Inspirational Narratives (8 selected)
A sea of people
2023-12-06 00:02:34
Grade 3

Inspirational Narrative (1)

Today, our school held a thanksgiving activity report meeting, named "Inspiring the Chinese Dream, Gratitude in the Heart", which was delivered by the National Speech Group. Although the time was very short, it gave me profound inspiration, because it taught me a truth - to learn to be grateful. Parents of the students were also invited to this activity, and almost everyone left tears.

After the program began, Mr. Guohua told us one touching inspirational story after another. He told me that there were few opportunities for students and teachers to hug. When we went to thank the teacher later, don't forget to give the teacher a hug. I suddenly felt very nervous. I never told the teacher that you worked hard because I felt embarrassed, I couldn't say it, but at last I said a word to the teacher: Teacher, you have worked hard. At this moment, I saw the teacher left tears and hugged me tightly. At that time, I changed my view of the teacher. Before, like other students, I saw the teacher hiding away. Only when I could not hide, I reluctantly said hello to the teacher. At that time, I didn't realize the difficulties of teachers. I always thought that teachers would only give us so much homework, but I didn't have any homework. It was very easy, but I didn't know that teachers also had a lot of pressure.

In our opinion, a lesson is so simple, only 45 minutes, but the teacher has to prepare for several hours. A teacher wants to tell us some knowledge and try not to allow a minute. At night, we all went to bed, and a small light was still on late at night. At that time, our teacher was correcting the homework of the whole class, no matter how uncomfortable the body was, All of us should insist on coming to class. When our children are ill and can't take care of themselves, but they are with us, why don't we study hard.

Our parents, in order to earn money for our school, had to go out to work. At the speech conference, we shouted again and again, Mom and Dad, I love you. Mom and Dad, we grow up, and we don't let you worry about me anymore. But that's just talk. Whether we can do it depends on our actions to prove that we are responsible for our words and deeds, Keep our promise, study hard and make progress every day.

Inspirational Narrative (2)

Motivation is also a common type of composition for high school students. For high school students, if they can accumulate more materials, they will add a lot of characteristics when writing such compositions. The following is 800 words about high school students' inspirations, which I hope will be helpful to you.

Learning is like an endless sea, so wide and so great. We are like a small boat. In this confused sea, we are looking for the other side. The test of heaven will be countless terrible storms. The small boat has only two choices: retreat in the face of difficulties, struggle in the vast sea, and finally sink into the sea, never find the other side! 2: Never give up, never face difficulties, go forward bravely, finally reach the other side of success, and enjoy the fun of success. Like a small boat, our destiny is in our own hands, and the result depends on our efforts and struggles. Although we study hard, there are many setbacks and difficulties waiting for us, so we should bravely face the difficulties, challenge the difficulties, and never give up. Then we will not be willing to succeed without success. Success requires hard work, sweat, and nothing can be achieved casually, so we should make unremitting efforts to learn.

Learning requires not only the spirit of fearing difficulties and never giving up, but also hard work. Edison, a famous scientist, once said: "Genius is 1% inspiration plus 99% sweat, but that 1% inspiration is the most important, even more important than that 99% sweat." Even if our performance is not very good, as long as we want to learn, we should fly first, As the saying goes, "Diligence can make up for weakness", no one is a genius at birth. They will succeed only through Qin Feng's efforts, so we can't wait for ourselves to suddenly become a genius that day. Instead, we should ignite our own power, find our own way to genius, and strive hard.

On the way of learning, there are also lofty ideals, clear goals, and firm determination, so that we can move towards our own goals step by step. To realize our dreams, no matter how much frustration we encounter on the way, we should have strong perseverance and not shrink back!

”No pains, no gains "As long as we are willing to pay our sweat and make efforts, we will get the greatest happiness in learning. Liang Qichao once told us:" It is the hardest to fail to do our duty, and the happiest to do it. "Learning is our responsibility, and it is also our effort for our own future. Although learning is hard, we can get happiness and fun from learning. Then I believe that the happiness in the world is nothing better than the happiness obtained from suffering!

It is not impossible to achieve success in learning, as long as we can achieve the goal of never giving up+diligent learning+ambitious ideals+firm faith, strong will and clear goals, and I think success should also be developed with this formula!

After we have achieved success, we should also remember that we should not be conceited when we win, and we should continue to work hard. We should not become complacent because of temporary success, so that we will not make mistakes and regret for life.

A ray of sunshine, emerging from behind the clouds, is bright in the autumn wind and warm in the palm of the hand. It is more like a stream of autumn water, washing away the fatigue of the soul, but my heart is still hard to let go of the gloom.

This is a Sunday not long after the beginning of the third year of senior high school. It should be a day of golden autumn. But after an exam, I was in a terrible mood!

