Self growth (17 in total)
Liangcheng Old Man
2023-10-31 02:28:01
Argumentative paper

Self growth (1)

Dear teachers and students

hello everyone!

In the process of our growth, have you learned to find happiness, to cherish happiness, to understand the small knot in happiness, and to smile lightly?

First of all, students, let's learn happily and grow happily. Let's learn conscientiously from today and experience real happiness in learning.

Students, when we are on a beautiful campus, maybe someone will whisper in our ears: I haven't enjoyed watching TV for a long time, I haven't enjoyed playing computer for a long time, I haven't enjoyed playing with my friends freely for a long time, I have endless homework, pressure of learning, dissatisfaction of teachers, complaints of parents... Alas, Why is life so hard when I was a student?

Students, learning is for us, but also for our families and parents. Let's think about "pity the parents all over the world." How much hard work and sweat have our parents paid for our healthy growth? Why don't we study hard and repay our parents? Students, in general, learning is for the prosperity of the country, the progress of society, and the happiness of mankind. Let's think about it. Only when a person has knowledge and ability can he become the creator of social wealth, not the burden of society. Secondly, the more knowledge, the greater ability, and the greater contribution to society.

Students, we understand the importance of learning. As the saying goes, "Diligence is the way to success, and learning is endless." Success belongs to those who work hard. Learning should have perseverance, perseverance, and the spirit of never giving up. Be willing to learn and good at learning.

Students, how many mornings, when the first ray of sunshine shines into the campus, there is a loud sound of our reading. Students, if you miss your youth, you will lose your life! We have no choice, we can't hesitate, we have to fight. Because there are too many people who pay attention to us and expect us. In fact, our life is full of sunshine and warmth. Life needs us to taste it slowly. We should learn to use the eyes of discovery and the thinking of discovery to look at the moments that we have no intention of passing by. We should capture happiness in a moment, store it, and learn to learn from happiness.

Students, we are gathered in XX Central Primary School. There are many beautiful things around us. In the morning, when you enter the school gate, you can see the beautiful scenery of the campus, breathe fresh air, and feel the pulse of life. What a pleasant thing; After tired study, calm down and think about what new knowledge we have learned today and how happy it is. Happiness is a kind of ability. Being able to maintain a happy heart in any environment can make you more confident of success in a limited time. Therefore, we should keep an optimistic mood and learn and grow happily.

Students, as children in the new era, we should learn to find happiness and cherish happiness when we grow up. Let's set a long-term learning goal and work hard for ourselves, our family, our society, our country and our wonderful future life!

Finally, I wish you all "happy learning and healthy growth".

My speech is over. Thank you.

Self growth (2)

First of all, I hope you can live a healthy and happy life. You can be a worker, an actor, a musician, or a designer, but you must set your own goals and ideals, because ideals can build your temperament.

However, you should know how to seize the opportunity to show yourself, know how to reject the temptation from outside, and know what you want, so you may lose many small opportunities, but you should believe that there will be more opportunities waiting for you.

Secondly, I hope you are a person with ability. Although everyone's ability is limited, I hope you can do your best, so that when I was you, I would not cry for my ignorance when I was young. It's hard to do a good job, but remember that you must not give up. I believe you can do it step by step.

You should know how to use your time. I know you are very tired, but who didn't come from this stage? Isn't it worthwhile to be happy when you are tired now? And don't always think you are inferior to others, believe that you are the best!

I hope you don't fawn on vulgarity. You should see the truth again from the dark society. You should have the good quality of "coming out of the mud without dyeing, washing clean without evil". If I saw you talking to them with a flattering smile, I would be ashamed.

In life, I hope you can respect each other, treat each other honestly, face up to your own mistakes, and not be arrogant and annoying.

Finally, I hope that no matter how the times change, you will do what you want to do, thank the poems you want to write, sing the songs you want to sing, and live the life you want. I hope you are an excellent person.

The day is at your feet, and the sound of peace is stepping on your feet. Finally, I grew up unconsciously. Later, in an early morning mirror, I saw a smile, a familiar but strange smile. Childhood images are precious. In retrospect, there were no haunts in fragile and crystal clear glass cabinets. The new life era has replaced memories, filled the gaps in the heart, and made the ideal ready to move.

Stop at every growing heart station, and look at the journey with what mood marks the writing of how to grow. Although childhood is beautiful, it is also wonderful now. As a result, we are all growing with feeling, thinking and regretting. As we grow up, we hide everything in our hearts. Only the ripples left in our hearts are clear in layers

When I look back, I find that we have grown up gradually. I don't know since when the word "18" has often been used. Once upon a time, I thought that 18 years old was so sacred. I only knew that when we grew up and became adults, we could fly higher and farther. At this time, when I really want to face it, I suddenly feel a kind of inexplicable bewilderment. I am worried about whether I can fully understand the rich connotation of the ordinary number of 18 years old, but I understand that 18 years old means responsibility. Maybe growth itself is a responsibility!

Once bitter days, in the picture of memories, have become fragrant. Whenever the night comes slowly with light steps, the prosperity and noise of the day gradually disappear. In the dim and quiet night, I often fall into boundless memories. In my memory, the wishes and beautiful promises that I made, the persistent persistence and unremitting efforts, all turned into leaves of happiness and were carefully collected by me.

Yes, growth records pain and also engraves happiness. Along the footsteps of growth, step by step, we hit maturity and move towards the future.

Time bounced off my fingers carelessly, and the grid of the past was covered with spider footprints. It is making a net inside to seal each grid, but some places are dense and indistinct, and some places are sparse and clear. This feeling is gold wrapped in dust. If you don't taste it, you will never know its true value. That is the story of growth.

Growth is a vigorous ballad. Walk into the fields, listen to the sound of jointing, walk into the forest and wilderness, listen to the harmony of all sounds. Noise and uproar, chase and struggle, this is the melody of growth. In the growing ranks, we play brilliant acoustics.

Self growth (3)

The probationary period is coming to an end. After this period of work, it is time to have a look at the work situation. The following is a self summary about the growth in the probation period, which I hope will be helpful to you. If you like it, you can share it with your friends!

In a twinkling of an eye, I have been in the company for three months. During this short probation period, I learned a lot, and I clearly felt that I was growing. Has begun to break away from the kind of childish school, become mature and stable.

My first contact with the work, including communication with customers and alliance merchants, communication with colleagues in the company, internship on business trips, understanding of network equipment, and handling of problems, has made me understand that work requires a high degree of seriousness and enthusiasm, as well as some professional knowledge. Only in this way can we do better!

