This makes me ashamed (3 compilations)
I haven't seen you for a long time
2023-11-12 01:14:14
Grade 6

This makes me ashamed (1)

When I think of that day, I feel very ashamed······

I remember that early that morning, my mother caught a cold, coughed badly at night, didn't have a good rest, and forgot to remind me to get up on time. So I got out of bed in a huff and puff, and couldn't help shouting at my mother. Mother quietly cooked breakfast for me in the kitchen. While frying eggs for me, she twisted her neck and coughed incessantly. Seeing that I was going to be late and the breakfast was not ready, I said to my mother impatiently, "What happened? The breakfast is not ready yet. It's really too slow!". I sat on the sofa sulking.

Without saying a word, my mother soon prepared my breakfast, and a bowl of delicious egg noodles appeared in front of my eyes. I looked at the time there was still a quarter of an hour, regardless of three or seven or twenty-one, I wolfed down and ate breakfast in less than five minutes.

When I picked up my schoolbag and opened the door and turned around, I found my mother sitting on the sofa in a daze quietly, with a tear on her eyes. I asked innocently: "Mom, you cried". Mother burst into tears and smiled: "No, I just fried eggs. I choked on the oil smoke. I'm full. Go to school. There are ten minutes left. I won't be late. Go..."

I walked towards the school with heavy steps. I knew that my mother was crying and was angry with me. I regret that I should not have treated her like that just now. I know my mother takes care of me meticulously at ordinary times: when my exam is not ideal, it is your mother who encourages me and cheers me on; When I progress, it is your mother who cheers and wishes for me; When I am depressed, it is your mother who comforts me; When I met with difficulties, it was your mother who didn't say a word and shared the difficulties with me······

After school, I was very ashamed to walk up to my mother and gently said to her, "Mom, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been angry with you this morning to make you sad, I'm sorry...". Mother smiled and said, "Son, why are you like a girl? Mother is not angry with you. Besides, you said that because you were afraid of being late for school. I forgot it long ago. Don't be sad. Go wash your face and eat while it is hot!"

At this time, I found that tears had flowed out. I went into the bathroom silently, washed my face, and immediately felt relaxed.

Every time I think about this, I always feel sorry for my mother. I secretly decide not to be angry with her in the future, and gradually learn to take care of myself, so that I can grow up gradually and let my mother worry less.

This makes me ashamed (2)

Whenever I see the horrible homework in front of me, I can't help recalling what happened on campus.

That day, just after the bell rang for the Chinese class, our beloved head teacher, Mr. Dong, walked in with a serious face, put a stack of exercise books on the platform, and said sternly, "These exercises are unqualified. After they are handed out, we must finish them before school ends this afternoon, or we cannot go home!", I thought: "There is plenty of time. Even if I haven't finished writing, Mr. Dong must forget about it." So time slipped away minute by minute

In the afternoon, when I was in class, when I saw the time, it was 2:30, and my homework had not been reworked yet. But I thought again that Mr. Dong was so busy that I might have forgotten about it long ago. Later, as my classmates asked me to play on the playground again and again, I forgot all about revising my homework.

The evening saving time is coming to an end. When I look at my watch, it's time to finish school. I began to pack up my schoolbag and was about to go out as usual. Suddenly, Mr. Dong stood up and said to us, "Those who have finished their homework should come to me to correct it. Those who have not finished their homework should not leave after school. They should not leave until they finish it." After hearing this, I wiped my sweat and had to take out the No. 1 book and start to rework. But when I saw so many homework, my heart was already confused. Although there were many students in the classroom, my mind was full of "When can I finish my homework! But how can I get out in full view of the public? The front door is definitely not good, the back door... Yes, it's the back door! I began to bide my time and prepare for action.

Five minutes later, ten minutes later, just at this time, I heard that some students in the back had finished their homework and started chatting. Looking to the right, someone was already picking up their bags, and some students in the front stood up to ask the teacher to correct their homework. I saw that the time was ripe. I bent over and covered my face with my schoolbag. Just as I was walking to the front of the bookshelf, a classmate found me and asked me, "Cai Sitian, what are you doing, He ran out of the back door of the classroom. There are three roads from the classroom to the school gate. In order not to be found by teachers and students, I chose the farthest one. I ran to the small playground in the rain, walked to the second floor, and walked to the big playground from the back door. I took off my glasses, put on my clothes and ran out of the school gate.

I came home breathlessly, looking at the unfinished homework, and suddenly thought of Mr. Dong. I thought of his concern for me when I first returned to the class, and his care for the students. He not only taught us the knowledge in books, but also taught us a lot of truth in life. He said, "Bad health is inferior, bad learning is waste, and bad thinking is dangerous." He corrected our mistakes in time, encouraged us when we were lost, and helped us when we were in difficulty... The more I thought about it, the more ashamed I felt. In fact, Mr. Dong is strict with us for our good and responsible. From now on, I won't make the same mistake again. Miss Dong, please believe me!

This makes me ashamed (3)

How innocent and naive I was in my childhood!

Whenever I think of that, my face turns red to my neck

That day, it was a light rain. After school, I went back alone with my schoolbag. I just came out of the door and saw a man with a crutch on his arm walking into the school door. He leaned to the right, moved the crutch forward, and his left leg made a circle from outside to inside before landing. It looked like a stupid duck. What a laugh! I felt funny, so I learned from him in the back. At that time, he seemed to notice that I was behind him, stopped and looked back. He was about sixteen years old. I made a face at him, turned and walked to the school gate. I looked back at him as I walked, suddenly called "slip" and sat on the ground. He saw that I fell down, walked quickly, walked in front of me, bent down, Help me up, while brushing the mud off my body, he said, "Did it hurt?"

I blushed and said shyly, "I just..."

He smiled bitterly and said, "It doesn't matter."

I asked him, "The road is so slippery. What are you doing here?"

He said, "I came to pick up the child. His parents were on business and lived at his grandmother's house. His grandmother was old and it was inconvenient to get out. I was just fine and came."

He said, "If there is nothing wrong, I will go first!"

He turned and walked into the building, looking at his tall figure and firm pace, I felt even more ashamed

Shouldn't we healthy people care about them? They should not laugh at them like I do. In fact, they also have the side of self-improvement!