In my room at home, I opened the window and stood at the window, feeling helpless and letting the autumn wind blow on my face. Remembering my efforts day and night, my mother's company every day, and my father's hard work, I felt ashamed and uncomfortable when I got such a little score in the exam. Suddenly, I felt that a fall in my heart was just sorrow?

A fallen leaf, like a butterfly, flew in from the window and perched on an open book "The Old Man and the Sea" on the desk. I looked at it with pity: it was withered and yellow, the leaf surface had already faded, and the edge of the leaf was also shrunk and damaged. Maybe I can't stand the look in my eyes. Its thin body continues to fall down to the table. I felt a palpitation in my heart. I held it down and tried to get it up, but I felt that the book my father sent back could not accept the cold and poor dead leaves.

The leaves are like withered butterflies. I also know the truth that "Heaven is strong, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement", but I just feel bad.

Slowly opening the book, I touched a maple leaf bookmark in the book, saw the rough and familiar handwriting, and my father's resolute face appeared in my mind: "Do you love maple leaf? It never succumbs to the autumn wind. When the wind sweeps the leaves, it burns itself red, and adorns the withered autumn with the color of red flowers in February." Reading the fiery text, My heart suddenly burned. After my mother was laid off, my father decided to work in the south for the sake of his family's life. He drifted away alone, and he could bear many hardships. What is my little setback?

Holding the red maple leaf bookmark, I looked at it in contrast to the withered and withered leaf on the table. Suddenly, I felt that the withered leaf had become detestable, and I wondered why I wanted to collect it. My face became hot!

"It's not necessary to be light green and dark red. It's the first class in the flower." Father often told me that the first class people are people who have faith and never say die. "You must dare to face up to it, so that it can be expected, dare to think, dare to say, dare to do, dare to act". People should dare to take responsibility. I firmly threw the dead leaf on the table out of the window, and also threw my cowardice and discouragement out of the window, letting them drift away with the autumn wind, and put the red maple leaf bookmark back in the book and in my heart.

I remember the words of Hemingway in my heart: "But man is not made for dead. Amancan be destroyed but not dead.". You can be destroyed, but you cannot be defeated.)

"A ship crosses the end of the world and sails to the unknown sea. On the bow of the ship hangs a banner that is still gorgeous even though it has been weathered. On the flag, four words like a dragon are dancing and shining - beyond the limit!"

In the sky, the clouds have retreated, and a piece of sunshine shines on the earth, shining through my heart. It turns out that autumn is not all sorrow!

We always stand in a rich place and sympathize with the poor, always lie in a safe place and denounce evil, always call to stay away from indifference after 50 steps laugh at 100 steps, always busy calculating the value of life after the bloodstains fade away.

As a result, we bend over to pity and hurt others' self-esteem.

After every disaster, too many people rush to adopt orphans; When this upsurge has passed, too many orphans are suffering. According to the analysis of psychologists, the adoption of orphans should consider their own economic situation, the family atmosphere should be similar to the child's original family, and the way and parents' personality should be suitable for orphans. However, too many people only rely on their own blood, and what they exchange for with enthusiasm is the division of their families. The children once again face the pain of breaking their homes, and the hurt again strikes the innocent children's weak hearts, and the kindness turns from sweetness to bitterness.

So, we scalded other people's flesh with boiling blood.

The 20__ Olympic Games is the Olympic Games of our Chinese people. The whole country is celebrating and the atmosphere is hot. The torch relay is one world, one dream. However, the disharmonious colors also stained the Olympic torch and the green olive branch. It is reported that 8-year-old children spend 55 days to complete the "style" race to Beijing; 10 year old children bind their arms and move forward in the torrent; The 8-year-old girl, accompanied by her father, walked more than 3000 kilometers to the capital Beijing... These behaviors attracted the attention of the Chinese and even the world media, many of which were slandered by foreign media. False comments must be fully resisted, but it is undeniable that this is "abnormal Olympic fever". If we want to hold a rational Olympic Games, we need to be supported by rational behavior. Our enthusiasm should not change from fiery passion to madness.

Even when we burn others' bodies with hot blood, we also burn their hearts.

After the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 20__, we saved too many lives with the fastest and most united action, and we won the respect of the world. Countless flash lights focused on Sichuan, flashing countless moving lights, but also stabbed the eyes of people in the disaster area. The children who were successfully rescued were lucky, but some reporters recalled their painful memories again and again for the purpose of interview. The children cried bitterly, and adults also cried bitterly; Some enthusiastic volunteers went to the disaster area without any sense of disaster relief. Although they had a fervent heart, they actually added chaos to the disaster area. Incorrect rescue actions, imperfect service behaviors, and unreasonable comfort and help have brought "secondary harm" to the people in the disaster area. We found that kindness has changed from comfort to sword.

