I'm writing 600 (17 recommended)
Clouds are light and the sky is high
2024-04-01 02:35:48

I am writing 600 (1)

Behind each person, there is a person he did not find. Who is this person? Nobody knows.

I want to guess who it is? It could be my mother. It may be my father or my sister. Maybe it's my teacher There are countless possibilities.

Mother is worried about me behind me. Don't miss anything. Dad believes I can do it. My sister secretly helped me in the quilt, and the teacher quietly cheered me on

I have you behind me, you, you, you applaud me when I succeed, believe that I can do it again when I fail, and how happy I am when you are behind me.

In my heart, I am proud of you. Although you are just behind me, I have seen you as an indispensable part of life. I'm not afraid of anything with you behind me.

Look! The five star red flag of the People's Republic of China is fluttering in the wind. It makes this picture extremely vivid. Behind him was the wind. Look! The sexual performance is so bright and beautiful in the night sky. But behind it is the incomparable darkness. It makes him so bright. Look! The flowers are so beautiful. And behind her is light. It is soil. It's water. And I am so beautiful. Behind you are you. You made me so beautiful. No one will be surprised. Because they didn't know you were behind me.

Think about it! If I don't have a good future. I have no face to see you. Think about it! I'm sure I'll get ahead. Tell you, your efforts are not in vain. Think about it! You must feel that then. How proud you are.

Believe it! That inconspicuous stone will produce beautiful small yellow flowers sooner or later. Don't worry! One day, I will turn around openly and truly embrace you. Maybe you will be proud,

Time passed away. But just pay attention to one thing: what about people? The spirit will be passed down from generation to generation. I will prove me one day! Look! Think about it! Believe it! Don't worry! Waiting. There is an old saying that the perfection of grasping reality is not a hammer stone blow. It's water singing and dancing. Talents don't come home in one step. Little by little progress.

As I said. I will prove me one day. Only a little progress. You are behind me. I will make you proud!

I am writing 600 (2)

Time is like water in the palm of your hand. Whether you hold it tightly or open it will flow away. In a hurry, I spent fifteen years. I am tired of seeing the clouds rolling in the sky, and I am familiar with the ebb and flow of the tides around my ears. I have enjoyed the flowers in the courtyard. However, when I think of you, my heart is always warm. Because, with you behind me, happiness is like the sunshine in spring, which moves me through every day.

Since you were seriously ill, you have never given up your concern for me. But I am angry with you all day long, and even do some disobedient things to make you sad.

It's time to go home again, but I don't have the old smile, because the pressure of learning in the third day of junior high is too great. As soon as I opened the door, you came to greet me and took my heavy schoolbag. On the table, you cooked some dishes that I like to eat. We sat at the table in silence. "Child, eat more. School life must be very poor. Don't drag your body down!" You spoke quietly, but it ignited my anger that had been stored up for a long time. I suddenly stood up and shouted to you, "Just eat. Why don't you ask me how I feel now?" Then I rushed into my room without looking back.

After about twenty minutes, you made a new bowl of noodles I like and brought it to my room. "My child, it's a heavy task to study, and it's not good not to eat. It's my father's fault that he ignored your feelings, and I will pay attention to it in the future!" At this time, my anger has disappeared. Looking at the steaming bowl of noodles, my tears could not help flowing down. Then you stumbled out of my bedroom. Looking at your slightly bent back, at that moment, my heart was broken. The only thing I could do was to shut myself in the room and sob silently.

At noon the next day, I packed my schoolbag and prepared for school. When I put the pen into the pen bag, I found 50 yuan in it. Looking at the note, I felt a mixture of five flavors in my heart. I was deeply moved and choked in my throat, like hot molten slurry, bursting out. I don't know when you are behind me. I turned around and saw you. I choked and said, "Dad, I'm not a good daughter. Please forgive me for my disrespect to you. Thank you!" Although you didn't speak, I clearly saw that your eyes were moist. "Dad, pay attention to your health. I went to school." You smiled knowingly, as before.

