Composition for playing military chess 400 (10 required)
Wind Farewell Crane Leaf
2023-08-12 02:14:03

Composition of playing military chess 400 (1)

Two years ago in the summer vacation, I learned to fly the military flag.

One day when I was doing my homework at home, I heard a voice coming from the computer. So I went to see what my father was doing on the computer. He was concentrating on playing military chess. I thought this chess game was very interesting, so after my father finished playing a game on the computer, I asked him how to play this chess game? My father introduced to me: "This is military chess, a game of simulating war on paper. Bombs can be killed with any chess pieces. Except for bombs and mines, the commander is the largest, the commander is the second, the division commander is the third... Finally, I will tell you that these places are camp, and whatever is inside cannot be eaten by the other party's son. The military chess must be put in one of the two camps... Do you understand now? " "Got it." After listening to my father's words, I couldn't wait to find a seat to play Siguo military chess. But I just started playing and didn't know where my allies were. As a result, I killed many of my own people indiscriminately. On the contrary, the other party's losses were very small. Finally, I couldn't resist and lost the battle.

Now I have been flying the military flag on the computer for 884 times, and my technology has also been greatly improved, which makes me understand one truth: that is to use your brain to think. Without thinking, success will never come.

Composition of playing military chess 400 (2)

My after-school life is very rich and colorful. On the weekend, I played a game of military chess with my brother.

We set up the formation and began to fight. At the beginning, we didn't dare to fight, but gradually my brother couldn't help but send his troops to attack crazily! At this time, I always kept in a defensive state, so my brother's "quick fight and quick decision method" failed! But I didn't relax, preparing for my brother's second attack. Sure enough, my brother's "military commander" and two "regimental leaders" began to mop up! I had been prepared for a long time, so I put the "commander" in front of my brother's "commander" and wanted to drive him away, but unexpectedly, my brother's "commander" threw himself into the trap! The elder brother was horrified and hurriedly withdrew the two "regimental leaders" back. In this way, I successfully blocked the momentum of my brother's attack. Now there is only "commander" left in my brother's "high-ranking official", but soon my brother's "commander" and my "commander" met and died together. Now my brother's "senior officials" are completely empty! Now I can safely start to send troops to mop up! My "commander" and the three "engineers" worked closely together to launch wave after wave of attacks, and finally won the final victory!

Students, if you are interested, you can play chess with me!

Composition of playing military chess 400 (3)

Today, my father bought me a set of military chess. I can't wait for my father to teach me how to play military chess. I soon learned the rules of playing chess.

My father and I played several games of chess. Every time I opened a chess piece, I was nervous. I hoped that the opened chess pieces could bring me good luck. When the opened pieces were around the camp, I immediately moved them into the camp for fear of being eaten by my father's pieces. When the chess pieces outside the camp were eaten by my father's chess pieces, I was so disappointed. My soldiers and generals were looking at the loss one by one. But when I saw my father's platoon leader was eaten by my military commander, I couldn't help feeling complacent. After a fight, my father and I got a draw. My father was very surprised: "Little girl, you are so good at playing chess for the first time. Are you going to win a big prize in the world in the future?" I laughed and said, "Thanks for letting me play several chess games!"

In the evening, my mother came back. I told my mother the wonderful chess playing process, and she would also learn to play with us. I put up an advertisement and said: "Miss, come here to learn chess. Learning military chess will send you to learn chess, and you will win the international prize!"

Composition of playing military chess 400 (4)

Today, my brother and I played a game of military chess.

At the beginning, my brother found a teacher. I was unlucky and turned into an engineer. My engineer came to his division commander. He thought, am I not afraid of death? He looked carefully again, and there was a bomb behind me. Now I turned to the head of the regiment, and he said, "Brother, isn't your head coming to kill me?" So his division head hurried forward to eat the head of the regiment, but when he got there, he was empty. My head of the regiment had already camped.

