_Very important 600 words (16 popular articles)
Bamboo Elegant Dream
2023-08-26 07:39:49

_Very important 600 words (1)

"Aren't you wrong? I just saw that you were wrong." "No, the teacher ticked me" "No, your question was wrong." Where did this quarrel come from? I was arguing with Xu Rui behind me. I just passed an exam, because I wrote a wrong question, and the teacher typed me correctly. When I found out that it was too late, Xu Rui behind me found out. Her big, meddlesome mouth actually reported directly to the teacher, and the voice was so loud that all the students in the class could hear it. Suddenly, she felt that the whole person was like an inflated balloon, which would explode at a touch. I could have scored 96 in math this time. An average of 96 points will allow me to go to the summer camp. Before I could be happy, I was stabbed by this big mouth. When I looked back at her test paper, I found that she was also wrong. At this time, I was madly changing the question. I shouted angrily: "You are wrong, aren't you? You are still changing it!" But it was too late. She had successfully changed the answer to this question, and I was furious. Her "erasable pen" writing is light, and it has been changed seamlessly. I can't find any trace, so I have to give up.

When I came home, I told my father about it. I thought my father would definitely stand by me, but this father said, "Xu Rui, you should thank her. She not only makes you realize what knowledge you haven't mastered well, but also makes you understand that you should be honest."

I lowered my head in shame and said unconvinced, "But she also changed.", I felt much more relaxed at once. Although the summer camp failed, I gained something more important than the score.

_Very important 600 words (2)

Heine once said that life can't blossom out brilliant flowers from lies, Confucius said that people can't stand without faith, and Cicero also said that there is no dignity without honesty.

The scorching sun baked the earth, and the birds could not help fanning the sweat on their foreheads with their wings. I loafed around at home. I was bored and walked up and down the room. Just then, a piece of blue paper flashed under my eyes. I was stunned and looked at the brown 20 yuan note. My heart shook, and I wanted to take it, but in the end, bad ideas still occupied my mind. I took this 20 yuan note and he went to buy toys. My mother was still sleeping. I walked out of the door carefully, clutching the stolen twenty yuan in my hand, and ran to the toy store quickly.

It was very hot outside. The sun seemed to be trying to kill me on purpose, shining strong sunlight on my head, and the flowers scolded me. However, I still rushed to the toy store like the wind, regardless of his situation. After a while, the toy store finally arrived. After I quickly bought the 20 yuan toy, I raced with time again and rushed home.

When I went back, my mother was still asleep. I took off my shoes, slipped into the room, closed the door gently, and played quietly in the room. ten minutes. Twenty minutes. Semih. When I was having fun, the door suddenly rang. I was so frightened that my toy fell to the ground. My mother saw me like this and asked me, "What's wrong? Why are you so surprised to see me? How did your toy come from? Did you do something wrong?" "How could I do something wrong?" "Just don't do it. I want to ask you if you have seen the twenty yuan on my desk?" "No... I have seen it" I replied. She listened and went out of the room. I also continued to play.

At noon, mother came in again. This time, she seemed to see my weakness. She said, "Siyuan, be honest. The twenty yuan I put on the table is held down by a teacup. If I don't move, the wind won't blow away, and my father is away on business, who will move?" She said with great seriousness: "I don't care about the twenty yuan. What is more important than money is health, and what is more important than money is honesty. I hope you know that honesty is the most important thing." After saying that, she went out, and I sat down and pondered a lot

Indeed, honesty is like a piece of glass, which will never stick back after being broken. Indeed, honesty is more important than anything. Indeed, honesty is more important than everything. Indeed, honesty is the most important.

_Very important 600 words (3)

What is integrity? Honesty is a ray of bright sunshine in the snow and ice. What is integrity? Honesty is the warm greeting when we are hungry and cold; If life is a profound book, honesty is the most beautiful chapter; If life is a starry night sky, honesty is the most dazzling star. Honesty is in my heart

It was a Chinese quiz in the third grade. Before the exam, my mother gave me a life and death sentence: I didn't get 95 points, hum hum... This sentence scared me half to death, and I immediately decided to study hard! It's finally time for the exam! I am full of expectations and have a plan in mind. I want to show my skills. After I got the test paper, I glanced at it with disdain, hoping to see some simple questions. However, at the first sight, I was silly. What kind of question is it? It's almost difficult in junior high school, and few of them are in books! But I can't help it. I still have to answer the question. So, I took up my pen with difficulty. Although I racked my brains to figure out all the solutions, it was still useless. My average speed of answering questions was about one to two minutes. God, who can help me?

