600 words composition describing mother (12 popular articles)
Xiao Xiao Yu Xie
2023-11-01 00:06:17
primary school

600 words composition describing mother (1)

"Only a mother is good in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure", I will have the best mother in the world. My mother is tall and has wavy hair. She is a little fat and smelly. She has glasses but is unwilling to wear them. She washes her face for a long time every day. She has many advantages. Let me praise her one by one:

She is very humorous. One day, I accompanied my mother to pick up the books my father sent me from other places. Mosquitoes bit me a lot on the way. I said to my mother, "Mom! I was bitten by mosquitoes! There are many packets!" My mother smiled and said, "Oh, congratulations! You have received so many 'red packets'! You can make money by this skill in the future!". I didn't understand it at first. After thinking for a long time, it suddenly dawned on me that this "red envelope" was the other "red envelope". I couldn't help laughing.

She loves me very much. My mother said that I was the apple of her and my father's eyes, and they all loved me very much. In addition to working hours, she tries her best to stay with me, care for me and take care of me. One night, I felt vaguely that there was a smelly mosquito buzzing around my ears in the room. Then someone turned on the light, and I thought, "Is it getting up?" When I was sleepy, someone sprayed dew on my body, which was cool. It was my mother who found mosquitoes and sprayed dew on me. Finally, no mosquitoes sang in my ears. I fell asleep quietly again. For countless nights, my mother sat sleeping with my nose stuffed, covered my quilt and filled my hot water bag in order to let me sleep well.

She is very good at educating me. At home, in order to train my independence, my mother will let me do a lot of housework by myself, such as washing clothes, sweeping the floor, serving meals; Outside, she will teach me how to eat etiquette. Turn the dish to your face and then add food. Turn the dish to see if anyone is adding food. Don't stir the food. The dish can only be added after one or two pieces are added at a time; In terms of study, the requirements are also quite strict. I am required to go to bed before 10 o'clock every day. I am not allowed to play until I finish my homework.

My mother often told me that everyone has advantages and disadvantages. We should learn more from others' advantages and pay attention to correcting our own shortcomings. My mother has many advantages, of course, there are also disadvantages, that is - nagging, just like the Tang Monk in the Western Journey. Although I sometimes dislike my mother's nagging, I know she cares about me. Don't worry, Mom, I will continue to work hard to be a person with more and more advantages and useful to society.

600 words composition describing mother (2)

I like my father's rough and powerful hands; I like Grandma's hard and yellow hands; I like the dexterous hands of the art teacher, but what I prefer is my mother's industrious hands.

Mother's hands are rough. Look! Every corner of the hand is covered with hard and thick khaki cocoons. The whole hand has many deep cracks. There is a cut on the belly of the thumb of the right hand by a knife.

My mother is very diligent. One autumn, I went to school and found that many female students in our class were wearing very beautiful sweaters, red, yellow, pink, like blooming flowers. I was dazzled and envied!

When I got home, I told my mother about it. My mother immediately went to the wool shop to buy me some beautiful wool, and started to knit my sweater. My mother first took the knitting needle out of the plastic bag, then wrapped the wool on the two knitting needles for several circles, hooked the wool with the index finger of her right hand, wrapped it around the needle held by her right hand, and moved her right hand up. Mother is very skilled in knitting sweaters. She weaves them quickly with her industrious hands, which penetrates her mother's feelings for her daughter into every stitch and thread.

In order to let me put on a beautiful sweater as soon as possible, my mother showed off in front of her classmates. One night, when I got up to go to the bathroom, I saw with dim sleep that my mother was still concentrating on knitting sweaters for me under the light. I looked up at the clock: Ah! It's one o'clock, and my mother is still knitting sweaters for me. Looking at my mother's exhausted hands, my tears fell from my eyes one by one like broken beads. I rushed to my mother and held her hand and said, "Mom, it's all over. Why don't you sleep?" My mother said, "I'll knit the sleeves of this sweater and go to sleep."

