Students who write human compositions (19 high-quality articles)
Filial piety is the first
2023-10-26 04:06:29

Person Writing Classmate (1)

My deskmate is a "stylish person with both inside and outside". Sometimes, she is as gentle as a sheep, and sometimes she is like a tiger. I am really on pins and needles when I am with her. She is like an active volcano, which may erupt at any time. However, it is still normal for about 80% of the time. She is also very cute sometimes, jumping around like a child. Many people with her are infected by her liveliness.

Silk, you may feel strange when you hear this name. Let me tell you something about it. "Sike" is the private name of her and me. One reason: she used to sit at the same table with me when she was in primary school. Because of her slight lack of mathematics, I often helped her. We formed a "SKS" group, which is called "Sike" in Chinese. She is a close friend of mine. We have a very good relationship. Every time, she and I always share difficulties. As for her, she is gentle, kind-hearted, beautiful and lovely, and belongs to the lady school. It's a pity that she changed school later. I miss her now, but it's "not coming back in autumn"!

This "rogue" is a super "rogue". Every day I am asked to "call me Gu, call me Gu", otherwise I will suffer from "skin and flesh". After hearing this, do you think of it? This - really is my "barbaric girlfriend", but also with some violent tendencies. This is my "old aunt". Alas, who makes our generation so small? Don't tell me, this one is very congenial to me. From kindergarten to middle school, we have never been divided into classes. I have a special sense of security with her. The height of 165 meters is the highest altitude of my class (girls). Don't tell me, 99.9% of the boys in this class are really afraid of her. Do you think she is powerful?

These are my good friends Xiao. Each of them has a distinctive personality and is innocent and happy. I hope they can rise higher and higher like the sun in the morning. May the tree of our friendship last forever!

Person Writing Classmate (2)

My classmate

She has a short stature. Although she looks like a small person in my eyes, her big eyes are full of aura, and she wears ponytails. When she jumps, the cock like pigtail turns up. She is Sun Hanzhuo, the "deputy head teacher" of our class.

Although she is small, she studies well! How else can I get such a good name --- Deputy Head Teacher. Sun Hanzhuo was later transferred to our class. At first, I didn't pay attention to it. I didn't think she could pose any threat to my top ten throne. 1. She excels in every exam and ranks first in our class. 2. The teachers of all subjects gave her praise. I was a little jealous of her, and I decided to surpass her.

"Hard work pays off". She failed in this exam. I thought that the teacher would re elect the deputy head teacher this time, but the teacher did not re elect, which made me very disappointed. That time I suddenly realized.

Another time, it was time for the last drill. I was listening to Yang Lu telling a joke. She stood on the podium and pretended to be a teacher, saying, "Zhang Mingqi, stop laughing and go to the drill.". What's the big deal, I said. I came to the playground, but she said I was standing awkwardly. I was furious. "Why did you bother me on purpose?" I muttered loudly. To my surprise, she took my hand and said with a smile; "Zhang Mingqi, don't be angry. I didn't mean to trouble you. The teacher will come later. The teacher should be angry when he sees our class team is crooked. Let's start from the overall situation." I was very ashamed to hear her. After the storm ended, she always came to me to play.

Since then, I think we have become really good friends.

Person Writing Classmate (3)

I have a good friend. His name is Ma Hanning. She is tall and slim, as thin as a bamboo pole. She has a strawberry face, with slightly drooping eyebrows, like a curved moon. A pair of squinting eyes will squint into a line when they smile. Most strikingly, she has long hair that curls naturally. It seems to have been burned deliberately. It's beautiful.

Her academic performance is excellent, and her personality is lively and cheerful. What's more, she has a kind and helpful heart.

I remember once, boys and girls in our class had a relay race. At first, our boys team took the lead. It's my turn to run. I swish past. Because my opponent is very strong, I will be overtaken in a short time. I tried my best to rush forward and catch up, but I still couldn't catch up because our boys team was temporarily behind. At this time, boys blamed me: "It's all your fault, otherwise we can win." Girls also laughed at me and said: "Thank you!" At that time, I was very depressed and wanted to drill a hole in the ground. At this time, Ma Hanning came to comfort me and said, "What's the matter with a failure? Go home and practice more, and you will become a running master." Hearing this sentence, I was immediately full of confidence in running.