The Chinese nation is determined, enthusiastic and kind-hearted. When we survive the flood, the SARS, the division of the motherland and the desecration of the Olympic Games by lawbreakers, we will also survive the devastating Wenchuan earthquake and successfully host an Olympic Games.

But we need more thinking and action, and we need to look at problems rationally and comprehensively from the perspective of others.? Let the "heart of love" go deep into our blood, let us always keep the sweetness of kindness, keep it fresh for kindness, and make it not fade, not deteriorate, and not change its taste.

In the evening, my father called and said, "Watch the sunrise on time, be a person with bright spirit and bright heart!"!

In life, we often ignore the gardenia beside the window lattice, and in vain imagine that the flowers in the neighbor's garden must be more fragrant and fragrant, just as we clearly live on a star, but always think that the stars in the night sky are as bright as gems. In the long life, don't we always think that our life is always full of frustrations and thorns, while others' lives are always full of flowers?! However, no one can refuse pain, and no life is not marked with painful scars. Another person's smile may hide deep pain, but in the silent night, you have never heard him cry.

Have you ever envied Dongpo's life? Yes, he enjoyed traveling in Chibi, drinking in the mountains and forests, and wrote exciting words that will shine for thousands of years. However, do you see the scars in his heart? As a man, he shouldered the expectation of going into the public arena and being a wife and son, but he was relegated one after another. Did you see his injustice, his depression, his pain, his helplessness?

Yes, you ignored the pain in Su Shi's life, only saw his aura, saw the respect and praise of the world for him, so you envied his life, and hated the blandness of your own life. When will you know how to appreciate yourself and smell the fragrance of gardenias by the window lattice?

Have you ever envied Tao Yuanming's life? Yes, he retired to the countryside, tasted the light wine in the countryside, and watched the chrysanthemum in the wind. How natural and comfortable he lived! However, do you feel the helplessness in his heart? He also had the ambition of helping, but he could not show it. In that dark era, he could not tolerate this clanking Wei and Jin character, so he chose to be born in endless frustration. His helplessness, his anxiety, his pain, do you understand?

Yes, you haven't seen it. You only smell the fragrance of chrysanthemums in front of Mr. Wuliu's house, and you are only intoxicated with the mountains and waters of Nanshan. So you envy their lives and complain about their anxiety and fatigue. When will you know how to face up to the joy of your life and smell the fragrance of gardenias by the window lattice?

Don't always think that your life is full of suffering, while others' life is full of sunshine. Everyone will experience the suffering in life, and you will also have traces of joy in an unfavorable life.

Face up to your own life and appreciate your own destiny. Even if your destiny is difficult, you should be calm and calm. In the river of history, there is no ship without injury. I wish you could wake up tomorrow morning and smell the gardenias on the window lattice with a smile. Human faces and gardenias complement each other, which may constitute the most beautiful scenery in the world.

"I want to be the best teacher: assign less homework, and then play with them!" The childish and simple expression, at this time inexplicable some joy, I can not help laughing.

"Don't laugh! Don't laugh! I'll beat you if I laugh again!" The pink baby blushed and tried to stop my wild laughter. Seeing that I didn't mean to stop, I was eager to drop Jindoudou, but I still bore it hard, looked at me with dim tears, and sobbed: "This is my dream, you must respect it, don't laugh! Otherwise, I told my mother that you bullied me again."

My laughter disappeared, which was his dream. His choice of the future life path may be just a momentary thought or a flash of thought, but it is really a dream. I looked at his dumbfounded appearance, and a little laughing. I pulled him over helplessly, hugged him in my arms, and coaxed him into saying, "Ann! Xiao Yong, good! My sister will never laugh at you! Is your dream to be a teacher?" He came back to his senses now, and after hearing my words, he looked very arrogant again. Gao, with his head high, looked at me proudly. I couldn't help being surprised. Some people looked at his small sample without saying anything, and felt puzzled.

Has the six or seven year old kid known his dream? It should be! I remember my mother used to laugh at me, "Little doll wanted to be a big man. What was my dream at that time? It was to become a great writer like Hugo, and then publish many books, earn a lot of money, and buy a lot of candy. Now I think about it, the original wish was too silly. How could a writer be so easy!

At the beginning, we were all children, and at the end, we became adults. I have seriously thought about the criteria for distinguishing children from adults, in terms of age? Maybe! But I think more is mentality. When we were children, we were innocent and happy, carefree, unable to distinguish reality from illusion, unaware of the world, and our heart moved with our will. We grew up slowly, and began to understand that the world was inhospitable and human relations were cold and warm. I sometimes think that time is really a bloody butcher's knife, which has changed our original appearance. But let's hope that the new generation of young trees will not wither before they open. You have your own dreams!

