The person I most admire is the fifth grade composition, 600 words composition (5 articles in general)
Peace of mind is a blessing
2024-03-10 08:11:47
fifth grade

My Most Admired Person's Fifth Grade Composition 600 Word Composition (1)

People often say: "A teacher is like a diligent gardener, cultivating the flowers of the motherland; a teacher is like a candle, burning himself and illuminating others; a teacher is like a clear spring pouring knowledge into the hearts of children..." Everyone has a person whom he admires most, and I am no exception. The person whom I admire most is the director of our class: Mr. Wang.

The teacher teaches us to learn, but our teacher is different from other teachers. Our teacher not only has a pleasant voice, but also has a strong teaching ability. I like Miss Wang best for teaching us Chinese. Whenever she has classes, I will listen to her with ecstasy. She not only teaches us to study, but also teaches us law and psychology, so that we can know more knowledge. The most important thing is that Mr. Wang is quick in action. He must finish one thing and do it perfectly. Take changing exam papers for example! Every time we finish the exam, Miss Wang will correct it. Even if she doesn't eat lunch, she will correct the basic part of our exam paper, and write the name of the person who wants to copy the words on the blackboard, so that they can correct it in time. After finishing this, Miss Wang will go to eat. After a few mouthfuls, Miss Wang will finish this lunch, She quickly returned to the school to change our exam papers. She did her best to let us know our scores in the afternoon. If it was too late, she would take them home to correct them. However, things in the school still needed her. It was more than eight o'clock when she returned home. Miss Wang took some biscuits as her dinner, so she picked up the red pen to correct our exam papers again, It was more than twelve o'clock when we finished correcting our examination papers, but Mr. Wang still didn't sleep. His mind was full of how to make Chen Xianda, Shao Liujun, Zhou Jianhao, Hu Yuluo and others get higher scores in the exam. Primary school students wrote "The One I Most Admire". I thought to myself, "Mr. Wang, you must be very tired! You work hard for us every day, and those tiny wrinkles have crept onto your forehead unconsciously."

Mr. Wang, you are the best teacher and the kindest teacher. Your love is as warm as the sun, as warm as the spring breeze, and as sweet as the spring spring. Your love is more severe than father's love, more delicate than mother's love, and more pure than friendship. You ------ Mr. Wang's love is the greatest and highest in the world. Mr. Wang, the light of wisdom on our body is always shining with the spark you ignited yourself. Your spirit of persevering in the end has deeply infected me.

Mr. Wang, you have hung a shining star on my learning path.

My Most Admired Person's Fifth Grade Composition 600 Word Composition (2)

"Boom and boom", with a burst of thunder, spring rain floated in the air. It's the so-called "chilly spring"! A wind came and wrapped the cold air of early spring in the air.

In such weather, my mother asked me to help her with the express delivery, and I reluctantly went out with an umbrella.

"Hoo hoo" A gust of wind blew, I couldn't help sneezing, so I took out a tissue from my pocket, wiped my cold red nose, threw the tissue on the ground, just wanted to get the express quickly, and hurried home. Almost began to trot all the way, only to inhale a cool breath and spit out a white mist. The leaves of evergreen trees on the roadside also seemed to shake in the cold wind. Through the light from the street lamp, I saw a figure coming in the distance.

The figure slowly came closer and closer. It turned out to be a cleaning aunt. Her weather beaten face was covered with wrinkles, and a pair of black and thin hands held a broom higher than her body. A slightly worn straw hat on the top of his head, and the trouser legs that were rolled up were covered with rain. She silently swept the paper towels into the garbage bag, then smiled at me and continued to devote herself to her work. At this time, I blushed and bowed my head and walked to the express box.

When I got the express, I saw that she was cleaning the water on the ground, and her sleeves were wet by the rain. She must be very cold in this weather! However, she always has a faint smile on her face, without showing any complaint. I saw the rain was getting heavier, so I stepped up my pace... Suddenly, the express fell to the ground accidentally. I hurried to pick it up, but the cleaner aunt appeared again in front of me. She smiled and helped me pick up the express, then picked up the towel on my shoulder to help me wipe off the rain, and finally handed it to me. There is no word. Go ahead and clean up the accumulated water.

I stood there dumbfounded, watching her sweep the rain bit by bit forward, and the curved figure was drifting away on the road. I watched her until she disappeared from the corner... My admiration for her came naturally.

My Most Admired Person's Fifth Grade Composition 600 Word Composition (3)

The person I admire most is my math teacher Chen Yanzhen. He was in his forties, with strands of silver in his dark hair. Because of his long-term hard work, several wrinkles can already be vaguely seen on his forehead. There are a pair of intense eyes under the thick eyebrows, and a tall nose under the eyes.

