't afford to forgive you." The old man said and knelt down to the big boss. When I saw him, I thought that the big boss would pity an old grandpa. But unexpectedly, the big boss said that grandpa was pretending to be pitiful and forced him to compensate. After a while, I don't know who proposed to help the old man. Everyone gave their money to the old man: you 20, I 50... I saw that, and I also gave my money to the old man. Grandpa saw me and said thank you again and again!

In the past, I didn't pay attention to the big boss. In retrospect, it was really bad to have a pair of rude big bosses!

Unforgettable Things Sample Composition (9)

Today is very special because today's things are different from those of the past.

In the morning, I got up at 8 o'clock. It's an hour earlier than usual. Today's breakfast is also different. My mother bought me bread yesterday, and my grandmother usually buys soymilk for me. Today, she can finally have a good rest at home! I left the house after nine o'clock. I was trying to find my good friend to play with, when I suddenly remembered that she had left for a long journey. Alas, I had to ride my bike around.

At noon, I was watching TV after lunch. I sat on the sofa and wriggled. Suddenly, I heard some noise. I ran upstairs and looked at it. Oh, it was my cat that knocked over the stool. I slowly walked over and helped up the stool. Then I went back to the living room to watch TV. It was all the cat's fault. I missed all the funny scenes of the TV play just now.

In the afternoon, I cycled around the New Square alone. At this time, Peng Cairong waved to me in the distance, as if something were wrong. "Peng Cairong, what can I do for you?" I asked. Then Peng Cairong said: "Nothing, just want to play with you! Nobody wants to play with me." I slowly said: "Then play again at night! I just want to ride a bike by myself." Peng Cairong looked very frustrated and unhappy.

In the evening, after I finished dinner, I came to the new square and saw Peng Cairong sitting there. He must be waiting for me. When she saw me, she said to me, "Put your bike in the shop and let's go. I'll wait for you here." So I rode my bike, put it outside the shop and went to Peng Cairong. I followed Peng Cairong shopping for a long time, and it was almost 9 o'clock. I touched her shoulder and said to her, "It's not good to go shopping like this all day, or go home." Peng Cairong was unhappy again, but because it was too late, she only listened to me. When I was about to return home, it suddenly occurred to me that Grandma was going to play cards in the hairdressing salon at the door. So I went to the hairdressing salon and found that Grandma was really there. I had to sit on the chair and wait for Grandma. I was almost asleep when Grandma finished playing cards. As soon as I got home, maybe it was because I was too tired, so I fell asleep on the bed as soon as I got home. I don't usually wait for Grandma. Why do I want to wait so much today?

This is my "special day" which is totally different from usual.

Unforgettable Things Sample Composition (10)

I remember that time when I saw someone riding a bicycle, I wanted to, but my mother didn't agree.

However, on my birthday, my mother gave me this car as a birthday gift. I'm very happy. After supper, I began to learn to ride a bike. At the beginning, I was not ready, and I fell off as soon as I rode, but I was not discouraged. When I fell off, I always got up from the ground and continued to ride. Later, I gradually gave up, but I still practiced every day, because whenever I wanted to give up, my mother would always encourage me to say, "Come on, persistence is victory." It takes no effort. I finally learned to ride a bike.

Through this time, I learned that I should stick to everything in the end and not give up halfway.

Unforgettable Things Sample Composition (11)

Childhood is colorful and colorful. One of the most unforgettable things in my childhood is

When I was three years old, I played at my grandfather's house. My grandfather's house had a big yard with some flowers planted in it. I liked to catch ants there to play. But today, when I caught them, suddenly an ant with one wing flew over. It was buzzing while flying, as if to say, "You have the ability to catch me, come on.". As soon as I saw it challenging me, I was furious. I started to catch it regardless of the situation. I used a "sunflower flower catching chicken hand", and it used a "wave walking". Now I'm just Zhang Fei eating the weight. I have a strong heart and must catch it.

I grabbed it again with my famous skill "Nine Yin White Bone Claw". When I grabbed it, it bit me and I cried on the ground. My father came to me and asked, "Why are you crying? How could this happen?" I cried and said, "Come on, the winged bite!" My father laughed and burst into tears. He said to me, "That's a bee, not an ant." Seeing that I still want to catch it, my father quickly pulled me to apply medicine.

Although it hurt a little at that time, it still makes me unforgettable

Unforgettable Things Sample Composition (12)

There will be many firsts in our life: the first time we walk, speak, write, dress ourselves In this way, after many "firsts", we grow up. For me, the most unforgettable of these "firsts" is my first fried rice.

