Fifteen year old Sky Composition (6 high-quality articles)
Missing is a disease
2023-10-23 06:01:58

Fifteen year old Sky Composition (1)

Looking up at the sky, the sky in May is still blue, dotted with several changeable clouds. In such a fascinating season, I am 15 years old.

At the age of 15, there are birds singing and flowers smelling, green willows blowing, blue sun and sky, as well as darkness. I stick to my unchangeable loyalty to life, and with a dedicated heart, I lit up the exclusive 15 year old sky on the road of life. Once in a while, the huge celestial bodies will be dim. The sky lamp will be lit, then it will go out, and then it will be lit again. So in my world, it will be light and dark, just like my confidence in myself.

In fact, I haven't had time to express my feelings about being 15 years old, but time has inadvertently passed away. The sky is really full, filled with my attachment to my classmates; This sky is really empty, and the burden of the whole body is gathered together, which has become the high school entrance exam in the near future. Now, we are no longer afraid. What can we do if we are afraid? Can it freeze time? Can it keep us together? No, fear brings only a sense of sadness and desolation due to emptiness. In the face of all this, I have nothing to say but to face it calmly.

In my sky, there is a piece of my own color, but I don't know what color to wear. No matter how beautiful the sky is, it will gradually fade its rich and colorful connotation with the passage of time. At last, there is only a trace of outline. As long as I lightly draw on the outline, the past will reappear in my mind.

This season, summer, too much sadness can not be expressed, too much pain in words, too much reluctant to fill the heart, think about needlessly saying: "I'm fine", can really not do it, in this world, there is no such open eggs, only one to suppress their feelings Chang Yaxin. It's a pity that in the blue sky at the age of 15, I don't know who it is, leaving a touch of transparency and crystal reflection. And this stroke, just like this, is engraved in the mind.

It's getting closer and closer. In fact, I always know that the transparent touch is my tears left by sad parting. But after so long, I will not fade, just like memories, blooming bright flowers, which will never fade in my world.

I will keep these late years close-up, the pain of parting insincerely, just hope that they and the people around them are all right, don't be hurt again, don't feel sad because of not giving up.

I will greet the dawn of June 12 with a smile, and then engrave it in my heart. Say a warm word and give a smile to your September, let this indifferent heart hang in the sky at the age of 15, quietly look at everything around, acquiesce, pray and cheer for them.

It's also time to refuel. I want to see people around me summon up their strength to climb to the top of the mountain, watch the most beautiful sunrise, wait for the sunset, and stain my 15 year old sky

Sky Composition at the Age of 15 (2)

Fifteen years old Sky

With the ringing of the New Year's bell, we are vigorous and firm.

Accompanied by youth and ideals, I stepped into the palace of fifteen years old. I always like to sit in front of the window and look at the rising sun near the horizon. I always like to walk in the fields and listen to the voice of flowers. The stars are all over the sky and everything is quiet. I can always imagine a poetic image in the quiet moonlight. Spring flowers, autumn moon, summer rain, winter snow, I can always taste the flavor of spring in the change of seasons. Please don't worry about our youth and ignorance. At the age of 15, we are learning to grow.

Please don't worry about our foolishness. At the age of 15, we have deeply understood the power of wisdom.

Please don't worry about our weak wings. We are all sun watchers at the age of 15.

Yes, we have rebelled, we have been frivolous, and we have expressed our dissatisfaction loudly, but we will eventually restore our former 'calm', slowly move towards maturity, reorganize our luggage, and embark on the journey of going away.

We often sit quietly in the corner to see the fifteen year old sky rendered pure and blue by us; Listen to the wind of youth blowing "sand - sand - sand, sand" from our ears, and smell the vibrant atmosphere in the air; The romantic camphor tree and ancient plane tree witness our growth.

Please believe us, we are innocent and slightly mature at the age of 15.

Please believe us, we are sunny and energetic at the age of 15.

Please believe that you can also contribute to the composition of our primary school students. At the age of 15, we are romantic and sincere.

