The Power of Science (18 elaborations)
autumn waters
2023-11-12 02:45:18
fifth grade

The Power of Science (1)

After learning from Western Heaven, Monkey King became the director and chief athlete of the Tiangong Cosmic Games. At the invitation of the Earth Olympic Committee, Sun Wukong led the Tiangong Sports Delegation to Beijing to participate in the 53rd Universal Olympic Games in 2018. The opening ceremony of the Games was a football match, and the Tiangong delegation played against the Chinese Olympic team.

When the athletes of the Tiangong delegation saw the members of the Chinese Olympic team, they were stunned. It turns out that 11 players of a team are all the same face, the same height, the same fat and thin. If you don't look at the numbers marked on their clothes, you can hardly tell who is who! They don't know. This is because our team members have copied human genes with the help of cloning technology, making them handsome and strong. Moreover, because they are clones, the 11 members of the team are extremely united. They want to think and work hard together. With the referee's whistle, the game began. Both sides played in an orderly manner, but the Olympic team was more supernatural, passing the ball, spot shot... Ten minutes later, Tiangong Team had only the ability to parry, and had no ability to fight back. In the end, the Olympic team won 3-0. The whole field was filled with cheers like waves, so lively!

The next day's space marathon was ten circles around the earth. Monkey King scratched his head at the starting line and seemed to have a plan in mind. The Chinese team sent Yang Liwei, a space hero. Although he is 143 years old, he is still so elegant. The player of the Russian team is Gagarin, the first person to enter space, and a pair of big eyes that have seen the earth are more intense. There are also athletes from other countries who are ready. How did Lao Sun know that people can live to 1200 years old now, and 140 years old is adolescence. Then look at the high-tech space suits they wear that can produce oxygen, keep warm, moisturize, and insulate heat, especially the nano energy shoes they wear. As long as you step on them hard, the whole person will become a spaceship.

Suddenly, the starter pulled the trigger, and only heard a "bang" of the gun. Monkey King was the first to run out of the starting line and turn his somersault cloud hard, but before he could lift his eyebrows, other people went into the sky like light. Needless to say, the Tiangong Sports Delegation led by Lao Sun lost again.

You see, the power of science also makes immortals feel inferior. Back in the Heaven Palace, the Jade Emperor ordered all the heavenly soldiers and generals to learn scientific and technological knowledge and prepare to compete with the Chinese Olympic team in the next Cosmic Olympic Games.

The Power of Science (2)

Today, my father bought me a mobile phone. When I got home, I began to work hard. The mobile phone can be called a handheld computer. At night, I hold my mobile phone and have a beautiful dream:

I came to the street with my beloved time machine in my arms, and suddenly a person wearing British clothes appeared in front of me. I was surprised! A closer look shows that this is Edison, the great scientist who invented the electric light gun for us. I told him that this is the 21st century. The electric light bulb he invented has been put into human life and has been widely used. After hearing this, his eyes were straight.

I took him to China Telecom again, and he saw a number of mobile phones in the glass display case, and he kept touching. I heard the salesperson nearby saying that this man was really "the first time an old man from the countryside came to the city." I thought it was almost the same. I think Edison saw this mobile phone, but he thought it was a new thing. Edison did not understand why enterprises and institutions that bought product patents thousands of miles away could instantly hear the voice from remote towns.

Edison visited some scientists and engineers in scientific research institutions in order to work on the principle of the invention of "refreshing the times". Every interviewee knows his name and respects him well. "We all came out on your shoulders!" They expressed modestly and asked him to sign for a group photo. "For the benefit of mankind, good, good..." Edison stroked his long beard, "after I left, it seems that mankind has never stopped thinking and creating for a day......"

