Brave Junior One (19 high-quality articles)
A sea of people
2024-01-05 06:44:16
Junior 1
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Brave Junior One (1)

On the road of life, courage has always accompanied our growth. Without courage, we can do nothing well. The following is the first day's book about bravery compiled by Xiao Bian I hope it can help everyone!

At that time, I finally mustered the courage to speak out my heart······

I remember that evening, my mother took me on my way home. Looking at the dazzling array of fruits on the street fruit stalls, I am salivating. When my mother saw me, she led me to the fruit stall. When the boss saw that business was coming, he was busy greeting us and let us taste the oranges of this season's harvest. The boss has a good service attitude! But just as my good impression of him gradually rose, he did a very uncivilized thing: casually threw the peeled orange peel onto the zebra crossing on the road! As a modern Huzhou man, how can he litter everywhere? Not only has it destroyed the environment on which we live, but it is also very uncivilized. If a passer-by slips due to carelessly stepping on it, the consequences will be unimaginable! For everyone and to protect the environment, I must contribute!

I was about to pick up the orange peel on the road when I suddenly remembered the "environmental protection team" that had been held in my class to publicize the parents of students who littered at the school gate. Yes, I can publicize the importance of environmental protection to the owner of this fruit stall, so as to plant a civilized tree in his heart, which can make him always have the awareness of environmental protection, and make a step towards a clean environment and a civilized society.

In my mind, there were all kinds of reactions that the uncle might have after the publicity. If he ignored me, he would scold me... But piles of fruit shells and paper scraps on the roadside were accumulated over time! Aren't they uncomfortable living in the "garbage dump" all day? Have they ever thought about the surrounding residents and civilized workers? How many unnecessary troubles will this bring to other pedestrians! Thinking of this, I did not hesitate to summon the courage and decided to tell the fruit stall owner my heart.

At this time, the sun gradually darkened, and wisps of sunset hung all over the horizon. "Uncle, we can't litter. For ourselves and everyone, we must protect the environment!" Unexpectedly, that uncle was ungrateful and pretended not to hear what I said. When I found that there was no way out, I put my eyes on the orange peel and continued to think of ways. A cleaning worker suddenly appeared in my sight. She was bending her waist with difficulty, frowning, sweeping the orange peel into the dustpan, and seemed to be talking to herself. She gave me the courage again. I will never give up. I must try again: "Uncle, we can't let the burden of protecting the clean environment of the whole city fall on the cleaners." Then I pointed to the cleaning workers who were cleaning the road beside the road: "All Huzhou people should set an example and work together to make a contribution to the neatness of our city and the happy life of our beautiful home!" The uncle was surprised first, and then gently patted my shoulder with his hand, looking at the cleaning workers running on the road: "You are right, we should protect the environment! I shouldn't throw orange peel about. I will correct it next time. I will protect the environment with people around me. Thank you, schoolmate! " Looking at his guilty face, I looked up at the horizon. The sunset on the top of the mountain has gradually disappeared, and the afterglow still left on the horizon has covered my heart and the whole lake city······

Recalling that evening, the orange peel and the evergreen civilization tree in my heart, I was silently proud of my brave attempt at that time!

One weekend, my parents took me to Jiangbin Park to play. I happened to see a little girl climbing onto a high branch. I thought to myself, she can climb, why can't I climb, so I have to climb. At the beginning, I climbed the shorter tree. I had just climbed for a while, and my feet trembled with fear. My father said to me, "Don't look below, just look ahead, and you won't be afraid.". I did what my father said, and I was really not afraid. I climbed to the destination carefully all the time and sat down with a long breath. Then my father asked me how to get down. He asked me to hold the branch with my hands and feet first, then slowly rotate around the branch, and then loosen my feet first. I thought I would, but unexpectedly my feet landed on the ground smoothly. I thought I was lucky.

However, in order to challenge my courage and let me climb a higher tree, at the beginning, I was not afraid, but when I arrived at the place where the branches forked, I had to spend a lot of effort. My father asked me to put my feet on the cut branches, which is to shift the focus here, so that I can move easily after a while. Then I stepped on the place where the branch forked. My father asked me to hold the branch tightly and pull my body upward. As a result, I stood up. My father asked me to hold one branch by hand and step on another branch to move forward, and asked me to shift my weight to my feet. He said it was difficult for me to pass this test. For the first time, I fell down because I didn't adjust well. Fortunately, my mother caught me, I thought my back would break, so I cried in horror. Later, my father said that I must succeed, so I climbed again. This time, my father helped me up, so I would be a little lighter. When I got to that place again, I was afraid of falling, so I jumped off as soon as my hand touched the branch on which my foot was standing. My mother praised me and said it was good. I asked why. My mother said that I was brave because I jumped down, and I was very happy, There is a joy of success.

The wind, gently across the treetops, slipped into the classroom through the cracks in the window. The classroom was so quiet that only one or two sparse hands were held.

This was originally a relaxed and happy Chinese class. Unexpectedly, the teacher casually asked a question, and only one or two people raised their hands to answer it. I thought it was over, but the teacher didn't intend to stop. Then there was a silence. The classroom was terribly quiet.

My heart is uneasy, although I have the answer to this question in my mind. I have imagined the situation when I stood up to answer countless times. When I wanted to raise my hand with confidence, an idea suddenly appeared in my mind: "What should I do if I answer wrong? Will it become the laughing stock of the whole class?" "Forget it!" I thought to myself, just raising a little hand and returning to the table honestly, "Anyhow someone will answer."

The classroom was still quiet, and the two students who raised their hands were also embarrassed, and they quietly withdrew their hands. Seeing this scene, a pair of small hands that had been uneasy could not help but burst into a cold sweat. The impulse to raise my hand rose again, but this time I didn't move. A voice sounded in my mind: "What kind of hero do you want to be? Have you thought about the consequences?" "Yes, have you thought about the consequences?" I was reluctant, but I still pressed my hand under the table.

I know I am not brave enough, and I have thought about being brave. The phrase "I will not go to hell, who will go to hell" has been lingering in my ears, making my head ache. At this moment, I may be more willing to finish this lesson safely than the "risk" that may be brought to me by raising my hand.

In the end, I didn't raise my hand until the teacher was angry with us after ten minutes of silence in the class

I twisted my back for ten minutes. It was very painful. I thought about it carefully. If I raised my hand, would the outcome be different?

I stood up to exercise my muscles and bones, and suddenly felt that I was "not eager to make progress". It seemed that this was the fourth or fifth time that I dared not raise my hand. Alas, just be brave.

In one's life, there will always be one thing that will remind you, make you smile, and make you feel great for yourself.

There is also one thing in my heart. So far, I think I am brave and powerful. Although it is just a small thing, it is as beautiful as a pearl in my heart.

It was last summer vacation. My classmates and I made an appointment to go to Nanchang to play together. We were crowded on the bus. We all wanted to do a sauna. We were sweating heavily. When the bus stopped, the bustling people went out and relaxed a lot. At this time, an elderly grandmother came up and took out a card. With a sound of dripping, the old woman looked into the car, He walked forward with his head down and held the handrail. I followed him to look into the car and saw that there were no seats. I was brave that day.

I looked at the old woman. Her body was a little curled up and her hair was gray. The old woman stood beside a woman in colorful clothes. The woman saw the old woman sitting there, but she still did not want to give up her seat. I saw this scene, and I did not know where the courage came from. She walked to the woman.

I stood in front of her, took a breath, and shook my hand in front of her. She turned to look at me. I looked at him. He had a lot of makeup on his face, which made people feel uncomfortable. I took a breath again and said to her, "Oh, it's not blind. I thought I was blind, so I didn't have the nerve to say, but it's really hard to see this old woman standing here. I went to have a look. Since you are not blind, Why didn't you let her sit when you saw her? Don't you know that respecting the old and loving the young is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation? Her face turned red, blue, and white, just like a chameleon. I wanted to laugh when I saw it. She stood up and left her seat.

At that time, my friend said to me, "I really scared them. They thought I would fight with that woman.".

In retrospect, I was brave at that time, and I was most satisfied with what I did that day.

In the dead of night, listening to the snow-white world, there was no sound. Looking up at the starry sky, the stars are bright. The moonlight is like snow, which is integrated with the land of the Northern Kingdom. The brightest star in the sky of life is courage. After experiencing that time on the bumpy road of life, I realized that I was also brave.

I opened the window and let the wind blow against my chest, but I didn't want to close the window. Because it reminds me of the hot June.

