Teachers Like Candles (Selected 9)
Light Ink Green Shirt
2024-01-21 04:20:07
fifth grade

Teacher Like Candle (1)

As the calendar turned page by page, time passed quickly, and "Teacher's Day" came to us silently with light steps. Some people compare teachers to hardworking gardeners who take good care of us so that we can thrive; Some people say that teachers are the teachers on our learning journey, and they lead us to the other side of success; Others say that a teacher is like a machine that never stops working; But I want to say that the teacher is like a candle. "The silk of the spring silkworm will be exhausted when it dies, and the wax torch will not dry until it turns to ashes." This sentence can't be more appropriate for a teacher. The teacher imparts us knowledge in obscurity, and takes us to travel in the ocean of knowledge. Every time after school, when I pass by the teacher's window, I always see that the teachers are still accompanied by those electric lights to carefully correct homework and prepare lessons. Even in order to make us understand more thoroughly and learn more solidly, the teachers spend a long time to do many models. Every tick and red cross on the exercise book is condensed with the sweat of the teacher. When we have a problem that we don't understand, the teacher will always patiently explain to us, "the teacher's kindness is as heavy as a mountain", "the kindness of dripping water should be reported to each other". Students, don't wait for success in your career. Just today, just as teachers and students get along day and night, we should give our sincere thanks and good wishes to our teachers, so that our teachers can always feel the love of students! They work hard, they are willing to be human ladders, what are they doing in their poor life? In order to cultivate more high-quality talents for the country, the teachers are a humble candle. They silently offer candles at the critical moment. They sacrifice their precious youth, but cultivate a lot of pillars for the country. Teachers are selfless and deserve all praise.

Teacher Like Candle (2)

Teacher, you shine on us like a candle, like a gardener taking care of us.

Teacher, it is you who help me learn and encourage me when I fail.

Teacher, you selflessly give me knowledge and shine on us with your life. Teacher, do you remember me? When I was 9 years old, my academic performance was not good. At that time, I was very confused and frustrated. You advised me, I was still depressed. However, you carefully advised me. Give me some materials to read, teacher, thank you!

Teacher, you help me study, you give me confidence.

Teacher, you persuaded me when I was proud and promised me that if I was modest and studied hard, I would be rewarded! However, I forgot that my performance once declined, but you still encouraged me and gave me confidence!

A spring silkworm may not stop spinning silk until death, a candle's tears dry only when it's burned down to ashes. You are like a candle, sacrificing yourself to light others.

Ten years of trees, a hundred years of people! You are like a gardener, taking care of and giving us knowledge!

Teacher, you are the selfless candle that burns itself and illuminates us; Teacher, you are the diligent gardener, who works hard to shape us.

Teacher Like Candle (3)

"The silk of the spring silkworm will be exhausted when it dies, and the wax torch will turn to ashes and tears before it dries." The teacher, like the spring silkworm, is unknown and selfless; Teachers are like candles, burning themselves and illuminating us

In my growth path, there are many good teachers who grow up with me, and I respect our Chinese teacher Hu Yingwen most. Mr. Hu is medium height, slim, with big bright eyes under thick eyebrows, and a "talkative" mouth under a straight nose. After six years together, I will never forget her responsibility for her work and her care for students.

"Teachers, preach, teach and dispel doubts". In my impression, Mr. Hu's Chinese class is my most conscientious and fruitful class. Every time I have a Chinese class, I am full of expectations. She prepares lessons carefully, designs ingeniously, and uses funny language. No matter how she analyzes the text or explains the words, it is vivid and informative. Sometimes, in order to make the explanation of words more popular, she intersperses a sentence or two of Xiangxiang dialect, which makes our whole class laugh. The classroom atmosphere is very active.