In the 21st century, there have been many new changes, such as repair gloves, which are implanted with special actuators and sensors that can imitate the biomechanics of human hands. The robot arm research laboratory designed the "repair glove" to make a "coat" with artificial muscles. This "coat" can help the human body to move again. Scientists, programmers and inventors all over the world are developing innovative technologies to copy, replace or help the human body structure. And neural transformation, an Australian programmer developed a system. According to this system, people suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis disease can no longer be limited by their own disability in the future and can communicate with others as long as they are prompted by neural signals. Another scientist has developed a new human-computer interface: a person can use skin surface electrodes to receive neural signals, and then after artificial intelligence analysis, can achieve the purpose of communication. After the cooperation of the two scientists, this system is called neural transformation technology.

The power of science is so great. I will also study hard to realize my dream of being a scientist as early as possible and benefit mankind like Edison scientists.

The Power of Science (3)

This morning, I stood in front of the window and opened the window. I saw several birds flying happily under the bright sunshine. Some flew into the clouds. How free they were! I think if only I had a pair of wings!

If I had a pair of wings, I would immediately stand on the windowsill and fly high. First, I flew to the field and saw the farmer uncle planting wheat seedlings, sister butterfly, sister dragonfly and brother bee happily playing in the flowers and collecting honey.

Then, I fly to the universe to explore the mysteries of the moon, see if there is life on the moon, can you plant flowers and trees, can you play football and basketball on it?

Then I flew to the boundless sea. In the sea, I took a magnifying glass to carefully observe the microorganisms, and saw all kinds of small fish, beautiful corals, huge sharks, and bow lobsters.

Finally, I came to the Guanghan Palace of Chang'e sister to have a look. Wow! Sister Chang'e in the Guanghan Palace is so beautiful that everyone will be elated. Sister Chang'e treats me with excellent delicacies. In particular, the little rabbit beside Chang'e sister is white and cute, with white fur, ruby like eyes, a three valve mouth, a chubby body and long ears. After dinner, the band began to play music, and I was intoxicated with the beautiful sound of the piano

A gust of wind blew, and I suddenly woke up. It was my imagination. I think only scientific knowledge is the real wing. I will study hard and have the wings of science.

Grade 5: Jiang Wensheng

The Power of Science (4)

When the holiday came, my father took me to many places. The place to go this time is Ali Mountain.

My father and I were sitting on the bus to Alishan. I saw my father take out his computer and answer the phone of foreigners. Later my father said to me, "Have you ever realized the power of science? Science has not only changed the world, but also changed my life." Later, I asked my father; "What is science?" Dad asked me with a smile; "My silly daughter, you really don't know what science is, or pretend not to know." I was confused by my father. No, I have to ask the computer, but my father stopped me.

My father took out an egg, my father said; "Can you crush an egg?" I cried; "I can certainly crush it." I tried my best to crush it.

My father said happily; "If you are unconvinced, just pinch it again." I don't pinch it anymore, "Dad said with a smile; "Do you know why this egg can't be crushed?" I said; "I don't know why the egg can't be crushed." Dad said, "You should listen carefully to why the egg can't be crushed. The problem lies in the shape of the egg. The egg is oval. When you squeeze it, the force is evenly distributed to each part of the eggshell, so it can't be crushed.

It is an eye opener for me that a small egg contains such a great scientific truth. The power of science is great.

The Power of Science (5)

