Rewriting of "Recalling the South of the Yangtze River" (collection of 18 articles)
Drowning in the deep sea
2023-11-12 02:39:00

Rewriting of Memories of Jiangnan (1)

The drizzling Jiangnan is really good! The beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River flashed in the brain in turn, and it seems that it is still so familiar and kind.

When a red sun rises slowly in the sky, clusters of flowers on both sides of the river bank are as warm as the burning flame. It seems that even the sun is a little ashamed. When spring comes, the river is blue, just like sinking bluegrass in the water, making the whole river blue. The water under the river is so clear and transparent, as if you can see the sand and fish at the bottom of the river; On the river, blue waves ripple and boats cruise. The misty rain, like a thread of silk, makes the south of the Yangtze River bright and moving.

When I think of Jiangnan, what I miss most is Hangzhou, where "there is paradise and Suzhou and Hangzhou under heaven". I remember that at that time, in the Lingyin Temple in the mountain, the abbot of the temple told me that on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon would fall the rustling cassia seeds. I also clearly remember lying in the county pavilion by the Qiantang River at night, watching the waves of the river surge, and it seems that the sound of water still ripples in my ears.

Ah! Now far away from Jiangnan, I don't know when I can revisit the old place and see the beauty of Jiangnan again?

In the south of the Yangtze River, there is misty rain. There are garden waterside pavilions and pavilions everywhere, which are exquisite and beautiful, like a fairyland on earth. I don't know if I still have this blessing in my life. I can walk into the misty rain of Jiangnan again and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan water town!

Rewriting of Memories of Jiangnan (2)

The drizzling south of the Yangtze River is good. The scenery seems familiar.

When a red sun rises in the sky, clusters of flowers blooming by the river are even redder than the flame, which seems to make the sun feel ashamed; When spring comes, the river is as green as blue grass. It is clear and transparent, which is set off by the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River. Such beautiful scenery makes people remember Jiangnan!

When I think of Jiangnan, I miss Hangzhou most. I still remember that at Lingyin Temple in the mountains, the abbot told me that Guizi would fall from the moon on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival. For I am walking slowly in the moonlight, looking forward to the fall of cassia seeds in the sky; I still remember lying in the county pavilion by the Qiantang River at night, watching the river tide come in waves, and the sound of water seemed to ripple in my ears. I don't know when I can revisit?

Ah, I think of Wu Gong again. One glass of Wugong wine is enough. It is fresh and mellow, and seems to be made from green bamboo leaves in spring; The beauty of Wu Palace can get drunk by dancing together. Can we meet again in this life?

The misty rain continues in the south of the Yangtze River. The pavilions, gardens and waterside pavilions are exquisite and beautiful, like a fairyland on earth. I don't know if I have this blessing in my life. I can enter the south of the Yangtze River twice!

Rewriting of Memories of Jiangnan (3)

When Bai Juyi was in Luoyang, he often thought of the people in Jiangnan. And his good friend, Liu Yuxi. When spring returns to the earth, flowers are in full bloom. When the sun rises in the east, the sun shines on the earth, and flowers everywhere are more beautiful. The spring is clear and the green waves are sparkling. Because of the red sun, the red flowers along the river are particularly red.

When Bai Juyi was an official, he did many good deeds, so he was loved by the people. Once, a group of robbers came to the village. They not only stole the property of a rich family, but also a girl in the family. Because there was a clever servant in their family, he took the opportunity to leave the door by the back door without the watchman's attention. He came to Bai Juyi's house and told him the whole story. Bai Juyi immediately led his party to the rich man's home. Bai Juyi shouted, "Dare to be obstinate. How dare you rob civilian women in broad daylight?" Then he ordered his men to tie up those bandits. Bai Juyi confirmed that the man was a robber after interrogation. He beat no one under the robber twice, and the leader of the robber was beaten fifty times, which made his ass rot. From then on, the story spread from the city. When people saw Bai Juyi, they paid homage to him and respected him very much. Every night, Bai Juyi also takes many Yamen to patrol on horseback, fearing that the common people will be disturbed by villains.

Thinking of this, Bai Juyi could not sigh. If only he were still an official in Jiangnan now! He misses the people and the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan very much. Every year, he takes some food to see the villagers there. What a nice person!

Rewriting of Memories of Jiangnan (4)

Spring has come, a continuous spring rain, such as silk, such as dream. In this silent time, I listen to the rain and sleep alone in my dream. In my dream, I returned to Jiangnan, which I used to be familiar with.