Three days later, my mother quickly knitted the sweater. Looking at my mother's dark eyes and tired hands, I couldn't help crying. That afternoon, I put on my new sweater and came to the classroom. As soon as I entered the door, a female classmate surrounded me and said, "Your sweater is so beautiful!" I smiled happily after hearing her praise.

Although my mother's hands are very common, they are very hardworking. These hands bring happiness and happiness to our family. Mom's hands are the treasure of our family!

600 words composition describing mother (3)

I don't know if other people's mother's hands are like this. My mother's hands are not only not beautiful, but also dry and rough. It is these dry and rough hands that raise me, protect me, and bring me a lot of happiness at the same time.

Mother's hands are rough, but they are warm. I remember that it was a cold afternoon. Because I was in a hurry when I went out, I forgot to wear gloves. My mother was riding with me. When I was walking, she suddenly saw that I didn't wear gloves. She touched my little hand and said sadly, "Look, my little hand is red:" She took off her own gloves and put them on my little hand without saying a word, I hurriedly said: "Mom, I'm not cold, you can wear it, you have to ride a bike!"

But my mother smiled and said, "My mother is riding a bike. My mother is not cold." I wore my mother's gloves and it was very warm. It warmed my hands and my heart., When I got downstairs, I got off the car and returned the gloves to my mother. At the moment when I returned my mother's gloves, I saw that my mother's own hands were red and cold to prevent my hands from freezing. My eyes were wet. I quickly held my mother's hands with my little hands to keep her warm. My mother stroked my head and smiled knowingly.

Mother's hands are a pair of hardworking hands. One night, I was doing my homework, and my mother had been washing clothes. When I finished my homework, I had to pester my mother to accompany me for a walk. Although my mother was very tired, she readily agreed to my request. My mother accompanied me downstairs for a walk. I took my mother's hand and found that her hand was not only rough, but also stiff. Yes, my mother goes to work every day, and cooks and does housework for me after work... How can my hands not be rough and stiff after such hard work?

Whenever I see my mother's hand, I will think of the sentence: "Maternal love is the greatest, maternal love is like water.". Yes, maternal love is like water, which is inexhaustible!

600 words composition describing mother (4)

You may think that everyone's hands are the same, but in my eyes, my mother's hands are different. Although they are not delicate, they permeate my mother's care and meticulous care for me.

Mother's hands were once beautiful, warm and dexterous. The white skin in the big hand is 20cm long, 7cm wide and 3cm thick, full of maternal love and tenderness.

In my memory, it is my mother's hand that accompanies me to sleep with his self-made songs; It was my mother who took my little hand and learned to walk; It was my mother's hand that threaded the needle and thread to weave the warm sweater for me; It was my mother's hand that spread paper and prepared ink for me, and asked me to write and read -- one, two, three

I remember one Sunday when I was five years old, I was watching a little brother play basketball. I don't know what happened. He made a huge effort this time. As soon as the ball hit the basket, it bounced out of the box. The ball came straight to me like a long eye. This frightened me. I wanted to hide, but the ball had come to me. When I closed my eyes, my mother blocked it with her hand. Although I was not hit by the ball, my mother's hand was hit as "braised ribs". I hugged my mother and cried sadly. My mother smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. It doesn't hurt. It really doesn't hurt."

I remember once when I was writing my homework, my mother sharpened a pencil for me with a knife. Suddenly, I heard a scream of "wow". I turned my head to see. Unfortunately, the knife cut blood from my mother's fingers. Before I knew it, my eyes were blurred and my tears fell like broken beads. I was so sad that I plunged into my mother's arms and sobbed bitterly: "Mom, I'm sorry, I shouldn't let you cut it for me." My mother smiled and replied: "It's not your fault that I was careless." Mom, you cut your hand for my study. How can you let me not feel distressed?