This has happened countless times. I like this lovely and kind girl Ma Hanning very much.

Person Writing Classmate (4)

He is neither fat nor thin. He often bullies female classmates and likes to give them nicknames. He is the troublemaker in our class - Niu Qingwei. Just because his surname is Niu, his classmates call him Lao Niu, Niu Demon King, Niu Jiao, etc. Given so many nicknames, he should be angry, but he smiled faintly. When others called him his nickname, he replied solemnly. What a real troublemaker.

When I was in the third grade, I went to Lilin No. 1 Middle School to participate in a speech contest with troublemakers and others. The speech contest began, and the young contestants all sat down and listened carefully. The troublemaker could not sit still. The little girl in front of him was badly hurt. He patted the little girl in front of him gently and said with a smile, "Little sister, what delicious food do you eat every day? How can you eat so fat? When will my brother have such a" devil figure "like you? The little girl blushed and turned angrily. We asked questioningly, "Do you know that little sister?" He said proudly, "No!" It's really wrong to play such a joke on others if you don't know her.

Another time, when we saw that all the students in other classes had gone for a spring outing, we were very envious and wanted the teacher to take us there, but the teacher refused to say anything. One by one, we are like ants on a hot pot, anxious to turn round and round. At this time, we all turned our eyes to the troublemaker. He said confidently, "It's on me. Look at me." Then he walked into the classroom. We followed him secretly to see what he could do. He came to the teacher with a big face and started talking with him. Suddenly, he knelt down on the platform with a "plop" and said with tears in his eyes: "Teacher, take us to the spring outing?" The teacher and students were shocked by the sudden scene. The teacher didn't know how to comfort him, but hurriedly said: "You stand up first!" He refused to say anything, The teacher had to agree to our request. Alas, this troublemaker is really acting like him!

My friends, now you know why he called him a troublemaker!

Person Writing Classmate (5)

I will tell you a story about "bookworm". As for how obsessed she is with books, you will know after reading it.

One day after school, it was raining heavily. She just passed the Xinhua Bookstore and rushed into the bookstore to take shelter from the rain. The bookstore was very quiet. Several people were reading. The saleswoman aunt was playing games in front of the computer. She looked around in front of the bookcase and suddenly saw a bright light: a copy of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" that she had been yearning for for a long time was lying quietly on the shelf, as if smiling like her. There was only one copy, only one copy. She rushed to it, took it in her arms as if afraid of being robbed, and opened it hungrily, Greedily reading: "Why do people snore when they sleep?", "Why are some people color blind?", "Why does an earthquake happen?"... These are the questions she is particularly interested in! So they almost got into the book. Reading and reading, I didn't realize that the rain had stopped and it was already dark. It was almost 8 o'clock when I saw it. The aunt of the bookstore couldn't help coming up and urging me to say, "Children, do you want to buy this book? If you want to buy it, hurry up, we have to get off work!"! "I... I... I don't have enough money." She unconsciously felt in her pocket. Only her mother gave her 2 yuan to buy pencils. She didn't tell her to buy books! Seeing her aunt's eagerness to leave, she reluctantly put down the book and left the bookstore step by step.

One weekend afternoon, she was reading with relish an extra-curricular book. Her mother cooked in the kitchen and asked her to peel two cloves of garlic. As a result, she peeled garlic while reading, threw garlic into the garbage can and took the garlic peel to her mother

Another time, there was more than 40 minutes to go to school at noon, and there was an extra-curricular book with 3 pages to read. She wanted to use this time to read it. She found that the class time was coming, grabbed her coat and walked outside. She found that she was still wearing slippers on her feet when she went down the stairs

As for the story of a bookworm, I will stop here for the moment. You must want to know who she is. I will tell you quietly. Don't tell anyone! The bookworm who makes people laugh is... me!

