My Birthday (15 practical articles)
pierce a willow leaf with an arrow from the distance of a hundred paces
2024-03-30 05:07:48
first grade

My birthday (1)

July 27, 2014 Sunny Sunday

Today is my birthday. The white clouds are smiling and the sun is shining. I think everything is very beautiful.

As soon as I opened my eyes this morning, I saw the birthday gift carefully prepared by my parents. What my father gave me was a puzzle ride toy, which wanted to make me smarter. My mother gave me several storybooks to broaden my knowledge. What impresses me most is the poem "Love in Hand" written by them. They all wish me healthy growth and happy birthday! Hearing this poem, I was so excited that I shed tears.

There is another thing that makes me excited, because the art competition I participated in won the "19th National Youth Calligraphy and Painting Competition, Second Prize in Painting". Today, my teacher officially awarded the prize. I held the certificate in my hand, happy and happy, and took pictures, so I can't forget my first prize.

I shared the birthday cake with my good friends, and went to the amusement park to play in the afternoon. What a happy day!

Second year: Wang Xiaoyu

My birthday (2)

For me, birthday is not just about eating cake and singing birthday songs. My birthday this time is a test of my feelings.

In the morning, I walked out of the room drowsily, but still not completely out of sleep. Yu Guang saw my mother greet me mysteriously, with a smile on her face, and said to me: "Tell you a good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

I replied lazily: "Bad news." Mother said: "The bad news is that your father will work in Wenzhou in the next year." Oh, no, why? Don't Dad like me? My heart is breaking. "What's the good news?" "The good news is that today is your birthday. I will give you whatever you want."

Just then, I heard my father closing the car door, and then I threw a sentence to my mother: "I want my father to stay." Then I rushed to my father like an arrow, trapped him dead and broken, making him unable to move. No matter what my father said about me, I was not convinced by him, even my favorite toy did not move me, because I was still young and ignorant at that time, Don't know how important work is.

Dad said reluctantly, "Well, today is your birthday. You are the birthday boy. Dad will meet your requirements!"

Then he bought a birthday cake, inserted candles and sang birthday songs. At this time, I want to sing a song to show my happiness. Dad smiled at me.

At the time of making a wish, my father said to go to the bathroom. Then I suddenly heard a "whoop" and the car roared away. I burst into tears, and nothing was more important than my father, because I only wanted his company.

On this night of long sleep, I always think of my father in my dreams. For me, the most important thing in my birthday is to be accompanied by my parents and the whole family. Dad, I miss you, you will come back soon!

My birthday (3)

August 24 is my seventh birthday. My parents took me and my sister to the Children's Palace in the morning. We played merry go round, frog jump, bumper car, etc. Although it was a weekend, we didn't have many children to play near the beginning of school. We only waited for a while for each project and then it was our turn. Soon all our favorite projects were over, and we went to the steak house to eat my favorite steak at noon.

In the afternoon, we went to the West Lake to row the battery boat. It's nice to watch the beautiful lake scenery and the cool breeze!

Today my birthday is very, very happy! After this birthday, school is about to start. I will tidy up and prepare for a new period of study and life.

My birthday (4)

Tomorrow is May 1st, my birthday. My parents are going to take me to Jinhua for a trip. I can't sleep that night because I'm so happy. The next morning, I got up early, got my luggage ready, and set out happily with my parents. We talked and laughed all the way. Time passed quickly. It was only four hours before we arrived in Jinhua. Out of the highway, my uncle met us at the intersection with a big cake in his hand to celebrate my happy birthday. So we went to the hotel in my uncle's car and listened to my mother say that my sister would also come today. I was very excited! I hurried to my room to wait for my sister's arrival. After a while, the doorbell rang. I thought it must be my sister. She came into the room with bags of things. She also gave me a gift. I was very happy. Finally, it was time to eat cake. Mom and Dad sat beside me, my sister sat opposite me, and my uncle sat on her right. The cake was on the table. Wow! "What a beautiful cake!" I said. I lit the candles and my sister sang a birthday song for me. Everyone clapped their hands together and kept wishing me a happy birthday. I gave the biggest cake to my sister to express her gratitude for the gift. My sister also smeared cream on my uncle's face, which was very interesting! After my birthday, my parents praised me for growing up and being sensible. I was very happy. This year's birthday is really happy. I hope next year's birthday will be as happy as this year's birthday!