The wind in the south of the Yangtze River is as soft as Hangzhou's finest silk; Gently, like the willow catkins flying in March, you can't see the trace of wind blowing.

The sunshine in the south of the Yangtze River is warm, shining peach blossoms on the bank like flames, burning on the branches. In the flowers, bees are singing and butterflies are dancing. They are praising the color of peach blossoms.

The water in the south of the Yangtze River is green. The willow trees on the bank gently lay willows on the water, like an embroiderer in the south of the Yangtze River, gently shaking her long hair. The green of willow trees is reflected in the water, forming a green piece with the water surface, so harmonious that you can't find any flaws.

Ticking rain sounded, I woke up from my dream, but I felt as if I was still in the south of the Yangtze River. I listened to the passionate rain across the curtain, looked at the green rain in the south of the Yangtze River, and thought about the charming charm of the south of the Yangtze River.

Rewriting of Memories of Jiangnan (5)

Jiangnan is the most beautiful! When I returned to Luoyang, I thought of the beautiful Jiangnan from time to time.

The water in the south of the Yangtze River is as quiet as a mirror and as green as a jasper. The cruise ship glides slowly across the river, leaving almost no trace. There are several swallows flying in the sky above the water, chirping incessantly, as if to say: "The scenery of Jiangnan is really beautiful! I want to settle down here." Some small fish in the water swim around alone, as if looking for friends; Some two or three together, as if playing games; Others gathered in groups, as if they were grabbing fish food (The fish are happier because of the beauty of the river water; the river water is more flexible because of the existence of the fish.) The trees beside the river are green and green, which sets off red flowers, making the trees greener and the flowers redder.

I miss Jiangnan so much that I wish I had a pair of wings to fly to Jiangnan. So I wrote this poem: "The south of the Yangtze River is beautiful. The scenery used to be familiar with it. The red river flowers are better than the fire at sunrise, and the river water is as green as blue in spring. Can you remember the south of the Yangtze River?"

Rewriting of Memories of Jiangnan (6)

Jiangnan is the most beautiful! When I returned to Luoyang, I thought of the beautiful Jiangnan from time to time.

The water in the south of the Yangtze River is as quiet as a mirror and as green as a piece of jasper. The cruise ship slowly glides across the river without leaving any trace. There are several swallows flying in the sky above the water surface, chirping incessantly, as if to say, "The scenery in the south of the Yangtze River is beautiful! I want to settle down here". Some of the small fish in the water swim around alone, as if looking for friends; Some two or three together, as if playing games; Others are in groups, as if they are grabbing fish food The trees by the river are green, setting off red, blue, yellow and green

I miss Jiangnan so much that I wish I had a pair of wings to fly to Jiangnan. So I wrote this poem, "Jiangnan is beautiful, and the scenery was once familiar. The river flowers are red at sunrise, and the river water is as green as blue in spring. Can you remember Jiangnan?"

Rewriting of Memories of Jiangnan (7)

When I was an official, I was in Jiangnan. I am very kind to the people in the south of the Yangtze River. I am loved by the people. I think: Yes, I have to do this.

The emperor likes me very much, but I can't be an official anymore because I'm sick, so I have to leave. On a sunny morning, because the emperor liked me, he personally sent me before I left. Before I left, people cried and asked me not to leave, but I could not be an official, so I had to leave.

After I left, I thought about what happened in Jiangnan every day, the beautiful scenery in Jiangnan, and the people in Jiangnan in particular.

I miss the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan very much. I think Jiangnan is very good. I especially want the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan, especially the beautiful scenery in spring, the sunny and beautiful scenery of Jiangnan, which is still so familiar in my mind. The sun rises from the east, and the bright flowers open on the riverside are as red as burning flames. The spring scenery is clear, the green waves are sparkling, and the fiery river flowers set off the river water, like blue grass, which is crystal clear and green. How can I not recall the beautiful Jiangnan.

I think about Jiangnan every day, which is really very missed.

Rewriting of Memories of Jiangnan (8)

Jiangnan is the most beautiful! When I returned to Luoyang, I thought of the beautiful Jiangnan from time to time.

