Sports (16 pieces)
Red wine knocked over the earthly cabinet
2024-03-30 08:15:06
fifth grade

Motion (1)

Today, our school held a sports meeting. Our class took part in the competitions of driving piglets and jumping sheep corners. What impressed me most was the relay race. Lin Hongbing fell down in the relay race, but she immediately got up and continued to run to the end despite her foot injury. I know she must be in pain, but she will not give up for the honor of class sports. I also want to learn her spirit.

Sports (2)

Today, my school held the sports meeting, my heart was very nervous, because I was an athlete.

When I came to the scene, my heart was about to burst. I didn't know what was going on. Since I was miraculously not nervous when it was my turn, I and other female athletes in our class

Start practicing!

Time passed quickly. It was my turn to play. I proudly walked to the battlefield. The game was tense and intense. At first, I was very happy because I ran first, but later I was tired and had no strength. Then I passed one by one.

I'm ashamed, because I gave our class a leg up, but my friend Zhang Yaoyun came to me and said: "Our class must be the first." I thought it was fake! As soon as it was announced that our class was really the first, I was very excited. I thought: "If there were no boys, our class would be the last."

Although I won the sixth place, I didn't make any contribution. Liu Jiangyue did the most. The sports meeting made me unforgettable.

Sports (3)

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the sun is scorching! Looking at more than 20 people on the same running line, I felt very nervous. The referee was counting the number of people. Taking this opportunity, I took a few deep breaths. It seemed that the scene in the classroom three days ago had reappeared.

One person is missing at 800 meters and two at 1500 meters. The sports committee announced loudly. As soon as the words ended, Cheng Jiaxin stood up and shouted: Qin Haotian should be allowed to run 800 meters. Hearing this sentence, I stood up to refuse without thinking. Take part in the sports meeting? Don't do it! Last year's sports meeting, I signed up to participate in the 100 meter race. As a result, I was always proud of the sprint, but I only got the seventh place. It's really shocking! But by this time, the head teacher, Mr. Du, had asked the sports committee member to write down my name. Maybe I saw my unwillingness. Mr. Du told me that the result was not important, but you should strive to win honor for the class. At that moment, I didn't seem to escape any more, and even began to look forward to the Games.

The referee counted the number of people and returned to the starting platform. I got ready to start. I glanced at both sides and saw a large number of people, all of whom were eyeing death like soldiers. My back is sweating cold. If I don't run faster later, I may not even have a place to walk when I am crowded together. When the gun went off, my right leg kicked violently, like a runaway wild horse rushing out and leading in front of the main force, which made me very confident and kept running forward without looking back. Suddenly, a cry came into my ears. I saw that my friends were cheering for me ahead. I was very moved and happy! Their encouragement has injected energy into me!

In the middle of the race, I looked back and saw that only one person was chasing after me. I quickened my pace, but my strength was almost exhausted. My legs seemed to lose consciousness and I was swinging back and forth on the track. At the last corner, although I still had strength, I could not keep up with my breathing. Is this the legendary extreme point (in the middle and long distance running, because the oxygen supply falls behind the body's needs, when I run a certain distance, my chest will feel stuffy, my breathing rhythm will be destroyed, my breathing will be difficult, my limbs will be weak and it is difficult to run again, called the extreme point)? Must not give up! I clenched my teeth, took a big breath, and quickened my pace. At the last 50 meters, I started to sprint, only listening to the wind whistling around my ears. A few seconds later, I finally crossed the finish line and won the championship with a result of about 13 seconds ahead of the second place! When my friends saw me finish the whole race, they immediately swarmed to me. They handed me water and helped me to the rest place. I suddenly found that the feeling of victory was so wonderful!

The beauty of sports lies in competition, in the strong friendship between friends, and in the pleasure of transcending oneself!

Sports (4)

"Reading poems is elegant, grand, healthy and confident!" At the opening ceremony of the Winter Youth Sports Festival, we shouted slogans forcefully and posed poses. Yuening in front of us made a split and vertical fork and opened the banner, which reminded me of the event in the Taekwondo Hall.

Taekwondo is actually kungfu. Taekwondo, which consumes a lot of sports, is even more difficult for me, a snack. My goal of learning Taekwondo is very simple, that is to protect myself. As for the process of learning Taekwondo, you have to experience it yourself.