It was summer vacation. Mother let me attend a summer camp. I thought it was a joyful trip to another place and taste delicious food. I was greeted by the "Xidian Devil Military Academy". A two-hour drive is the first hurdle. When I got to the ground, what I longed for was to go back to the house and have a rest. But like the Matthew effect, yes. In just one day, after meeting the instructor and teammates, I visited the towering training tower, stopped under it and looked up. I can't help but feel a fear in my heart

The next day, before dawn, I went to the playground to run one thousand or eight hundred under the stars. In my heart, I couldn't help wondering: this is the second day. It's just such a high-intensity exercise. Is it... that something that worries me has happened - climbing the training tower today. Hearing what the instructor said, everyone looked at him. As time goes by, my heart seems to be seized - it's my turn. I stood like a statue of Buddha in the same place timidly, but I climbed up reluctantly under the curse of the instructor. I climbed Tower 1. The tower is 13 meters high, and I climb up inch by inch like a snail. I am nervous and my hands and feet are not flexible, because the only thing to protect me is the rope that is not as thick as my wrist. I told myself to face it bravely.

Seeing the top, I felt a burst of joy, but how can I go down and return? No, there is a pillar in the tower that must be controlled to slide down. I looked at the abyss at my feet and was dazzled. Looking at the instructors and teammates, listening to the encouragement, I hugged the pillar, jumped down, and landed safely in the cry.

"The brave are fearless!" This is from an educator. The day is getting brighter. In the morning light, I look at the rising sun, bathed in the morning light and exclaim: I am also very brave!

Brave Junior 1 (2)

What will you do when you encounter difficulties? What will you do when you feel lost? Show your courage, be brave! The following is 600 words about bravery compiled by Xiao Bian for everyone. I hope it can help everyone!

Grumbling about the helplessness of life, the cold wind is bleak, and the wind is fierce in the evening. Learn to be strong under the touch of wind and rain, learn to cheer up along the path of tears, and learn to march forward bravely with the accompaniment of flowing water

I like sunshine, because where there is sunshine, there is a bright mood, there is happiness, there is joy. When you live in the cold winter for a long time, you will deeply feel how hard it is to live in a world without sunshine. This year's winter vacation is very long, and I have a lot of homework, but since the holiday, my inert virus has spread all over my body

Today, I went to the Book City alone, which is my favorite pastime during the holiday. In the text, I saw the words "nobody asked me about the books of saints and sages for ten years". I felt sad and wanted to cry. But I held back and looked up at the ceiling gently, letting the tears swirl in my eyes and finally flow back into my eyes. With a sigh, continue to read the bitter text. Soon it was dark, and I walked alone on the busy street, watching strangers passing by me in a hurry. The street lights were on, and the neon lights on both sides of the road were flashing... The steps became very solid, thinking that I was still living in this moment of the world, and the world had never been so real, But I know that once I step into the campus, the world will become unreal again, which makes people feel unreal. Huh - I feel so good now. I really want to go on like this. The orange light shines on my face, which is very warm, just like the summer sun. I think in this cold winter, it is shouldering the task of summer sun, bringing warmth to people's hearts. "Ah -- great -- I can feel your warmth again" I cried silently in my heart. Suddenly, a firm determination came from the bottom of my heart: even though the suffering I faced and the world became so cruel, I would stick to the end and face life bravely until the first ray of sunshine I had missed for a long time.

Today, I woke up very early, lying on the soft cotton bed, looking at the blue ceiling, thinking, is the sky so blue outside? Has the summer sun come? Will the world change when I wake up? Do I have anything important to do today? In the warm quilt, I twitched my fingers and toes, smiled, "I was still moving - the world should not have changed"... I thought for a long time before I got out of the warm quilt. When my feet landed on the ground, I suddenly felt that my whole body was full of power. After living for so long, I realized that the feeling of landing on both feet was so good! Lying in bed is like lying on clouds. It's so comfortable that people will feel that as long as the wind blows gently, they will fall from heaven to hell and die miserably. So, all those who curl up in the quilt in winter and don't want to open the quilt, clap your chest and get up! Bravely face every day of life, even the problems and difficulties of Zach. You can't pursue happiness while lying down. Stand up bravely. Let's stand up beautifully!

Lying in the hot water, closing your eyes, listening to my favorite music, going on is my favorite baptism of life, just like the most devout prayer and introspection of believers in front of the religious leader.

After a whole day of work and play, I immersed myself in the bathtub and kept thinking about the past, what might happen, and various pieces of life... especially the problems that have not been solved, how to deal with the things I have done wrong, and every step in the future... until the hot water is cold and the songs are played out, All thinking should stop, I will see the girl in the mirror clearly, remember her outline, and then smile. Because in her heart, she always believes that the messenger in the sky has been smiling at us, watching whether we flinch in the face of difficulties, watching whether we surrender to the demons in our hearts, watching whether we have the courage to bear the mistakes

Face yourself bravely, because everyone is an angel in his heart.

Today is New Year's Eve. In the evening, I'm going to set off fireworks on the roof of the building. It's good to set off fireworks again! My parents bought a lot of fireworks for me, which may not be finished tonight.

I looked at the time, ah! It's almost twelve o'clock in the morning. I quickly called my father, uncle and uncle to the roof with fireworks and firecrackers to get ready. After a while, the clock of zero struck on time. My father and uncle had already put the long firecrackers in place. My father pointed to the firecrackers and said to me, "Son, dare you light the firecrackers?" I saw the strings of firecrackers, as if I heard the deafening sound of explosions. I was afraid to say, "No!" My father took my hand and said, "Come on, don't be afraid! I take your hand to light the firecrackers. ”I shook off my father's hand and said, "No!" Then I ran a few meters away from the firecrackers and covered my ears. My father had to light the firecrackers himself. The firecrackers crackled on the ground. I was so frightened that I didn't dare to open my hand to cover my ears.

After the firecrackers were set off, we began to set off fireworks. My father and uncle were placing fireworks tubes. After they were finished, my father asked me whether I dared to light fireworks. I still shook my head. I saw my father lit a fireworks, colorful fireworks rushed into the sky, fireworks scattered in the night sky, beautiful!

Seeing how happy they are, I have unspeakable envy, and I want to order one myself. So he asked his father to help him squat down a short distance from the fireworks tube. He took my hand and lit the lead wire. Then he hurried to the side and watched the beautiful fireworks rush into the night sky. I applauded excitedly. My father brought me another firework bomb and asked me, "Do you dare to set it off now?" I answered bravely, "No problem!" I held the incense flame straight as I was just doing, and gently touched the lead wire, then lit the lead wire. I hurried to the side and waited to see the gorgeous fireworks. Looking at the night sky with fireworks flying, I thought: lighting fireworks is not so terrible, just lighting the fuse! With this courage, I asked my father for a firework display. I almost finished the firework display that night alone.

In the future, I will set off fireworks with my family, because I become brave!

Ha ha, everyone! I am Zhou Yichen, a handsome young man who is loved by everyone. I am straightforward and courageous, but I love one of my advantages most - courage.

I remember when I was six years old. It was one night. I slept alone in my room. In my sleep, I saw a dark shadow turning things. My heart was trembling, and my heart was pounding. I thought to myself: Mom and Dad are not here, and the dark shadow might be a thief or a villain. Then I would be finished! But I turned around and wanted to defeat the villain and let everyone praise me. With this mentality, I carefully turned on the light switch along the moonlight. It is estimated that the dark figure was startled by the sudden light, and his hands were not busy any more. He looked around. Gradually, he looked at me, and I kept calm. Slowly, I sat up from the bed and threatened him loudly: "You villain, go quickly, or I will call 110!" I felt around the bed and touched my mobile phone, which made me happy. He seemed afraid and said, "I'm going! I'm going!" He retreated to the door. Now I'm relieved. What a false alarm! The next day, I told the adults everything, and everyone said I was a "man".

Another thing happened in the Sports Square. That time, my mother took me there to play. In order to train me, my mother asked me to play a game: first climb the ladder, then walk the net, and finally slide the pole down from a high place. I was frightened when I saw it. My mother saw it, and said, "If you finish it, there will be a reward of 100 yuan!" When I heard it, I ignored it. I bravely stood in the queue and waited. There were so many people playing, It kept me waiting for ten minutes. When I finally got there, I just climbed up a bit, which was like a retreat. But as soon as I saw someone younger than me still climbing, I took a deep breath. Soon after climbing the ladder, I began to walk the net. I held the net with one hand and kept balance with the other. At this moment, I found that I didn't know how to grasp the rod and slide down, My mother said below: "Hold the pole with one hand, hook it with one foot, and then slide down. I did as my mother said, and indeed held the pole. I quickly slid down. As soon as my foot landed, I shouted:" yes, it was successful! "My mother picked me up and said:" You are great! "I listened, and my heart was sweeter than honey.