At this time, my eraser fell on the ground, and I bent down to pick it up. It is necessary to cherish the time even though I can't write a question. However, I saw something I shouldn't have seen, the Chinese book in the drawer. I have evil thoughts in my heart. What should I do? Look or not? I may be scolded when I see it, but I can't get high marks if I don't see it. What should I do? Do you want to see it or not? In the end, greed prevailed. I quietly took out my Chinese book and solved the problem that I couldn't solve

Two days later, the test paper was handed out with 96 points. Fortunately, it reached the standard. Take a look at the copy. It's right. It's OK now. When I was happy, I suddenly saw a mistake, which was just the one! The teacher didn't correct it. That question has 2 points, tell the teacher or not? Tell, go home to be scolded, do not tell, dishonest. What should I do? After hard choices, I chose honesty and told the teacher. Although the points are deducted, my heart is happy.

Later, I was naturally scolded, but I realized the happiness brought by honesty, the true meaning of honesty, and the truth of being a man. Thank you for your honesty.

_Very important 600 words (4)

Whenever I read the sentence "honesty is more important than scores", I immediately think of one thing last semester.

It was a sunny morning, and we started an important math exam with full preparation. After the exam, I felt relaxed all over, like a leisurely white cloud in the sky.

In the afternoon, the test papers were handed out, ah! 100 points! I'm so excited. I've never scored 100 points. I'm so happy that I dance. I carefully watched the bright red check marks on the paper. Suddenly, I found that the teacher gave me a wrong question. I wrote 3.41 for a number that should be 34.1. Maybe the teacher was too tired to tell me. This little question is 3 points. If you tell the teacher, you will get 97 points. If you don't tell the teacher and change the wrong question quietly, you can muddle through without knowing it. When I hesitated, the teacher came into the classroom with a smile and said, "This time everyone did well in the exam, especially Li Yihan, the highest score in the class! 100! Let's give her a big hand!"

My face immediately turned red like a tomato. I dared not look at the teacher's eyes and lowered my head deeply. After class, the students gathered around me to congratulate me, looked at me with envious eyes and praised me endlessly, but no one found the problems on the test paper. My heart is not proud at all. Instead, it seems that I have knocked over a bottle of Chinese medicine, and I dare not look at people.

When I got home, my parents were even more happy. They bought new clothes and cooked delicious food. But I was not happy at all. My heart was full of remorse.

It was late at night and I couldn't sleep. Alas, I can't hide it any more. I want to be an honest boy. Honesty is more important than score. I won't be careless next time. I will get a real 100 points.

The next day, I went to tell the teacher the truth. The teacher not only didn't criticize me, but also praised me as an honest and good boy. My heart is much more comfortable. A big stone has finally fallen from my heart.

It's good to be an honest child. This sentence will accompany my growth and benefit me all my life. This event also reminds me that honesty should be the first priority at all times. It is the most basic code of conduct for a person.

_Very important 600 words (5)

"Dangdangdang...", the bell rang again. This is the math class I hate the most.

It is also the review of examination papers. How come every day is a vicious circle of class, examination and review of examination papers? Can't we have some new tricks? I thought about it. When I was bored, the teacher suddenly called my name. I was preparing to pass by when I saw the teacher's eyes, which were bright and bright, as if I was going to swallow me alive. When I finally walked over, he said, "Come up and do this." I could not help but feel a cold sweat, but I seemed happy too early, Because I didn't listen before, how could I do the exercises later? Now I am in a dilemma with Ben! It was not easy for me to break an answer, but because the teacher said, "Is it true?", my confidence was broken.