My birthday (5)

[Chapter 1]

Time, like a giant, always ignores people's demands and runs forward at the speed of a flying sword. In a twinkling of an eye, my 10th birthday came. On this day, my family held a birthday party for me. Of course, I also received many birthday gifts and greetings.

The birthday is over, time still runs forward. And after my birthday, it confirmed that I have grown up another year.

Looking back on the past and looking at the road you have traveled, you will have a feeling of growing up. When I was young, I was learning to walk and babble. Now I have learned all kinds of knowledge. When I was young, I needed my parents to take care of my food, clothing and daily life, and sometimes urged me to study. Now, I should not only learn to do my own thing independently, but also help my parents do something within their power.

The new year has begun, and I also bid farewell to my childhood and entered my adolescence. Ten years old is a watershed for me. I have grown from a child to a teenager. Farewell to that ignorant, naughty, innocent me, ushered in a smart, sensible, energetic young man. Now that I have grown up, I should be more strict with myself. Don't worry about my parents any more. I will use my actual behavior to prove that I have grown up. It is also my wish to repay their efforts to me with excellent academic achievements.

[Chapter 2]

Today is my ninth birthday. Early in the morning, my mother came to my bed and said, "Get up quickly, baby, the sun is drying my ass, and wish my little baby a happy birthday!" I got up excitedly and went downstairs to invite my three good friends to come home at night to celebrate my birthday with me.

For the birthday party in the evening, my mother and I went to the supermarket to buy things. After shopping, I told my mother that there was no birthday cake. My mother said, "No, no, no, why not?" Then my mother said, "How about making a birthday cake by ourselves?" I was very excited and nodded hurriedly.

After lunch, my mother and I happily made a cake. First of all, we poured chocolate cake powder into the container. I helped my mother to make a cake, and then poured about 80 ml of water. My mother added some cake oil, and stirred them well before stirring. My hands were sore, but my heart was like a flower. Then, my mother put the mixed paste into the oven, and soon the cake was ready. Next, my mother began to spread butter. I was responsible for washing fruits. After my mother spread chocolate jam, I placed banana slices, grapes, strawberries and other fruits on the cake in order. Finally, I put some cucumber slices, and then my cake was finished.

My birthday (6)

Today is my birthday, I am very happy. Because grandpa, grandma and many others came to congratulate me on my birthday. My mother cooked a table of delicious dishes, which were all my favorite.

The food was ready, the cake was placed on the table, my father inserted eight candles for me, my sister and brother sang a happy birthday song for me, and I made a wish.

I had a very happy day today.

My birthday (7)

Autumn is so beautiful and charming... The sun shines on the earth, and the earth is paved into a red carpet by maple leaves. The sky is blue, like a blue sea. The beautiful chrysanthemums are dancing in the wind, and the dry grass in the flower bed is also shaking with the wind.

"Ringing......", it's time to get up. I quickly got up from the bed, put on my clothes and walked over happily. Open the window, the wind gently blows my face, and the sun shines brightly on the earth. The wind chimes are shaking, so they are singing. The green trees stand tall and straight beside the road, and the kittens are playing. I thought: Today is my birthday! Be sure to have a happy birthday.

After breakfast, I put on my shoes and thought, "Invite friends!"! So I said to my mother, "Mom, I will go out to invite friends and come back later." Then I went out.

The wind blew gently, the flowers opened their smiling faces, and the grass danced happily. On the way, I hummed happily and unknowingly walked to my friend's door.

"Is there anyone"? I rang the doorbell, gasped, and patted the door. "Who is it?" My friend opened the door. She looked at me, patted me on the shoulder, and said, "Sorry, I can't go to your birthday!" "Never mind, forget it." I pretended to be happy and said to her, then turned around, tears fell like beads that fell out of line, flowing into a river.

How could she do this? She promised me that she would come to my birthday, but why not go now?

On the way home, with heavy steps, the sun seemed very dark, and the birds slept listlessly on the tree, which no longer seemed so lush and green.