In my first month in the company, everything is new and strange to me. But I am willing to let myself change from not knowing to knowing, and also willing to contact all kinds of new things. With the care and help of leaders and colleagues, I no longer feel strange to these "new things", but can face them as acquaintances. When I first entered the company, Manager Yin arranged Zhou Yuqiang to be my 'mentor'. I was very lucky to meet such a warm-hearted, patient and capable person, who taught me a lot in work, life, technology and life. Thank him very much! The first business trip was due to the "Ban Ban Tong" project in Zhengzhou. In more than half a month, although I have not learned much technology, I have a preliminary understanding of the work content and nature of network engineers, which is very helpful for future career planning. The results of the work were also well received by colleagues.

In the second month of the company, the new campus of Zhengzhou Normal University was put into use, and students moved into the new campus, which added huge workload to the network center of the new campus (represented by our company). In view of my good performance in the class to class communication project, Manager Yin sent me to the network center of the teachers' college to assist Zhu Yuliang. Since the new campus has just been put into use, all work has started from scratch. There are many students, and the workload is very heavy, and all these are trivial things. This can really test a person's patience and perseverance. However, I have withstood the test! And in my work, I realized how important it is to work carefully.

In view of the good performance of the first two months and the third month, Manager Yin gave me a task: the installation and commissioning of the network equipment in the canteen of the new campus of Zhengzhou Normal University. In this work, I participated in the whole process from installing switches to generic cabling to configuring switches. Although there were some mistakes due to insufficient and technical reasons, the work was successfully completed with the assistance of Zhou Yuqiang and other colleagues. I also learned a lot from this work. First of all, tacit cooperation among colleagues is crucial. Secondly, it is also essential to master knowledge skillfully. This has greatly stimulated my enthusiasm for learning. Summarizing my shortcomings in school learning, combining theory with practice, and with the help of Zhou Yuqiang and other colleagues, I have made a big step in mastering network knowledge. It also makes me more determined to continue to work here.

With the familiarity with the work content and the improvement of their own technical level, they become more comfortable with their work. In addition to solving some technical problems alone, you can also complete other things besides technical work according to the company's requirements. For example, when the company needs to apply for a qualification and an employee needs to take an exam, I took the exam for another colleague, and was found by the invigilator in the exam room. But I acted calmly at random, successfully completed the exam and passed it. He was praised by Manager Yin.

After work, I also participated in various trainings organized by the company, such as the technical training of Ruijie Company and the internal technical training of the company. After several sessions of training, I feel that network technology is like a vast sea, and I am just a boat. If you want to have a foothold in network engineering, you must constantly learn and enrich yourself. In the face of all kinds of masters, there is no reason to stop and have a rest. In the face of all kinds of new technologies, there is no reason to be complacent and stop moving forward. I still have a long way to go. I must forge ahead and make persistent efforts. The more frustrated, the more brave!

Looking back on the three months of work, I am very satisfied with my performance. Although it is not a long time, with the help of leaders and colleagues, I grew up quickly. We also have a clearer understanding of our work and a clearer goal for the future. I will be a hundred times more enthusiastic in my future work, willing to share with you the successful methods and lessons of failure, willing to work more cooperatively with the team, and contribute my own strength to achieve the company's goals.

One person's ability is weak, but the strength of many people can play a huge role together. In the future, if I can work with you, I look forward to creating more value and making greater progress with you!

As time goes by, the three-month probation period will soon pass. Looking back on the past three months, I can't help feeling a thousand emotions. Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, I will cross the three-month internship period. Looking back, although there is no spectacular results, I have also experienced an extraordinary test and tempering.

As a subsidiary of Dahua Group, the Finance Department is one of the key departments of the company's finance. Internally, it is not only required to be familiar with the group's financial system and the operation of financial software, but also to adapt to the requirements of constantly improving the level. Externally, it is required to deal with various inspections by tax, audit, finance and other authorities, master tax policies and apply them reasonably. In these three months, with the support of the leaders and the cooperation of my colleagues, I finally carried out all the work. I feel that my comprehensive working ability has taken a step forward compared with the previous one. Looking back on the past three months, under the correct leadership of the department manager, my work focused on the company's business policy, purpose and benefit objectives, carried out work closely around the key points, followed closely the company's work deployment, and made due responsibilities in accounting and management. In order to sum up the experience, carry forward the achievements, overcome the shortcomings, and meet the requirements of the Group Administration Department, the three month work is briefly reviewed and summarized as follows.

The work during the internship can be divided into the following three aspects:

1、 Management of expense costs and customer transactions

1. It standardized the accounting management of low value consumables, established a comprehensive account of low value consumables, and tracked the purchase and requisition of consumables in a comprehensive way, so that enterprises can better understand the distribution of these low value consumables and strengthen management.

2. On the basis of the Group's financial system, it standardized the management of Huapin's costs and expenses, clarified the classification of costs and expenses, and reorganized the accounts. In order to strengthen project management, it calculated the actual consumption of expense items by category to truly reflect the current cost. Provide reference basis for performance management.

3. Standardize the layout and setting of financial account sets of commercial companies, set corresponding account sets according to the characteristics of commercial companies, and make Boke software fully play its role through the accounting of customer and warehouse modules in auxiliary accounts, which can reflect financial data in a timely and effective manner and meet the needs of future business management.

2、 Basic Accounting Work

(1) Earnestly implement the Accounting Law, further strengthen the guidance of basic financial work, standardize the preparation of bookkeeping vouchers, strictly review the rationality of original vouchers, and strengthen the management of accounting files.

(2) According to the instructions of the Group, the accounting computerization of Huapin Company was recorded, so that the financial work could meet the needs of the Ministry of Finance, be more standardized, and strive to continuously improve the quality of financial work.

3、 Financial accounting and management

(1) According to the company's requirements, the commercial real estate leased by the commercial company shall be registered and analyzed, and various incomes shall be supervised and reviewed, and the corresponding financial system shall be formulated. Unified accounting standards, timely communication, close contact and attention to put forward some guiding opinions on their work in daily work, and established a good cooperative relationship with branches and the Group's Financial Management Department.

(2) Correctly calculate all taxes and individual income taxes, pay taxes in time and in full, actively cooperate with the tax authorities in new tax declaration requirements, timely find and correct problems that violate tax laws and regulations, maintain communication and contact with the tax authorities, and obtain their support and guidance.

(3) In addition to intense work, strengthen the team building of the Finance Department to create a team with comprehensive business and high enthusiasm. As a grass-roots financial work manager, pay attention to giving full play to the subjective initiative and work enthusiasm of other employees in the Finance Department. Improve the overall quality of the team and establish a new image of the department that is pioneering, innovative, pragmatic and efficient.