With the changes of the times, our life is also changing with each passing day. Now science and technology are developing very rapidly, and the achievements of science and technology have brought us countless conveniences.
Nowadays, TV, the household appliance that teenagers and children love most, is well deserved. Because it allows us to know the world's affairs without leaving home. It's easy to talk about the latest trends, major news, and anecdotes. Not only that, TV can also make people learn what they can't learn from textbooks... If you want to know so many things before, you can't run around the world!
Another convenient tool is transportation. The earliest car (bicycle) was born in the 18th century. It can greatly improve speed and save time. However, I have been lagging behind for a long time. Now there are many kinds of cars. Bicycles are totally different from them. It is not a problem for cars to travel all over the world. People can sit on them comfortably and operate easily. Now there are not only those running on the ground, but also those flying in the sky. Of course, it is a plane that flies in the sky. Flying into the blue sky is the dream of Chinese people for many years. Today this dream has come true. It carries people to the blue sky, and the ends of the earth become very close. In addition to those running on the ground, flying in the sky, there are also those on the upstream, that is, ships. The vast ocean no longer blocks people's distance. It is like a big house. It can be regarded as a full sea porter when transporting goods to all parts of the world.
Another worthy winner is the computer. The computer can store a large amount of information, and it can also be stored for a long time. If you want it in the future, you can see it at any time. Computer is a very magical thing. It can chat online and become friends with people all over the world; It can also make video calls, type, and access information online. In the past, we always thought that making phone calls, especially long-distance calls, would cost a lot of money, but now we don't have to worry about it. People may call online, or video chat, which is close to the distance between them. It used to take ten days and a half months to receive a letter. Now it only takes a few tens of seconds to send an email, and people are no longer eager to see it. Now, computer teaching is used in our classroom. We can see many vivid and interesting pictures in the classroom, which makes our classroom teaching no longer boring. We can also visit the world's scenic spots without going out, all thanks to the computer.
This is the power of science. I believe that through our efforts, there will be more and more convenient inventions. Miracles are everywhere, waiting for us to create.

The Power of Science (6)

Today, I got a good news. In the evening, Dr. Weller invited me to have tea. After seven o'clock planting, I came to the doctor's house. As soon as I got to the door, the door opened automatically. After I went in, I saw that the doctor was doing the experiment again. He saw me coming, raised his head, clapped his hands, and saw that some experimental utensils were missing. Then, all kinds of household appliances and refined luxury furniture were displayed in front of me. Before I could react, suddenly, I felt my body was sinking ten centimeters. I could not help looking at my feet. My feet were in a cave, and a pair of comfortable and soft slippers were worn on my feet.

Then, my body effortlessly came to the sofa. It turned out that the slippers were equipped with telepathy devices. I opened my mouth in surprise, stretched my arms, took a deep breath and asked, "Doctor, what's the matter?" The doctor patted me on the shoulder and said, "This is what I told you about the automated home." I could not help but stare, grab my scalp with my hand, and sat down smiling. At this time, the doctor's table, feet on the ground, led me to turn my head to look at the doctor, said puzzled, at this time, my ears rang the sound of television.

Then there was the sound of running water. I looked back to watch TV. There was a wonderful program on it. I was looking at the tea table. There were two cups of delicious coffee on it. There was also a coffee pot beside it. What surprised me more was that the white granulated sugar on the tray had jumped into the coffee itself, and an uncontrollable little boy was stirring the coffee for me. I could not help looking at what was happening in front of me, and my hand could not help covering my mouth. I felt that everything just happened was so incredible, which was really a big rise in the scientific community! The power of science is infinite, we have to learn science!

The Power of Science (7)

I always hear from adults that "society is progressing and science and technology is developing." I'm just a rural child. I'm not interested in the so-called "high-tech" at all, and I don't believe in its charm. But that "bet" finally tamed me!

On the other day, my friend Wenjie and I went home from school. When we passed a wall, we inadvertently saw a row of ants moving continuously Wenjie retorted. "It must be raining!" "No!" "Yes!" "It's useless to argue. Otherwise, let's bet that tomorrow is Saturday, and we will go to the field to observe!" Wen Jie said. "All right!" So I agreed.

The next day, the weather was a little stuffy, the sun was weak, and there were earthworms in the yard! My heart was glad: "It must be raining." I went to find Wenjie happily.

We came to the appointed place and watched the sun gradually blocked by dark clouds. I was very happy, hey hey! It's going to rain, "I'm sure I will win! Wait and admit defeat.

However, half an hour has passed, and an hour has passed. The rain that I calculated correctly has not yet fallen half a drop. Instead, black clouds have become white clouds. What's the matter? I was worried. "Is the weather forecast so accurate?" I began to doubt my judgment. Sure enough, a few minutes later, the dark cloud completely retreated, and the sun was shining everywhere... I was totally defeated, and I was convinced of my defeat. Later, I thought that if ants found good food, wouldn't they be able to move? So he went to see it carefully. It turned out that it was the leftover bread that caused the disaster the day before yesterday.