Behind me, with you beside me, the scenery is so beautiful; On the way, the clouds in the sky roll and relax like our feelings; Listen to the songs in my ears, like our dialogue; The flowers beside the road are like me; The grass behind the flowers silently accompanies, like father.

I am writing 600 (3)

The famous saying "winning or losing is a soldier's routine" often reminds me that at any time, a competition should focus on the process, and the outcome is not so important.

In fact, I also pay attention to the process in every competition. If I can win better, if I lose, I will not be sad about it, but will be happy about it - I finally have a mistake worth investigating and thinking about, not only in learning, but also in entertainment, such as go, games, etc. Although I am good at playing Go, I will inevitably lose, but I like it and the process of playing it. It can bring me joy. I feel uncomfortable if I don't play a game of Go every day. I may rack my brains for the topic, or I may be happy to solve a dead or alive problem. No matter how, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose. What I focus on is the process of the competition.

"Winning or losing is a routine thing for soldiers", which brings me not only this truth, but also a philosophy that is extremely important to me - winning or losing cannot affect my mood, but always maintain a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, and a win or lose does not represent the future. Anything can happen. A weak person may become strong when he grows up. People with poor learning will also turn into learning bullies after a period of hard work. Life is a 100 million meter marathon. If you start too fast, your physical strength will be weak. Those who seem stupid and small are actually working hard in secret. If you are not careful, you may be overtaken. Others are working hard all the time. In order to avoid being caught up, you must work hard all the time, Someone is right behind you. When you relax, others will catch up with you. When you come back to your senses, others have already dumped you far away. It reminds me not to give up, but to keep working hard. There are many people on the way to success, but few successful people, because they all gave up and did not persist.

"Winning or losing is a routine thing for soldiers." Thank you for being with me all the time. Remind me not to give up and keep working hard.

I am writing 600 (4)

Looking at the palm close to you, my mouth reminds me of happiness. The sunshine outside the window gently sprinkles on everyone. I close my eyes and enjoy the afternoon. Although you didn't speak behind me, I felt something called warmth flowing in the air.

When I was a child, I always pointed to you and asked my mother: "Mother, what is this black thing?" My mother would also gently touch my head, and then smiled and said to me: "This is the shadow, it is just your shadow, it will always be with you." I vaguely understood, but I had planted you in my heart quietly, and took the trouble to call "shadow! Shadow!"

You still accompany me every day, but I have forgotten your existence since I grew up, until that day

I had a big quarrel with my parents, ran out of the house crying and squatted beside the road. The dazzling sunshine forced me to bury my head deeply in my knees, and I cried as if nobody was there.

Finally, I stopped sobbing and looked up at the sky, only to find that the sun is no longer so dazzling, falling on the body, very warm. Sitting beside the road, I also began to notice you.

Your body is not very tall, but looks very thin. I gently caress your body and say to myself, "Shadow, you are the only one willing to accompany me now." My face finally turns overcast to clear and smiles. Everyone passing by cast strange eyes on the smiling child who touched the ground, but they didn't say anything and hurried away.

The sun is sinking, and your figure is also growing taller, which is enough to reassure me. Your presence makes me feel more lucky, at least when I am lonely, there are people with you. Everyone appreciates the beauty of the sunset and enjoys the gift of nature.

But when it was dark, you suddenly disappeared. I was afraid of the dark and could not persuade myself to search for you. I just curled up and stared at the ground in an attempt to find your footprints. Suddenly, I remembered that you were dark, and you didn't leave, but you just incorporated yourself into the endless darkness, wrapped me up, and guarded me more comprehensively

Shadow, thank you, because of you, I have never been lonely for 15 years; Because of you, I know I am not alone; Because of you

Outside the window, the sun is setting in the west, illuminating a distant sky. Looking at you behind me, my smile is more and more bright. Because I know that, very soon, darkness will come, and you will also wrap me

I am writing 600 (5)

Behind each child is a person who supports and encourages him, and my father is the one who encourages me.