Mother has a pair of hardworking hands. Every day not only do housework painstakingly, but also work from morning to night. In the morning, get up at 5:30, go to exercise first, and then cook for us. In the evening, my mother will study on the computer every day. In addition to studying, she will accompany me to review my lessons, cook, wash clothes and do housework. Ah, how many things her hands have done for me!

As time flies, my mother's hands become old and less beautiful. Although she did not create an earth shaking cause, nor did she write a song and cry article, my mother's hand, like the sun in spring, always warms my heart.

600 words composition describing mother (5)

Since childhood, there has been a teacher who taught me to listen; Since childhood, there has been a teacher who taught me to be patient; Since childhood, there has been a mentor who taught me to fight.

When the spring wind blows over the willows, when the summer rain wets the green leaves, when the wheat heads up, when ice and snow cover the earth. Mother's love has never changed and never left. Not near, not far, not thick, not light.

My mother is an ordinary housewife in the eyes of outsiders. Although she is not tall, she seems small and exquisite; Although the body is slightly fat, it does not appear fat; Although my educational background is not high, it tells me a lot of knowledge about life. She has waist length black hair, big eyes, small mouth, and a serious expression.

When I was a child, I always ran after my mother. I talked to my mother about everything. I didn't talk to my father at all. Even if I talked, I just asked: "What about my father and mother?" When I was three or four years old, I was a little stuttering. My mother was heartbroken for me. She went everywhere to ask me how to cure my stammer, and asked a person in the town without results. I think my stuttering can't be cured, but my mother comforted me that my stuttering can be cured. I think my mother must be more miserable than me at that time.

Since then, she asked me to read the article to her every day. A total of three years, more than a thousand days, during which the morning never stopped. I stopped stuttering now. She listened to me read every article and gave me the best encouragement. That power supported my way forward.

When they grow old one day, when they can't remember or speak, when they?? Please don't blame them when you repeat some old stories; When they forget to tie their shoelaces, dirty their clothes when they eat, and shake their hands when they comb their hair, please do not urge them. Because you are growing up slowly, and they are getting old slowly. As long as you are in front of them, their hearts will be warm.

If one day they can't stand or walk, please hold their hands tightly and walk with them slowly, just like they held you.

600 words composition describing mother (6)

My mother's hand washes and cooks for me, my mother's hand tutors my homework, and my mother's hand gives me strength to grow. However, because of doing housework, these hands have lost their smoothness and delicacy and become like crepe paper. The back of my mother's hand is a little rough. Cocoon lines appear in some parts of her palm. It looks a little red and strong. I can see that these hands have seen many things.

When I was a child, on the New Year's Eve, our family watched the Spring Festival Gala together. When the New Year bell rang, firecrackers from each family began to ring one after another. The sound of firecrackers rocked the sky, as if the sky was falling apart. The "buzzing" sound in my ears was a bit disgusting. I was afraid. My mother put her hand gently over my ear and said softly, "Don't be afraid, child." I felt comfortable at once, my ears stopped ringing, and I didn't feel sick. My mother's hands are full of maternal love, which makes me forget my fear and pain. Ah, my mother's hand is my strong shield.

When I was in kindergarten, it was very cold on a winter weekend. Grandma took me downstairs to play snow with children all morning long. It seemed that I had buried my soul in the thick snow and would not go home no matter how Grandma shouted. At noon, my mother came back from working overtime and called me home. My hands soaked in snow all morning finally left the snow, but my hands were a little purple and stiff with cold. My mother wrapped those warm hands on my red and purple hands and rubbed them repeatedly. A burst of warmth spread around every corner of my hands, and my hands gradually became ruddy. My mother's hands are full of warmth, which keeps me away from the cold and forgets the severe winter. Ah, my mother's hand is my warm stove.