Although the dream is not the whole of our life, people will always yield to reality, but who can deny that it is the most important part of our whole life? Flowers of dreams! Delicate and fragrant! I hope the world can "break the flowers when they are ready to bloom, and don't wait to break the branches when there are no flowers."

Dream, not only want to, but also pay action, otherwise it will be a fantasy. If you make up your mind to pursue, will the beautiful roses be far behind? Let's together: dream, where do you want to escape!

Inspirational Narrative (3)

When I didn't go to junior high school, I was a lively, chirpy little girl. Mom always said, "Look at your uncle's sister. She is at home day by day and doesn't go out to play. She doesn't talk loudly. She is calm and quiet. How delightful it is! Who likes you to play here and there all day long? I said," What's wrong? Everyone has his own personality. She is good. Go and ask her to go! But why is she not your daughter? I said, you should be content, and now I will work for you! If you don't do anything for you and don't obey me, you might as well ask me. " My mother looked askance at me and went out. I said, "It's no use leaning on me. I'm telling the truth!"

After junior high school, I may have grown up slowly! I began to slowly learn to be quiet, and learn to be a likeable and stable girl. But has human nature changed so easily? At the beginning, I often couldn't help myself. I went to learn from my sister and polished my active personality bit by bit. I learned from my sister that I can calm down and concentrate my energy on an object or an event.

I gradually moved from childishness to maturity. I feel that I am good now, but I also need to constantly improve myself to make myself better.

Inspirational Narrative (4)

A ray of sunshine, emerging from behind the clouds, is bright in the autumn wind and warm in the palm of the hand. It is more like a stream of autumn water, washing away the fatigue of the soul, but my heart is still hard to let go of the gloom.

This is a Sunday not long after the beginning of the third year of senior high school. It should be a day of golden autumn. But after an exam, I was in a terrible mood!

In my room at home, I opened the window and stood at the window, feeling helpless and letting the autumn wind blow on my face. Remembering my efforts day and night, my mother's company every day, and my father's hard work, I felt ashamed and uncomfortable when I got such a little score in the exam. Suddenly, I felt that a fall in my heart was just sorrow?

A fallen leaf, like a butterfly, flew in from the window and perched on an open book "The Old Man and the Sea" on the desk. I looked at it with pity: it was withered and yellow, the leaf surface had already faded, and the edge of the leaf was also shrunk and damaged. Maybe I can't stand the look in my eyes. Its thin body continues to fall down to the table. I felt a palpitation in my heart. I held it down and wanted to collect it, but I felt that the book my father sent back could not accept the cold and pitiful dead leaves.

The leaves are like withered butterflies. I also know the truth that "Heaven is strong, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement", but I just feel bad.

Slowly opening the book, I touched a maple leaf bookmark in the book, saw the rough and familiar handwriting, and my father's resolute face appeared in my mind: "Do you love maple leaf? It never succumbs to the autumn wind. When the wind sweeps the leaves, it burns itself red, and adorns the withered autumn with the color of red flowers in February." Reading the fiery text, My heart suddenly burned. After my mother was laid off, my father decided to work in the south for the sake of his family's life. He drifted away alone, and he could bear many hardships. What is my little setback?

Holding the red maple leaf bookmark, I looked at it in contrast to the withered and withered leaf on the table. Suddenly, I felt that the withered leaf had become detestable, and I wondered why I wanted to collect it. My face became hot!

"It's not necessary to be light green and dark red. It's the first class in the flower." Father often told me that the first class people are people who have faith and never say die. "You must dare to face up to it, so that it can be expected, dare to think, dare to say, dare to do, dare to act". People should dare to take responsibility. I firmly threw the dead leaf on the table out of the window, and also threw my cowardice and discouragement out of the window, letting them drift away with the autumn wind, and put the red maple leaf bookmark back in the book and in my heart.

I remember the words of Hemingway in my heart: "But man is not made for dead. Amancan be destroyed but not dead.". You can be destroyed, but you cannot be defeated.)

"A ship crosses the end of the world and sails to the unknown sea. On the bow of the ship hangs a banner that is still gorgeous even though it has been weathered. On the flag, four words like a dragon are dancing and shining - beyond the limit!"

In the sky, the clouds have retreated, and a piece of sunshine shines on the earth, shining through my heart. It turns out that autumn is not all sorrow!

Inspirational Narrative (5)

We always stand in a rich place and sympathize with the poor, always lie in a safe place and denounce evil, always call to stay away from indifference after 50 steps laugh at 100 steps, always busy calculating the value of life after the bloodstains fade away.

As a result, we bend over to pity and hurt others' self-esteem.