"Quick! Press down!" The coach said to us fiercely with a stick. At that time, I was just a beginner. Every time I practiced vertical fork, it was my most painful time. If the ligament is softened, the split will be much easier, and then I will be very happy.

Look at Yuening, my painful memories always come to my eyes. Back in the audience, we continued to watch the "performances" of other classes. The action of a class surprised us: a row of female students in front split the horse! I remembered another memory.

With the sound of "Shua", I split the standard one word horse. When the coach passed me, he looked for a long time, and then said, "Huang Gefei did well today, and can do the exercise part in advance!" I listened to this, and quickly said, "Thank you, Coach Zhou!" My partner, Han Guo, said to me, "Today you are lucky!" "Bi!" The machine rang, The football in the center of the training area bounced. Han Guo took the lead and kicked the football towards my goal with a side kick. I kicked the ball back with a left horizontal kick. Unexpectedly, Han Guo cut the ball straight into the goal. Fortunately, the ball didn't score! I kicked the ball and kicked it in the ordinary way. But this time, I didn't see what move Han Guo used. I bravely used the double flying kick, and the ball went in with a whistle! Due to my inexperienced double flight kick, I fell to the ground due to the unstable center of gravity. Han Guo smiled forward and backward, and I also smiled awkwardly. But in retrospect, the memory of this part of happy movement is very precious for me, a foodie.

"Due to the weather, the performance was postponed to the closing ceremony..." The host's words called me back from my memory, and I grinned. Suddenly, I found that sports were actually happy. The biennial Winter Green Sports Festival is a festival for us to sweat and keep fit. We look forward to this year's Winter Green Sports Festival.

In the memory of Taekwondo, I found the joy of sports. I hope my future sports path will be more colorful.

Sports (5)

The "Athlete March" has been played here. The fruitful season ushered in the long-awaited sports meeting. All the athletes in each class are confident, because they have made full preparations before the sports meeting, just like soldiers who are going to play.

But the players in our class seemed to have no spirit. I was the only one who won the first three places in the fierce knockout competition on the first day of our class, and my result was not an ideal one. This result worried the students in our class, so all our hopes were pinned on tomorrow's 200 meter final, 1500800 meter final.

The softball game started the next day. We worked hard to cheer the players on. They worked harder. Although you were behind in the first two goals, we saw Teacher Lv cheering for her. His strength increased and he finally won the fourth place.

On the 400m race field, our class's young sportsmen came on the stage. With the sound of a gun, the players in each class rushed out of the starting line like an ideal arrow. Our class's young sportsmen raced on the track like cheetahs, watching him catch up with the third place, the second place and the first place. He ran ahead. The teacher on the stage gave a cheering voice. Several PE teachers opened their eyes wide and had no suspense. He won the first place. The students in our class cheered one of the PE teachers behind and said, "I am a man without a team and I will definitely be", which made us envy and envy.

He also played catch up with each other in this sports meeting. Every athlete in each sports meeting has inspired his own potential. There are joy after victory and regret after failure. But I believe everyone is happy.

Sports (6)

On October 26, 2012, flags of various colors were flying in the sky, and the school's annual sports meeting was about to begin.

First, the athletes entered the stadium and watched the orderly teams of each class pass the rostrum. Then, the competitions of each event began one after another. Our whole class is nervous and excited.

I went to watch the running race first. On the track, the athletes chased each other, especially the 30 meter, 50 meter and 200 meter races. It was really lively. After watching other competitions, I should also care about my own events. It's my turn to pitch softball. I put all my strength to use. I threw 21.5 meters. The teacher said that the pitch was good, and I was also satisfied because I threw farther than last year. In the afternoon, there is another project for me, namely 400 meters. During the match, although I tried my best, I was still the last one in the group. I think this is my first time to participate in the 400m. I have no experience, and my strength is really inferior to that of my opponent. Next time, I will report the 400m.

Another happy day!

Sports (7)

I'm not tall, and I look weak. When I first met them, they thought I was a quiet and introverted boy. After getting along, my active character gradually exposed. Although I am thin, my sports cells are good. Running, playing badminton and basketball are my strengths.

As long as I have free time, I will come out to do sports like a bird out of the cage. At the school sports meeting, I am always there; In PE class, the teacher always said that I did a good job.