When I was in primary school, my grades were not very good. I held the test paper to my mother and was afraid. But my mother just gently stroked my head, looked at me with gentle and severe eyes, and said softly, "Come on! Find the reason, and learn from your mistakes!" I immediately had the motivation to learn. I must find the reason and go further. My mother's hand is full of strength, which makes me progress and encourages me to grow. Ah, my mother's hand is the ladder for my growth.

Mother's hand is solid, powerful and warm. It always supports me and encourages me to move forward

600 words composition describing mother (7)

Everyone's hands are different. My mother is a worker, and she has a pair of sandpaper hands.

When I was young, my mother's hands were originally small and white, ten fingers were thin, and the lines on the back of the hand were fine. Through the thin skin, we could see the outline of several blood vessels. However, due to years of maintenance and housework, the hands become very rough, each finger becomes very thick, there is a knot on the side of each finger joint, there are many soft calluses in the center of the palm surface, and the middle finger joint of my mother's right hand is severely deformed, often unable to stretch straight. What makes me more distressed is that my mother's hands often have small scars, often this scar is good, another scar appears.

I remember one night when I was in the second grade, my aunt came to our house and sent us a slaughtered chicken. My mother had not finished work yet. My aunt talked with my grandpa for a while, but my mother had not come back yet. My aunt had to leave first. My mother came back exhausted late at night. When she saw the chicken, she took it to the kitchen and said that she had chopped it and stewed it tomorrow morning, I was afraid that it would be too late to stew chicken at noon for tomorrow's work, so I felt warm in my heart: what a good mother, she had to prepare food when she was so tired. As a result, she was really tired that day, and the kitchen light was not as bright as in the daytime, so my mother accidentally cut her hand and cut off a piece of her index finger nail, which made blood flow.

Seeing my mother hurriedly wrapped up and continued to chop the chicken, I was very upset. I came to my mother and said to her, "It's a big deal, I won't eat the chicken. Go to bed." My mother smiled at me and said, "Go to bed first, and my mother will go to bed later." I nodded sadly, looked at my mother's injured hands painfully, and went to sleep, However, I could not sleep when I was lying on the bed for some reason. I always saw my mother chopping chicken and her injured hand... In the next few days, my mother continued to wash and cook for me with her injured hand, which made me more worried.

I am often constipated. My mother reads medical books and always helps me massage my stomach when she wakes up in the morning. Whenever her hands help me massage, I always feel that it is not a hand. It is clearly coarse sandpaper. I always impatiently push her hand away, and she smiles at me apologetically and says: "Mom's hands are too rough, you'd better massage yourself."

Mother's hand, though ordinary and not smart, is full of family affection and deep love for me.

600 words composition describing mother (8)

Since childhood, there has been a teacher who taught me to listen; Since childhood, there has been a teacher who taught me to be patient; Since childhood, there has been a mentor who taught me to fight.

When the spring wind blows over the willows, when the summer rain wets the green leaves, when the wheat heads up, when ice and snow cover the earth. Mother's love has never changed and never left. Not near, not far, not thick, not light.

My mother is an ordinary housewife in the eyes of outsiders. Although she is not tall, she seems small and exquisite; Although the body is slightly fat, it does not appear fat; Although my educational background is not high, it tells me a lot of knowledge about life. She has waist length black hair, big eyes, small mouth, and a serious expression.

When I was a child, I always ran after my mother. I talked to my mother about everything. I didn't talk to my father at all. Even if I talked, I just asked: "What about my father and mother?" When I was three or four years old, I was a little stuttering. My mother was heartbroken for me. She went everywhere to ask me how to cure my stammer, and asked a person in the town without results. I think my stuttering can't be cured, but my mother comforted me that my stuttering can be cured. I think my mother must be more miserable than me at that time.

Since then, she asked me to read the article to her every day. A total of three years, more than a thousand days, during which the morning never stopped. I stopped stuttering now. She listened to me read every article and gave me the best encouragement. That power supported my way forward.

