About the end of the teacher's composition (select 3)
Acacia turns into red tears
2023-10-26 03:17:15

About the end of the teacher's composition (1)

However, in today's society, red candles are actually a sad metaphor for teachers.

China is in the primary stage of socialism, and the basic line of the new period is to "focus on economic construction, adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles, and adhere to reform and opening up". The socialist economic wave is surging all over the country. Similarly, it is also impacting the educational garden. Facing the colorful economic world, the prosperity of open cities and special economic zones, many people with lofty ideals are eager to try. Admittedly, a few teachers have tried a few words, but most of them can stand on the three foot platform and work hard. The majority of teachers, with their lofty moral character, have shaped the beautiful hearts of millions of young people. They have worked hard, painstakingly and tirelessly for ten years and decades. They are willing to work as a "ladder" in teaching posts and let children stand on their shoulders to climb the new peak of cultural and scientific knowledge.

Mr. Ye Shengtao has said for a long time: "A teacher is a person who comes with a heart and doesn't take root grass.". It also gave me a deep understanding of the connotation that people compare teachers to red candles. Yes, if teachers do not have the spirit of burning themselves and illuminating the dedication of others, how can our education be thriving? Where do the pillars of the four modernizations come from? Who will create the prosperity of the country?

People praise teachers countless times, however, I would like to say that all these praise teachers are difficult to cover your dedication. We are all flesh and blood people who know how to love, and yearn for happiness of modern civilization. It is only for the revitalization of education that you abandon your personal interests, stick to the three feet platform, silently feed flowers and trees, and pursue your unswerving vision.

About the end of the teacher's composition (2)

At the beginning of school, a sudden news spread all over the class: we are going to change a new math teacher! The classroom exploded at once. One said, "Is the teacher male or female?" The other said, "Is the teacher ferocious?" Everyone in the class was worried.

"Coming! Coming!" With the cries of the students, the new teacher, the focus of the students' conversation, came on the stage brightly: she walked into the classroom with a steady pace. What caught my eye was a female teacher in her 30s and 40s, who was wearing a white and orange coat and a pair of white pants. She combed her short hair with the smell of autumn. There were several fine wrinkles on her forehead. Under her long eyebrows, she had a pair of shining eyes full of blood. She only heard her say: "My surname is Wang..." She was still a bit hoarse.

Since Mr. Wang took over the class, the situation of wandering and making small movements in class has been greatly reduced, and even the students who have not finished their homework have "no way to escape". Sometimes when I come home from school, my classmates are always nagging me. They all say, "Mr. Wang is really a policeman in the Pacific Ocean - he can be lenient.".

But once, I changed my opinion of Mr. Wang. I remember that time, we had to do the first unit of small exercise. After the practice roll came down, I only got 88 points. I am very sad. When school was over and I was about to leave, Miss Wang stopped me and said kindly, "Li Pei, winning or losing is a routine thing for soldiers. As long as you find out the reasons, correct them, listen carefully in class, and show your wisdom and talent, you can certainly succeed!" I was surprised. No one used to encourage and comfort me, but Miss Wang did so. A warm current poured into my heart, as if I knew why Mr. Wang had to stay late and why his eyes were full of blood. So I made up my mind not to let Miss Wang down.

In a twinkling of an eye, more than two happy months have passed. Mr. Wang is already our "old" teacher. She is still working hard for us. Several freckles on her face seemed to say: "Study hard, time waits for no one!"

About the end of the teacher's composition (3)

Selection of the beginning and end of the composition about teachers in junior high school

1. I gave my soul, tenderness, and motherly love to me... Teacher, the teacher only knows how to give but never wants to receive. How can I not show my sincere respect to the teacher?

2. The teacher's eyes are silent language, full of expectations for me; It is the burning flame that gives me great heat: it will be printed in my heart for a long time

3. If I can fight against the blue sky, it is the teacher who gave me wings to fly; If I am a warrior fighting waves, it is the teacher who gives me the power to make waves; If I were an immortal torch, it was the teacher who gave me the light of youth!

4. The teacher's earnest teachings turned into wisdom in my head, blood in my chest, and behavior norms... I thank the teacher for his meticulous cultivation of me.