I remember when I was in the third grade, when I first began to write a composition, everyone did not know how to write. They were not satisfied with the hundreds of words they had copied mechanically. Many times, they just "put the ducks on the shelf" and handled things carelessly. After discovering everyone's abnormalities and troubles, Miss Hu did not criticize us, but patiently and carefully guided everyone to take their time and tirelessly explained our writing skills: the composition of scenery should be carefully observed, and the appearance of the writer should be in order. She often read some beautiful words to us in class, telling us how to form words and sentences, Model reading of articles written well by students and encourage us to contribute to newspapers and periodicals. After a period of time, the students' interest in writing was stimulated, and many students' compositions became more and more wonderful and vivid. Xiangtan Evening News and Xiaohe Blog of our school are full of masterpieces in our class, which is inseparable from Mr. Hu's careful guidance.

"Learning from a high school is a teacher, and virtue is a model". Teacher Hu has noble moral sentiments, and her dedication to work moved us. I remember that one day, Mr. Hu's right hand was somehow injured and tied a wrist guard. In Chinese class, she still appeared at the door of the classroom on time with her hand injury. Her hand can be seen to be very painful. As long as her hand is slightly bent, her face will immediately show a painful expression. However, Mr. Hu still stood on the platform and insisted on giving lessons to the students. Looking at Mr. Hu's trembling hands, I shed tears at that time.

Some people say that the teacher's kindness is like a mountain. The mountain is high and lofty, which makes people admire him; Some people say that Shien is like the sea, because the sea is immeasurable. In the long road of life, we may meet more teachers, and the kindness of teachers must not be forgotten.

As primary school is about to graduate, before leaving my alma mater, I would like to say to my most respected teacher Hu: "Mr. Hu, you have worked hard! Thank you for your cultivation! I will remember you no matter when times change, no matter where you are!"

Teacher Like Candle (4)

The red candle is a bright light that lights up the darkness for us and a guide for us. So is the teacher.

They are like warm red candles, teaching us the truth and knowledge of life. Teachers always sacrifice themselves to illuminate others.

Red candle is always silently dedicated to people √ Bojun Red candle is not publicized at all. Although it is not as beautiful as a diamond, and does not have a bright light like the sun, it brings light, warmth and hope to people in the dark.

It enables people to see clearly the things around them. In the dark, they no longer stumble √ They offer their own lives just to send out that faint light. How valuable its dedication is! Great red candle! We should all learn its selfless character. Although it is not so beautiful, it is very practical.

Then, people should be useful, helpful, dedicated and selfless. They should be people who don't want to lose their reputation.

In life, there are also many people with the spirit of red candle, such as teachers, firefighters, etc. The teacher irrigates us with hard sweat and moistens our hearts. Teachers always use refined and vivid language to take us to travel in the ocean of knowledge and lead us into the world of wonderful books.

Teachers have nurtured generations of young people with their soul and spirit. The teacher devoted his whole life to teach us the truth of being human. They always protect our safety with their lives.

In 2008, when the Wenchuan earthquake occurred, a teacher in a primary school tightly protected several students with his body. Later, the relentless earthquake claimed precious lives, but those students were safe. Teachers are like red candles. Some people say that teachers are one of the greatest professions in the world, which is quite true.

Teachers are like candles. They sacrifice themselves and illuminate others!

Teacher Like Candle (5)

As the calendar turned page by page, time passed quickly, and "Teacher's Day" came to us silently with light steps.

Some people compare teachers to hardworking gardeners who take good care of us so that we can thrive; Some people say that teachers are the teachers on our learning journey, and they lead us to the other side of success; Others say that a teacher is like a machine that never stops working; But I want to say that the teacher is like a candle. "The silk of the spring silkworm will be exhausted when it dies, and the wax torch will not dry until it turns to ashes." This sentence can't be more appropriate for a teacher. The teacher imparts us knowledge in obscurity, and takes us to travel in the ocean of knowledge.