A new job means a new starting point, new opportunities and new challenges. I am determined to make persistent efforts to reach a higher level. In the coming days, we will advance to the refined financial management. The refined financial management needs to "ensure the smooth flow of working capital", "ensure the investment efficiency", "optimize the financial management means", etc., which is enough to refine the financial management of the company. We should start from "detail" and be meticulous, and establish a set of corresponding cost collection for each specific business of each post and department. And extend the tentacles of financial management to all business fields of the company. By exercising financial supervision functions, expand financial management and service functions, realize the "zero" corner of financial management and tap the potential value of financial activities. Although refined financial management is a very complicated thing, it is actually the so-called "the world's difficulties begin with ease, and the world's major events begin with detail".

It has been nearly two months since I joined your company. Under the support and help of the company leaders and colleagues and the correct command of the department manager, I have insisted on constantly learning the theoretical knowledge of the industry, refining previous work experience, strengthening my ideological cultivation, strictly abiding by all kinds of rules, and improving my comprehensive professional quality. To myself

1、 Strengthen business learning and improve business quality

Fully understand the basic situation of the company through the company's carefully arranged and organized training for new employees. In combination with their own jobs, through the company's intranet, the Internet, and the introduction of leaders and colleagues, learn relevant industry knowledge, the company's success stories, and so on, to prepare for the actual work in the future. During the period, under the guidance of department leaders, I prepared the Shallow Discussion and Management Consulting, and participated in the preparation of the Company's Management Consulting Construction Project, the Company's Management Consulting Construction Project Research Plan and Research Outline, and the Company's Construction Project Outline and other relevant documents.

2、 Change your mind, change your role and be strict with yourself

An excellent management consultant should not only master the rich theoretical knowledge and practical experience in all walks of life, but also be able to extract its essence from it, and at the same time, combine the actual situation of customers to provide overall solutions. From its own perspective, first, we should change our thinking, adopt the working attitude of "empty cup theory", and constantly improve; Second, change roles and enter the working state as soon as possible; Third, be strict with yourself, not only abide by various rules and regulations, but also integrate the company's enterprise spirit and work style into daily work and strictly implement them.

3、 Experience and perception

The work spirit of all the staff from top to bottom of the company makes me feel deeply. It is the so-called "one word, nine points, virtue wins the world". The guidance and support of leaders at ordinary times and the methods are ingenious and just right. It gives ideas and directions, observes patiently, and guides in time, but does not take everything in hand. It is a personal way to cultivate reserve talents. As a management consultant, for client enterprises, it is not to replace them, but to introduce ideas, shape their code of conduct, and form management systems, even staff habits, and enterprise spirit.

In a word, although there are some shortcomings in the work, they have been improving and growing under the care and care of the company's leaders and colleagues. For the next work, full confidence!


Distinguished leaders and colleagues of the Personnel Department

Time flies. It has been more than a month since the first day of work in the company. During this time, the work is busy and the spirit is very happy. In the first two weeks of coming to the company, I thanked my colleagues for their help and leaders for their support and guidance. I soon became familiar with my work and quickly entered the role. The work was completed smoothly, and I got along well with my colleagues around me.

In the work, by seeing more, thinking more and learning more, actively consult the superior leaders in unclear areas, communicate with colleagues, and fully understand the existing IT situation of the company. I did a good job of IT support for all departments of the company on a daily basis, and put forward suggestions and opinions on the existing situation through my own experience, which was recognized by the leadership, which gave me great impetus in my work. In terms of the future IT planning and construction of the company, we strive to be professional and formal. In our daily work, let the IT department become the strong backing of each department of the company, actively solve various IT problems for each department, and win a good reputation for our own department.

After this probationary period, I think I can actively complete my work, find problems in my work, and actively and quickly solve problems. Fully cooperate with the requirements of leaders to carry out work, and cooperate and coordinate well with colleagues. I will continue to work in the future. To people: be kind to others, to work: strive for perfection. Constantly improve their professional level and comprehensive quality, and together do their part for the development of our company.

2、 Work content during the probation period

1. In the first week of coming to the company, actively communicate with colleagues in all departments, and fully understand the IT status and use needs of all departments of the company. And put forward their own suggestions and opinions.

2. Comprehensively grasp the current situation of the company's IT technology through the investigation of the existing network equipment and servers, and put forward rectification suggestions.

3. Cooperate with the administrative department in the inventory of fixed assets. Develop IT procurement standards based on the inventory and the job characteristics of the rank and department. Do a good job in daily IT procurement.

4. Gradually replace the existing assembly computers of the company according to the requirements of leaders and the established IT procurement standards.

5. According to the actual needs, new telephone switches were selected and installed for the company, and the previously purchased switches were returned to the supplier.

6. Formulate plans on network, weak current and security for the company's new office, communicate with leaders and colleagues according to the plan, and find suitable suppliers according to the budget.

7. Handle broadband access and telephone trunk line installation for the new office according to the actual needs of the company.

8. Daily computer and network equipment maintenance.

3、 Items to be improved

1. You should be more careful in your work and think before you act. Communication with people should focus on ways and means.

2. Think from the company's standpoint and form good cooperation with colleagues around.

3. According to the company's needs, constantly improve their technical level to meet the company's development needs in IT.

4、 Some plans for the work in the past six months after becoming a full member

1. Develop IT management system

2. Refine the company's network management to improve the security and stability of network operation.

3. According to the current situation, optimize the company's existing server system to make the server run more efficiently and stably. New planning and implementation of server configuration

4. Plan and select file storage system

5. Select a set of file encryption system for the company

6. Plan and implement the company's OA system, and constantly learn relevant knowledge in this regard.

7. Constantly improve the work efficiency of oneself and subordinates, and optimize the work effect.

Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, the probation period of one month has come to an end. The epitome of this life is precious because it is wonderful; Because of the harvest, it is more glorious. I am honored to be a member of the drug control social workers in Longgang District and join the warm family of Chunnuan Social Work Service Center from an ordinary factory employee who lives a "three points and one line" life. During this period of time, the organization has given me enough tolerance, support and help, allowing me to fully feel the leadership's "inclusiveness" and the spirit of "unity, struggle, innovation and dedication" of Chunnuan people. During this period, under the care and guidance of leaders and colleagues, I have combined my own advantages and achieved some improvement through hard study. Now I summarize my work during this period as follows:

1、 What have I done as a new social worker?