After every disaster, too many people rush to adopt orphans; When this upsurge has passed, too many orphans are suffering. According to the analysis of psychologists, the adoption of orphans should consider their own economic situation, the family atmosphere should be similar to the child's original family, and the education method and parents' personality should be suitable for orphans. However, too many people only rely on their own blood, and what they exchange for with enthusiasm is the division of their families. The children once again face the pain of breaking their homes, and the hurt again strikes the innocent children's weak hearts, and the kindness turns from sweetness to bitterness.

So, we scalded other people's flesh with boiling blood.

The 20__ Olympic Games is the Olympic Games of our Chinese people. The whole country is celebrating and the atmosphere is hot. The torch relay is one world, one dream. However, the disharmonious colors also stained the Olympic torch and the green olive branch. It is reported that 8-year-old children spent 55 days to complete the "marathon" race when they arrived in Beijing; 10 year old children bind their arms and move forward in the torrent; The 8-year-old girl, accompanied by her father, walked more than 3000 kilometers to the capital Beijing... These behaviors attracted the attention of the Chinese and even the world media, many of which were slandered by foreign media. False comments must be fully resisted, but it is undeniable that this is "abnormal Olympic fever". If we want to hold a rational Olympic Games, we need to be supported by rational behavior. Our enthusiasm should not change from fiery passion to madness.

Even when we burn others' bodies with hot blood, we also burn their hearts.

After the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 20__, we saved too many lives with the fastest and most united action, and we won the respect of the world. Countless flash lights focused on Sichuan, flashing countless moving stories, but also stabbed the eyes of people in the disaster area. The children who were successfully rescued were lucky, but some reporters recalled their painful memories again and again for the purpose of interview. The children cried bitterly, and adults also cried bitterly; Some enthusiastic volunteers went to the disaster area without any sense of disaster relief. Although they had a fervent heart, they actually added chaos to the disaster area. Incorrect rescue actions, imperfect service behaviors, and unreasonable comfort and help have brought "secondary harm" to the people in the disaster area. We found that kindness has changed from comfort to sword.

The Chinese nation is determined, enthusiastic and kind-hearted. When we survive the flood, the SARS, the division of the motherland and the desecration of the Olympic Games by lawbreakers, we will also survive the devastating Wenchuan earthquake and successfully host an Olympic Games.

But we need more thinking and action, and we need to look at problems rationally and comprehensively from the perspective of others.? Let the "heart of love" go deep into our blood, let us always keep the sweetness of kindness, keep it fresh for kindness, and make it not fade, not deteriorate, and not change its taste.

In the evening, my father called and said, "Watch the sunrise on time, be a person with bright spirit and bright heart!"!

Inspirational Narrative (6)

"Cultivate the army for a thousand days, and use the army for a while", the third day of junior high is the time when we rise up, and in this process, we need to be as stubborn and strong as plum blossom. Perhaps we are still hesitating and melancholy, contented with pleasure, but we must understand that there is a struggle, called the third day.

Struggle is to learn more knowledge, but it can be said that it is a step away from the dream.

Dream is like food, which gives us infinite power and makes us march forward bravely; Dream is like a clear spring, moistening our dry hearts; The dream is like a street lamp, guiding us to success... But the realization of the dream still needs us to struggle for it, and we must understand that there is a struggle called the third day of junior high.

Struggle, in order to let oneself not regret, have a perfect youth time.

Plum blossom is not as noble as lotus, as innocent as peach blossom, as beautiful and moving as rose, or as elegant and magnificent as peony... But she blooms alone in the cold, just like the saying "It is already a hundred feet of ice on the cliff, and there are still beautiful flowers", her strong and unyielding, which is really impressive. And shouldn't we study like plum blossom? Learn from her immortal spirit, learn from her arrogance that can appreciate herself even without audience. Therefore, we should go on firmly. Even if we are tired and bitter, we should also know that there is a kind of struggle called junior three.

Struggle, for others, we must struggle.

Youth is the perfect time in our life, just like water, no matter how tight you hold it, it will always flow from your fingers; No matter where you put it, it will evaporate one day... The key is to see how you do it. If you use it for good, it will be good. If you use it for bad, it will be no good.

The same is true of youth. Do you want to keep perfect memories or sad memories? I think most people will choose the former. Gorky said that youth is short and knowledge is infinite. We should cherish youth to learn infinite knowledge. Therefore, we must work hard and understand that there is a kind of struggle called the third day of junior high.

"Every drop of grace should be reported by the spring". Our parents have done so much for us, why should we not work hard? Seeing their black hair getting whiter and whiter, how can we complain about being tired of studying? At the moment, all we can do is to study hard to repay our parents and let them stop worrying about us. Although this is nothing compared to what our parents did for us, only by doing this can we not make ourselves feel useless. Therefore, we must work hard to understand that there is a struggle called junior three.

