Description of Aloe (20 in total)
One step away
2024-05-01 08:59:47

Description of Aloe (1)

My family has planted an aloe, which is placed on the windowsill of the bedroom, where it can absorb sufficient sunlight.

Aloe vera is emerald green when it first sprouts. Only the tip and the root of the leaf have thorns. There are a few white spots on it, but the white spots will increase with age. In adulthood, the color of the aloe leaves will become darker and the thorns will become more. The thorns on the leaves of adult aloe are quite obvious. If you touch them carelessly, your hands will be pricked by the thorns of aloe, because it plays a role in protecting aloe. The aloe leaves are thick and soft to the touch.

Aloe has not only edible value, but also medicinal value. Yogurt aloe is my favorite. Aloe vera is also a favorite skin care product in the beauty industry.

Aloe vera is really a big star in the plant industry!

Description of Aloe (2)

My family grows many flowers. There are noble Lonicera, elegant orchids, and tall and straight tiger skin orchids, but I prefer plain aloe.

Aloe vera is green all year round, spring, summer and autumn. The stem of aloe is very long, and the leaves are long around the stem. The edges of the leaves are covered with small serrations. The juice of leaves is very rich. A gentle squeeze will produce a clear jelly like thick juice.

Aloe vera has strong vitality. It can thrive without the care of people. Sometimes everyone in my family goes out. Don't water the flowers for a long time. When I came back, other flowers were withered, and it was still green as before. If you break off a bud and insert it into the soil, it will take a few days to take root and grow a new aloe. What's more, one summer vacation, I broke off an aloe leaf and put it there and went back to my grandma's home. It turned out that more than twenty days later, when I came home, the leaves were still green. I can't help admiring such tenacious vitality.

Aloe blossom is very small and ugly. But it is very practical. It is said that the beautiful queen in ancient Egypt used it to beautify her skin and keep her youth forever. After the soldiers were injured in the battle, they used her to smear the wound to diminish inflammation, and the wound soon healed. Now China uses it to make health food and beauty products. Very popular. In the United States, people also use it to make drinks, which are also very popular. Keeping a pot of aloe at home on weekdays is like having a health care doctor. Which burns, allergies, don't be nervous, just apply some aloe juice. When he was on fire, his throat was dry. He took off a piece of aloe leaf and put it in his mouth to chew, which immediately made him feel refreshed. Look, aloe has a wide range of uses. This is probably the reason why aloe is loved by thousands of families for its plain appearance!

From aloe, I thought that life is the same. No matter what a person looks like, as long as there are many useful people living in this world who can help others do something, living is valuable and will be welcomed by everyone.

I love aloe!

Description of Aloe (3)

In my room, there is a pot of ordinary aloe.

The light green one seems to attract little attention. I just look at it quietly, and it seems to look at me quietly, not arrogant at all.

Simple green clothes and ordinary appearance. There are some white thorns on the long leaves. The leaves are from wide to narrow, with a sharp head. The leaves are slightly curved, and there are white spots on the back. If you squeeze hard, it will flow sticky juice. It's said that this is a good beauty product! The leaves overlap from the bottom to the top, which is not cute at all.

The delicate white petals of the lily beside the aloe are more attractive, and the charming posture releases wisps of fragrance, while the inconspicuous aloe has been standing there, trying to release its own "aloe tincture", hoping to help the owner kill more pathogens, but how can aloe be liked in front of the beautiful lily?

Aloe vera can be said to be "good in the hall, good in the kitchen". It is not only a good product for beauty, but also can sterilize wounds. It is also a favorite food and drink for everyone! However, it seems so ordinary and silent.

Aloe vera does not have the same delicate appearance as flowers, nor can it release charming fragrance, but it has been quietly dedicated to human beings. It does not need too much appreciation, but it still maintains noble sentiments. It does not need a greenhouse, nor a beautiful flowerpot. It does not require much, only a glass of water.

I love aloe and its spirit of selfless dedication.

Description of Aloe (4)

There is a pot of aloe on my balcony. The leaves of aloe are green and there are some white thorns on it, which seems to remind people that "only watch, not touch me."

