I am a mobile phone fan (10 articles)
Just let it go
2023-10-29 08:30:20
fifth grade

I am a mobile phone fan (1)

My name is Huang Haosen. I am 10 years old. I have short black and shiny hair. I am strong and have a loud voice. Although my eyes are small, I am a complete mobile phone fan. While having fun, my mobile phone also brought me a lot of trouble.

It was a moonlit night, and I quietly slipped out of my room to steal my beloved mobile phone confiscated by my mother. I quietly walked to the bottom of the stairs and wanted to go upstairs to my mother's room. I didn't dare turn on the light, so I took my little hand lamp with me. It was almost on the second floor. In order not to let my mother find the light, I quickly turned off the little hand lamp.

At this moment, I suddenly felt a chill behind me. I quickly turned around. You can guess what I saw. I bet you can't guess, Mom! A pair of green eyes are staring at me. Surprised, I quickly ran to the back of a large box next to me and thought: there will be no zombies at night! He won't eat me. The more I think about it, the more scared I become. But it suddenly occurred to me that zombies are afraid of light. Don't I just have a small hand lamp? So he "fired" at the zombie. Under the light, my eyes widened and I saw our family's Mimi, which made me lose a long breath. I continued to tiptoe upstairs, gently opened the door, picked up the phone, and quickly ran back to my room to play.

The next day, I woke up from my sleep and found that I was going to be late for school. Ah! If I had known the result, I wouldn't have played with my mobile phone all night last night.

I am a mobile phone fan (2)

I have a pair of small eyes, but very bright. I have a round face, so my classmates say I am fat. Although I usually enjoy playing, my study is among the best. My surname is Shangmuzi, and the first word of my name is; Three horizontal lines and one vertical line, one month, the second word is: add a day beside the left ear. Guess what the name is? Answer: Li Qingyang.

I am a mobile phone fan. I always hold my mobile phone in my arms as a baby. After finishing my homework every day, I picked up my mobile phone and started playing games. The games I have played include Pokemon, My World, Plants vs Zombies, etc. However, I not only play games on my mobile phone, but also teachers often assign homework on my mobile phone, so I also use my mobile phone to do homework. I will also use my mobile phone to surf the Internet for questions that I cannot answer in my study. When I think of friends, I also open WeChat video chat and sometimes discuss problems.

Although mobile phones have many advantages, they also have many disadvantages. Because excessive looking at mobile phones will lead to wearing glasses. Speaking of this, my "little black spot" is playing too much with mobile phones. Now my eyes are getting smaller and smaller. Don't follow me!

I am a mobile phone fan (3)

Modern science and technology are developing faster and faster, and many things have been invented. With a computer, it started as a test computer. Although it has many uses, it can only be fixed in one place. Later, people developed a new kind of computer, notebook computer, for the convenience of carrying. Later, in order to use mobile networks more conveniently, scientists developed smart phones.
My favorite is smart phones. Mobile phones have many uses and brands. For example, Xiaomi mobile phone, Apple mobile phone, Huawei mobile phone, opop mobile phone, vv mobile phone... My mobile phone is Huawei mobile phone, and I like her very much. The screen of my mobile phone is black and the case is white. There are various games and software installed in the mobile phone. My favorite software is WeChat, which many people use, and a game called My World.
WeChat believes that everyone must know what kind of advanced software it is! He can play games, make phone calls, video calls, send messages, order online, and grab red envelopes. Last year, my uncle gave a hundred yuan red envelope to a group created by our family. Only one was snatched by a quick kid like me. Uncle also praised me for my quick reaction and cleverness. After that, I gave the money to my mother in case it was stolen by bad people.
As for my favorite game My World, I know it was created by Americans. The picture and story of this game are very good. When I played it for the first time, I was fascinated. However, I can't play more. Only in my spare time of study can I play.
I know that mobile phones are not only communication tools, but also online shopping and payment. They are necessities of modern life. But don't play too long or you will be short-sighted.

I am a mobile phone fan (4)

Every weekend, when I go to my aunt's house to play, my brother will play a game - Vigorous Knight, which attracts my heart.

"Play for me, play for me." Watching them play, I certainly can't be a laggard. I must participate, learn, and play to a new height. Since I learned it, I always play a few tricks on the sly.

The sun is bright and the birds are chirping songs on the branches. I got up early, stole my mobile phone from my mother's bedside table, carefully returned to my bed, covered my head and feet with quilt, and had fun.