Dad is the boss of a small company and the pillar of our family. He is always busy outside every day. Sometimes he doesn't bother to eat when he just gets home. As long as he calls, he doesn't eat and goes out again. I have seen pictures of my father when he was young, which is no less than those young and handsome stars now. Now, because of fatigue, my hair is much less, and I look balding. But in my opinion, he has always been the man who is upright and handsome. My father works hard outside every day, but he will care about my study as long as he is at home.

Since I entered junior high school, English has become a roadblock in my study. My parents took a lot of care for my English, and they also signed me up for an English tutoring class. But I didn't understand the importance of English at that time. Every time I went to the tutoring class, I didn't study hard, which was just a scratch. In the second day of the junior high school, the monthly English exam was not ideal, so my mother ignored me for a few days.

After the exam, there was a parents' meeting. My mother was so angry at my score that she didn't go to school, so she had to let my father go to the parents' meeting. My father told me later that after the parents' meeting, the teacher specially asked my father to stay. The teacher talked with my father about many learning problems for my study. My father went home and had a long talk with me. He talked with me about some suggestions on how to improve my grades and how to learn English. After the parents' meeting, I found that my father obviously spent more time at home than before. When he was at home, he often watched me study, and sometimes dictated English words to me. Sometimes when I couldn't dictate once, he dictated again. Until I could, I felt that my English had been greatly improved through my father's guidance day after day.

In the next exam, I made all the preparations to meet this exam. Finally, my English exam was good, my father's efforts were not in vain, and my mother saw that my English scores had improved greatly, and finally showed a long lost smile.

I am proud to have such a supportive and caring father behind me.

Behind the flowers, there is rain irrigation, behind the grass, there is soil nourishment, and behind me, there is my father's support to make me work hard.

I am writing 600 (6)

I have the best time with you.


The weak words of the vicissitudes of life are like a dream telling the incomplete fate. Each sentence is full of sadness, disguise, strength, helplessness, and finally, they have no choice but to give up. Fortunately, I have you behind me.

There was a period of time, hard to remember, that is youth; There is a memory that tears the heart and cracks the lung, that is youth; There is a way, never a person walk, it is also youth. People in my memory never forget each other, but time seems to have wings, flying by day by day, fleeting time is too short, memory is too long! It was a gray day. I just quarreled with you from home. It began to rain. I didn't have an umbrella and walked aimlessly on the road. Occasionally, one or two passing cars splashed sewage on my trouser legs. But it didn't matter, did it? Yes, I think it is.

Going farther and farther

In a trance, I thought I was a stranded fish, waiting for death, away from the sea. The wind is still blowing wantonly. At this time, I am like an orphan who nobody wants when others leave me on the street. I don't know when I vaguely heard someone calling my name. I suddenly turned back, and the fog was still so big, but I vaguely remember: that day, it was you who wore pajamas and slippers, didn't comb your mobile phone, but held an umbrella, and didn't care about holding an umbrella... At that moment, I almost ran to hug you, and your embrace was still so warm. I remember, you haven't held me for a long time.

The rain has stopped, the wind is no longer running around, and the clouds are slowly ending. Looking back, my you are still behind me!

Thank you for having you behind me.

Until now, I know that the rebellious youth of youth has made all family relationships muddy and weathered. But when I look back, how happy it was to have you and your company behind me.

I have the best time with you. If you want to see these beautiful scenery, come to Jiuzhaigou Valley!

I am writing 600 (7)

Behind the flowers are green leaves, behind the seedlings are soil, behind the brook are mountains, behind the eagles are blue sky, and everything in the world has behind caress, behind the warmth, behind the strong, supporting us through one long winter after another. What I want to write is the mother behind me.

I remember one year's monthly exam, I got confused, and the moment I got the results, it seemed that all the time was still, stayed in that moment. In school, I was always reluctant to show my weak side to others. I was sad in my heart. One second it was clear, and the next it became thunderous. I thought to myself: Mom must scold me and blame me for my poor exam. After knowing the results, I felt that the class became boring.