I water the aloe every other week and observe it every day, hoping it will blossom earlier. One day, I was going to water aloe. I touched the soil of aloe. The soil was a little hard, so I poured more water on aloe, twice as much as before. A few days later, I ran to see the aloe, which shocked me. All the leaves of the aloe had rotted. I thought the aloe was dead, so I cried while crying: "Mom! Mom! The aloe is dead!" After listening to my words, my mother ran to me, looked carefully for a while, and said: "The aloe is not dead, is it because you watered too much?" I nodded [source], My mother then said, "Because you watered too much, the leaves will rot. Put the aloe in a sunny place to dry, so it is OK." I moved it to the roof according to my mother's words. After a week, the aloe slowly returned to its previous appearance, and the stone in my heart finally fell.

"Kung Fu pays off" Aloe vera finally blooms, with red flowers, which are extremely beautiful. Each flower is like a small umbrella. From time to time, a faint fragrance wafts from the balcony.

I also learned many ways to raise aloe For example, do not use very fat soil, do not water too much, and do not water often. It is better to use rice washing water and put some broken eggshells.

Description of Aloe (5)

Our family has planted many plants, among which aloe takes up three pots.

Aloe vera has a special shape, with a core in the middle and many long stems outside the core, which are thin and long. If your leg accidentally touches it, the thorn on it will stab you mercilessly. Aloe vera has very strong vitality. If one of its stems is pulled out and buried in the soil, it will grow again in a few days. The aloe whose stem I pulled out is not dying. It is fully absorbing sunlight and water. It's really enviable to see him enjoying himself. My mother told me: '' Aloe vera not only has strong vitality, but also has a special ability. That is, aloe can be made into aloe gel. If people get hurt, they can apply aloe gel on the wound and get better faster Once, I accidentally fell down and hurt myself. My mother came up with wisdom in a hurry and rubbed it with aloe gel. The feeling was cold and comfortable. After a few days, the wound really healed.

I like these pots of aloe vera very much. When my parents are not at home, I often touch it with my hands and talk with it.

Description of Aloe (6)

Aloe vera is the same all year round, wearing a green coat. The roots of aloe are thin and dense, crisscrossing in the soil, providing it with sufficient nutrients. The stem of aloe is thick and long, and its leaves grow up layer by layer around its stem. The leaves of aloe become narrower and narrower. When they reach the top, they become like a sharp sword. The edges of the leaves are also covered with sharp small serrations.

Some time ago, I was surprised to find that there was a pot of aloe with long flower scape. The longer it grows, the higher it gets. I measured it carefully and it is about 40 centimeters. I wondered: would it blossom? We have kept aloe for several years, and have never had a pot of flowers! In order to answer my doubts, I decided to go online to check the information.

It turns out that aloe can also blossom, but its flowering is relatively rare. It is a good omen with the implication of approaching happy events. Recently, I went to observe it as long as I had nothing to do. I slowly found that it had grown many flowers and bones. Last night, I wrote my homework and walked around the house. Alas! I was suddenly surprised to find that aloe actually bloomed. A string of flowers, each has its own attitude. Some are just flower buds, emitting elegant fragrance, shaped like a mini banana, with lemon yellow, apple green, orange orange three colors interlaced; Some petals are fully unfolded, and the fragrance wafts everywhere, pervading the whole balcony; Others practice "inverted meritorious service" on the branches, which looks like a string of small bells from a distance.

It turns out that aloe can also blossom, which I believe only after seeing it with my own eyes. As long as we observe carefully everywhere, we will find the magic of nature.

Description of Aloe (7)

My family has several pots of aloe, two pots of green, two pots of Phnom Penh, and one pot of green. I like them very much.

I like the shape of aloe. The shape of aloe is different from others. At a glance, I can't see the branches, but only thick leaves wrapped with upright new leaves, just like a blooming flower. Its leaves are also very special: the root is thick and wide, the middle part is concave, both sides are long with dark red spikes, and the tip of the leaf is a hard spike.

I like its color. There are many varieties and colors of aloe, including red, yellow and white... My favorite Phnom Penh aloe leaves are golden yellow on the edge, cyan in the middle, and mixed with green in some places. When the leaves are almost dry, Phnom Penh becomes light green and light yellow, and cyan becomes dark green and light green. It's beautiful to mix so many colors together.

