Safe families (7 preferred)
blue sky
2024-03-21 08:44:52

Safe family (1)

Today is December 24. My father and mother said that they would take me to the church in the evening. I was so happy that I jumped three feet high. I'm so happy. I haven't been to the church yet.

After dinner, we walked to the church. On the way, we saw many people of all ages heading for the church. On the way, my mother told me something about Christmas: December 25 every year is the birthday of Jesus Christ, the favorite holiday in western countries, which can be compared with the New Year, similar to the Spring Festival in China. At Christmas, there are green Christmas trees with various Christmas gifts on them; There are red Christmas flowers; There are also beautiful Christmas songs. The most famous Christmas songs are "Silent Night", "Listen, Angels Praise" and "Jingle Bells".

I asked my mother strangely, "Why is it called Christmas Eve today?" My mother smiled and told me that December 24 was also called "Christmas Eve" or "Christmas Eve" because the Bible records that Jesus was born at night.

Far away from the church, we can see the colorful lights outside the church building, flashing like stars in the sky blinking. When I got to the door, I saw people coming and going, and there was a lot of traffic. It was really lively! When we entered the church, we first saw a huge mirror surrounded by balloons, and other places were also covered with colorful powder. It was very beautiful. Moving forward, there is a stage behind the big mirror, on which someone is singing. Her voice is as clear and beautiful as a nightingale. Let's be happy all of a sudden.

Time flows quietly like a clear river. In a twinkling of an eye, the wonderful program is over. Finally, under the urging of my father, we reluctantly went home.

Safe family (2)

Christmas Eve this year is a very special day. As we all know, Christmas Eve and Christmas are festivals in many western countries. Because of friendly exchanges between countries, this custom has been introduced into China.

After having dinner on Friday night, December 24, my parents took me to the World Trade Plaza in the east of the city. There were bright colored lights everywhere. Even the trees were full of them. How beautiful! We first came to the Christmas tree on the square. The Christmas tree is so big. The top is a yellow pentagram, and the bottom layers are covered with various colored balls, as well as many small gifts. Colorful light bulbs make the Christmas tree look beautiful! There are seven dwarfs under the tree. They are the characters in the fairy tale Snow White. Why is Snow White not here? When my mother and I walked up the steps with the dwarves. I think I am Snow White, ha ha! Dad took some pictures for me, and we went into the mall.

Walking into the mall, we saw the one in the center. A stage was set up in the open space. When we crowded into the crowd, the host announced that there would be a good Taekwondo performance next. Then six children and a male coach came onto the stage. They bowed to the audience and performed the moves of Taekwondo. Then, six children in a group of two each, and one child kicked the board in the other's hand with his foot, which was really powerful! Finally, the male coach held two boards in his hand and asked three older children to kick. Dad said that it was a series of kicks. He heard them yelling one by one and kicked the two boards away quickly. Wow, great!

We walked up to the third floor, where there was a stage with flashing lights and loud music. They were dancing. My mother and I took two makeup masks, a fluorescent stick, and a luminous badge.

I really enjoyed myself tonight. It's a happy Christmas Eve! It's a special Christmas Eve!

Safe family (3)

Today is Christmas Eve. After dinner, my father took my brother and me to the mall - "Dennis" to buy Christmas gifts for my brother and me.

As soon as we entered the mall, we were shocked by the scene in front of us. Unexpectedly, Dennis, who is usually cold and quiet, was crowded today. My father and I just came back to our senses, but we found our brother was missing! Looking up, he had already taken the elevator to the second floor, and my father and I immediately followed him.

We walked around the mall looking for our favorite gift. Suddenly, I saw cards near sporting goods and office supplies. When I walked in, there were so many cards! I asked my father: "Shall we buy a millionaire card?" My father said frankly: "Yes, you can take one." My younger brother also ran to the side and refused to go. It turned out that he saw his dream of flying chess. He said, "Flying chess is fun. Let's buy flying chess." My brother and I argued. My father, who was watching the battle, saw that we were quarrelling so much that he quickly said, "Come on, come on, the mall will be closed if you fight again, and we will buy both of them." "OK!" My brother and I answered with one voice.

After paying the bill, my brother and I carefully carried the two "rare treasures" home. On the way, my brother and I could not wait to open the package and study our own cards while walking. My brother fell down on the road without feeling pain, but immediately checked whether the flying chess was broken.

Once we got home, my brother and I fought on the chessboard

What a meaningful night!

Safe family (4)

Hi, friend, how did you spend Christmas Eve this year? How do you feel? To be honest, this Christmas Eve is the warmest for me. Because my father is back!

In my memory, this is my father's first Christmas with me.

