About Miscellaneous (7 popular articles)
old but vigorous
2024-04-18 05:58:34

About Miscellaneous (1)

That day, just after dinner, we talked about examinations and reading.

It has been more than a week since the entrance exam of Grade 6. Because our exam results are good this time, my mother always shows off to acquaintances. My father hated this very much. He always said that we should be modest, which is good for our future.

Hehe, seriously think about it, aren't Chinese parents all like my mother? If their children do well in the exam, they will show off everywhere. If they do not do well in the exam, they will face bitterly and scold their children. Can such education be good?

Because the sons and daughters of those rich people who did not do well in this exam, they went through the back door in order to save face and colluded with some officials of the Ministry of Education with money. Oh, I am really ashamed of those rich people and officials. In the past, Chinese degrees were bought with money, not by their own strength. In this way, it is just for the sake of adding some luster to their faces. In my opinion, those rich children with well-developed limbs and simple minds, even if they become doctors, are just a piece of cow dung with a beautiful package.

In the past, we all read for our own future, but now it is different. We are reluctant to read. Why is this so? Oh, the economy is not as good as it is now. You can still go to college and famous schools if you have money. No wonder some foreigners always laugh at us: "I really can't see anyone in China." This means that China has no talent, and all of them are stupid people. When we hear these words, we always lose our heads and get angry. If we calm down and think about why foreigners laugh at us and what the reason is, it may help us. This is also a kind of improvement and change.

China is in a "greenhouse effect" environment. On the surface, there are many rich people and few poor people, but in fact, there are more talents or more fools?

About Miscellaneous (2)

To Baoshan in XX:

Maybe we just met by chance.

Maybe we were just two strangers.

But God wants us to meet.

Let's become friends and talk about composition.

We talked freely.


It may be that "rural" children do not know much about "big city" computers.

They explore new places everywhere.

I left the world of friends.

Devoted to another "heaven"

There, I met other friends with different personalities.

Meet the brothers who can dig out their hearts and lungs.

But I forgot, once under the blue sky.

There is another friend waiting for me.

When I come back, I want to look for the footprints I have walked before.

Only then did I discover what I had done wrong.

The person's space reads:

Come back quickly, my friend. The sixth grade composition of primary school is Mistalk Composition.

I was stunned, but I could not hear the song with headphones.

What I heard was the beating sound, the beating sound of the heart.

The earphone dropped and the body suddenly leaned back.

Lean on the chair

My heart is like colic, and I can't sleep.

He is here waiting for me to come back

Who says there can't be true feelings on the Internet?

This is true friendship. Maybe we have never met before.

But the two hearts can still stick together.

brother. My good brother.

Sorry, I'm late.

I don't know where you are at this moment? What's going on?

How are you? Happy?

I hope you are happy and happy.

This is just my little blessing.

Little blessing

Hmm... I miss you, brother. If you can come back, I want to talk with you.

About Miscellaneous (3)

Everyone has their own sleeping habits. My habit is very strange: every day when I sleep, I should put a towel under my head. I don't know why. In short, I can't sleep without it. In addition, my work and rest time is also very strange. The more I want to sleep for a while, I will wake up automatically at five or six o'clock in the morning; I forced myself to wake up early, but I couldn't get up until seven o'clock the next day. Do you think it's strange?

Not only me, many celebrities have their own special place when they sleep: Leonardo da Vinci is a celebrity, and he has many titles of "home". He divides the day into six sections, and sleeps 15 minutes every four hours. I think this is to let his tired brain have a rest! Napoleon, France I, was famous. He only sleeps for three to four hours a day, and he may spend the rest of the day fighting. Einstein, on the contrary to Napoleon, was particularly able to sleep for more than 10 hours a day. His inspiration for relativity was probably derived from his dreams.

Animals also have their own sleep habits. Owls are literally "one eye open, one eye closed"; The horse sleeps standing, not tired at all; Bats are so powerful that they sleep upside down. Nobody can do it except astronauts; Fish always sleep with their eyes open, because they have no eyelids; In winter, squirrels sleep together to conserve heat.