When they get old one day, when they can't remember or speak, when they? Please don't blame them when you repeat some old stories; When they forget to tie their shoelaces, dirty their clothes when they eat, and shake their hands when they comb their hair, please do not urge them. Because you are growing up slowly, and they are getting old slowly. As long as you are in front of them, their hearts will be warm.

If one day they can't stand or walk, please hold their hands tightly and walk with them slowly, just like they held you.

600 words composition describing mother (9)

What is love? You know what? Many people say that there is no love in the world, only interests. Now people only have interests in their eyes, without a trace of humanity, like a cold machine. Yes, it is true that people now only have interests in their eyes, but that is also a very small number of people. In fact, there is love in the world, but we do not use our heart to understand and observe. As long as we use our heart, we can find the beauty in it!

We have friends, teachers, family and other people around us who care about us. When we encounter difficulties, we will be embarrassed to talk to our family members. At this time, our friends will step forward and join us to tide over the difficulties; When we are sad, our friend will become a bosom friend, a listener, listening to our troubles, our grievances, crying and laughing with us. Isn't this love? When we lose heart, we have family around us to help us regain our confidence and become the confident and cheerful person we used to be; When we are injured, our family will always murmur a few words, which is our concern. Do you think, if you don't care about me, will you nag? No, so isn't this love? When our grades are poor, who will spare their rest time to help us make up lessons? Teacher, yes, it's very tiring to be a teacher, but when you see how excellent your students' achievements, moral character and other aspects are, you can't help but feel a sense of pride. Teachers usually go to bed late. Why? Because the teacher has to correct our homework and prepare for the class to be held tomorrow, for nothing else, just for us to get better and better!

Isn't this kind of care and care not love? Does love have to do something great? no No, to love a person is not for any benefit, but to pay a lot without seeking return. Not everyone lives and dies for benefit. The world also has love, but what you see is the bad side of the world. Go to see the good side, to feel love, to feel the warmth of the world, to experience a different love for you! I want to thank my parents, my teachers, and my friends, who helped me silently behind my back, my parents nurtured me, my teachers taught me how to behave, my friends taught me how to get along with others, and you taught me many things. Thank you for letting me know what love is!

600 words composition describing mother (10)

Love, like the warm sunshine, always surrounds us; Love, like the fleeting fireworks, always makes us unforgettable.

I remember it was a quiet afternoon with blue sky. After repeated instructions from my mother, I finally escaped from the door.

After a while, it was dark. The earth under the dark clouds blew a howling wind, and the dust that had been sleeping woke up, accompanied by the wind flying all over the sky. I raised my head anxiously and looked up at the sky. Alas, I had already known that I would listen to my mother. It really would rain. What should I do if it rains later. Remembering the warning before going out, I regret it more and more.

The heavy rain came in a flash, and the big raindrops hit the earth and cried. After class, I went to the eaves and stood alone. My mother's face and her advice were reflected in my mind from time to time: 'It will rain later this day. You must take an umbrella when you go out, and I will go out to work later.'

Looking at the cloudless sky and listening to what she said, I said with disapproval: 'How can it rain when the weather is so good?'

'Take the safety with you. It's you, not me, who will suffer from the rain.' Mother said with a stiff face.

'I know, I know.' I didn't hold an umbrella after all.

When I got back to my senses, I saw that the rain was getting heavier and heavier. There was no tendency to stop at all. I gritted my teeth and ran out.

It seems that because of the heavy rain, the line of sight is a little blurry, but I can vaguely recognize the outline of my mother not far away. Isn't it my mother who is looking anxiously with an umbrella in front of me?

I raised my feet again and ran to her. Regardless of the wet body, I gave her a big hug.

'Ouch, my dear daughter, I can tell from your appearance that you are disobedient. If you regret your death, I will tell you not to take an umbrella!' Then he moved the umbrella to my side.