5. Because of the teacher's caring irrigation and hard work, there will be a gorgeous peach and plum, and golden rice and wheat. May my gratitude turn into a bunch of fresh flowers that will not wither, bringing fragrance to the teacher's life.

6. I can't forget my teacher's words like gentle breeze and gentle rain, which cleansed the dust and mud on my soul; I can't forget the teacher's exhortation like the mighty east wind, summoning up my courage to move forward. Teacher, I am grateful to my teacher all my life!

Recommended beginning and ending of junior high school teacher's composition

1. Dear teacher! You draw a rainbow on the blackboard, but erase the utility; You raised others on the platform, but you gave yourself; It is time that has aged your face, and chalk that has whitened your temples; You have released a lot of hope, but you are still guarding the nest!

2. Dear teacher, I want to say to you: you are the usher of Venus and the companion of the Big Dipper; You are the cultivator of three feet of land and the driver of three inches of tools; You are the communicator of human culture and the promoter of the world's progress; You are the designer of the human soul and the turner of the society. You are the spring wind, blowing green mountains, you are the sun, illuminating every corner; You are a beacon, guiding the boat of confusion to ride the ocean of knowledge. You are a red candle, spreading light and heat to the world without stint; You have dyed the branches of wintersweet red, burned yourself, and given me the yearning for spring, a green leaf of hope, with the mood of charcoal; You made the iceberg of books into snowflakes, grayed my hair, gave me a pure dream, a pair of strong wings in the cold wind; You come from the ocean of knowledge, holding a sweet spring in your hand, and pouring sweat all the way, moistening my thirsty heart, a desire that I have been pursuing diligently. When the torch turns to ashes, you are immortal; When the silk is exhausted, you will be forever! When I look back at the steps of spring and autumn, my life continues to move forward in your expectant eyes

3. I have taken countless classes in my learning career, many of which I have forgotten with the passage of time, but one lesson is still fresh in my memory and still unforgettable

4. "The teacher is a diligent gardener who carefully cultivates young flowers; the teacher is a diligent bee who brews delicious honey; the teacher is a light at night, which lights up the direction of students' progress." Whenever I think of these poems praising the teacher, I will think of our head teacher

5. I have known Teacher Mei for seven or eight years. I still remember that lesson, when we came to the playground with colored chalk in our small hands, Teacher Mei taught us to draw the tall buildings in our hearts hand in hand. It was the first art class in primary school, and Miss Mei was my first art teacher

The beginning and end of the composition about teachers in junior high school

1. I have loved English classes since I was in primary school, so I have a unique feeling for English teachers. The teacher has devoted all his life to education and his deepest love to his students, while what he left for himself is the autumn frost on his temples.

2. They have played an extremely important role in my growth; They, when I have achieved a little success, even if it is just progress, show a happy smile; They encouraged me with their kind words when I was frustrated or depressed; They helped me to succeed step by step

3. People usually compare innocence to seedlings, flowers, small trees, etc., and the teachers who cultivate these seedlings, flowers, and small trees are like gardeners, who use wisdom, love, and sweat to irrigate, cultivate, and care for every seedling in the garden, so that they can flourish, grow and thrive.

4. All the shadows flash in my mind. Our teacher is so amiable and approachable. When I saw her for the first time, her kindness and approachability made me feel at ease. In my mind, I cherish a smile, looking far away, nourishing and warming my heart. Teacher, it is you who taught us to be human, and you told us to be tolerant and kind to others. The teacher taught us this, hoping that when we grow up and enter the society, we can be a real, simple and generous good person. No one is perfect, but we should be perfect day by day, so that we don't have too many regrets.

5. What a sacred and kind title of "teacher"! People say that children are seedlings and children are flowers, so teachers are the most hardworking gardeners in the garden. They silently pour out flowers of hope and trees of pillars with their own sweat. Teachers teach us knowledge, so that we can get rid of the childish ignorance. Teachers teach us the philosophy of life, so that we understand the meaning of life!

6. "Spit out all the strands of silk in your heart, dedicate life to unlimited love, be unknown and have no plans, and weave a beautiful and warm world". Spring silkworm is pure and noble; The spring silkworm eats several stems of green leaves and spits a piece of beautiful flowers; Spring silkworms live a long life and spin silk. Only the honorable people's teachers are worthy of this title.