Playing, playing, my mother came in to see if I had kicked the quilt. I was afraid that my mother would find out, so I put my mobile phone aside, closed my eyes, put my hand on my side, and my body trembled.

When my mother left, I was relieved and picked up my mobile phone again. "Di..." The mobile phone gave a warning and ran out of power. I don't care. Keep playing, kill, hide, launch, launch... It's so interesting! My heart has been hooked and become a fish. I can't get off the hook at all.

"Diddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddidanddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddidandanddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddidthemobilepower off. Her eyes are like a silver shining cold knife

I am a mobile phone fan (5)

My name is Zhou Jiarui. I'm short and thin. This is just the appearance. In fact, I'm a real mobile phone enthusiast.

That day, when I came home, I crept to the familiar table and reached for it. It was beautiful! After I got my heart's desire, I hurried to my room and jumped out of the room longer than before. My brother understood me and had already opened the game in bed, ready to connect with me. My brother and I rushed and killed on the battlefield. When we failed, we were dejected. When we won, we were overjoyed. But a good day like this will come to an end.

One day, the school checked my eyesight, which worried me to death. If my eyesight was found to be declining, my mother would certainly exploit my right to play mobile phones. The result is that what you fear comes from what you are afraid of. The examination results show that the left eye is 0.3 and the right eye is 1.0. My mother's drool shells hit me like bullets, but as a mobile phone enthusiast, I must be worthy of this title.

When I returned to my grandmother's home in the evening, I waited and waited. The "beautiful and kind" mother finally left! I stared at my uncle's mobile phone, strode to him, and tried to persuade him with my good tongue. After my "super atomic bomb" was launched violently, the enemy could not stop this fierce attack and handed over the treasure I wanted - mobile phone.

Hey hey, this is me, a competent mobile phone enthusiast.

I am a mobile phone fan (6)

Grandfather is a "mobile phone fan", who is inseparable from mobile phones. He also has some "tragedies" due to mobile phones.

”Steamed buns“

That day, I just came back from school, put my schoolbag away and began to do my homework. Grandma is cooking a big dinner in the kitchen. Where's grandpa? He is looking after his younger brother. The younger brother is very naughty. He runs around, empties out the toys in the box, and rolls around on the ground. But grandpa takes everything in front of him as a breeze, and only looks at his mobile phone. Grandpa chatted with his friends, read the news, and... his hands kept sliding on the screen of his mobile phone. At this time, his brother climbed onto the chair, slipped his feet, and fell heavily on the ground. He cried loudly "wow", and grandpa walked out of his mobile phone. When I heard the noise, I was shocked and walked out of the study immediately, but my brother's head had already swollen with a "big steamed bun". I don't need to tell you what happened to grandpa, you should also know.


That afternoon, when I returned home, my stomach sang "Empty City Plan". I begged my grandpa to help me heat up a bowl of soup, and he readily agreed. Grandpa pressed the button of the soup pot and came out of the kitchen. He lay on the sofa and looked at his mobile phone. After a while, I smelled a pungent smell of burning. Then I remembered the soup that was still hot in the pot, and hurriedly shouted, "Grandpa, go to the kitchen!" When Grandpa heard the noise, he immediately rushed to the pot, unplugged the power supply, opened the lid, and saw that the pot was in a mess. It turned out that Grandpa was careless and misjudged the time, which made the pot burned!


After school, the teacher assigned homework and everyone walked out of the classroom. Today is Monday. I left school early and waited for my grandfather at the gate. Time went by minute by second, but grandpa was still missing. Forty minutes later, Grandpa finally appeared. On the way home, I asked my grandfather, "Grandpa, why did you come to pick me up so late? "But grandpa didn't know when he asked, and put on a silly expression, and I couldn't help laughing. In fact, I knew grandpa must be busy looking at his mobile phone again, and forgot to pick me up.

This is really an old man who loves mobile phones as much as his life! But I know that my grandfather also loves me deeply, and I love my grandfather too.

I am a mobile phone fan (7)

My father is a mobile phone fan. After reading this topic, can't wait to look down? Ok, stop talking nonsense and start talking about my father, a mobile phone fan! If you want to say who plays mobile phones well, it's my father. Let me give you an example;
One day, my mother was away, and my father was working at home. Only a few minutes later, my father ran to w.c. 5 minutes later, 10 minutes later, 15 minutes later, half an hour later, and an hour later, my father came out. At that time, his mobile phone was turned off. If it was not turned off, he might stay for a day! I really love cell phones like life!
My father is a cell phone fan!