The water in the south of the Yangtze River is as quiet as a mirror and as green as a jasper. The cruise ship glides slowly across the river, leaving almost no trace. There are several swallows flying in the sky above the water, chirping incessantly, as if to say: "The scenery of Jiangnan is really beautiful! I want to settle down here." Some small fish in the water swim around alone, as if looking for friends; Some two or three together, as if playing a game; Others gathered in groups, as if they were grabbing fish food (The fish are happier because of the beauty of the river water; the river water is more flexible because of the existence of the fish.) The trees beside the river are green and green, which sets off red flowers, making the trees greener and the flowers redder.

I miss Jiangnan so much that I wish I had a pair of wings to fly to Jiangnan. So I wrote this poem:

The south of the Yangtze River is good, and the scenery was once familiar.

When the sun rises, the river flowers are more red than fire; when spring comes, the river water is as green as blue.

Can you remember Jiangnan?

Rewriting of Memories of Jiangnan (9)

The beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River is so good that it is an eye opener! How familiar I am with the flowers, plants and trees in the south of the Yangtze River, and how clear I am about those scenes in the pond, still vaguely appear in my mind. Although it has become blurred, I still have a little impression.

In the morning of spring in the south of the Yangtze River, the sun came out and everything came back to life. The grass peeped out and the flowers breathed quietly. Everything looked like they had just woken up. There were many miscellaneous petals in the grass. The famous and unknown mixed together. It rained all night. There were pearl like dew on the flowers and grass. Maybe it was raining too hard.

After a night of rain, crystal clear beads rolled in the fresh flowers and leaves, each reflecting a "life". It was raining so hard that the small pond beside it was full of water and immediately overflowed the shore.

After winter, spring finally comes. Spring returns to the earth, and everything recovers. The sun shines brightly on the earth. Those flowers are more beautiful under the sun. When spring comes, the river is green like orchids, and the sky is blue like the sky.

Isn't such a beautiful scenery memorable? So the poet Bai Juyi wrote the ancient poem "Remembering the South of the Yangtze River": Remembering the South of the Yangtze River, the scenery was once familiar with, the river flowers were red at sunrise, and the river water was as green as blue in spring. Can you remember the South of the Yangtze River?

Rewriting of Memories of Jiangnan (10)

A cool and breezy night. I was looking into the distance in an alley of Luoyang City. In Luoyang, there is no green and blue water like Jiangnan. Only in Jiangnan can you see this kind of river and that kind of water. At this time, he looked up and began to recall the past of Jiangnan.

In spring, when the sun rises. There are several bamboo raft boats crossing the river, and they slide slowly across the river. The river is calm, the water is green, the day is blue, it can be said that the water meets the sky.

The riverside is a paradise of flowers. The beautiful peach blossom bloomed unexpectedly, and looked pink from afar. Wild flowers are not to be outdone. Red, yellow, blue and white flowers decorate the grass into beautiful cloth. The weeping willows beside the river have long green hair. Looking around, they are green, vibrant and picturesque.

Swallows from the south also came back, chirping and singing, as if shouting to people: "Spring is coming, spring is coming."

Jiangnan has made me linger and forget to return. Can I forget Jiangnan? Look up the dictionary and return to the dictionary home page>>

Rewriting of Memories of Jiangnan (11)

Memories of Jiangnan

Tang Dynasty, Bai Juyi

The south of the Yangtze River is good, and the scenery was once familiar.

When the sun rises, the river flowers are more red than fire; when spring comes, the river water is as green as blue.

Can you remember Jiangnan?


Memory is a river. The river surges ceaselessly, even if the poet has reached the distance. But the scene of Jiangnan is still deeply engraved in the poet's heart. This familiar Jiangnan, picturesque Jiangnan, dreamlike Jiangnan

The sun is the sign of the sky, with a fiery smile. With a wave of hand, the sun shines on the world. The beautiful flowers enjoy the selfless bath of the sun. They are full of smiles and grow with confidence. Ah! The proud smiling face was flushed by the sun. Which is more colorful, the flower or the fire? Perhaps, the smiling face of flowers burning has already surpassed the flames!

Winter drifted away and spring crept in. She is a cheerful and light deer. Wherever she goes, it is full of spring. River water, spring river water, you are clear, you are green! You are like the bluegrass on the shore, so pure and so lovely! You are a piece of bright emerald, shining dreamily into the poet's dream.

Jiangnan, the unforgettable Jiangnan, the poet depicts you again and again. He knows that he will come to see you the next time the flowers bloom. He knows that seeing you is the most fascinating thing.