It was a hot noon, my mother called me to tell me that I would not go home for lunch, and I had to prepare food myself. Looking at the hot sun outside, my heart, which had already stepped out of the door, instantly withdrew into the cool house. But if I don't go out, I won't have lunch. "Gululu -" A protest voice came from my stomach, as if to say to me: "I want to eat! You get me food quickly!" I had no choice but to open the refrigerator. A lot of food, but I can't cook it. What can I do! Hearing the protest from my stomach, I resolutely picked up the leftovers and an egg from the previous night, "I want fried rice!"

Since I usually watched my mother's cooking process, every step of her came to my mind again. First, I beat the eggs into the bowl and stir them with chopsticks. The second step is to fire, "Tart!" The blue flame ignites instantly, burning the pot red. "The fire is too big!" I thought to myself, "I'm a little afraid. I'd better turn it down." After the fire was stopped, I began to oil, then eggs, randomly stir fry, and then rice was going to be put in. Watching the rice change from lumpy to granular in the pot, I knew that the fried rice must succeed this time. Finally, I added a little soy sauce as seasoning. Smelling the delicious fried rice, I couldn't believe that it was actually my own food.

After eating the first fried rice, I felt that I had grown up and could take care of myself, which was a good start. In the future, I will also cook a table for my family.

Unforgettable Things Sample Composition (13)

XX, XX, 20xx! This is a very common 'day' for others, but for me, for my father, it is a sad day, because something happened to my grandfather, ending his young yet unhappy life.

On that day, when we were preparing to go to school, we suddenly received a phone call, but it was unfortunate news. Grandpa was ill and dying. We rushed to Grandpa's house immediately. Maybe I watched many scenes on TV. I didn't feel cruel about such scenes, but felt sad. After all, it was my grandfather, After we said goodbye to Grandpa, we went to school. But when we were in class, we always couldn't concentrate. We hurried to Grandpa's house after school, only to find that something had happened. Someone told us that Grandpa was not long after we said goodbye to him... I didn't think that Grandpa, who was only xx years old, passed away like this. I didn't think that this goodbye represented forever.

On the day of grandpa's funeral, I didn't shed a single tear, only a little tear beads swirled in my eyes. Obviously, I was very sad, but I didn't shed a tear. Maybe I heard too much from my grandmother when I was young. Because my grandmother was barbaric and always looked at me unfavorably, my grandmother suffered enough. When I got home, my grandma scolded me and asked me why I didn't cry. I said that reason. Grandma said that it was just my grandma. My grandpa loved me very much since he was young. Hearing this, I began to feel sorry for Grandpa.

The next day, when I went to school, my classmate pulled the white ribbon on my left hand. {It's our custom to wear a white ribbon when someone died} I was very angry at that time. In addition to what Grandma said yesterday, she didn't tell my classmate, so she punched me directly. At that time, my classmate returned my fist, but it didn't hurt, but I cried. That was the first time I cried after Grandpa died, Every tear is my reproach to myself! The students thought that they hurt me and came to comfort me.

Up to now, although it is only a few months ago, I am very sad every time I think about it, but after all, I don't want to cry in front of others, because this is my character.

But life should always be happy. After all, this is God's will. You should always go. It is better to have more happiness than more sorrow, so that people can live more meaningful lives.

Unforgettable Things Sample Composition (14)

At the 24th school sports meeting, something unforgettable happened to the whole class.

In the previous school sports meeting, our class always ranked first in terms of total scores. This year, we are also full of confidence to prepare to win the first place in the 20 meter head on relay, the first event of the school sports meeting, and make a good start.

The race started, and our first leg started very smoothly, so we always took the lead. Watching the players running and shuttling on the track, our hearts were both nervous and excited. The sprint is coming, our class members are still running first, and the students outside the competition field are ready to cheer after the victory. Ah! The members of our class are about to sprint! Victory is at hand! At this time, the students outside held their breath. Three meters, two meters... watching our class members getting closer to the finish line, ah! Crossed the finish line! But no one cheered, because the members of the three classes almost reached the finish line at the same time! Who is the first? The students all rushed to the referee seat. "No! Damn 0. 1 second!" Only one student shouted. The students looked at the score sheet, which showed that our class was 0 more than Class 1. 1 second. Suddenly, the students were silent. In the cheers of Class One, we returned to the classroom with a heavy heart. In the classroom, the students have been silent. After a while. A student's sobbing broke the silence. The students could no longer stop crying and began to sob quietly. Some male students tried to restrain their tears to comfort their classmates, but their tears would also roll out mischievously. Some students cried and wiped their tears. I don't know when the classroom door was full of people, and the first class were still making fun of us. Just then, Mr. Wei came and the crowd around the door quickly dispersed. The teacher glanced at the students in the classroom and said, "I know why you cry. I'm very happy that you have such spirit, but you should not lose heart. If you fail this time, you will win next time as long as you work hard. Also, you must remember 'Don't be arrogant if you win, don't be discouraged if you lose', so that you can succeed." Then he picked up the chalk and wrote 'Don't be arrogant if you win' on the blackboard, I will never lose heart.