Person Writing Classmate (6)

Hello, everyone. I'm Jia Xinyu from Class 5 (4). Today I want to praise a class cadre of our class, and she is also my good friend. She is small and exquisite, with a pair of big watery eyes on the high bridge of her nose. She doesn't stand out in the crowd, but I want to praise her here.

She is the life committee member and librarian of our class. As a life committee member, she checks the red scarves of the students' school cards every day and reminds them to wear the red scarves. Borrow it for the students who forgot to bring it, and warn them to remember to bring it next time. She has a plastic candy jar, where she keeps her spare red scarf and school card. Sometimes the teacher doesn't lend her enough, she will exchange her blue stamp for the red scarf school card for students to borrow. I remember one Monday morning, before going out for exercises, a classmate in the class suddenly found that his school card was not worn. If the inspectors found that the class was going to be deducted, she immediately took out her candy jar, took out a school card to the classmate, helped him solve his difficulties, and also saved the class from deduction.

As a librarian, she always manages the book corner in the class conscientiously and responsibly. She will carefully register the books borrowed by students, so at the end of each semester, a lot of books in our class will be returned to the library. Those students will tell her behind her back that she is wrong, because she has borrowed books for too long, she will urge the student. Sometimes I will participate in saying that she is not, but when I see her serious and meticulous manner, I immediately eliminate my dissatisfaction with her. She really loves our class. I remember one time, she was a little feverish because of her flat conductor speaking. The teacher called her parents, but the phone couldn't get through. She had to stay in the classroom and drink as much water as the teacher said. Although she was ill, at noon that day, the students wanted to borrow books, and she still worked up to record there.

She is a class cadre in our class, a girl who loves the class and is excellent at learning. Do you guess who she is? She is Li Manman from Class 5 (4).

Person Writing Classmate (7)

In our class, there is a lively and cheerful student who is also good at sports. His name is Zeng Jiawei.

Zeng Jiawei is about 1.4 meters tall. He has dark hair, round face and a pair of bright big eyes under his curved eyebrows. His small nose and big mouth are very cute.

Zeng Jiawei is a good sportsman. His legs are very agile and he walks fast every time he runs. Once I ran a race with Zeng Jiawei. At the beginning of the race, Zeng Jiawei rushed out of the starting line like an arrow, which made me feel overwhelmed. However, I immediately ran after him with high morale, but I was panting when I was halfway there, while Zeng Jiawei continued to stride towards the end. I thought: I can't lose! What a shame if I lose! It was too late. It was too fast at that time. Zeng Jiawei ran to the end of the line at once. Frustrated, I stopped running and thought: Hey! Zeng Jiawei is really an expert in running!

Zeng Jiawei is also very fond of smiling. He grins with his big mouth every day. He is full of vitality and really looks like a live treasure.

This is my classmate Zeng Jiawei. We have become a pair of good friends who have nothing to say.

Person Writing Classmate (8)

In my mind, there is a student like him who likes playing basketball, likes to use his brain, but is very naughty.

Once, when class was over, we played together and had a good time. He suddenly pushed a person next to him out, which almost caused the classmate to fall down. Fortunately, a person next to him held him firmly, and the classmate almost cried with fright. So we went to complain together. Therefore, he was criticized by the teacher; However, he loves to use his brain. Once, when the teacher talked about a difficult mathematical Olympiad problem, the whole class fell silent, but he answered the answer fluently. Everyone looked at him admiringly.

In PE class, he is a sports committee member. My hobby is also basketball. He often plays basketball with me to "kill" others, and everyone admires us. Therefore, he and I can be said to be the best partners in the class, but he and I are also the biggest "enemies", so we often compete, and we win each other. Unfortunately, I cannot participate with him in the school basketball shooting contest, So I feel very disappointed. So I am determined to surpass him completely. I must practice hard in the summer vacation, at least in basketball.

The method of doing everything is the most important. I think it is because he has mastered the correct learning method that he can think out the answers so quickly in math class. It is also because he is good at learning that he can get high marks in every science exam.