I love its exuberant vitality even more. Aloe vera is the same in four seasons, with no major changes. Only in summer and autumn, aloe will grow many seedlings from its roots, even when there is no water in the drought. This summer, my family never opened the back door, and aloe stayed quietly in the backyard. Two or three weeks later, the aloe not only did not wither, but also grew bigger and bigger. We had to move the newly grown seedlings out and plant them in new flower pots.

Description of Aloe (8)

In my home, there is a pot of aloe, which is neither bought nor borrowed by my mother. By the way, it is planted by my mother.

From a distance, he looks like an octopus with many long, sharp and thick leaves. Close up, it seems that there is something in the soil. The leaves all protrude from that thing. The green leaves also have small teeth one by one, but they don't pierce people. In addition, the aloe planted by my mother also bloomed, and a long strip emerged from the soil, with a string of yellow and green flowers on it. It was very cute, like a trumpet blowing in the sky.

What's the use of aloe leaves? In fact, tear off a small piece of aloe leaf, squeeze out juice, and apply it to a wound on your body, which can make the wound grow better faster, and it will not die. It will also close the small leaf and continue to grow. The vitality is really tenacious!

I love my aloe.

Description of Aloe (9)

My family has an aloe, which is a gift from my aunt on my birthday. I like it very much.

Aloe vera has neither the beauty of roses nor the fragrance of roses. But its unique shape deeply attracted me. You see, the green color of aloe, thick, thin and long leaves covered with burrs, straight up and straight, seems to show me its tenacious vitality.

In fact, not only its unique appearance attracts me, but also its many uses. Because my mother is a cosmetics maker, I learned about the use of aloe from my mother. Aloe not only can relieve our worries about mosquito bites in summer, but also can be made into cosmetics to help many aunts relieve the troubles of problematic skin, and more miraculously, it can repair human body scars.

The beauty of aloe also lies in its tenacious vitality. It can grow anywhere, regardless of place, soil or climate. It never refuses our harm to it. Every time we take down its leaves, it continues to grow new leaves. One aloe plant in the basin will soon produce many aloes.

Aloe vera is beautiful and strong. I like it!

Description of Aloe (10)

The aloe in my home is the kind with thorns on both sides of the leaves. I like it very much.

At home, I call it grass strong Why? Because it is as full of thorns as cactus, no one dares to touch it. And this aloe is still alive and well regardless of a few weeks. Once, my family went on a trip. Before we left, we poured a lot of water on all the plants in our house. Half a month later, the plants at home were almost ruined - there were many more yellow leaves of Chlorophytum, the green onions smelled, the chrysanthemum flowers fell into the pot, only aloe survived, and two new leaves were opened. From this point of view, how vigorous the vitality of aloe is!

Aloe vera also has its use: you can cut off a leaf, peel it off, and apply it on your hand to stop itching. Aloe juice can also be drunk. Drinking one cup every day can supplement nutrition. However, aloe juice should not be drunk because of its high sugar content. Drinking too much is easy to decay teeth and gain weight.

Look, aloe can work hard to survive in the absence of conditions. This is what we need to learn.

Description of Aloe (11)

My aunt gave us a pot of aloe.

This pot of aloe has seven thin and long leaves. The seven leaves are like two open palms, as if to hold something up. Each leaf is green, with small thorns on both sides, like its guardian god.

I touch its leaves. They are stiff, not bent, and very firm. Gently pinch the middle of its leaves, feeling soft, as if it is filled with water in the flow. I took a pair of scissors to cut a short piece, and sure enough, there was sticky, transparent liquid flowing out.

A few days ago, we moved aloes outside. In a few days, the leaves are yellow! My aunt said she was dead! Mom said it might be frozen, because it was cold in those nights. We'll move it back into the house. A few days later, the leaves turned green and miraculously survived. It turns out that aloe doesn't like cold and only likes living indoors.

Aloe Vera is of great use: it can purify air, beautify, protect hair, and provide water for human beings. Although aloe has many benefits, some varieties of aloe have du, so we should use toxic aloe correctly and pay attention to safety.

