300 word gratitude composition (20 refined articles)
flowers blooming like a piece of brocade
2023-08-24 09:43:04
topic of conversation

300 Word Gratitude Composition (1)

Speaking of gratitude, I want to thank my mother most. My mother gives me life, happiness and love, so I want to thank my mother. She gave me life and gave birth to me after ten months of gestation. She took her and me a bunch of shit and urine to travel for me to eat and wear.

Even calves know to kneel down and give thanks. How can I not thank my mother for her kindness? She also gave me countless happiness. Every summer vacation, she takes me to travel, let me listen to the sound of the waves on the sea, watch the sunrise, watch the clouds and take me to the park to play and go on vacation. I remember one time my mother took me to Hainan Island for a tour. We had a water fight in Wanquan River. The sound of water splashes was as clear as my laughter. The fruit we ate was so sweet that it reached my heart. When I think of these, how can I not thank my mother for her kindness?

In order to plant a seed of love in my heart, she found Suzhou Public Welfare Network and made me a member. She often takes me to do good deeds and let me know how to behave. How can I not thank my mother for her upbringing? Mom, I really thank you!

300 Word Gratitude Composition (2)

She is a very kind sister, and she has always encouraged me to move forward!

She often accompanied me out to play. Every time she went out, she would tell me a profound truth. At that time, although I had a vague understanding of every truth, my sister said it unequivocally.

A few days ago, I had chicken pox all over my body. I was always upset and irritable, with a reluctant face. My chicken pox is much better, but I have been used to the comfortable life at home. When I was going to school the next day, I racked my brains to make up many rhetoric reasons, so I didn't want to go to school.

My mother knew that my sister and I had a good relationship, so she asked her to persuade me.

My sister said to me: Don't cherish your life now. Why is it bad to go to school! Go! There are many good friends waiting for you! Look at me, I didn't study hard to get such a result... We should cherish the current learning environment. Some people can't go to school yet!

Her conversation with me taught me a profound truth! Thank my sister!

300 Word Gratitude Composition (3)

As spring goes by and autumn comes, we live in the nature, accept her gifts, get her essence, and live a life of plenty. Nature seems to be a loving mother who has endowed us with everything necessary for human survival and all our wisdom and imagination.

In the spring, nature gives us warm sunshine, drives away the cold winter, and wakes up the hibernating animals. Farmers began to plant seeds one by one, waiting for germination. In the spring sunshine, nature let us enjoy the spectacular scene of flowers blooming. It is nature that revives everything.

The hot summer is coming, and nature is watering the buds with sunshine and heavy rain to make them grow into lush plants.

The cool autumn wind brings us a harvest season. In the cool autumn wind, the nature sends us bursts of cool wind. In the cool autumn wind, the farmer uncle picks up the big and full fruits that nature gives us, sells them happily, and makes a lot of money. The nature brings us the joy of harvest in autumn.

Winter is coming, the north wind is roaring, and nature sends the last gift of the year, beautiful snow, snowflakes fluttering in the air, and the year is coming to an end. Nature gives us beautiful snowflakes, and sends a blessing to the kind people.

Nature has given us countless wealth. We should love nature, be grateful to nature, protect wild animals and plants, do a good job in reducing emissions, and make nature more beautiful.

300 Word Gratitude Composition (4)

Speaking of the person who makes me grateful, it is my mother. Because my father has been working outside for a long time and has no time to take care of me, the responsibility of taking care of me falls on my mother's shoulders.

Today, when I came home from school at noon, my mother accidentally cut her hand while cooking and shed a lot of blood. But in the evening, when I was doing my homework, my mother hid in the bathroom to wash clothes for me. I couldn't stand it, so I threw down the pen in my hand to help. My mother said to me, "Son, hurry up to finish your homework and go to rest! Get up early tomorrow to go to school." I insisted on helping my mother wash clothes, but my mother firmly refused, saying that I was still young, I will do these jobs when I grow up. ( )

I just listened to my mother's words. After finishing my homework, I went to bed on time. When I went to see my mother before I went to bed, my mother's band aid was already tottering.

Holding my mother's cold hands, I immediately shed tears and said to her, "Mom, I want to grow up quickly and help you do housework, so that you will not be so hard."

My mother is the one who makes me feel grateful. She doesn't feel tired doing anything for me.

I think: every mother in the world is great, not only me, but also students should be grateful to their mothers and filial to their mothers!

Comments: Mom is not tired of doing anything for her children; Mother can bear any pain for her children. The little writer is exquisite in feeling and fluent in writing, and has written her mother's ordinariness and greatness!