A person's sleep determines the mental state of the next day. If you didn't sleep well the night before, you will wake up tired and absent-minded the next day and become a "national treasure" panda; Moreover, they are dizzy and can't see clearly, which will endanger life even if it is serious. In fact, it's easy to keep a good sleep. As long as you take a hot bath before going to bed, keep clean and comfortable, and read a few books before going to bed, it's easy to fall asleep

There are many ways to help you fall asleep. I wish you sleep until you wake up naturally every day!

About Miscellaneous (4)

It rained all day today, just like my mood. But I have no leisure to enjoy the taste of rain. Now, the mood has finally calmed down a little, to recall that bit by bit. I like the gentle rain very much. Yes, I like it very much. Rain seems to be able to calm me and soothe my injured heart. When the rain is not very heavy, I often like to stand in the rain and recall those things. Sad, or happy.

Sometimes, I will cry in the rain. After crying, I feel more comfortable. The first sunny day after the rain is my favorite time. The air at that time is very fresh. Just like a child, who is totally different from me, very simple, simple, and doesn't know anything. I suck hard. I wish I could suck everything into my body. Am I hoping that I can be that simple? Maybe. But the age that I yearn for will never come again... Now, listening to those songs that I heard a long time ago, I will cry, crying so sad. Because when I think of myself at that time, I didn't know or touch the people and things I know and touch now. At that time, it was much simpler and happier than now.

Did you want to grow up quickly? I think most people will do that, right? But, you will regret, will regret! I don't want to grow up. A lot of things have happened recently. I'm so tired. Will it be a sunny day tomorrow?

Today's rain, it's red all day long. It's red and dirty. Just like what happened to me these two days. Hope to get a good result. I have been lucky since I was young. I hope so this time. The result of that must not let me down, okay? That's my happiness. Don't take it away. ha-ha. Believe in yourself and stink, come on!

About Miscellaneous (5)

I didn't realize it was April. This spring came suddenly, and there was a hint of warmth hidden in the chilly wind, so I didn't notice his arrival. Then, he used the heat of summer to return to me in the state of spring. In short, this year's spring is divided by winter and summer.

Everything seemed to have no sign. In this way, the calendar was marked with the traces of spring, and I was also put on the hat of a college student. Obviously, I still don't understand anything. I cry silently in my heart. What is imposed on me is what I do not want to bear.

The inexplicable spring still brings hope to nature. There are already traces of green on the country roads. Look carefully, there is still some white in the green. It is not green when it is mature, but it is a little more childish. Even if the spring is suddenly, the grass is growing hard. If only I were like grass.

It's almost a year since I entered the university, but everything here is still strange. Too much incomprehension, too much confusion, and I am almost defeated. Obviously, I have a dream in my heart, but I am going in the direction of deviation. Is it because I'm not ready?

Senior math has drawn a deep scar on my college students' life, and what the teacher said on the stage is a breeze. I'm sleepy from below. I don't know if this is in cooperation with him, but the reality is repeating. So today, I decided to skip class. In the middle of the break, I picked up my schoolbag and "rubbed" to stand up. It seemed that I would choose to go to sleep again if I was afraid of standing slowly.

Maybe I really need to change. Instead of doing this all day long, I'd better do what I like. I tell myself this. If I still live in a world where I am not ready, then I think I will never be ready.

The smell of summer is more and more obvious, the feeling of the heat wave from the ground, and the hot irritability at noon. There are more and more green grass.

In the afternoon, looking at the birds flying in the sky, there was a feeling that the roc was rising with the wind one day. I wonder if I have changed myself.

About Miscellaneous (6)

You will never fail your efforts

In the middle of the night, all the lights have already gone out. You yawn and still write hard; When I saw others shining, I looked down and saw the bowl of hot instant noodles that had not been eaten; What you worked hard for a long time didn't get the support you wanted. Maybe you will be a little lost, why do you still look like this for so long; Maybe you will be a little anxious about how to reach the distance you have long expected; Maybe you will be a little discouraged, that. How about this?