Description of Aloe (12)

Plants do not know, how can people not know?

There are many flowers and plants on the balcony of my hometown. No matter how valuable, how cheap, no matter how prosperous, or how declining, I am indifferent to watch. The only exception was the pot of aloe, which touched me.

It is said that aloe has a good cosmetic effect on the skin, and my mother also bought a pot. When I first bought it, it had only a few long and thin leaves. About a week later, a small aloe will grow near the root, and then every other day, a small one will grow. Seeing that the aloe is growing well, my mother cut a full leaf, tore off the skin, and smeared the glue on her face, hoping to keep her youth. After a period of time, maybe my mother thought the effect was not obvious, so she gave up this activity. But the pot of aloes grew bigger and bigger with the scar, which made the flowerpot full.

After that, I moved into my new home and forgot about it.

A picture that occasionally leaps in my mind reminds me that there are many flowers and plants in my hometown. So I decided to exchange soil and water for these long lost friends. I thought it would be a long time to change the pot of flowers and plants. In fact, many flowers and plants have not withstood the test, but aloe still seems not to mind. It seems that the environment does not affect them, which makes me happy.

At this time, I thought of people.

Four years ago, I transferred.

At that time, the students were very reluctant.

Then, I came back to visit three or two times. At first, everyone asked questions. But after a long time, I was greeted only by indifferent figures busy with homework.

For them, it seems that I left just a fading memory.

Plants exist in the world before people, and are super adaptable to the environment; Although human beings are born later than plants, they are also very adaptable. However, the environment can also be good or bad. Plants don't know, but people can't know!

How on earth? I squatted in front of that green aloe, and a trace of melancholy flowed through my heart

Description of Aloe (13)

My family has a pot of aloe. Although it can't blossom, it is very useful.

Aloe vera is root by root, and its color is dark green. If you use a knife to cut off a certain bar and peel off its dark green skin, you will see a white transparent object. This kind of object can be applied to your face to maintain your skin: sunscreen in summer, skin care in winter, which is of great use! Aloe vera does not blossom, but I think it is the most beautiful because it is dressed in green clothes, which makes people feel particularly green. I water it at noon every day. After drinking the water, the aloe becomes more beautiful. Water drops shine on its green clothes, emitting charming light. Seen from a distance, they look like gems embedded in it. Every morning, after my mother washed her face, aloe would be used. Just cut a piece with a knife and wipe it on her face. She would not be afraid of sun or wind. Don't underestimate aloe. Many skin creams and sunscreen oils contain aloe.

If you give more water to aloe, small buds will grow around it. You gently remove the soil with your hands, take out a small bud, and then bury it in another basin. The small bud will slowly grow into a big aloe. A basin of aloe can grow many basins of aloe, and its ability is really great!

Aloe vera has strong vitality. On the National Day, we went traveling for several days without watering it. When I came back from traveling, I went to my grandma's house again. I forgot about it and remembered it when I returned home. Because my mother was afraid of the rain, she took it from the balcony to the bedroom. The bedroom was very dry, and it stayed in it for almost half a month. When I saw it, it was still standing there, very energetic!

Let's praise aloe together!

Description of Aloe (14)

My family has many flowers. There are beautiful red flowers, elegant hanging orchids, plain aloes... But I like ordinary aloes very much.

The stem of aloe is very long. Leaves grow around the stem. The edges of the leaves are covered with small serrations. The leaves are rich in juice. The body is green all year round in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Aloe vera has strong vitality. You can thrive without careful care. Sometimes, when I leave home for a long time, I can't water the flowers. When I come back, other flowers wither, but they are still green. Break off a bud and insert it into the soil. In a few days, it will take root and grow a new aloe.

Aloe. The flowers are very small and not beautiful. But it has practical value. It is said that the beautiful Cleopatra in ancient times used it to beautify her skin and maintain her youth forever. When soldiers were injured in the battle, they used it to smear the wound and it soon healed. Now China uses it to make health food and beauty products, which are very popular. In the United States, people also use it to make drinks, which are also popular. It's like having a health care doctor to keep a pot of aloe at home on weekdays. Where is the burn? Just apply some aloe juice. When he got angry and his throat dried, he took off an aloe leaf and put it in his mouth to chew his feet. Look, aloe has a wide range of uses! This is probably the reason why it is so plain but loved and nurtured by thousands of families?