The first data I got when I entered the social work organization was the "" by the Longgang Chunnuan Social Work Service Center. Although some of the contents were only literal, this was the first mentor I entered Chunnuan and learned about social workers. Only by daring to challenge new things can I "move quietly and learn something". During this period, I was responsible for scanning and recording the first half of Shenzhen Anti drug Social Work Service Index System (Trial) and Shenzhen Shanghai Social Work Historical Data, and gained a lot of professional knowledge and work skills. He also participated in the "6.26" International Anti Drug Day publicity activities, and successfully completed the tasks assigned by the District Anti Drug Office with 8 other anti drug social workers of the agency, fully demonstrating the demeanor of the anti drug social workers in Chunnuan. Then they participated in the pre job training of new social workers held by the District Drug Control Office and institutions, not only having a systematic understanding of all aspects of drug control work, but also having a deeper understanding of the development and expansion of Chunnuan Social Work Service Center, the importance of team spirit, and the practicality of professional theory. In addition, I was responsible for writing the press releases for two training activities, and for producing the first draft of the "Anti drug Social Workers Brochure". Although there are some shortcomings between the lines, I changed the draft several times, but I have been effectively trained and improved.

After taking the drug control post, we established a harmonious working relationship with the employer and the team members, obtained the Register of Drug Addicts with Household Registration in Buji Street from the District Drug Control Office, and worked together to develop the Initial Stage of the Drug Control Social Work Group in Buji Street. In addition, I also worked with three other team members to complete the preparation of the names of various work account books, obtain the names and contact information of drug control professionals in all communities and police stations in my neighborhood, and record them on file, laying a foundation for the implementation of the initial work plan.

2、 What have I gained by completing relevant work and participating in various trainings?

Through theoretical study and daily work accumulation, I not only had a deeper understanding of the term "social worker", but also pointed out the direction for how to carry out drug control work in the future, and also made me reposition my life coordinate.

1. Participation in the pre job training enabled me to understand the extraordinary development process of Chunnuan Social Work Service Center, the various systems and cultural construction that keep pace with the times, as well as a systematic understanding of all aspects of the service fields carried out by the organization, and also learned a lot of practical skills and professional theoretical knowledge. At the same time, I also felt that the leaders had high expectations for the new social workers and high requirements for their own quality, which pointed out the direction for the work after taking up their posts.

2. The completion of daily work not only enabled my director, what I heard, and what I learned to be well practiced, but also enabled me to master how to improve the work account, how to complete the tasks assigned by leaders, how to carry out community drug rehabilitation and community rehabilitation, and formed a preliminary work orientation.

3. By establishing a team relationship of mutual help and love and creating a harmonious working atmosphere, I not only improved my work efficiency, but also made me realize the shortcomings of personal professional ability from other colleagues.

3、 In the face of new work challenges, what can I contribute?

The introduction of social workers in the field of drug control is a new attempt for institutions and employers, and many work needs to be explored and advanced in practice in many aspects. As the first group of social workers engaged in drug control in the organization, they are facing enormous challenges. In the face of new posts and unfamiliar service fields, in addition to providing help to our service objects with more professional attitude and more effective actions, we should have keen insight, perseverance and unremitting efforts, and more importantly, we should have the courage to take responsibility and the potential to tap our own advantages.

1. In the future work, we will continue to learn various professional knowledge, master various service skills, improve our own quality and use it to solve problems encountered in actual work.

2. Through more records and visits, we can understand the needs of service objects, deal with their urgent needs, and work together with all parties.

3. Combine their own conditions, strive to complete the work delivered by the leadership, constantly improve the work account, and slowly overcome impatience, complaints, resistance in the process of work, rise to the difficulties, and treat each work actively, enthusiastically, patiently and meticulously.

Self growth (4)

Fourteen years old is an age full of laughter, an age that does not know what "worry" is. In a whirling rain, in the warm summer days, looking back on the lost days, try to find some shallow footprints from the vague memory, like raindrops hitting my heart, like stars twinkling.

This year's "June Day" seems to be out of my way, just like our national football team and the World Cup, but how different it is. I am growing up and full of hope! Because I grew up from an ignorant and innocent child to a middle school student! In retrospect, I have done a lot of things that make me feel ridiculous now: I used to fight with my classmates impulsively and collide with my teachers, and I thought I was "fierce" ------ I lost in the exam, cheered for victory in the competition, blessed by my classmates, and criticized and encouraged by my teachers and mothers------

I like to stay alone and avoid the "interference" of my parents, because in this way, I can think of Kublai Khan (oh, yes, he was killed by Yang Guo!) from the Han Wu Emperor, and the loyalty of Qin Shubao and Yu Chi Gong when I think of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty; Yue Fei and Wen Tianxiang are upright and brave to sacrifice; I felt Su Shi and Xin Qiji's boldness, Liu Yong and Li Qingzhao's gentleness - I imagined myself to be a respected man with excellent martial arts, great talent and great strategy - Alas, in fact, I was just a naughty boy with average achievements. I have to work hard to change myself!

In reality, I always think of the words of my teacher and mother: "Study hard, for your own sake, ------". Sometimes I am tired and always want to be lazy. In the teacher's words, it is "jerry built". But for the future, I can't do that------

At the age of 14, with wind and rain, laughter and tears, I will learn to think more and take more responsibility; I will treat my surroundings with understanding and tolerance. Almost fourteen years old, I told myself: I am growing up slowly!

Self growth (5)

If the sense of security is based on others, such a sense of security is very unstable; Hypothetical warmth, as time goes by, will also reveal its original face, resulting in more unbearable indifference; The imaginary sense of control will make people feel that they have great power over others, which will sooner or later lead to the destruction of relationships. Not only that, when he controls others, he actually loses his freedom. He often feels controlled by others, and he thinks too much about what others think in his speech and behavior, as if he is living for others.

Only growth itself will bring a real sense of security. Because this sense of security is based on our own ability, it is very stable and reliable. Of course, even a person who has grown up well will need warmth, but the warmth he feels is real, without any false feelings. As for the sense of control, he may not need it at all. He has enough confidence in himself. The attitude of others towards him has no effect on his self-confidence.

To draw a clear line with others psychologically, it takes a long time. First of all, we need to be clear about our own views, emotions and behaviors. Then slowly draw clear lines on those unclear places one by one. This will bring some pain, but also more joy of growth.