300 Word Gratitude Composition (5)

For thousands of years, people have often used this sentence to praise the spirit of dedication and selflessness of respected teachers like spring silkworms and candles.

Teacher, I remember once you had a cold and your voice was so hoarse that you could hardly speak, but you still insisted on coming to school with your illness. Listening to your hoarse voice, we all want to ask you to go back and get well and come back to class again. You said to us: "It's OK, just a few days later, you should hurry up to review your lessons!" Listening to your simple words, I feel that the teacher is sacred and noble. Teacher, you teach us knowledge, give us wings to our ideals, and let us fly farther and higher. You give us careful care in the small things of life, teach us how to behave and how to do things. Your little love fills our memories and warms our hearts.

Teacher, the past five years have passed quietly. Maybe we have made you headache, maybe we have worried you, maybe we have made you happy... You guide us to take the first step in life, guide us to enter the society. In our hearts, you are "a diligent gardener, a sower of knowledge, an angel of love."

Teacher, let's all say to you affectionately, "Thank you for your hard work like a gardener!"

300 Word Gratitude Composition (6)

I once heard a story that a child shouted at a mountain, and no matter what he shouted, he got the same response. This tells us that the same is true between people. Just like looking in the mirror, others will treat you in the same way as you treat others. This is the truth of the so-called "Give to the peach and pay to the plum".

I once experienced such a thing: when I was in preschool, one day I fell down, my nose was broken, and a lot of blood flowed. The red blood soon dyed the white snow. I was lying in the snow, hoping someone would help me. But it backfired. People who passed by just looked at me coldly and left without paying any attention. Later, I had to try to get up, cover my nose with my hands, and cry as I walked. Soon, I met an old man who not only took out a tissue to stop my bleeding, but also sent me home.

Until now, I still clearly remember his appearance. It was his kind face that filled my young heart with warmth - although I didn't know what gratitude was at that time. But since then, I have learned to do my best to help others when they need help - I don't ask for return, just hope to pass on this love. "Give roses to others and leave a lingering fragrance in your hand" can bring happiness to others. Isn't it your greatest happiness?

300 Word Gratitude Composition (7)

If I am a person walking in the dark, then you are a bright light in the dark, leading us to the front; If I am a hot person in summer, then you are a breeze, bringing us cool.

Mr. Xu, do you still remember the day when the first grade began? I was sitting in the classroom, and you asked us to raise our hands more. Once, after you asked a question, everyone raised their hands, but I didn't raise my hands. Teacher, you didn't invite those who raised their hands, just let me answer. I had just said a few words, and the small voice in the classroom was almost becoming an ocean, so I felt an unspeakable sadness in my heart. At this time, you came up to me and gently stroked my head and said, "Silly boy, the teacher will always be on your side." My tears ran down, unable to tell whether they were moved tears or sad tears. When I finished my hesitant speech, the teacher led the students to applaud. Now I am actively speaking in every class. Miss Xu, you will smile happily when you see me like this.

We should thank our teachers.

300 Word Gratitude Composition (8)

Gratitude is beautiful. Maybe we have never experienced it personally, but we have heard and witnessed many stories of gratitude.

In the center of Zhucheng City in Shandong Province, there stands a primary school - Fuqian Street Primary School. In a class of Grade 6, there was a girl named Zhang Yaqi. Sister Yaqi's father is sick in bed all the year round, and her mother works in other places to earn money. Sister Yaqi not only has no one to take care of her, but also has to learn to take care of her father. On one occasion, her father's illness suddenly became very serious, and someone had to stay at home to take care of him. There was only Sister Yaqi at home, but what about school work? She was caught in a difficult choice. Finally, I made up my mind to go to school with my father behind my back! When the headmaster learned about this, he went to her and asked: Why don't you stay at home to take care of your father? Sister Yaqi firmly replied: I can't give up my studies, let alone leave my father behind. I must overcome all difficulties and learn knowledge well. Only in this way can I make money to cure my father in the future!

Her words and deeds moved the principal as well as all the teachers and students of the school. Everyone volunteered to donate money for her. Soon, many people outside the school also participated.

A drop of grace should be repaid by a gushing spring, not to mention that what our parents have given us is a sea, how should we do? Let's learn from Sister Yaqi and be a person who never forgets gratitude!

300 Word Gratitude Composition (9)

The holiday in my mind is Thanksgiving Day, because I want to thank teachers, parents and friends who helped me.