Since then, I have completely believed in the power of science!

The Power of Science (8)

Today, my father bought me a mobile phone. When I got home, I began to work hard. The mobile phone can be called a handheld computer. At night, I hold my mobile phone and have a beautiful dream:

I came to the street with my beloved time machine in my arms, and suddenly a person wearing British clothes appeared in front of me. I was surprised! A closer look shows that this is Edison, the great scientist who invented the electric light gun for us. I told him that this is the 21st century. The electric light bulb he invented has been put into human life and has been widely used. After hearing this, his eyes were straight.

I took him to China Telecom again, and he saw a number of mobile phones in the glass display case, and he kept touching. I heard the salesperson nearby saying that this man was really the first time an old man from the countryside had been to the city. I think it's almost the same. I think Edison saw this mobile phone, but he thought it was a new thing. Edison didn't understand why enterprises and institutions that bought product patents thousands of miles away could instantly hear the voice from remote towns.

Edison visited some scientists and engineers in scientific research institutions in order to work on the principle of the invention of "refreshing the times". Every interviewee knows his name and respects him well. We all stand on your shoulders and come out! They expressed their modesty one after another and asked him to sign a group photo. For the benefit of mankind, good, good Edison stroked his beard. After I left, it seems that human beings have never stopped thinking and creating for a day!

In the 21st century, there have been many new changes, such as repair gloves, which are implanted with special actuators and sensors that can imitate the biomechanics of human hands. The purpose of manipulator research laboratory to design repair gloves is to make a coat with artificial muscles. This kind of coat can help the body move again. Scientists, programmers and inventors all over the world are developing innovative technologies to copy, replace or help the human body structure. And neural transformation, an Australian programmer developed a system. According to this system, people suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis disease can no longer be limited by their own disability in the future and can communicate with others as long as they are prompted by neural signals. Another scientist has developed a new human-computer interface: a person can use skin surface electrodes to receive neural signals, and then after artificial intelligence analysis, can achieve the purpose of communication. After the cooperation of the two scientists, this system is called neural transformation technology.

The power of science is so great. I will also study hard to realize my dream of being a scientist as early as possible and benefit mankind like Edison scientists.

The Power of Science (9)

The sun shines bright and warm, and the hot weather makes us sweat. "Ah! Ah! Ah! Lark......" A beautiful song sounded on the broad playground of the school. oh It turned out that the annual "Mobile Children's Palace, Science and Technology Caravan" entered our campus.

On the playground, there were so many people that there was almost no gap left. Two dance teachers on the stage danced the Xinjiang dance gracefully, and the red skirt swayed enchantingly in the breeze, thinking it was a fairy coming down to earth; The fat uncle, who played the trumpet, was humorous and foolish. He led the whole class to dance "Little Apple" with the accompaniment of the trumpet; The two Latin dancing teachers danced enthusiastically; The teacher who played erhu was totally immersed in the wonderful music and was so intoxicated that he shook his head with the music; Teacher Qiao's scientific experiments of "fire breathing dragon" and "elephant toothpaste" made the whole audience scream and applaud constantly

"Wow! Look! Look, fly fly plane!" The students beside were so excited that they couldn't speak smoothly. I looked in the direction of her fingers, and sure enough, there were three aircraft models flying freely in the blue sky: Aircraft 1, Aircraft 2 and Aircraft 3. They spread their wings like eagles, flying in the boundless sky, touching the soft white clouds, and chasing a group of birds happily. Look! Airplane 1 showed us its unique skills and came to a 360 degree spin to the sky, which made the whole audience marvel and praise it. The second plane also took off and rolled in the air. "Buzz" and "Buzz" seemed to show us: students! Anyway, I'm not bad. In order to attract our eyes, the plane No.3 also refused to be outdone. Sometimes it was parallel at low altitude, sometimes it was sprinting at high altitude... The UAV came out to shoot, and its four propellers, like an eagle's wings, rolled up the storm. Airplanes hover in the sky like golden dragons, bringing us visual enjoyment.