Person Writing Classmate (9)

Wang Leyao is just like her name. She has a pair of big eyes, as if there are many small stars in it. She is so warm that she can't see low. But in this warmth, there lived a little devil. In class, she will blink her eyes and tongue at you from time to time. Her sitting posture is extremely charming. Looking at her like this, she will smile spontaneously. But she attracted her little bird, stuck to you and got into your arms. From time to time, she will come up with a joke. When you are unhappy, she will be your joy. She will accompany you beside you and touch your uneasy mood.

She used to accompany me. I remember one time, we got a low ranking in the group competition, and the members of the group were not very enthusiastic. As the leader, I felt worried and lost, and my mood became a little low. She noticed my small emotions, got up, came to me, squatted down to ask me about my situation, and after listening to my story, she discussed with me and gave me many suggestions, It helped me solve many difficulties.

She was very patient, listened to me carefully, and wrote for me with a pen. She analyzed with me and helped me formulate a plan. Her help made me full of fighting spirit and passion again. With her help, I believe I can make progress. She is as warm as water. When she looks at you dreamily, you can appreciate her mysterious and unique charm. This attracts you, until you find the other side of her incredible, just like the mysterious characters in the novel, everything is unknown, but beautiful.

Person Writing Classmate (10)

She is a little girl in our class who is excellent in character and learning, willing to help others, loves the collective, has good ideological quality and excellent results. I would recommend her to get the medal of etiquette. Who do you think she is? Is she Chen Qi, the study committee member of our class? "Hello", "Good morning", "Sorry", "Thank you", "You're welcome", "Goodbye"... Such polite expressions, she always said politely when she saw someone. Dealing with her is nothing but a great enjoyment! Just because she is polite, has good grades, and sets an example, the teacher also thinks highly of her, so she has set a good example in our minds.

She was very busy. She told the time on the blackboard, but never was absent. She does everything in writing and painting. She works hard like an old scalper. As soon as I get the information and decide what to write and draw, she will be the first to "rush" to work, write a blackboard of Xiujuan small characters, and then draw a picture of exquisite workmanship. The whole blackboard became a stage for her to show her "masterpiece". She didn't forget to be polite when painting, listening to: "Please give me green chalk", "Thank you", "Please wipe the blackboard for me"... If there are many words to write, she will not hesitate to volunteer to let her write, which I am ashamed of. She writes fast and well. She is always the first to finish her homework. I admire her speed of writing and her excellent handwriting. I can't compare with her because I am not fast and slow. Her first words are "Hello"! Helpful, she always borrows the best from anyone who forgets something.

She, Chen Qi, is a bit of a Chengmen Lixue, three visits to the cottage mentality. Every time she competes for medals, she can pass the team members' evaluation and win medals. So I recommend her to get the medal of etiquette. I hope she will persevere and keep this etiquette.

Person Writing Classmate (11)

I have a clever and lovely classmate, Mencius Ce, whose greatest feature is intelligence.

He has a pair of thick eyebrows, which seems to be painted with ink. His eyes always shine with wisdom, making people feel that he is very smart.

Mencius Ce's knowledge is very rich, and mathematics class has become his stage. Whenever the teacher asked him questions, the students would listen to his "long talk" carefully. Once, the teacher asked us to do a very difficult word problem on the blackboard. The students looked at me and I looked at you, but no one answered it. Maybe they are thinking: "Wait for the teacher to release the answer!" Only a few students are still racking their brains. Of course, I am also one of them. While everyone was pondering over Zou Mei, Mencius Ce suddenly raised his hand and said the answer. He also strode to the front of the platform and said his own steps to solve the problem. The teacher said to the class, "Mencius' answer is correct." Suddenly, the classroom burst into enthusiastic applause, and everyone applauded him from the bottom of their hearts.

Mencius Ce also loved reading. His famous books, Journey to the West, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and Outlaws of the Marsh, were all in his reading list. After reading Chinese classics, he began to read foreign classics, such as Mysterious Island and Necklace. Every time he reads a book, he will use his spare time to tell us the stories in the book. I really admire him. How can he spend so much time studying.

This is a smart, reading boy, my classmate - Menzice.