Aloe vera reminds me that being a man is the same. No matter what a person looks like, as long as you live in this world and can help others do something, your life will be valuable. You will be welcomed by everyone.

I love aloe!

Description of Aloe (15)

Our class has a pot of aloe, which is raised by ourselves.

There are sharp thorns on the edge of the aloe leaves, which are as sharp as a saw. It is a bit prickly to the hand. If you touch it from the root to the head at the fastest speed, it will hurt the hand. Be careful when you touch it. The inside of the leaf is softer than the outside and lighter than the outside. The newly grown leaves are like green grass, and the old leaves are as green as my door. The leaves are layer by layer, and the curved leaves are like children's waist. The root of the leaf is arc-shaped. In the middle, it is wider than the root of the leaf, and in the head, it is narrower and narrower. The leaves of aloe are about one centimeter thick; It is about one decimeter long.

The branches of aloe are very thick, about 2 decimetres long, and the branches are brown. When I smell aloe, it still emits a light fragrance!

I like the aloe in our class very much. Although it is very common, I think it is very beautiful!

Description of Aloe (16)

There are many flowers I like on my balcony, such as orchids, Brunei, aloes, cactus... If you ask me what my favorite flower is, it is aloe!

During the summer vacation, my parents and I went out to play for nearly a month. There was no one at home, let alone watering the plants! When we went home, I opened the door of the balcony, and a large area of aloe green came into my eyes. It's my aloe, and it's growing tall again. Aloe vera grows up section by section, just like succulence. Look at other flowerpots, only withered branches and withered leaves are left. I wonder why aloe is still so green when only withered branches and withered leaves are left in other flowerpots? I went to ask my mother, who said, "Aloe is mostly grown in the desert. It is also called 'the plant that will not die in drought'!"

In the hot summer, aloe is placed beside my desk. When I sit at my desk reading, the green leaves give me a faint fragrance. The "sky and stars" made for me by mosquitoes can't even prevent the dew, but this ordinary aloe leaf has cured me of the itch of "sky and stars".

When the aloe grows to more than 60 cm, three or four stems grow from the middle of the aloe. At the beginning, you can't see the flowers and bones. After a week or two, you can see the flowers and bones. At this time, I will pull out the thicker flower and put it into the water, because the thicker flower cannot produce aloe fruit. It will take up the nutrients that can produce aloe fruit, and the flowers that cannot produce aloe fruit are used for viewing. The colors of their flowers change every year, including half yellow, half purple, half green, half red, all green and all yellow. Aloe blooms around September.

Aloe vera can be eaten, beautified, used as medicine, used as aloe gel, and can relieve itching and pain.

Aloe vera brings people a treasure and makes contributions to people in obscurity.

Description of Aloe (17)

There is a pot of aloe on my balcony. The aloe is big. I like this pot of aloe very much and often water it.

My aloe is half a meter high, and it wears green clothes. Standing in a big flowerpot. Look! More like my guard. This little guard is so good because I take good care of him. I know the secret of keeping him. Do you want to hear about it?

Aloe vera is the best plant to support, and its characteristic is that it likes sunshine, but it is also hot; Prefer moisture, but avoid ponding; Resistant to high temperature, but afraid of cold. Therefore, we should sun more in the morning and evening, and not expose ourselves to the sun at noon. Pay attention to watering. If the weather is hot and dry, it should be watered every day. Otherwise, it will be wet and dry. It's better to move indoors in winter. If these points are done well, it will be easy to keep aloe.