Yes, only when you are not proud in victory, not discouraged in failure, and not give up, can you succeed in the next school sports meeting. Looking at the firm eyes of the students, I firmly believe that as long as we remember this sentence, the victory of the next school sports meeting will belong to us.

Unforgettable Things Sample Composition (15)

One Sunday in autumn, the azure sky was as clear as blue, and white clouds were floating in the air. We came to the composition class. "Ding Ling Ling" had class. The teacher was holding a black iron shelf with a large round turntable with numbers on it.

We were puzzled. Someone asked, "Teacher, what are you doing with the lucky turntable?" The teacher said mysteriously, "Let's guess." The class suddenly burst into flames, "I guess it's a lottery for us." The naughty guy was the first to stand up, "Are you right?" "I guess it's about the content of the basic lesson." Another student guessed. "No, no, no, no," the "little doctor" pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose.

"Three, two, and one start" The big turntable began to rotate rapidly. Our hearts were all raised to the throat, our eyes were fixed on the big turntable, and we prayed in a low voice: "Don't turn to me, I'm not ready yet!" "Stop!" The big turntable stopped steadily at the position of No. 8, and only heard the student of No. 8 whisper: "What bad luck!" Then slowly stood up and recited the article. The teacher gave him a reward, which we admired very much.

The second round began. I looked at the big turntable expectantly and nervously. Two people had a dialogue in my head. One said, "Take me, I want to get a reward, Fortunately, it's not me. A hanging heart fell down. Just when I was secretly happy, the big turntable turned back two squares, "Ah, my student number." I touched my head and said, "It seems that I can't hide it." The students laughed.

When I finished reciting, I also got a reward. I was very happy. This turntable was not so photographed. It gave me a chance to show myself.

Unforgettable Things Sample Composition (16)

Inadvertently opening the drawer, I saw the broken ruler again, and couldn't help thinking of the incident a few years ago

It was a math midterm exam in Grade 6 of primary school. The day before the exam, the teacher told us: "Students, there are drawing questions in this exam, you must take a pencil and ruler." That night, I reviewed very late and did not pick up the things to take with the exam. The next morning, I opened my eyes to see, huh? It's 7:30! Oh no, I'm going to be late for the exam! I put on my clothes in a hurry, put the pencils, erasers and so on on the desk into my schoolbag and rushed to school.

When I got to the classroom, I took out the things one by one. Pencil, eraser, pen, ruler... Eh? Ah! ruler! I forgot my ruler! It's over. There are only 5 minutes left for the exam. What should I do?

I turned my schoolbag upside down and looked around the seat, hoping to find a ruler. But the miracle didn't happen. The schoolbag was empty, The ground is clean and there is nothing on it. Alas, it's terrible. I didn't bring a ruler with me. How can I draw a picture.

The teacher has come in with the paper, and I'm as worried as an ant on a hot pot. Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me: "What's the matter with you? Have you lost something?" I looked back and did not recognize it. Although I don't think he can help me, I told him about forgetting to bring a ruler. He sank for a while and said, "I'll give it to you." I was wondering when I saw him snap his new ruler in half. He handed me one of them and said, "Here, take it."

I took the half ruler, and a feeling of gratitude rose from the bottom of my heart, but the bell rang before I could come and say anything, and the exam began. I had to turn around, and began to concentrate on answering questions, drawing carefully with the ruler

The bell rings again, and the exam is over. I let out a long breath. I turned around to thank him, but I didn't know what to say. He seemed to understand my thoughts, smiled, and said, "Don't thank me. It's right to help each other. The ruler is for you." Then he picked up something and left. Looking at his back and the ruler in his hand, I felt speechless.

This matter has passed for several years, but I still remember it clearly, and it will remain in my heart. It makes me feel the truth of the world, and I will continue to spread this truth. I hope all people can feel this truth and pass it on.