"Really?" This sentence made me understand that in the future, teachers should listen carefully in class, otherwise they can't learn anything. If they are called by the teacher, there will be hundreds of eyes watching you on the stage. The bell rang after class. This time it was time to have a meal. I took the time machine to return to grade one of primary school. Today, I became a sheep herder. Because I told a lie, the teacher caught me on the spot. But after thinking, maybe the teacher wanted me to have a deep experience, so I didn't dare to lie again.

Now I think I am ashamed, but it is because of these two unforgettable experiences that I know the importance of careful class and honesty. There must be many such examples in life. Don't blame the teacher for embarrassing you, or curse the teacher in secret, but thank them for giving you the most unforgettable experience, so that you can immediately understand the importance of things.

_Very important 600 words (6)

For our parents, we can never be repeated. No matter how many children they have, we are unique. If I don't exist, they will leave a piece of kindness in the wind like spider silk. If I were ill, their hearts would shrink into stones and pray to God for my recovery countless times. Even, disaster and pain come to them in exchange for our peace. Every time I succeed, it seems that I go through a magnifying glass to enter their pupils and get into their heart. If I go before them, their white hair will fall from sunrise to sunset, and their tears will make the Pacific tide rise with them. In the face of unbearable love, do we dare to say that I am not important?

With friends and years of acquaintance, we can understand each other's feelings with a frown and a flutter of eyelashes. If I'm gone, it's like a computer loses a file that has never been copied, leaving an unfilled black hole in its memory. In the dead of night, after pressing a few phone key codes, my fingers suddenly stopped, and that series of numbers no longer need to recite silently. On New Year's Day, he would write down stacks of greeting cards. When it was my turn to address, he closed his eyes... After a long time, he filled in a card without an address but only a name, and burned him in the empty air. Friends who have been friends for many years are like ancient pottery in the desert. One piece will be lost if you break it, and you will never find the same finished product. In the face of such friendship, how can we say that I am not important? For my work, my career may be the indispensable master. My ingenuity and creativity soar in the sky like pigeons. Only I can catch their feathers. My imagination is scattered on the beach like pearls, waiting for me to wear them with gold wire. My will stretches forward until the horizon disappears far away

No one can replace me, just as I can never replace others. I am very important, whether at home or in class, or elsewhere

_Very important 600 words (7)

As a member of the family, I always think that I am very important!

I am an optimist. My parents call me "happy fruit" at home. I am the source of happiness in my family. I think that my family cannot live without me - I am very important!

Once when I came home from school, I felt something was wrong just after I opened the door. The room was filled with a very serious atmosphere, and the parents' faces were covered with clouds. In this environment, I seem to have more than enough, but as a "happy fruit", I don't want to stay in this environment. I have to find a way to save the atmosphere.

I quietly walked up to my mother and asked her why. She shrugged her shoulders and whispered, "Your father has been scolded. He was angry just now. You should be careful." I frowned and slowly stretched out, thinking of a plan.

When it was time for lunch, my mother was preparing in the kitchen. I hurriedly cleared the table and put the chairs in order, and then put the meals prepared by my mother on the table one by one

After all this was done, I sat on the sofa, looking like a scholar father, putting on a bitter face, holding my cheeks in my hands, sighing. Seeing this, my parents were even more upset. They frowned and asked, "When I got home, I sighed. What happened again?" I said angrily, "What can I do? I was scolded by the teacher at school." Then I went into my house and lay on the bed and pretended to cry.

After a while, I heard my father say to me outside: "Daughter, don't you want to be disciplined one by one? What's the big deal? Gan Minger, I went to school to train your teacher!" I "broke tears into laughter" and said: "Gan Minger, I also went to your unit to train your leader?" My father suddenly realized, and then laughed, the atmosphere at home suddenly became relaxed.

My existence makes the family full of joy, so I am very important!

As a member of the class, I think I am very important.

In the class, I am the monitor and the teacher's right-hand man. I managed my classes in good order, no matter in the morning or in other classes, which made our class win the honorary title of "Civilized Class" for many times. In the competitions on behalf of the class, it is not uncommon for me to win the championship

My existence is the glory of the class, so I am very important!