Rewriting of Memories of Jiangnan (12)

People often say, "There is paradise on earth and Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth." Hangzhou, located in the south of the Yangtze River, is also the most beautiful place in the heart of Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty.

A few years ago, Bai Juyi came to this picturesque place. When he saw the beautiful scenery of the West Lake in Hangzhou, he liked it. He couldn't help shouting, "How wonderful the Jiangnan is!"

Jiangnan is so beautiful in memory. Whenever the sun rises, the flowers along the river compete for beauty, the peonies are red, the rape is golden, and the pink peach flowers are blooming all over the branches, just like the brilliant clouds in the sky. The most beautiful thing is the "apricot light rain". Under the moisture of spring rain, the blooming apricot flowers are more pure and white. A spring breeze blew, and flakes of snow-white petals fell from the tree, just like a butterfly flying...... Colorful flowers reflected faintly in the lake. The bright sun shines on the lake and sparkles, sometimes with a little golden light. The clear lake is green and green, as if it has been dyed by blue grass. It seems that you can see the water grass at the bottom of the lake at a glance, swimming fish playing in the water, and the distant green mountains like guards silently guarding this fairyland on earth

Every time Bai Juyi thought of Jiangnan, the beautiful scenery would appear in front of him, and he would recall the good times in Jiangnan. Therefore, the poet wrote down the ancient "Memory of Jiangnan".

Rewriting of Memories of Jiangnan (13)

Recalling Jiangnan's rewriting of composition

In our daily study, work and life, we have all tried to write compositions. According to the different writing time limits, compositions can be divided into timed compositions and non timed compositions. There are many considerations for composition. Are you sure you can write? The following is a collection of rewriting compositions of Yi Jiangnan collected by my editor for your reference only. I hope it can help you.

Recalling Jiangnan Rewriting Composition 1

The drizzling Jiangnan is really good! The beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River flashed in the brain in turn, and it seems that it is still so familiar and kind.

When a red sun rises slowly in the sky, clusters of flowers on both sides of the river bank are as warm as the burning flame. It seems that even the sun is a little ashamed. When spring comes, the river is blue, just like sinking bluegrass in the water, making the whole river blue. The water under the river is so clear and transparent, as if you can see the sand and fish at the bottom of the river; On the river, blue waves ripple and boats cruise. The misty rain, like a thread of silk, makes the south of the Yangtze River bright and moving.

When I think of Jiangnan, what I miss most is Hangzhou, where "there is paradise and Suzhou and Hangzhou under heaven". I remember that at that time, in the Lingyin Temple in the mountain, the abbot of the temple told me that on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon would fall the rustling cassia seeds. I also clearly remember lying in the county pavilion by the Qiantang River at night, watching the waves of the river surge, and it seems that the sound of water still ripples in my ears.

Ah! Now far away from Jiangnan, I don't know when I can revisit the old place and see the beauty of Jiangnan again?

In the south of the Yangtze River, there is misty rain. There are garden waterside pavilions and pavilions everywhere, which are exquisite and beautiful, like a fairyland on earth. I don't know if I still have this blessing in my life. I can walk into the misty rain of Jiangnan again and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan water town!

Recalling Jiangnan Rewriting Composition 2

The drizzling south of the Yangtze River is good. The scenery seems familiar.

When a red sun rises in the sky, clusters of flowers blooming by the river are even redder than the flame, which seems to make the sun feel ashamed; When spring comes, the river is as green as blue grass. It is clear and transparent, which is set off by the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River. Such beautiful scenery makes people remember Jiangnan!

When I think of Jiangnan, I miss Hangzhou most. I still remember that at Lingyin Temple in the mountains, the abbot told me that Guizi would fall from the moon on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival. For I am walking slowly in the moonlight, looking forward to the fall of cassia seeds in the sky; I still remember lying in the county pavilion by the Qiantang River at night, watching the river tide come in waves, and the sound of water seemed to ripple in my ears. I don't know when I can revisit?

Ah, I think of Wu Gong again. One glass of Wugong wine is enough. It is fresh and mellow, and seems to be made from green bamboo leaves in spring; The beauty of Wu Palace can get drunk by dancing together. Can we meet again in this life?

The misty rain continues in the south of the Yangtze River. The pavilions, gardens and waterside pavilions are exquisite and beautiful, like a fairyland on earth. I don't know if I have this blessing in my life. I can enter the south of the Yangtze River twice!