Unforgettable Things Sample Composition (17)

In the yard, on the treetops and under the eaves, the air is very fresh. A few sparrows, led by their mother, happily practiced flying. They fly up and down, chirping very well. I was writing a composition in my room when I heard my grandmother calling me, "Yang Yang, come quickly!" I put down my pen and hurried out. Grandma was excited and holding a sparrow in her hand. "Hey! I was about to take out the garbage when this little thing hit me. Look, Shu, its feathers haven't grown yet. Take it back and raise it in a box." Usually, Grandma knows that I like small animals very much. The cats, fish and silkworms at home are almost a small zoo! She often said, "What's crazy about running? Such intense study and teasing small animals can cultivate love and regulate emotions, which is better than nothing." I took the sparrow from my grandmother. I was very happy, and immediately ran to the horse. Behind me, I heard: "Move a little, don't kill it.". I want children to share my happiness—— Ah! What a beautiful little sparrow I have.

You see, its small mouth is tender yellow, and its brown feathers are shiny, soft and smooth to the touch. Thinking and thinking, running and running... The little sparrow jumped from my hands to the ground with a snort when I wasn't paying attention, and ran forward and skipped forward. I hurried to catch it. I was so anxious that I could catch it right away. Suddenly, the little sparrow turned and ran straight to me. I had no time to dodge and stepped on it. I was silly, looking at the sparrow lying on the ground. Grandma came to have a look, ah! The little sparrow is dead. She glared at me angrily, and my tears flowed out, regretting extremely. Sadly, she said, "I didn't mean to!" Since then, Grandma often reminded me to be calm and calm no matter what happens in the future. Don't be rash. Take care of small animals. Whenever I have a new partner, I always think of the poor little sparrow, and my heart is very restless.

This really small thing happened around me, which made me unforgettable for a long time.

Unforgettable Things Sample Composition (18)

Today, my mother, brother and aunt and I went up the mountain to catch small fish!

When I reached the small pond on the mountain, I pulled up my trouser legs, walked in the cool river, and fished small fish by the stone. After a while, there were a dozen small fish in the basket. However, there were only a few dozen small fish in my brother's fish basket, and they were pitifully thin. My brother looked at me discontentedly and kept whispering something. Watching his malicious face, he had a silent defense in his heart.

My brother started to move, and quietly approached me when people were not easily aware. I took a few steps to the side with vigilance. With his back to his brother, he thought: What are you doing, boy? Suddenly, my younger brother behind me shouted, "Sister, come quickly! Here is a big fish." I rushed forward as soon as I heard this. I found a big fish in front of my brother. Quickly stopped walking and bent down to catch fish. As soon as the fish was caught in the net, I heard a "plop". I looked up, and my brother fell into the water. I'm confused!

On the shore, the younger brother blushed and said, "I wanted to knock my sister down, but I accidentally fell down with too much force." Ha ha ha, the younger brother really deserved it!

One unforgettable thing 5 sample essays related

Unforgettable Things Sample Composition (19)

Childhood is like a treasure chest, filled with endless gems, each of which is unique and engraved with childhood stories. The most wonderful thing is the gems engraved with puppies.

I was only 5 years old that year, and my father adopted a little black dog. This little black dog has a thin body with black fur on it. It is not difficult to see that he is a stray dog. When I saw that he looked like Altman, I named him "Leo". My father and I observed Leo. When we observed him, Leo looked very clever and sat on the ground motionless. "Alas! How can I forget the most important thing?" Dad said quietly. I hurriedly replied, "Take a bath! I know." Dad said "Hmm".

That night, when it was time for people to take a bath, our Leo would also start cleaning. I picked up Leo and walked towards the bathroom. I gently put down Leo, and my father immediately opened the nozzle. The torrent of water rushed towards the dog. The dog was frightened and panicked. He rushed out of the bathroom, jumped onto the sofa and shook it, making the wall and sofa look bad. My father and I arrived at once. Just as we were passing, Leo roared, his eyes turned red and his body shook. I tried the water temperature with my hands and found that the water temperature was too low for my dog to stand. I adjusted the water temperature again. Well, it's just right now. The dog took a bath again. But Leo's attitude was so naughty after washing. He jumped around in the living room. Fortunately, he put on a towel, otherwise we would be miserable

Half a year later, an unfortunate thing happened. Under the planning of grandma and sister, the dog was driven out by them. I also went out together, but they dragged me into the house. Leo slammed into the door at the front door, but no one answered. He slammed into the door at the back door, and no one opened the door. Finally, Leo's lonely figure disappeared in my sight, and my heart was as unscrupulous as my tears

The matter of dog bathing is still engraved on my mind. Remembering the happy days with Leo from time to time, I feel more sad for Leo's departure.