On Thanksgiving Day, I should first thank my teacher. Thanks to the teacher, thousands of words come together into one sentence, "Thank you, teacher!" and one sentence, "Teacher, you have worked hard!". It is the teacher who teaches us so much knowledge and also tells us how to behave. From today on, I will study hard and repay my beloved teacher with my outstanding achievements.

Secondly, I should be grateful to the parents who gave birth to me and raised me. "Dear Mom and Dad, thank you for giving me life! Thank you for bringing me up!" You usually get up earlier than me, washing clothes and making breakfast for me. In the daytime, face the loess and back the sky, work hard to earn money to support our family, buy us school supplies, and when we grow up, I will take care of you.

Third, I want to be grateful to my friends who have helped me. Every time I encounter difficulties, you will help me solve them. When I get sick, you will help me cook; I have troubles to enlighten me; Help me solve problems... Friends, thank you! I will help you to solve your difficulties.

I do this every Thanksgiving.

This is the holiday in my heart - Thanksgiving Day.

300 Word Gratitude Composition (10)

Nowadays, people are in a hurry. They attach importance to money and reputation. They are nostalgic for the secular world. Many people despise the things around them that are unknown, dedicated and helpful to you. Is it deep to contain without revealing? Is the value of life just getting? Is it arrogant to treat the things that have helped you numbly? There are too many things for us to be grateful for.

Maybe you are bathing in the sun, maybe you are enjoying the wind and rain, but you should also be grateful. With gratitude in mind, the soul will not be cool. People who know how to be grateful feel that the world is sunny and the heart is as broad as the sea.

Thank you for that smile, it gives you comfort; Thanks for the first ray of sunshine in the morning, it dispelled the fog and gave you warmth; Thank you for the breeze, it gives you cool; Be grateful for the handful of soil that gives you fragrance.

Thanksgiving teachers teach us to be human every day; Thanksgiving parents teach us patience and strong every day. We are grateful to our brothers and sisters. With them, our life will not be uncertain. You can always see their figures and backbones struggling for us.

We are grateful for the difficulties. They make us have ideals, the strength to struggle, and the goals ahead. They make us fight with high morale.

Thanksgiving which leaf, it is, let us return to nature. Thanksgiving that chalk, is it for our ideal growth, dedication of their own strength. Be grateful to that family, because it is a haven of love.

With a trace of gratitude, what you get is far more than what you pay.

300 Word Gratitude Composition (11)

Father's love is like a mountain, which always gives us a lofty and dignified support. Motherly love, like water, always injects us with clear and warm life milk. Maternal love is tangible, while father love is invisible. Maternal love is in front of us, and father love is far away

He is a mountain, tall and dignified; He is a pool of water, deep hidden; He is a drop of tear, hot and affectionate; He is a moving tree, always sheltering us from wind and rain; He has the strongest arm in the world and supports us to see all the ups and downs in life. He has the most solemn name in the world - Father.

She is a gust of wind, touching our hearts; She is the sun, shining the light of love on our hearts; She is a piece of spring, giving us countless joy and reverie; She has the most pure wings to fly with us. She has the same name as an angel - Mother.

Someone once asked me, which one of my parents is good to you? I thought for a long time, "Love is incomparable, the way of giving is different, but one thing is certain - they all love me." Someone also asked me: "What do you think love is?" I think: life would not exist without love. Love is not earth shaking, as long as the heart to love on the line. When someone asks about gratitude, I will tell him: try to take the word of gratitude apart. Feeling is the meaning of gratitude, boon is grace, and together, it is gratitude. How can I thank you? Use your sincere heart. Parents are the most grateful people. First of all, we should thank them for giving birth to you. Second, we should thank them for raising and educating you. How much time and effort did parents spend in the growth of a person's life?

300 Word Gratitude Composition (12)

Thank you, Mom.

Mother is an umbrella that holds up the sky for us. Mother is a piece of sunshine, shining on us; Mother is a piece of land, let us absorb nutrition.

I don't know when my mother's hair turns white one by one. I don't know when my mother's beautiful face grew several wrinkles; I don't know when my mother's hands got some calluses. I don't even know who my mother gave so much love to.

I didn't understand my mother's love until one afternoon after school in the fourth grade. That afternoon, the heavy snow fell mercilessly and the cold wind whistled. I hid in the classroom waiting for your appearance, but you didn't come. I looked helplessly at the empty swaying classroom, then turned off the lights and walked out of the classroom.

When I went out, the biting wind made me shiver. I walked with difficulty in the heavy snow. I accidentally fell into the snow. My eyes are full of tears, and my heart is still complaining about my mother. Suddenly, a big hand reached out to me, and I looked up, ah! It's my mother. Her face is wrinkled and looks very old. She said to me sincerely, "Honey, I'm really sorry that we had a meeting today, and you suffered!" I looked at my mother's wrinkled face, her resentment disappeared without a trace, and tears flowed down again.