At this time, is there a voice in your heart: How about this? Is that the only way?

I firmly believe that you are not willing to do this. Just stick to it again and again.

We must believe that there must be good luck.

You will live up to your suffering

Maybe you are suffering from the pain that others cannot bear, physically or psychologically; Maybe you cry in the noisy crowd; Maybe you run in the rain; Maybe you are waiting anxiously, but I firmly believe that you are the best. No matter whether you are struggling or you have put it down, I firmly believe that you have worked hard to deal with it.

Don't be afraid, suffering can't eat you.

You will live up to your future

When I heard the words "Who comes from mountains, rivers, lakes and seas but forgives the kitchen and love day and night" in Heartbreaking Jokes and Long Daydreams, I was thinking about whether I will continue to wander in mountains, rivers, lakes and seas or be confined to the kitchen and love in the future. How many people live such and such lives? I think no matter how "I am serious about life" would be enough. No matter whether you are above ten thousand people or living at the bottom, live seriously and love what you have.

No matter what, cherish what you have and live in the moment.

You will live up to your true nature

I like to watch sketches. I am happy and joyful. There are always small philosophies behind crying and making noise. Life is so good. I still live after making noise. There is no indifference or disaster. We are breathing under the same sky. Although there is no blood thicker than water, we are not as cold as ice. A fall is a real fall. Saving a person is a righteous rescue. Stop sleeping and come to see this passionate world.

Always love and always be young.

About Miscellaneous (7)

Miscellaneous - A familiar word, miscellaneous words, miscellaneous talk, can be seen everywhere in life. However, the impression of miscellaneous has always been poor. When it comes to it, people always feel messy and untidy. Thus, there is a saying of disorder. Therefore, chaos is naturally associated with chaos. But should Zazhen get such an evaluation?

By the way, friend, have you ever eaten salad? It's the indispensable famous dish in western food. Is it really delicious? But when I saw this dish for the first time, I felt that it was really complicated, messy, and even disgusting - mixing so many colorful vegetables together, and pouring the sticky salad oil, it was almost unbearable. But when it comes to the real entrance, the wonderful and refreshing taste is indescribable, and sometimes accompanied by the sound of chewing. Ah! This garbage, which I thought was messy and tedious, turned out to be so delicious in the end, which shows the beauty of miscellaneous.

When the TV is turned on, there is no more frequent than advertisements. Cosmetics advertising, beverage advertising, toy advertising, drug advertising, can be said to have everything, dazzling people. When you walk on the street, there are more billboards on both sides of the road that can surprise you, even the bus body. Some people can't help shouting: it's really messy and messy, it's visual pollution! Yes, so many advertisements are indeed miscellaneous. But friends, why is miscellaneous disorder? Don't you think that such rich colors also reveal a different kind of beauty unconsciously? Coca Cola covered in ice and still emitting cold air, dynamic and lively Xinqishi orange, vibrant grass green, striking bright red... All these things, although a little miscellaneous, are not exactly the witness of the development pace of our lovely city?

It is a profound knowledge that is miscellaneous but not disorderly, and miscellaneous but methodical. Chaos and miscellaneous are not necessarily linked. It is not a bad thing as long as the miscellaneous is novel and up to standard. Otherwise, where can Picasso's abstract paintings come from? Where does rock music with strong rhythm come from? Why are there so many things beneficial to mankind? Just like Mr. Lu Xun's wonderful essays, writing this and that seems random and disorderly, but actually there is an internal structure and tacit understanding that allows you to read freely and enjoy yourself.

After all, I seem to have mixed words myself. But I still need to add: don't say anything messy. Miscellaneous is miscellaneous, chaos is chaos. Good mix, good mix, make people relaxed and happy. But chaos is always a poor derogatory word.

Unit Our city is beautiful because of its complexity, and our life is wonderful because of its complexity!