A person with clear self boundaries does not mean that he does not need others, that is to say, he does not take everything on his own under any circumstances and refuses others' support in emotion and action. A clear self boundary means that a person is close to others, but not so close to the extent that he has lost himself, nor so close to the extent that he regards others as a part of himself. He is still him, and others are still others; At the same time, he will not be too far away from others, and will not lose the ability and possibility to love the person he wants to love. When he really needs it, he will get a sincere sense of security and warmth from others.

Even between husband and wife, parents and children, and friends, everyone should have clear self boundaries. The emotion that eliminates self boundaries will sooner or later hurt everyone in this emotional relationship. Maybe someone will say that if the boundaries are so clear in such an intimate relationship, will it make the relationship become very cold? The answer is no. Because the boundaries of self are clear, it does not mean that there is no emotion. Moreover, the emotional exchange between two people with clear self boundaries is the deepest, most authentic and most valuable.

Let's get closer, because we all need each other, but don't get too close. Don't get too close to know which is you and which is me; Maybe we should be far away from each other, but don't be so far away that we can't hear each other's voice when we need love.

Self growth (6)

Happiness is like a wisp of wind, blowing at any time, but leaving no trace; Happiness is like a drop of rain and dew, although small, it moistens our hearts all the time. Happiness sometimes arises from intoxication, and sometimes from victory. In a word, happiness has always accompanied my growth.

In learning, the figure of happiness is so clear, as if it is easy to get, with rivals, there will be happiness. We go hand in hand with our rivals, help each other, encourage each other, and at the same time rack our brains to make ourselves better than our rivals. In fact, the greatest happiness is to surpass yourself and constantly challenge yourself to understand the true meaning of happiness.

One kind of happiness comes from friends. When you fail, you often want to cry bitterly. However, besides your relatives, you are comforted by friends. Although their words were few, they were warm, which made me thoroughly feel happiness, friendship and happiness. In happiness, I know that our friendship will last forever and never change.

Another kind of happiness comes from the feeling of life. When listening to music, music can make people suddenly enlightened; When reading, the mood fluctuates with the story; When doing exercises, it will be very happy to tell people who can't do it. Although these things are not big, they are full of happiness everywhere.

Happiness comes from self challenge, friendship and feelings. Happiness is a kind of attitude towards life, which reflects people's optimistic and open-minded attitude towards life.

Self growth (7)

Fourteen years old is an age full of laughter, an age that does not know what "worry" is. In the drizzle and the warm summer days, I look back on the lost days and try to find some shallow footprints from the vague memory, like raindrops hitting my heart and stars twinkling.

This year's "June Day" seems to be out of my way, just like our national football team and the World Cup, but how different it is. I am growing up and full of hope! Because I grew up from an ignorant and innocent child to a middle school student! In retrospect, I have done a lot of things that make me feel ridiculous now: I used to fight with my classmates impulsively, contradict with my teachers, and think I was "fierce"... I have failed in the exam, cheered for victory in the competition, blessed by my classmates, and criticized and encouraged by my teachers and mothers

I like to stay alone and avoid the "interference" of my parents, because in this way, I can think of Kublai Khan (oh, yes, he was killed by Yang Guo!) from the Han Wu Emperor, and the loyalty of Qin Shubao and Yu Chi Gong when I think of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty; Yue Fei and Wen Tianxiang are upright and brave to sacrifice; I feel the boldness of Su Shi and Xin Qiji, and the gentleness of Liu Yong and Li Qingzhao... I imagine myself to be a respected man with excellent martial arts, great talent and great strategy... Alas, in fact, I am just a naughty boy with mediocre achievements. I have to work hard to change myself!

In reality, I always think of the words of my teacher and mother: "Study hard, for your own sake,..." Sometimes I am tired and always want to be lazy. In the words of my teacher, it is "jerry built", but for the sake of the future, I can't do that

At the age of 14, with wind and rain, laughter and tears, I will learn to think more and take more responsibility; I will treat my surroundings with understanding and tolerance. Almost fourteen years old, I told myself: I am growing up slowly!

Self growth (8)

The footprints of my growth are deeply left beside the playing pond, on the green grass, and on the tree lined path on campus. Now, when I stand in the flower season when I was eleven years old, I suddenly look back and feel that footprints are just like jumping notes, playing the music of life and stringing together memories

Childhood footprints are like lovely flowers, blooming everywhere. When I was young, I spent time in the countryside before going to kindergarten. I like to come to the pond with several partners and take off my shoes. The white feet like small tender lotus roots stepped on the soft soil, and the clear water playfully got into the toes, which made me itch, so comfortable! "Hahaha... hahaha..." My friends and I jumped around the pond, carefree and free. Joyful laughter resounds over the pond and in the hearts of all of us

It's time for kindergarten. My family moved to the city. In the kindergarten, sometimes I would lie on the shining green grass with several friends and look at the unpredictable clouds in the sky. If we find what a white cloud looks like, the little partner will point at the cloud and shout to us in surprise, "Look, that cloud!" We will all look at the direction of the little partner's fingers and talk happily... Sometimes we will play games on the grass, with innocent laughter, leaving the happiest memories

Now, I am a sixth grade student in primary school. I put aside my childhood innocence and have a dream of flying. You can see the trace of falling on the runway and hear the sound of short rope tapping the ground on the court; During the exam, I could see the tense and determined face, hear the firm footsteps when walking up the flag tower, feel the confidence in my heart, and see the many awards and honors pasted on the wall of my room! The flying girl walks forward step by step with beautiful vision, leaving footprints of dreams

The footprint of growth is the blooming flower. Although there is wind and rain, there is more beauty. It is because of the beauty in my heart that I learned to be strong and confident. Come to the flower season of life and feel the beauty of spring. Although spring is bound to leave, the footprints of growth will accompany me and encourage me to go all the way to meet the arrival of the next spring

Self growth (9)

Youth and love will never grow old, even if you cut through the thorns and lose your angry horse and clothes.

The deep night sky is shining like a sea that can't stand the waves. Stars twinkle in the night. The moon hid in the clouds, with a halo floating around, stars flowing and dry sails dancing. The night sky is mysterious and beautiful. Teenagers who step on the earth often feel small, like a rush drifting with the wind, drifting in the dry world, lost in the vast universe.

Teenagers love to look up at the stars. Perhaps, many young people still have a seed in their heart that is eager to explore the universe. Like Mr. Hawking, they explore the mysteries of the universe. The starry sky is the dream of young people. "Either outstanding or vulgar." Teenagers are unwilling to be vulgar and eager for excellence.

Teenagers love dreams and fantasies. The dream of young people is an ideal, the most sincere poem, a distant field, a journey across the world, and a synonym for all "beauty". "I would like to work harder and harder, and then the wind and the water will rise." The boy should shine like a star, blocking the long crowd.