When I got home, I told my mother about it. My mother gently stroked my head, smiled slightly, and said to me, "It's OK. Just celebrate your birthday."

"Dong Dong Dong", a knock on the door, I slowly walked forward and opened the door. Ah! It was my friend. My friend happily said to me, "Happy birthday! Although I have something to do and can't attend your birthday, my parents said let me celebrate with you..." Before she finished, I hugged my friend.

Dear friends, do you know? In the spring when flowers bloom, I would like to turn into a spring breeze to eliminate fatigue for you; In the hot summer, I would like to turn into a cup of coke to relieve the heat for you; In the autumn with many fruits, I would like to turn into the sweetest fruit on a branch to drive away your sadness; In the windy winter, I would like to turn into a warm quilt for you to clear up the cold winter

My birthday (8)

Today is my birthday. I had a good time. When I got up, I immediately bounced to the bathroom. I started to brush my teeth, wash my face, apply hair gel, etc.... I flew to the new clothes with my fastest impact, which scared the two cats in our family.

Once I got to the hotel, I started running, running, running. I'm so happy! It's amazing! I feel my heart is beating... I can't breathe anymore.

The first person who came to my birthday party was Liu Yuening. I played Three Kingdoms Killing with her for a while. As a result, the Three Kingdoms Killer is pirated.

Then the students I invited and the people my father invited came in succession and began to prepare for dinner. I ate a bowl of longevity noodles. Yu Niuniu didn't come until dinner. On his last birthday "November 4", I gave him a one meter long "98K" and a four times mirror flatbottom (toy). Today, he gave me a helicopter.

Then I began to eat cake. My birthday cake was a "three chicken head" cake. After blowing the candles, we started the cake world war. Even the girls were not spared. There were cakes everywhere, and they were smeared on the faces of the students. It was awesome, my brother!

Then, we went to KTV. The students had a good time. We sang a lot of songs and decided to take a break. I went to have dinner. Only Chen Zicong and I went home. After dinner, I came home and wrote this diary with a bit of confusion.

My birthday (9)

In the morning, I had a dream about my birthday. I invited a dozen students to celebrate my birthday with me.
First of all, I went to the supermarket to buy soda, and then I struggled to move home. Downstairs, I met the first friend who came to my birthday. I moved the soda upstairs with him.
Then I went to buy snacks. I bought a big bag of delicious food and ran home. In the elevator, I saw the second friend who came to attend my birthday.
In this way, my friends came to my home one after another to attend my birthday. When I was singing the birthday song, I was woken up by a serious and loud shout. My mother had asked me to go to school! I looked at the alarm clock. God! It's almost eight o'clock! I gulped down a piece of bread and left.
When I got to school, my classmates were already doing exercises, and I was scolded by my teacher.
My dream has been destroyed! I wish it was a holiday!

My birthday (10)

Today is my seventh birthday. This year I want to have a special birthday. Early in the morning, my parents prepared a big cake for me and sent me to school with many cakes. My friends looked at my big cake and opened their eyes wide, wow, wow.

At the noon break, the teacher led the children to light the birthday candles for me and sang the birthday song loudly. I'm so happy. I blew out the candle and made a wish. Later, I shared my birthday cake and cake with my friends. Watching my friends happily eating the cake, my heart also bloomed. This is really a special and meaningful birthday!

My Birthday (11)

Birthday My birthday

Today is my tenth birthday. I'm very excited and I keep smiling.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, my birthday party officially started. The guests came in succession.

A sister gave us the dough to make cookies. First, spread some flour on the table, and roll the dough with a rolling pin. For example, if I want to make an airplane shaped biscuit embryo, I take an airplane shaped mold and dip some flour on it, press it on the cake, gently pick it up, and a delicate airplane shaped biscuit embryo is ready! Just follow the steps just now, I gradually made two plates of graphic biscuit germ, then put them into the oven, wait for a while, after baking the biscuit germ, brush sesame oil, put sesame seeds, and you are done!

After the biscuits were made, we began to make cakes.