Next, we made a scientific browsing and a brush car. Time also slipped by in our hands-on production. April 11 is a happy and unforgettable day. The school let us once again enjoy the feast of vision and hearing. The perfect combination of science and art makes us feel enlightened, open our eyes, and demonstrate the power of science and art. Let us know how to cherish the wonderful learning opportunities at the moment, study hard and work hard for our dreams.

The Power of Science (10)

In 1937, Mao Yisheng built the first bridge on the Qiantang River, completely breaking the assertion that "Chinese people cannot build steel and iron bridges", and greatly fighting for the country. At that time, people thought that it was impossible to build a bridge on the Qiantang River. But he used his scientific knowledge and hard work to build the Qiantang River Bridge, which brought many conveniences to people's lives. Yuan Longping developed hybrid rice with scientific knowledge and made great contributions to solving the problem of Chinese people's eating. And Wang Xuan invented the laser typesetter for Chinese characters with his scientific knowledge, which triggered a great revolution in China's printing industry from lead and fire to light and electricity. Obviously, science is power! Science can make many impossible things come true. Lightning, which has always been considered as the inevitable "fire of God", was finally overcome by the lightning rod invented by Franklin. Artificial rainfall, which has always been an impossible thing, has finally become a reality in front of science. Chang'e's flight to the moon has always been just a story in a fairy tale. With the promotion of science, the Shenwu manned spacecraft took off

Science can solve many problems easily. Now people's living standards have improved, there are more cars, roads are crowded, and traffic accidents often occur. If there is a suspension device on the car and the road is made of super strong and flexible glass, people will not have to worry about the car destruction and death caused by careless collision. Such scenes often appear on TV. Because the speed of police cars is not as fast as that of criminals' cars, criminals often slip away from the eyes of the police. If the police car is equipped with a rocket boost system, the strong power and good off-road performance will make criminals have nowhere to escape. The amount of water is increasing, but the amount will not change. If water can be recycled like plastic, there is no need to worry about running out of water As long as everyone upholds science and works hard, our life will be better!

Instructor: Zhou Shuifeng Brief Comment: Talk about your own life practice, and the article will be more full.

The Power of Science (11)

This morning, I stood in front of the window and opened the window. I saw several birds flying happily under the bright sunshine. Some flew into the clouds. How free they were! I think if only I had a pair of wings!

If I had a pair of wings, I would immediately stand on the windowsill and fly high. First, I flew to the field and saw the farmer uncle planting wheat seedlings, sister butterfly, sister dragonfly and brother bee happily playing in the flowers and collecting honey.

Then, I fly to the universe to explore the mysteries of the moon, see if there is life on the moon, can you plant flowers and trees, can you play football and basketball on it?

Then I flew to the boundless sea. In the sea, I took a magnifying glass to carefully observe the microorganisms, and saw all kinds of small fish, beautiful corals, huge sharks, and bow lobsters.

Finally, I came to the Guanghan Palace of Chang'e sister to have a look. Wow! Sister Chang'e in the Guanghan Palace is so beautiful that everyone will be elated. Sister Chang'e treats me with excellent delicacies. In particular, the little rabbit beside Chang'e sister is white and cute, with white fur, ruby like eyes, a three valve mouth, a chubby body and long ears. After dinner, the band began to play music, and I was intoxicated with the beautiful sound of the piano

A gust of wind blew, and I suddenly woke up. It was my imagination. I think only scientific knowledge is the real wing. I will study hard and have the wings of science.

Grade 5: Jiang Wensheng

The Power of Science (12)

In the United States, you can often see colorful hot air balloons flying in the sky. Most hot-air balloons have a "basket" so that we can ride it and fly into the sky.

But why can a hot-air balloon go up to heaven without anything? What force lifted it to heaven?