There are two things. Aloe Vera makes me understand that it is also an expert in treating mosquito bites and burns. First thing, when I went out to play, I was bitten by mosquitoes for several bags. When I got home, I said to my mother-in-law, "I was bitten by mosquitoes again!" She hurried to the balcony and came out with a full aloe leaf in her hand. "Ah! I raised aloe! What are you doing, mother-in-law?" I said sadly. My mother-in-law ignored me and gently peeled off the leaf epidermis of aloe, only to see the fresh meat inside the epidermis. She wiped the fresh meat of aloe onto my mosquito bitten bag. I immediately felt no pain and no nourishment. After a day, the bag disappeared. One more thing, my mother-in-law burned her hand when she was cooking. My mother-in-law still ran to the balcony, and when she came out, she still took a leaf of aloe, peeled off the skin of aloe, and put it on the burned place. I asked hurriedly: "Grandma, is it still painful?" Grandma smiled and said: "Put it on, it's cool, and now it doesn't hurt!"

Why does aloe have so many effects? I asked "know it all". Aloe vera has a high nutritional value. It contains a lot of amino acids, vitamins, polysaccharide compounds, various enzymes and minerals. It has the functions of sterilization, anti-inflammatory, immunity enhancement, endotoxin elimination and free radicals elimination. It can also be eaten to relieve constipation, prevent colitis, and improve blood circulation; It can remove acne and improve the skin, and improve the health of the whole body. The body fluid of healthy people is alkaline, and taking aloe products regularly can keep the body fluid alkaline and maintain a healthy constitution. Taking in enough aloe products every day can also help the body reduce the absorption of oil in food, so as to achieve better weight loss and detoxification.

After knowing so many functions of aloe vera, do you love it as much as I do. Come and plant aloe with me!

Description of Aloe (18)

On my balcony, there are many flowers and plants. Among them, my favorite is aloe.

Aloe vera leaves are green, like an emerald. Its leaves are one by one, looking like layers, like wrapped petals. The edge of the leaf is a root of thorns. The thorns are very sharp. Once pierced by them, they will hurt a little. The thorns can protect themselves. Animals dare not invade them, and people dare not pick them.

Aloe grows very fast. I remember one time, I was surprised to find that a delicate new bud appeared beside the aloe, also with small thorns, about 6cm long, and the leaves were full of water. The new bud was blocked from the sun, but it survived with tenacious vitality. Only then did I know that aloe can grow well without sunshine, which shows that its vitality is tenacious. Aloe does not need to be fertilized, as long as the amount of water used for general watering can be used. It can grow taller and bigger. Although it cannot grow as tall as a small tree, it can also grow about forty or fifty centimeters long, and it is green all the year round.

Aloe vera not only looks good and has strong vitality, but also makes great contributions to us. It can be made into delicious food; It can be used as medicine. Its juice is thick and has the effect of treating constipation; Can also beauty, many beauty products contain aloe ingredients. Mother often smears juice on her face, making her skin smooth and delicate; It can also resist bacteria and inflammation, and promote wound healing. Once, when I was downstairs, I accidentally tripped over a stone and fell on the ground. My knee bled. My mother dropped aloe juice on my knee. A few days later, the wound healed. In addition, aloe can also absorb the radiation from computers and protect our bodies from radiation.

Aloe has so many functions that it can not only be appreciated, but also be used for cooking, medicine, beauty, radiation absorption, etc. The little aloe has such a great effect. Isn't it a fairy grass on earth?

Description of Aloe (19)

Looking at the basin of aloes enjoying the sun on the windowsill, it is the largest, oldest and greenest! I have lived on that balcony for seven years. When it first came to my house, it was still a very small plant, very tender, as if it would break when touched with a nail! With the passage of time, aloe has also divided a lot of roots, and even the pot can't hold it! So I loosened the soil and wanted to transplant some aloe into another pot. Surprisingly, their roots burst the bottom basin unconsciously. It was unexpected that such a small force was so powerful! With my careful cultivation, the transplanted aloe also had many roots in less than ten days. Aloe vera is beautiful, with thick thorns on both sides, but not as prickly as cactus, nor as soft as Huangweng, just right. The green body is crystal clear, and it is also decorated with irregular beige circles of different sizes, like jade. Aloe stands in the soil like a frontier soldier. It is not as weak as narcissus and rose. Grandpa said: "This aloe, no matter where you carry it, it will survive with its strong will!"