There is a kind of struggle called junior three. Let's work hard in the direction of struggle for dreams, youth and others!

Inspirational Narrative (7)

Narrative Article I on Motivation

When I was young, under the eaves at the corner of my old house, there was a bluestone slab. When it rains, the rain will gather along the eaves and drop on the bluestone slab.

In that month, there was no TV or newspaper, and there were few books to read. In addition to textbooks, several comic books from the search were already familiar. When there is no favorite entertainment, sitting on a small bench in a daze is also a recreation that can be used repeatedly.

Stunned does not require full scenes. You just need to close your heart and turn your eyes to a fixed object, or to the distant unknown, and everything will be ready. When I am alone, I often stare at the sky. In such a rainy season, it is not enough to go out of the house, and there is nothing interesting to do, so it is the best choice to be in a daze.

The rain often disturbs my silent inspirational high school entrance exam full score composition 8 inspirational high school entrance exam full score composition 8. The raindrops crowded into my sight like tadpoles. The ground under the eaves has formed a long and thin gully after repeated blows of raindrops. The bluestone slab seems to be undamaged. Raindrops fall on its surface and are ejected mercilessly. "Constant dripping wears away the stone" suddenly jumped into my mind. If so, how many years will it take? I thought to myself.

Day after day, year after year, the bluestone slab is still intact. I left my hometown for studying. In those days when I was away from home, my heart became impetuous and busy. Gradually, my hometown was far away from my sight, and at the same time, I was far away from the reverie in those dazed days.

Years later, I suddenly remembered the bluestone slab. I just don't know whether it is as intact as before. So, taking the opportunity of a family visit, I finally solved the mystery in my heart.

The bluestone slab is still in place. Only in the place where the rain "ticks", there are obvious "concave" marks.

In many cases, we can't immediately see some subtle changes of things with our naked eyes, but time is like a high-power microscope, enabling us to clearly perceive any smallest changes of things. This change is not only reflected in the surface of things, but also reflected in the internal characteristics of things.

Narrative on Motivation II

Wuyi Mountain, with its beautiful scenery, is indeed the first famous mountain in Fujian. Looking around, you can see the green color everywhere. The rolling peaks are like the deep blue sea, and the mountain mist is like flowing clouds rolling in the mountains. If you stand on the top of the mountain and look down, you must be in a fairyland?

But I didn't dare to take another step. The hand holding the railing was already wet with sweat. Looking back, the thousand steps were at my feet. If I was careless... I was dazzled and didn't dare to look up, it seemed that the mountain top in the clouds was like a huge wave that would devour me.

When I first entered the mountain, I was jubilant and glad to have a "close contact" with nature. Now I'm halfway up the mountain and I'm afraid later. Thinking that I had walked with me, but now I have exceeded all my peers, I feel a bit uncomfortable. How can people keep going? Thinking like this, I was very frustrated and wanted to turn around and go down the mountain directly. At this time, a gentle voice interrupted my thoughts, "What are you doing here?" It was my mother. She had been left behind by me, but now she has caught up with me. "I..." I gritted my teeth, with a grievance in my voice, "I dare not go." "Why? You haven't been walking very fast. Mother patted me with concern, and I found that her face was so pale. I looked back at the winding steps at my feet and the deep valleys." I was afraid of falling. "" Hi! I'm afraid of my back. "Mother smiled, "Since you look back and are afraid, look ahead!"

Yes, why look back all the time to see the abyss of fear? In fact, it's sunny and sunny ahead. Looking ahead, there will be hope and courage.

I mustered up the courage to step out of my weakness, supported each other with my mother, looked forward, and walked straight ahead. The mountain was still full of clouds, but there was no haze in my heart. Because, as I move forward, I have gradually abandoned my fear, and the seemingly far top of the mountain has become a brilliant destination that can be reached.

I was like falling into the clouds, wrapped in the white silk fog, and the deep valley thousands of feet below gradually disappeared. Standing on the top of the mountain and looking at it is like looking at the sea of clouds. The dark peak seems moving, static, and dreamy. I leaned over the railing and looked at the beautiful scenery, while greeting my mother. She just smiled and shook her head: "I have acrophobia". I was shocked and helped along

My mother has acrophobia. "As long as you keep moving forward, you'll be fine." She smiled faintly.

It turns out that moving forward is such a realm of life. Moving forward can see hope and courage. Moving forward can help people overcome their inner fears and make people enjoy the most beautiful life.

Narrative Article III on Motivation

Some people say that failure is the mother of success; Some people say that failure is the foundation for success; Some people say that failure is a lack of ability; Others say that failure is an objective reason

In short, everyone has their own views on failure, but there is one point that everyone will fail, which is an indefinable fact. If someone's path to success is smooth, you can only believe that he or she has failed countless times in places you can't see.