The principle is simple, because the hot air inside the hot air balloon is lighter than the cold air outside, but if it is more important, it is because the hot air balloon is filled with helium, which is lighter than air, so it can make the hot air balloon rise, and the gas molecules can move in all directions at a very fast speed, so the gas cannot maintain a fixed shape like a solid, Instead, it spreads in all directions to fill any shape of space. During the heating process, the gas molecules in the hot air balloon diffuse with the increase of temperature, so the gas molecules in the average area become less and less, and the hot air balloon begins to float.

We can also simulate this situation at home. Buy a balloon with a rope from the stall. This kind of balloon is much lighter than a balloon that cannot fly, but there is just a force to lift the balloon up, which shows that it has some weight. When my hand was loosened, the balloon would rise in a straight line, but when a gust of wind blew, the balloon would deviate.

Parachutes, on the other hand, go down. In the event of a crisis on an aircraft, people almost always use this. The parachute is semicircular. It can slow down the landing speed by using air resistance. After the parachute is deployed, the wide umbrella face is much more resistant than the air resistance of a single human body, so it can slow down the human body's landing speed.

The power of science is great.

The Power of Science (13)

Science is not only a knowledge system that reflects the objective laws of nature, society and other disciplines, but also a powerful force for national and human development.

When I was a child, I listened to my teacher talk about the word "science". At that time, I didn't understand its meaning. I only knew that I couldn't suck my fingers because there were bugs in my dirty hands. I had to take injections and medicine when I ate. When I entered the threshold of primary school, I got to know some great scientists, such as Galileo, Einstein, Qian Xuesen... At that time, I had a desire to respect scientists and learn science. Now, I am a seventh grade student. I took the "Discovery" ship and sailed in the ocean of scientific knowledge: from biology, animals to plants, from the solar system, the Milky Way to the boundless universe, we found truth in learning experiments and observation.

Turning over the thick history, I saw some horrible historical fragments, and my thoughts were brought to the dark old China——

More than a hundred years ago, foreign powers used gunpowder invented by our ancestors to make foreign guns and cannons, killing countless Chinese children; More than 70 years ago, the Japanese imperialists' iron hooves ravaged the land of Jiuzhou, recklessly implemented the "three lights" policy, and killed many Chinese descendants

Looking back on the history of blood and tears, let us always remember that if a country wants to be strong, science and technology will develop, and backwardness will be beaten.

Look! After the founding of New China, the country has become increasingly prosperous, science and technology has gradually developed, and China is taking off. From the restoration of China's legal status in the United Nations to its accession to the World Trade Organization, from the successful development of "two bombs and one satellite" to the successful realization of manned space flight, these marks China's major achievements in politics, economy, military and other aspects, and are brilliant achievements of the Chinese people's self-improvement and scientific and technological development. China has really risen! The Chinese people are proud of it.

Science benefits mankind, and science benefits the future. As the successor to the cause of national construction, we have a long way to go in the future of science. We suck the water of the South Lake, remember our teachers' earnest teachings, explore knowledge, and study hard. "Let's stand on the shoulders of the scientific giants, uncover more scientific mysteries, and create more brilliant scientific and technological civilization!"

The Power of Science (14)

Since I was young, I have loved to fantasize about why birds can fly in the sky, while humans cannot. By chance, when I was cleaning in the library, I accidentally knocked over a book, which was "One Hundred Thousand Whys". I saw a question "Why can birds fly in the sky?" on the directory, so I found the answer to that question according to its number of pages.

It turns out that birds can fly in the sky because their bodies are like spindles and their heads are small. Flying can reduce air resistance. The bird's skull is empty in the middle, and its body is very light. The bird's wings are much larger than its body. It keeps flapping up and down, stirring up the surrounding air, and its body can fly briskly.

After reading this question, I want to continue to look at other questions. But as soon as I thought about the hygiene, I cleaned the floor and borrowed this book.