Do you think I can be brave?

When I face difficulties, courage is like a force, pushing me forward and overcoming difficulties! Because of bravery, I learned to make progress!

When I am oppressed, courage is like a shield, which makes me fearless! Because of bravery, I learned to defend myself!

When I lack self-confidence, courage is like a compliment, encouraging me to cheer up! Because of courage, I learned self-confidence!

Courage is indispensable to everyone. Without courage, you can only be a coward and dare not try and innovate boldly. If you think of people as a machine, courage is an indispensable part!

There are warriors in every moment of life. They are not martyrs killed in battle, nor respected leaders! They are just ordinary people who work hard and make contributions to the country and the people! Even if it's just a cleaner, he is brave to sacrifice! Even if it's just a little nurse, he has the courage to love! Even if it is just a teacher, he is also brave to contribute! Brave, accompany you and me!

However, it is not always right to be brave. If you are "brave" in the wrong way at the wrong time, at the wrong place and on the wrong occasion, you are not worthy of being called a "warrior", but a "rascal".

For example, if your colleagues joke with you and see who can break the neighbor's window, they will invite the "warrior" to dinner! But you really broke the neighbor's window. The next day, he also publicized everywhere: "I'm brave!" That was not only not admired by everyone, but also got the nickname of "neuropathy"!

Another example is that when your country fights with other countries, knowing that it is impossible to win, the soldiers try their best to kill the enemy, but you kill the general of your own army and then surrender. Are you brave?

It's good to be brave, but being too brave can only make you a "rascal"! Therefore, it is more important to be "brave and resourceful"!

Courage is the driving force to push people forward; Courage is the light that drives away the shadows in people's hearts; Courage is the weapon to overcome people's fear. However, being brave also means that we would rather die than bow to the evil forces and have the courage to say "no".

Our teacher Wang is such a brave man. One day, the weather was sunny and cloudless. Teacher Wang limped into the classroom. It turns out that today's course is brave, and students are looking forward to Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang walked forward with one hand and asked the students to speak. Some people said that courage is death defying; Some people say that courage is courage to do good deeds; Others said that courage is to know your mistake and then change it... Mr. Wang looked at the students and nodded with satisfaction. When everyone was in high spirits, there was a screeching whistle in the classroom. Mr. Wang's face suddenly turned from sunny to cloudy. He walked to the podium three steps at a time and asked severely, "Who blew the whistle just now?" The classroom was silent. "If no one admits, you will have to stand down."

After a while, four students stood up with a "shua" and rushed to admit their mistakes. Mr. Wang smiled and motioned for them to sit down, telling a little-known story: "Ten years ago, there was a young man who was accused of an unwarranted crime. They interrogated him day and night, but the young man was very stubborn and always insisted that he was not guilty. Finally, his leg was broken and he was disabled for life." The students looked at him, I can't understand why the teacher told such a sad story.

The teacher looked at the students calmly and then said, "There is nothing wrong with what you said. It is brave to face death, admit mistakes, and do good deeds. But there is another kind of courage, which is rejection. It is not what you do, and you will not admit it no matter how much pressure. I know you were not wrong just now, because I blew the whistle."

When class was over, the students saw the teacher walking out of the classroom, suddenly understood that he was the young teacher whose leg was broken.

There will inevitably be some misunderstandings between people. Let's summon up the courage to deny what we have not done. It is also a kind of courage to refuse when you should refuse.

Brave Junior One (3)

In fact, courage is not born, but everyone's living environment and experience are different, and the courage created is also different. Brave people are destined to get a lot of things, but sometimes, you have to go through something before you are brave. The following is about bravery in the first day of 2021. I hope it can help you!

The embodiment of beauty in the world is the soul, while the embodiment of perseverance and strength is the brave heart—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Facing the sea, Cao Cao recited the heroic words of "Duke Zhou vomited milk, and the world returned to his heart". Qu Yuan threw himself into the river, and Yue Fei vowed to be loyal to his country and his soul would last forever... All kinds of tragic lives of our predecessors are vividly remembered, all of which show their brave hearts shining on future generations.

Although the crow in the material failed to learn from the eagle, it showed to people that it has a brave heart, it has the spirit of defeating larger animals, and it dares to try. This is not stupid, but it is the most real expression of its heart. Lu Xun once "scowled at the fingers of a thousand men", "I recommended Xuanyuan with my blood"; To complete the task, Dong Cunrui would rather die... Although heroes are far away from us, their spirit still stirs on the land of China, affecting their children and grandchildren. Zhao Xinmin, the People's Police, is an excellent successor among the Chinese people. He is fearless to walk with danger out of the bounden duty of the People's Police. It is his professional habit to go to danger. He values other people's lives more precious than his own. When the explosion takes away a vibrant life, people's hearts are also strongly shocked. An eagle like figure suddenly explodes clearly, but the explosion only takes away his body, his soul is still alive, and his brave heart is still beating rhythmically

Once when looking up at the starry sky, people told me that the twinkling star was actually the heart of the dead. After each death, his heart would also turn into a star. Today when I look up at the starry sky again, I see many hearts that will not twinkle. They are heroes'. They will always shine on us and inspire the world.

When crows hunt sheep, they see themselves as strong as eagles. They may be full of confidence in surpassing eagles. Is life not like this? "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead". A few celebrities still look at the present... a sentence It always inspires the world to move forward. Life is full of difficulties and obstacles. The road of life is like the path of Shu. Without perseverance, enthusiasm and strength, you will never see the most beautiful sunrise.

Such people are often seen outside the stadium. They look down upon the athletes on the playground and say what will happen if I play. So since you have the ability, why don't you come in and be an audience outside. The crow cannot learn from the eagle, but it also has the courage to take action. So, as human beings, do we lack this courage? Most of the time, it may not matter whether you succeed or fail, but what matters is that you have the courage to do it. The courage to act is also a kind of success.

Brave heart dare to face life; Brave 'heart dare to surpass oneself; The brave heart dares to try everything... As the pride of the times, perhaps what we need is not to work hard or read widely, but to have a brave heart like a crow.

I have been timid since childhood. Whether you see a hairy caterpillar or a soft big green worm, you will be frightened to scream, and my family will criticize me for this.

Once, I was lying on the ground playing with a car. When I turned my face, I suddenly saw a black thing slowly crawling out from under the tea table, the size of a chess piece! It was a big turtle. I immediately turned pale with fright, stepped back and shouted "Mom and Dad". Mom and Dad thought something was wrong, so they ran over and said, "Oh, why don't you catch it? Catch it!" I held my father's leg and just kept climbing up. But my father took me to the turtle and said, "Go, catch it, don't be afraid, be brave!" I lied on my father, but the turtle was about to escape. My father quickly put me down and walked a few steps, Turn over the turtle. The turtle was on its back, and several legs on its dark gray body were dancing desperately. I was even more afraid now.

At this time, my mother held my shoulder, took out the toilet paper from my pocket, forced me to go to the turtle, let me use the toilet paper to cushion it, and threw the turtle into the toilet. I hesitated and my parents cheered me on. My mother put toilet paper in my hand, grabbed my hand with her hand, and forced me to catch the turtle. In desperation, I had to harden my head and hold the turtle in my heart, but my heart was pounding. Mom and Dad said repeatedly: "OK, it's still a bit manly. Hold it tight and throw it into the toilet." I held the turtle with trembling hands, stretched my arms straight, and walked quickly to the toilet. At the moment, my scalp feels numb and my hair stands up one by one. Although it is only a few steps away from the toilet, I feel a long way to go. With the help of my parents, I threw the soft shelled turtle into the toilet. With the sound of rushing water, the soft shelled turtle disappeared, but my head was sweating a lot. However, since then, I am no longer afraid of insects.

Today, as I grow older, timidity gradually gets away from me, and I become more and more brave, because I gradually understand that courage is an excellent quality of a person.

That time, it came suddenly, so that people could not be prepared; That time, it came in a very turbulent way, so that people can not think quickly; That time, they came in time and resolutely. On that occasion, I clearly remember that their name was "Chinese".