In retrospect, it is true that our family went to Chengdu for a month last summer vacation. After coming back, we probably didn't water the aloe for a long time. In addition, in this hot day, the aloe turned from green to brown, looking like dying, and probably could not live! Let it live and die!

One night, it was windy! With the arrival of thunder and lightning, the heavy rain fell from the sky in a flash, and the raindrops hit the window glass, crackling. After a night of heavy rain, the impetuous heat also receded. In the morning, I can't wait to open the window to breathe fresh air. Inadvertently, I glanced at the aloe and was stunned: "Ah? This, no! Why??" The aloe changed because it was nourished by rain? It was not green, it was green! It was dazzling; it was not green, it was green! It was shiny; it was not green, it was green! It was full. It was like healthy babies growing up in the sun!

My heart can not help but tremble, what a tenacious life! Aloe vera is totally beyond my imagination, and I feel a little sorry. In these seven years, aloe has experienced many lives and deaths, but each time it will be strong to live, which surprises you. Aloe also helped me a lot. When I was overwhelmed by pimples, it came out to help me! Aloe like a warrior, with a sharp sword to resist the heat! It is more like a great mother, constantly rooting, constantly extending life!

On the balcony, under the sun - that touch of life green, blooming in my heart!

Description of Aloe (20)

Author of the composition describing aloe: Wang Ye has two pots of green plants in spring, summer, autumn and winter on the windowsill of my house. They are aloes. It was bought by my mother and I when we went shopping in Tesco supermarket. My mother said that aloe has many advantages, so my mother and I asked to put it on the window sill of our room, so that aloe can not only absorb sunlight and rain, but also beautify our room, and we can watch its growth when we get up every day. The aloe leaves bought back have a lot of meat. The green body is thick, soft, and has many small thorns. My mother said that it was OK to water aloe once a week, and gave me the task to complete, which I gladly accepted. Every time I water it, I will observe it and hope it will produce more buds earlier, but there is only one pot, so if this pot of aloe alone is not enough for the air quality at home, I really hope there are more pots! One Sunday afternoon, my mother and I sat on the balcony enjoying aloes while basking in the sun. Looking at the aloe, we were suddenly delighted to find that several buds had grown in the aloe in the pot, and we felt that the pot was a little small. So my mother and I planned to transplant aloe. We began to transplant. My mother and I took a convenient bag and a special soil shovel for aloe to dig in the scenic spot near our community. Mother took a shovel and dug the soil piece by piece into the convenience bag. After digging, my mother and I hurried home and poured a bag full of soil into an empty basin. After that, we came to the window sill and carefully pulled up the small aloe by its roots and inserted it into several other pots that had just poured the soil, regardless of the small thorns on the aloe. In this way, we moved one pot of aloe vera to another home, and moved to the other three pots respectively. But we also worry about whether these transplanted aloes can survive successfully. Every day I hope these little lives can survive. Three days later, when I came to the basin, I found that aloe was healthy rather than dead. Why on earth is this? With this question, I came to my mother's desk and asked, "How could it survive when we transplanted it three days ago I said to my mother with a smile. The transplanted small aloes, carefully cultivated by my mother and me, are growing healthily every day. One by one, they grow luxuriant and verdant. Before transplanting, I purposely measured my aloe with a ruler. hey. My big aloe is 25cm long, 4cm wide and 2cm thick. After checking the materials, I learned that this is Aloe vera, also known as Aloe vera, which is a transliteration of its species name, so it is also called American Aloe vera. It can heal wounds, and can also be used as cosmetics and environmentally friendly super delicious food. For example, once my leg was scratched, my mother cut a small piece of aloe to help me apply it. Eh, it's amazing! After only two days of application, he recovered! Another time, my mother said that when I was just born, there were many pimples all over my body. My mother bought the "Perfect Aloe Vera Cream" to apply to me. After a few days, the pimple disappeared unexpectedly. This is the magic of aloe. In addition to the aloe function mentioned above, it can also purify the air. Once, my mother brought a pot of aloe at home to the company and put it beside the computer, which made the surrounding air fresh and thorough, and also reduced the radiation from the computer to the human body. I love my aloe, which accompanies my happy study and life every day! It is a unique scenery in my home. Instructor Shen Jiuxia