Recalling Jiangnan Rewriting Composition 3

When I was an official, I was in Jiangnan. I am very kind to the people in the south of the Yangtze River. I am loved by the people. I think: Yes, I have to do this.

The emperor likes me very much, but I can't be an official anymore because I'm sick, so I have to leave. On a sunny morning, because the emperor liked me, he personally sent me before I left. Before I left, people cried and asked me not to leave, but I could not be an official, so I had to leave.

After I left, I thought about what happened in Jiangnan every day, the beautiful scenery in Jiangnan, and the people in Jiangnan in particular.

I miss the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan very much. I think Jiangnan is very good. I especially want the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan, especially the beautiful scenery in spring, the sunny and beautiful scenery of Jiangnan, which is still so familiar in my mind. The sun rises from the east, and the bright flowers open on the riverside are as red as burning flames. The spring scenery is clear, the green waves are sparkling, and the fiery river flowers set off the river water, like blue grass, which is crystal clear and green. How can I not recall the beautiful Jiangnan.

I think about Jiangnan every day, which is really very missed.

Recalling Jiangnan Rewriting Composition 4

A cool and breezy night. I was looking into the distance in an alley of Luoyang City. In Luoyang, there is no green and blue water like Jiangnan. Only in Jiangnan can you see this kind of river and that kind of water. At this time, he looked up and began to recall the past of Jiangnan.

In spring, when the sun rises. There are several bamboo raft boats crossing the river, and they slide slowly across the river. The river is calm, the water is green, the day is blue, it can be said that the water meets the sky.

The riverside is a paradise of flowers. The beautiful peach blossom bloomed unexpectedly, and looked pink from afar. Wild flowers are not to be outdone. Red, yellow, blue and white flowers decorate the grass into beautiful cloth. The weeping willows beside the river have long green hair. Looking around, they are green, vibrant and picturesque.

Swallows from the south also came back, chirping and singing, as if shouting to people: "Spring is coming, spring is coming."

Jiangnan has made me linger and forget to return. Can I forget Jiangnan? Look up the dictionary and return to the dictionary home page>>

Recalling Jiangnan Rewriting Composition 5

Memory is a river. The river surges ceaselessly, even if the poet has reached the distance. But the scene of Jiangnan is still deeply engraved in the poet's heart. This familiar Jiangnan, picturesque Jiangnan, dreamlike Jiangnan

The sun is the sign of the sky, with a fiery smile. With a wave of hand, the sun shines on the world. The beautiful flowers enjoy the selfless bath of the sun. They are full of smiles and grow with confidence. Ah! The proud smiling face was flushed by the sun. Which is more colorful, the flower or the fire? Perhaps, the smiling face of flowers burning has already surpassed the flames!

Winter drifted away and spring crept in. She is a cheerful and light deer. Wherever she goes, it is full of spring. River water, spring river water, you are clear, you are green! You are like the bluegrass on the shore, so pure and so lovely! You are a piece of bright emerald, shining dreamily into the poet's dream.

Jiangnan, the unforgettable Jiangnan, the poet depicts you again and again. He knows that he will come to see you the next time the flowers bloom. He knows that seeing you is the most fascinating thing.

Recalling Jiangnan Rewriting Composition 6

Jiangnan is the most beautiful! When I returned to Luoyang, I thought of the beautiful Jiangnan from time to time.

The water in the south of the Yangtze River is as quiet as a mirror and as green as a jasper. The cruise ship glides slowly across the river, leaving almost no trace. There are several swallows flying in the sky above the water, chirping incessantly, as if to say: "The scenery of Jiangnan is really beautiful! I want to settle down here." Some small fish in the water swim around alone, as if looking for friends; Some two or three together, as if playing a game; Others gathered in groups, as if they were grabbing fish food (The fish are happier because of the beauty of the river water; the river water is more flexible because of the existence of the fish.) The trees beside the river are green and green, which sets off red flowers, making the trees greener and the flowers redder.

I miss Jiangnan so much that I wish I had a pair of wings to fly to Jiangnan. So I wrote this poem:

The south of the Yangtze River is good, and the scenery was once familiar.

When the sun rises, the river flowers are more red than fire; when spring comes, the river water is as green as blue.

Can you remember Jiangnan?