But, boy, do you know? All you can do now is to be down-to-earth. "A person's actions are more detailed than what he says." No matter how much he talks about his dream, it can only be empty talk if he doesn't take action. So, young man, please hold your hands tightly and accumulate your hair! "When the name is not obvious, the heart will be immortal, and then pick the light to read the article." Nobody whispers late at night, only you pick the light to fight at night and walk alone.

The process of pursuing dreams is like a thousand horses crossing a single wooden bridge. You can only rely on yourself. On the way to pursue dreams, it is inevitable to feel lonely, but please remember: "Beasts walk alone, cattle and sheep flock together." You can only see the future if you can resist loneliness. You run in the middle of the night with tears in your eyes and dance in your memories. When you are tired, please keep asking yourself: "Are you willing to make peace with your mediocre self?"

In this world, only youth and dreams can be lived up to. Teenager, go to a distance to see, never lose your youth, denounce Fang Dao, encourage words, and pursue dreams bravely! Return all the quiet spring scenery to the sparse fence, and return all the mediocrity and laziness to your past self. Even if you cut through the thorns and lose your clothes and horses, don't forget that the young man was also high spirited. Young man, look far away!

Self growth (10)

When I was young, I asked curiously what growth was, and the answer was always that when you grow up, you will understand.

Is this really true of growth? In Zhang Ailing's novel, the heroine ran away on the wedding night due to the lack of family sex education, leading everyone to misunderstand that the professor who was originally elegant was dark and ferocious. Who is right and who is wrong? In this way, as time goes by, you may not be able to understand much and grow up.

As the saying goes, when the boat comes to the bridge, it will be straight, but let it be, and you will eventually become an immature product insensitive to catering to others. The killer in the movie is not too cold. The precocious girl once asked Leon with scars, is life always so difficult? Leon, the killer, never hesitated and replied: Always. The little girl's experience tells me that life is always so hard that you can't let nature take its course. Growth has nothing to do with age. Even teenagers experience life and growth with emotion. At the end of the film, the little girl planted a sapling at the gate of the orphanage and took good care of it. She once took the initiative to pursue and love, which will eventually become a sign of her growth.

But is love enough? Lampo, a poet who was criticized for his emotional life, had only two calm words when he was 18 years old: no love. He regards other people's emotions as the source of writing. I think this is probably due to his rational thinking about the conflict between his helpless life experience and the reality of his desire to become famous. Although criticized by others, it is undoubtedly a sign of his growth: since he cannot give you what you need, why should I lie and promise? It's better to be frank, think rationally and not hurt others.

The young master of Yanxi in Jinfen Aristocratic Family is enthusiastic in pursuit of a cool autumn. He has made great efforts. It's a pity that love didn't make him grow up. He gradually alienated and quarreled with Leng Qingqiu. He also made rational thinking and worried about this marriage, but he didn't learn self reflection. The ancients once thought about themselves three times a day in order to reflect on whether their own behavior deviated from rational thinking, to reflect on your future growth, to remind you to learn lessons, and to teach you how to fall and rise.

Sensibility makes your growth imprint, rationality makes your growth full of depth, and self reflection is an indispensable crutch on the growth path. Growth should not be a matter of letting nature take its course. It should be a matter of taking the initiative to break through the shackles of the secular world and kill the once childish "self". The integration of sensibility and rationality to achieve mental maturity is what growth should look like.

When we have the courage of a little girl and the way Lambo works, we need not fear the incomprehension of the world and the perfunctory behavior of others, because growth is self redemption. People may think that maturity is the ultimate destination of growth, and eventually we will abandon innocence in the process of growth. I think this is not contradictory. Just like an old urchin, it is not only mature in mind, but also difficult to get confused, and more intelligent.

Self growth (11)

The hot sun is stretching its hands with impunity, as if it is rubbing people in the palm of the palm and baking, making people unbearable. I quickly hid under the shade of the tree and felt the slightest chill. Lazily leaning against the railing behind me, holding a water cup in my hand, I watched the athletes on the playground sweating desperately while chatting with my friends happily about some unnecessary gossip. As for the sit up contest for a while... "Whatever, I didn't go there voluntarily." I muttered in my heart, and my eyes were suddenly locked by a busy figure on the playground.

He hung a camera in his neck, and his whole body was lying on the grass, his legs were close to the ground, slightly opened in the shape of a "man", his feet were stretched straight, and the front paws were on the ground. He held the camera carefully with one hand, and his index finger was gently placed on the shutter with the other hand, ready to record a beautiful moment at all times. Sweat produced by the direct sunlight quietly emerged from his forehead, and the red volunteer uniform vest also reflected sweat stains. Although the badge on the uniform has been damaged, it reflects the figure of a dutiful photographer. He waited on the playground without moving. Even if he didn't fight on the playground, he did the best backup work and made a different effort on the playground. What he tried to convey was what I lacked - a sense of responsibility.

There seems to be a ripple in my heart. Even if I am forced to play, since the responsibility falls on my shoulder, I should spare no effort to complete it. No matter what the result, I should do my best. I looked at the big tree overhead. The leaves rustled, as if to encourage me. I handed my cup to my friend and walked straight to the sunny stadium. The sun shone directly on me, and soon I was sweating. But when I looked at the athletes who also tried to run and bounce in the sun, my eyes were firmer.

"Beep -" The game began. I gritted my teeth and decided to do my part for the class. I crossed my fingers and held the back of my head tightly, as if to apply every rising force to my hands. "One more is one" I said to myself. Time has passed. My physical strength is falling sharply, and my body is beginning to tremble slightly. My face is red, and my waist is already numb, It seems that my stomach was grabbed by a giant's hand and stuck in the air. I fell heavily on the mat and gasped for breath. Suddenly, the picture of the photographer flashed in my mind, and the encouragement of the teachers and students sounded in my ears again. I held my breath tightly, and sat up again

"Beep -" When the time came, I did ten more than usual. I smiled with relief and collapsed on the mat. I saw that the sun above my head was still emitting dazzling light and fiery energy, but I no longer felt hot. It seemed that the light and heat given to me by the sun were splashed on the playground. I finally exceeded myself, did my duty, and contributed to the class!

I looked for that little photographer. He taught me to take my responsibility bravely, not afraid of hardship and tiredness. There is a certain heat and light. Even if the result is not satisfactory, at least I have tried my best. "I can have no regrets if I try my best, but can I laugh at it?" It turns out that the feeling of surpassing myself is so intoxicating; It turns out that it is so proud to pay due diligence. It turns out that this can also be a classroom.

