Play in the Rain (8 Collections)
Past events follow the wind
2023-12-08 08:25:44
Grade 6

Play in the Rain (1)

When we came home from school this afternoon, I saw my cousin coming to our house to play. We are playing outside with umbrellas. We carried our umbrellas in the rain and ran in the rain. We ran on steep slopes, but the resistance would be great and we ran very slowly. We played for a while and then went home. Our clothes, pants, hair and body are all wet everywhere. Although very uncomfortable, we had fun!

Play in the Rain (2)

Summer has come. It has been raining lightly these days, and the wind is cool and cool. I like to run to the field path to play after school.

One day, I was walking in the rain with an umbrella. It was drizzling. Soon, my umbrella was wet. The light rain fell quietly on my umbrella, and the rain in front of me was sliding up and down. They fell into the rice field and made small water lines. The seedlings looked like oil. The rain turned into small drops of water and rolled down. Some of them were still under the seedlings. As the wind shook in the rain, one more drop of water accidentally. I am so happy to see that a large area of green seedlings, like many small hands in the rain? They still sneak into my trouser legs from time to time. How naughty! I couldn't help but stretch out my hand to grab her.

When my mother saw me playing in the rain, she came to accompany me, but the rain stopped slowly as soon as she came. My mother and I walked hand in hand on the path in the field. The field was cooler after the rain. From a distance, the water in the field was white, and the seedlings became short and cute. At a close look, Yitian's seedlings are bright green, stained with many small water droplets, which are also green. I touched them with my hand, and many green beads fell off. At this time, there were fewer clouds in the sky, revealing a little light of the sun, and the water in the field turned green against the shadow of the seedlings. Frogs also came to join in the excitement - croaking incessantly, and the sound of insects chirping, the quiet field began to bustle.

Walking along the path, the white fields are full of green seedlings, with several white flowers inlaid in the middle. Eh? What kind of flower would that be? Why does it move? I stopped and looked intently. It turned out that they were snow-white egrets. Their snow-white feathers seemed to have been washed brighter by the rain. They are leisurely walking in the paddy field with light steps, just like a girl dressed in white gauze, walking around leisurely, sometimes lowering her head to hunt, sometimes vibrating her wings to fly in the air. Suddenly, there was a crackling sound of firecrackers in the distance, egrets in the paddy field flew to the sky in a hurry, and unknown birds in the trees also chirped. Isn't it true that poet Wang Wei said, "Egrets fly in the desert and paddy fields, and orioles sing in the trees in the overcast summer"?

My mother and I were entranced when the rain began to fall again. Egret bird disappeared in the field. My mother and I read the poem "Egrets fly in desert and paddy fields, orioles sing in trees in cloudy summer" and went home with an umbrella.

Play in the Rain (3)

The summer rain continued, and the 25th and 26th nights passed through the sound of rain. I climbed onto the windowsill wetted by the rain alone and looked out of the window. Thinking of the picture of the clear sky a few days ago makes me yearn for it.

The rain almost never stopped. It fell from the sky like thousands of silver threads, like smoke and fog, not too big. There was a shadow looming in the drizzle - a little boy playing in the rain, stepping on the water spray in the rain, very comfortable. Seeing his obsession, he must be immersed in the rain world.

When I saw it, I was very excited and ran down the stairs like the wind. A clear cool wind came in the face. I grabbed my sleeves, rubbed my hands and felt the coolness of it in the rain. The raindrops infiltrate my skin, very comfortable. Looking at the shallow water whirlpool, I was moved. I stepped on it with all my strength, splashing on me. I stepped on it with all my strength. I had never been so happy before. The splashed water looked like pearls, very lovely. I am the only person in the world. I feel like dancing in a crystal clear flower and enjoying it. The lovely water drops were splashed in the air by me, completely wet me, and my whole body was wet, but I felt so happy. I looked up, and a few rain fell into my eyes, blurring my eyes.

So... it's fun to rain.

Play in the Rain (4)

It was drizzling outside. My friends were playing downstairs with umbrellas. I also went downstairs with umbrellas.