In the next few days, I finished reading this book. My brain has added a lot of new knowledge, making me understand many problems I did not know before. I think science is really interesting. As long as you use your brain to discover and your heart to understand, you will know many interesting things.

The Power of Science (15)

From the time when human beings learned to use tools, they gradually learned to cultivate, to the four great inventions in ancient China, and then to the time when human science and technology became more and more advanced. Until the first scientific and technological revolution, mankind entered the steam age, they learned to use machines to spin, invented the train; In the second scientific and technological revolution, mankind entered the electrical era. Edison invented the electric light to illuminate the world, making the world no longer dark. The invention of radio made communication no longer distant and long. In the third scientific and technological revolution, the greatest invention at that time, the computer, appeared. Its appearance made rapid progress in science and technology, It can make accurate calculations in the scientific field. Later, the diode became a silicon chip, making the computer hardware weighing several tons become a processor the size of a thumbnail, so that books that people can't read all their lives are stored on a tiny chip; In the last three decades, the extensive use of the Internet has made the earth a global village, and the exchange of information has changed from a few months in ancient times to just a few seconds. This has enabled the rapid exchange of information in the world, and the sharing of science and technology has led to the accelerated progress of science and technology.

It is not difficult to see from the above that the development of science and technology has brought significant changes to our lives. However, ordinary people still have a long way to go if they want to have their own peaks in the mountains of science and technology. So, to really love science and use science, I think we need to do the following:

First of all, we must have the spirit of practical work. All talk and no action is hard to achieve, so we should be down-to-earth to do our best and climb up step by step, just like our student generation, we need to learn more knowledge to lay the most solid foundation for future learning.

Secondly, we need interest. Someone said: "Interest is the best teacher." Almost everyone of us has hobbies and interests. With hobbies and interests, you will have the motivation to continue to pursue your dreams.

Then, we need the spirit of innovation. In this era, what we lack most is the spirit of innovation. If we just imitate blindly, then science and technology will not progress and human life will not develop. Therefore, the spirit of innovation is the necessary nutrition for scientific and technological progress.

Thirdly, we need to dare to imagine. Many great inventions in history are based on the imagination that seems impossible to realize. To give a familiar example, the mobile phone started with key operation, and later Apple founder Steve?; Jobs thought of letting users have closer access to the device, so he began to experiment with touch screens, which sounded impossible at that time. However, Jobs and his team created a product that changed the world: iPhone.

Finally, we need to be good at thinking and discovering. Scientific and technological progress is not a word of emptiness. It needs to be implemented in all aspects of human life. Little by little, we do not have to make great inventions, discoveries and creations. We start from the small things in our life and are good at thinking about how to make our life better little by little. Therefore, we need to have unique insight and unique insights and awareness of things.

I believe that if we can have the above qualities, we will be able to love science and use science. The development of human civilization is inseparable from the development of science and technology. I hope that human beings can live forever in the scientific atmosphere!

The Power of Science (16)

I came to the street with my beloved time machine in my arms, and suddenly a person wearing British clothes appeared in front of me. I was surprised! A closer look shows that this is Edison, the great scientist who invented the electric light gun for us. I told him that this is the 21st century. The electric light bulb he invented has been put into human life and has been widely used. After hearing this, his eyes were straight.

I took him to China Telecom again, and he saw a number of mobile phones in the glass display case, and he kept touching. I heard the salesperson nearby saying that this man was really "the first time an old man from the countryside came to the city." I thought it was almost the same. I think Edison saw this mobile phone, but he thought it was a new thing. Edison did not understand why enterprises and institutions that bought product patents thousands of miles away could instantly hear the voice from remote towns.

Edison visited some scientists and engineers in scientific research institutions in order to work on the principle of the invention of "refreshing the times". Every interviewee knows his name and respects him well. "We all came out on your shoulders!" They expressed modestly and asked him to sign for a group photo. "For the benefit of mankind, good, good..." Edison stroked his long beard, "after I left, it seems that mankind has never stopped thinking and creating for a day......"