Every time after school, when I pass by the teacher's window, I always see that the teachers are still accompanied by those electric lights to carefully correct homework and prepare lessons. Even in order to make us understand more thoroughly and learn more solidly, the teachers spend a long time to do many models. Every tick and red cross on the exercise book is condensed with the sweat of the teacher. When we have a problem that we don't understand, the teacher will always patiently explain to us, "the teacher's kindness is as heavy as a mountain", "the kindness of dripping water should be reported to each other". Students, don't wait for success in your career. Just today, just as teachers and students get along day and night, we should give our sincere thanks and good wishes to our teachers, so that our teachers can always feel the love of students!

They work hard, they are willing to be human ladders, what are they doing in their poor life? In order to cultivate more high-quality talents for the country, the teachers are a humble candle. They silently offer candles at the critical moment. They sacrifice their precious youth, but cultivate a lot of pillars for the country.

Teachers are selfless and deserve all praise.

Plum blossom

I praise the steadfast pine and cypress, the fence chrysanthemum that bravely fights the west wind, the proud sludge of lotus, but I even praise the proud snow of plum blossom.

When the flowers wither, only the plum blossom is full of vitality. Facing the snowflakes flying all over the sky, I stood proudly in the cold wind. In the deep winter, the ground is frozen and the weather is cold. The plum blossoms, which are blooming proudly, are so bright. The fragrance is fresh and refreshing.

The flowers are white and red, and the petals are smooth and transparent, like amber platinum or jasper, which is a bit pure and elegant. Some are as bright as dawn, some are as white as snow, and some are as green as jasper. Plum blossom comes early or late. On the same plum tree, you can see various forms of blossom. Some are shy to be released, and the pink buds are fresh and lovely; Some had just blossomed when several little bees got into it, sucking the pollen greedily; Some flowers are in full bloom for a long time, with pink soft petals if people like them; The petals of the previously bustling plum blossom have withered. When the wind blows and the flowers fall, you don't have to worry that the petals will break. Plum blossom is not a delicate flower. The colder it is, the more wind and snow pressure it is. The more energetic it is, the more delicate it is. The ancients once said, "The sword is sharpened, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold." What blows it is not the gentle spring wind, but the cold wind; It is not the cool and sweet rain that nourishes it, but the cold and threatening ice and snow; It is not bright sunshine that shines on it, but a ray of setting sun in the cold. Only a challenging life is a good life. It is a proud fragrance in the cold, and she smiles more brightly in the face of snow dancing like catkins. It never competes with flowers for the beautiful spring, nor shows off its beauty. It has a pair of pride, and never gets arrogant. Every morning in the cold winter, a special charm, elegant fragrance will come from the window. It is not only the elegant and elegant demeanor that makes ancient and modern poets and painters praise it, but also it is valued by the world because of its icy skin and jade bone. Linghan Lingxiang is said to be the essence of the nation. Plum Blossom, with its noble, strong and modest character, gives people an incentive to aspire to work hard.

The color of plum blossom is gorgeous but not evil. The fragrance of plum blossom is quiet and elegant. The plum blossom looks old and beautiful. Isn't this our construction worker? No matter how cold or hot they are, whether it's windy or rainy, or whether it's cold or freezing, they are all working hard at their jobs.

I want to learn Plum Blossom, and I want to be a person like Plum Blossom.

You can also buy it in the Book Store!

Teacher Like Candle (6)

The red candle is a bright light that lights up the darkness for us and a guide for us. So is the teacher. They are like warm red candles, teaching us the truth and knowledge of life. Teachers always sacrifice themselves to illuminate others.

Red candle is always silently dedicated to people. Red candles are not publicized at all. Although they are not as beautiful as diamonds or as bright as the sun, they bring light, warmth and hope to people in the dark. It enables people to see clearly the things around them, and no longer stumble in the dark. Red candle offers its own life, just to send out that faint light. How valuable its dedication is! Great red candle! We should all learn its selfless character. Although it is not so beautiful, it is very practical.

Then, people should be useful, helpful, dedicated and selfless. They should be people who don't want to lose their reputation.