The raindrop wanted to be close to me, but it was stopped by my umbrella, and the rain fell on the umbrella and danced on it. I took my umbrella and walked quietly behind Feng Borui. A bunch of umbrellas made raindrops fall on his body, making his friend's back wet.

My friend turned to chase me, but I had already run dozens of meters away. I laughed at him all the time. Unexpectedly, Zhao Hanyu also came down from upstairs. He had an umbrella behind me. The rain on his umbrella dripped on my back, and the back of my clothes was all wet. I turned to chase him. Fortunately, he didn't run as fast as I did. I caught him. I pulled my umbrella again, and the raindrops on the umbrella also fell on him, ha ha! I quickly ran to Feng Borui. We squatted down and built a tent with our umbrellas. The water was relentlessly falling and flapping our umbrellas. We were both back to back, and as a result, both our backs were wetted by this hateful rain drop. Zhao Hanyu came over and kicked our tent away. A bunch of umbrellas spilled raindrops on our faces. It was so cool!

The rain is getting heavier and heavier. The intermittent rain has wetted our hair. We held up our umbrellas to keep out the raindrops falling from the sky. Hum, just to give it some face and let it wet me, I didn't expect it to wet all my clothes. It's too presumptuous.

I held the umbrella and kept turning. Raindrops fell on the edge of the umbrella, creating a shield for me. When someone came, their clothes would be wet.

My friends and I got on our bikes and hung our umbrellas on them. We rode to the puddle and rode in the puddle. The water splashed on both sides of the wheel. We also played drifting in the puddle. Feng Borui drifted best. Zhao Hanyu and I said, "How awesome." I said to Feng Borui, "How did you do it? Teach me." Feng Borui said shyly, "Just practice more.

Before long, the rain stopped and a rainbow appeared in the sky, like a bridge in the sky.

Play in the Rain (5)

The weather was warm, and Father Sun hid behind the white clouds to watch the animals play games. Look, how happy the ducks, chickens and hedgehogs are playing on the green grass! They are chasing each other, ha ha ha... laughing all the time.

After a while, the sky slowly darkened, and the little animals looked up, alas! A huge black cloud like a big monster covered the sun. Ducks, chickens and hedgehogs quickly picked up umbrellas, just like wearing a colorful hat with wide brims. Broad umbrellas are like small soldiers guarding small animals from the storm. At this time, the big raindrops fell from the sky, and beautiful little water flowers appeared on the ground. The grass in the rain looks interesting. Duckling, chicken and hedgehog couldn't help playing the game of diving flower.

The duckling took the lead in rushing into the rain. He excitedly said, "Ha ha, I'm a good swimmer and I like the rain best!" Then he plunged into the nearby river. The little hedgehog rolled himself into a spiky ball and rolled on the puddle, just like the beach ball played by children. Chickens can't wait to join the game in the rain. They play water splashing in the small puddles. The puddles make rhythmic sounds of "pa pa pa..." and swing out circles of water waves. The sound of "rustling..." accompanied by the laughter of the small animals "hahaha..." This is a rare scene in the rain!

Playing in the rain is really a happy thing!

Play in the Rain (6)

The raindrop wanted to be close to me, but it was stopped by my umbrella, and the rain fell on the umbrella and danced on it. I took my umbrella and walked quietly behind Feng Borui. A bunch of umbrellas made raindrops fall on his body, making his friend's back wet.

My friend turned to chase me, but I had already run dozens of meters away. I laughed at him all the time. Unexpectedly, Zhao Hanyu also came down from upstairs. He had an umbrella behind me. The rain on his umbrella dripped on my back, and the back of my clothes was all wet. I turned to chase him. Fortunately, he didn't run as fast as I did. I caught him. I pulled my umbrella again, and the raindrops on the umbrella also fell on him, ha ha! I quickly ran to Feng Borui. We squatted down and built a tent with our umbrellas. The water was relentlessly falling and flapping our umbrellas. We were both back to back, and as a result, both our backs were wetted by this hateful rain drop. Zhao Hanyu came over and kicked our tent away. A bunch of umbrellas spilled raindrops on our faces. It was so cool!