On the day after the May 12 earthquake, many familiar figures emerged in Sichuan. They were our brothers and sisters from all over the world. They were all brave people! The vehicles for earthquake relief were lined up in long queues, and the long queues were rushing to the epicenter of the earthquake; Boxes of relief materials are pouring into the places where they are most needed, and into the people who need them most.

People's Liberation Army soldiers are synonymous with heroes. They have traveled thousands of miles to the front line of rescue. They are already exhausted, but they still have to cross mountains and mountains to search for the living people who are still alive, carry out rescue activities again and again, and bring light to everyone who struggles in the dark. Maybe not every soldier is brave, but at least they are!

People's teachers are synonymous with heroes. They calm the students at the first time, and organize the students to move to a safe place on a large scale at the first time! Some of them went with the coming turbulent earthquake; Yes, I am lucky to survive. However, the remaining leg can no longer bear the weight of the whole body. Maybe not every teacher is brave, but at least they are!

All volunteers are synonymous with heroes. They have no duty to ask them to do these things. But when they come here, they come for people they don't know, for lives that have nothing to do with them. They risk aftershocks and do things that are not good for them. Maybe not everyone has the courage to shoulder national responsibilities, But at least they have!

Lin Hao, the candidate of "Hero Youth of Earthquake Relief" who survived the earthquake, is a synonym for hero. When he was buried in the ruins, he led his classmates to overcome fear. After climbing out of the ruins, he found a female classmate who had fainted. He immediately carried her to safety. Then, he returned to the ruins again and rescued another injured classmate. In the process of rescuing his classmates, Lin Hao's head was smashed and his arm was severely strained. After the doctor checked his body, he refused the help of the rescue station staff, dressed himself, walked with his sister and sister from Yingxiu Town for more than 7 hours, and safely evacuated to Dujiangyan. He is only nine years old! He is the second grade student of Yuzixi Primary School, Yingxiu Town, Wenchuan County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province! What I see from him is courage!

The May 21 earthquake gradually left us, but he will stay in my heart after all, because too many people make me sad, because too many people make me moved.

Why do my eyes often contain tears? Because at that time! On the heroic Chinese people! I learned to be brave!

Today, we went out to play. It was really hot. When we got home, Dad took us to the roof to bring the dog down and said he wanted the dog to drink some water to cool down.

The weather is really too hot, especially in the dog days these days, the temperature every day is more than 35 degrees. We all feel hot at home, not to mention the roof. Every time we go to feed the dog with water, the water spills on the cement floor and is evaporated by the high temperature of the ground in a few seconds, so we need to take the dog down to cool down.

Because Dad was with us, he wanted to test our brothers' courage and let us open the door for the dog. When we went up the stairs, my brother and I discussed who would open the door and let the dog out. My brother asked me to drive because he was a little afraid. I think I'm the brother, so I'll do it. I thought it would be OK to open a little gap, because the dog would use his nose to open the door again, but after I opened it a little bit, the dog did not move. It may feel that the gap is too narrow for him to come out. And we didn't see the dog's reaction at that time, just went downstairs and went home immediately. But my father called us back again. The dog didn't come out. My father said to open the door a little wider and I would protect you. We have to brave up again. Do you know why we are so afraid? Although the dog's character is very docile, every time we let him out, the dog will jump at us excitedly. He is big, so we are so afraid. After we opened the door, the dog immediately jumped on my brother and me, and then heard his father calling him, followed him downstairs. When I got downstairs, I saw it running excitedly like a fish entering the sea and a bird entering the forest, jumping around the pool playing with water, as if saying, "I can finally come down to play with water!"

This is what happened today. My brother and I have become brave unconsciously. We dare to try to do what we are afraid of. I will be more and more brave!

Grass sprouts with strong belief, flowers are budding with amazing perseverance, and trees are growing with strong will. What makes them "stronger in the wind and rain, stronger in their determination to appease hunger with wild vegetables"? Because they took a brave step.

I am a happy person. When others ask me for the secret of happiness, I always answer with a smile: "Brave".

Courage is a song. My voice always ripples on the road, at school and at home. When I feel wronged, it is the object of my talk, when I am afraid, it is the light in my heart, when I am happy, it is a partner to share, it can make me happy to face every day.

I still remember that day, I participated in a singing contest organized by the school. Everyone thought I could win, but unexpectedly, I failed. At that time, I closed myself in the room like a deflated ball. Tears broke through the gate and poured down. At this time, it was the singing that made me regain my confidence. I picked up the pen holder, on the balcony, facing the sun, sang my favorite song, singing, I couldn't help but cry again, but this is not because of disappointment, but because of their own strong tears, I tasted the salty tears, but they are my sweet life one by one, making me more brave in the future life.

In the daytime, I stood on the stage again and sang hard. Finally, I won. I know I will win, because I have already taken a brave step. In the future, I will not hesitate to let courage fly in my heart.

Until now, I still remember that when I took that brave step, the sun shone on me, and happiness would slowly ripple in my heart.

Brave Junior One (4)

Courage is the light that drives away the shadows in people's hearts; Courage is the weapon to overcome people's fear. The following is a summary of the topic of courage on the first day of 2021. I hope it can help you!

Over the years, I have always felt that I am a timid and cowardly person. Until today, I have a new understanding of myself. The Knights Club in Longmen Town

On October 5, Gao Yuexi, Bai Jingping, Kong Fanxuan, Xiao Yuhan, Jing Zeng and I, as well as a group of friends from the club, met to play CS game at the Knights Shooting Club. From more than 10 a.m. to more than 4 p.m., there were fierce battles on the battlefield. We were carrying guns and shuttling through the "hail of bullets", with the bullets whistling past our ears. At this time, I felt exhausted, so I stepped back from the battlefield to rest, unknowingly, I wandered under the "Demon Castle".

I looked up, wow! This Demon Castle is as tall as four floors, with all kinds of ropes and nets interlaced, like a huge spider web, with colorful boards and wooden blocks inside. At this time, an idea suddenly came into my mind - I want to climb up! So I told my mother this idea. My mother said hesitantly, "My biggest concern is that you can choose freely and give up easily. If you must go, please stick to it, OK?" I nodded cautiously. After my uncle, the coach, put on my seat belt for me, I carefully began to climb hard step by step. During the whole journey, most of them were unstable boards and blocks, sticks, and cables, almost all of which were rickety. I had to overcome my great fear and control my balance. The coach uncle has been guiding and protecting me, and also advised me to drink more milk and run more. Because I was nervous, I was sweating all over. A gust of wind blew my sweat dry, and the wooden blocks and nets were swaying from side to side. At this time, I bowed my head, and my feet were three or four stories high! It made me dizzy... At this moment, Xiao Yuhan shouted from below: "Don't be afraid of Chen Yichen! There is a net below, and it won't fall down. Go forward boldly!" I closed my eyes, took a long breath, and continued to climb. After about a hundred years, I finally reached the end. When I slid down from the high steel column and stepped on the ground, I realized how good it felt to be down to earth!

My mother often said that a person's abilities vary from big to small, and courage and tenacity will grow with their abilities. Although I am slower than others in everything I do, I will become a brave and powerful person as long as I don't stop and give up!

Today, as soon as I walked in the door, the teacher asked us to choose a little teacher.

It turned out that the teacher was not feeling well today and wanted to find someone to help her correct her composition. I am so shy that I dare not raise my hand. When the teacher saw no one who raised his hand, he began to vote. Miss Li and Miss Huang got a big duck egg for everyone, except for one student who did not arrive, she got the highest vote. Good! Let's wait for her to come! Now, let's choose the team leader! Wait downstairs to practice. This time, I began to get ready. As soon as the teacher said something, I raised my hand. Good! Wan Ruifeng and Chen Fangyuan are the team leaders. Now all come downstairs! Remember to come back before 3:30! Keep sth. in mind! The teacher repeatedly told us behind a group of people, but we had already disappeared.

When we arrived downstairs, Team A (led by Wan Ruifeng) followed us all the time. Our team B (I led the team) went to the field first: there was no one. Then came to the kindergarten gate: I remember two people who got nothing most vividly: one was full of yellow teeth, like a Japanese soldier's back door security guard; Another is a tall uncle who looks like a bamboo pole.

Hello, Uncle Security, do you have any examples of bravery?

what? What 'brave and tough?' His face was blank.

Let's go! This man is deaf! A group of us left in a mighty manner.

This time, we came to the main gate. When I saw a tall uncle, I hurried forward and asked him the same question. Sorry, uncle didn't.