Recalling Jiangnan Rewriting Composition 7

The beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River is so good that it is an eye opener! How familiar I am with the flowers, plants and trees in the south of the Yangtze River, and how clear I am about those scenes in the pond, still vaguely appear in my mind. Although it has become blurred, I still have a little impression.

In the morning of spring in the south of the Yangtze River, the sun came out and everything came back to life. The grass peeped out and the flowers breathed quietly. Everything looked like they had just woken up. There were many miscellaneous petals in the grass. The famous and unknown mixed together. It rained all night. There were pearl like dew on the flowers and grass. Maybe it was raining too hard.

After a night of rain, crystal clear beads rolled in the fresh flowers and leaves, each reflecting a "life". It was raining so hard that the small pond beside it was full of water and immediately overflowed the shore.

After winter, spring finally comes. Spring returns to the earth, and everything recovers. The sun shines brightly on the earth. Those flowers are more beautiful under the sun. When spring comes, the river is green like orchids, and the sky is blue like the sky.

Isn't such a beautiful scenery memorable? So the poet Bai Juyi wrote the ancient poem "Remembering the South of the Yangtze River": Remembering the South of the Yangtze River, the scenery was once familiar with, the river flowers were red at sunrise, and the river water was as green as blue in spring. Can you remember the South of the Yangtze River?

Recalling Jiangnan Rewriting Composition 8

Spring has come, a continuous spring rain, such as silk, such as dream. In this silent time, I listen to the rain and sleep alone in my dream. In my dream, I returned to Jiangnan, which I used to be familiar with.

The wind in the south of the Yangtze River is as soft as Hangzhou's finest silk; Gently, like the willow catkins flying in March, you can't see the trace of wind blowing.

The sunshine in the south of the Yangtze River is warm, shining peach blossoms on the bank like flames, burning on the branches. In the flowers, bees are singing and butterflies are dancing. They are praising the color of peach blossoms.

The water in the south of the Yangtze River is green. The willow trees on the bank gently lay willows on the water, like an embroiderer in the south of the Yangtze River, gently shaking her long hair. The green of willow trees is reflected in the water, forming a green piece with the water surface, so harmonious that you can't find any flaws.

Ticking rain sounded, I woke up from my dream, but I felt as if I was still in the south of the Yangtze River. I listened to the passionate rain across the curtain, looked at the green rain in the south of the Yangtze River, and thought about the charming charm of the south of the Yangtze River.

Recalling Jiangnan Rewriting Composition 9

Bai Juyi heard that there are cars, planes and other means of transportation in modern times; People have telephone, computer and other communication tools. Living a comfortable life, people can't wait to come to the 21st century and come to their favorite place - Jiangnan.

He came to Jiangnan, and he was disappointed to see the scenery of Jiangnan. There are rubbish thrown by people on the ground, foam boxes, plastic bags and instant chopsticks thrown by people on the river. The vast blue sky is also blocked by the black smoke and yellow smoke from the factory chimneys, and the exhaust gas from cars. Sometimes even the surrounding objects can't be seen clearly, and sometimes the sun is so turbid in the sky. Bai Juyi said to himself, "I can't stand the pollution for a day.".

He couldn't help thinking of the original Jiangnan. Ten thousand miles of clear sky, a few lively and lovely swallows flying in the blue sky, singing happily like a musician. Several butterflies are taking part in the beauty contest! When the sun rises, it is red and shining on all things. The flowers along the river are even more red under the sun, as if they are even redder than the sun. Spring has come, and the river flows slowly, naturally and quietly. The river is as green as blue grass. Bai Juyi then wrote, "Jiangnan is beautiful, and the scenery used to be familiar with it. The red river flowers are better than the fire at sunrise, and the river water is as green as blue in spring. Can you remember Jiangnan?"

Alas! When can we go back to "Recalling Jiangnan" written by Bai Juyi!


Rewriting of Memories of Jiangnan (14)

This article "Rewriting Memories of Jiangnan" is organized by the composition of primary school students, for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Rewriting title of fifth grade ancient poetry: Rewriting "Recalling Jiangnan"

One day, I looked at the lake water in my hometown. Suddenly, I remembered the picturesque Jiangnan where I had left for many years.

Ah! How beautiful Jiangnan is! I used to be very special, very familiar with that fascinating scenery! Think about it. Oh, yes! At sunrise, the red flowers on the riverside were reflected by the red rays, which was better than the burning fire.

When spring comes to the south of the Yangtze River and wakes up the river, the river becomes green and flawless emerald, just like bluegrass.