Person Writing Classmate (12)

There are many things in one's life, but some things are unforgettable.

Once, one of my classmates brought a book to school, and one of my classmates and I wanted to read it. We competed with each other for the book. No one would let anyone. As a result, there was a quarrel. In the end, no one paid any attention to anyone.

But one day during the break, I felt hot, dizzy and nauseous. All the other students went out to play. Only he and I were in the classroom. When he saw that I was sweating, he told the teacher. The teacher called my mother quickly. After a while, my mother came to the school and sent me to the hospital. Fortunately, he told the teacher, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. From then on, I made up with him again.

Another time, in a physical education class, the teacher asked us to move freely on the playground, but I knocked him down carelessly when I was playing. He fell down and hurt me. I immediately became nervous. I said sorry to him, but he said I was intentional. Since then, I had another conflict with him. A few days later, his resource book wanted to correct the mistake and asked me a question. He thought I would not give him a question, but I seriously gave him a question. He said: "Sorry, I was wrong that day, please make up with me!" So I readily agreed. Since then, my contradiction with him has disappeared and I have become a very good friend.

The power of friendship is so great! As long as you have friends around you, you will not be lonely and sad.

Person Writing Classmate (13)

Sunshine is warm, white clouds are pure, bees are industrious, and students should encourage each other.

In the physical education class on Wednesday afternoon, my friends and I were playing football. We only promised to sit alone in the corner of the playground. I came over and patted her on the shoulder and said to her: won't you come and play football with us?

She bowed her head and said glumly: Nobody wants to play with me.

I pulled her up: Come on! Come on! How boring to play alone!

But I won't! Promise to tell me without confidence.

Let me teach you! I encouraged her to stand up.

OK, I'll try. Promises are still hesitant.

I took her hand to the goal, taught her to kick the ball with her toes, told her that the goalkeeper could catch the ball with his hands, and told her how to pass the ball. I shouted slogans again and again, and she listened carefully to the slogans again and again, doing some small skills and movements carefully.

After a while, Xu promised to learn all his skills and play football with me and my partners. He even played several goals, which made everyone look at him with admiration.

Promise was full of excitement and smiled at me: You are the master who taught me well!

It doesn't matter to you, as long as you are willing to try, you will succeed. And students should encourage each other and help each other! I took her hand again. Promise smiled and hugged me.

The sun shines on us, warm!

Person Writing Classmate (14)

Day, just before dawn, I began to walk again. It was strangely quiet. Only crickets were singing. Everything around me was quiet. I enjoy the world alone, where no one disturbs or invades. Suddenly there was a light not far away. I walked quickly to see that it was Wu Ying, the monitor of our class. She was surrounded by a desk lamp and flashlight with batteries. She read and wrote attentively, frowning, stretching, biting a pen holder, and laughing. When I saw this scene, I couldn't help thinking of the scene I saw the night before.

A bright moon hung high in the night sky, and the stars were shining with its precious blue light. They are quietly accompanying Wu Ying. Wu Ying stayed in the sea of knowledge and didn't want to come back. The little pen jumped on the paper, "Brush, brush, brush?" Only heard the pen make a small and clear sound on the paper, she kept reading and writing, finally closed the textbook and put down the pen. She thought for a while and then began to write. The noise in the street woke me from my fantasy. It's dawn. It's time to go to school.

After class, the students "flew" out of the classroom and played freely. Only Wu Ying was still reading and writing there. She is reciting the text! For a moment, I stared at the book desperately, as if I wanted to swallow every word in the book alive. For a moment, I covered my ears with my hands, closed my eyes, and mumbled a long string of words - I didn't hear a number. Night came again. I walked on this road again. There was another light shining not far away, and I quickened my pace again??

If Wu Ying doesn't study hard, can she be a shining star in our hearts?

Person Writing Classmate (15)

In fact, I have a very good classmate whose name is also very handsome. His name is Xuzhan. He is a full "three fans", not to mention his dark and cute appearance.