Self growth (12)

What's the use of studying politics?

Politics, for this boring and thankless liberal arts subject, which has always advocated recitation, most students can't say its benefits. I just think I went to study because I had to take an exam.

However, in their constant growth, most students should be aware of it. I am very different from before: I have learned how to treat people with courtesy, to serve people with virtue, and to teach people with law. The changes I made in the three years of junior high school are closely related to the main subject of politics I added in the years of junior high school.

In the process of learning politics, we should not be difficult to find that the politics of Junior One is to teach us how to have good quality and be a civilized Chinese; The politics of the second day of junior high school is to teach us how to solve problems when we encounter unfair phenomena; The politics of the third day of junior high school is to perfect us and improve our ability to analyze things.

Therefore, in the invisibility, we have changed. It's just that the process of change is too slow for me to notice. Since we didn't notice it, we wouldn't think of being political church members, so we thought politics was a "useless" subject.

Some things are always formless.

At the first day of junior high school, we were only eleven or twelve years old, and we had just graduated from the title of primary school student. Mentally immature, or even quite naive. At this stage, we have no accurate ability to distinguish good from bad. In short, we know that this is a bad thing, but we do not know the consequences of doing this bad thing. Then, we need politics to teach us. What is good and what is bad. What qualities should a popular student possess. For example, self-confidence and self-improvement. There are also some celebrity events in the book to give us examples. (Although the painting is not good==) Let us know what a good person is and how to become a good person.

In the second day of junior high, we already knew how to become good people. Then, now is the time for Altman to fight against small monsters! We began to learn how to punish bad people. How to fight a lawsuit? There are several kinds of lawsuits and criminal laws. We know that disputes can be resolved in two ways - litigation and non litigation. We also learned what kind of punishment a bad person might get if he did something wrong. At the same time, we also warned ourselves. We have learned how to safeguard our own interests and rights.

By the third day of junior high school, our minds had gradually matured and we were half adults. At this time, we began to participate in "national affairs". Know your country, know your country. Understand China's current general system and future planning. We began to analyze the problems that now arise and develop solutions. We began to understand this country, began to learn to care about this country, and began to understand the need to "educate" this country. We have gradually acquired the ability to analyze things.

Politics, some students said it was copying! Back! Of course, this phenomenon is very common. But we cannot deny the benefits it has brought to us, nor can we deny what politics has taught us.

We can not love politics, but we have to thank politics. It makes us learn how to become a member of a country, a qualified citizen, and an excellent person.

Self growth (13)

The busyness and complexity of real life make people's hearts covered with a layer of fog of confusion. Heavy makeup instead of plain face, cautious words instead of revealing true feelings. In fact, more often, what we need is to erase the true color after decoration, which is the indifference behind material desires, the innocence behind hypocrisy, and the enrichment behind the body. The flying snow makes the world so pure, but this kind of decoration can't stand the sunshine.

Only by constantly enriching ourselves and improving personal ability and quality can we radiate unique intellectual beauty. Just as a butterfly begins to transform from a chrysalis, it forms a special microstructure in the process of breaking the cocoon into a butterfly. So we can appreciate the colorful butterflies under the light. Personal ability is very important, especially in today's era of knowledge economy, ability, knowledge, experience and personality together constitute the quality of a person, and become the condition for being competent for a task. It is because of his strong literary quality that Su Dongpo shines in the Chinese literary world when encountering a specific bad environment; Shi Yuzhu was able to become a millionaire again just by planning and operating projects such as Brain Platinum in just a few years because of his excellent thinking and planning ability in the dilemma of bankruptcy of Giant Mansion with a debt of 200 million yuan; Ma Yun created the glory of Alibaba when encountering the great environment of the Internet because of his excellent thinking insight and strong communication and management ability.

When you have a strength, you will have a sense of calm. But we should wait for the right time. Once the time comes, nature will be beautiful. Because when strength meets opportunity, the state of life will change accordingly, such as the dormant frog, which changes from silence to singing all the way in spring; If the sky after rain meets the sun, it changes from fresh light clouds to colorful rainbow. However, opportunities are only prepared for those who are prepared. Some opportunities are obvious, and some opportunities sneak into life. It is important to strive for opportunities, but when the opportunities are not visible, you also make preparations to enrich yourself. Once the opportunities come, you may achieve great success. If you don't have the strength, even if the opportunity is like continuous spring rain, it is like pouring on a rotten wood pile for you.

Looking back at the long history, whose success is not the display of strength, nor the appreciation of opportunities? Whose strength is not replaced by hard work and has its own "special microstructure"? Strength plus opportunity can make life brilliant.

With a pair of "special microstructure" wings, the butterfly will finally be colorful. The same is true in life. We should also prepare a pair of wings with personal strength for ourselves to wait for the sunshine that belongs to us.

Self growth (14)

Failure and success are inevitable in life. As long as I work hard and overcome difficulties, it is the greatest success for me.

The jubilant English Festival is coming, and it begins with a burst of winter wind.

I remember when taking rehearsals, the students began to rehearse one by one, wearing coats and scarves. There are 4 people in our group. We are going to perform chant and show off at the English Festival. First of all, a preliminary contest should be held in the class. Only those selected can be shown to the whole school. That's why our group rehearsed carefully. No matter what the weather is like, we still keep practicing, hold our heads high, and are not afraid of ups and downs. The sound of loud words echoed throughout the campus. However, the noise and thunder around us seemed to disappear in our ears.

On that day, the weather was fine. It was the day of the primary election. Before playing, I took a deep breath, and then looked at the beautiful blue sky and white clouds. The sun smiled and said to me, "Come on, you can do it!" I also smiled and thanked. I thought to myself: since even Father Sun has supported me so much, I should be stronger. I was not confident before, and immediately became a confident, strong me.

The game started. I pulled my clothes and put on the stage. "First, second, third," I whispered. We use the loudest voice to tell you, and also use the most beautiful dance moves to dance for you. A few minutes later, I think we all performed very well in the primary election. I turned around and gave them a thumbs up and said, "You are great!"

Although we were not selected this time, it is great that we can stand on the stage boldly next time we have a chance!

"Winning over yourself is the greatest success!" I firmly believe that there is nothing wrong with this sentence!

Self growth (15)

Time is like flowing water. In a twinkling of an eye, the life of junior high school has already passed half. I don't know whether I am satisfied with myself now. Analyze it!