It may be very common for you to have your father at home, just like eating three meals a day. But for me, it is a "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity. Because my father is from the Fourth Railway Bureau and works in other places all year round. He can only come back after the holidays. Therefore, it is a great pleasure for my father to come back. Of course, my mother is also happy. Therefore, she showed great mercy and agreed to my request to watch movies online on Christmas Eve. So we turned on the computer, turned on the heater, sat by the bed and watched the movie. My mother is on the left and my father is on the right. I sit among them, hugging each other. Although the cold wind is blowing outside, the home is warm.

When the movie just started, I suddenly felt something was missing. Oh, little snack! I have eaten all the snacks at home. So my father volunteered to buy food. After my father went out, my mother and I watched the movie attentively. The film is called The Legend of Christmas. It tells about a little boy whose parents died and was raised by his fellow villagers in turn. Every Christmas day, he changes his family. So every Christmas Eve, he placed his carved toys in front of every family that had raised him. When he grew up, he became "Santa Claus" and appeared in the sky on Christmas Eve on a sledge

My father came back at the end of the movie. His face was red with cold, and when he got home, he kept breathing and warming his hands. He bought back a large bag of snacks. When I saw this pile of snacks are my favorite, I cheered. But my mother blamed my father for wasting money and buying junk food. But my father said, "It's not easy to have a Christmas and make the children happy!" My father also bought eight unusual apples at a high price, each with the word "love" engraved on it. I ate the apple of "love", watched the movie about "love", and felt the love of my parents.

This Christmas Eve, because my father is at home, I feel very warm.

Safe family (5)

Today is December 24, that is Christmas Eve. Our family had a happy evening.

In the evening, my grandparents also came to our house to spend Christmas Eve with us. A few days ago, my mother bought a big Christmas tree for me, which is 1. Eight meters! There are more than 180 kinds of small pendants! They were shocked when they came to our house. The Christmas gifts my mother sent me were also placed beside them.

Wow! It really attracts me. Because my mother bought all food, including one of my favorite fruits - yellow peach juice, and yellow peach flavored soft candy with or without sugar, both of which are Spanish. Eh? Here is another thing packed in a blue gift box. Please open it and have a look! It was filled with big, red and attractive strawberries!

Yo! There is an apple over here, but this is not an ordinary apple. This is the apple of peace. It was eaten on Christmas Eve. It is said that people will be safe and healthy after eating it today. I immediately opened the outer package of the apple. The words "Merry Christmas" were written on the apple. I couldn't wait to wash the apple and eat it. The taste is as crispy and fragrant as usual apples, but it feels crisper and more fragrant when eaten under this special circumstance today!

After dinner, take a picture again! I sat under the Christmas tree with one foot covered with Christmas stockings, a Christmas hat on my head, and a blue gift box in my hand, so that my mother could record it with a camera.

Isn't this a happy Christmas Eve?

Safe family (6)

I asked my mother strangely, "Why is it called Christmas Eve today?" My mother smiled and told me that December 24 was also called "Christmas Eve" or "Christmas Eve" because the Bible records that Jesus was born at night.

Far away from the church, we can see the colorful lights outside the church building, flashing like stars in the sky blinking. When I got to the door, I saw people coming and going, and there was a lot of traffic. It was really lively! When we entered the church, we first saw a huge mirror surrounded by balloons, and other places were also covered with colorful powder. It was very beautiful. Moving forward, there is a stage behind the big mirror, on which someone is singing. Her voice is as clear and beautiful as a nightingale. Let's be happy all of a sudden.

Time flows quietly like a clear river. In a twinkling of an eye, the wonderful program is over. Finally, under the urging of my father, we reluctantly went home.

Safe family (7)

Today is December 24. My father and mother said that they would take me to the church in the evening. I was so happy that I jumped three feet high. I'm so happy. I haven't been to the church yet.

After dinner, we walked to the church. On the way, we saw many people of all ages heading for the church. On the way, my mother told me something about Christmas: December 25 every year is the birthday of Jesus, the founder of Christianity. It is the biggest and favorite festival in western countries. It can be compared with the New Year, similar to the Spring Festival in China. At Christmas, there are green Christmas trees with various Christmas gifts on them; There are red Christmas flowers; There are also beautiful Christmas songs. The most famous Christmas songs are "Ping Zi Ye", "Listen, Angels Praise" and "Jingle Bells".

I asked my mother strangely, "Why is it called Christmas Eve today?" My mother smiled and told me that December 24 was also called "Christmas Eve" or "Christmas Eve" because the Bible records that Jesus was born at night.

Far away from the church, we can see the colorful lights outside the church building, flashing like stars in the sky blinking. When I got to the door, I saw people coming and going, and there was a lot of traffic. It was really lively! When we entered the church, we first saw a huge mirror surrounded by balloons, and other places were also covered with colorful powder. It was very beautiful. Moving forward, there is a stage behind the big mirror, on which someone is singing. Her voice is as clear and beautiful as a nightingale. Let's be happy all of a sudden.

Time flows quietly like a clear river. In a twinkling of an eye, the wonderful program is over. Finally, under the urging of my father, we reluctantly went home.