First fan

In school, as soon as class is over, he will quickly run to the playground with his beloved basketball and play with a large group of "fans". Sometimes he will organize some friendly matches and leagues. But he always wins a lot of applause for his own team. In a basketball game organized by the school, he shot a record. We were all proud of him when we saw him dancing excitedly in the wave of applause.

Second fan

Every couple of days off, he would stay at home to watch concerts whenever he was free. Although he is only in the fourth grade, he knows many singers. Leehom Wang, Feila Wang, Dehua Liu... It's not difficult to find photos of stars on the cover of his book and pencil box, and these photos are very attractive. I remember one time, I also wanted to enjoy these singers, but he pushed me away in a hurry. He mistook me for tearing his treasures. It's really funny to see him so nervous. It can be seen how much he is infatuated with!

The third fan

Although he is usually busy playing basketball and watching concerts, he still spends most of his time on books. Once he is immersed in books, he will forget himself completely. One day at noon, he was holding the book "Adventures of Puppets" in the school, reading and walking, and finally came to the basketball court unconsciously. As he watched too attentively, he bumped his head against the basketball rack and got a big bag, which made him cry out in pain. When the students playing basketball saw it, they all laughed forward and backward, and some even laughed so much that they simply squatted on the ground with their stomachs in their hands and could not stand up. That scene is really funny.

You see, this classmate of mine is "crazy" enough!

Person Writing Classmate (16)

He is one of my middle school classmates. He is not tall or thin, but a little taller than me. He has a pair of big eyes and a big mouth that are not very magical.

As he likes sports and often plays football outside, he has a good physique, but his skin is tanned. In addition, he has another characteristic, that is, he has curly hair, which is not hot, but naturally curly. He looks like a curly dog, so everyone calls him "curly dog". Another advantage of him is that he perseveres in doing things without giving up halfway, but has a beginning and an end. I remember one time, we went to the football field to have PE class. The teacher asked everyone to run 400 meters.

So everyone lined up. Of course, he was also among them. After only hearing the command of "start", the running started. Everyone ran forward like an arrow. He was no exception. But something surprising happened. He had just run a dozen steps and was suddenly "assassinated". He fell down, which was very serious. The upper part of his knee was split, The blood poured out, but he didn't stop there. He struggled to get up. Someone came up to help him, but he didn't promise. With his tenacious will, he limped to the front. Finally, under the interference of pain, he was getting closer to the finish line. Ten meters, five meters, three meters, one meter, he crossed the finish line. We cheered for him and were proud of him! He is such a strong and unyielding person. Isn't it worth learning? But who is he? He is * * * (because it involves personal privacy issues, I have to leave) my mentally retarded classmate. I have a mentally retarded classmate on my primary school campus. He carries a small schoolbag every day, and goes to and from school like other students.

However, when the students were in class, he could only stroll around the campus and play alone. When he is most happy, when his classmates finish school, he will follow the first team to leave school and walk out of the school with head held high.

Then, outside the school gate, when all the students were picked up by their parents, he went home alone. Every parent who picks up students, whether it's windy or rainy, or hot or cold, will see his familiar figure at the school gate. In the past few years, perhaps many parents have been used to seeing that mentally retarded student's simple smile and real behavior. Almost every day at noon and after school in the afternoon, he would "direct the traffic" on the small road in front of the school gate, and he was as serious and pious as a traffic policeman. He will reprimand every parent who violates the rules in his eyes fairly from time to time. If he saw a little student fall down, he would run a few steps to help the little student up.

If he sees anyone who is in danger of being hit, he will timely remind others. In his ambiguous language, he never cares whether others are grateful or not. Every day when I see him, I always remember the scene that moved me all my life: one noon, parents were waiting outside the school gate for us to finish school, and it was still the mentally retarded student who "commanded" the "traffic". At this time, a little student tripped over a brick on the road while playing. His mother helped him up and carried him away.