_Very important 600 words (8)

A couple, strolling on the Caribbean beach in the sunset, became the objects of the painter's pen. When you enjoy the beautiful scenery, you also become an important part of the scenery. It can be seen from this that there are connections between all things, and everyone is an important part in this world.

Please tell everyone that I am important because my family needs me.

Since you were born, your family has been happy, because a family has one more child, adding happiness to the family every day, just because you have become a happy landscape of the family. I miss my relatives every holiday. I firmly believe that every member of the family will not say that they hate you or reject you for any reason. When you go out alone, you bring worry to your family. During the holiday season, your family doesn't expect anything else but to go home and have a meal with your family. Because a family can't be married without you.

Please tell us that I am important because my friends need me.

Friends are the objects for you to share happiness and pain. Friends don't need many, just true friends. You and your friends cooperated tacitly on the football field and worked together to break the barrier. When we win, we will sing the victory song shoulder by shoulder; When they failed, everyone comforted and encouraged each other. Outline the landscape of friendship. All this can not be done without you, because friendship needs friends to maintain, and friends need you to build.

Please tell us that I am very important because society needs me.

In the national historical relic "Picture of the River during the Qingming Festival", everyone in the picture is an indispensable part of the picture. If there is one person missing, the whole picture cannot reflect the actual situation of the Ming Dynasty at that time. Therefore, a person is important in this society, regardless of his status. Even if you are a cleaner, you don't have to be shy. You are contributing to this society, which has become more beautiful because of your contribution. Do you think this society doesn't need you? Don't you matter?

So, you don't need to feel humble. At least your family, your friends and even the society need you.

Please remember, friends, when you enjoy the beautiful scenery, you have become an important part of the scenery.

_Very important 600 words (9)

There are no two identical leaves in the world. The red autumn leaves are full of youthful enthusiasm, and the yellow withered leaves are full of endless interest

I always like to sit under a tree and watch Ye Er sweep by, sleeping quietly on the hot earth. I can't help but feel confident: I am very important, I am really important.

Ye Er said to the colorful flowers, "You decorate the world with your grace, you are really important, and I......"

However, Ye Er, red flowers also need green leaves. If it is not for you, how can flowers show off?

The stars said to the crescent of light, "You have brought convenience to people with your brightness. You are really important, and I......"

However, stars, if it were not for your shining, how could you be so perfect in the dark sky?

The waves said to the boundless sea, "You are so surging and bring vitality to people. You are really important, and I......"

However, waves, why compare with the sea? You have your own lovely and quiet, calm people's hearts.

I am very sad that I have failed several examinations. Is my IQ really so low? Zeng humbled himself to think that in this world, I am so small and ordinary, I am so unimportant, and I shed tears.

However, time gradually diluted my inferiority complex.

I am so important to my parents.

I am so important to my friends.

Even to the society, I am so important. I am the back wave of the motherland, and I am the flower of the motherland. I will use my struggle to make contributions to the society.

Sitting under a tree again, enjoying the "sunset is infinitely good" scenery, inferiority complex has become history

There are no two identical leaves in the world. Maybe my efforts are just insignificant, but it is everyone's insignificant that has created a beautiful world.

Let's announce to all corners of the world——

I'm important!

_Very important 600 words (10)

I am a tree. An ordinary tree, I have lived in the mangrove since childhood. From the moment I opened my eyes, I saw the vast sea. At that time, I fell in love with here and began to take root and sprout tenaciously.

I wanted to live a peaceful life like this, but that day, a group of human beings came into my sight. They were carrying bottles and jars, and some I didn't know. I was puzzled. What did they want to do? An old grandfather with gray hair and blue short sleeves gently stroked me and silently sighed:

"They are the treasures of the country. They have been guarding here for generations. They have devoted their lives to preventing wind and waves, promoting siltation and shoal protection, fixing banks and protecting embankments, purifying sea water and air." He shook his head, but looked more at my proud branches and leaves, unwilling to leave for a long time.

"What a flourishing vase flower tree! He must be living well here. Doctor, we have finished our investigation. Let's go back early." After saying that, they began to pack up their things and walked away step by step, leaving me with a blank face. Listen to what they said. Am I very important?