Recently, I became addicted to playing badminton, and spent all day with my father to practice with me. Now? I have firmly mastered some basic knowledge such as serving, receiving and smashing. My mother has been the loser of my team, and some of the tricky aerial balls I sent can't even reach my father, the master of our family! Do you think I am very powerful! If you are free, you can come to me to have a competition!

Life lies in sports. Sports strengthen the body and bring fun to people. Therefore, I love sports, so wherever I go, I am full of energy and vitality.

Sports (8)

Our school held an exciting game - the sports meeting. The annual sports meeting began.

You see, we are holding a relay race. We are so nervous that we dare not go out of the air. It's almost time for me. I thought in a cold sweat: What if I play out of order?

What if I lose face to the class? Just as I was thinking about this, I saw the crystal clear sweat of my classmates and the hard work of my classmates, so my heart was not so nervous.

When it came to me, I ran forward desperately. I heard the loud cries of my classmates from afar, and finally I ran to the second place. I jumped three feet high happily, and I was praised by my classmates.

Later, the teacher said that our class was the last, and the students were paralyzed on the chairs like deflated balls. We were all dejected after school, but I believe we will get good results next time. This year's sports meeting will be exciting!

Sports (9)

There is a classmate named Han Chaofeng in my class. He is my friend. He runs very fast. Let me tell you something!

His head is round and thin, his eyebrows are black, and his mouth is big. The best thing is that he can run 400 meters in ten minutes.

I remember once I wanted to play with him. I had been looking for him in the classroom for a long time, but I still couldn't find him. I thought for a moment and said, "Go to the playground to try my luck." I saw a fast figure running past my eyes as soon as I got down. I looked carefully and saw that it was the Cold Wave Peak. I ran to him and asked him, "How many laps have you run?" He replied, "I ran twice." I was surprised and said, "Ah! So many! 200 meters for a lap, and the total is 400 meters!" I saw again that there was no sweat on the head of the Cold Wave Peak. When I was about to say "Why didn't you sweat", he had disappeared without a trace. When I went back, I asked him how many times he had run, and he said, "Five times in all." It was really amazing to run 1000 meters.

This is the cold wave peak of the "king of sports" in our class. His love of sports is worth learning.

Sports (10)

On Friday, our school held a lively sports meeting. The first event is the 60 meter dash for girls. It seems that Shen Baoyi and Cui Kanghui are not the first place. They may be the second place, but they may also be the third place. The second event is the men's 60 meter dash. Two people participated in this race, Wang Jinze and Yang Jie. They both won the first place. How happy they are! The third event is the volleyball relay. My heart is like 15 buckets of water. But I hurried to the front, I was too nervous. The fourth project is the boys' 400m long-distance race. Our class is first and second, which is really great! The fifth event was the 400 meter long run for girls. Huang Wenjing ran the third place. She said, "I slowed down because I was panting, or I could run the first place!"

In the afternoon, the first race was the 50 meter head on relay. In the process of running, Zhang Zixuan was injured, and her left lower leg was scratched, but she continued to run. Cui Kanghui also fell, but not as badly as Zhang Zixuan. I think they can persist is the biggest harvest.

Finally, when it comes to awarding, everyone can't wait to see what the number of students in our class is? Our class won the second place, yeah

Sports (11)

On November 7, 2003, our school held a special sports meeting in the school playground.

The first is the opening ceremony. The whole school walked in a neat pace, shouting loud slogans, and walked into the playground in high spirits. When all the students arrived at the designated position, the director, the referee representative and the athlete representative spoke. Their speech won applause from the teachers and students. Then there was a small dance - "Sunshine Girl". The beautiful dance attracted the eyes of teachers and students outside the venue. Then, the exciting sports meeting began. There are many competitions, such as running, long jump, rope skipping, teachers and students football match, and the most attractive ones are rope skipping match and teachers and students football match.

I also participated in the rope skipping competition. I saw that the students were holding the rope in their hands, waiting intently for the referee's order, holding their breath, waiting for the moment when they won honor for the class. "Preparation!" The atmosphere at this time really made me a little nervous. "Start!" We simultaneously swung the rope, and my heart was even more in my throat. After a while, I took a look at other students, ho! They are not willing to be outdone.

So I jumped more vigorously, thinking: I must win the first place for our class! I finally won the first prize. It was really hard won!