In life, there are also many people with the spirit of red candle, such as teachers, firefighters, etc. The teacher irrigates us with hard sweat and moistens our hearts. Teachers always use refined and vivid language to take us to travel in the ocean of knowledge and lead us into the world of wonderful books. Teachers have nurtured generations of young people with their soul and spirit. The teacher devoted his whole life to teach us the truth of being human. They always protect our safety with their lives. In 2008, when the Wenchuan earthquake occurred, a teacher in a primary school tightly protected several students with his body. Later, the relentless earthquake claimed precious lives, but those students were safe. Teachers are like red candles. Some people say that teachers are one of the greatest professions in the world, which is quite true.

Teachers are like candles. They sacrifice themselves and illuminate others!

Teacher Like Candle (7)

As the calendar turned page by page, time passed quickly, and "Teacher's Day" came to us silently with light steps.

Some people compare teachers to hardworking gardeners who take good care of us so that we can thrive; Some people say that teachers are the teachers on our learning journey, and they lead us to the other side of success; Others say that a teacher is like a machine that never stops working; But I want to say that the teacher is like a candle. "The silk of the spring silkworm will be exhausted when it dies, and the wax torch will not dry until it turns to ashes." This sentence can't be more appropriate for a teacher. The teacher imparts us knowledge in obscurity, and takes us to travel in the ocean of knowledge.

Every time after school, when I pass by the teacher's window, I always see that the teachers are still accompanied by those electric lights to carefully correct homework and prepare lessons. Even in order to make us understand more thoroughly and learn more solidly, the teachers spend a long time to do many models. Every tick and red cross on the exercise book is condensed with the sweat of the teacher. When we have a problem that we don't understand, the teacher will always patiently explain to us, "the teacher's kindness is as heavy as a mountain", "the kindness of dripping water should be reported to each other". Students, don't wait for success in your career. Just today, just as teachers and students get along day and night, we should give our sincere thanks and good wishes to our teachers, so that our teachers can always feel the love of students!

They work hard, they are willing to be human ladders, what are they doing in their poor life? In order to cultivate more high-quality talents for the country, teachers are a humble candle, and they silently offer at a critical moment. Candles, they sacrifice their precious youth, but cultivate a lot of pillars for the country.

Teachers are selfless and deserve all praise.


Plum blossom

I praise the steadfast pine and cypress, the fence chrysanthemum that bravely fights the west wind, the proud sludge of lotus, but I even praise the proud snow of plum blossom.

When the flowers wither, only the plum blossom is full of vitality. Facing the snowflakes flying all over the sky, I stood proudly in the cold wind. In the deep winter, the ground is frozen and the weather is cold. The plum blossoms, which are blooming proudly, are so bright. The fragrance is fresh and refreshing.

The flowers are white and red, and the petals are smooth and transparent, like amber platinum or jasper, which is a bit pure and elegant. Some are as bright as dawn, some are as white as snow, and some are as green as jasper. Plum blossom comes early or late. On the same plum tree, you can see various forms of blossom. Some are shy to be released, and the pink buds are fresh and lovely; Some had just blossomed when several little bees got into it, sucking the pollen greedily; Some flowers are in full bloom for a long time, with pink soft petals if people like them; The petals of the previously bustling plum blossom have withered. When the wind blows and the flowers fall, you don't have to worry that the petals will break. Plum blossom is not a delicate flower. The colder it is, the more wind and snow pressure it is. The more energetic it is, the more delicate it is. The ancients once said, "The sword is sharpened, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold." What blows it is not the gentle spring wind, but the cold wind; It is not the cool and sweet rain that nourishes it, but the cold and threatening ice and snow; It is not bright sunshine that shines on it, but a ray of setting sun in the cold. Only a challenging life is a good life. It is a proud fragrance in the cold, and she smiles more brightly in the face of snow dancing like catkins. It never competes with flowers for the beautiful spring, nor shows off its beauty. It has a pair of pride, and never gets arrogant. Every morning in the cold winter, a special charm, elegant fragrance will come from the window. It is not only the elegant and elegant demeanor that makes ancient and modern poets and painters praise it, but also it is valued by the world because of its icy skin and jade bone. Linghan Lingxiang is said to be the essence of the nation. Plum Blossom, with its noble, strong and modest character, gives people an incentive to aspire to work hard.