On a quiet day, I watched the sun slowly set and the night unfolded, but I smelled a dangerous smell. What happened? Why am I so upset? A strong wind is blowing. I suddenly realized that my mother once told me that this was the precursor of a storm. Looking at the darkness, I began to panic. What should I do? What should I do?

The wind is blowing, and the sky is getting darker and darker. The rain is getting heavier and heavier. The sound of wind beating the leaves and clattering is coming from my ears. It's not good. I can't support it! Hard to tighten the roots of the tree. No, I can't fall down. My home is behind me. Suddenly, I remembered that my mother had warned me when she was about to land. She had to cling to the soil under the ground. Don't hesitate to follow suit, and start to make up your mind secretly. You must not fall down!


The wind is still blowing and the rain is still falling, but the gossamer bright and soft morning white is beginning to appear in the gray clouds on the other side of the sky. I know that I have survived, looking at my lack of branches and leaves, but I don't regret it at all.

Looking at the sun rising slowly, I finally know that I am very important!

_Very important 600 words (11)

The night gave me a pair of dark eyes, but I used it to find light--- notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Another peaceful night. Looking at the stars in the sky, I remembered the garden party last year.

My mother sent me a bag with various key chains and a letter encouraging me to sell it boldly.

The smoke curls up and the moon rises thousands of miles. The tumult of voices was in sharp contrast to a man shouting "keychain" in the crowd. I quite feel the loneliness of "raising a glass to invite the bright moon, and making three people of the shadow".

Seeing the two pupils in front holding large bills, I thought to myself: I met a big customer. I rushed up and said, "Children, do you want a key chain?" She didn't turn her head to glance at me. She said to the stall owner in front of her: "Brother, don't be hot." "Children, do you want a key chain? Two yuan each." I was reluctant to give up. "No, no," she replied intermittently, as if I were a kidnapper.

The Polaris in the sky is like a bright light, rendering "singing and dancing". Can you tell me whether the sun rises first or the night comes first?

I went upstairs to return to work, and the class was brightly lit. It happened that Xiaohui also came back, and he didn't say anything more. A moment later, two people appeared downstairs shouting at the key ring, the key ring, with hoarse throats.

Xiaolan, the classmate, sighed darkly and said, "Maybe I can buy two." I thanked her as if I had caught the straw. She just shook her head and said it was okay. At this time, Alan also found the dilemma between Xiaohui and me, and organized male students to help me sell. He straightened out the story, borrowed two pieces of cardboard, and sat on the floor with his classmates. When he took the lead and shouted, "Sell the key chain.", some sand came into his eyes.

The shadow of hawking key chains can be seen everywhere at the corner, beside the stalls and under the pillars. I wanted to harvest a ray of sunshine, but I never thought that the world would repay me with a spring. I pray that all pain will remain in my heart, and I will not forget your eyes.

Of course, I lost money that year, only half of the goods were sold, but the social experience, life experience and sincere friendship I gained on that night could not be exchanged for more peaceful nights.

The brightest star in the night sky, please don't go with the wind.

You, like the brightest star in the night sky, guide me forward.

_Very important 600 words (12)

When I came home today, my mother was not in. Know that no matter how warm the home is, no matter how warm the heating and lighting are, you will still feel lonely without the people you miss so much.

Later, I called to ask her when she would come back. She joked on the phone that she planned to come back tomorrow afternoon. I know what he means. He will come back when we return to school tomorrow afternoon, so that he won't have to see us. Then I said no. She said we didn't need him anyway. I said no, she can't joke, because we will take it seriously. Later he said he would come back.

It seems that there is no homework. In fact, there is no hard and fast rule for school homework, except for weekly practice. But the math teacher said that the weekly practice was canceled and the weekly test was changed to every Wednesday. Because the homework done at home was too poor, many teachers basically did not choose to assign homework at the weekend, but to finish early and finish late in Chengdu is to finish it. We all know this truth, but perhaps many people will, like themselves, without pressure, Will work harder to complete.