Finally, we came to the basketball court again exhausted. From the mouth of one brother who played basketball, we learned that the other brother used to be very afraid of dogs, but now he is not afraid of dogs.

When he came back, he learned that the little teacher had not come, so he re elected. At this moment, I raised my hand! I became a little teacher.

Courage is different for everyone. That's what I know today. At the same time, I also know that, in fact, every move we made when we chose a young teacher and a team leader today is a brave challenge and test for us.

It was sunny in the afternoon. I stood on the corridor with an email from the headmaster in my hand. My mouth was light, "Hey hey!" I smiled badly, pulled my hands up and down, "hissed", and the email was split in half.

This is a big disaster! The class immediately became a sensation, and students surrounded me and asked, "Why did you tear the headmaster's mail?" When I was young, I just patted my chest proudly, and proudly announced to the students, "What are you afraid of? Is it not just an email? Am I brave?" "How awesome!" Everyone gave me a thumbs up.

When I came home from school, I proudly showed my brother the mail that was broken in half. The younger brother was also very excited, as if he raised the banner of victory and ran around with the mail. After a while, my mother found the email in my brother's hand. She took it over. At first, she was puzzled, but when she saw the name of the recipient on the email, her face suddenly changed.

Mother's face was twisted, her fingers tightly held the two ends of the letter, her breath was different from usual, her teeth were biting "cluck", and her eyes were staring like silver bells at the mail all the time: "Come here!" This sentence was like a thunder from the sky, hitting me playing. I was startled and walked to my mother.

My mother's eyes were like a dazzling light, which made me unable to look at her directly. She was so angry that her lungs exploded and slapped me hard. I knew my mistake, wrote a copy, handed it to the headmaster the next day and sincerely apologized to him. My attitude was sincere. The headmaster accepted my apology and warned me not to have another time. I will never forget the stern and kind eyes of the headmaster.

This bravery makes me regret extremely, and also makes me know that it is brave to be honest and brave.

People's life is full of thorns. Although they are pricking their feet, what we should do is not to escape, but to face bravely.

I held the hot math test paper in my hand, and it was a score of 60! When did I get predestined to this dazzling "6". The fact that I can't bear to look directly at the score and the math test paper to be signed by the parents makes people laugh bitterly. Even if there is a ray of sunshine in front of me, it is really so eyesore for me.

I went home with this "autopsy". It is a great test that I can summon the courage to send the test paper to my parents.

As a result, I'm still alive! Making mistakes is not necessarily a bad thing. As long as we are not afraid, not evasive, not unreasonable, dare to admit, and dare to take responsibility when facing mistakes, your mistakes are likely to be forgiven. Only if you face them bravely, no mistakes are terrible. What is terrible is your wrong attitude towards mistakes.

There is a haunted house in Paradise Park. I didn't want to go in at first, but the "kind-hearted" Zhou dragged me in, and Cheng and Zhao were also invited. At the beginning, we heard a huge scream. Although we didn't know it, the voice just gave me a fright. We looked at each other for a while, then ran away in dismay and got charged with "deserting soldiers".

The second time we met Liu and his brothers who also came to the haunted house. His watch had a flashlight, so we decided to rely on him to get out of the haunted house. When they entered, they soon got together and ran away. I was the only one to stay where I was, and I made another escape.

I met a person in a different class. I was going to join her. Later, I thought there were too few people, so I pulled an adult with a mobile phone into the room. We were together as if we were together, and we didn't encounter any mechanism. I kept looking at the words on the wall, "It's impossible to go out if you come in", and I almost didn't catch up with the team.

Do you know that another nickname of courage is actually facing. As long as we face difficulties, this is courage.

On the road of life, courage has always accompanied us to grow up without courage, and we can do nothing well.

Under a clear sky, my friend and I were playing in the field. Xiaomeng was very naughty. She jumped onto a tree, stood on a high stone, and then fell on the house. He asked me to play with him, but I was afraid of falling off the tree, falling off the stone, and falling off the house, which would be dangerous. Xiaomeng felt that I was boring, so we went home together. On the way home, a big black dog rushed towards us, scaring our alliance. But people always couldn't run away from the dog. Xiaomeng took a branch in front of me, like a superman coming to rescue me, but the black dog was more terrible. The black big man, tall body, sharp teeth, He was covered with dark shiny fur, and his eyes were full of ferocious eyes, which made people tremble.

The black dog moved forward step by step. Little Dream picked up the branch and beat it like crazy. The black dog did not retreat at all and shook with the branch. We were scared and sweated. I called for help and followed Little Dream back. Because it is in the field, few people come here to play. We cried and laughed, regretting why we came here to play.

The black dog was about to pounce. I immediately ran back with Little Dream. When I got to the stack of books, I said to Xiao Meng that it was very safe here, but once I got up, I couldn't get down. Once I got down, I would be bitten by a dog, or I would lead the dog away first. You go home and ask the adults to help. Xiaomeng said OK, now it's the only way.

Then I took a tree and drove the black dog away. Xiao Meng hurried home, and I was soon caught up by the black dog. I accidentally tripped over a stone in the field. The black dog didn't get off and was scared away by me. But I was also very dirty and injured. Heart up and down, about to jump out.

When I came back to my senses, I found that I was lost. I was exhausted and took a thick branch. I limped every time I walked. It was very painful. At dusk, I came out and just saw that my family assured me that I threw a branch and ran to my mother. She hugged me and scolded me for disobedience.

After this incident, I slowly found that I became brave.

Brave Junior One (5)

Mott is an adventurer, keen on adventure.

He has been to thousands of miles of snow capped mountains, deep dark castles, and bottomless caves. His experience is beyond anyone's imagination.

In order to take a risk, he can give up his life.

Once, he saw a post on the Internet with the title: Mysterious creatures found near xx beach.

The content is about the mysterious creature's photos and related instructions, but those photos look very vague, and the monster can't see what it looks like. So he decided to go there to see the monster.

Early in the morning of the next day, he packed his belongings. Every time he went on an expedition, in order to reduce the burden of his belongings, he would leave some things necessary for other people to explore at home, so that he could run faster and keep as much energy as possible for some big sports.

This time, he took nothing but a little food and hurried to the beach.

After arriving, there was nothing here, only the crashing waves, constantly hitting the beach. At this time, it was dusk. Looking at the sunset falling into the sea level, he knew that he could not wait today, so he made a simple residence with natural materials in a forest near the sea, and then fell asleep.

In the morning, when the first ray of sunshine shone on him, he woke up slowly, rubbed his eyes, and suddenly he cried out.

Because he saw that the monster appeared on the beach, with a fish head, but it was an amphibian and could walk upright.

When he was about to take a picture, the amphibious monster seemed to find him and jumped into the sea in an instant. Mott immediately chased him and jumped into the sea with him.

After jumping into the sea, a burst of suction from somewhere sucked Mott away, and he fainted

When he woke up, he found that he had actually returned home. He did not know what was going on, but he never gave up exploring.

Brave Junior One (6)

Ned and I walked out of the forest, but we were heading home, and our heart always wanted to go back to Hunter on the cliff. I kept looking back, hoping to see Hunter running down the cliff. However, there is only my shadow behind me.

"Hey, Jerry, are you still thinking about Hunter? After staying with him for a long time, you will become a coward! Ha ha!" Ned said, and the others laughed too. Will I become a coward? Go home, Hunter. He will come back.

While having dinner, Uncle Morton rushed in: "Jerry, do you know where Hunter is?" "Hunter... Hunter, he hasn't returned yet?... I don't know... Uncle Morton." I stammered back. "Oh, really?" Uncle Morton looked at me suspiciously, and I immediately panicked.

After Uncle Morton left, I hurriedly picked up the flashlight and rushed towards the small cliff in the forest. The night in the forest is beautiful, but in my heart, the beauty is nothing at all, and the most important thing is Hunter's safety.

"Hunter, where are you?"

"Jerry! Help me!"

Hunter's voice trembled with fear and tears. He has cried. He was extremely hungry. He is exhausted. The thin figure curled up on the stone shelf. It's all my fault.

"Hunter, stay still, I'll go up!"


The cliff is like a stone wall stacked randomly, and I can climb it easily. Before long, I came to Hunter's side.

"Jerry!" Hunter was very excited and his voice stuttered oddly, as if we hadn't seen each other for decades. He grabbed me with his hands and leaned in.

"Heng is very worried. Grab my hand and don't look at the bottom of the cliff. Be brave. I'll take a step, and you take a step. Understand?"