It was not easy to finish school, but I didn't want to leave the school, to face the results, and to face my family. But I always had to go home. I walked home step by step with a heart of trepidation. On the way, I thought a lot: How would my mother scold, blame and punish me?

Thinking about it, I unknowingly walked to the door. I hesitated, slowly opened the door, and returned home. When my mother saw that I was back, she greeted me to eat quickly. My mother said, "I heard that your exam results were delivered today. How was your exam?"? I was silent, finished my meal, put down the bowl, ran back to the room, closed the door, cried alone in the room, slowly pulled out the test paper and put it on the table. After a while, my mother took a glass of milk, gently opened the door and walked in. She gently put the milk on the table, then stroked my head and said, "Did you fail the exam?"? I said silently: Hmm. Mother didn't say anything else, just handed me the milk and told me: Don't stay up late, do you know what to do? Then he gently closed the door and went out. Although my mother went out, my heart became very warm.

When I am discouraged, you are always behind me, like the light accompanying my growth, helping me cross obstacles. Thank you, Mother!

I am writing 600 (8)

A person's dark night is doomed to be terrible. When you walk in a dark alley, a gentle person will appear behind you. I am not afraid of you.

notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

I hope that when I get up, someone can pat the dust on me; I hope that when I wake up, someone will prepare a warm meal for me; I hope that when it rains and there is no umbrella, someone can hold me in his arms and help me with my umbrella. I hope you are at the end of the night, and the sky is bright from now on.

Do you remember the time when you were a child?

Grandma's house is not far from ours. It was about five minutes' walk away. I was having fun at that time. After I finished eating dumplings at 5:00 on New Year's Eve, I was left alone to Grandma's house to go to play with my friends. I played for a long time until it was dark. I thought it was time to go home for 700 years, so I walked to the door. When I saw it, I was stunned. It was dark outside, There was no light in the alley leading to my grandmother's house. I was a little afraid. My grandpa said, "Maybe I can give you a gift. Are you afraid?" I blushed, and the child's mind was exposed. For my damned face, I said aloud, "I'm not afraid! How old I am!" My grandpa laughed, praised my courage, and said nothing more. I walked timidly forward one step at a time. The rain on the ground was soft and fresh after the rain. I heard the door behind me close with a squeak, and the door slammed into the iron door. I was scared. I was afraid of it. I immediately regretted that I had shown my ability for the sake of face.

I held back my fear and began to move forward in small steps. I didn't know whose house it was. I accidentally slipped and fell down. The dog barked again. I finally put down my last courage. I cried against the mud all over my body and cowered against the wall. I was afraid that the dog would bite me. At the same time, I didn't dare to cry loudly. I could only sob quietly and stayed still, Just then, I saw a fat figure appeared, getting closer and closer to me. I was very afraid, and just wanted to hide. I could not stop until I heard him shout "Niu". I ran with all the grievances and fears, and was afraid that the mud on my body would splash on her and my mother. My mother patted the plaster on my body, hugged me tightly, and whispered, "I'm not afraid, my mother is here." She kissed me quietly. I'm not afraid of that alley.

Mom, with you behind me, I'm not afraid, not at all.

I am writing 600 (9)

I don't know when, every time I do my homework, there is always a cup of tea on my desk. I also know that it was my mother who released it. She always kept silent. She put down her cup and left. I didn't have any words. It seemed that I was getting used to the silent agreement.

One rainy day, I hate this boring and gloomy weather. In addition, the homework problem is difficult, so I am very upset. I was so angry that I slumped on the chair when I couldn't figure out the final result. Mother just came in with a cup of hot tea in her hand and gently placed it on the table. She said to me, "Take a break. I heard that tea can refresh your mind. You......" "Don't bother me. The mother was stunned for a moment and turned to leave. "Whew --" I fell back on the chair.

It seems that hot tea has played a role, and the room is full of tea fragrance. I watched a wisp of smoke rise in the cup and dissipate in the air. Then there is another strand, rising, drifting and cycling. The tea dances in the cup, either stretching or floating, to show their moving dancing posture and exuberant vitality in a manner different from the drying posture after baking. My heart calmed down slowly.