I don't know why, the road home that I have walked for countless times is very long today. My mother should have been nagging all the way. Back home, she still did not stop talking, while taking a hair dryer to blow my hair, while educating me. An inexplicable state of mind immediately wrapped me, making me red eyed. I think it feels good.

Love is everywhere. Life is better because of love!

600 words composition describing mother (11)

Love is true love.

Love is the love of friends.

Love is the love of lovers.

Dear you, if you love someone very much, you may want to describe this feeling, but you realize that you can't describe it and let the other party experience your love! And, you will find that love is really not easy to consider! In your opinion, in the world of children's picture books of The Escaping Bunny, how to express the true love?

One day, he said to his mother: I want to run away!

If you become a flower, my mother said, I will become a gardener, and I will still find you.

If you become a gardener and look for me, the rabbit said, I will become a bird and fly far away.

If you become a boy and run home, my mother says, I happen to be your mother, and I can stretch out my arms and hug you well.

My God? The rabbit said, "I can't compare with you, just stay here, if you are a little baby.". He did so. Have a carrot! Mom said.

The runaway rabbit, in an imagination, has a happy and unique chase game. No matter going to heaven and earth, or going to sea and mountain climbing, his mother can always catch him. This is love. The little rabbit wants to know how much his mother loves him, but his mother is not surprised, or even asked why, just playing hard to get.

It is the secret language of children, and the rabbit wants to know how mother loves herself! Use your own secret language to communicate with your mother! The mother didn't feel surprised. Instead, she told the child in a mild mental state that if you go there, the mother will catch up!

Love, a simple way, an unforgettable aftertaste!

In the case of our expression to children, in addition to telling children that I like you, this is undoubtedly the best form of expression and the most appropriate way to communicate love with children!

In the world of children's picture books, in addition to the love of this kind of language, there is also a more unforgettable love of action!

600 words composition describing mother (12)

My mother is an ordinary woman. She is medium height, has a melon face, and her big eyes are bright. She seems to be able to speak in the twinkling of an eye. Her nose is tall and straight, and her mouth is small and exquisite, like a red cherry. Her white and tidy teeth are extremely bright. Her long black hair is straight and straight, like a horsetail, When it spreads on its back, it pours thousands of miles.

One mother, one mother, one love and one good is a super one love and one card game. I still remember the last time I went to an amusement park with my good friends. When I got home at night, I thought: What delicious food can I get from one mother to one mother? My mouth watered at the thought. "Dong dong dong" "Eh? Why is nobody there?" I said to myself, "I have been waiting for time, and then I have been walking for one minute or two minutes... Then another hour or two hours... I don't know what time it is now that a figure appears in front of me." One mother, one mother, one mother "I cried sadly, One mother one mother one didn't ask me why I fell asleep at the door, but said happily and excitedly, "Yao'er, I won the bar today, fired a gun, touched myself..."? It can't be true!

One mother one mother is very strict with my study management. I just started to learn fractions. Every time I did homework, there were always one or two questions that made mistakes in fractions. The dividend was the denominator, but the divisor was the numerator, but it was wrong. I made the same mistake several times in succession. Mom was very angry. I went to the library to buy me an exercise book on fractions and asked me to do ten questions every day in my spare time, No matter whether the homework is wrong or the exercise is wrong in the future, I will be issued with ten more questions for each wrong question. At first, I didn't care, but the exercise was added to fifty questions unconsciously. What's more annoying is that one day I made three mistakes in a row, and all of them were the denominator and the minute were reversed. This is a tragedy. I need to add thirty more questions, I just want to cry one mother one mother one begging for mercy and hope one mother one mother one mother one time to show mercy, don't give me more, give me a chance to change, but one mother one mother said to me firmly: "No, this is a punishment for you to do things carelessly and carelessly, and see if you can check your homework after you finish it." Since then, I learned the lesson from last time, No matter when you finish any homework, you should check it carefully once or twice. As a result, I never missed my homework again. I am very happy and thank my mom!

This is my one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, one mother, To repay my good mother!