At the age of 15, we are dancing in the sky.

Sky Composition at the Age of 15 (3)

Fifteen year old sky

I am fifteen years old this year. I know that this is not a small age. Yes, fifteen years old, how beautiful it is! However, I always feel that the fifteen year old sky is not as beautiful as I imagined! Fifteen year old sky is dark December 14 Weather: cloudy mood: very bad today, gray, overcast and cold. Originally thought that today should be happy, but was a sudden thing to spoil. In the evening, I cleaned up, went downstairs and walked out of the school gate. Suddenly, I found something I forgot to take, so I folded it and went back to the composition. You can also contribute to it. At that time, there were few people in the classroom. After I took my things, I rushed out to the garage. Nothing happened. I knew it was very late now. So I ran to the garage. Unexpectedly, I was stopped on the way before I reached my destination, and asked me what class I was in and what my name was. At that time, I was completely shocked. Let them look at my school card and remember my name. When I fully recovered, they had gone far. At that moment, I finally knew that I had been deducted points for running in the garage. At that time, my tears fell down and never stopped...... The sky of 15 years old was rainy December 15 Weather: Rainy mood: It's too bad to have a holiday at last. I can relax a little bit. In the evening, I watched TV for a while. In the middle of the journey, my grandparents suddenly killed me, which made me jump, and I quickly turned off the TV. I was alone in the room, writing my homework, while my grandparents talked and laughed in the computer room. Every time at this time, my heart is always upset. I hate that others always come to my house and always control my life, which makes me feel very unnatural. At this time, I would hide in the room and cry in a low voice alone. Every time, my homework book would be wet, and then dry the tears, pretending to be nothing but nothing. In fact, only I know that I am suffering. The sky at the age of 15 was unlucky. The weather on December 16 was sunny. Fortunately, it was Saturday, and a week would soon pass. Time really passed quickly! It's unbelievable fast. In the morning, I went to the library first and then bought some pens. When I was about to go home, I suddenly found that my own was going to disappear. Suddenly, I began to feel uneasy. I looked everywhere, but there was still no sign. I began to run around, looking for every place I had visited, but I came back empty handed. I was so worried that I was almost crying. So I went to one side again, and the result was still the same. Finally, I died. I know that there is only one way out for me to go back like this, but I returned. Indeed, I will be home soon and tell my mother about this, and she gave me a bad scolding. It seems that my fifteen year old sky is not sunny, only cloudy and rainy.

Sky Composition at the Age of 15 (4)

I like the evening sky, permeated with the western patchy is the afterglow, endless desire. Sometimes I lie on the green lawn and look at the sky. It seems that the sky is very close to us and I can touch it with my hand. Sometimes I look at the twinkling stars in the sky and think, if there is no dark night, would the stars still be bright?

Later, it became a habit to walk on the lawn in the morning and evening. When the sun has not broken through the clouds, I will run here in the morning. Day after day, never stopped. When the sun passes through the soft clouds and sprinkles generously on every corner of the lawn, I will sit under the shade of the trees, put on headphones, and listen to the sweet songs in the music. I can't help singing along and intoxicated.

The mood is the same as the weather. The sky was dark, thundering and raining heavily. I carried my umbrella to the wet lawn and sang Rainie Yang's "Rain Love", leaving the rain to hit me. It was empty. I was alone on the lawn. When I have a solid quarrel with my mother, feel wronged and helpless, or

Today I am here again, walking alone along the lawn. The sky was as bright as before. The grass began to wither, and the leaves began to wither. I began to wander and fear. Everything was explained: everything was possible.

Now, I really want a heavy rain. No longer hold an umbrella, let raindrops hit on the body. In the rain, let the tears and rain completely confused and flow away. I looked up at the sky, but I was disappointed. It was impossible for me to give alms to the heavy rain.

But inadvertently found that today's sky is blank, nothing, clouds no longer nostalgia, sunshine no longer play, often wandering birds also flew away. Only the sky is blue, changing deeply and shallowly.