Picking up the manuscript paper again, and calculating again, it turned out that a number was wrong. I filled in the answer and the alarm clock pointed to eleven. There was silence outside. I gently opened the door and went out. I was stunned. In the dim light, mother sat on the sofa and fell asleep against the pillow. In the dark yellow light, the silver on her head was particularly eye-catching. My throat seemed to be choked by something, and I could not speak for a while. When did mother get so old. I am speechless.

She went into the kitchen to pour water. It seemed that her voice was too loud to wake her mother. She rubbed her bleary eyes and was embarrassed: "Ah, you finished your homework, and I fell asleep while waiting." She sounded so cautious that she seemed to feel guilty. I walked forward, hugged her and said, "Mom, go to bed."

That day I lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. It turned out that mother had been silently paying for me behind my back, but I had no idea and was angry with her. I can even imagine her gently putting tea leaves into a cup, pouring boiling water, and watching the glass of clear and transparent liquid turn light green, filled with her wordless love. But the high wall I built because of my impatience blocks this love outside, leaving her waiting silently outside. I just stumbled forward and never saw her behind me.

Mom, with you behind me, I will march forward with your love!

I am writing 600 (10)

Time is like water in the palm of your hand. Whether you hold it tightly or open it will flow away. In a hurry, I spent fifteen years. I am tired of seeing the clouds rolling in the sky, and I am familiar with the ebb and flow of the tides around my ears. I have enjoyed the flowers in the courtyard. However, when I think of you, my heart is always warm. Because, with you behind me, happiness is like the sunshine in spring, which moves me through every day. Since you were seriously ill, you have never given up your concern for me. But I am angry with you all day long, and even do some disobedient things to make you sad.

It's time to go home again, but I don't have the old smile, because the pressure of learning in the third day of junior high is too great. As soon as I opened the door, you came to greet me and took my heavy schoolbag. On the table, you cooked some dishes that I like to eat. We sat at the table in silence. Children, eat more. School life must be very poor. Don't drag your body down! Your voice is not very loud, but it ignites the anger that has been stored in my heart for a long time. I suddenly got up and shouted to you: All I know is to eat. Why don't you ask me how I feel now? Then he rushed into his room without looking back.

After about twenty minutes, you made a new bowl of noodles I like and brought it to my room. Children, learning is a heavy task, so it's not good to not eat. It's all because my father is not good. He ignored your feelings. I will pay attention to it in the future! At this time, my anger has disappeared. Looking at the bowl of steaming face, tears could not help flowing down. Then you stumbled out of my bedroom. Looking at your slightly bent back, at that moment, my heart was broken. What I could do was to shut myself in the room and sob silently.

At noon the next day, I packed my schoolbag and prepared for school. When I put the pen into the pen bag, I found 50 yuan in it. Looking at the note, I felt a mixture of five flavors in my heart. I was deeply moved and choked in my throat, like hot molten slurry, bursting out. I don't know when you are behind me. I turned around and saw you. I choked and said: Dad, I'm not a good daughter. Please forgive me for my disrespect to you. Thank you! Although you didn't speak, I clearly saw that your eyes were moist. Dad, pay attention to your health. I went to school. You smiled knowingly, as before.

Behind me, with you beside me, the scenery is so beautiful; On the way, the clouds in the sky roll and relax like our feelings; Listen to the songs in my ears, like our dialogue; The flowers beside the road are like me; The grass behind the flowers silently accompanies, like father.

I am writing 600 (11)

At the foot is a long stone road.

The heavy branches and leaves cut the poisonous sun to pieces and sprinkled on my sweaty face. Looking up, the winding path is hidden in the mountains and forests; Looking back, there are low steel forests.

Is it giving up? Or climb the peak bravely?

It seems that he chose the former without hesitation. "I can't" reverberates thousands of times in my heart. My legs are powerless to climb up again, and the salty tears on my face make my weakness nowhere to hide. The sentence "definitely can" before going up the mountain has already become a lie, and the mountain has become so far away.