So I have a lot of time to spend with my mother. My sister and I will go to the playground when they want to play. I feel a bit bored. Although I will miss the place where they went in the spring outing, I think my sister and I have gone too many times, which is really boring. Although it is said that the place is too large and it is impossible to visit it in one day, I still feel that sometimes, The reason why places are missed is that there are people.

I really want to take my mother with me. I really want to tell my mother that he is important, not that I don't need him. Because when my sister was going to play snacks tonight, we were going to visit the landscape, but later my sister wanted to buy things, and we changed our route when we planned to go out with the family. My mother didn't say that we would like to go with him, but we asked him that he didn't know whether we needed him or not.

In fact, I really want to tell him that we will always need him, always, always!

_Very important 600 words (13)

In study, work or life, the most familiar thing is composition, which is a speech activity with high comprehensiveness and creativity. What kind of composition can we call an excellent composition? The following is my important composition of 600 words, which I compiled for you. I hope it can help you in need.

Mom, why didn't you come to pick me up? I looked at the dark sky and tears poured down like rain

Tears blurred my vision, my heart was confused by tears. Why do you only care about your brother and regard me as nonexistent.

Memory flooded in. When I was ten years old, my brother was welcomed by my family. Before I was 3 years old, I had always been with my grandmother. Only her grandmother loved me as always after she welcomed her brother. My father and mother only have younger brothers in their eyes. I become the air and silently watch them. I hate them, but I can do nothing.

Neighbors began to talk to me, saying, "You are not as important as your brother to get your parents to love you. You are not important." Hearing this, I blushed, clenched my hands into fists, ran back to the room, and shouted to my mother, "I hate you! I am not important in your eyes at all!" Just then, my brother began to cry, and my mother quickly picked up his brother and glared at me

I involuntarily clenched my fists again, and my mouth was slightly pursed. Suddenly, I was interrupted by the gasp of a person. I looked at a black figure in the rain, small and petite, running towards me. I stared blankly, and suddenly that figure ran towards me, hugged me, and said with guilt: "Mom, I'm sorry! It suddenly rained on the road, and I was afraid of mud and stones rolling down the mountain, so I dodged, so I was late. Have you waited for a long time?" I shook my head silently.

I suddenly remembered that when I was five years old, I had a fever. At that time, my father was working in the factory and asked my mother to send something. I was alone at home and the room was empty. I was so scared that I ran to my grandma's house barefoot, without even wearing pants. The cold wind was biting on winter nights. I arrived at my grandma's house at a leopard speed, and then I lay on the bed. Grandma touched my head with her hand, let me drink some water, and then I fell asleep

I don't know how long later, I saw my parents looking at me at the bedside in a daze, and their eyes were full of anxiety and worry. I hugged my mother and cried. My mother cried and shouted, "Daughter, mother and your father are sorry for you!"

When I think of my neighbor's words, I smile frankly. Don't care what others think of you. Only you have the right to know and evaluate yourself. So, I finally know the answer I want: I am very important!

_Very important 600 words (14)

Only faith supported King Arthur to survive the years of surplus. He had a clear conscience, but the pain and sadness in his heart could not be stopped. He had to bear loneliness alone. His once loyal subordinates had gone away. Lancelot, the head of the Knight of the Round Table, rebelled with the Queen. Gawain was murdered. His son Mordred also wanted to break up with him, Should a generation of kings be like this?

no I also have my own belief, the belief when I first ascended the throne, which is my persistent pursuit, and it is very important for me.

But now he can't fight with the army, but has to carry his subordinates' betrayal, which is really unbearable. King Arthur firmly believes that it is important for him to regain his hometown and return to the source of that dream.

A stone tablet stands on the vast prairie, with a sword in the stone inserted in it. It is said that the person who removed it is King Arthur. It was he who removed it. People love it, and now the situation will be unbearable.

Faith is very important for King Arthur. It is the source of dreams. Where is the end of his dreams? Can he only wait for his son to kill himself? Maybe that's the best outcome.

He has always remembered what Master said. He gave up his belief, and what awaits you is Huang Quan. He sticks to his belief, and only forgets the river. But when you have enough knowledge of your own belief, you will feel helpless.