Suddenly, it seems to understand something. When the plants wither and the migratory birds come, the time cannot be turned back.

Every day is a new day, and also a beautiful day. Just like now, what appears in front of me is a blank blue sky and a huge piece of white paper. You can paint a new picture with colorful colors.

Everything is possible. Like a football match, miracles can happen in the last second. Under the blue sky, with the miracle happening at any time, as long as the constant heart is still there.

I took a deep breath, and my mood suddenly became clear. As usual, I opened my arms, galloped and jumped under the sky at the age of 15.

Sky Composition at the Age of 15 (5)

The sky is white at the age of fifteen. The year of Qinghai is the pillar of the motherland in the future. The flower of the motherland. Youth is the germination period, just like pure white paper. It is our pride to shine white and flawless. Therefore, 15 years old is the sowing time of life.

The sky is red at the age of fifteen. Bright red, flowing with blood, is the symbol of our surging blood in Qinghai. Every drop of our blood, every cell, and rippling microwave rise and fall in our hearts, following every breath. He is always curious about every detail of life. Faced with the conclusions drawn from the experiment, they all rubbed their hands and wanted to have a try. Such an energetic year in Qinghai has made the sky at the age of 15 bright red and brilliant.

The sky is green at the age of fifteen. Life is so full of vitality for us with surging blood, just like the rising sun, with sparks everywhere and omissions. At the age of 15, we are like green plants with continuous vitality. Under the careful cultivation of teachers, we absorb the moisture like nectar and knowledge, and thrive. The green representing vitality is a part of the sky in Qinghai.

The sky is black at the age of fifteen. Some people in Qinghai think that the sky at the age of 15 is not charming, it is dark and dark. Why do you have such an idea? They are simple minded and can't learn; It's because they don't want to learn, or... no, neither. The students' learning tasks force them to stay in the classroom almost every moment. The pressure of teachers, parents, and learning forces them to feel that life is boring. It's just a puppet controlled by teachers and parents. There is no freedom, and the sky is naturally black. But I think that although learning is hard, it is for the enjoyment of the future, "First bitter, then sweet". Fifteen years old is the prime of youth. Learn knowledge to lay the foundation for the future. Don't "regret the late study". "If young people don't work hard, old people will be sad".

Fifteen year old sky is.

The blue sky makes people feel pity. At the age of 15, the sky is colorful - I miss that all kinds of colors can cover the black, gray, etc. The sky at the age of 15 is still bright and dazzling, how charming

Sky Composition at the Age of 15 (6)

At the age of 15, the sky is full of vitality, like a newly blooming flower full of vitality and vitality; At the age of, I am like a bird, composing the symphony of youth on the branches; At the age of 15, I am like a fish going upstream, working hard and bravely forward.

When I was young, I lived in the warm and loving sky of my mother and father. At night, I always had countless stars of love to accompany me to sleep. At the age of 15, I am no longer the ignorant I was when I was a child. Now I have my own sky, which is full of my expectations and hopes for the future.

Fifteen year old sky, white clouds are teachers, let me travel in the sea of knowledge, rain is my parents, moistening my thirsty soul, wind is my partner, accompany me to seek treasure in the forest of knowledge, and thrive in setbacks.

I remember that in an exam in Grade 6 of primary school, I did not perform very well. When I came home, I did not hum. When I was a little upset, I lost my temper. My mother saw all this in her eyes. She did not blame me, but patiently learned about the situation with me, and then told me about the past events in life. After hearing this, I apologized to my mother and summarized the lessons of this failure, Get out of the shadow of failure and cheer up again.

Mother is like the stars in the summer night sky. When I am dark, she helps me to light up the way forward, so that I can never stop moving towards the light and my goal.

Mother, let my fifteen year old sky full of light, like the sun bathes my fifteen year old; Teacher, let me live a full life in the sky at the age of 15, like the rain, so that this young seed can thrive.

I love the sky at 15!