Failure is the most normal behavior in life. After all, people who do not fail do not exist at present. However, they are all human beings and have experienced failure. Why can some people learn from failure while others never recover? The reason is very simple.

Let's look at a few examples first. Thomas Alva Edison, a man who failed countless times in his life, has many patents for important inventions, and is known as the genius of Menlo Park. Is he talented? Didn't he fail? No, he is a mentally retarded child, and has only received three months of formal education. Every invention in his life was his success after repeated failures.

Let's look at a man who has failed only once in the war. Xiang Yu, the overlord of the Western Chu Dynasty, revolted against Qin in his early years, repeatedly defeated Qin's army, and defeated Qin's main force in the battle of Julu. After the demise of Qin, he fought Liu Bang many times and defeated him every time. However, after a defeat, he was besieged on all sides, but he was unwilling to go back to regroup and commit suicide by the Wujiang River.

Let's make a good analysis. Edison, every time he failed, he found a kind of raw material that could not be matched, and next time he would try another match to learn from the failure and finally move towards success. Xiang Yu, though successful for many times, has not experienced failure, which has led to his arrogant personality and can not afford to lose. If he goes back to rally, the history may not flow like this. Unfortunately, he does not.

So what does failure really mean to us? In my opinion, failure is actually another kind of success. This time, you failed, but you can understand why you won't succeed. But knowing the reason, why is it not another kind of success?

Cherish the failure, this failure is for the next success!

Inspirational Narrative (8)

Inspirational Topic Narrative Article I

"Yeah, it's the sports meeting!" I cheered as soon as I entered the door. While wiping my sweat, my mother asked me: "Xiaoyu, why are you so happy?" "I became an athlete." "It's great. Take advantage of the opportunity." I nodded with all my strength.

Well, the teacher made me happy when he announced the news. I have been waiting for this day. In the past, my sports achievements were not very outstanding. I always watched other students practice seriously, and could only daydream. Now, even I can show my skills, can I not be happy?

The sports meeting finally started. I came to school early. The teacher arranged us to come to the playground and found a place to sit down. I waited anxiously, of course, waiting for my 800 meters. "Please call the women's 800 meter finals of the fourth grade at the call center." The announcer's clear voice finally came. The teacher took off my coat and told me: "Chen Yujie, have a strong will, come on..." "Come on!" I also encouraged myself. "Bang!" The starting gun interrupted my thinking, and all the athletes flew out like arrows. I also showed no weakness and rushed to the fifth place. On the first lap, I didn't feel anything. On the second lap, I was still at ease. On the third lap, I felt exhausted. On the fourth lap, I regretted that I had reported 800 meters. On the fifth lap, I was still moved by my firm will. I still ran tirelessly. On the sixth lap, I finally ran smoothly.

Although I only won the 7th place this time, I have a strong will, and I will never forget that I benefited a lot today.

Inspirational Topic Narration II

The school will have a sports meeting next week. In this way, the already active campus becomes more lively.

In the morning, the cement ground behind the playground is very lively. Some students are skipping rope, some are practicing radio calisthenics, some are doing sit ups, panting, cheering. Let's take a look at our classmates. Under the leadership of Mr. Chen, we all seriously practiced 8 narrative compositions in the aspect of jumping long rope and inspiring. 8 narrative compositions in the aspect of inspiring. Just after one student jumped in, another student immediately jumped into the branch, one ring after another, which can save a lot of time! Hey hey, this is our "battle plan".

At noon, although the sun shone hot overhead, no matter how toxic it was, it could not melt the determination of students to win honor for the class. We still insist on exercising. As the saying goes, persistence is victory! Several girls and I took the mat and prepared to test the sit ups. "Ready, start!" With the timekeeper's command, the students participating in the competition began to do sit ups. "One, two..." "Come on, come on!" "Come on, come on!" "Come on, come on!" There were loud cheers again and again on the concrete floor.

The students not only practice in the morning and noon, but also refuse to miss a little rest time at home. I thought: "The students in our class are practicing so hard now, and they will certainly get good results in the sports meeting."

Today, all the students are energetic and want to win honor for their class. Maybe in the near future, they will not work so hard again to win honor for this small class, but for the whole school and the motherland.

Inspirational Topic Narrative Article III

Calligraphy is the sweetest flavor in the world, ambition is the goal of growth, reading is the most intelligent behavior, and motivation is the style that everyone should have. I like to read books, swim in the sea of books, share stories of others, chew my mood, taste beautiful articles, experience wonderful life, and constantly inspire myself in the fragrance of books to fly to the distance of success.