And the Baidi, which is famous in China, was built by me! Recalling these old events, how can I not recall Jiangnan?

When I thought about it, I had a brainwave and blurted out the question: "Jiangnan is good. The scenery used to be familiar with it. The river flowers are red at sunrise, and the river water is as green as blue in spring. Can you remember Jiangnan?"

Rewriting of Memories of Jiangnan (15)

In spring, when the sun rises. There are several bamboo raft boats crossing the river, and they slide slowly across the river. The river is calm, the water is green, the day is blue, it can be said that the water meets the sky.

The riverside is a paradise of flowers. The beautiful peach blossom bloomed unexpectedly, and looked pink from afar. Wild flowers are not to be outdone. Red, yellow, blue and white flowers decorate the grass into beautiful cloth. The weeping willows beside the river have long green hair. Looking around, they are green, vibrant and picturesque.

Swallows from the south also came back, chirping and singing, as if shouting to people: "Spring is coming, spring is coming."

Jiangnan has made me linger and forget to return. Can I forget Jiangnan?

Rewriting of Memories of Jiangnan (16)

The scenery in the south of the Yangtze River is good all the year round. His beautiful scenery reminds me of how beautiful it is. The most beautiful thing is spring, when the sun rises, the flowers along the river are red like flames, the river water is green to blue in spring, where is very beautiful, how bright the sun is, how beautiful the sunrise is, where there are beautiful scenery everywhere, bright colors, such bridges, cool wind, The lush trees are green and beautiful everywhere.

There is a big gap between Luoyang and today's city. It is picturesque and picturesque. Many people write poems there. For example, Li Bai, Du Fu, and other celebrities, where the stalls, where the water, where the scenery, how I miss it, where the Wugong, Guilin, is the place I miss most, spring is coming, where the willows are green and flowers are red, is the best season in the south of the Yangtze River. Now, I see trees without leaves, I think of the trees in the south of the Yangtze River, see the frozen water, I think of the great rivers and seas in the south of the Yangtze River. When I see people climbing mountains, I think of our mountains in the south of the Yangtze River.

I have been thinking for a long time, can I not be like this beautiful scenery? If you don't let me, I will also think about it.

Rewriting of Memories of Jiangnan (17)

When a red sun rises slowly in the sky, clusters of flowers on both sides of the river bank are as warm as the burning flame. It seems that even the sun is a little ashamed. When spring comes, the river is blue, just like sinking bluegrass in the water, making the whole river blue. The water under the river is so clear and transparent, as if you can see the sand and fish at the bottom of the river; On the river, blue waves ripple and boats cruise. The misty rain, like a thread of silk, makes the south of the Yangtze River bright and moving.

When I think of Jiangnan, what I miss most is Hangzhou, where "there is paradise and Suzhou and Hangzhou under heaven". I remember that at that time, in the Lingyin Temple in the mountain, the abbot of the temple told me that on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon would fall the rustling cassia seeds. I also clearly remember lying in the county pavilion by the Qiantang River at night, watching the waves of the river surge, and it seems that the sound of water still ripples in my ears.

Ah! Now far away from Jiangnan, I don't know when I can revisit the old place and see the beauty of Jiangnan again?

In the south of the Yangtze River, there is misty rain. There are garden waterside pavilions and pavilions everywhere, which are exquisite and beautiful, like a fairyland on earth. I don't know if I still have this blessing in my life. I can walk into the misty rain of Jiangnan again and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan water town!

Rewriting of Memories of Jiangnan (18)

The emperor likes me very much, but I can't be an official anymore because I'm sick, so I have to leave. On a sunny morning, because the emperor liked me, he personally sent me before I left. Before I left, people cried and asked me not to leave, but I could not be an official, so I had to leave.

After I left, I thought about what happened in Jiangnan every day, the beautiful scenery in Jiangnan, and the people in Jiangnan in particular.

I miss the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan very much. I think Jiangnan is very good. I especially want the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan, especially the beautiful scenery in spring, the sunny and beautiful scenery of Jiangnan, which is still so familiar in my mind. The sun rises from the east, and the bright flowers open on the riverside are as red as burning flames. The spring scenery is clear, the green waves are sparkling, and the fiery river flowers set off the river water, like blue grass, which is crystal clear and green. How can I not recall the beautiful Jiangnan.

I think about Jiangnan every day, which is really very missed.