Mom, thank you for helping me when I am in trouble. Mom, thank you again for giving me warmth on my way of growing up! Thank you for your selfless love!

300 Word Gratitude Composition (13)

Seems to have recalled the confused figure in the rainy night; Seems to have remembered the yearning eyes under the eaves; It seems that we have too many reasons to repay our parents, but we have no words to express our love for them. However, everyone should know how to thank and repay our parents, because there is only one parent! They once paid for your growth, endured humiliation for your mischief, were gratified by your efforts, and were happy for your progress... Maybe they will also have a broader and more selfless love for you! As such, you should love them with more selfless love and repay them!

Do you still remember that your mother broke her heart when you were young; Do you remember how much criticism you made your mother suffer; Do you still remember how pale my father's face was at the parents' meeting? All these things arise from you, but it is the parents who bear them. Should you repay them for their silent inheritance?

How many parents look forward to their children's success and their daughters' success? They are not forcing you, but want you to have a better life!

Friends, remember how many contributions of spring, summer, autumn and winter, remember how many kind words of advice, use your love to repay your parents!

300 Word Gratitude Composition (14)

New Year's firecrackers sounded outside the window, and I was one year older. From a born baby, now she has grown into a graceful little girl. Thank you for your support over the years! It is not only to raise me, but also to teach me how to be a man. Looking at your busy back at home, I feel very happy. The happiness is that you are like a mountain, lifting the whole sky at home. I also feel a little sad. 'It's because you have worked too hard these years.

I still remember that you always worked overtime and came home late at night. Every time I sleep, I can't hear your story. Every time I get up, you go to work again. I know that it is your hard work that makes our family laugh.

Speaking of gratitude, you always teach by example. Every time you go to Grandma's house, you help her with her work and help her with her meals. Grandma smiled and said, "My son is really filial!" You always replied, "It's all right to repay my parents." When I saw it, I secretly said, "I will be a filial child like my father, and learn to be grateful!"

There is a song on this year's Spring Festival Gala called "Heart of Gratitude". There is a lyrics called "grateful heart, thank you for accompanying me all my life, let me have the courage to be myself". As the lyrics say, you have propped up a sky for me with your broad shoulders, allowing me to enjoy the sun, breathe air and grow healthily under this sky. Thank you for your selfless love for me. It is as lofty as a mountain and as broad as a mountain!

Dad, the New Year is coming. My daughter is here to say to you: "Dad, you have worked hard! I love you!"

300 Word Gratitude Composition (15)

I always feel that no one in the world knows how to be grateful, and no one has ever really been grateful to their relatives. Gratitude is everyone's growth. When others hear a word of gratitude, it will accompany them for life.

Since I read Kiss My Mother, I have known that the world is full of love. This is a book about living with my mother, Kissing My Mother. The main content of this book is: Andy is a boy, a lovely and innocent ten year old boy who is called "Andy Zhao" by his teacher, "Amber" by his father, and "Brother" by his mother. At his father's funeral, my younger brother met his mother Shu Yimei for the first time - the beautiful person who seemed to have just stepped down from the picture. In this gloomy moment, fate pushed my brother to a precipitous cliff. On the other side of the cliff was my mother Shu Yimei, who exuded sweet orange aroma. The strangeness, subtlety and trepidation of my brother and mother when they met and got along. Cousin Ker, uncle Baolin and "Blood Claw" Zhang Xiaochen make his brother's life extremely enjoyable. In fact, gratitude is not difficult, as long as a warm word can move others' hearts. Gratitude is not a great kindness, but a bit of happiness. "Thank you for being with me all my life and giving me the courage to be myself.

I will cherish the heart of thanksgiving and the fate of thanksgiving This is the lyrics of a song to express the same theme as the title of the book. If everyone had a heart of "gratitude", the world would be better.

300 Word Gratitude Composition (16)

Gratitude is a beautiful thing. You should learn to be grateful when doing things. The big tree is raising the baby leaf. The baby leaf does not forget to thank the mother of the big tree, and it delivers nutrition to the mother of the big tree. This is gratitude.

Mother let us enjoy a happy life. From October of pregnancy to birth, she was full of excitement, expectation and anxiety, and walked through many days and nights. When we grow under her care day by day, she also disappears day by day. Be grateful to the person who gave birth to you, because she gave you life and let you grow healthily.

