Corner (3 selected articles)
Laugh about the situation
2024-04-18 01:59:26
Junior three
topic of conversation

Corner (1)

The corner of human heart is like a trapezoidal cross section, which can be expanded or reduced. The softness in my heart is nothing more than

With the crowing of chickens and the one meter sunlight from the window, I got up lazily. At this time, Grandpa would always grab a handful of corn to feed the chicken. I just watched quietly, without too much words. At that time, the morning sun was shining on my grandpa's side, blowing the spring breeze with a little fragrance of soil. Everything was so beautiful, I seemed to see happiness.

As I grow older, I become more and more lazy. Due to the pressure of homework and exams, my IQ seems to be squeezed to the last drop. The quality of sleeping eyes is getting worse and worse, and the dark circles of eyes are getting deeper and deeper. Then comes the overwhelming examination papers and exams. After the exam, the chicken soup for the soul seems to have become a habit. More and more assumptions have numbed me. Fortunately, I met you in an ordinary life. You taught me tolerance and kindness, made my ordinary life a little better, and changed my character. Everything is so beautiful, I seem to feel happiness.

It seems that the learning pressure of the third day of junior high has always been so great. After passing the dormant period of the second day of junior high, the arrival of the third day of junior high seems to make me no longer complain. From the initial maladjustment to our current silence, we only know how much we have experienced, from the calm and let nature take its course in the first day of junior high to the fear of loss now. Maybe you will ask, are you really afraid of losing? The answer must be! It's really just because I met such a person, who will accompany you to grow and teach you to grow. You start to care about the feelings of others, start to take into account their feelings, start to face your own heart, the ivy on the wall is still spreading, everything is so beautiful, I seem to have happiness.

The dilapidated earth wall collapsed, and there was no trace of our life anymore. It's the same sunset, just a person staggers along, and the person beside you disappears. Standing on the road you often walk, you don't have the breath of the past, nor can you see the direction of your home, the vigorous posture and smile of your walk. The memory seems to become bitter, and the spring breeze becomes cold after the Buddha. The air seemed to be filled with tears and the light salty smell of air, which could not help but wake me up. When I woke up, there were still tears on my eyes, and my pillow was wet. At that moment, I seemed to lose my happiness.

"Although the road is long, I want to go with you. Miss will not spread and memories will fade away." Thank you for your presence, which has disturbed my tender years. The softness of my heart and the concern in the corner. May we be like teenagers, whether you, I or she.

Corner (2)

Peach blossom in the corner, pink pink, sniffing, there is a faint fragrance, you say, this is April in the world.

"Ta --" A drop of water fell on my face. I reached out and touched my face. I looked up and looked at the sky. It was cloudy. Yes, it seemed to rain. A picture flashed in my mind, and I ran away. I prayed in my heart. It doesn't matter if I get wet. If the small tree in the corner gets wet, it will be terrible. But the heavy rain seemed to pour out. When I got home and turned to the corner, I found that the buds had been bent. I sat down on the ground and cried hard regardless of whether the soil on the ground wetted my clothes. You broke into the door and slapped me on the head as soon as you came. Yes, you, my grandfather.

I raised my resentful eyes. Maybe my eyes were too cold. I obviously saw your body tremble. When you were about to speak, I ran like a runaway wild horse. I cried desperately and ran desperately. On that rainy day, we seemed to break apart. Every time you want to speak, I will talk to others. You can't even touch me.

However, the graduation season in June came quietly. I cried like a child again that day, and my primary school career ended. That day, when I returned home, I found a sprout growing in the corner. It seemed that I was desperately trying to arch out. I went to have a look. I was overjoyed that my sprout was back again.

I wiped away my tears and finally opened the door with a smile. As soon as I opened the door, I kept turning around my grandma, my eyes twinkling and blinking. Grandma seemed frightened and reached out to touch my head. "It's not hot, what's wrong with this child?" I immediately covered my face with black lines and forced out a few words, "Thank you for helping me plant peach blossoms" "Oh, that peach tree bud was planted by your grandfather. Go and talk to your grandfather."

I stared at the man sitting in the corner. He was embarrassed and blushed. When I saw the scene, I laughed; Later, he told me that he hit me that day because he saw that I was caught in the rain and still sat on the ground crying. He was in a hurry, so he gave me a heavy hand. We just laughed it off. A few months later, about half a year later, the peach blossoms opened. They looked small but bright in the corner of the wall. Your eyes reflect the outline of peach blossom. Your eyes are very beautiful. Although your hair is white, it will not lose its influence. Grandma once said that when she saw you when she was young, she saw these eyes. Mou sea warm ripple, hide high mountains and water far, my world!

Corner (3)

Everyone has his own childhood nightmare. My childhood nightmare is the most terrible corner of our family.

No one wants to talk about their childhood fears. Now when they grow up, they all feel funny. The reason why I wrote this composition about the horrible corner of my home is that I always don't know why there was such a psychological shadow when I was young.

I have been sleeping in the same room since I was a child. I used to share it with my parents, but when I was six years old, the house seemed empty, so my mother moved into another room. It is a challenge for me to sleep in a big room alone. I have always been repelled by the dark environment since I was young. What's more, that room is very large. It is really dark at night.

It was a quiet bedroom with a small bathroom and storage room. There is an old bookshelf full of books in the room, an empty wardrobe without any clothes, and a lonely big bed in the middle of the dark wooden floor. My mother and I don't usually stay in this room because there is no desk or computer. I usually go to sleep in this room only at night, so I have no feelings with this room.

Every night in the dead of night, I lie on my side on the bed and pull the sheet to my chin, fearing that some strange creature will sneak out from under the bed and hurt me. From the angle where I lay, I could see the storage room with the door open. There was a large water heater in it. As long as the water heater is on, the thermometer will display a red number. That red number is more scary in the dark room. In the completely dark field of vision, those two innocent figures look like the eyes of monsters. I am extremely frightened. Although I know very clearly that there are no such things as ghosts and monsters in the world, I am always afraid of nightmares.

Later, when I grew up, I became immune to the monster corner and would never be frightened again. I summed up why I always fear the so-called paper tiger monster corner: my imagination is super rich, and I can always associate one thing with another unrelated thing, such as water heater and monster. Fortunately, I overcame the psychological shadow from the monster corner. The most naive and timid fears in my childhood were actually imaginary.