The teacher-student football match is the last event of the sports meeting, the most intense game and the climax stage of the sports meeting. Although the students are young, their skills are not inferior to those of the teacher. The students are very skillful. I am dazzled by their skillful dribbling. However, Jiang was still old and hot, and the teachers' team soon scored a goal. In the case of losing a goal first, the students were not discouraged, launched a round after round of attacks, and finally equalized the score. The final game ended with a score of one to one.

When I heard that our class won the first place in the total score of the group when awarding the prize, I thought that the cup was earned by teachers and students with sweat.

The sports meeting ended with a lot of happy applause. The honor of this sports meeting comes from the cultivation of teachers and the joint efforts of students, so we say: "Unity is strength!"

Sports (12)

The first paragraph: Learning is very important, but there must be no lack of sports. So my classmate Ning Jie and I decided to play table tennis on the newly installed table in the community.
The second paragraph: In the morning, the sun rises from the east as promised. Ning Jie also kept his appointment with me. Because we can't play, we are "new recruits". So first ask my father how to hold the racket, how to serve, what rules are there, etc. Let my father teach me how to play. After a while, we can all play ball games. We began to practice. I took the lead. I took the ball and hit Ningjie, but he gently hit back. I was a little flustered. The ball was still 1 meter short... 0.1 meters when he was in high spirits, I shouted him a smash. He said unconvinced, "Come again!"! I won again - seven hours later, he picked up more than 290 balls. When I was excited, Ning Jie's parents asked him to go home. He walked away and said, "I must beat you tomorrow!" "OK, I'll wait for you!"
The third paragraph: At 9 o'clock at night, my parents fell asleep. At this time, I closed the door and hit the wall in the room. Ah, I can twinny against the wall. I lay on the bed and waited. When Ning Jie came to me to play table tennis tomorrow, he thought about it and fell asleep - very simple, suitable for second grade pupils.

Sports (13)

Today, with a sunny day and bright sunshine, our school ushered in the 10th Sports Meeting. All the students were excited and wanted to show their skills on the playground.

Pop! With the start of the starting gun, all the 800 meter runners rushed out like arrows leaving the string, and suddenly the dust was flying on the road. All the runners were like antelopes and horses. Less than half a lap later, all the contestants were sweating and panting. Look, Class 42 is almost ahead of Class 41! The cheerleading team is extremely different. You are the best in Class 41 when you hear the passion of cheerleaders

After encouragement, he quickly leaped over the crowd with his eyes closed. Look, all the contestants blush like a mature big apple, and some also like the blush on the clown's cheeks. Their faces are really red and red. Gradually, the contestants are struggling. Their legs seem to be filled with lead. One of our classmates can't stand it. Slowly, he slows down. I seem to see through his mind and want to give up. I will continue to shout not to give up, It doesn't matter whether you are ranked or not. The most important thing is to participate. After all, you trained for so long before the competition, the student heard that he was recovering and continued to sprint towards the end. At the end of the competition, the students rushed to look at the ranking table. I found that the student who wanted to give up unexpectedly won the first place. When I heard the praise of that classmate, a small happiness welled up in my heart.

The sports meeting ended in the cheers of one after another, but the fighting spirit of the athletes on the field inspired me to work hard in my future study and life and strive for the first forever!

Sports (14)

Today, our community will hold the annual sports meeting. The age is between 12 and 74 years old. There are a variety of events, including high jump, long jump, long and short run, pole vault, etc. Our registration was the day before yesterday. I have asked my parents to help me register. For this day, I have prepared for a long time, and now wait for its arrival.

First of all, I came to the first event I signed up for: the 100 meter dash. My sprint performance has always been good, so I chose it with confidence. I stood near the run to warm up, and then stood at the starting line. The judges asked us if we were ready, and we nodded together. I heard a whistle from the referee, and the players ran forward like arrows. I closed my eyes and sprinted forward at my fastest speed. Finally, I was the first to reach the finish line, and ran with good results. I took a break, drank some water, and set off for the next race.

But this is a difficult game. Through this game, I also understand one truth: you can't give up until the last moment.

The second race I took part in was a long-distance race. The distance of the long run is 2000 meters. Looking at the track, I felt that the distance was too far, and I was a little discouraged. The most unlucky thing was that I had a bad start. I kicked a small stone less than 50 meters out at the beginning and fell hard. This fall let me lose the first chance. I sprained my foot and could not stand up in pain. When my rivals overtook me one by one, and the last place was only a few meters away from me, I got up and adjusted. But when I saw that my opponents were so far away from me, I was a little discouraged.