"Now step your left foot on the rock I stepped on, and then move your right foot to the left foot", "Very good, very good, then follow me to step your left foot on the big rock at the bottom left, be brave, be brave!"

Everything went well, and soon we were at the foot of the cliff. Hunter took me in his arms and hung himself on me.

At this time, a figure appeared next to the tree on the side. It was Uncle Morton! He didn't say a word, but smiled slightly, with tears in his eyes.

Brave Junior One (7)

Everyone's life is like a journey. On the road, there are always bumps, big or small. Everyone is not always smooth. When we encounter roadblocks, we should bravely step forward to overcome these difficulties, step by step, step by step, to overcome them, and transform big difficulties into small ones, There will be beautiful scenery waiting for you in front.

In life, many people like rock climbing. When they face such a high rock in front of them, they muster the courage to climb it. They seriously focus on every step, step by step, step by step. They regard such a high rock as a small obstacle, step by step, to climb to the top, to overcome it, if not to climb to the top step by step, How can I look down at the earth from a high place and get the joy of being aloof?

No matter what you do, when you encounter difficulties, break them down bit by bit, challenge them and overcome them. The beauty of success will be waiting for you to enjoy in the near future.

As a junior high school student, the difficulty before us is to be admitted to key middle schools and key classes. This goal sounds far away. But if we take every day's study and life seriously, study hard, regard every day's homework as a test for ourselves, regard each exam as a Chinese entrance exam, and do each question carefully, Average the difficulties in front of us every day, reduce them day by day, overcome them step by step, and the questions will be broken. It will be easy to enter key middle schools. Therefore, in learning, we should resolve big difficulties into small ones and overcome them step by step. The door to success will be opened to us and the dawn of the future will illuminate us.

In the journey of life, take one step, another step, to cross the obstacles in the way, to enjoy the beautiful scenery ahead!

Brave Junior One (8)

I have heard it many times, and when I think of my own experience, I will have a deeper understanding.

I still remember the swimming race, which was the 100 meter freestyle race. What worries me most is that my opponents are so strong that one is stronger than the other. As soon as I got into the water, I was dropped. I tried hard to catch up, but I couldn't catch up no matter how hard I tried. All around me was the noise of the audience, accompanied by the cold spray.

When I swam about 50 meters, I was already exhausted. I wondered whether to withdraw from the competition. But suddenly I remembered the teacher's words: "When you are about to give up, you are about to succeed." I said to myself: Come on! Try to swim another 10 meters, and only swim 10 meters first! 10 meters, sounds easy to do! I tried to swim 10 meters forward and flopped a few times. Then I felt like I could swim 10 meters! So I thought, divide the remaining 40 meters into small goals. If it is completed, it will be victory! With the plan, I got excited. Hope seemed to be burning again. I tried to swim forward and accomplished one small goal after another.

I don't know when I came to the end. That kind of feeling, I can't stop crying while laughing. I completed the competition with several small goals.

In the future, I often set small goals. Every time I complete a small goal, I will be very successful until I reach a big goal. It's like taking one step, another step, and finally reaching the destination.

Brave Junior One (9)

On that day, the sun was shining brightly, and the birds chirped from time to time from the shade. The red sun shines on me warmly. Li Daming and his sister Ding Xiaodou are walking together on the way after school. The flat path is very comfortable.

When they came to a corner, a stench came to their faces. It was the stench from a garbage can beside the street. "Buzz - Buzz -" The disgusting flies are flying on the garbage heap. Banana peel, white garbage, drink bottles, leftovers

"Who is so uncivilized? The garbage can is ahead of him. He is too lazy to die, so he can't take his precious step? He has to take the garbage to your door, hum!" "Is it useful to scold like that? Pick it up quickly." After saying that, Daming put his bag on the ground, took out pencils and paper, and lay on the ground without knowing what to write. Ding Xiaodou saw it and picked up an article and said, "Brother Ming, what wrong idea do you have? Hurry to help me pick up garbage! Alas, it's really dirty!"

Ding Xiaodou doesn't know what Daming is up to. After a while, the smelly garbage was seen in the trash can.

"Look, it's written!" Li Daming said and stuck the paper on the garbage can with adhesive tape.

"Civilization - just one step away. You are really a wise man, and I believe that people will be willing to take this step in the future." Ding Xiaodou gave a thumbs up like Li Daming and looked at him approvingly.

This cartoon satirizes some people who are uncivilized and litter in life. In fact, we all have a responsibility to protect the environment. If everyone has achieved civilization, we will not have a beautiful home regrettably "one step short"! Yes, since you have taken this step, go one more step!

Brave Junior One (10)

Don't think about how far it is and how difficult it is. What you need to think about is taking a small step slowly, which you can do—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

It was a hot summer day. I was still in primary school. In a physical education class, the teacher taught us three feet. Later, we will have a game. After listening to the teacher, we dispersed. Look for people to form a team. When I had no choice, a voice sounded in my ear: "Yan Yiming, are we right?" I looked back and saw Chen Yiming, and gladly accepted his invitation.

The two of us practiced for a while until we were familiar with each other. Later, the teacher called us together to prepare for the competition. With the teacher's order, I silently read in my heart to take one step, and then another step. Many people fell to the ground directly because of competing. Chen Yiming and I walked step by step. Although it was very slow, it was smooth, and we were far ahead of others.

On the way, we walked step by step. The road ahead was still long, and we even wanted to give up. After all, it was hot and tired! Finally, we persevered and crossed the finish line, becoming No.1! We look back at the journey we have passed, and feel proud of ourselves! We looked at each other and laughed together. The sweat on our forehead became the witness of our growth, and the vast playground became a step by step hardship on our growth path. No matter how great your goal is, please remember: don't think about how difficult and distant the road ahead is. Just think about the next step you are facing and take it well. Go on step by step until you reach your goal. When you think back on your way to success, you will be proud.

Brave Junior One (11)

In the daily study, work or life, everyone often comes into contact with the composition bar. With the help of composition, you can vent your feelings and adjust your mood. So have you learned about composition? The following is a collection of 900 words written by Xiao Bian for you. Since then, I have become more brave. The composition of the first day of junior high is for reference only. I hope it can help you.

In a building. A small dark room. The doors and windows are tightly closed. A man curled up on the bed with the quilt tightly covered and his eyes full of fear.

At this time, there was a strong wind outside the window, thunder and lightning, and the rain hit the window with a sour squeak. The lightning from nine days with a bright light lit the whole sky. The momentum seemed to split the earth. The rain hit the ground relentlessly with the thunder, making the earth unrecognizable.

The teenagers in the house are shivering

That person is me. I lay on the bed, trembling with fear. The house will be lit by lightning from time to time. I dare not expose my head outside, as if I would be eaten as soon as I expose it. I was in a cold sweat, and the seven souls were scared away from the six, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe for a while, so I could not help thinking about this afternoon

I was absorbed in reading a book when my mother came in and said a few words to me. I was reading so much that I didn't hear what my mother said clearly, but I just answered it casually! Obsessed, I don't know when my mother left. I don't know how long later, my stomach began to protest. I went out to have a look. It was already night. I was surprised that my mother was not at home, so I called her. Didn't I say I wouldn't come back tonight? You promised! I put down the phone numbly and was stunned for a while. I only felt fear coming to me from all directions. I was too busy eating and bathing. I threw off my shoes and ran to the bed at the speed of light. Suddenly, several flashes of lightning flashed outside, and the sky seemed to mock me, followed by a downpour. This is the beginning of the scene.

Thinking about it, I found that the rain seemed to be smaller, and I stuck out my head. At this time, the tree outside the window was skewed by the wind, leaning against my window, slowly swinging, like a monster's claws. I was so frightened that I immediately drew back my head and only showed a pair of eyes. How to spend the long night? God bless me!

At this time, another flash of lightning lit up my room and the book Robinson Crusoe in front of my bed. I can't help thinking of the hero in the book, who overcame such great difficulties alone and survived alone. But I can't even overcome the difficulties that are not difficult? And Lan Hu, who broke into the world alone at the age of 12 and took on the mission of saving the world, isn't this the object of my study?

When I think of these brave people, positive energy replaces fear. I stuck out my head, closed my eyes, and thought about some happy things and interesting things in life. Soon, I was called back by my dream

When I opened my eyes, it was already light, and the darkness in the room was gone, replaced by the bright sunshine. When I opened the curtains, the sun was a little dazzling, and I didn't see the appearance of last night. I laughed in my heart and said: Ha ha, it's not that scary!