I turned it over and over in this way, and finally I finished. A fierce battle began. My brother first sent a commander to eat my soldiers. I thought that he would not leave the commander so early. I looked at his power and my power. It turned out that he wanted to encircle me. It was fantastic. So I moved the commander to the front of his commander. He quickly used the bomb to defend himself. I took the opportunity to pass through the middle gap. In the first battle, I successfully let the commander out of the encirclement. My brother felt that the situation was not good for him, so he began to attack crazily. He first dispatched two brigades to guard the camp and then sent two regiments and two divisions to attack. Then I blocked his two regiments with a military commander. At this time, he seemed to understand something, so he deliberately put the division commander, brigade commander and military commander on the railway. I think he is really a stupid pig. Didn't he let me eat it? So I sent a lot of strong troops to eat, but most of the rooms were small soldiers. Ah! I actually lost.

My brother said to me, "I only know how to attack but not how to defend!"

Composition of playing military chess 400 (5)

My extracurricular life is rich and colorful, playing football, building blocks and games, but what I like most is playing military chess.

Every afternoon, the first thing I do is play military chess with my father. And he killed the sky and the earth dark, and he killed people turned upside down.

Once, my father and I played military chess. The first game was Ming chess. At the beginning, my father ate my commander with the commander. I was unconvinced and let the bomb come out to blow up his commander. Unexpectedly, he used the platoon leader next to the commander to blow up my bomb. Later, he followed suit and killed another bomb of mine. Finally, my flag was pulled by his commander, and I lost this game.

In the second game, we played dark chess. Dad knew that there were engineers behind my commander after calculation and exploration, but I had been on guard and secretly changed the engineers into bombs. As soon as its commander went down, my bomb sent his commander to the west. As a result, his flag had to be exposed in my sight. At this time, I followed up with the victory. I used the commander to divide five by three to kill his big chess. This game, hahaha, how nice it is for me to win!

Playing military chess not only taught me not to act on impulse, but to think calmly about everything. And it has brought a lot of joy to my after-school life, and also relaxed my mood. I really love playing military chess.

Composition of playing military chess 400 (6)

I like to lower the military flag because it is not only stimulating, but also can use my brain.

There are two ways to play military chess: one is to play Ming chess, and the other is to play Dark chess. When playing Ming chess, both sides should open the chess stall so that they can see each other's chess without a notary. When playing dark chess, neither side can reveal the size of the chess to the other, so a notary is required to make a judgment. I think that when playing Ming chess, I can see the opponent's chess, which is very boring and not exciting; When playing dark chess, you need to guess and judge the size of the opponent's chess. It can also confuse the opponent. It needs to use your brain. I think it is very exciting. So, I like playing the secret chess in the military flag

The most important thing in playing dark chess is the layout. The chess set in the layout should not only attack the weakness of the other party, but also protect yourself to confuse the other party. It needs to be put on a false, true and false position. It's time to use your brain.

When playing chess with grandpa, sometimes my chess was eaten by my grandpa's commander, and I used the platoon leader as a bomb to frighten his commander. grandpa was really fooled. He used engineers to fly my platoon leader, and I laughed "hahaha". This is the charm of military chess!

In playing military chess, a notary is very important. He should keep his mouth shut and not reveal anything about the other party. If the notary is like the "black whistle" on the football field, then I will feel that playing military chess is boring, and I will not love flying the military flag as much as I do now.

Lowering the military flag can not only use your brain, but also relax your mood. It's a good entertainment. I like it very much.

Composition of playing military chess 400 (7)

Today, my good friend Huang Jin and I set up a chessboard at my home and had a game of two people's military chess.

As a rule, people put small chess pieces in front, then put bigger ones, and then put the military commander and commander behind to protect the military flag in the headquarters. In the past, we played chess seriously and always had a winner. Today, I played a trick by putting a military commander on the front line to replace the usual "platoon leader" and act as a "pawn" to entice Huang Jin into falling prey! This move worked. He first took a platoon leader to touch my military commander and died. He didn't raise his vigilance. Then he touched the company commander and battalion commander, and they were all dead. At that time, he thought that I might just put a bigger 'regiment leader' on my side, so he took a division commander, wanted to eat my "regiment leader", and finally the division commander also died. This was his sudden realization, It turns out that I put a "big man" who is at least above the military commander here to wait for him to die. He hurriedly arranged a bomb to have a "death hug" with my military commander. I am not stupid. I saw that once the purpose of luring the enemy was achieved, I immediately transferred the military commander back to the camp and protected him. So far, the luring operation was successful

After this disaster, Huang Jin's vitality was badly hurt. He lost the battle in a few rounds. After playing this chess game, he was unconvinced and thought that I was playing with him. He didn't really fight with him. I laughed and said, "What fun is it if you don't use your brains in chess?"