At this time, my father saw that I was wrong and shouted at me: "Never give up until the last moment! Keep going! You never know what will happen until the last moment!" My father's words made me adjust my mind immediately, but I won the last place after my efforts. Because I'm injured, I won't win the prize.

But what my father said to me made me feel deeply, and it will always encourage me to rush forward.

Sports (15)

As we all know, in 2008, China will hold the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing, the capital of the motherland. In order to successfully host the Olympic Games, people all over the country have carried out a variety of fitness activities. However, as a primary school student, I can't even do the most basic activity - long rope. Every time, when my classmates ask me to jump the long rope, my poor health becomes an excuse for me to escape the long rope, so I feel extremely ashamed.

But after careful consideration, I realized that shame is useless. I can only express my support for the Olympics through practical actions. So I decided to start practicing long ropes. When my classmates and teachers knew that I would do this, they agreed with me very much and decided to help me practice long ropes. I was very happy.

Today, Zhang Ni and I came to the playground to help me practice jumping long ropes. Zhang Ni and Liao Wei volunteered to throw the rope. Zhong Yan and Zou Meng decided to teach me how to jump the long rope. I watched their delicate movements carefully, as if I had learned them. So I can't wait to say to them: "Can you let me jump? I seem to have mastered the truth." "Great! But you must be careful when you jump! Or the rope will hit you." Zhong Yan said happily and worried. I nodded.

According to the instructions of the two "little masters", I jumped into the swinging rope. Unexpectedly, instead of jumping over, I hurt my little arm, which hurt me terribly. I was so angry that I decided not to practice. My classmates told me not to be angry when they saw me so sad. If I had the courage to try several times more, I would master the essentials. At that time, the long rope would not hit you. At this time, the teacher came and she said to me gently: "Tu Huan, think about it carefully. Don't all the people who won the Olympic Games become world-class Olympic champions after hard training? Their achievements contain both sweat and tears. They are not afraid of success as long as they persist in their efforts."

The teacher's words made me understand that only sweat with tears can succeed. Think about it, don't all the champions become champions because of their hard training? For example, "Diving Queen" - when practicing diving, her forearm is always bent habitually. Although the coach has reminded her many times, she can't correct it. The coach has no choice but to hit Gao Min's forearm with a broom. At this time, Gao Min cried, but it was such a hit that Gao Min's bad habit was corrected.

A word suddenly appeared in my mind: must learn to jump long rope. With this goal in mind, I admitted my mistake to the teacher, and asked the students to swing rope for me. I practiced again and again according to the method taught by the students. Finally, I succeeded in my practice again and again, and I learned to jump long rope. I am happy to embrace with my classmates, and at the same time I understand that "anything can be successful as long as you persevere.".

Here I would like to thank my teachers and classmates for helping me learn how to jump long ropes and making my body healthier. I believe that the Olympic spirit will accompany me forever.

Motion (16)

Close, close, "Ah! Our class won, my class won" "Come on! Come on!" Cheers of students echoed in the campus.

The men's 60 meter run is about to start. Zhu Yuli of our class stretched out his hand and kicked his foot to make a sure win. Just listening to the referee's "ping", all the athletes rushed to the end like leaving the string. On both sides of the runway, all the spectators stood up to form two thick human walls. "Come on!" "Run!" "Hold on!" Cheers and shouts continued. It seems that everyone wants to give all their strength to the athletes who are sprinting towards the end through this loud cry. The athletes of Class 4 (7) were in high spirits. Instead of slowing down, they ran faster and faster. A few of the athletes in the back were so eager that they wanted to grow a pair of wings and chase them desperately. As the end point approached, the cheering team's voice became louder and louder. With only the last 30 meters left, something unexpected suddenly happened. I saw that Zhu Yuli in the fourth lane suddenly and obviously accelerated his speed, which was like a meteor chasing the moon. It has already kept pace with four (7) athletes. Only the last ten meters are left. Who will win or lose? At this time, the cheerleaders' mouths seemed to be sealed with adhesive tape, and they could not shout. The students' hearts were lifted to their throat, and the referees also stared round. "Ah!" Zhu Yuli won, and we cheered when someone shouted. Jumping

I think: I will also strengthen my training and take part in the sports meeting next year.