It seems that I can't forget everything here after all. Belief is my important root. Maybe in the eyes of ordinary people, that is nonsense. But I firmly believe that success will beckon me.

In fact, King Arthur's belief will always lead the Round Table Knights to fight in the north and south. He is a real hero, who will not fear the prejudice and indifference of the world, stick to his belief, and finally achieve something great.

I think that King Arthur's success is because he understands that faith is also important.

_Very important 600 words (15)

I'm an art student. They all said that I have a talent. No, it's just that I have extraordinary self-confidence. In my first art contest, my hand with a paintbrush trembled nervously. Seeing my appearance, the examiner on the side came to hold my arm and said to me, "Why are you nervous? It's not because you know you have a chance to win!" Yes, there is a chance to win if you don't know the result, and the opponent who can match me won't be any worse. I confidently danced the brush and color. Recently, the performance of her debut is quite good. Since then, I have not been afraid of the exam, because I saw the flower of confidence behind it.

Self confidence is important not only to me, but also to everyone. For example, if the Chinese lose self-confidence, they will not have today's happy life. Therefore, self-confidence is important to everyone, and everyone needs the nourishment of self-confidence.

Zhang Yining, a Chinese female table tennis player, ranks second. Her priority in the game is not to win a few points, but to lose a few points so that future meetings will not be awkward. It can be said that he is a modest person. The number one player is Wang Nan, who will lose half of her confidence before her opponent comes on stage; During the competition, she can also calmly deal with various moves; You can also use moves to force others when attacking. The reason why Wang Nan was slightly better in the ranking was that the strong met the strong. Let the brave win! Among them, courage is confidence!

Another example is the Argentine football player Leo Messi, who once sent away the famous football star Beckham. However, he suffered from dwarfism when he was young, and was short in the team. When everyone looked down on him, he confirmed his love for football and rose step by step. Isn't that a sign of confidence?

Confidence is as important as people need oxygen, flowers need soil, and fish need lakes.

_Very important 600 words (16)

What is integrity? Sincerity is one person's commitment to another person. Maybe honesty is not important to everyone. Every word of the ancient emperors has benefited me a lot, especially the famous saying, "A little promise makes little faith", which has left an indelible impression on my heart.

When I was in the third grade, I would never forget the last lesson that afternoon. I opened my stationery box and saw that my newly bought pen was missing today. I cried and said to the teacher, "My pen is gone, A classmate said to his deskmate, "Don't move. Put your hand on the table and I'll search.". Suddenly, someone said, "My deskmate has an extra pen." When I went to see it, I was sure it was my pen. I stared at him. He was ashamed of himself. His fate can be seen. Everyone despised him. When he played with others, they would whisper: Don't play with him. He took other people's things, but didn't admit it. Don't play with such people. Those who are close to him are red, and those who are close to him are black. When I saw this scene, I couldn't help feeling sorry for him. I thought to myself: if it wasn't for his momentary mistake, maybe he would still play happily with us now! If you don't know what you are doing, you are the most honest person.

I remember that day, something unexpected happened to me again. In class, the students were all absorbed in their study. They accidentally saw their deskmates lose their soul and they didn't know where they had flown. I called him several times, but he was still silent. I kicked him, he came back to his senses, I kicked him, he came back to his senses, he said what to do, I said, "What's the matter with you? I feel strange." He said, "I take something from someone else. I regret it now. If I don't return it, I will feel guilty all my life. If I return it, I will say I am a thief again. I don't know how to let it go." I said, "If you know your mistake, you can change it. It's great. As long as you are willing to be an honest child, you can go and pay it back. If you are not willing to go, you can be an dishonest child." My deskmate listened, whispering, as if listening to it, suddenly the deskmate raised his hand and said, "I'm sorry for everyone. I'm not an honest child. I took someone else's things." His words surprised me. The students gave him warm applause and always gave him thumbs up. His face was filled with feelings that had never been before. His face smiled like a flower.

Honesty is actually very simple, which is four words: honesty and trustworthiness. It is not difficult to do so, as long as you are not blinded by your own bad thoughts, honesty is only one step away from you.