I remember when I was young, I liked reading fairy tales most. The interesting pictures and vivid stories of Little Red Shoes and Snow White gave me wisdom and happiness. After entering primary school, my desire for reading became stronger and the scope of reading became wider. I love reading fairy tales, storybooks, and Chinese and foreign classics. In the scholarly atmosphere, I saw Li Qingzhao's pure and unconventional talent, Tao Yuanming's beautiful paradise, Gou Jian's perseverance to endure hardships, and Yue Fei's patriotism to "serve the country faithfully". In the scholarly atmosphere, I also watched social dramas with Lu Xun, and experienced the coldness of the feudal society in Ba Jin's Home. Especially, I read Five Thousand Years of China Later, I was deeply moved by the trials and tribulations of my motherland, and even more proud of its brilliant achievements! In the book, I know that the motherland has gone through five thousand years of hard and brilliant history. The Yangtze River and the Yellow River have nurtured generations of Chinese people. The Great Wall has cast the backbone of our Chinese nation, and the four great inventions have accumulated the essence of the ancient civilization. In the scholarly atmosphere, I saw the five-star red flag flying on the Tiananmen Tower, and saw that the 60 year old motherland was making rapid progress in reform and opening up

In the scholarly atmosphere, I not only saw the vast territory, beautiful mountains and rivers, long history, splendid culture, and brilliant achievements of the motherland, but also saw the historical responsibility of teenagers in the 21st century. In order to make our country stronger and stronger tomorrow, we must read more books in the process of growing up, read good books, and increase knowledge, broaden vision and enlighten wisdom in reading. Understand the truth of being a man in the scholarly atmosphere, constantly strive for self-improvement, become a person with ambition, and create a brilliant life with a youth without regret. As Ostrovsky wrote in How Steel Is Tempered: "A person's life may burn or decay. I cannot decay, and I am eager to burn." We should let the light of life burn up, forge ahead with our motherland, advance with the times, and make our motherland stand at the top of the world forever!

Inspirational Topic Narrative Article IV

Perseverance is the cohesion of sand and stone on a thousand mile levee. Only by accumulating little by little, can we have the magnificence of missing the head and the tail; Perseverance is the spring silkworm that spins around and sticks to it. Only when it breaks through the cocoon can it see the glory again; Perseverance is the sail of a sailing ship. With sails, a ship can reach the other side of success.

Today, the strong wind was blowing, and the tree shook with it. There was a loud "boom". It turned out that a tree had been blown down, and the tree fell on the ground. Others could sit and ignore it, but the people's army, the PLA, could not.

The PLA of the army immediately responded and sent a squad of soldiers to carry the tree. Ten people just took this step by step, biting their teeth, and carried the tree to a distance of 1000 meters from them! How hard it takes ten people to carry it! As they walked, they cheered themselves up. "One or two, come on! Come on! One or two." The wind was still blowing, blowing on their faces, and their faces were red. But I saw two words written on their red faces, "Hang on!" The trees on the roadside were still swaying, imitating the Buddha to cheer them up, I think they have a common belief at the moment: "Serve the people!" They don't care that their faces are red with cold. They just think that I want to serve the people in the end. I am a soldier, I am the People's Liberation Army, and I am the children of the people! They walked step by step in the howling wind and the weather of minus 7 degrees Celsius. I couldn't help admiring their hard-working spirit. Their perseverance is unmatched. I can only say: "Thank you."

Perseverance is not a quality that everyone has. When you have a goal and a belief, you must show the spirit of hard work, so you will succeed because you have perseverance.

Inspirational Topic Narration Article 5

"Nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who have a heart." Who doesn't want to try the taste of success? As a successful pursuer, it is impossible to be plain sailing or to reach the sky in one step. Instead, it is possible to harvest this "flower of success" only after countless trials and tempering and carefully watering the delicate "flower of success".

I remember one time, my mother told me that I was going to participate in a zither competition, and my excitement flowed down like a clear spring. However, it is not easy to succeed. I have said to myself more than once: "I can do it, I will do it."

If you want to succeed, you have to work harder. Since then, I have become busy. Every day after school, I rush home to practice the competition songs. I insisted on listening to music. After a long time, I found out my own problems and began to correct them, but I could not change them. So I wanted to shrink back. However, whenever I think of the famous saying "No pay, no return", the psychology of retreat disappears in my heart again, and I will continue to persist.

Finally, the day came, and I went to the competition with confidence. Sure enough, my hard work has paid off well. After the competition, a new award certificate was sent to my door. I won the second place in the children's group. My happy mood is self-evident.

The road to success is not smooth and broad. It is full of twists and turns, thorns, difficulties and obstacles. There are many crossroads. Your right choice will make your life useful. As long as you work hard and pay, success will wave to you on the opposite shore. I believe: "Success comes from hard work and diligence."