The color of plum blossom is gorgeous but not evil. The fragrance of plum blossom is quiet and elegant. The plum blossom looks old and beautiful. Isn't this our construction worker? No matter how cold or hot they are, whether it's windy or rainy, or whether it's cold or freezing, they are all working hard at their jobs.

I want to learn Plum Blossom, and I want to be a person like Plum Blossom.

You can also buy it in the Book Store!

Teacher Like Candle (8)

Grade 5 Writing Composition Topic: Teachers are like candles

The red candle is a bright light that lights up the darkness for us and a guide for us. So is the teacher.

They are like warm red candles, teaching us the truth and knowledge of life. Teachers always sacrifice themselves to illuminate others.

Red candle is always silently dedicated to people √ Bojun Red candle is not publicized at all. Although it is not as beautiful as a diamond, and does not have a bright light like the sun, it brings light, warmth and hope to people in the dark.

It enables people to see clearly the things around them. In the dark, they no longer stumble √ They offer their own lives just to send out that faint light. Its. dedication is so valuable! Great red candle! We should all learn its selfless character. Although it is not so beautiful, it is very practical.

Then, people should be useful, helpful, dedicated and selfless. They should be people who don't want to lose their reputation.

In life, there are also many people with the spirit of red candle, such as teachers, firefighters, etc. The teacher irrigates us with hard sweat and moistens our hearts. Teachers always use refined and vivid language to take us to travel in the ocean of knowledge and lead us into the world of wonderful books.

Teachers have nurtured generations of young people with their soul and spirit. The teacher devoted his whole life to teach us the truth of being human. They always protect our safety with their lives.

In 2008, when the Wenchuan earthquake occurred, a teacher in a primary school tightly protected several students with his body. Later, the relentless earthquake claimed precious lives, but those students were safe. Teachers are like red candles. Some people say that teachers are one of the greatest professions in the world, which is quite true.

Teachers are like candles. They sacrifice themselves and illuminate others!

Teacher Like a Candle (9)

The red candle is a bright light that lights up the darkness for us and a guide for us. So is the teacher. They are like warm red candles, teaching us the truth and knowledge of life. Teachers always sacrifice themselves to illuminate others.

Red candle is always silently dedicated to people. Red candles are not publicized at all. Although they are not as beautiful as diamonds or as bright as the sun, they bring light, warmth and hope to people in the dark. It enables people to see clearly the things around them, and no longer stumble in the dark. Red candle offers its own life, just to send out that faint light. How valuable its dedication is! Great red candle! We should all learn its selfless character. Although it is not so beautiful, it is very practical.

Then, people should be useful, helpful, dedicated and selfless. They should be people who don't want to lose their reputation.

In life, there are also many people with the spirit of red candle, such as teachers, firefighters, etc. The teacher irrigates us with hard sweat and moistens our hearts. Teachers always use refined and vivid language to take us to travel in the ocean of knowledge and lead us into the world of wonderful books. Teachers have nurtured generations of young people with their soul and spirit. The teacher devoted his whole life to teach us the truth of being human. They always protect our safety with their lives. In 2008, when the Wenchuan earthquake occurred, a teacher in a primary school tightly protected several students with his body. Later, the relentless earthquake claimed precious lives, but those students were safe. Teachers are like red candles. Some people say that teachers are one of the greatest professions in the world, which is quite true.

Teachers are like candles. They sacrifice themselves and illuminate others!

Fu Qingyong, Class 1, Grade 5, Primary School Affiliated to Petroleum University

Instructor: Zhou Sujuan