Turn around, lift your feet, go down and leave.

Step by step, I abandoned my victory. I saw my own shadow, another face I despised: "Is it so easy to give up?" "I can't." I cried. A voice rushed out of his throat: "No, you can!" It gradually became clear and approached me step by step: "Nothing is needed, only the courage of struggle can help you climb!"

The courage to struggle! My dark heart brightened.

Try it, I have the courage to overcome my cowardice. Wipe my tears away, and the bright smile spreads all over my face. You can, you have the courage to defeat yourself! Jump on one stone slab after another, leaving the scenery far behind. Every step is so firm. The breeze kisses my face, and the singing of birds pleases my heart. The top of the mountain is no longer so unreachable, as if it has a pair of wings to help me climb step by step.

Smile, lift your feet, step on, win.

Standing on the top of the mountain, the strong wind waved my skirt, just like a proud hero, dancing his red cloak. The foot is a gray steel forest, and the head is a sunny day. A few drops of tears inadvertently fall, but they are no longer so bitter, so astringent, but so fragrant, so sweet. I took out the courage to fight and defeated the cowardly worm in my heart. I am no longer so timid, no longer so weak, and it is no longer a dream to "be able to stand on the top of the mountain and see all the mountains".

Courage, with you behind me, I fought tirelessly and defeated myself!

At the foot is still a long stone road.

I am writing 600 (12)

When I was a child, I liked to have beautiful dreams. When I grew up, I found that it was all my father's credit that I could dream without worrying about food and clothing.

Because my father is a big tree standing behind me.

Why does the tree grow behind, not in front, around?

My father never stood in front of me as an elder and with a strong figure, nor did he criticize or praise me too much, nor did he stop me from wandering the world and covering the distance in my eyes.

Because it will block my sight, block the sunlight that should have shot over my head, and when I start forward, I will hit his trunk, causing myself injury. In the young and frivolous youth years, the big tree in front always blocks people full of fighting spirit from the world, shielding everything, including beauty and ugliness. However, it is easy for children growing up to lose their original enthusiasm, will and ability because of such obstacles.

It is a tall and unruly tree like my father that enables me when I was a child, even now, to strive to overcome all difficulties.

When I am frustrated or sad, I will not turn to my father first. In my heart, my father is a tree. He can't speak, but he will give me silent support. When I fall down, my father may not help me, but I will try to get up because of such a big tree, which makes me understand that love is more important than being.

This magnificent tree has always been behind me, deeply rooted in the soil, nourishing the air.

My father used to stand in the place where I could hardly perceive, giving me the most attention and protection. A tree can not only hold up a green umbrella, but also become a green light to illuminate the soul. Dad, this light, when my hope is like a spark, uses itself to light the sky and comfort a juvenile who has failed.

Thanks to my father's big tree, I can continue to dream when I grow up.

No matter what difficulties, I will not be afraid, because you are behind me

I am writing 600 (13)

I remember when I was in the first grade, you always walked behind me on the path paved with yellow mud and stone.

Every morning when I was wet with dew, I would carry a small schoolbag and hop on the way to school. You always like to walk behind me with your hands gently on your back. You watch me caressing the dew on the grass and watching me sniffing the flowers beside the road. When I turn around carelessly, I always see a kind smile rippling on your chiseled face. You always say, "Go slowly, go slowly, and be careful." I will raise my naughty face and say, "I'm not afraid of it."

The small trees along the road have grown into big trees, and I am growing taller and bigger as I walk in front of you. In the blooming season of Sophora japonica, I entered junior high school.

I came home only once half a month. You don't have to worry about my falling when I walk or being bitten by insects on flowers and plants. But every time you come to pick me up, you still like to walk behind me.

My friends and I walked in front, talking and laughing, but you no longer carry your hands and walk gently. You have many bags of luggage on your shoulders, which are very heavy. Under the light of the setting sun, you are bent, your steps are still steady, but your steps are no longer easy. When my fellow traveler parted ways, I looked back gently and saw that your sharp face was a bit more vicissitudes and tired. I stopped and said, "Dad, let me carry it. It's heavy." You shook your head slightly and said, "It's not heavy. It's OK. You go first. I can look at you when I walk behind. I'm confident."