I chose a cake with shaved head, Xiong Da and Xiong Er. First, put all kinds of ingredients in an egg mixer and stir them into cream. Then divide the cream into several equal parts of different sizes and put them in a small bowl. Then take out several harmless food pigments and add them to the small bowl with cream. After evenly mixing, colorful alternative cream is made. Dong Yuxin and I looked at the bowls of butter, and our mouths watered, which could fill the whole Yangtze River. Then take out the cake germ prepared in advance and apply the white cream on it professionally, and a white cake will be finished. Then take out seven bags, put the cream of seven colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, into the bags, tighten them, cut a one millimeter slit on the top of the bags, and squeeze the seven kinds of bags containing cream next to the cake with wave squeezing method. If you squeeze them with blue, they will look like an ocean from afar. Then use green and red color to extrude the shape of the tree, and then take out the candy statues of Baldheaded Qiang, Xiong Da and Xiong Er to become more beautiful! Finally, take out a few more stones and sprinkle them on it.

I put the cake on a crystal tray, which is even more icing on the cake!

In the evening, my mother bought more than ten steaks, fried them in a pan, and poured black pepper juice on them. It was really unforgettable. Then she squeezed out the original juice with a juicer, which was called a good drink!

Time has passed, and the birthday party is over. Although the birthday party is over, the happiness will never disappear. I'm looking forward to the next birthday party. Are you like me?

My birthday (12)

Today is my birthday.

Why should I tell you my troubles

Flower cake gift

All in front of me

I'm one year older

Today is my birthday.

Why don't you say happy birthday to me

Silent thoughts and sadness

All on your face

Did I remind you again?

You said my arrival was like

In a transparent glass vase

A bunch of tulips has been waiting for years

Why are you unhappy every year now

Did I strangle your beloved?

Please abandon your mind

Come celebrate for me

The cake is full of years

It's an old habit

Please blow it out together

Don't blow it out

It left my silly childhood

My birthday (13)

Today is my birthday, I am so happy!

The first thing I did when I got up was to put on my pink princess skirt. After that, I went to have breakfast. When I was about to eat, the doorbell rang, so I had to open the door. As soon as the door opened, my good friend said, "Happy birthday!" I said happily, "Zhang Zilin, Wang Siyu, come in quickly!" The three of us were playing at home. When I was having fun, the doorbell rang again. I saw that it was my cousin. Cousin came and the four of us watched TV together. I feel a little aggrieved by my brother because he watched all the cartoons that we girls loved. He may not like them, but he still watched with us.

At noon, we had a seafood dinner. There are crayfish, shrimps, hairy crabs, etc., which are really complete in color, smell and taste.

Then my uncle took us to pick cherries. Zhang Zilin and I got carsick and vomited again and again in the car. Finally, we arrived at the cherry picking place, and each of us took a basket. I will compete with my brother, Zhang Zilin and Wang Siyu. The group with more cherries will win. Originally, the competition went smoothly, but my brother's hand was accidentally cut by a branch, so we had to go home early.

When I got home, I washed my lovely cherries and served them to everyone. After everyone ate it, they all said it was delicious. I also ate one, and I thought it was very delicious and sweet. I don't know whether it is because I picked it myself that I feel sweet, or is it always so sweet?

This is how I spent my birthday. What a happy birthday!

My birthday (14)

Today is my birthday. In order to celebrate my birthday, my mother ordered a birthday cake for me early. After breakfast, let's get the cake together. Then I went to Renrenle and bought a lot of delicious food. Finally, Dad went to pay the bill. We are waiting for Dad outside. After a while, Dad came out. We went home happily. Then my mother took me to the park in the afternoon. I had a very happy birthday today!

My birthday (15)

Hope, hope, it's my birthday at last.

Today, there are no clouds, and the spring breeze blows. I came to the good world to play. It's really a good world square! There are a lot of people there. It's very lively.

Unconsciously after a few minutes, I came to the Children's Paradise. As soon as I entered the gate, I couldn't wait to run to the side of Bobo Pool, jumped and swam in the "dog paddle style", which made other people laugh.

Finally, I arrived at the "gun shooting" link, and I made adequate preparations. The head of Doraemon hanging in the air is hollowed out. This is my target. I kept changing my launch position. After unremitting efforts, I finally shot the ball into Doraemon's mouth. I was as happy as if I had won the gold medal.

Today is my tenth birthday and my most memorable day.