The rain is getting heavier and heavier. The intermittent rain has wetted our hair. We held up our umbrellas to keep out the raindrops falling from the sky. Hum, just to give it some face and let it wet me, I didn't expect it to wet all my clothes. It's too presumptuous.

I held the umbrella and kept turning. Raindrops fell on the edge of the umbrella, creating a shield for me. When someone came, their clothes would be wet.

My friends and I got on our bikes and hung our umbrellas on them. We rode to the puddle and rode in the puddle. The water splashed on both sides of the wheel. We also played drifting in the puddle. Feng Borui drifted best. Zhao Hanyu and I said, "How awesome." I said to Feng Borui, "How did you do it? Teach me." Feng Borui said shyly, "Just practice more.

Before long, the rain stopped and a rainbow appeared in the sky, like a bridge in the sky.

Play in the Rain (7)

Soon it became a place of entertainment for the students. Several young students ran quickly to the small pool and jumped up one meter away from the small pool in an attempt to cross the pool. Just listening to the sound of "Pa", people fell into the pool and splashed water higher than that of the young student; Then the spray splashed on his head, body and even hid in his shoes.

It's fun to watch, and I join them. I dragged my feet to and fro in the pool and watched the water go round and round. It was really fun! After a while, my pants, shoes and socks were all wet.

A gust of autumn wind blew, "How cool!" Someone shook the tree trunk, and raindrops fell on the little students under the tree, and everyone laughed and dodged; Some students hold up umbrellas to chase and play with each other on the playground. Colorful umbrellas like small mushrooms are blooming all over the campus. How beautiful!

Cheering autumn wind, rustling rain, splashing diving, giggling laughter echoed in the campus. How happy the students are!

In the dance studio, I kept dancing for two hours, and I was exhausted when I went downstairs. But as soon as I saw the heavy rain outside, my fatigue immediately disappeared

The raindrop dolls were bouncing on the ground, splashing water flowers one after another, like beautiful white lotus flowers. The raindrops bounce like crystal pearls under the shining lights.

When I arrived at the family home, I couldn't help watching the heavy rain falling from the sky. Wearing my dancing clothes, I rushed into the heavy rain to have a close contact with them. I turned over several front bridges, several rear bridges, and a series of cartwheels in the rain... I was covered with water, but I didn't care about it at all. I still enjoyed myself. A new idea came to my mind: play the little frog! I squatted in the puddle, jumping and croaking like a frog. My dancing skirt flew up and down under my drive, like a round lotus leaf. In this way, I had a great time, shouting: "How fun!" After a while, I climbed onto the railings of the shed, squatted on it, and looked up at the sky like Cat on the Top of the Tower. I see that tonight's night sky is not as blue as it used to be, and it looks a bit chaotic. Naughty raindrops fall on my face, making me feel itchy, and sometimes rain drops fall into my eyes and mouth, a smell that I can't say. My mother stood at the entrance of the corridor and looked at me in a naughty way, laughing loudly from time to time. I just jumped up and down and ran around like a drowned rat. Mother smiled and said, "Doudou, you just didn't roll in the rain!" Mother asked me to go home, and I reluctantly went upstairs.

I really enjoyed myself today! I'm really becoming a little fish!

Play in the Rain (8)

The rain almost never stopped. It fell from the sky like thousands of silver threads, like smoke and fog, not too big. There was a shadow looming in the drizzle - a little boy playing in the rain, stepping on the water spray in the rain, very comfortable. Seeing his obsession, he must be immersed in the rain world.

When I saw it, I was very excited and ran down the stairs like the wind. A clear cool wind came in the face. I grabbed my sleeves, rubbed my hands and felt the coolness of it in the rain. The raindrops infiltrate my skin, very comfortable. Looking at the shallow water whirlpool, I was moved. I stepped on it with all my strength, splashing on me. I stepped on it with all my strength. I had never been so happy before. The splashed water looked like pearls, very lovely. I feel that I am the only one in the world. I feel like dancing in a crystal clear flower and enjoying it. The lovely water drops were splashed in the air by me, completely wet me, and my whole body was wet, but I felt so happy. I looked up, and a few rain fell into my eyes, blurring my eyes.

So... It's fun when it rains!