Sitting in the examination room, I always remember the morning after morning when you looked at me behind me and walked with me: you were also behind me when I failed in the exam, quietly accompanying me, occasionally quietly encouraging me, silent and warm; That time I sprained my foot. You were still behind me. I limped in front of me. You were kind and honest behind me; I was the first student in the grade that time, but you walked behind me, your face full of joy, concern and pride

The true happiness in the world is not that angels tell you that there is a sun ahead; But every time you look back, the sun is behind you.

I am writing 600 (14)

Because of you, my eyes never shrink; Because of you, peach blossom and flowing water, under my silent observation, Yao is gone; Because of you, behind me, there are only light waves after the wind and rain.

The sun shines slightly. You take our mother and daughter to climb the mountain. In the "best in the world" Guilin landscape, we put on light straw sandals. The mountain steps are winding around the mountains, and we are glad to listen to the whispers of nature.

You follow us with a heavy bag on your shoulder. You follow us like a guard of a famous family in ancient times.

The most famous scenic spot on the mountain is to stick your feet in the flowing water and climb up with hemp rope. We picked the one with a gentle slope and dipped into the stream. The water over the ankle is not frozen, but it just eases the tingling feeling of wearing straw sandals.

The hemp rope is only a single one, which can only be moved forward in a single row. Mother is at the front, my sister and I are in the middle, and you are at the end. You are like an invisible force, holding us forward.

When stepping on the stone, the water that can overflow the stone is relatively shallow, while the water that flows around the stone is as unpredictable as an abyss. Although you are behind us, you stretch your hand in front of my sister and me. If you move your hand forward, we will move forward a little.

You, with your strong strength, help us like a ferry boat, while your moving hands and steady and deep words are like the oars of a boat, allowing us to move forward peacefully in comfort.

Because of you behind me, my eyes will not shrink, will not look back and overlook the hard journey, but will look forward to the approaching end; I will not be nervous about the frustrations at my feet, but will feel the delicacy of the stream.

In the afternoon, it is time for the mountain forest to fall asleep. The warm sun shines out of the mountains. The dim light is as ethereal as the drunken moonlight. With tenderness, it gathers the dazzling brilliance, leaving the valley and deep forest to create mysteries. At the top of the mountain, we looked at each other and smiled, knowing in our hearts that only with your commitment can we have our own happiness.

With you behind me, I am calm.

I am writing 600 (15)

Sitting quietly in front of the window, looking at the last light that disappeared because of the dark clouds, in a moment, the dense and thin drops of water sprinkled all over the window. At this time, a figure flashed in front of me, and I could not help standing on tiptoe and stretching my neck to look

The sound of "clicking" the door broke the original silence. I thought it must be you who came back and rushed to the door. I saw you standing there with slightly wet hair on your aging forehead. You were carrying a plastic bag with wrinkles. You smiled and said, "Come on, son, this is your birthday gift, Happy birthday to you.

At that moment, disappointment and sadness haunted me. I tried to escape, but finally I was swallowed by them and began to complain

Soon, a symphony of pots and pans began to ring in my ears, bringing my heart into the dark abyss. Soon, a burst of dumplings also came.

In the end, I still didn't resist the temptation and quietly pushed the door open. At the moment of opening the door, a relieved face was staring at me, and I could not help but lower my head and try to escape the look. You seemed to see my mind, put chopsticks into my hands, smiled and said: "Eat." I looked at you, and then looked at the plate of dumplings on the table with white gas, and nodded.

I picked up a dumpling with my chopsticks, slowly put it into my mouth, and gently bit it. The thick dumpling juice, with a faint fragrance, is filled with leek! It's my favorite stuffing! Seeing that my mood is getting better, you begin to explain slowly: "Son, I know you want a birthday gift, but my father doesn't know what you want, so my father bought you your favorite dumplings, so..." You stand up awkwardly, "I am sorry!" I froze and smiled. Your dark hair came into my eyes again. I suddenly found that there were many white hairs on it!