Since then, I, a little boy, have become more brave.

Brave Junior One (12)

Today, as soon as I walked in the door, the teacher asked us to choose a little teacher.

It turned out that the teacher was not feeling well today and wanted to find someone to help her correct her composition. I am so shy that I dare not raise my hand. When the teacher saw no one who raised his hand, he began to vote. Miss Li and Miss Huang got a big duck egg for everyone, except for one student who did not arrive, she got the highest vote. Good! Let's wait for her to come! Now, let's choose the team leader! Wait downstairs to practice. This time, I began to get ready. As soon as the teacher said something, I raised my hand. Good! Wan Ruifeng and Chen Fangyuan are the team leaders. Now all come downstairs! Remember to come back before 3:30! Keep sth. in mind! The teacher repeatedly told us behind a group of people, but we had already disappeared.

When we arrived downstairs, Team A (led by Wan Ruifeng) followed us all the time. Our team B (I led the team) went to the basketball court first: no one was there. Then came to the kindergarten gate: I remember two people who got nothing most vividly: one was full of yellow teeth, like a Japanese soldier's back door security guard; Another is a tall uncle who looks like a bamboo pole.

Hello, Uncle Security, do you have any examples of bravery?

what? What 'brave and tough?' His face was blank.

Let's go! This man is deaf! A group of us left in a mighty manner.

This time, we came to the main gate. When I saw a tall uncle, I hurried forward and asked him the same question. Sorry, uncle didn't.

Finally, we came to the basketball court again exhausted. From the mouth of one brother who played basketball, we learned that the other brother used to be very afraid of dogs, but now he is not afraid of dogs.

When he came back, he learned that the little teacher had not come, so he re elected. At this moment, I raised my hand! I became a little teacher.

Courage is different for everyone. That's what I know today. At the same time, I also know that, in fact, every move we made when we chose a young teacher and a team leader today is a brave challenge and test for us.

Brave Junior One (13)

It was sunny in the afternoon. I stood on the corridor with an email from the headmaster in my hand. My mouth was light, "Hey hey!" I smiled badly, pulled my hands up and down, "hissed", and the email was split in half.

This is a big disaster! The class immediately became a sensation, and students surrounded me and asked, "Why did you tear the headmaster's mail?" When I was young, I just patted my chest proudly, and proudly announced to the students, "What are you afraid of? Is it not just an email? Am I brave?" "How awesome!" Everyone gave me a thumbs up.

When I came home from school, I proudly showed my brother the mail that was broken in half. The younger brother was also very excited, as if he raised the banner of victory and ran around with the mail. After a while, my mother found the email in my brother's hand. She took it over. At first, she was puzzled, but when she saw the name of the recipient on the email, her face suddenly changed.

Mother's face was twisted, her fingers tightly held the two ends of the letter, her breath was different from usual, her teeth were biting "cluck", and her eyes were staring like silver bells at the mail all the time: "Come here!" This sentence was like a thunder from the sky, hitting me playing. I was startled and walked to my mother.

My mother's eyes were like a dazzling light, which made me unable to look at her directly. She was so angry that her lungs exploded and slapped me hard. I knew my mistake, wrote a review, handed it to the headmaster the next day and sincerely apologized to him. My attitude was sincere. The headmaster accepted my apology and warned me not to have another time. I will never forget the stern and kind eyes of the headmaster.

This bravery makes me regret extremely, and also makes me know that it is brave to be honest and brave.

Brave Junior One (14)

The embodiment of beauty in the world is the soul, while the embodiment of perseverance and strength is the brave heart—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Facing the sea, Cao Cao recited the heroic words of "Duke Zhou vomited milk, and the world returned to his heart". Qu Yuan threw himself into the river, and Yue Fei vowed to be loyal to his country and his soul would last forever... All kinds of tragic lives of our predecessors are vividly remembered, all of which show their brave hearts shining on future generations.

Although the crow in the material failed to learn from the eagle, it showed to people that it has a brave heart, it has the spirit of defeating larger animals, and it dares to try. This is not stupid, but it is the most real expression of its heart. Lu Xun once "scowled at the fingers of a thousand men", "I recommended Xuanyuan with my blood"; To complete the task, Dong Cunrui would rather die... Although heroes are far away from us, their spirit still stirs on the land of China, affecting their children and grandchildren. Zhao Xinmin, the People's Police, is an excellent successor among the Chinese people. He is fearless to walk with danger out of the bounden duty of the People's Police. It is his professional habit to go to danger. He values other people's lives more precious than his own. When the explosion takes away a vibrant life, people's hearts are also strongly shocked. An eagle like figure suddenly explodes clearly, but the explosion only takes away his body, his soul is still alive, and his brave heart is still beating rhythmically

Once when looking up at the starry sky, people told me that the twinkling star was actually the heart of the dead. After each death, his heart would also turn into a star. Today when I look up at the starry sky again, I see many hearts that will not twinkle. They are heroes'. They will always shine on us and inspire the world.

When crows hunt sheep, they see themselves as strong as eagles. They may be full of confidence in surpassing eagles. Is life not like this? "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead". A few celebrities still look at the present... One inspirational saying is always encouraging the world to move forward. Life is difficult and dangerous. The road of life is like the Sichuan Road. Without perseverance, enthusiasm and strength, you will never see the most beautiful sunrise.

Such people are often seen outside the stadium. They look down upon the athletes on the playground and say what will happen if I play. So since you have the ability, why don't you come in and be an audience outside. The crow cannot learn from the eagle, but it also has the courage to take action. So, as human beings, do we lack this courage? Most of the time, it may not matter whether you succeed or fail, but what matters is that you have the courage to do it. The courage to act is also a kind of success.

Brave heart dare to face life; Brave 'heart dare to surpass oneself; The brave heart dares to try everything... As the pride of the times, perhaps what we need is not to work hard or read widely, but to have a brave heart like a crow.

Brave Junior One (15)

I have been timid since childhood. Whether you see a hairy caterpillar or a soft big green worm, you will be frightened to scream, and my family will criticize me for this.

Once, I was lying on the ground playing with a car. When I turned my face, I suddenly saw a black thing slowly crawling out from under the tea table, the size of a chess piece! It was a big turtle. I immediately turned pale with fright, stepped back and shouted "Mom and Dad". Mom and Dad thought something was wrong, so they ran over and said, "Oh, why don't you catch it? Catch it!" I held my father's leg and just kept climbing up. But my father took me to the turtle and said, "Go, catch it, don't be afraid, be brave!" I lied on my father, but the turtle was about to escape. My father quickly put me down and walked a few steps, Turn over the turtle. The turtle was on its back, and several legs on its dark gray body were dancing desperately. I was even more afraid now.

At this time, my mother held my shoulder, took out the toilet paper from my pocket, forced me to go to the turtle, let me use the toilet paper to cushion it, and threw the turtle into the toilet. I hesitated and my parents cheered me on. My mother put toilet paper in my hand, grabbed my hand with her hand, and forced me to catch the turtle. In desperation, I had to harden my head and hold the turtle in my heart, but my heart was pounding. Mom and Dad said repeatedly: "OK, it's still a bit manly. Hold it tight and throw it into the toilet." I held the turtle with trembling hands, stretched my arms straight, and walked quickly to the toilet. At the moment, my scalp feels numb and my hair stands up one by one. Although it is only a few steps away from the toilet, I feel a long way to go. With the help of my parents, I threw the soft shelled turtle into the toilet. With the sound of rushing water, the soft shelled turtle disappeared, but my head was sweating a lot. However, since then, I am no longer afraid of insects.

Today, as I grow older, timidity gradually gets away from me, and I become more and more brave, because I gradually understand that courage is an excellent quality of a person.

Brave Junior One (16)

That time, it came suddenly, so that people could not be prepared; That time, it came in a very turbulent way, so that people can not think quickly; That time, they came in time and resolutely. On that occasion, I clearly remember that their name was "Chinese".

On the day after the May 12 earthquake, many familiar figures emerged in Sichuan. They were our brothers and sisters from all over the world. They were all brave people! The vehicles for earthquake relief were lined up in long queues, and the long queues were rushing to the epicenter of the earthquake; Boxes of relief materials are pouring into the places where they are most needed, and into the people who need them most.

People's Liberation Army soldiers are synonymous with heroes. They have traveled thousands of miles to the front line of rescue. They are already exhausted, but they still have to cross mountains and mountains to search for the living people who are still alive, carry out rescue activities again and again, and bring light to everyone who struggles in the dark. Maybe not every soldier is brave, but at least they are!