It seems that in the eyes of others, I am not serious. In fact, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm really confused. I don't know what I'm thinking all day. I warn myself every Sunday night. I have to work hard this week, but on Saturday I found myself confused for a week. Now can only smile. No, I can't laugh at Lian Xiao because I find myself really bad. I want to work hard, but I always have no perseverance and can't persist. I really hate my perseverance and not being good enough. I want to succeed and become excellent, but I let myself give up.

The mid-term exam is over. With the exam after exam, my remaining junior high school life is getting shorter and shorter. Although this exam has made progress compared with the last one, it is still far from my goal of getting into a good university. I carefully analyzed the reasons:

1. No in-depth study before the exam, just reading.

2. Sharpen the knife and attack English, but not good at accumulation.

3. There is no point in reviewing.

English is the main reason to break up. In fact, English has always been the least ideal subject among my subjects. I am very anxious about it, so I will pay more attention to English learning in the future.

Maths has always been my strong point, but this time I was not satisfied. Although I passed the exam, I didn't play to my due level. What is the reason? It is mainly my own ideological problems. I always think that mathematics is nothing and can be dealt with by my own basic skills, but the fact is completely opposite to what I think. After this exam, I also understand that with the improvement of our scores, the knowledge we need to master is also increasing, and the knowledge we learned before is far from enough. So mathematics is not only my strong point, but also can't fall behind. I should study hard with my teacher. Speaking of chemistry, I think I'm more serious than before, but I don't have a good grasp of problem-solving skills. I should strengthen this aspect in the future. In the study of chemistry, there are some similarities with mathematics, which are problem-solving methods. In Chinese, we should also strengthen reading training and improve reading ability.

Effort is a word we are not familiar with, but these two words are enough for a person to do for a lifetime and never finish. Therefore, I should cherish time and strive for my goal!

Self growth (16)

Michael Staley once said that the most challenging thing is to improve yourself. The process of self-improvement is growth.

It seems that growth must be accompanied by pain, and when we learn to endure, our mind will grow. Once upon a time, I was a child who cried when I felt pain. People often said that the road of growing up was full of bumps and bumps.

Growth is also quiet, military training practice running, I fell down and broke my knee. But at that time, I didn't cry like before, but stood up hard and walked to the clinic alone. I endured pain and no longer depended on others. When I returned to the playground again, I realized that I was much more mature than before.

Growth should be learned not to give up easily. Injured I could have rested, but when I looked up at those struggling figures, my heart told me that I could not rest. If we do not escape from suffering, we can forge ourselves in pain. We always like to say that growth needs adversity, but how many people will bravely fight against adversity. It's a pity that they will escape with the excuse of my inaction and lose a chance to grow up.

Han Yu's official career was not smooth in the Tang Dynasty. How did he grow up? If once demoted, he became resentful and never recovered, history would not remember Han Yu. He completed his self growth through reading. It is said that there is a golden house in the book. After being demoted, he still wrote about his professionalism, which was formed by thinking and destroyed by following. I think growth is to live up to the adversity that God has given you, to be optimistic and not to give up easily.

What makes you grow up is not the adversity itself, but you in the face of adversity. Just as the abyss cannot be great, the great thing is to dare to face the abyss.

Not giving up easily is the driving force for me to go to the playground again. After hearing this, my mother sighed for a long time and said that I was sensible and grew up.

Growth is different from success. Growth is self transformation, spiritual growth, and self enlightenment. People often say that we will grow up three times. The first time is when we know that the world is not centered on me. This is a growth in mentality. Just like I went to military training when I was ill later, even though I knew that I would not be selected for the competition no matter how hard I tried, I would still strive for something. One breath of life is the aspiration of the heart that supports us to forge ahead on the road of growth.

When it is late at night, every time when I think about the performance of military training, I always feel a lot of emotion. I am a little lucky, a little proud, and some pain that is hard to say, but I know that it is just a bumpy road I must go through. I hope that in the future study, I can still grow up and become a mature modern middle school student.

Self growth (17)

In real life or work and study, everyone has written a composition. According to different genres, compositions can be divided into narrative, expository, practical and argumentative articles. There are many considerations for composition. Are you sure you can write? The following is the carefully organized growth of Xiaobian, who writes in his own way. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

I can recite the formula of current and voltage very well, but I won't install a simple bulb because my father told me it was dangerous; I can write many chemical equations, but I can't support a pot of cactus, because my mother will say that it is not a student's concern; When you go out to play with your friends, your parents are like enemies - what if you get lost? What if I don't have enough money? What should I do if I meet a bad person?

I know that I am far from the only one who is cared for by my parents. Look around, every evening, most primary and secondary schools will have such a grand occasion - parents or grandparents hug the school gate, after receiving the baby, the schoolbag will be snatched by parents to carry on their shoulders. Where are the babies? It is natural to walk in front with your head held high, perhaps eating snacks prepared by parents.

In this regard, I can only say that our parents love us very much. Maybe for parents, we are the babies who will never grow up under their wings. It is this meticulous care that has blocked our growth. It's like the umbrella has robbed us of the right to look up at the sky for a long time. If we are used to incubating air conditioners, we will not know the real temperature outside.

Young people who grow up in this way may talk about art, science and technology, and society, but they never forget to pack their dirty clothes and give them back to their mother. Whenever a setback comes, he is always out of control, or even goes astray.

We are one head taller than our parents, and we seem to be trapped in the bog of "pseudo growth". Too much doting makes us weak and confused.

As a result, some "wolf father" and "tiger mother" appeared in the society. The slang "no fight, no talent" is interpreted as "every three days, the child will enter Peking University". Most parents are amazed at the severity of their children. Such hardships may indeed make people grow rapidly, but are they worth it if they sacrifice happiness, innocence, and even distort human nature to get the entrance certificates of Peking University and Harvard University? I think it is inevitable that the suspicion of "pulling out the seedlings to encourage" will be aroused.

Therefore, the way I hope to grow up is not to have someone accompany me all the time, be carefully cared for, and live in a carefree life; It is not against the laws of nature, just for rapid and efficient growth. They walk alone with their parents' expectations and their own beliefs. Please applaud me when you arrive at the next post station; If you take a detour, you can rest, reflect and correct; If I fall down, allow me to cry, give me time to find out the reason for the fall, and then I must struggle to get up, dry my tears and move on. And the scars given by life are the best witness of growth.

Mr. Liang Qichao said that the country is wise when young people are wise, and the country is strong when young people are strong. When we grow up in such a way, I firmly believe that our country can withstand the storm and even more glorious.

Hang your pen here and look out the window. Parents are waiting at the door. When we see them, we must hold them first, and then firmly declare to them and the whole world: Let us grow in our own way.