My eyes were wet, and many pictures emerged in front of me hazily: you comforted me when I was injured; When I am lost, you encourage me; When I am happy, you smile on the side

A huge curtain of rain has hung outside the window, but at this moment, my heart is extremely warm, because you are behind me

I am writing 600 (16)

What turns yellow is only paper, but what is clear is memory-- notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

The autumn of the year when we were fourteen was destined to make our acquaintance. You wear a blue dress, elegant like a blue lotus. You write down our names one by one, and make these names stick in your mind like seeds. You said that if you come with dreams, you will return with honors. At that moment, the blue lotus will open in silence, for you, for me, for love, for dreams.

You are always used to giving lectures, and your passion is flying; You like walking between desks, observing, stroking and occasionally reminding; You will pick up the paper scraps on the ground, or a piece of rubber; After each exam, you will always call us to the front, analyze the reasons for the mistakes, point out the direction of efforts, and a few warm words of encouragement. Under your leadership, I really realized the joy of learning. For the first time, I felt I was learning and understood the meaning of learning.

Under your leadership and coercion, the very annoying diary has become a part of my life. From then on, you opened my world and untied my heart knot. I wrote your trust and expectation into my diary, and also wrote down the sincerity and emotion in my heart. I have your pride and praise on each of my exercises. Every word and punctuation you change blooms like flowers. God, thank you for giving me a mentor in life!

Remember a class' rebellion 'against you? At that time, the surrounding air was suddenly quiet, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder. In the end, you still convinced us with your big reason. Teacher, I'm sorry. I was involved in that incident. We didn't understand your difficulties, but just fooled around. Thank you for giving us a chance to correct.

Thank you, teacher! Gave me the motivation to learn; Thank you! Teach me the truth of life; Thank you! Cultivate me diligently and sow knowledge for me. Teacher, you are the sun in our hearts, and your light will always shine in our hearts. Despite the passage of time, touching is still there.

Now, I still clearly remember you in a blue dress as elegant as a lotus flower, always feeling your dream coming, returning with honor, for you, for me, for love, for dreams. Perhaps, it is you behind me that I have not deviated from the track of life.

Teacher, it's good to have you behind me!

I am writing 600 (17)

Difficulties are not terrible, because you are behind me. In the past three years, I have walked through the rough mountains of books and experienced the vast sea of learning. How many times have I wanted to give up, but you have been supporting and encouraging me, making my lazy heart pick up again. It was late at night, and the light was dim, slanting on my sleepy body. I am upset because I am struggling with math problems. That question is like a warrior, and the way to solve it is his shield. I can't fight for my life. Then you came in, patted my shoulder, smiled and said to me, "It doesn't matter, take your time, and solve it in another way." Your smile was like a warm current seeping into my heart. I smiled back and you walked out quietly. I regained confidence and overcame that difficult problem again. I suddenly woke up and immediately stabbed his shield with the pen in my hand. Five minutes later, the warrior was finally defeated by me. I jumped up excitedly. You came in and saw me happily give me a big hug. I couldn't help saying I love you. Yes, I love you. It is you who let me overcome the difficulties and let me believe that I can. Difficulties are not terrible, because I have you by my side.

Failure is not terrible, because I have you by my side. After countless times of model tests, my grades are sometimes high or low. This time, I set a new record low. When the curtain of the monthly koala came down, I seemed to hear my heart bleeding. I don't know how to say that you love me so much and have such high hopes for me. I can't bear it, and I blame myself. When I came home and opened the door, you seemed to know everything. I saw a flicker of doubt in your eyes, and I knew it was a test of my honesty. So my confession was unexpected. You didn't blame me, but had a deep talk with me. In this conversation, what I see is not the gap of more than 30 years, but your deep love for me. I really appreciate you. You have safeguarded my dignity. Failure is not terrible, because I have you by my side.

I love you, great mother. I won't let you down, tomorrow you will be proud of me.