The teacher is the cool wind and the warm fire in winter. The teacher is the sun, shining on us. They selflessly bring us into the world of knowledge. How great the teacher is, we know each other, but we have paid a lot of hard work. The teacher is like a street lamp, which will not let us go on the wrong road and guide us to a bright future.

Friends, they gave us the most valuable friendship. It is friends who help us when we have problems; It is friends who comfort us when we are sad; It is a friend who accompanies us to go straight against the wind.

Gratitude is a kind of strong 'love'. If there is no gratitude between people, it is like there are no books on the bookshelf, and there are no humans on the earth. We should learn to be grateful and repay love with love!

300 Word Gratitude Composition (17)

Gorky said, "All the glory and pride in the world come from mother."

Mother is a sacred and great word. They give us life and nurture our growth. Maybe sometimes they will beat and scold us, but this is also mixed with their love for us!

They teach us how to walk, how to read, and more importantly, how to be human.

When they hit us, they also hurt! As the saying goes, "The pain is in the heart of the mother." But they were forced to do so in order to better educate us. Please be considerate of your mother.

Mother's Day is coming, please pay more attention to your mother. They have to cook for us when they come home after work every day. They are so hard. So please rub her aching shoulders or wash her feet on this day. We can't do anything particularly meaningful for them now because of their contributions to us for so many years, but we can do some small things to repay their years of sweat.

The sweetest word that human lips can send out is mother, and the most beautiful call is "mother".

300 Word Gratitude Composition (18)

The story of Pushing up the Seedlings tells that in ancient times, there was a man who wanted his seedlings to grow faster, so he thought of a way. The next day, he went to the fields and pulled up the seedlings one by one. As a result, all the seedlings died. After reading this story, I know: Do not destroy the growth law of plants, and do nothing in haste.

We all like to eat watery, pink and pink peaches, but the most delicious fruits grow slowly. They also need to germinate and blossom before they can produce large and sweet fruits. After they are produced, they have to wait a long time to pick. The same is true for us. From birth to aging, we have to go through a long and slow process of growth, step by step, rather than eating a fat man at a time. No matter flowers, grass, trees or human beings, they all have their own growth laws, and no one can violate their growth laws.

My family has a pot of flowers. Since I planted the seed, I have been taking good care of it, watering it, fertilizing it, loosening the soil. A month later, it has grown very big! It is precisely because my carefree care has achieved success! But sometimes you are eager to think of some way, not only you will not succeed, but will make things worse.

I hope everyone will abide by the laws of nature and not rush for success!

300 Word Gratitude Composition (19)

Some people say that the teacher is the coolest spring in the mountain, watering our young trees with nectar; Some people say that teachers are hardworking gardeners who irrigate us with knowledge.

I will graduate in one year, and many teachers have taught me from kindergarten to primary school, but I will never forget you, my head teacher, Miss Li.

When I just transferred from 41 Primary School to the experimental primary school, you helped me adapt to the new environment. I remember that in the first English exam in the experimental primary school, I only scored 86 points because my English was poor, while most of the students in the class scored more than 90 points. At that time, I was somewhat discouraged. It was your encouragement that made me confident and made me score 100 points in the final exam of that semester, So I like English.

Teacher, you not only taught us knowledge, but also told us what to do and what not to do. I remember that when I was in the fourth grade, two students in my class and I came to my home together without having lunch in the afternoon care department, and we were late for class in the afternoon. At first, I thought it was OK to go back to my own home. After you severely criticized me, I realized the seriousness of the matter. As a student, I must abide by the rules and regulations of the school.

Teacher, you are like a tree root buried underground, which makes the branches produce fruits without asking for any reward.

300 Word Gratitude Composition (20)

In a twinkling of an eye, we ushered in the 28th Teacher's Day, and "respecting teachers and valuing education" has always been our traditional virtue. It is said that teachers are like gardeners because they are hard at cultivating the future pillars of the country. It is said that teachers are like bees, working all day long and working hard for us. In our long life, teachers are like landmarks, guiding us in the right direction. When we were young, we were protected by our teachers, who, like our parents, cared about us all the time. When we encounter difficulties, teachers will help us; When we encounter setbacks, the teacher will comfort and encourage us and let us be brave again. We can hardly repay teachers' selfless efforts.

Teacher, you are burning yourself silently like a candle, pointing out the way for us to study in the sea. You have trained us from a childish child to a student with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique and beauty, which contains a lot of your hard work! You are like the sea. We are small fish. Under your care, let us thrive in the sea of knowledge.

Teacher, you will always be respected and loved by us. Thank you, teacher.