People's teachers are synonymous with heroes. They calm the students at the first time, and organize the students to move to a safe place on a large scale at the first time! Some of them went with the coming turbulent earthquake; Yes, I am lucky to survive. However, the remaining leg can no longer bear the weight of the whole body. Maybe not every teacher is brave, but at least they are!

All volunteers are synonymous with heroes. They have no duty to ask them to do these things. But when they come here, they come for people they don't know, for lives that have nothing to do with them. They risk aftershocks and do things that are not good for them. Maybe not everyone has the courage to shoulder national responsibilities, But at least they have!

Lin Hao, the candidate of "Hero Youth of Earthquake Relief" who survived the earthquake, is a synonym for hero. When he was buried in the ruins, he led his classmates to sing together to overcome fear. After climbing out of the ruins, he found a female classmate who had fainted. He immediately carried her to safety. Then, he returned to the ruins again and rescued another injured classmate. In the process of rescuing his classmates, Lin Hao's head was smashed and his arm was severely strained. After the doctor checked his body, he refused the help of the rescue station staff, dressed himself, walked with his sister and sister from Yingxiu Town for more than 7 hours, and safely evacuated to Dujiangyan. He is only nine years old! He is the second grade student of Yuzixi Primary School, Yingxiu Town, Wenchuan County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province! What I see from him is courage!

The May 21 earthquake gradually left us, but he will stay in my heart after all, because too many people make me sad, because too many people make me moved.

Why do my eyes often contain tears? Because at that time! On the heroic Chinese people! I learned to be brave!

Brave Junior One (17)

Today, we went out to play. It was really hot. When we got home, Dad took us to the roof to bring the dog down and said he wanted the dog to drink some water to cool down.

The weather is really too hot, especially in the dog days these days, the temperature every day is more than 35 degrees. We all feel hot at home, not to mention the roof. Every time we go to feed the dog with water, the water spills on the cement floor and is evaporated by the high temperature of the ground in a few seconds, so we need to take the dog down to cool down.

Because Dad was with us, he wanted to test our brothers' courage and let us open the door for the dog. When we went up the stairs, my brother and I discussed who would open the door and let the dog out. My brother asked me to drive because he was a little afraid. I think I'm the brother, so I'll do it. I thought it would be OK to open a little gap, because the dog would use his nose to open the door again, but after I opened it a little bit, the dog did not move. It may feel that the gap is too narrow for him to come out. And we didn't see the dog's reaction at that time, just went downstairs and went home immediately. But my father called us back again. The dog didn't come out. My father said to open the door a little wider and I would protect you. We have to brave up again. Do you know why we are so afraid? Although the dog's character is very docile, every time we let him out, the dog will jump at us excitedly. He is big, so we are so afraid. After we opened the door, the dog immediately jumped on my brother and me, and then heard his father calling him, followed him downstairs. When I got downstairs, I saw it running excitedly like a fish entering the sea and a bird entering the forest, jumping around the pool playing with water, as if saying, "I can finally come down to play with water!"

This is what happened today. My brother and I have become brave unconsciously. We dare to try to do what we are afraid of. I will be more and more brave!

Brave Junior One (18)

Grumbling about the helplessness of life, the cold wind is bleak, and the wind is fierce in the evening. Learn to be strong under the touch of wind and rain, learn to cheer up along the path of tears, and learn to march forward bravely with the accompaniment of flowing water

I like sunshine, because where there is sunshine, there is a bright mood, there is happiness, there is joy. When you live in the cold winter for a long time, you will deeply feel how hard it is to live in a world without sunshine. This year's winter vacation is very long, and I have a lot of homework, but since the holiday, my inert virus has spread all over my body

Today, I went to the Book City alone, which is my favorite pastime during the holiday. In the text, I saw the words "nobody asked me about the books of saints and sages for ten years". I felt sad and wanted to cry. But I held back and looked up at the ceiling gently, letting the tears swirl in my eyes and finally flow back into my eyes. With a sigh, continue to read the bitter text. Soon it was dark, and I walked alone on the busy street, watching strangers passing by me in a hurry. The street lights were on, and the neon lights on both sides of the road were flashing... The steps became very solid, thinking that I was still living in this moment of the world, and the world had never been so real, But I know that once I step into the campus, the world will become unreal again, which makes people feel unreal. Huh - I feel so good now. I really want to go on like this. The orange light shines on my face, which is very warm, just like the summer sun. I think in this cold winter, it is shouldering the task of summer sun, bringing warmth to people's hearts. "Ah -- great -- I can feel your warmth again" I cried silently in my heart. Suddenly, a firm determination came from the bottom of my heart: even though the suffering I faced and the world became so cruel, I would stick to the end and face life bravely until the first ray of sunshine I had missed for a long time.

Today, I woke up very early, lying on the soft cotton bed, looking at the blue ceiling, thinking, is the sky so blue outside? Has the summer sun come? Will the world change when I wake up? Do I have anything important to do today? In the warm quilt, I twitched my fingers and toes, smiled, "I was still moving - the world should not have changed"... I thought for a long time before I got out of the warm quilt. When my feet landed on the ground, I suddenly felt that my whole body was full of power. After living for so long, I realized that the feeling of landing on both feet was so good! Lying in bed is like lying on clouds. It's so comfortable that people will feel that as long as the wind blows gently, they will fall from heaven to hell and die miserably. So, all those who curl up in the quilt in winter and don't want to open the quilt, clap your chest and get up! Bravely face every day of life, even the problems and difficulties of Zach. You can't pursue happiness while lying down. Stand up bravely. Let's stand up beautifully!

Lying in the hot water, closing your eyes, listening to your favorite music, and reflecting is my favorite baptism of life, just like the most devout prayer and reflection of believers in front of the religious leader.

After a whole day of work and play, I immersed myself in the bathtub and kept thinking about the past, what might happen, and all kinds of pieces of life... especially the problems that have not been solved, how to deal with the things I have done wrong, and every step of the future... until the hot water is cold and the songs are played out, All thinking should stop, I will see the girl in the mirror clearly, remember her outline, and then smile. Because in her heart, she always believes that the messenger in the sky has been smiling at us, watching whether we flinch in the face of difficulties, watching whether we surrender to the demons in our hearts, watching whether we have the courage to bear the mistakes

Face yourself bravely, because everyone is an angel in his heart.

Brave Junior One (19)

Ha ha, everyone! I am Zhou Yichen, a handsome young man who is loved by everyone. I am straightforward and courageous, but I love one of my advantages most - courage.

I remember when I was six years old. It was one night. I slept alone in my room. In my sleep, I saw a dark shadow turning things. My heart was trembling, and my heart was pounding. I thought to myself: Mom and Dad are not here, and the dark shadow might be a thief or a villain. Then I would be finished! But I turned around and wanted to defeat the villain and let everyone praise me. With this mentality, I carefully turned on the light switch along the moonlight. It is estimated that the dark figure was startled by the sudden light, and his hands were not busy any more. He looked around. Gradually, he looked at me, and I kept calm. Slowly, I sat up from the bed and threatened him loudly: "You villain, go quickly, or I will call 110!" I felt around the bed and touched my mobile phone, which made me happy. He seemed afraid and said, "I'm going! I'm going!" He retreated to the door. Now I'm relieved. What a false alarm! The next day, I told the adults everything, and everyone said I was a "man".

Another thing happened in the Sports Square. That time, my mother took me there to play. In order to train me, my mother asked me to play a game: first climb the ladder, then walk the net, and finally slide the pole down from a high place. I was frightened when I saw it. My mother saw it, and said, "If you finish it, there will be a reward of 100 yuan!" When I heard it, I ignored it. I bravely stood in the queue and waited. There were so many people playing, It kept me waiting for ten minutes. When I finally got there, I just climbed up a bit, which was like a retreat. But as soon as I saw someone younger than me still climbing, I took a deep breath. Soon after climbing the ladder, I began to walk the net. I held the net with one hand and kept balance with the other. At this moment, I found that I didn't know how to grasp the rod and slide down, My mother said below: "Hold the pole with one hand, hook it with one foot, and then slide down. I did as my mother said, and indeed held the pole. I quickly slid down. As soon as my foot landed, I shouted:" yes, it was successful! "My mother picked me up and said:" You are great! "I listened, and my heart was sweeter than honey.

Do you think I can be brave?