Grade 3: Zhang Jiaming

I am a mobile phone fan (8)

After my father came back from driving, he was a mobile phone fan in my eyes. On Wednesday, when I came home from school in the afternoon, I saw my father - looking at his mobile phone with his head down. I didn't interfere with my father. I started to finish my homework first.

After a long time, when I finished my homework, I saw my father still playing with his mobile phone. I frowned and decided to wake my father up. I walked over and patted my father on the shoulder; "Dad, don't play anymore. If you stare at your mobile phone for so long, your eyes will not stand it." However, Dad ignored me and still played with himself. I angrily went to my mother to report; "Mom, Dad is still playing with his mobile phone! He won't listen to me even when I say it“

After a while, my mother prepared the dinner and said loudly; "Dinner is over!" Dad just hummed and sat still on the sofa. At this time, my mother was angry and said to my father again; "Dinner is over, if you play with your mobile phone again, don't blame me for being rude. Did you hear what I said just now?" Mom again dragged her long voice and shouted, "Dinner is over!" This time, Dad felt bad, and immediately put down his mobile phone and went to the kitchen to eat in a gloomy way.

I stood aside and secretly laughed.

I am a mobile phone fan (9)

Every member of my family has bad habits: my sister's obsessive-compulsive disorder, my father's tardiness, my mother's bad temper, and I am an absolute cell phone fan.

Since the introduction of mobile phones, thousands of people have become bow heads, and my family is no exception. In the past, my mother didn't like playing with mobile phones very much. She said that it was a waste of time and would hurt her health. But now she has become half a mobile phone fan because of our "edification".

Today, when I was having dinner, my mother shouted, "It's time to eat!" My father and sister rushed into the kitchen with the smell of braised pork and scallion cake, like arrows leaving the string. My mother could not see me, so she ran all over the country and finally found me. I was hiding in my bedroom, playing with my mobile phone. He muttered to himself from time to time: "How can't we pass this pass? It's too difficult."

When my mother saw me, she was so angry that she rushed over and threw my mobile phone on the table and scolded me again.

I remember that it was another Saturday night. There were many guests at home. Mom and Dad were busy greeting guests, and soon they were sweating. But I was playing with my mobile phone as if nobody were there. My sister walked up to me and said to me quietly, "Don't you get up quickly to greet the guests? Mom got angry again later." I then reacted and reluctantly put down my mobile phone.

I not only watch my mobile phone at home, but also keep my eyes on it when I am outside.

Once I went downstairs to play, and I was playing with my mobile phone when I went downstairs. While walking, I suddenly missed my step. Although I was not injured, my mobile phone was broken.

Although my parents told me repeatedly to control me to play mobile phones. But I will try my best to fight with my parents and never surrender.

"Tick tock! Tick tock!" Time passed quickly. It was almost ten o'clock in the evening in the twinkling of an eye, and I still had a lot of homework. Do you know why? Because I secretly played with my mobile phone for half an hour with my parents behind my back. "Hee hee!"

I am a mobile phone fan (10)

That day, when I came home, I crept to the familiar table and reached for it. It was beautiful! After I got my heart's desire, I hurried to my room and jumped out of the room longer than before. My brother understood me and had already opened the game in bed, ready to connect with me. My brother and I rushed and killed on the battlefield. When we failed, we were dejected. When we won, we were overjoyed. But a good day like this will come to an end.

One day, the school checked my eyesight, which worried me to death. If my eyesight was found to be declining, my mother would certainly exploit my right to play mobile phones. The result is that what you fear comes from what you are afraid of. The examination results show that the left eye is 0.3 and the right eye is 1.0. My mother's drool shells hit me like bullets, but as a mobile phone enthusiast, I must be worthy of this title.

When I returned to my grandmother's home in the evening, I waited and waited. The "beautiful and kind" mother finally left! I stared at my uncle's mobile phone, strode to him, and tried to persuade him with my good tongue. After my "super atomic bomb" was launched violently, the enemy could not stop this fierce attack and handed over the treasure I wanted - mobile phone.

Hey hey, this is me, a competent mobile phone enthusiast.