And that brick must have been seen by all students and parents. I saw it too, but I didn't think to take it away. Everyone is also standing idly, talking about their own day and thinking about their own affairs. At this time, it was the mentally retarded student who rushed over, picked up the brick and threw it under the far wall. I felt ashamed at once. I thought that many students and parents would feel the same way at that time. I suddenly remembered the three character scripture: "At the beginning of human life, human nature is inherently good." The student in the chaotic state kept his inherent human nature - kindness! But we people with normal intelligence have gradually ignored these two words. Maybe they are still hidden deep in some corner of our hearts, but we have no time to express them. They are already covered with dust. Every day is still like water flowing away. The mentally retarded student is still happily active on campus every day, busy and satisfied. At the school sports meeting, he will pick up garbage for everyone, and even act as a vent for many naughty students He has been smiling, tolerant and simple.

Maybe he felt that he was integrated into the campus, and it was the campus that kept him away from loneliness, so he was grateful. I was moved by him day by day. I thought that because of him, I had brushed off the dust accumulated in my heart.

Person Writing Classmate (17)

My classmate's surname is Wang and his name is Yuanpeng. We have been good friends since the first grade of primary school. We are still deskmates. After class, we play together. After school, we go home together.

One day, my father took me to have my hair cut. On the way, I met Wang Yuanpeng. I never heard him calling me. It seems that the car is too noisy to hear, but it can only be seen with eyes.

After the haircut, I took my father's money to pay the bill. I said, "I want to go home by myself." My father said, "Then you go first. I happen to have something to do." On my way home, I met Wang Yuanpeng again. When I asked him what he was doing there, he said, "Because our family lives in that building." I said happily, "So you live here? My family is about ten meters in front of your house. We can come and go often. That's great."

After that, every weekend, I would go to play with him. Wang Yuanpeng's mother is very kind and often helps others. Although she has a short temper, she has never beaten Wang Yuanpeng. One day, we had a misunderstanding. I accidentally hit him on the head, and he hit me again; I hit him again. At the end of the fight, we got swollen here and there. We found our brother again, and he said, "Each of you has his own advantages and disadvantages." This sentence made me unforgettable.

However, my best friend is Wang Yuanpeng. He must be the same as I thought.


Although there will be many accidents on the way of life, we should all remember that friendship is everlasting. Cherish these pure friendship like ice! (Zhang Chuanhai)

Person Writing Classmate (18)

Chen Fengqiong is the study committee member of our class and a good example for us to learn from.

She is not tall. On her apple like face, she has a pair of round big eyes, like two black gemstones, which are very attractive. A long hair tied behind the head, walking like a small tail, very interesting.

Her study is very good. She not only writes neatly and beautifully, but also ranks first in every exam. She is very diligent. Every time she cleans, as long as she finishes the work at hand, she will not hesitate to help slow students. It was my turn to clean the table that day. It was cold and I slowly cleaned it. She saw it and quietly helped me wipe it up.

At that time, the school organized a donation for a middle school brother. Her mother gave her five yuan. She silently donated all her pocket money for a week.

At the school sports meeting, she won back several certificates of merit. Every art performance in the class has her figure. The last time I took part in the classic reading activity in the county, I even had her!

She is really a girl worth learning from! It's really a pleasure to get along with her!

Person Writing Classmate (19)

Liu Chen is a female classmate. She has dark hair, big eyes and a red cherry mouth. It looks good.

Liu Chen is a versatile student, because her parents sent her to the music teacher's home to practice dancing when she was young. As a result, her euphemistic and beautiful singing voice is always indispensable in all literary and artistic performances, and it is intoxicating to witness her beautiful dancing. People can't help but praise her!

Liu Chen's academic performance is also very good, and she is always in the top three every year. This is precisely because she studies very hard and asks questions if she doesn't understand. So her academic performance is so good.

Liu Chen likes making friends very much. Both top students and ordinary students are her good friends.

I still remember the last time a classmate met with difficulties in learning. He didn't understand what the teacher said that day. At this time, Liu Chen put down his homework and patiently explained it to the classmate, leaving him several questions. When I saw this scene, my admiration for her arose spontaneously.

Liu Chenzhen is an excellent student. In the future, we should follow her as an example to learn from her, and learn her spirit of unity, friendship, and initiative. copyright