In the 21st century, there have been many new changes, such as repair gloves, which are implanted with special actuators and sensors that can imitate the biomechanics of human hands. The robot arm research laboratory designed the "repair glove" to make a "coat" with artificial muscles. This "coat" can help the human body to move again. Scientists, programmers and inventors all over the world are developing innovative technologies to copy, replace or help the human body structure. And neural transformation, an Australian programmer developed a system. According to this system, people suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis disease can no longer be limited by their own disability in the future and can communicate with others as long as they are prompted by neural signals. Another scientist has developed a new human-computer interface: a person can use skin surface electrodes to receive neural signals, and then after artificial intelligence analysis, can achieve the purpose of communication. After the cooperation of the two scientists, this system is called neural transformation technology.

The power of science is so great. I will also study hard to realize my dream of being a scientist as early as possible and benefit mankind like Edison scientists.

The Power of Science (17)

Science is a serious and funny course. Only by understanding science can we understand the meaning of living in the world.

To do science, we must have courage and courage, because to do science, we must have bold guesses. As a man of science, he should be ready to devote himself to science and the motherland at any time. There are great risks in doing science, but it is nothing to add light to the motherland. There are many scientists who are fascinated by science and sacrifice for it. They are a group of glorious people. If all scientists are unwilling to sacrifice, then where did they come from now? So please take science seriously.

Science is divided into four major disciplines: mechanics, optics, heat and electricity. Among them, mechanics should not be underestimated. If there were no mechanics, maybe there would be no cranes or high-rise buildings in the world. Friction is also very important. If there is no friction, we will not be able to stand up. The car can't start, and the moving car can't stop even if it wants to. If you touch me and I touch you on the street, it will be a mess.

The world is conservative. If something is lost, it will cause interlocking reaction, and the world will not be the original world.

Science must be taken seriously, otherwise, you know!

Teacher's comment: I want to say that you know a lot and have spread a lot of positive energy: to devote yourself to science, China is in urgent need of such talents!

Author | Li Jiayi, Class 5 (3), Experimental Primary School

The Power of Science (18)

I came to the street with my beloved time machine in my arms, and suddenly a person wearing British clothes appeared in front of me. I was surprised! A closer look shows that this is Edison, the great scientist who invented the electric light gun for us. I told him that this is the 21st century. The electric light bulb he invented has been put into human life and has been widely used. After hearing this, his eyes were straight.

I took him to China Telecom again, and he saw a number of mobile phones in the glass display case, and he kept touching. I heard the salesperson nearby saying that this man was really "the first time an old man from the countryside came to the city." I thought it was almost the same. I think Edison saw this mobile phone, but he thought it was a new gadget. Edison did not understand why enterprises and institutions that bought product patents thousands of miles away could instantly hear the voice from remote towns.

Edison visited some scientists and engineers in scientific research institutions in order to work on the principle of the invention of "refreshing the times". Every interviewee knows his name and respects him well. "We all came out on your shoulders!" They expressed modestly and asked him to sign for a group photo. "For the benefit of mankind, good, good..." Edison stroked his long beard, "after I left, it seems that mankind has never stopped thinking and creating for a day......"

In the 21st century, there have been many new changes, such as repair gloves, which are implanted with special actuators and sensors that can imitate the biomechanics of human hands. The robot arm research laboratory designed the "repair glove" to make a "coat" with artificial muscles. This "coat" can help the human body to move again. Scientists, programmers and inventors all over the world are developing innovative technologies to copy, replace or help the human body structure. And neural transformation, an Australian programmer developed a system. According to this system, people suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis disease can no longer be limited by their own disability in the future and can communicate with others as long as they are prompted by neural signals. Another scientist has developed a new human-computer interface: a person can use skin surface electrodes to receive neural signals, and then after artificial intelligence analysis, can achieve the purpose of communication. After the cooperation of the two scientists, this system is called neural transformation technology.

The power of science is so great. I will also study hard to realize my dream of being a scientist as early as possible and benefit mankind like Edison scientists.