Once, the math teacher sprained his waist in order to move things. Unexpectedly, the lumbar disc protruded. We thought the teacher would find other teachers to take the place of us. But to my surprise, the teacher came to our class with illness. After class, we all ran to the teacher with concern: "Teacher, are you all right?" The teacher said with a smile: "All right!". As he spoke, he lifted a corner of his clothes to show us. He said, "Don't worry, students, I still have something to protect my waist!". We all cry in our hearts. Everyone knows that people who have a protruding lumbar disc are basically better off lying in bed. It's hard to sit still. Besides, he has to stand and write in chalk.

Another time, the teacher had stomach disease relapse. I only eat a little every day, and sometimes I groan. But when he got to class, he put on a smile again. The teacher still laughed when some students did not perform well in class. The students finally learned that the teacher was ill. Students who do not perform well in class will also be quiet to understand. The whole class listened attentively. The teacher showed a knowing smile. Because that time, the principal praised the math teacher in the whole school.

The most important thing is that although the teacher is ill in class, he not only let us finish our studies, but also did his best to prepare lessons and correct our homework. It is to make our class the best, the most vivid and let us master the content of the textbook. We appreciate the teacher from the bottom of our hearts.

The teacher is such an ordinary and great math teacher, who is so dedicated, dutiful, and admired every time he attends classes with illness.

My Most Admired Person's Fifth Grade Composition 600 Word Composition (4)

In our life, there are many people worthy of our admiration. They are like the shining stars in the night sky, which can not be counted. Some of them are famous "stars", and others are very inconspicuous "Little Star"... What I admire most is the old granny who picks up junk in our community.

She is an old woman who is over seventy years old. Her white hair looks very messy. She always looks worried. She also has a pair of hoop legs, which makes her walking very interesting. Every time she picked up rags, she bent down with her hands behind her back, carrying a broken bag. When I was young, I always thought she was a bad person, so I seldom talked to him. If he talked to me, I would pretend not to hear and hide far away. Whenever I see her, I will have a question: Does she have no children? Or did her children not support her? Or did something happen to his children? Or is she willing to serve the society?

One day my mother asked me to go to the small supermarket with money to buy some food, but when I went to the supermarket and touched my pants pocket, I found that the money was gone. It was a hundred yuan bill! So I began to look here and there, when a familiar voice asked me; "Are you looking for a 100 yuan bill, little friend?" I seemed to see hope.

I turned my head and said happily; "Yeah! How did you know?". I was moved by the old grandma's spirit of returning money. Remembering how I used to feel ashamed of my grandmother. I asked the grandma curiously: "Why do you pick up junk in the community? What about your children?" "I don't have a pension. I don't want to add trouble to my children. These money can support me"

After listening to her words, I think she is the most admirable person.

My Most Admired Person's Fifth Grade Composition 600 Word Composition (5)

The green and overcast poplar leaves have fallen, so it's time for summer temperature. This big bang in the afternoon, maybe I'm the only one in the sun! But I only stayed for a while, when Grandpa came back.

At the beginning, my grandma and I had locked the door at home. I couldn't stand the sound of knocking at the door because it was too hot outside, which I just learned from outside.

I ran out and opened the door. My grandfather smiled kindly when he saw me. I also helped him to hold things. Because grandpa is working outside, maybe grandpa came back from his spare time. My grandpa and I went into the house. After a while, my grandma said, "Go and buy some cold drinks. It's so hot. I pushed up my bike and started out. When I got to the corner, a group of children were playing with sand. One of the girls fell down accidentally. I smiled a few times and then took out the handkerchief in my pocket to wipe the sweat and walked on.

When I came to the door of the store, I was so lucky. There were not many people. Soon, it was my turn. The boss handed me three strawberry ice-cream. The boss handed me the cold drink and I was ready to pay. I felt all my pockets and couldn't find the 10 yuan. I was worried and sweated little by little. The people behind were also impatient. They all put their heads forward, The boss was impatient and said, "Little girl, what are you doing? The people behind are waiting." So I returned the cold drink to the boss and left the cold drink shop embarrassed. Just as I was leaving, the voice of "Sister One Sister" came to my ears.

I turned my head and saw that it was the little girl who fell down playing in the sand. She handed me the 10 yuan in light steps and said, "Sister, I saw 10 yuan at the corner. When I looked up, you came by on your bicycle. I thought it was yours, so I went after you and gave you the money." The little girl's face was filled with a sincere and bright smile. When I took over Qian, I was filled with admiration, and her "sister" was always in my ears that day, and the bright smile echoed in my heart.

The little girl has a kind heart. We should all learn from her. We should have a sincere and kind heart. Isn't that the little girl's character? How can we say that we can't do what 7 - and 8-year-old girls have? I admire you.