Composition of playing military chess 400 (8)

One Saturday night, my father and I went to the office to play chess after dinner.

The two sides began to set up the formation. My father moved many heavy troops to my position. In order to distract my attention, he put several "small engineers" in my position and walked around leisurely. After I set up the formation, I blocked the way of the "engineers" with the "platoon leader". My father was shocked and said to me: "Let's make a deal". You release my "engineers", and I will "bomb" you "Commander" and "Commander", I wanted to promise, but when I thought about it, it was impossible for pie to fall from the sky. Dad must have a trick. In order to let my father show his way, I said to my father, "Otherwise, I can write a contract to him. My father had to endure pain - love and sacrifice three" engineers ". But when I was happy, my father suddenly became angry from the top of his head. He used" commander "and" commander "to attack my army from my right side, but his commander mistakenly entered the" bomb "territory. Finally, two "generals" were bombed, and the "bomb" was fought by my "platoon leader". I acted as the "commander". Commander, enter my father's position, and then carry it with swagger. My father has to watch me win when the army flag comes back to the base camp.

My father said to me, "Next time, I must win!"

Composition of Playing Military Chess 400 (9)

This morning, my father bought me a set of military chess at Dongyu Bookstore. I was very happy and wanted to find someone to kill it immediately.

When we got home, we immediately opened the military chess and asked my father to teach me how to play military chess. My father told me, "To play military chess, we should deduct all the military chess and wash it. This is the first step for the military chess game." After listening to my father, I followed his instructions. Then, I listened to my father while playing. I learned that big officials eat small officials, Each team has a military flag, and only if its own engineers have dug up all the enemy's mines, go and get the flag, you will win.

When I found the main idea, I asked again and again to fight with my father. I was nervous, but my father was arrogant and didn't pay attention to me at all. At the beginning, my father used a clever way to stop me. I was very unconvinced, so I kept on attacking. Slowly, we both reached the stage of white heat. I became more brave in the battle, and suddenly used the "engineer" to get him a "mine" When my father saw it, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He walked around there. I immediately took his "military chess" with my "company commander". "I won!" I cried with joy and thought: "It's fun to play chess.

After I won my father, I thought: why not take this chess to Grandma's house. There, I played a game with my second aunt, and my family came to help me. In the end, I won again. My family said I was good at chess, and I was happy.

Since I learned military chess, I have learned a truth: as long as I work seriously, I can get happiness from it.

Composition of Playing Military Chess 400 (10)

Military chess, as its name implies, is a kind of chess that imitates the fierce battle scene during the war. A box of military chess usually has two colors, red and black. The chess pieces inside are cuboid, and can be divided into "military flag", "commander", "commander", "division commander", "brigade commander", "regiment commander", "battalion commander", "company commander", "platoon leader", "engineer", "bomb", and "mine". In the afternoon, my sister came to my home with her schoolbag to do my homework with me. We killed a game of military chess together during the break.

At the beginning, my sister and I arranged the chess pieces to stage a "war". I secretly moved a "teacher" to the railway line. My sister seemed to find something wrong, and adjusted the tactics. Then it was my turn. I rushed over without hesitation. I successfully ate my sister's chess. I thought everything would be all right. Unexpectedly, my sister immediately killed my "teacher" with another chess, and my "teacher" was thus "sacrificed". Later, I quickly called out the "commander" to break through my sister's front line. When I just entered her position, I never expected that my sister's chess was also the "commander". I also found that the "commander" who had just eaten my "teacher" was the "commander". However, the "commander" of both sides could not offset. My sister and I were completely dumbfounded. Later, in the process of killing each other, they cancelled out the "military commander".

In the end, our sister won, but it was "tragic" to win. Only one "company commander" was left. Although I lost, I felt the fun of playing military chess. When I had a chance, I could find more people to play four person military chess together.